Chapter 44 Sura Al Dukhan
- باهرة ربيعة
- منذ 5 سنوات سابقة
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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER AL-DUKHAN... 2 (59 VERSES)... 2 VERSES MERITS... 2 VERSE VERSE VERSES The esoteric explanation... 4 The Night of Pre-determination (Laylat Al Qadr)... 5 Special Proclamation of Laylat Al-Qadr... 7 The delegations of the Pilgrims of Hajj are Pre-determined... 8 VERSES VERSES VERSES VERSE VERSES 30 & Meaning of The Children of Israel Exoteric Meaning Esoteric Meaning VERSE VERSES VERSES VERSES VERSES out of 29
2 CHAPTER 44 AL-DUKHAN (59 VERSES) VERSES 1-59 ب س م الل ه الر ح م ن الر ح يم MERITS بب»من ب:ن بانيلدبامنيف بربئبه ا نن بلب ياهين اببعنن بانيبمن با مهن بهني ب عفن بعليهن بام(ن ابن ببببيهن بببنانهب قاب:نبلبب:نبلب بنيب امقهبمةبحتتبل ش ابلبحباب بح(ببببه(رياابلب لطبقبكتبب ببهمهه «. Ibn Babuwayh, by his chain, said, Abu Ja far asws said: The one who recites Surah Al-Dukhan in either his Obligatory or in his optional (Salat), Allah azwj would Resurrect him among the secured ones on the Day of Judgement under His azwj Throne, and Reckon him with an easy Reckoning, and Give him his book in his right hand. 1 لبم بع ياصبامق آر ببلليبل بامهيببعصيىبانيبليه بلبآم ب ب:بلبب»م ب: بهذقبام(يلدبكبربم بم باأل ببعيف بكلبح فب مههببمب ةب مفبل:بةبلتهقاب And from Khawas Al-Quran It has been reported from the Prophet saww having said: The one who recites this Chapter (Surah Al-Dukhan), would have for him the Recompense of freeing one hundred thousand slaves for every letter from it. لبم ب: هببمهيةباجلمعةبغف بانيبم بمجهعبذ يب ب And one who recites it on the night (before) Friday (Thursday Night), Allah azwj would Forgive all of his sins. لبم بكتبهببلبليقهببليه ب م بم بكهيفبامشهبط ب And one who writes it and attaches it (as an amulet) upon himself, would be safe from the plots of Satan la. لبم ب عيهببحتتبل ا بل ىبئبمهبم بكلب ريابلب م بم ب:يق بئباميهلب 1 ثواب األعمال: out of 29
3 And one who makes it to be under his head would dream everything good, and would be safe from worry during the night. لبإذابش ببمبءهببصبحببامشقهقةبب ىبءب And if its water is drunk by the one with migraine, he would be free from it. لبإذابكتبتبلب عيتبئبميضعبهه بجتبلدبلبحبصبحببامليضعابلبكن بمبم با هعب«. And if it is written and made to be in a place where trading takes place, the owner of the place would profit and his wealth would increase quickly. 2 لب:بلبامصب قبعليه بام( بب»من بكتبهنببلبليقهنببليهن ب من بمن بشن بكنلبمينمابلبكنبربمهببنببئبل ن بكنلبمن بهيقنبقابلب بيبنبب لهيفبامهبسب And Al-Sadiq asws said: One who writes it and hangs it upon himself (as an amulet), would be safe from the evil of every king, and he would be beloved in the face of everyone who meets him, and a beloved one with the people. لبإذابش ببمبءهبب فعبم با عصبلبامبط ابلباهلباملخ جببنذرباني«.ب And when he drinks its water, he would benefit from the retention of the belly and it would ease the excretion by the Permission of Allah azwj. 3 VERSE 1 ب حمب} 1 { Ha Meem! [44:1] ئبكتبببمعبينباال ببلببباهب قبإىلبافهبربب باعهيفبامنيليبل بامصب قبليه بام( بحيفهثبطيهلبهقيلبهه بليه بام( بل مبب حمبهمعهبقباحلمهيفباجملهيف. In the Book Ma any Al-Akhbar, by his chain going up to Sufyan Bin Saeed Al-Sowry, who has reported: Al-Sadiq asws a lengthy Hadeeth in which he asws is saying: And as for: Ha Meem 4. (المجيد) the Glorious One,(الحميد) [44:1], so its Meaning is - The Praised One )خواص القرآن( 2 3 خواص القرآن: 7»مخطوط» 4 Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn CH 46 H 3 3 out of 29
4 VERSE 2 ل ام ك ت بب بام م ب ب} 2 { (I Swear) by the Clarifying Book [44:2] ميفبب بهعقيبببل ب محيفبب بمه ارابلبلييبب بإب اههمابمجهعبابل ب ميفبب بلييابل باحل( بب بلاشيفابل بهعقيببب ب عف بب بإب اههماب:بلب يبباحل( بمياىبعليه بام( :بل لب مببامكتببباملب بههيب مريباملؤمه بلييبعليه بام( ا Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ahmad Bin Mahran and Ali Bin Ibrahim altogether, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Al Hassan Bin Rashid, from Yaqoub Bin Ja far who said, Abu Al-Hassan Musa asws said: And as for the: Clarifying Book [44:2], so it is Amir- Al-Momineen asws. إ بب ن ز م ه بق بئ بم هن ي ة بم ب بل ك ة ب بإ ببك ه ببم ه ذ ل ه ب} 3 { VERSES 3-5 