PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit Fr. Pierre Konja Administrator Fr. Emanuel Rayes Re
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1 PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit Fr. Pierre Konja Administrator Fr. Emanuel Rayes Retired in residence Linda Arabo Office Administrator Nancy Beba Pastoral Associate Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Tel: Fax: ONLINE GIVING Mother of God Parish offers online giving a web based electronic contribution application that is safe and secure. you can manage contributions online or continue having your offering envelopes mailed to you. To sign up for online giving please visit our website at Stay in touch with your parish on FACEBOOK Mother of God Chaldean Catholic Church April 2 nd, 2017 FR. PIERRE S MESSAGE TO THE PARISH There's a great prayer by St. Theresa of Avila. In it she basically takes away all our stresses and helps us to focus on God. Read below: Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices. -- St. Teresa of Avila 6th of Lent GEN. 19:1-7, 9-26 ROM. 14:10-23 JN. 9:39-10:21 I pray this prayer often because the Devil tries to discourage my priestly ministry by stressing me out and exhausting me. The small details of preaching Jesus and leading a parish community can distract me and I can lose focus. For example: a leaky roof, the 2% of people who complain very harshly and loudly about me or the parish, the lack of response from the people to give their lives to Jesus, my lack of language skills, etc. األحد السادس من الصوم: الراعي الحقيقي والمزي ف (continued on page 2) لاءالقلا األولى من سفر يشوع بن نون )12: 34 34( تصف إنجاز الرب لوعد ه. والثانية من الرسالة إلى أهل رومية )23: 21 21( تدعو المسيحي ليكون أسوة حسنة لغيره. والثالثة من إنجيل يوحنا )21: 2 12( تنقل خطاب يسوع عن الراعي الصالح. النص يستعمل أسلوب الرمزية: القطيع الحظيرة الخراف المرعى.. إنها رموز تشير إلى الكنيسة والمؤمنين واألسرار المقدسة/ الغذاء الروحي/ والراعي رجل الدين الذي هو بمثابة األب واألخ والرأس.. الحياة مدرسة ت ساهم في تنشئتنا وبناء شخصيتنا وأحداث ها دروس نتعلم منها الع بر لنتقدم ونرتقي فنكتسبعقال يقض ا وقلبا سخيا وإرادة مطواعة وهداية متواصلة. 1 Mother of God Church Berg Road, Southfield, MI )التتمة في الصفحة ) 2
2 THE GOOD NEWS (continued from page 1) Thus, I pray that prayer and give it all to God. I'm called by God to be a faithful priest, preach the Gospel, administer the sacraments for the sanctity of the People of God, have good stewardship of the physical and financial aspects of the parish, and a few more things. Through all these, in my successes and my failures, "patience obtains all" and "God alone suffices"! Think of your own calling from God to live a holy and fulfilling life. How is the devil trying to persuade you away from trusting God? Few examples: financial struggles, spousal/family problem, in-laws, rebellious children, special needs children, school, dating, being successful, growing up and finding your way/vocation in life, sexual sins, lacking in faith, health problems, mourning a loss, etc. Everyone has struggles and stresses of life, the devil wants to take them and have you focus on them so you're NOT focused on God. He's a liar! Take all these burdens and give them to God! Find patience in God alone. Life is a pilgrimage to eternal life. This is not an excuse for you to not be responsible for the things and people God has put into your life, it's a helping hand to hold and guide you through all the ups and downs of life. "Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices" Fr. Pierre Konja )التتمة من الصفحة 1( وجودنا يمكن جعله عبورا دائما إلى فضاءات أكثر رحابة ونضجا وعمقا وروحية وهذا مطلوب من رجل الدين ومن الوالدين: األب وأالم ومن المربي المعلم والمسؤول. كل في مجاله هو راع! على األسقف والكاهن )الراعي( أن يقيم عالقة صداقة مع المسيح ومع رعيته وبدونها من الصعب جد ا أن تنضج أبو ته األساسي ة في خدمة الرعية. انه يحتاج أن يبني عالقة ناضجة ووثيقة عالقة متجردة وواضحة عالقة صالة وحب كبير وصبر حتى يقدر أن يقود الرعي ة في المسيرة اإلنساني ة والروحي ة. اإلنجيل يتكلم عن صفات الراعي الصالح عن هويته: يبذل ذاته عن الخراف يعرفها ويدعوها بأسمائها ويقودهاإلى مل الحياة/الفيض. قيادة حكيمة. الراعي الصالح: يدخل من الباب ألنه صاحب البيت عكس المزيف الذي يقفز من السياج. المسيح هو الباب وهو من يحمي الداخلين إليه" إن دخل بي أحد يخلص" )1(. ومن خالله ننضم إلى عضوية الكنيسة الجماعة. الراعي