Chapter 2 Sura Al Baqarah
- جمان عجرمة (العجارمة)
- منذ 5 سنوات سابقة
- المشاهدات:
1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 2 3 AL-BAQARAH 3 VERSES VERSE The Wisdom 3 The Faqeeh 4 The ones of understanding 5 VERSE VERSE Allah azwj is (All) Aware 8 VERSE Guiding the people 8 VERSE VERSE VERSES 275 & Interest A confusion by Satan la 13 Interest- a major sin 14 The consequence in the Hereafter 15 Ceasing the consumption of interest 15 Equalisation of the giver and the taker of interest 16 Allah azwj Nourishes the charity 17 Reasons for the Prohibition of interest 17 The Inmates of the Fire 19 VERSES VERSE VERSE VERSE Regarding the mannerisms of the rulings of Rasool-Allah saww '. 31 VERSE Concealing testimony a major sin 37 VERSE VERSE out of 52
2 VERSE The commencement of the Azān 49 2 out of 52
3 CHAPTER 2 AL-BAQARAH (286 VERSES) VERSES ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح ي م VERSE 269 ي ؤ ي ت ا ل ي ك م ة م ن ي ش اء ف ق د ا ل ي ك م ة ي ؤ ت و م ن أ ول و إي ل ي ذ ك ر و م ا خ ي ر ا ك ث ي ري ا أ وي ت ا ل ل ب ا يب }269{ He Gives the Wisdom to one He so Desires to, and the one who is Given the Wisdom, so he has been Given abundant good; and none would mention (words of thanks) except for the ones of understanding [2:269] The Wisdom حممد بن يعقوب: عن علي بن إبراهيم عن حممد بن عيسى عن يونس عن أيوب بن ا لر عن أيب بصري Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus, from Ayoub Bin Al Hur, from Abu Baseer, عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( يف قول اهلل عز و جل و م ن ي ؤ ت ا ل ي ك م ة ف ق د أ وي ت خ ري ا ك ث ي ريا. اإلمام«. فقال: طاعة اهلل و معرفة (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: And the one who is Given the Wisdom, so he has been Given abundant good [2:269]. So he asws said: The Obedience of Allah azwj and the recognition of the (Divine) Imam asws. 1 عنه: بإسناده عن يونس عن ابن مسكان عن أيب بصري عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: مسعته يقول: و م ن ي ؤ ت ا ل ي ك م ة ف ق د أ وي ت خ ري ا ك ث ي ريا. قال:»معرفة اإلمام و اجتناب الكبائر اليت أوجب اهلل عليها النار«. From him, by his chain from Yunus, from Ibn Muskan, from Abu Baseer, 1 الكافي. 11 /142 :1 3 out of 52
4 (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I heard him asws saying regarding and the one who is Given the Wisdom, so he has been Given abundant good [2:269]. He asws said: Recognition of the Imam asws, and shunning the major sins upon which Allah azwj has Obligated the Fire. 2 عن سليمان بن خالد قال: سألت أبا عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( عن قول اهلل: و م ن ي ؤ ت ا ل ي ك م ة ف ق د أ وي ت خ ري ا ك ث ي ري ا. فقال: «نإ ا لكمة: املعرفة و التفقه يف الدين فمن فقه منكم فهو حكيم و ما من أحد ميوت من املؤمنني أحب إىل إبليس من موت فقيه«. From Suleyman Bin Khalid who said, I asked Abu Abdullah asws about the Words of Allah azwj and the one who is Given the Wisdom, so he has been Given abundant good [2:269]. So he asws said: The Wisdom the recognition (of the Imam asws ) and the pondering in the Religion. So the one who ponders from among you, so he is wise, and there is no one from the Momineen who is dying, more beloved to Iblees la than the death of a Faqih (narrator of the Ahadeeth as per definition of the word Faqeeh see Ahadeeth below). 3 و عن الصادق )عليه السالم( قال:»ا لكمة ضياء املعرفة و ميزان التقوى و مثرة الصدق و ما أنعم اهلل على عباده بنعمة أعظم و أنعم و أرفع و أجزل و أهبى من ا لكمة للقلب قال اهلل عز و جل: ي ؤ ي ت ا ل ي ك م ة م ن ي شاء و م ن ي ؤ ت ا ل ي ك م ة ف ق د أ وي ت خ ري ا ك ث ي ريا و ما ي ذ ك ر إي ل أ ول وا ا ل ل با يب«. From Al-Sadiq asws having said: The wisdom is an illumination of the recognition, and a scale of the piety, and fruit of the truthfulness. And, Allah azwj did not Favour upon His azwj servants with a Bounty greater and more favourable, and more lofty, and more beautiful, and more marvellous than the wisdom for the heart. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says: He Gives the Wisdom to one He so Desires to, and the one who is Given the Wisdom, so he has been Given abundant good; and none mind except for the ones of understanding [2:269]. 4 The Faqeeh حممد بن حممد بن النعمان املفيد يف ( ا لختصاص ) عن جعفر بن حممد بن قولويه عن ا لسني بن حممد بن عامر عن معلى ابن حممد عن حممد بن مجهور عن عبد الرمحن بن أيب جنران عن بعض أصحابه رفعه إىل أيب عبداهلل )عليه السالم ) قال : من حفظ من أحاديثنا أربعني حديثا بعثه اهلل يوم القيامة فقيها عاملا. Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al Numan Al Mufeed in Al Ikhtisaas from Jafar Bin Muhammad Bin Qulawayh, from Al Husain Bin Muhammad Bin Aamir, from Ma aly Ibn Muhammad, from Muhammad Bin Jamhour, from Abdul Rahmaan Bin Abu Najraan, from a companions of his, with a chain up to Abu Abd Allah asws : 2 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 112 H تفسير العياشي 498 /151 :1 مصباح الشريعة: out of 52
5 Abu Abd Allah asws said: One who memorises from our asws Ahadith, forty Ahadith, Allah azwj will Send him on the Day of Judgement as لالمااا فقيهااا a Faqeeh, a knowledgeable one. 5 وعن حممد بن سعيد الكشي عن حممد بن أمحد بن محاد املروزي احملمودي يرفعه قال : قال الصادق )عليه السالم(: اعرفوا منازل شيعتنا بقدر ما حيسنون من رواياهتم عنا فانا ل نعد الفقيه منهم فقيها حىت يكون حمدثا فقيل له : أو يكون املؤمن حمدثا قال : يكون مفهما واملفهم : احملدث. And from Muhammad Bin Saeed Al Kashy, from Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Hamaad Al Maruzy Al Mahmoudy, with a chain going up to Al Sadiq asws, said: Recognise the status of our asws Shias in accordance with how many good narrations they relate from us asws, for we do not consider the الفقيا Faqeeh from them to be a Faqeeh unless they are narrators of Ahadeeth. It was said to him asws, Is a believer a narrator of Ahadeeth?. He asws said: He is an understanding one; and the understanding one is a narrator of Ahadeeth. 6 The ones of understanding ي عد ة ي من أ ص ح ابين ا ع ن أ مح د ب ين حم م ي د ب ين خ ال ي د ع ن ب ع يض أ ص ح ابي ي ه ر ف ع ه ق ال ق ال ر س ول الل ي ه ( صلى اهلل عليه وآله ) م ا ق س م الل ه ل ي ل ع ي ب ا ي د ش ي ئا أ ف ض ل ي من ال ع ق يل ف ن و م ال ع اق ييل أ ف ض ل ي من س ه ير ا ل ا ي هيل و إيق ام ة ال ع اق ييل أ ف ض ل ي من ش و يص ا ل ا ي هيل و ل ب ع الل ه ن بيي ا و ل ر س و ل ح ىت ي س ت ك ي مل ال ع ق ل و ي ك ون ع ق ل ه أ ف ض ل ي من مج ي ييع ع ق ويل أ م ت يي ه A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Khalid, from one of his companions, raising it, said, Rasool-Allah saww said: Allah azwj has not Distributed for the servants anything more superior than the intellect. Thus, the sleep of the intellectual is superior to the vigil of the ignorant, and the staying (at home) of the intellectual is superior than going out of the ignorant; and Allah azwj neither Sent a Prophet as nor a Rasool as until He azwj Perfected the intellect (for him as ), and his as intellect happened to be superior to the entirety of the intellects of the community. و م ا ي ض ي مر الن ي ب ( صلى اهلل عليه وآله ) ييف ن ف ي س ي ه أ ف ض ل ي م ين اج ت ي ه ا ي د ال م ج ت يه ي دين و م ا أ د ى ال ع ب د ف ر ائ ي ض الل ي ه ح ىت ع ق ل ع ن ه و ل ق ال الل ه ت ع اىل و م ا ي ت ذ ك ر مج ي يع ال ع ابي ي دين ييف ف ض يل ي عب اد ي هت ي م م ا ب ل غ ال ع اق ي ل و ال ع ق ال ء ه م أ ول و ا ل ل ب ا يب ال ي ذين إي ل أ ول و ا ل ل ب ا يب ب ل غ And whatever the Prophet saww concealed within himself saww is superior to the striving of the strivers; and the servant would not fulfil the Obligations of Allah azwj until he knows about Him azwj, and the entirety of the worshippers would not reach in merit with their worshipping what the intellectual would reach; and the intellectuals, they. 5 Wasail ul Shia, H Wasail ul Shia, H out of 52