Surely, We Revealed during a Blessed Night. Surely, We are ever Warning [44:3] ه هه ببهن ف ق بك ل ب م بح ك هم ب} 4 { During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4] م ابم بل ه يف بب بإ ببك ه ببم ا ي ب} 5 { As a Command from Us. Surely, We are ever Sending [44:5] The esoteric explanation منيفببن بهعقنيبببلن ب محنيفببن بمهن ارابلبلينيببن بإبن اههمابمجهعنبابلن ب منيفببن بلينيابلن باحل(ن ببن بلاشنيفابلن بهعقنيبببن ب عفنن ببنن بإبنن اههماب:ننبلببكهننتبلهننيفب يبباحل(نن بمياننىبعليهنن بام(نن ابإذب ضننبقبل ننلب صنن اينابلب نن بمعنن ببننبمع ه ابهقننبلبمنن ب امهصنن اينببإينب اننأممب صنني مباني ب:ننبلبب»اننل«اب:ننبلبب نننينبلنن بامكتننبببامننذيب ننزلبليننىب مننيفابلب طننقببنن ب بلصننف ب ننبب لصف ابهقبلببحمبل بام ك تبب بام م ب ن بإ ن بب ن ز م هنبق بئ بم هن ي نة بم ببل ك نة بإ ن ببك ه نببم ه نذ ل ه به ههنببهن ف ن ق بك نل ب م ن بح ك نهم بمنببضف(نريهببئبامبنبط ب هقبلبب» مببحمبههيب ميفبعصيىبانيبليه بلبآم ابلبهيبئبكتبببهي بامذيبا زلبليه ابلبهيبمهقيصباحلن لفابلب منببامكتنببب 4 out of 29
5 املب بههيب مريباملؤمه بلينيبعليهن بام(ن ابلب منبباميهينةبهفبطمنةبعليههنببام(ن ابلب منبب:يمن بضعنبىلببه ههنببهن ف ن ق بك نل ب ب م ن بح ك نهم ب هقيلببخي جبمههبب ريبكنريابه لبحكهمابلبل لبحكهمابلبل لبحكهم«. Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ahmad Bin Mahran, and Ali Bin Ibrahim altogether, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Al-Hassan Bin Rashid, from Yaqoub Bin Ja far Bin Ibrahim who said, I was in the presence of Abu Al-Hassan Musa asws, when a Christian man came up, and we were with him asws. So the Christian said to him asws, May Allah azwj Keep you asws well, can I ask you asws? He asws said: Ask. He said, Inform me about the Book which was Revealed unto Muhammad saww, and he saww spoke by it, then described what he saww described, so He azwj Said: Ha Meem! [44:1] (I Swear) by the Clarifying Book [44:2] Surely We Revealed during a Blessed Night. Surely We are ever Warning [44:3] During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4], what is its esoteric explanation? هقبلبب» مببحمبههيب ميفبعصيىبانيبليه بلبآم ابلبهيبئبكتبببهي بامذيبا زلبليه ابلبهيبمهقيصباحل لفاب So he asws said: As for: Ha Meem! [44:1] - So it is Muhammad saww, and it is in the Book of Hud as which was Revealed unto him as, and these are Abbreviated Letters. لب مببامكتببباملب بههيب مريباملؤمه بلييبعليه بام( اب And as for: (I Swear) by the Clarifying Book [44:2], so it is Amir-Al-Momineen asws. لب مبباميهيةبهفبطمةبعليههببام( اب And as for: the (Blessed) Night [44:3] - so it is (Syeda) Fatima asws. لب مبب:يم بضعبىلببه ههببهن ف ق بك ل ب م بح ك هم بهقيلببخي جبمههبب ريبكنريابه لبحكهمابلبل لبحكهمابلبل لبحكهم«. And as for the Words of the Exalted: During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4], He azwj is Saying: A lot of good comes out from it, so it is a wise man asws, and a wise man asws, and a wise man asws (The Imams asws ). 5 The Night of Pre-determination (Laylat Al Qadr) حيفثهببامحيفبب ب ميفبل بلم ب بلبيفبامعزهزبل بهي سبل باحل ثبب باملغريدبامبص يبلل بلم لبل بابن با بلمنريبلمن بللاقبلن ب هشب ب:بلب:يتباليببلبيفبانيبليه بام( ب:يلبانيبضعبىلبئبكتبب بهههببهف قبكلبام بحكهمب:بلبضيمبمهيةبامقيفلبهكتببهههنببلهنيفب احلبجبلمببهكيربهههببم بطبلةب لبمعصهةب لبميتبالحهيدبلحييفثبانيبئباميهلبلامههبلبلمببهشبءب بهيقه بإىلبصبحببااللضب It has been narrated to us Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Umar Bin Abdul Aziz, from Yunus, from Al- Hars Bin Al-Mugheira Al-Basry, and from Amro, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Haashim who said: 5 (Extract) الكافي 4 /398 :1 5 out of 29
6 I said to Abu Abdullah asws the Words of Allah azwj in His azwj Book: During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4], he asws said: That is the Night of Predetermination (Laylat Al Qadr). During it, He azwj Writes down the delegation of the Pilgrims (of Hajj), and what is going to happen during it from obedience or disobedience, or death or life, and Allah azwj Makes events to take place in the night and the day whatsoever that He azwj so Desires, then He azwj Delivers it to the Master asws of the Earth. :بلباحل ثبب باملغريدبامبص يب:يتبلم بصبحببااللضب:بلبصبحبكم. Al-Hars Bin Al-Mugheira Al-Basry said, I said, And who is the Master of the earth? He asws said: Your Master (Imam asws ). 