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1 St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH, Primate November 3, 2019 V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Dean & Great Economos Rev. Fr. Calinic Berger, Rev. Fr. George Taweel, Rev. Fr. Paul Olson Archdeacon George Shishim. Deacon Eliya Ammari, Deacon Nicholas Nasrallah Sub Dn. Gregory Foley, Sub Dn, Ibrahim Jarrouj 2300 WEST THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES, CA Phone (213) , Fax (213) Web page : Spanish Service 8:00am Sunday Orthros 9:15 am English Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Arabic Sunday Orthros 11:00 am Arabic Divine Liturgy 11:30 am EOTHINON 9 TONE 3 االيوثينا 9 اللحن 3 Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost & Fifth Sunday of Luke Martyrs Akepsimas, Joseph & Aeithalas of Persia; Dedication of St. George Church in Lydda of Palestine Hieromartyr George of Neapolis; Theodore the Confessor, bishop of Ancyra
2 االحد الخامس من القديس لوقا االنجيلي وتذكار الشهيد أكبسيماس ورفقته وتجديد هيكل القديس الع ظيم في الش ه داء جاور جيوس الالب س الظ ف ر في اللد RESURRECTIONAL APOLYTIKION IN TONE THREE Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, for the Lord hath done a mighty act with His own arm. He hath trampled down death by death, and become the first-born from the dead. He hath delivered us from the depths of Hades, granting the world the Great Mercy طروبارية القيامة على اللحن الثالث لتفرح السماويات ولتبتهج األرضيات, الن الرب صنع عزا بساعد ه, ووطئ الموت بالموت, وصار بكر األموات, وأنقذنا من جوف الجحيم, ومنح العالم الرحمة العظمى. APOLYTIKION FOR THE PERSIAN MARTYRS IN TONE FOUR (**Be quick to anticipate**) Thy martyrs, O Lord, in their courageous contest for Thee * received as the prize the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. * For, since they possessed Thy strength, they cast down the tyrants * and wholly destroyed the demons strengthless presumption. * O Christ God, by their prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful. طروبارية الشهداءالقديسين في بالد الفرس على اللحن الرابع ش ه داؤك يا ر ب ب ج هاد ه م نالوا م ن ك األكاليل غير البال ي ة يا إله نا. ألن ه م أ ح ر زوا ق و ت ك ف ح ط م وا الم غ ت ص بي ن وس ح ق وا ب أ س الش ياطين التي ال ق و ة ل ها. ف ب ت و س الت ه م أي ها الم سيح اإلله خ ل ص ن فوس نا. APOLYTIKION FOR ST. GEORGE THE GREAT-MARTYR IN TONE FOUR Since thou art a liberator and deliverer of captives, a help and support of the poor and needy, a healing physician of the sick, a contender and fighter for kings, O great among Martyrs, the victory-clad George; intercede with Christ God for the salvation of our souls. طروبارية القديس الع ظيم في الش ه داء جاور جيوس الالب س الظ ف ر على اللحن الرابع ب ما أن ك ل ل م أس ورين م ح ر ر وم ع ت ق ول ل ف ق راء والم س اكين عاض د ون اص ر ول ل م رض ى ط بيب وش اف وع ن المؤم ني ن م كاف ح وم ح ار ب أي هاالع ظيم في الش ه داء جاور جيوس الالب س الظ ف ر ت ش ف ع إلى الم سيح اإلله في خ الص ن ف وس نا. TROPARION OF ST NICHOLAS IN TONE FOUR The verity of your actions revealed you to your flock a rule of faith, an icon of mildness, and teacher of abstinence, O Father Bishop Nicholas; wherefore by humility you have achieved exaltation and by poverty richness. Intercede with Christ our God to save our souls. طروبارية القديس نيقوالوس على اللحن الرابع لقد أظهرتك أفعال الحق لرعيتك قانونا لإليمان وصورة للوداعة ومعلماا لالمسااك أيهاا األب رلايس الكهناة نيقوالوس فلذلك أحرزت بالتواضع الرفعة وبالمسكنة الغنى فتشفع إلى المسيح اإلله في خال ص نفوس نا. KONTAKION OF THE THEOTOKOS IN TONE TWO O Protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation unto the Creator most constant: O despise not the cry of petition of those who have sinned, but be thou quick, O good one, to come unto our aid, who in faith cry unto thee. Hasten to intercession, and speed thou to make supplication, O thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee.