6 are those possessing understanding whom Allah azwj Speaks of and none would mind except for the ones of understanding [2:269]. 7 ق ال ح د ث ي ن ع ل ي ي ب ن مح د ون ق ال ح د ث ن ا ي عيس ى ب ن ي مه ر ان ق ال ح د ث ن ا ف ر ج ب ن ف ر و ة الس ل ي مي ق ال ح د ث ن ا م س ع د ة ب ن ص د ق ة ال ع ي ي يس ي إي ن ا ي ت ذ ك ر حم م د ع ن أ بيي ي ه ع ييف ق و يل الل ي ه أ ول وا ا ل ل با يب ي شيع ت ن ا ي ت ذ ك ر ون. ع ن ج ع ف ير ب ين (Furat) said, It was narrated to me by Ali Bin Hamdoun, from Isa Bin Mihran, from Faraj Bin Farwar Al Sullamy, from Mas ada Bin Sadaqa Al Isiyy, From Ja far Bin Muhammad asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj and none mind except for the ones of understanding [2:269] But rather our asws Shias, they are the understanding ones. 8 VERSE 270 و م ا أ ن ف ق ت م ي من ن ف ق ة أ و ن ذ ر ت ي من ن ذ ر ف يإن الل ه ي ع ل م ه أ ن ص ا ر يم ن ني ل ي لظ ال يي م و م ا }270{ And whatever you spend from the provisions, or you vow from the vows, so Allah Knows it; and there would not be for the unjust ones, any helpers (from the just ones) [2:270] ع ن ي ون س ب ين ظ ب ي ان ق ال س أ ل ت أ ب ا ج ع ف ر ع ع ن ق و يل الل ي ه»و ما ل ي لظ ال يي مني ي من أ ن صار «ق ال : م ا ل م ي من أ ئ ي م ة ي س م وه م بيأ مس ائ ييهم From Yunus Bin Zabyan who said, I asked Abu Ja far asws about the Words of Allah azwj : And there would not be for the unjust ones, any helpers (from the just ones) [2:270]. He asws said: There would not be for them Imams asws they could be calling them (for help) with their names. 9 VERSE 271 هي إين ت ب د وا الص د ق ا ي ت ف ن ي ع ي م ا ي ع ن ك م يم ن س ي ئ ات ي ك م و الل ه ي ب ا و إين ت ع م ل ون و ي ك ف ر ل ك م خ ي ر ف ه و ال ف ق ر اء و ت ؤ ت وه ا ت ف وه ا خ بيري }271{ 7 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Intellect and Ignorance CH 1 H 11 8 Tafseer Al Furaat H ( -)6 البرهان ج.333 :1 الصافي ج. 321 :1 6 out of 52
7 If you give alms openly, it is good, and if you hide it and give it to the poor, it would be better for you; and this will expiate from you of your evil deeds; and Allah is Aware of what you are doing [2:271] و عنه: عن علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن ا لسني بن سعيد عن فضالة بن أيوب عن أيب املغرا عن أيب بصري عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( يف قول اهلل عز و جل: إين ت ب د وا الص د قا ي ت ف ن ي ع ي م ا ي هي و إين ت ف وها و ت ؤ ت وه ا ال ف ق راء ف ه و خ ي ر ل ك م. قال: من الزكاة و صلتك قرابتك ليس من الزكاة«.»ليس And from him, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Abu Al Magra, from Abu Baseer, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: If you give alms openly, it is good, and if you hide it and give it to the poor, it would be better for you [2:271]. He asws said: It is not from the Zakāt, and maintaining good relations with your relatives is (also) not from the Zakāt. 10 ع ل ي ي ب ن إيب ر ا ي هيم ع ن أ بيي ي ه ع ين اب ين أ ييب ع م ري ع ن إيس ح اق ب ين ع م ار ع ن أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ييف ق و يل الل ي ه ع ز و ج ل و إي ن ت ف وها و ت ؤ ت وه ا ال ف ق راء ف ه و خ ي ر ل ك م ف ق ال ي هي ي سو ى الز ك اةي إين الز ك اة ع ال ن ي ي ة غ ي ر ي سر. Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Is haq Bin Ammar, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: If you give alms openly, it is good, and if you hide it and give it to the poor, it is better for you [2:271]. So he asws said: It is besides the Zakāt. The (giving) of Zakāt is publicly, without being secretive. 11 ع ل ي ي ب ن إيب ر ا ي هيم ع ن أ بيي ي ه ع ين اب ين ف ض ال ع ين اب ين ب ك ري ع ن ر ج ل ع ن أ ييب ج ع ف ر ( عليه السالم ) ييف ق و ل يي ه ع ز و ج ل إين ت ب د وا الص د قا ي ت ف ن ي ع ي م ا ي هي ق ال ي ع ي ن الز ك اة ال م ف ر وض ة ق ال ق ل ت و إين ت ف وها و ت ؤ ت وه ا ال ف ق راء ق ال ي ع ي ن الن اف ي ل ة إين ه م ك ان وا ي س ت ي حب و ن إيظ ه ار ال ف ر ائ ي يض و ك ي ت م ان الن و اف ييل. (It has been narrated) from a man, from Abu Ja far asws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: If you give alms openly, it is good [2:271]. He asws said: It Means the Obligatory Zakāt. I said, and if you hide it and give it to the poor [2:271]? He asws said: It means the voluntary (charity). They used to love displaying the Obligatory and concealing the voluntary الكافي 9 /499 :3 11 Al Kafi V 3 The Book Of Zakaat CH 1 H Al Kafi V 4 The Book of Zakat Ch 84 H 1 7 out of 52
8 Allah azwj is (All) Aware ل ي س ل ي لت ج يرب ي ة و أ م ا ا ل بيري ف ال ي ذي ل ي ع ز ب ع ن ه ش يء و ل ي ف وت ه ي ي ب ن حم م د م ر س ال ع ن أ ييب ا ل س ين الر ض ا ( عليه السالم ) ق ال : ع ل و ل ل يي الع ت ي ب اير بيا ل ش ي ا ي ء ف ع ي ن د الت ج يرب ي ة و ا ي لع ت ي ب اير ي عل م ا ين و ل و ل ه ا م ا ع ل ي م ي ل ن م ن ك ان ك ذ ل ي ك ك ان ج ايه ال و الل ه ل ي ز ل خ بيريا ي ب ا Ali Bin Muhammad, with an unbroken chain, ال م ت ع ل م ي ل ق و ا ل بيري ي من الن ا يس ال م س ت ي ب ع ن ج ه ل (It has been narrated) from Abu Al-Hassan Al-Reza asws having said: And as for the Informed (All-Aware), so it is which the thing is recognised from, and nothing is missed out from Him azwj. It is not due to the experimentation, nor by learning of lessons with the things, for during the experimentation and the learning of lessons, are the two pieces of knowledge, and had it not been for the two, it would not be known, because the one who was like that, would have been ignorant, and Allah azwj has not ceased to be Informed with what He azwj Created, and the informed from the people is the choice (chosen) by the ignorant to learn. 13 VERSE 272 ل ي س ع ل ي ك ه د اه م و ل ك ي ن الل ه ي ه ي دي م ن ي ش اء و م ا ت ن ي فق وا يم ن خ ري ف ي ل ن ف ي سك م و م ا ف إيل ي ك م و أ ن ت م ل ت ظ ل م و ن }272{ ت ن ي فق ون إي ل اب ت ي غ اء و ج ي ه الل ي ه و م ا ت ن ي فق وا يم ن خ ري ي و It is not upon you to Guide them, but Allah Guides the one He so Desires to; and whatever you are spending from the good, so it is for yourselves, and you are not spending but to seek Allah's Face; and whatever you are spending from the good would be Fulfilled to you, and you shall not be wronged [2:272] Guiding the people أ ع ني ا ل ه ي ن ق ال مس ي ع ت ي صيم ب ين مح ي د ع ن م ال ي يك ب ين أ ب ا ا ل س ني ب ن حم م د ع ن م ع ل ى ب ين حم م د ع ين ا ل س ين ب ين ع ل ي ي ال و ش ا ي ء ع ن ع ا ج ع ف ر ( عليه السالم ) ي ق ول ي ا م ال ي ك إين الل ه ي ع ي طي الد ن ي ا م ن حي ي ب و ي ب غ ي ض و ل ي ع ي طي ي دين ه إي ل م ن حي ي ب. Al Husayn Bin Muhammad, from Moalla Bin Muhammad, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Washa, from Aasim Bin Humeyd, from Malik Bin Ayn Al Juhny who said, 13 Al Kafi V 1 The Book Of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah azwj ) CH 17 H 2 8 out of 52