6 حيفثهببايمةبب باخلطببب:بلبحيفثهببلبيفبانيبب ب ميفبل بلبيفبانيبب بامقبامبل ب ميفبب بمح ارببل با بلبيفبانيبليهن بام(ن ب :بلب:يتبم باربامهبسبهقيميرباربمهيةبامهصفبم بشعببربضكتببهه باال بلبلضق(مبهه بااللزاقبلخت جبصكبكباحلبجب It has been narrated to us Salmat Bin Al-khataab, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad, from Abdullah Bin Al-Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Hamraan, who has reported: I said to Abu Abdullah asws that the people are saying that the night of the middle of Shaban, the terms (life-spans), and the sustenance are distributed during it, and the details of the Pilgrims come out. هقنبلبمنببلهننيف ببئبهنذابشنذبلمكنن بإذابكب نتبمهينةبض(ننعبلشن بمنن بشنه بلمننبربهكتننببهههنبباال نبلبلهق(ننمبهههنببااللزاقبلخينن جب صكبكباحلبجبلهطيعبانيبليىب يق به بهبقىبمؤم باالبغف بم باالبشبلببم(ك ب He asws said: There is nothing with us asws regarding this thing, but if it was the Night of the nineteenth of the month of Ramazan, He azwj Writes down during it the terms (lifespans), and He azwj Distributes the sustenance during it, and Brings out the details of the Pilgrims, and Allah azwj Proclaims to His azwj creation: There will not remain a Momin, but I azwj will Forgive him except for the drinker of intoxicants. هنذابكب تبمهيةبثيثبللش ه بهههببهف قبكلبام بحكهمبامنبقب باهنبقب So when it was the night of the twenty third, During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4], and dealt with, then completed. :بلب:يتبإىلبم ب عيتبهيفاكبهقبلبإىلبصبحبكمبلميالبذممبملبهعيمبمببهكيربئبضيمبام(هة. He (the narrator) said, I said, To whom (is it made distinct), may I be sacrificed for you asws? He asws said: To your Master asws, and had it not been for that, he asws would not know what would be happening during that year 7. 6 Basaair Al-Darajaat P 5 CH 3 H 4 7 Basaair Al-Darajaat P 5 CH 3 H 11 6 out of 29
7 لبله ببهبذاباإلاهب ابل ب يبب عف بعليه بام( اب:بلبب»:بلبانيبلزبلب لبئبمهيةبامقيفلببه ههببهن ف ق بك ل ب م بح ك هم ب And from him by this chain from: Abu Ja far asws said: Allah azwj Says in the Night of Predestination (Laylat al-qadr) During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4]. هقيلببههزلبهههببكلب م بحكهمابلباحملكمبمهسببشهئ ابإمنببهيبشيبءبلاحيفابهم بحكمب ببمهسبهه با ت فبه كم بم بحكمب انيبلزبلب لابلبم بحكمببأم بهه با ت فبه ىب بمصهببهقيفبحكمبحبكمبامطبغيتابإ بمههزلبئبمهيةبامقيفلبإىلببليلباألم ب ضف(ريباألميلباهةباهةا He asws said: During it Descends the Command for each matter, and there is never single Command for two things, but rather each thing has its own Order. (Thus) anyone who issues an order which is not different, so his order would be from the Orders of Allah azwj and the one who issues an order in which there is discrepancy believing that one to be correct would have issued the order of the tyrant. These have Come down during the Night of Predestination (Laylat Al-Qadr) to the Master asws of the Command (Wali Al-Amr asws ) explaining the matters, year by year. هؤم بهههببئب م ب ف( ببكذابلبكذاابلبئب م بامهبسببكذابلبكذاابلبإ بمه يفثبمييلباألم بايىبذممبكلبهي بمن بلينمبانيبلنزب ذك قباخلبصبلباملكهيربامعجهبباملخزلربمنلبمببههزلبئبضيمباميهيةبم باألم «ب He asws is Commanded during it regarding himself asws for such and such, and regarding the matters of the people for such and such, and it happens to the Master asws of the Command (Wali Al-Amr asws ) like that every day from the Knowledge of Allah azwj, Mighty is His Mention azwj, the special, and the hidden, and what a wonderful treasure (it is) the like of which has Come down in that Night from the commands. بل ز هز بح ك هم. ب: بل بم ي ب ر بمببئ باأل ل ض بم بش ج د ب : بل بام ب ب ي يف ق بم ببن ع يف ق با بن ع ة ب حب بمبب ف يف بت بك ي مبت بامي بإ ر بامي Then he asws recited: And even if every tree in the earth was a pen and the oceans to ink it, from after it seven (more) oceans, the Words of Allah would not be depleted. Surely, Allah is Mighty, Wise [31:27]. 8 Special Proclamation of Laylat Al-Qadr ئبهتذهبباالحكب ب بيبامصببحبامكهبىنبل با بلبيفبانيبليهن بام(ن ب:نبلببإذابكنبربمهينةبامقنيفلبلهههنببهفن قبكنلبامن بحكنهمب نب ىب مهب ابضيمباميهيةبم ببطهبربامع شبباربانيبضعبىلب:يفبغف بمل باضىب:نباحل( بليه بام( بئبهذقباميهية. In Tehzeeb Al-Ahkaam, Abu Al-Sabaah Al-kanany, who has said: (الكافي (. 3 /192 :1 8 7 out of 29