الصالح ي الزم القطيع ويسهر عليه ويسير أمام ه بعناية فائقة ويخاطر بحياته من أجله انه معروف من الكل ويعرف الخراف بأسمائها وهي تسمع صوته: " اعرف خاصتي وخاصتي تعرفني") 24 ( أما الغريب فيهرب أمام الخطر ليحمي نفسه ويترك القطيع للذئاب بالرغم من نه يعرف ماذا ستفعل به والخراف ال تسمع صوته انه بمثابة الموظف يعمل في نطاق الواجب وليس الرسالة الوجدانية التي يحبها فيبدع! أتذكر حاالت مؤثرة عندما أقوم بنقل كاهن من رعية إلى أخرى كيف يتوسل المؤمنون لكي يبقى ويبكون ألنه صالح في حين يلحون على نقل غيره!! الناس يميزون جيدا بين الراعي الحقيقي والمزيف! الراعي هو هللا" الرب راعي" )مزمور 1122( والمسيح" أ نا الر اعي الص الح أ عر ف خ رافي وخ رافي ت عر ف ني " )23( وهو يستقطب ويزرع الثقة." أتيت لتكون لهم الحياة وبوفرة" ويسهر لتكون لهم الحياة بفيض. ويفكر بمن هم خارج الحضيرة" لي خراف أخر ليست من هذه الحضيرة ينبغي إن آتي بها أيضا: )21( انه للكل وليس لجماعة واحدة! الراعي الصالح عكس الغريب يتحرر من ذاته يضعها مع كل ما يملك في خدمة القطيع بمجاني ة تامة.. وال يخاف فإيمانه معلن ومعاش. الكاهن الراعي واألب واألخ والمصلي والمصغي والمرافق المتواضع والم خ ل ص الجريء الذي يبذل ذاته في تنشئة رعيته في الحق والثقة ويخدمها بمحبة والتحاور يتقدم بنعمة هللا في االقتداء بالمسيح الراعي األعظم.. هذا الكاهن الصالح موضع افتخار واعتزاز لنشجع كهنتنا وندعمهم روحيا ومعنويا بدل االنتقادات غير المسؤولة وغير الدقيقة في معظمها. نحن في األسبوع قبل األخير من الصوم.. أحث كم استعدادا لالحتفال بعيد الفصح القيامة على تخصيص وقت لقراءة كلمة هللا واألصغاء إليها بقلب منفتح وقت للخلوة والصالة والتأمل ومراجعة الضمير وقت للتوبة والتجديد الروحي. ال نترك أنفسنا ننجر وراء متطلبات الحياة الكثيرة فتلهينا عن اتباع المسيح بشكل كامل لنتهيأ لالحتفال بالقيامة عيد األعياد في الحقيقة والمحبة والفرح انه زمن النعمة ال نفوت الفرصة. لابطاياك اويس روفائيل ساكو 2
3 PARISH SCHEDULE AND WEEKLY INFORMATION BAPTISM: We celebrate Baptism at 2:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Please call the parish office at least two weeks in advance to see if a date is available. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist. MARRIAGE: Please schedule at least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please call the parish office to make an appointment with the priest to begin the necessary preparations. LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM English Sunday Masses 8:30 AM عابي/ Arabic 01:11AM English 11:30 AM Morning Prayer 12:00 PM سورث/ Chaldean 7:00 PM English Weekday Masses 8:00 AM English at ECRC 9:30 AM Morning Prayer 10:00 AM سورث/ Chaldean NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES First and third Wednesday of every even month from 7:30-9:30 pm. MARRIAGE CLASSES First, second and third Thursday of every odd month from 8:00-10:00 pm. Wednesday 5:00 PM Adoration 6:00 PM English Mass Confession 5-6 pm Wednesday 6-7 pm Sunday (or by appointment) YOU CAN LISTEN TO MOG SUNDAY HOMILIY BY VISITING OUR CHURCH WEBSITE AT: FINANCIAL STATUS Sunday Goal: $7,000 Sunday Collection (March 26 th ): $4,989 Over/(Under): ($2,011) Monthly Online Donation Goal: $4,000 Monthly Online Collection (February): $2,395 Over/(Under): ($1,605) *Sign up for online donation at 3
4 PART ONE THE PROFESSION OF FAITH SECTION TWO THE PROFESSION OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH CHAPTER TWO I BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST, THE ONLY SON OF GOD ARTICLE 4 "JESUS CHRIST SUFFERED UNDER PONTIUS PILATE, WAS CRUCIFIED, DIED, AND WAS BURIED" Paragraph 2. Jesus Died Crucified I. THE TRIAL OF JESUS THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Divisions among the Jewish authorities concerning Jesus 595Among the religious authorities of Jerusalem, not only were the Pharisee Nicodemus and the prominent Joseph of Arimathea both secret disciples of Jesus, but there was also long-standing dissension about him, so much so that St. John says of these authorities on the very eve of Christ's Passion, "many... believed in him", though very imperfectly. 378 This is not surprising, if one recalls that on the day after Pentecost "a great many of the priests were obedient to the faith" and "some believers... belonged to the party of the Pharisees", to the point that St. James could tell St. Paul, "How many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed; and they are all zealous for the Law." The religious authorities in Jerusalem were not unanimous about what stance to take towards Jesus. 