9 I heard Abu Ja far asws saying: O Malik! Allah azwj Gives the world to the one whom He azwj Loves and (the ones whom) He azwj Hates, and (but) does not Gives His azwj Religion except to the one whom He azwj Loves. 14 حم م د ب ن حي ي ع ن أ مح د ب ين حم م ي د ب ين ي عيس ى ع ن حم م ي د ب ين إيمس اع ي يل ع ن أ ييب إيمس ا ي عيل الس ر ا يج ع ين اب ين م س ك ان ع ن ث ابيت أ ييب س ع يي د ي ل أ ب و ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ي ا ث ابيت م ا ل ك م و ل ي لن ا يس ك ف وا ع ين الن ا يس و ل ت د ع وا أ ح دا إيىل أ م يرك م ف و الل ي ه ل و أ ن أ ه ل ق ال ق ال يض اج ت م ع وا ع ل ى أ ن ي ي ضل وا ع ب دا ي يريد الل ه ه د اه م ا اس ت ط اع وا الس م ا ي ء و أ ه ل ا ل ر Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Ismail, from Abu Ismail Al Sarraj, from Ibn Muskan, from Sabit Abu Saeed who said, Abu Abdullah asws said: O Sabit! What is it with you and the people? Refrain from the people and do not invite anyone to your matter (Al-Wilayah), for by Allah azwj, even if the inhabitants of the sky and the inhabitants of the earth were to gather together upon straying a servant whom Allah azwj Intends to Guide, they would not have the capacity for it. ك ف وا ع ين الن ا يس و ل ي ق ول أ ح د ك م أ ي خي و اب ن ع م ي و ج ايري ف يإن الل ه ع ز و ج ل إيذ ا أ ر اد ي ب ع ر وف إي ل ع ر ف ه و ل ي ب ن ك ر إي ل أ ن ك ر ه ث ي ق ي ذف الل ه ييف ق ل بي ي ه ك ل ي م ة ي م ع ي هب ا أ م ر ه. بيع ب د خ ري ا ط ي ب ر وح ه ف ال ي س م ع Refrain from the people and not one of you should be saying, My brother, and my cousin, and my neighbour, for Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, when He azwj Intends goodness with a servant, Betters his spirit, so he does not hear a good act except that he would recognise it, nor of an evil deed except that he would deny it. Then Allah azwj would Imprint a Word in his heart by which his affairs would be gathered. 15 أ ب و ع ل ي ي ا ل ش ع يري ع ن حم م يد ب ين ع ب ي د ا ل ب اير ع ن ص ف و ان ب ين حي ي ع ن حم م ي د ب ين م ر و ان ع ين ال ف ض ي يل ق ال ق ل ت ي ل ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ن د ع و الن اس إيىل ه ذ ا ا ل م ير ف ق ال ي ا ف ض ي ل إين الل ه إيذ ا أ ر اد بيع ب د خ ري ا أ م ر م ل كا ف أ خ ذ بيع ن ي ق ي ه حىت أ د خ ل ه ييف ه ذ ا ا ل م ير ط ائ ي عا أ و ك ايرها. Abu Ali Al Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Marwan, from Al Fuzayl who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, We tend to invite the people to this matter (Al-Wilayah). So he asws said: O Fuzayl! Whenever Allah azwj Intends goodness with a servant, Commands an Angels, so he seizes him by his neck until he enter him into this matter (Al-Wilayah), willingly or unwillingly. 16 ع ن ه ع ن أ بيي ي ه ع ين اب ين أ ييب ع م ري ع ن حم م ي د ب ين مح ر ان ع ن حم م ي د ب ين م س ل ي م ع ن أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ق ال إين الل ه ع ز و ج ل إيذ ا أ ر اد بيع ب د خ ري ا ن ك ت ييف ق ل بي ي ه ن ك ت ة ب ي ض اء و ف ت ح م س ا ي مع ق ل بي ي ه و و ك ل بي ي ه م ل كا ي س د د ه و إيذ ا أ ر اد بيع ب د س وءا ن ك ت ييف ق ل بي ي ه ن ك ت ة س و د اء و س د م س ا ي مع ق ل بي ي ه و و ك ل بي ي ه ش ي ط انا ي ي ضل ه. 14 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 95 H 2 15 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 94 H 2 16 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 94 H 3 9 out of 52
10 From him, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Muhammad Bin Humran, from Muhammad Bin Muslim, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, when He azwj Intends goodness with a servant, Imprints a white spot in his heart and Opens the ears of his heart, and Allocates an Angel with him guiding him; and when He azwj Intends evil with a servant, Imprints a black spot in his heart, and Shuts the ears of his heart, and Allocates a Satan la with him to stray him. 17 VERSE 273 ع ل ي يم ي يض حي س ب ه م ا ل ا ي هل أ غ ن ي اء ل ي ل ف ق ر ا ي ء ال يذين أ ح ي صر وا ييف س بيييل الل ي ه ل ي س ت ي طيع ون ض ر ب ا ييف ا ل ر ي من الت ع ف يف ت ع يرف ه م بي ي سيم اه م ل ي س أ ل ون الن اس إي ل اف ا و م ا ت ن ي فق وا يم ن خ ري ف يإ ن الل ه بي ي ه }273{ (Alms are) for the poor, those who are confined in the way of Allah, not being able upon travelling in the land (to earn); the ignorant one reckons them to be rich due to (their) chastity; you can recognise them by their marks; they are not asking importunately; and whatever you are spending from the good, so Allah Knows of it [2:273] أبو علي الط بسي قال: قال أبو جعفر )عليه السالم(:»نزلت اآلية يف أصحاب الصفة. Abu Ali Al Tabarsy said, Abu Ja far asws said: It was Revealed regarding the companions of Al-Safa t. قال: و كذلك رواه الكل ب ع ن اب ن عب اس و ه م ن و م ن أرب ع مائ ة رج ل ل يك ن ل م مس اكن باملدين ة و ل عش ائر ي أوون إل يهم فجعلوا أنفسهم يف املسجد و قالوا: خنرج يف كل سرية يبعثها رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(. فح اهلل الناس عليهم فكان الرجل إذا أكل و عنده فضل أتاهم به إذا أمسى. He (Al-Tabarsy) said, And similar to that is reported from Ibn Abbas, and they were approximately four hundred men, not having a dwelling for them in Al-Medina, nor any relatives who could be assisting them. So they made themselves to be in the (vicinity of the) Masjid, and they said, We would be going out during every battalion sent by Rasool-Allah saww. So Allah azwj Urged the people upon (helping) them. And it was such that whenever a man ate a meal, and with him was excess, he would give it to them in the evening. 18 العياشي: عن جابر ا لعفي عن أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( قال:»إن اهلل يبغض امللحف«. 17 Al Kafi V 2 The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 94 H 7 18 مجمع البيان. 666 :2 10 out of 52
11 Al Ayyashi, from Jabir Al Ju fy, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws having said: Surely, Allah azwj Hates the importunate beggar. 19 ض حم م د ب ن حي ي ع ن أ مح د ب ين حم م د ع ن ع ل يي ب ين ح ي ديد ع ن م ر ايزم ع ن م ص ا ي دف ق ال ك ن ت م ع أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ييف أ ر ل ه و ه م ي ص يرم ون ف ج اء س ائ ي ل ي س أ ل ف ق ل ت الل ه ي ر ز ق ك ف ق ال ( عليه السالم ) م ه ل ي س ذ ل ي ك ل ك م ح ىت ت ع ط وا ث ال ث ة ف يإذ ا أ ع ط ي ت م ث ال ث ة ف يإن أ ع ط ي ت م ف ل ك م و إين أ م س ك ت م ف ل ك م. Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Hadeed, from Murazim, from Musadif who said, I was with Abu Abdullah asws in a land of his asws, and they (workers) were picking. So a beggar came over and begged. So I said, May Allah azwj Grace you. So he asws said: Shh! That is not for you (to say) until you have given to three (beggars). So when you have given to three (beggars), then if you were to give, so it is for you to do so, and if you withhold, so it would be for you to do so. 20 VERSE 274 ال ي ذين ي ن ي فق ون أ م و ا ل م بيالل ي يل و الن ه اير ي سر ا و ع ال ن ي ي ة و ل ه م حي ز ن ون }274{ ف ل ه م أ ج ر ه م ي عن د ر هب ي م و ل خ و ف ع ل ي يه م Those who are spending their wealth by the night and the day, secretly and openly, so for them, their Recompense is with their Lord, and they shall neither be fear upon them nor would they be grieving [2:274] ابن بابويه قال: حدثنا حممد بن عمر بن حممد ا لعايب قال: حدثنا أبو حممد ا لسن بن عبد اهلل بن حممد بن العباس الرازي التميمي قال: حدث ن أيب قال: Ibn Babuwayh said, Muhammad Bin Umar Bin Muhammad Al Ja alb narrated to us, from Abu Muhammad Al Hassan Bin Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Abbas Al Raz Al Tameemy, from his father, حدث ن سيدي علي بن موسى الرضا عن أبيه عن آبائه )عليهم السالم( عن أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم( قال:»قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(- و ذكر عدة أحادي ث قال:- قال:»نزلت: ال ي ذين ي ن ي فق ون أ م وا ل م بيالل ي يل و الن هاير ي سر ا و ع الن ي ي ة يف علي«. It was Narrated to me by my Master asws Ali asws Bin Musa Al-Reza asws, from his asws father asws, from his asws forefathers asws, from Amir-Al-Momineen asws having said: 19 تفسير العي اشي 500 /151 :1 20 Al Kafi V 3 The Book Of Zakāt CH 45 H 5 11 out of 52
12 Rasool-Allah saww said and he asws mentioned a number of Hadeeth, then said: (The Verse) Those who are spending their wealth by the night and the day, secretly and openly [2:274], was Revealed regarding Ali asws. 21 املفيد يف )ا لختصاص(: يف حدي مسند برجاله Al-Mufeed in Al-Ikhtisaas in a Hadeeth with a chain of his men, who has said: قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(:»يا علي ما عملت يف ليلتك «قال:»و ل يا رسول اهلل «. قال:»قد نزلت فيك أربعة قال: معال«.»بأيب أنت و أمي كانت معي أربعة دراهم فتصدقت بدرهم ليال و بدرهم هنارا و بدرهم سرا و بدرهم عالنية«. قال:»فإن اهلل أنزل فيك ال ي ذين ي ن ي فق ون أ م وا ل م بيالل ي يل و الن هاير ي سر ا و ع الن ي ي ة ف ل ه م أ ج ر ه م ي عن د ر هب ي م و ل خ و ف ع ل ي يه م و ل ه م حي ز ن ون «. The Rasool-Allah saww said: O Ali asws! What did you asws do during your asws night? He asws said: And why (do you saww ask) O Rasool-Allah saww? He saww said: Four qualities were Revealed with regards to you asws. He asws said: May my asws father as and my asws mother asws be sacrificed for you saww. I asws had four Dirhams with me asws, so I asws gave away one Dirham in charity at night, and one Dirham in the day, and one Dirham secretly, and one Dirham openly. قال:»فإن اهلل أنزل فيك: ال ي ذين ي ن ي فق ون أ م وا ل م بيالل ي يل و الن هاير ي سر ا و ع الن ي ي ة ف ل ه م أ ج ر ه م ع ي ن د ر هب ي م و ل خ و ف ع ل ي يهم و ل ه م حي ز ن و ن«. He saww said: Allah azwj has Revealed regarding you asws : Those who are spending their wealth by the night and the day, secretly and openly, so for them, their Recompense is with their Lord, and they shall neither be fear upon them nor would they be grieving [2:274]. 22 [ ابن شهرآشوب ] [ يف تفسري الثما ل ] أنه كان عند علي بن أيب طالب أربعة دراهم من الفضة فتصدق بواحد ليال وبواحد هنارا وبواحد سرا وبواحد عالنية فنزل: * )الذين ينفقون أمو لم باليل والنهار سرا وعالنية فلهم أجرهم عند رهبم و ل خوف عليهم و ل هم حيزنون( * فسمى كل درهم ما ل وبشره بالقبول. Ibn Shehr Ashub, in Tafseer of Al Sumaly, that, There were four Silver Dirhams in the possession of Ali asws Bin Abu Talib asws, so he asws gave one in charity at night, and one during the day, and one secretly, and one openly, so it was Revealed: Those who are spending their wealth by the night and the day, secretly and openly, so for them, their Recompense is with their Lord, and they shall neither be fear upon them nor would they be grieving [2:274] Thus each Dirham has been Named (Mentioned), and he asws was Given the good news of the Acceptance (of the deed) ليون أخبار الرضا )للي السالم( / 2: االختصاص: Tafseer Abu Hamza Al Sumaly - Hadeeth No out of 52
13 حممد بن يعقوب: عن علي بن إبراهيم عن أبيه عن ا لسني بن سعيد عن فضالة بن أيوب عن أيب املغرا عن أيب بصري عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: قلت: قوله عز و جل: ال ي ذين ي ن ي فق ون أ م وا ل م بيالل ي يل و الن ه اير ي س ر ا و ع الن ي ي ة قال:»ليس من الزكاة«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Abu Al Magra, from Abu Baseer, From Abu Abdullah asws, said, I said, (What about) the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: Those who are spending their wealth by the night and the day, secretly and openly [2:274]? He asws said: It isn t from the Zakāt. 24 VERSES 275 & 276 ال ي ذين ي أ ك ل ون الر ب ا ل ي ق وم ون إي ل ك م ا ي ق وم ال ي ذي ي ت ب ط ه الش ي ط ان ي من ال م س ذ ل ي ك مث ل الر ب ا و أ ح ل الل ه ال ب ي ع و ح ر م الر ب ا ف م ن ج اء ه م و ي عظ ة يم ن ر ب ي ه بيأ ن ه م ق ال وا إي ن ا ال ب ي ع ي ف ان ت ه ى ف ل ه م ا س ل ف و أ م ر ه إي ىل الل ي ه و م ن ع ا د ف أ ول ئي ك أ ص ح ا ب الن اير ه م ف ي يه ا خ ال ي د ون }275{ Those who are consuming the interest are not standing except as the standing of the one whom the Satan has confused him from the craze. That is because they are saying, But rather, the trading is similar to the interest ; and Allah has Permitted the trading and Prohibited the interest. So the one to whom comes an Advice from his Lord, and he ends it, then for him would be what has passed and his affairs are (up) to Allah; and the one who returns (to it), so they are the inmates of the Fire, they would be in it eternally [2:275] }276{ مي ح ق الل ه الر ب ا و ي ر ييب الص د ق ا ي ت أ ث ي ي م ك ف ا ر ك ل حي ي ب ل و الل ه Allah Obliterates the interest, and He Nourishes the charities; and Allah does not love all ungrateful sinners [2:276] Interest A confusion by Satan la العياشي: عن شهاب بن عبد ربه قال: مسعت أبا عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( يقول: الشيطان«.»آكل الربا ل يرج من الدنيا حىت يت بطه الكافي /499 :3 13 out of 52
14 Al Ayyashi, from Shahaab Bin Abd Rabbih who said, I heard Abu Abdullah asws saying: The consumer of the usury (interest) does not exit from the world until the Satan la confuses him. 25 Interest- a major sin حممد بن يعقوب: عن عدة من أصحابنا عن أمحد بن حممد عن عبد العظيم بن عبد اهلل ا لس ن قال: حدث ن أبو جعفر الثاي )عليه السالم( ]قال:»مسعت أيب[ يقول: مسعت أيب موسى بن جعفر )عليه السالم( يقول: دخل عمرو بن عبيد على أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( فلما سلم و جلس تال هذه اآلية ال ي ذين ي ت ن ي ب ون ك بائ ي ر اإل ي ث ي و ال ف وا ي حش ث أمسك فقال له أبو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: ما أسكتك قال: أحب أن أعرف الكبائر منكتاب اهلل عز و جل. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Abdul Azeem Bin Abdullah Al-Hasany who said, Abu Ja far asws the Second narrated to me saying: I asws heard my asws father asws saying, I asws heard my asws father asws Musa asws Bin Ja far asws saying; Amro Bin Ubeyd came up to Abu Abdullah asws. So when he had greeted, and was seated, he recited this Verse Those who are shunning the major sins and the immoralities [53:32], then held back. So Abu Abdullah asws said to him: What made you withhold? He said, I would love to understand the major sins from the Book of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic. So he asws said: Yes O Amro فقال: نعم- يا عمرو- و أكل الربا لن اهلل عز و جل يقول: ال ي ذين ي أ ك ل ون الر با ل ي ق وم ون إي ل ك ما ي ق وم ال ي ذي ي ت ب ط ه الش ي طان ي من ال م س.... And the consumer of the usury (interest) because Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying Those who are consuming the interest are not standing except as the standing of the one whom the Satan has confused him from the craze [2:275]. 26 (Extract) ي عد ة ي من أ ص ح ابين ا ع ن أ مح د ب ين حم م ي د ب ين ع ي يس ى ع ين اب ين أ ييب ع م ري ع ن ي هش ايم ب ين س ا ييب ع ب ي ل ع ن أ ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ق ا ل ي در ه م يرب ا أ ش د ي من س ب ع ي ني ز ن ي ة ك ل ه ا بيذ ا ي ت حم ر م. A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, form Hisham Bin Salim, 25 تفسير العي اشي. 503 /152 :1 26 Al Kafi H 2454 (Extract) 14 out of 52