8 Abu Abdullah asws said: Whenever it is the Night of Pre-determination (Laylat Al- Qadr), During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4], a Caller calls out during that night from the middle of the Throne: Surely, Allah azwj has Forgiven the one who came to the grave of Al-Husayn asws during this night. 9 The delegations of the Pilgrims of Hajj are Pre-determined له ابل ب به ابل بلببسببن بلنبم اب:نبلببحنيفثدب منيفببن بحينيباخلنعمنيابلن بلبنيفبامن حهمبامقصنريابلن ب يببلبنيفبانيبع ب:نبلبب اأم بحفصباالليلبل بب مسعبهقبلبب عيينبانيبهيفاكبمبب:يلبانيب"بلنيبليىبامهبسبحجبامبهتابم بااتطب بإمه بابه ب" ب-ب From him, from his father, from Abbas Bin Aamir, from Muhammad Bin Yahya Al Khash amy, from Abdul Raheem Al Qasyer, From Abu Abdullah asws, said: Hafs Al-Owr asked him, and I was listening, so he said, May Allah azwj Make me to be sacrificed for you asws! What about the Words of Allah azwj : And for the Sake of Allah, Hajj of the House is incumbent upon the people for the one who has the capacity for a way to it [3:97]? :بلببذممبامقيدبئباملبلبلامه(بلاب:بلبهبربكب يابميا ه بههمبمم به(تطهعبإمه بام(بهل ب-ب:بلبب عما He asws said: That is the strength of the wealth and the richness. He said, So if he was from the rich ones, so they would be from, the one who has the capacity for a way to it [3:97]? He asws said: Yes. هقبلبم باب باهببةاببيغهنببلن ب يبب عفن بع ب ن بكنبربهقنيلببهكتنببلهنيفباحلنبجابهقطنعبك من بهقنبلببكنبرب يببهقنيلببهكتبنيربئب اميهيةباميتب:بلبانيبب"بهههببهف قبكلب م بحكهمب م ابم بلهيف بب"ب So Ibn Sayaba said to him asws, It has reached us from Abu Ja far asws that he asws was saying: The delegations for Hajj are Pre-determined. So he asws cut off his speech. Then he asws said: My asws father asws was saying: It is Pre-determined during the Night for which Allah azwj has Said: During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4] As a Command from Us [44:5]. :بلببهبربملبهكتببئبضيمباميهيةبه(تطهعباحلج ب-ب:بلببالابمعبذبانياب He said, So if it is not Pre-determined during that Night, one would not have capacity (to perform) Hajj? He asws said: No, Allah azwj Forbid! هتكيمبحفصبب بابملبهقبلببم(تبم ب صيمتكمبئبشذبهكذاباالم. 9 Tafseer Noor Al-Saqalayn Ch 97 H 9 8 out of 29
9 Hafs Bin Salim spoke (in argument), so he asws said: It isn t for you to argue regarding a thing. Like this, is the matter! 10 ل ي ي بب بإ بن اه هم بل ب ب ه بل باب ب يب بل م ري بل بل م بب ب ذ هن ه ة بل بام ف ن ه ل بل بز ب ل ال د بل ب م يف بب بم ( ي م بل بمح ار ب با أ ل ب ب بب ع ف ب عبليهن بام(ن ب بل ن ب:ن ني ل بامي ن بل نز بل ب نل بإ ن بب ن ز م هنبق بئ بم هن ي نة بم ببل ك نة ب: نبل ب ن ع نم بم هن ي نة بام ق نيف ل ببل به ني بئ بك نل با نه ة بئ بش نه بل م ن نبر بئ ب ام ع ش باأل ل ا بهن ي م بهن هن ز ل بام ق آر بإ ال بئ بم هن ي ة بام ق يف ل ب Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Umar Bin Azina, from Al Fuzayl, and Zurara, and Muhammad Bin Muslim, From Humran who asked Abu Ja far asws about the Words of Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic: Surely We Revealed during a Blessed Night. Surely We are ever Warning [44:3]. He asws said: Yes. The Night of Pre-determination (Laylat al-qadr). And it (occurs) during every year in a Month of Ramazan, during the last ten days. So the Quran was not Revealed except during the Night of Pre-determination. ب بء به ك نير بئ بض ي نم بام( نه ة بإ ىل بم ن ي ه نببم ن ب: بب نل ب نري بل ب بل ز بل ب ل به ههببهن ف ق بك ل ب م بح ك هم ب: بل بهن ق يف ل بئ بم هن ي ة بام ق يف ل بك ل بش ني : بل بامي ش بل بط بل ة بل بم ع ص ه ة بل بم ي م ي بل ب ل ب ل بل ز ق به م ببب: يف ل بئ بض ي م بام( ه ة بل ب: ن ي بهن ه ي بام م ت ي بل بم ي بل ز بل ب ل به ه بام م ش هئ ة ب He asws said: Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Says: During it, every wise matter is made distinct [44:4]. During the Night of Pre-determination, everything is Predetermined, which is to transpire during that year up to its similar (night) from the coming year, be it good or evil, and obedience, and disobedience, and births, and terms (life-spans), or livelihoods. So, whatever is Determined during