380 The Pharisees threatened to excommunicate his followers. 381 To those who feared that "everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and destroy both our holy place and our nation", the high priest Caiaphas replied by prophesying: "It is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish." 382 The Sanhedrin, having declared Jesus deserving of death as a blasphemer but having lost the right to put anyone to death, hands him over to the Romans, accusing him of political revolt, a charge that puts him in the same category as Barabbas who had been accused of sedition. 383 The chief priests also threatened Pilate politically so that he would condemn Jesus to death. 384 Jews are not collectively responsible for Jesus' death 597The historical complexity of Jesus' trial is apparent in the Gospel accounts. The personal sin of the participants (Judas, the Sanhedrin, Pilate) is known to God alone. Hence we cannot lay responsibility for the trial on the Jews in Jerusalem as a whole, despite the outcry of a manipulated crowd and the global reproaches contained in the apostles' calls to conversion after Pentecost. 385 Jesus himself, in forgiving them on the cross, and Peter in following suit, both accept "the ignorance" of the Jews of Jerusalem and even of their leaders. 386 Still less can we extend responsibility to other Jews of different times and places, based merely on the crowd's cry: "His blood be on us and on our children!", a formula for ratifying a judicial sentence. 387 As the Church declared at the Second Vatican Council:...[N]either all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor Jews today, can be charged with the crimes committed during his Passion... [T]he Jews should not be spoken of as rejected or accursed as if this followed from holy Scripture. 388 All sinners were the authors of Christ's Passion 595In her Magisterial teaching of the faith and in the witness of her saints, the Church has never forgotten that "sinners were the authors and the ministers of all the sufferings that the divine Redeemer endured." 389 Taking into account the fact that our sins affect Christ himself, 390 the Church does not hesitate to impute to Christians the gravest responsibility for the torments inflicted upon Jesus, a responsibility with which they have all too often burdened the Jews alone: We must regard as guilty all those who continue to relapse into their sins. Since our sins made the Lord Christ suffer the torment of the cross, those who plunge themselves into disorders and crimes crucify the Son of God anew in their hearts (for he is in them) and hold him up to contempt. And it can be seen that our crime in this case is greater in us than in the Jews. As for them, according to the witness of the Apostle, "None of the rulers of this age understood this; for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." We, however, profess to know him. And when we deny him by our deeds, we in some way seem to lay violent hands on him. 391 Nor did demons crucify him; it is you who have crucified him and crucify him still, when you delight in your vices and sins
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PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit Fr. Pierre Konja Administrator Fr. Emanuel Rayes Re
PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of Detroit Fr. Pierre Konja Administrator Fr. Emanuel Rayes Retired in residence Linda Arabo Office Administrator
(141) Ziyara [119] of lady Fatima al-ma ssooma (s) Peace be upon Adam, the choice of peace be upon Noah, the prophet of peace be upon Ibraheem (Abraham), the friend of peace be upon Musa (Moses), the speaker
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PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of USA Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Fr. Patrick Setto Parochi
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عربي فيما يلي دلي ا ل لطلب اسم مستخدم جديد لConnect Sell من خ لل موقع.Sign-Code يسمح لك الموقع بالدخول اإلداري على اسم المستخدم الخاص بك لID Office من خ لل طلب مستخدمين جدد وتحديثها وحتى حذفها:.1 ستتلقى
AlZuhour Private School مدرسة الزهور الخاصة Term 1 Plan Subject Arabic Grade 2 Term 1 Contents ( كتاب الطالب ) الوحدة األولى :) صح تك بين يد