15 (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: One Dirham of interest is more grievous than seventy adulteries, all of these being with the ones with sanctity (incestuous). 27 The consequence in the Hereafter علي بن إبراهيم قال: حدث ن أيب عن ابن أيب عمري عن هشام Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hisham, عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(: ملا أسري يب إىل السماء رأيت قوما يريد أحدهم أن يقوم فال يقدر أن يقوم من عظم بطنه فقلت: من هؤ لء يا ج بئيل «. قال هؤ لء: ال ي ذين ي أ ك ل ون الر با ل ي ق وم ون إي ل ك ما ي ق وم ال ي ذي ي ت ب ط ه الش ي طان ي من ال م س و إذا هم بسبيل آل فرعون يعرضون على النار غدوا و عشيا و يقولون: ربنا مىت تقوم الساعة «. (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Rasool-Allah saww said: When I saww ascended to the sky, I saww saw a group of people, one of them wanted to stand up, but was unable to, due to the hugeness of his belly. So I saww said: Who are they, O Jibraeel as? He as said: They are the ones: Those who are consuming the interest are not standing except as the standing of the one whom the Satan has confused him from the craze [2:275], and they were upon the way of the people of the Pharaoh la, being presented to the Fire morning and evening, saying, Our Lord azwj! When will the Hour be Established? 28 Ceasing the consumption of interest الشيخ: بإسناده عن ا لسني بن سعيد عن ابن أيب عمري عن أيب أيوب عن حممد بن مسلم قال: Al Sheykh, by his chain from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abu Ayoub, from Muhammad Bin Muslim who said, دخل رجل على أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( من أهل خراسان قد عمل بالربا حىت كثر ماله ث أنه سأل الفقهاء فقالوا: ليس يقبل منك شيء إ ل أن ترده إىل أصحابه A man from the people of Khurasan came up to Abu Ja far asws, who worked with the interest (lending money) until he had abundant wealth. Then he asked the jurists, so they said, Nothing is Acceptable from you except that you refund it to its owners (the borrowers). 27 Al Kafi V 5 The Book of Subsistence Ch 51 H 1 28 تفسير القم ي. 93 :1 15 out of 52
16 فجاء إىل أيب جعفر )عليه السالم( فقص عليه قصته فقال له أبو جعفر )عليه السالم(:»خمرجك منكتاب اهلل عز و جل: ف م ن جاء ه م و ع ي ظ ة ي من ر ب ي ه ف ان ت هى ف ل ه ما س ل ف و أ م ر ه إيىل الل ي ه و املوعظة: التوبة«. So he came to Abu Ja far asws related the story to him asws. So Abu Ja far asws said to him: Your way out from the Book of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is So the one to whom comes an Advice from his Lord, and he ends it, then for him would be what has passed and his affairs are (up) to Allah [2:275]. And the Advice the repentance. 29 ابن بابويه يف )الفقيه(: بإسناده عن عمر بن يزيد بياع السابري قال: قلت ليب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(: جعلت فداك إن الناس يزعمون أن الربح على املضطر حرام و هو من الربا فقال:»و هل رأيت أحدا اشرتى- غنيا أو فقريا- إ ل من ضرورة يا عمر قد أحل اهلل البيع و حرم الربا فاربح و ل ترب«. قلت: و ما الربا قال:»دراهم بدراهم مثالن بثل«. Ibn Babuwah in Al Faqeeh, by his chain from Umar Bin Yazeed Baya a Al Sabiry who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, May I be sacrificed for you asws! The people are alleging that the profiting from the compelled one and it is from the interest? So he asws said: Have you ever see anyone who bought be the rich or poor except from a need? O Umar! Allah azwj has Permitted the trading but has Forbidden the interest, therefore (go for the) gain and not dust. I said, And what is the interest? He asws said: Dirham for the Dirham, like for the like. 30 Equalisation of the giver and the taker of interest ع ل ي ي ب ن إيب ر ا ي هيم ع ن أ بيي ي ه ع ين اب ين أ ييب جن ر ان ع ن ع ا ي صيم ب ين مح ي د ع ن حم م ي د ب ين ق ي س ع ن ال م ؤ ي من ي ني ( عليه السالم ) آك ي ل الر ب ا و م ؤ ك ي ل ه و ك ات ي ب ه و ش ا ي هد ه ف ي ي ي ه س و اء. أ ييب ج ع ف ر ( عليه السالم ) ق ال ق ال أ ي مري Ali Bin Ibrahim, form his father, from Ibn Abu Najran, from Aasim Bin Humeyd, from Muhammad Bin Qays, (It has been narrated) from Abu Ja far asws having said: Amir Al-Momineen asws said: The eater (taker) of the interest and its feeder (giver), and its contractor (agent), and its witness with regards to it, are equal. 31 علي بن إبراهيم: فقال:»من أخذ من الربا وجب عليه القتل وكل من أرىب وجب عليه القتل«. Ali Bin Ibrahim He (Rasool-Allah saww ) said: The one who takes from the interest the killing is obligated upon him, and everyone who lends on interest, the killing is obligated upon him (i.e.- Obligatory for him to be killed) التهذيب 68 /15 :7 30 من ال يحضره الفقي / 3: 31 Al Kafi V 5 The Book of Subsistence Ch 51 H 2 32 تفسير القم ي. 93 :1 16 out of 52
17 Allah azwj Nourishes the charity عن علي بن جعفر عن أخيه موسى عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»قال رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله(: إنه ليس شيء إ ل و قد وكل به ملك غري الصدقة فإن اهلل يأخذها بيده و يربيها كما يريب أحدكم ولده حىت يلقاها يوم القيامة و هي مثل احد«. From Ali asws son of Ja far asws, from his brother Musa asws, from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Rasool-Allah saww said: There is nothing except that an Angel has been Allocated with it, apart from the charity, for Allah azwj Takes it in His azwj Hands and Nourishes it, just as one of you nourishes his children, to the extent that on the Day of Judgement he would meet it and it would be like the (Mount) Ohad. 33 الشيخ: بإسناده عن أمحد بن حممد عن عثمان بن عيسى عن زرارة عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال: قلت له: مسعت اهلل يقول: مي ح ق الل ه الر با و ي ر ييب الص د قا ي ت و قد أرى من يأكل الربا يربو ماله! فقال:»أي حمق أحمق من درهم الربا ميحق الدين و إن تاب منه ذهب ماله و افتقر«. Al Sheykh, by his chain from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Usman Bin Isa, from Zurara, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I said to him asws, I heard Allah azwj Saying: Allah Obliterates the usury, and He Nourishes the charities [2:276], and I have seen the one who consumes the interest, his wealth is nourished (multiplied)! So he asws said: Which obliteration is more obliterating than a Dirham of interest Obliterating the Religion (of a person). And if he was to repent from it, his wealth would go away and he would be impoverished. 34 Reasons for the Prohibition of interest ي عد ة ي من أ ص ح ابين ا ع ن أ مح د ب ين أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ع ن ع ث م ان ب ين ي عيس ى ع ن مس اع ة ق ال ق ل ت ي ل ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) إي ي ر أ ي ت الل ه ت ع اىل ق د ذ ك ر الر ب ا ييف غ ري ي آي ة و ك ر ر ه ف ق ال أ و ت د يري ل ي ذ اك ق ل ت ل ق ال ل ي ئ ال مي ت ن ي ع الن اس ي م ين اص ي طن ايع ال م ع ر و ي ف. A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Abu Abdullah, form Usman Bin Isa, from Sama at who said, I said to Abu Abdullah asws, I see that Allah azwj the Exalted has Mentioned the interest in another Verse and Repeated it. So he asws said: Or do you know why that is so? I said, No. He asws said: Lest the people refrain from doing the good deeds. 35 يف عيون ا لخبار يف باب ماكتب الر ضا- عليه الس الم- إىل حمم د بن سنان يف جواب مسائله يف العلل و عل ة حترمي الربا: تفسير العي اشي 510 /153 :1 التهذيب 65 /15 :7 35 Al Kafi V 5 The Book of Subsistence Ch 51 H 7 17 out of 52