3 قنداق وال د ة اإلل ه على اللحن الثاني يا شفيع ة المسيحي ين غير المخذولة, المتوسطة لدى الخال ق والغير المردودة, ال ت عر ضي عن أصوات ط ل بات نا نحن الخطأة ب ل تدار كينا بالمعونة بما أن ك صالحة نحن الص ارخين بإيمان. باد ر ي إلى الش فاعة وأسرعي في الط ل ب ة يا والدة اإلله المتشف عة دالم ا بم ك ر ميك. THE EPISTLE Sing praises to our God, sing praises. Clap your hands, all ye peoples. The Reading from the Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians. (1:11-19) Brethren, I would have you know that the Gospel which was preached by me is not man s gospel. For I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ. For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the Church of God violently and tried to destroy it; and I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people; so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers. But when He Who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son to me, in order that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were Apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned to Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and remained with him fifteen days. But I saw none of the other Apostles except James the Lord s brother. الرسالة رتلوا إلله نا رتلوا يا جميع األمم صف قوا باأليادي. فصل من رسالة القديس بولس الرسول إلى أهل غالطية. يا اخوة أعلم كم أن البشارة التي بش رت كم بها ليست على سنة البشر. فأنا لم أتسل م ها أو تعلمت ها من بشر بل بإعالن يسوع المسيح. فإنكم سمعت م بسيرتي الماضية في ملة اليهاود وكياك كنات أضاطه د كنيساة ا غاياة االضاطهاد وأحاول تدمير ها وأفوق أترابي من بني قومي في ملة اليهود حمي ة على تقاليد آباالي. ولكان لماا ارتلاى ا الاذي دعاني بنعمت ه وأنا في بطن أمي إلى خدمت ه أن ي علن ابن ه في ألبشر به بين األمم لم استشر لحما ودما وال صعدت إلى أورشليم ألرى الذين كانوا رسال قبلي بل ذهبت على الفور إلى بالد العرب وبعد ذلك رجعت إلى د م ش ق. ثم أني بعد ثالث سنوات صعدت إلى أورشليم ألرى بطرس فأقمت عنده خمسة عشر يوما ولم أر غي ره من الرسا ل سوى يعقوب أخي الرب. THE HOLY GOSPEL The Reading from the Holy Gospel according to St. Luke. (16:19-31) The Lord said, There was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man s table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham s bosom. The rich man also died and was buried; and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom. And he called out, Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross
4 from there to us. And he said, Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father s house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment. But Abraham said, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent. He said to him, If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead. اإلنجيل المقدس فصل شريف من بشارة القديس لوقا االنجيلي البشير والتلميذ الطاهر. قال الرب كان رجل غني يلبس األرجوان والثياب الفاخرة ويقيم الواللم كل ياو. وكاان رجال فقيار اسامه لعاازر مطروحا عند بابه, م صابا بالقروح, وكان يشتهي أن يشبع من فلالت مالدة الغني, وكانت الكالب تجيء وتلحاس قروحه. ومات الفقير فنقلته الماللكة إلى حلن إبراهيم, ومات الغني ود فن. فرفع الغني عينيه إلى السماء وهو في الجحيم يقاسي العذاب, فرأى إبراهيم عن بعد ولعازر في حلن ه, فنادى: ر حماك, ياا أباي إباراهيم, أرسال لعاازر ليبل طرف إصبع ه في الماء ويبرد لساني, ألني أتعذب كثيرا في هذا اللهيب. فقال له إباراهيم تاذكر ياا ابناي, انا ك نلت خيرات ك في حياتك, ونال لعازر الباليا. وها هو اآلن يتعز ى وأنت تتعذب. وفوق كل هذا فبينناا وبيانكم أ قيمات هوة عميقة ال يقدر أحد ان يجتازها من عندنا إليكم, وال من عندكم إلينا.فقاال الغناي: أساألك, ياا أباي إباراهيم, أن ترسل لعازر إلى بيت أبي لينذر اخوتي الخمسة هناك, لئال يصايروا إلاى هاذا الجحايم. فقاال لاه إباراهيم: عنادهم موسى واألنبياء, فليستمعوا إليهم. فأجابه الغني: ال يا أبي ابراهيم, ولكن إن قاا واحاد مان األماوات وذهاب إلايهم يتوبون. فقال إبراهيم: إن لم يستمعوا إلى موسى واألنبياء, فهم لن يقتنعوا ولو قا واحد من األنبياء. OBLATIONS Offered In loving memory of Emil Ayoub and Gretta Casalnuovo by Salwa Ayoub and family. May their memory be eternal. Prayers for Bob Andrews from the St. Nicholas family for a speedy recovery. Prayers for Allan Namay from the St. Nicholas family for a speedy recovery. In loving memory of our Dad & Grandfather, Nour Iskander Ayoub (13 years) offered by his widow, Fada Ayoub, children, grandchildren, and the Ayoub family. May god bless his soul and give him eternal life in heaven forever and ever. He will be always loved, we all miss him & we hope he will guide us forever thru his spirit. May his life be an example to everyone for being peaceful, loving and a caring person. 