Term 1 Plan 2018-2019 Subject Arabic Grade 2 Term 1 Contents ( كتاب الطالب ) الوحدة األولى :) صح تك بين يديك( -- قصة مسعودة السلحفاة النص املعلوماتي : السلحفاة )الربط: بالعلوم( - النحو والكتابة : -االسم
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الدرس الحادي والثلاثون أحرف جر المكان والزمن والحركة هناك ثلاثة أحرف جر للمكان : Muna and Hani live at 55, Cairo Street. at و on و in للعناوين أو المواقع المحددة. atنستخدم تسكن منى وهاني في شارع القاهرة
ابسم اآلب واالبن والروح القدس... ]1[ متى 19: / 28 باسم اآلب واالبن والر وح الق د س العبد الفقري إىل اهلل أبو امل نترص شاهني امل لق ب ب الت اع ب ت ل م
ابسم اآلب واالبن والروح القدس... ]1[ متى 19: / 28 باسم اآلب واالبن والر وح الق د س العبد الفقري إىل اهلل أبو امل نترص شاهني امل لق ب ب الت اع ب ت ل م ذ وا 19 ض ف اذ ه ب وا و 18 متى 20-18 / 28 ( ف ت ق د
One day, my father the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household, visited me, "Peace be upon you, O Fatimah
ح د يث ا لك س اء HADEETH OF THE CLOAK ب س م هللا الر ح من الر ح يم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH AZWJ THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL ع ن ج ابر بن ع ب د اهلل األن ص اري ع ن ف اط م ة الز هراء ع ل يه ا الس الم ب نت ر
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جامعة جدارا Jadara University كلية: الدراسات التربوية
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AET0 Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos, Part IA Thursday 7 June to pm Paper MES1 Elementary Arabic Language A Answer all questions.
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جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. belgac
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كل ما تحتاج معرفتة عن الليزك واإلبيليزك قبل وبعد العملية لإلستفسار وحجز املواعيد يرجى اإلتصال داخلي New Mowasat Hosp
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جامعة الأزهر
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ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE VICARIATE FOR PALESTINIAN- JORDANIAN ORTHODOX COMMUNITIES IN AMERICA البطريركية المسكونية النيابة األسقفية االرثوذكسية الفلسطينية االردنية في الواليات المتحدة األمريكية Sts. PETER
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Unit 5a: FUNDAMENTALS APPLIED After completing all of Unit 5 (this is just 5a), students should have the ability to understand the basic language of the last 14 surahs without translation and use that
Smoking Cessation Program
Smoking Cessation Program Copyright 2018 American University of Beirut. All rights reserved. Need help to quit smoking? We are here for you. The Smoking Cessation Program at the Health and Wellness Center
الرلم التسلسل : دراسة تحليلية لواقع الرياضة المدرسية دراسة م دان ة أجر ت على ثانو ات مد نة الوادي لدى الطور الثانوي
الرلم التسلسل : دراسة تحليلية لواقع الرياضة المدرسية دراسة م دان ة أجر ت على ثانو ات مد نة الوادي لدى الطور الثانوي 41 6142 6142 أ ب Summray: The study aims to investigate school sborts as far as physics
RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Information Directorate غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إدارة الدراسات والمعلومات 1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم
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افتتاحية العدد
99 حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد 93 )يناير مارس 1122( مجال حممد مقابلة A Study of the Term Al Rawnak in Ancient Arab Criticism Gamal Mohamed Mokabla Abstract This paper aims to study the term Al Rawnak, a
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Chapter الصفات والا حوال Adjectives and Adverbs الصفة آلمة تصف الاسماء وموقعها في الجملة في عدة اماآن وهي :- الصفات Adjectives (adj) (n) - She is a good student. - I am going to a new university next year.
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ACADEMIC PROGRAM CURRICULUM STRUCTURE FORM خطة البرنامج األكاديمي Submitted by مقدم من Education كلية التربية Psychological Sciences/ Educational Sciences Name of Department / Academic Unit THE ACADEMIC
AET0 and AET1 Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos, Part IA and Part IB Thursday 8 June 2017 1.30 to 4.30 pm Paper MES1 Elementary Arabic Language A Answer all questions. Write your number not your
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Depression Copyright 2014 American University of Beirut. All rights reserved. What is depression? Depression is a mood disorder. We all experience sadness from time to time,