18 In Uyoon Al-Akhbar in the chapter of what Al-Reza asws wrote to Muhammad Bin Sinan, in answer to a question of his regarding the regarding the plague and the reason for the Prohibition of the interest: - ا ن ا هنى الل ه ملا فيه من فساد ا لموال. لن اإلنسان إذا اشرتى الد رهم بالد ر هني كان مثن الد رهم در ها و مثن اآلخر باطال فيقع الربا و اشرتاءه وكسا على كل حال على املشرتي و على البائع. But rather, Allah azwj Prohibited it due to what is therein from the corruption of the wealth, because the human being, when he buys the Dirham with two Dirhams, the price of the one Dirham would be two Dirhams, and the price of the other one is false, and the interest occurs, and buying it and clothing upon every state (is Prohibited) upon the buyer and upon the seller (giver of interest and the taker of it). فحظر الل ه تعاىل الربا لعل ة فساد ا لموال كما حظر على الس فيه أن يدفع إليه ماله مل ا يت و ف عليه من إفساده حىت يؤنس منه رشد. فلهذه العل ة حر م الل ه تعاىل الر با و بيع الد رهم بالد ر هني يدا بيد. Thus, Allah azwj the Exalted Prohibited the interest lest the wealth be corrupted, just as He azwj Prohibited upon the foolish one that his wealth be handed over to him, due to what is being feared upon him from its spoiling, until rationale is ensured from him. Therefore, due to this, Allah azwj the Exalted Prohibited the interest, and selling of the Dirham with two Dirhams, hand to hand. و عل ة حترمي الربا بعد البي نة ملا فيه من ا لست فاف با لرام احملر م. و هي كبرية بعد البيان و حترمي الل ه لا. و ل يكن ذلك منه إ ل است فافا باحملر م ا لرم. و ا لست فاف بذلك دخول يف الكفر. And the reason for the Prohibition of the interest after the clarification of what is therein from the taking lightly with the sanctity of the Prohibition, and it is a major sin after the clarification, and the Prohibition of Allah azwj for it. And that would not happen from him except by taking lightly with the sanctity of the Prohibition. And the taking lightly with that in entry into the Kufr. و عل ة حترمي الربا بالنسيئة لعل ة ذهاب املعروف و تلف ا لموال و رغبة الن اس يف الر بح و تركهم الفرض و صنائع املعروف و ما يف ذلك من الفساد و الظ لم و فناء ا لموال. And the reason for the Prohibition of the interest on credit is, lest the goodness would be removed, and the wealth would deteriorate, and the people would desire regarding the profit, and their neglecting of the opportunities (for trading), and the doing of the good works, and whatever is in that from the corruption and the injustices and the perishing of the wealth ( )1 ليون أخبار الرضا -93 / out of 52
19 The Inmates of the Fire الشيخ يف )أماليه(: بإسناده عن علي )عليه السالم( عن الن ب )صلى اهلل عليه و آله: أنه تال هذه اآلية: ف أ ولئ ي ك أ ص حاب الن اير ه م ف ي يها خال ي د ون قيل: يا رسول اهلل من أصحاب النار قال:»من قاتل عليا بعدي فأولئك أصحاب النار مع الكفار فقدكفروا با لق ملا جاءهم و إن عليا بضعة م ن فمن حاربه فقد حارب ن و أس ط ريب«. Al Sheykh in his Amaali, by his chain, (It has been narrated) from Ali asws, from the Prophet saww having recited this Verse so they are the inmates of the Fire, they would be in it eternally [2:275]. It was said to him saww, O Rasool-Allah saww! Who are the inmates of the Fire? He saww said: The one fights against Ali asws after me saww, so these are the inmates of the Fire along with the Infidels, so they would have disbelieve with the Truth when it came to them, and that Ali asws is a part from me saww. So the one who battles against him asws has battled against me saww and has Angered my saww Lord azwj. ث دعا عليا )عليه السالم( فقال:»يا علي حربك حريب و سلمك سلمي و أنت العلم فيما بي ن و بني أميت بعدي«. Then he saww called Ali asws, so he saww said: O Ali asws! Your asws war is my saww war, and your asws peace is my asws peace, and you asws are the Flag in what is between me saww and my saww community after me saww. 37 ]و يف الكايف عن أحد ها- عليهما الس الم. قال: إذا جحد إمامة أمري املؤمنني فأولئك أصحاب الن ار هم فيها خالدون.[ And in Al-Kafi from one of the two (5 th or 6 th Imam asws ) having said: When they rejected the Imamate of Amir Al-Momineen asws, so they are the inmates of the Fire, they would be in it eternally [2:275]. 38 VERSES إين ال ي ذين آم ن وا و ع ي مل وا الص ا ي ل ا ي ت و أ ق ام وا الص ال ة و آت و ا خ و ف ع ل ي يهم و ل ه م حي ز ن ون }277{ الز ك اة ل م أ ج ر ه م ي عن د ر هب ي م و ل Surely, those who are believing and doing righteous deeds, and establishing the Salat and giving the Zakāt, for them, their Recompense is with their Lord, and there shall neither be fear upon them nor would they be grieving [2:277] ي ا أ ي ه ا ال ي ذين آم ن وا ات ق وا الل ه و ذ ر وا م ا ب ي قي ي من الر ب ا إين ك ن ت م م ؤ ي من ي ني }278{ 37 األمالي 374 :1 ( )1 الكافي 429 /1 ح out of 52
20 O you those who are believing! Fear Allah and relinquish whatever remains (due) from the interest if you are Momineen [2:278] ف يإن ل ت ف ع ل وا ف أ ذ ن وا ي ب ر ب ي من الل ي ه و ر س ول يي ه و ل ت ظ ل م و ن }279{ ت ظ ل ي م و ن ل أ م و ال ي ك م ر ء و س ف ل ك م ت ب ت م و إين But if you don t do it, then be Notified of a war from Allah And His Rasool; and if you repent, so for you would be the capital of your wealth. Neither should you deal unjustly nor would you be Dealt with unjustly [2:279] عن أيب عمرو الزبريي From Abu Amro Al Zubeyri, قي عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم( قال:»إن التوبة مطهرة من دنس ا لطيئة قال تعاىل: يا أ ي ه ا ال ي ذين آم ن وا ات ق وا الل ه و ذ ر وا ما ب ي ي من الر با إين ك ن ت م م ؤ ي من ي ني - إىل قوله:- ت ظ ل ي م ون فهذا ما دعا اهلل إليه عباده من التوبة و وعد عليها من ثوابه فمن خالف ما أمر اهلل به من التوبة س ط اهلل عليه و كانت النار أوىل به و أحق«. (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: The repentance purifies from the filth of the sins. Allah azwj the High Says: O you those who are believing! Fear Allah and relinquish whatever remains (due) from the interest if you are Momineen [2:278] - up to His azwj Words nor would you be Dealt with unjustly [2:279]. 39 أبو علي الط بسي قال: روي عن الباقر )عليه السالم(:»أن الوليد بن املغرية كان يريب يف ا لاهلية و قد بقي له بقايا على ثقيف فأراد خالد بن الوليد املطالبة بعد أن أسلم فنزلت اآلية«. Abu Ali Al Tabarsy said, It has been reported from Al-Baqir asws having said: Al-Waleed Bin Al-Mugheira used to lend on interest during the pre-islamic period, and there had remain to him (the interest due) upon the (Clan of) Saqeef. So, Khalid Bin Waleed wanted to seek it after having become Muslim, and this Verse was Revealed. 40 ي عد ة ي من أ ص ح ابين ا ع ن أ مح د ب ين حم م ي د ب ين ع ي يس ى ع ين اب ين أ ييب ع م ري ع ن ي هش ايم ب ين س ا ي ل ع ن أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ق ا ل ي در ه م يرب ا أ ش د ي من س ب ع ي ني ز ن ي ة ك ل ه ا بيذ ا ي ت حم ر م. A number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, form Hisham Bin Salim, تفسير العي اشي 512 /153 :1 مجمع البيان. 673 :2 20 out of 52