1st Coffee Hour & 2 nd Hour is sponsored by: The Ladies Society Holy Bread offered by: the Dahabreh Family, Salwa Ayoub,& the Alexander Family For all Oblations, Trisagions and to sponsor a Coffee Hour, please or contact the Cathedral office (213) by Wednesday noon. If you would like to sponsor a Coffee Hour, please contact Mrs. Joujou George at (562) Please call 2-4 weeks in advance, if possible, to reserve the date(s)
5 WHAT S HAPPPENING LADIES SOCIETY NOMINATIONS: Nominations will be held during our November December meetings. Ladies, if you wish to run or nominate someone to serve on the board, please contact Nora Hanna (626) Looking forward the hearing from you. NOVEMBER LADIES SOCIETY MEETING: will be held Tuesday, November 5, at 7:00 p.m. at the Kobeissi Properties meeting room at 711 Foothill Blvd, La Cañada Flintridge, CA Please join us in this beautiful venue for some fun and fellowship. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8th: ST. NICHOLAS DAY Save the date Sunday, December 8th, The St. Nicholas Day Luncheon will be held at 12:30 pm after the combined Liturgy at 10:30 am. For reservation &Tickets please contact Jaquie Badaro (626) 2019 ST NICHOLAS KID S CLUB PROGRAM SCHEDULE Friday, Nov. 22, 2019, 6:30 8:30 PM: Prepare Food Baskets (Dinner Served) Saturday, Nov. 23, 2019, 7:30 11:30 AM: Food Distribution Program Please Join Us and Help Us in This Important Community Outreach! All Events on the Cathedral Grounds The cost of each Food Basket is $ We are asking each family and single adult to contribute the cost of 2 food baskets for Thanksgiving which is $60. Your donation will help make this program a success. If you can give more it would be greatly appreciated. We will accept any donation. For further information and to make a donation please see us at Church, call us or mail a check to: Ed Malouf/Georgette Malouf 1021 N. Orchard Drive. Burbank, CA Checks should be payable to: St. Nicholas Cathedral Please add the notation Kids Club on the memo line.
6 HALLOWEEN HALLOWED OR HARMFUL? Halloween Feast was known in the beginning as a Hallow's Eve or All Saint's Eve, it was yearly celebrating observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the Eve of the Western Christian Feast of All Hallow's Day. Then by the time Evil thoughts came up with different ideas to encourage people to replace the holy feast to evil celebration. Thus commercializing it in selling Candy, costumes, decorations, and party goods making of Halloween one of the major retail seasons of the year. People celebrating Halloween today are naturally not thinking about the darkness and evil that underlies most Halloween practices. They are just thinking of it as a fun time. As Christians, would we please God by celebrating Halloween? Let us see what the Bible answers: In the BOOK OF Deuteronomy God gives clear instructions to His people concerning associating with such practices. "Now if you enter the land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who purifies his son or daughter in the fire, or one who practices divination, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spirits, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the Lord your God, and because of these abominations the Lord your God will destroy them before you. You shall be perfect before the Lord your God". (Deuteronomy 18:9-13) Also, in the book of Micah the prophet, God speaks out strongly against those who practices witchcraft and the like by saying. "I will cut off sorcerers from your hand, and you shall have no soothsayers. Your carved images I will also cut off, and your sacred pillars from your midst; you shall no more worship the work of your hands; I will pluck your wooden images from your midst; thus I will destroy your cities. And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury on the nations that have not heard." (Micah 