that year, and Ordained, so it is the inevitable, and for Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic therein is the Desire. ب بء بل ين بب ذ م م ب : بل ب:ن ي ت بم هن ي ة بام ق يف ل ب هن بم ب م ف بش ه ب ي بش ي He (the narrator) said, I said, The Night of Pre-determination is better than a thousand months [97:3]. Which thing is Meant by that? هن ق بل بام ع م ل بامص بم ح بهب هه ببم بامص د بل بامز ك بد بل ب ن ي ا باخل ري ب هن بم بام ع م ل بئ ب م ف بش ه بم ه س به هه ببم هن ي ة بام ق بيف ل ب So he asws said: The righteous deeds therein, from the Salat, and the Zakat, and the variety of the goodness, is better than the deed during a thousand months wherein is not Night of Pre-determination. بضن ب بل ك بل بضن ع بىل بم ي م ؤ م ه بم بببن ي غ يابل بم ك بامي به ن بل ف ب ل م باحل ب ( ه بت بحب بن ه بب. ل بم ي بال بم ببه ن بل ف بامي And, had Allah azwj Blessed and Exalted not Multiplied it for the Momineen, they would not have reached (success). But, Allah azwj Multiplies the Rewards for them through our asws love Al Mahaasin V 1 Bk 5 H out of 29
10 VERSES 6-9 ل مح ة بم بل ب م ب بإ به ي بام( م هع بام ع ي هم ب} 6 { Being a Mercy from your Lord, surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing [44:6] ل ب بام( م بل ات بل األ ل ض بل م بببن هن هن ه م بب بإ ر بك ه ت م بم ي: ه ب} 7 { Lord of the skies and the earth and what is between them, if you were certain [44:7] ال بإ م بإ ال به ي بحي ه يبل ي ب هت ب بل ب ك م بل ل ب بآب ب ك م باأل ل م ب} 8 { There is no god except Him. He Revives and Causes to die. Your Lord, and Lord of your fathers, the former ones [44:8] ب ل به م بئ بش م بهن ي ع ب ير ب} 9 { But, they are playing around in doubt [44:9] :بلبب»لبحيفثينب يبابل باب ب يببلمريابل بهي سابل ب ال بب به :يفابل ب يبباملهب ابل ب يبب عف بعليه بام( اب:بلبب»هبب ببباملهب ابالبختفيبليههببمهيةبامقيفلابإربامل كةبهطيهيرببهببهههب«. (Ali Bin Ibrahim) said, My father narrated to me from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Yunus, from Dawood Bin Farqad, from Abu Al-Muhajir, ليلة ( Pre-determination Abu Ja far asws having said: O Abu Al-Muhajir! The Night of it. is not hidden from us asws, for the Angels circle around us asws during (القدر :يم بضعبىلببل مح ة بم بل ب م بإب به ي بام( م هع بام ع ي هم بإىلب:يم بضعبىلببل ب ك م بل بل ب بآبب ك م باأل ل م ابههيب كم. The Words of the Exalted: Being a Mercy from your Lord, surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing [44:6] - up to His azwj Words: Your Lord, and Lord of your fathers, the former ones [44:8] - so these are Decisive (Verses). ب:بلببب ل به م بئ بش م بهن ي ع ب ير ابهعينبئبشمبممببذك بقبممببهكيربئبمهيةبامقيفل. 11 Al Kafi V 4 The Book of Fasts Ch 69 H 6 10 out of 29
11 Then He azwj Said: But, they are playing around in doubt [44:9] - Meaning in doubt regarding what we asws have mentioned from what is to transpire during the Night of 12. (ليل القدر) Pre-determination VERSES ه بل ض ق ب بهن ي بض أ ت بام( م بء بب يف بر بم ب ب} 10 { So watch out for the day the sky would come with evident smoke [44:10] هن غ ش ىبامه بس ب به ذ ابل ذ اب ب م هم ب} 11 { Overwhelming the people. (They would say), This is a painful Punishment! [44:11] ل بن ه بباك ش ف بل ه ببام ع ذ اب بإ ببم ؤ م ه ير ب} 12 { Our Lord! Remove the Punishment from us, we are Momineen! [44:12] ب ىن ب ل م بامذ ك ى بل : يف ب بء ه م بل ا يل بم ب ب} 13 { How can there be the Zikr for them and a clarifying Rasool had already come to them [44:13] بضن ي م ي ابل ه بل : بم يابم ع ي م ب م ه ير ب} 14 { Then they turned away from him and said, One taught (by others), a madman [44:14] إ ببك بش ف يبام ع ذ اب ب: ي ه ب بإ ك م بل ب يف لر ب} 15 { We would be Removing the Punishment a little, (but) you will be returning (to evil) [44:15] هن ي ب ن ب ط ش بام ب ط ش ة بام ك بن ى بإ ببم ه ت ق م ير ب} 16 { On the Day when We will Seize (them) with a mighty Seizure, We will be Taking Revenge [44:16] تفسير القمي 2: 11 out of 29