21 (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: One Dirham of interest is more grievous than seventy adulteries, all of these being with the ones with sanctity (incestuous). 41 ل ع ين الر ج يل ي ك ون ل ه هيم ع ن أ بيي ي ه ع ين اب ين أ ييب ع م ري ع ن مح اد ع ين ا ل ل ي ب ع ن أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) ق ال س ئ ي ع ل ي ي ب ن إيب ر ا ي ب ي قي ت ه أ و ي ق ول ان ق د ي ب ع ض ه ي ي ه غ يرمي ه ف ي ق ول ان ق د ي ك ذ ا و ك ذ ا و أ ض ع ع ن ك و أ م د ل ك ييف ا ل ج يل ف ي يم ا د ي ن إيىل أ ج ل م س م ى ف ي أ ت ب ي قي ع ل ي ك ق ال ل أ ر ى بي ي ه ب أ سا إين ه ل ي ز د د ع ل ى ر أ يس م ال يي ه ق ال الل ه ع ز و ج ل ف ل ك م ر ؤ س أ م وال ي ك م ل ت ظ ل ي م ون و ل ت ظ ل م ون. Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hammad, from Al Halby, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws, said, He asws was asked about the man who happened to have a debt upon him to a specified term. So his creditor came to him and he said, Pay me back such and such (an amount), and I shall write off the remainder from you, or extend for you the term regarding what remains upon you. He asws said: I asws do not see any problem with it. It does not increase upon the capital of his wealth. Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says Neither should you deal unjustly nor would you be Dealt with unjustly [2:279]. 42 علي بن إبراهيم: سبب نزو لا أنه ملا أنزل اهلل: ال ي ذين ي أ ك ل ون الر با ل ي ق وم ون إي ل ك ما ي ق وم ال ي ذي ي ت ب ط ه الش ي طان ي من ال م س قام خالد بن الوليد إىل رسول اهلل )صلى اهلل عليه و آله( و قال: يا رسول اهلل أرىب أيب يف ثقيف و قد أوصاي عند موته بأخذه. Ali Bin Ibrahim The reason for the Revelation of it is that, when Allah azwj Revealed: Those who are consuming the interest are not standing except as the standing of those whom the Satan has confused him from the craze [2:275], Khalid Bin Waleed stood up to Rasool-Allah saww and said, O Rasool-Allah saww! My father lent on interest in among (the Clan of) Saqeyf and he had bequeathed to me during his death with taking it. فأنزل اهلل تبارك و تعاىل: يا أ ي ه ا ال ي ذين آم ن وا ات ق وا الل ه و ذ ر وا ما ب ي قي ي من الر با إين ك ن ت م م ؤ ي من ي ني ف يإن ل ت ف ع ل وا ف أ ذ ن وا ي ب ر ب ي م ن الل ي ه و ر س ول يي ه. فقال:»من أخذ من الربا وجب عليه القتل وكل من أرىب وجب عليه القتل«. So Allah azwj the Exalted Revealed: O you those who are believing! Fear Allah and relinquish whatever remains (due) from the interest if you are Momineen [2:278] But if you don t do it, then be Notified of a war from Allah And His Rasool [2:279]. So he saww said: The one who takes from the interest the killing is obligated upon him, and everyone who lends on interest, the killing is obligated upon him (i.e.- Obligatory for him to be killed). 43 الش يخ: بإس ناده ع ن ا لس ني ب ن س عيد ع ن اب ن أيب عم ري ع ن مح اد ب ن عثم ان ع ن ا لل ب ق ال: السالم(:»كل الربا أكله الناس جبهالة ث تابوا فإنه يقبل منهم إذا عرف منهم التوبة«. قال أبو عبد اهلل )عليه 41 تفسير القم ي. 93 :1 42 Al Kafi V 5 The Book of Subsistence Ch 122 H 4 43 تفسير القم ي. 93 :1 21 out of 52
22 Al Sheykh, by his chain, from Al Husayn Bin Saeed, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Hamad Bin Usman, from Al Halby who said, Abu Abdullah asws said: Every interest consumed by the people in ignorance, then they repent, so it would be Accepted from them when the repentance is recognised from them. و قال:»لو أن رجال ورث من أبيه ما ل و قد عرف أن يف ذلك املال ربا و لكن اختلط يف التجارة بغريه فإنه له حالل طيب فليأكله و إن عرف منه شيئا معزو ل أنه ربا فليأخذ رأس ماله و لريد الزيادة«. And he asws said: If a man were to inherit wealth from his father, and he has recognised that in that wealth there is interest, but it has been mixed up in the business, so it would be Permissible for him, good for him to consume it. And if he recognises anything from it as isolated that it is interest, so let him take the capital of his wealth and let him return the additional. 44 VERSE 280 و إين ك ان ذ و ع س ر ة ف ن ي ظر ة إيىل ت ع ل م و ن ك ن ت م إين ل ك م خ ي ر ت ص د ق وا و أ ن م ي س ر ة }280{ And if he (the borrower) was in straightness, so (let there be) postponement until ease; and if you (write it off) as charity it would be better for you, if you were knowing [2:280] ا ل س ين ب ين ا ل س ين ع ن أ ييب ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه ي عد ة ي من أ ص ح ابين ا ع ن س ه يل ب ين يزي اد ع ين ا ل س ين ب ين حم ب وب ع ن حي ي ب ين ع ب ي د الل ي ه ب ين ذ ات ي و م ف ح ي مد الل ه و أ ث ن ع ل ي ي ه و ص ل ى ع ل ى أ ن بيي ائ يي ه ص ل ى الل ه السالم ) ق ال ص ع ي د ر س ول الل ي ه ( صلى اهلل عليه وآله ) ال ي من ب ر ع ل ي يهم ث ق ال أ ي ه ا الن اس ل ي ي ب ل يغ الش ا ي هد ي من ك م ال غ ائ ي ب أ ل و م ن أ ن ظ ر م ع ي سرا ك ان ل ه ع ل ى الل ي ه ع ز و ج ل ييف ك ل ي و م ص د ق ة ي ب ي ث يل م ال يي ه ح ىت ي س ت و ف يي ه A number of our companions, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Al Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Yahya Bin Abdullah Bin Al Hassan Bin Al Hassan, (It has been narrated) from Abu Abdullah asws having said: Rasool-Allah saww ascended the Pulpit one day, so he saww Praised Allah azwj and Extolled upon Him azwj and sent Blessings upon His azwj Prophets as, then said: O you people! Let the ones present make it to reach the ones who are absent. Indeed! And the one who respites an insolvent one would have a charity for him upon Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic with similar to his wealth until he pays it back. 44 التهذيب 70 /16 :7 22 out of 52