5:12-15) This means that the background behind Halloween is not something which is fun and nice. It has evil connotations that Christians must be aware of. For what does it mean as Christian to dress your child as a witch or devil? Is this what our Lord has asked us to teach our children? Some might say that, "this helps us to teach our children not to be afraid of anything." Dearly beloved this is not the way to teach our children not to fear anything. Let us teach them that in Jesus Christ our Lord only all our fears disappear. It is in Jesus Christ that fear is cast out and peace and comfort prevail. Let us rethink how we spend this day. Let us educate our young people about the facts of Halloween and perhaps arrange for a spiritual meeting to replace the Halloween parties that young people attend. Also another idea you can choose Saints dresses to your children to wear between their friends as spiritual and fun gathering. Elen Saleh
(141) Ziyara [119] of lady Fatima al-ma ssooma (s) Peace be upon Adam, the choice of peace be upon Noah, the prophet of peace be upon Ibraheem (Abraham), the friend of peace be upon Musa (Moses), the speaker
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of America His Eminence, Metropolitan JOSEPH, Primate July 7, 2019 V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim, Dean & Great
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Sunday June 28 th, 2015. Tone 3, Eothinon 4 4 th Sunday after Pentecost األحد 82 أيار. 2015 اللحن 3 االيوثينا 4 األحد الرابع بعد العنصرة Troparion for the Resurrection in Tone 3: Let the heavens rejoice
One day, my father the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household, visited me, "Peace be upon you, O Fatimah
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1 Give descriptions, opinions with reasons Use generic language and all three tenses نعم غير صحية هل تهتم باالمر الصحية صحية healthy رشيقة agile ال احب االمراض I am no healthy ألنني Because I Are you interested
هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد ال
هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد التي توضح ان كثيرين امنوا بالمسيح وهذا اعالن واضح لالهوته
ابسم اآلب واالبن والروح القدس... ]1[ متى 19: / 28 باسم اآلب واالبن والر وح الق د س العبد الفقري إىل اهلل أبو امل نترص شاهني امل لق ب ب الت اع ب ت ل م
ابسم اآلب واالبن والروح القدس... ]1[ متى 19: / 28 باسم اآلب واالبن والر وح الق د س العبد الفقري إىل اهلل أبو امل نترص شاهني امل لق ب ب الت اع ب ت ل م ذ وا 19 ض ف اذ ه ب وا و 18 متى 20-18 / 28 ( ف ت ق د
Slide 1
Correlation and Regression اإلرتباط واإلنحدار Correlation اإلرتباط - Describes the relationship between two (X & Y) variables يوضح العالقة بين متغيرين )Y, X( - One variable is called independent (X) and
OLIGOPOLY JUC مالحظة : الملخص جهد شخصي الجامعة غير مسؤلة عنه, المدونة : احتكار القله OLIGOPOLY بين االحتكار والمنافسة الكاملة BETWEEN MONOPOLY AND PERFECT COMPETITION
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America The Diocese of Eagle River and the Northwest Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Annunciation
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America The Diocese of Eagle River and the Northwest Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Annunciation كنيسة البشارة األرثوذكسية األنطاكية 3107-40 th Street
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الدرس الحادي والثلاثون أحرف جر المكان والزمن والحركة هناك ثلاثة أحرف جر للمكان : Muna and Hani live at 55, Cairo Street. at و on و in للعناوين أو المواقع المحددة. atنستخدم تسكن منى وهاني في شارع القاهرة
الرد على شبهة مخطوطتي اشعياء في مكتبة قم ارن. Holy_bible_1 الشبهة خدعة إسمها إكتشاف سفر أشعياء كامال : وهذه كذبة أخرى روجها كهنة النصارى لعامة الناس ل
الرد على شبهة مخطوطتي اشعياء في مكتبة قم ارن. Holy_bible_1 الشبهة خدعة إسمها إكتشاف سفر أشعياء كامال : وهذه كذبة أخرى روجها كهنة النصارى لعامة الناس ليطمئنوا بأن كتابهم لم يصبه التحريف منذ أكثر من ألفى
MEI ARABIC 103 SYLLABUS Middle East Institute Arabic 103 Beginners III Syllabus Instructor Name: Phone: MEI Phone: (202) MEI l
Middle East Institute Arabic 103 Beginners III Syllabus Instructr Name: E-mail: Phne: MEI Phne: (202) 785-2710 MEI Email: Purpse f the Curse T enable students t further cnslidate their