12 اب بشه بآشيبببلليب ربامهيببعصيىبانيبليه بلبآم ب:بلبب»اميهمبامع بلل بلبذكياراب ميهمباشيف بلطأضمبلينىبمنن اباميهنمب ا علباهههمبك(ينبهياف«.ب Ibn Shehr Ashub It has been reported from the Prophet saww having said: Our Allah azwj! Curse Ra ala and Zakwaan! O Allah azwj! Intensify Your azwj Crushing upon (the tribe of) Muzar! O Allah azwj! Make their years to be like the years of (drought of) Yusuf as! هفيباخلنب ربامب لبمههمبكبربهيقىبصبحب به ب يكه باميف يابهننذاب نببمهن بالبهبصن قبمن بشنيفدب نبرباجلني ابلبكنبرب ينببإمنههمب من بكنلب بحهنةابهننذاباشنهلقبلب:بننيقبملبهصنيياببن بإىلببهننيهتمبحنابهت(نيسبلبههناابهنأكييابامكن بباملهتنةبلباجلهنفبلباجلينني ابلب بشيابامقبيلابلب ح :يابلظب بامليضىبهأكييهبابلب كيتبامل دبطفيهبا It is in the Hadeeth that the man among them will be meeting his companion and will not be able to approach him. And if he approaches him, will not be able to visualise him due to the intensity of the smoke and the hunger, which will come to them from all directions. And if they were to buy (food) and capture it, they will not reach with it to their houses until it decays and rots away. So they will eat the dead dogs, and the carcasses, and the skins, and they will be digging up the graves and burn the bones of the dead in order to eat these, and the woman will eat her young child. م هم.ب لبكبرباميف بربههاكمبب بام(مبءبلباأللضابلبذممب:يم بضعبىلببه بل ض ق ب بهن ي بض أ ت بام( مبء بب يف بر بم ب بهن غ ش ىبامهب بس بهذابل نذاب ب And the smoke would be seen from the sky to the earth, and these are His azwj Words: So watch out for the day the sky would come with evident smoke [44:10] Overwhelming the people. (They would say), This is a painful Punishment! [44:11]. هقبلب بيبافهبربلبلؤابءب: هشببهبب ميفاب بضأم بببصيةبام حمابهأ لكب:يممبهقيفبهيكيابهيفلبب لماب So Abu Sufyan and the elders of the Quraysh said, O Muhammad saww! You saww are ordering us for maintaining the ties of kinship, but I see you saww that your saww people have perished, so supplicate for them. لبذمنمب:يمن بضعنبىلببل بن ه نبباك ش نف بل ه نببام ع نذاب بإ ن ببم ؤ م ه نير ابهقنبلبانيبضعنبىلببإ ن ببكبش نف يابام ع نذاب ب: ي نه بإ ك نم بلب ن يف لر ابهعنب بإمنههمب اخلصببلباميفلةابلبهيب:يم بضعبىلببهن ي هن ع ب يف لابل ب بهذ ابام بن ه ت بام ذ يب ط ع م ه م بم ب ي بل بآم هن ه م بم ب ي ف. And these are the Words of the Exalted: Our Lord! Remove the Punishment from us, we are Momineen! [44:12]. So Allah azwj the Exalted Said: We would be Removing the Punishment a little, (but) you will be returning (to evil) [44:15], so there would return to them their richness, and their complacency, and these are the 12 out of 29
13 Words of the Exalted: So let them worship Lord of this House (Kabah) [106:3] Who Feeds them from hunger and Secures them from fear [106:4]. 13 ئب يامعباجلبمع ببه بل ض ق ب بهن ي بض أ ت بام( مبء بب يف بر بم ب ببلبا تيفبئبامنيف ب بربهقهنل إ ن ب نبر بهن أ ت بم ن بام( نم بء ب:ن ب نل ب: ه نب بام( نبل ة ب ه يف ل بئ ب مس ب بام ك ف د بح ا ب ببه ك ير بل س بام ي اح يف بك بم س باحل ه هذ بل ببهن ع ه يبام م ؤ م بم ه بك ه ه ئ ة بامز ك ب ابل بض ك ير باأل ل ض بك ي ه ببك بن ه ت ب ل: يف ب ه ه بم ه س به ه ب ص بص ب بب ي يف بذ م م ب ل ب ع بهن ي مب ب In (the book) Jawami e Al Jami e (Re): So watch out for the day the sky would come with evident smoke [44:10] and there is differing regarding the smoke, so it is said, It is a smoke which would come from the sky before the Establishment of the Hour, entering into the ears of the Kafirs to the extent that the head of one would be like the grilled head, and the Momin would be seen from it as if he has the (common) old, and the earth, all of it would be like a house which has been ignited wherein is playfulness. That would extend for forty days. And that is reported from Ali asws, and Ibn Abbas, and Al-Hassan asws. 14 ل بل ل ي بذ م م بل بل ي ي بل باب بل ب بس بل باحل (. VERSES ل م ق يف بهن تن ه بب:ن بن ي ه م ب:ن ي به ل ي ر بل بء ه م بل ا يل بك مي ب }17{ And We had Tried the people of Pharaoh before them, and there came to them a noble Rasool [44:17] ر ب لابإ يل بل ب ب بامي ب بإ ين بم ك م بل ا يل ب م ب} 18 { (Saying): Deliver to me the servants of Allah, surely I am a trustworthy Rasool to you [44:18] ل ر بال ببضن ع ي يابل ي ىبامي ب بإ ين بآض هك م بب ( ي ط بر بم ب ب} 19 { And surely you should not exalt yourselves against Allah. I come to you with clear Authorisation [44:19] المناقب 82 :1 و 107»نحوه«البحار. 1 /411 :16 H 25 تفسير نور الثقلين ج 4 ص: out of 29