23 م ي س رة و أ ن ت ص د ق وا خ ي ر ل ك م إين ك ن ت م ت ع ل م ون أ ن ه م ع يس ر ث ق ال أ ب و ع ب ي د الل ي ه ( عليه السالم ) و إين كان ذ و ع س ر ة ف ن ي ظر ة إيىل ف ت ص د ق وا ع ل ي ي ه ي ب ال ي ك م ف ه و خ ي ر ل ك م. Then, Abu Abdullah asws said: And if he (the borrower) was in straightness, so (let there be) postponement until ease; and if you (write it off) as charity it would be better for you, if you were knowing [2:280], that he is insolvent. So your giving in charity upon him with your wealth is better for you. 45 حم م د ب ن حي ي ع ن حم م ي د ب ين ا ل س ني ي ع ن حم م ي د ب ين س ل ي م ان ع ن ر ج ل ي من أ ه يل ا ل يزير ةي ي ك ن أ ب ا حم م د ق ال س أ ل الر ض ا ( عليه السالم ) ر ج ل و أ ن ا أ مس ع ف ق ال ل ه ج ع ي ل ت ف ي د اك إين الل ه ع ز و ج ل ي ق ول و إين كان ذ و ع س ر ة ف ن ي ظر ة إيىل م ي س ر ة أ خ ي ب ي ع ن ه ي ذه ي الن ي ظر ةي ال ييت أ ن ي نت ظ ر ي ت ابي ي ه ل ا ح د ي ع ر ف إيذ ا ص ار ه ذ ا ال م ع ي سر إيل ي ي ه ل ب د ل ه ي من و ق د أ خ ذ م ال ه ذ ا الر ج يل و ذ ك ر ه ا الل ه ع ز و ج ل ييف ك أ ن ف ق ه ع ل ى ع ي ي ال يي ه و ل ي س ل ه غ ل ة ي ن ت ظ ر إيد ر اك ه ا و ل د ي ن ي ن ت ظ ر حم ي ل ه و ل م ال غ ائ ي ب ي ن ت ظ ر ق د وم ه Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Al Husayn, from Muhammad Bin Suleyman, from a man from the people of Al Jazeera (Algeria) teknonymed as Abu Muhammad who said, A man asked Al-Reza asws and I was listening, so he said to him asws, May I be sacrificed for you asws! Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic is Saying And if he (the borrower) was in straightness, so (let there be) postponement until ease [2:280]. Inform me about this postponement which Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic has Mentioned it in His azwj Book. Is there a limit by which it can be recognised until when this one can postpone upon the straitened one, and he has taken the wealth of this man, and spent it upon his family, and there is produce he is waiting for its harvest, nor a debt awaiting its term of collection, nor any unknown wealth he is waiting to come to him? ق ال ن ع م ي ن ت ظ ر بيق د ير م ا ي ن ت يهي خ ب ر ه إيىل اإل يم ايم ف ي ق ي ضي ع ن ه م ا ع ل ي ي ه ي من س ه يم ال غ اير ي مني إيذ ا ك ان أ ن ف ق ه ييف ط اع ي ة الل ي ه ع ز و ج ل ف يإ ن ش يء ي يف م ع ي صي ي ة الل ي ه ف ال ل ه ع ل ى اإل يم ايم ك ان ق د أ ن ف ق ه He asws said: Yes. He should postpone by a measurement of what its news would end up to the Imam asws, so he asws would pay it on his behalf whatever is upon him, from the share of the creditors, if he had spent it in obedience to Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic. So if he had spent it in disobedience to Allah azwj, so there is nothing for him upon the Imam asws. م ع ي صي ت يي ه ق ال ي س ع ى ل ه ييف م ال يي ه ف ي ر د ه ع ل ي يه و ي ل ذ ا الر ج يل ال ي ذي ائ ت م ن ه و ه و ل ي ع ل م ف ي يم ا أ ن ف ق ه ييف ط اع ي ة الل ي ه أ م ييف ه و ق ل ت ف م ا ص ا ي غر. I said, So what is for this man who entrusted him, and he does not know regarding what he has spent it, in obedience to Allah azwj or in the disobedience to Him azwj? 45 Al Kafi V 4 The Book of Zakat Ch 73 H 4 23 out of 52
(141) Ziyara [119] of lady Fatima al-ma ssooma (s) Peace be upon Adam, the choice of peace be upon Noah, the prophet of peace be upon Ibraheem (Abraham), the friend of peace be upon Musa (Moses), the speaker
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ح د يث ا لك س اء HADEETH OF THE CLOAK ب س م هللا الر ح من الر ح يم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH AZWJ THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL ع ن ج ابر بن ع ب د اهلل األن ص اري ع ن ف اط م ة الز هراء ع ل يه ا الس الم ب نت ر
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Gulf Bank K.S.C.P
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قررت وزارة التعليم تدري س هذا الكتاب وطبعه على نفقتها الريا ضيات لل صف االأول االبتدائي الف صل الدرا سي الثاين كتاب التمارين قام بالت أاليف والمراجعة
قررت وزارة التعليم تدري س هذا الكتاب وطبعه على نفقتها الريا ضيات لل صف االأول االبتدائي الف صل الدرا سي الثاين كتاب التمارين قام بالت أاليف والمراجعة فريق من المتخ ص صين طبعة 9 0 ه 08 09 م ح وزارة التعليم
Microsoft Word - Chapter 13 Adjectives.doc
Chapter الصفات والا حوال Adjectives and Adverbs الصفة آلمة تصف الاسماء وموقعها في الجملة في عدة اماآن وهي :- الصفات Adjectives (adj) (n) - She is a good student. - I am going to a new university next year.
AET0 and AET1 Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Tripos, Part IA and Part IB Thursday 8 June 2017 1.30 to 4.30 pm Paper MES1 Elementary Arabic Language A Answer all questions. Write your number not your
( تولى الخالفة في الثاني عشر من ربيع األول عام 11 ه ) نظم خادم السلف ».«رواه البخاري ومسلم ي ا م س ر ع ا م س ت ر ج ع ا و ه و ش خ ب ر و ف اة أ بي ب ك ر ج اء ب اك ل م ا س م ع ع لي ي ق ول : ال ي و م ان ق
افتتاحية العدد
العمليات العسكرية لدول احللفاء واحملور فوق األرض الليبية 539 5 حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد 4 )إبريل يونيه 24( أدريس عبدالصادق رحيل حممود Military Operations OF Allied and Axis Countries on the Libyan
جامعة الأزهر
جامعة األزهر حولية كلية اللغة العربية بنني جبرجا اجحياح الؼاهية للفصحى يف وسائل اإلػالم ادلزئية ادلظاهز واآلثار وسثل ادلىاجهة الدكتورة صابرين مهدي علي أبو الريش العدد الثامن عشر للعام 5341 ه / 4153 م اجلسء
1 اهلل ال ح س ن ى ماء أ س م ن ظ و مة في للشيخ العالمة زيد بن محمد بن ىادي المدخلي رحمو اهلل - 2 . اهلل رحمن ر حيم غاف ر...وحاف ظ ح ي ح ليم ناص ر. وخال ق وبار ئ م ه يم ن...ثم ل طيف م حس ن وم ؤ م ن. وم ان
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1 Financial Aid System Documentation - eservice E-serviceخطوات التقديم لنظام المساعدات عبر ال 2 خطوات التقديم لنظام المساعدات Steps to apply for financial aid 1 Login to the portal
اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األسال
اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األساليب: كل االساليب االمالء: من الدروس المذاكرة من الكتاب
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Qanoon player Furat Qaddouri and his group present Baghdady Maqams Baghdadi Maqam s project; introducing a new perspective of Iraqi maqam. The Iraqi M
Qanoon player Furat Qaddouri and his group present Baghdady Maqams Baghdadi Maqam s project; introducing a new perspective of Iraqi maqam. The Iraqi Maqam is considered to be one of the most important
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. belgac
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : 3223-1235 اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. Abstract:
السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 2015 starting from April تهديگم شرگة ال
السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام 20 ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 20 starting from April تهديگم شرگة الراي العالمية للدعاية واإلعالن اطيب التحيات ونشگرگم على دعمگم
VATP004 VAT Public Clarification Use of Exchange Rates for VAT purposes توضيح عام بشأن ضريبة القيمة المضافة استخدام أسعار الصرف لغايات ضريبة القيمة ال
VATP004 VAT Public Clarification Use of Exchange Rates for VAT purposes توضيح عام بشأن ضريبة القيمة المضافة استخدام أسعار الصرف لغايات ضريبة القيمة المضافة Issue Article 69 of Federal Decree-Law No. (8)
RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Information Directorate غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إدارة الدراسات والمعلومات 1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم
1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم تجارة دولة اإلمارات مع الدول العربية حققت التجارة اإلجمالية للدولة مع بقية الدول العربية زيادة سنوية مقدارها %2 تقريبا حيث شكلت الواردات الجزء األكبر من هذه التجارة وتبقى الزيادة
Template for Program Curriculum Structure
ACADEMIC PROGRAM CURRICULUM STRUCTURE FORM خطة البرنامج األكاديمي Submitted by مقدم من Education كلية التربية Psychological Sciences/ Educational Sciences Name of Department / Academic Unit THE ACADEMIC