14 ل إ ين بل ذ ت بب يب بل ل ب ك م ب ر بضن مج ير ب} 20 { And I take Refuge with my Lord and your Lord if you were to stone me (to death) [44:20] And if you do not believe in me, then leave me alone [44:21] ل إ ر بمل بضن ؤ م ه يابيل به بل ت ز م ير ب} 21 { ه يف ل ببل ب ب ر به ؤ ال ء ب:ن ي ب م م ير ب} 22 { So he supplicated to his Lord: Surely they are a criminal people [44:22] ه أ ا بب ع ب ب يبم ه بإ ك م بم ت بن ع ير ب} 23 { Travel secretly with My servants. You will be pursued [44:23] ل اضن ك بام ب بل ه ي اب بإ ن ه م ب ه يف بم غ : ير ب} 24 { And leave the sea at rest, they are an army to be drowned [44:24] ك م بضن ك يابم ب ه بت بل ل ه ير ب} 25 { How many of the gardens and fountains they left (behind), [44:25] And plantations and noble places, [44:26] ل ز ل ل بل م ق ب بك مي ب} 26 { ل ن ع م ة بك ب يابه هه ب ببه بك ه ب} 27 { And bounties they used to enjoy in? [44:27] ك ذ م م ب بل ل ل ثن ه به بب:ن ي م ببآ ه ب} 28 { Like that, and We Made these to be inherited by another people [44:28] 14 out of 29
15 لههمب لييبب بإب اههماب:بلببحيفثينب يبابل باحل(ن ببن بلينيببن بهننبلابلن ب بنبرببن بلنمنبرابلن ب يببلبنيفبانيبعليهن بام(ن اب:نبلبب ه بسبه ليربم بآم ب ياىبئبام(ج ابحاب زلبانيبليههمبامطيهبرابلباجل ا ابلبامقملابلبامنفب ابلباميف ابهأطيقبه لنيرب Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me, from Al-Hassan Bin Ali Bin Fazaal, from Abaan Bin Usman, who said: Abu Abdullah asws said: Pharaoh la withheld the ones who expressed their belief in Musa as in the prison, until Allah azwj Sent down upon them the flood, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and the blood. Then Pharaoh la freed them. هألحىبانيبإىلبمياىبب ر ب ا بب ع بب يبإ ك م بم ت بن ع ير ابهخ جبمياىبببينبإا ا هلابمهقطعبهبمبامب ابلبمجعبه ليرب ص بب ابلب بعثبئبامليفا بحبش ه ابلبحش بامهبسابلب:يف بمقيفمت بئباتبمب ةب مفابلبلكببهيبئب مفب مفابلب جبكمببحكىبانيب لزبلب لببه أ هب ه م بم ب ه بت بل بل ه ير بل بك ه يز بل بم قب بك مي بك ذم م بل ب ل ل ث هبهببب ين بإ ا ا هل ب Then Allah azwj Revealed unto Musa as : Travel secretly with My servants. You will be pursued [44:23]. So Musa as went out with the Children of Israel, and they were cut-off by the sea, and Pharaoh la gathered his la companions, and sent collectors into the city, and mobilised the people. Six hundred thousand presented themselves and he la rode among thousands upon thousands, and went out, just as Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic has Related: But (instead), We Turned them out from gardens and springs [26:57] And treasures and honourable places [26:58] Like that We Made the Children of Israel to inherit these [26:59]. 15 VERSE 29 ه م ببب ك ت بل ي ه ه م بام( م بء بل األ ل ض بل م ببك ب يابم ه ظ ه ب} 29 { So the sky and the earth did not weep upon them, nor were they Respited [44:29] ب:ننبلبليننيببنن بإبنن اههمببحننيفثينب يبابلنن بحهننبرببنن باننيفه ابلنن بلبننيفبانيببنن بامفنننهلبا لمننيفاينابلنن ب بهنن ابلنن ب ننيفقابلنن ب مننريب املؤمه بعليه بام( اب:بلبب»م بليه بل لبليفلبانيبلبم ايم ابهقبلببه مببب ك ت بل ي ه ه م بام( مبء بل باأل ل ض بل بمببكب يابم ه ظ ه اب Then Ali Bin Ibrahim said, My father narrated to me from Hanan Bin Sudeyr, from Abdullah Bin Al- Dazeyl Al-Hamdany, from his father, from his grandfather has reported: Amir-Al-Momineen asws said, A man from the enemies of Allah azwj and His azwj Rasool saww passed by him asws, so he asws said: So the sky and the earth did not weep upon them, nor were they Respited [44:29]. 15 (Extract) تفسير القم ي 118 :2 15 out of 29
16 بمن بليهن باحل(ن ببن بلينىبعليههمنببام(ن األلضبإالبليىبحييبب بزك هببلباحل( بب بلييبعليههمبام(. ابهقنبلببمكن بهنذابمتبكن بليهن بام(نمبءبلباأللضابلب:نبلببلبمنبببكنتبام(نمبءبلب Then Al-Husayn Bin Ali asws passed by him asws, so he asws (Amir Al-Momineen asws ) said: But this is the one asws upon whom the sky and the earth will be weeping. And he asws said: And the sky and the earth will not weep upon anyone except for Yahya Bin Zakariyya as, and Al-Husayn Bin Ali asws. 16 بننيبامقباننمب عفنن ببنن ب مننيفببنن ب:يميهنن بئبعكبمننلبامزهننبلات اب:ننبلببحننيفثينب يببعلمحنن باني بلبمجبلننةبمنن بمشننبخيهبابلنن بليننيببنن ب احل(ن بلب منيفببن باحل(ن ابلن بانعيفببنن بلبنيفبانيبلن بهعقنيبببن بهزهنيفابلن ب محننيفببن باحل(ن باملهنمنيابلن بلينيباألزلقابلنن ب احل(ن ببنن باحلكنمبامهخعننيابلن بل ننلاب:نبلببمسعننتب منريباملننؤمه بعليهن بام(نن اب بام حبنةابلبهننيبهتينيبهننذقبا هنةببه مننببب ك ننت ب ل ي ه ه م بام( مبء بل باأل ل ض بل بمببكب يابم ه ظ ه بإذب جبليه باحل( بب بلييبعليههمببام( بم ببع ب بياببامل(جيفابهقبلبب» مبب هذاباهقتلبلبضبكيبليه بام(مبءبلباأللض«. Abu Al-Qasim Ja far Bin Qawlawiyah in Kaamil Al-Ziyaraat said, My father narrated to me from a group of our elders, from Ali Bin Al-Jusayn, and Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn, from Sa d Bin Abdullah, from Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Ahmad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Maysami, from Ali Al-Azraq, from Al-Hassan Bin Al-Hakam Al-Nakhai e, from a man who said: I heard Amir-Al-Momineen asws, in Al-Rahbat, and he asws was reciting this Verse: So the sky and the earth did not weep upon them, nor were they Respited [44:29], when Al-Husayn Bin Ali asws came out from one of the doors of the Masjid, so he asws said: But, this one, he asws will be murdered, and the sky and the earth would weep over him asws. 17 لبله اب:بلببحيفثينب ميفبب ب عف بام زازابل ب ميفببن باحل(ن ابلن باحلكنمببن بم(نك ابلن ب ال ببن بله(نىباأل صنبليابلن ب ميفبب بلبيفبامن مح ببن ب يببمهينىابلن بإبن اههمبامهخعنياب:نبلبب ن جب منريباملنؤمه بعليهن بام(ن ابهجينسبئبامل(نجيفابلبا تمنعب ص بب بحيم ابلب بءباحل( بعصيياتبانيبليه بحاب:ب ببن بهيفهن ابهيضنعبهنيفقبلينىبل ان ابهقنبلبب»هنبببنينابإربانيبلنريب :يامنبب بنننبمق آرابهقنننبلببه منننببب ك نننت بل ي نننه ه م بام( نننمبء بل باأل ل ض بل بمنننببكنننب يابم ه ظ ننن ه ابلب ميبانيبمتقنننتي بمننن ببعنننيفياب بضبكهنننمبام(نننمبءبلب األلض«. And from him who said, Muhammad Bin Ja far Al-Razaz narrated to me, from Muhammad Bin Al- Husayn, from Al-Hakam Bin Maskeyn, from Dawood Bin Isa Al-Ansary, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Layli, from Ibrahim Al-Nakhai e who said, Amir-al-Momineen asws went out and sat in the Masjid, and his asws companions gathered around him asws, and Al-Husayn asws came until he asws stood in front of him asws. So he asws place his asws hand upon his asws head and said; O my asws son asws! Allah azwj Rebuked a people in the Quran, so He azwj Said: So the sky and the earth did not weep upon them, nor were they Respited [44:29], and I asws swear upon تفسير القم ي. 291 :2 كامل الزيارات: 1 88/ 16 out of 29
17 Allah azwj that you asws will be murdered from after me asws, then the sky and the earth would weep over you asws. 18 لبله اب:بلببحيفثينب يبابل ب ميفبب باحل(ن ببن بلينيببن بمهزهنبلابلن ب بهن ابلن بلينيببن بمهزهنبلابلن باحل(ن ببن بانعهيفابلن ب هنبمةبب ب هيبابل ب ال بب به :يفاب:بلببمسعتب بببلبيفبانيبعليه بام( بهقيلبب»كبربامذيب:تنلباحل(ن بعليهن بام(ن بلمنيفب ز بابلبامذيب:تلبحييبب بزك هببلمنيفبز نبابلب:نيفبامحن تبام(نمبءبحن ب:تنلباحل(ن بعليهن بام(ن بانهة«.ب ب:نبلبببكنتبام(نمبءبلب األلضبليىباحل( بب بلييبلبحييبب بزك هبابلبمح هتبببكبؤهب«. And from him who said, My father narrated to me, from Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan Bin Ali Bin Mahziyar, from his father, from Ali Bin Mahziyar, from Al-Husayn Bin Saeed, from Fazalat Bin Ayoub, from Dawood Bin Farqad who said, I heard Abu Abdullah asws saying: The one who murdered Al-Husayn asws was a son of adultery (illegitimate), and the one who murdered Yahya as Bin Zakariyya as was a son of adultery (illegitimate). And the sky turned red for a year where Al-Husayn asws was murdered. Then he asws said: The sky and the earth wept upon Al-Husayn asws Bin Ali asws and Yahya as Bin Zakariyya as, and became redder due to their crying. 19 امطنايببل بزلالدبب ب ل ابل ب يببلبيفبانيبعليه بام( ابإ ن ب:نبلبب»بكنتبام(نمبءبلينىبحينيببن بزك هنبابلبلينىباحل(ن ببن ب لييبعليههمبام( اب لبع بصببحبابلبملبضبمبإالبليههمب«ب Al-Tabrsy, from Zurara Bin Ayn, Abu Abdullah asws having said: The sky cried over Yahya Bin Zakariyya as, and over Al-Husayn asws, for forty mornings, and did not weep upon anyone except over these two. :يتببهمبببكبؤهب ب:بلبب»كب تبضطيعبمح اءبلبضغهببمح اء«. I said, So what was (the manner of) its crying? He asws said: The redness emerged, and the redness disappeared. 20 VERSES 30 & 31 ل م ق يف ب ن هن ه ببب ين بإ ا ا هل بم بام ع ذ اب بام م ه ب} 30 { ب And We had Rescued the Children of Israel from the abasing Punishment [44:30] كامل الزيارات: 2 89/ كامل الزيارات:. 21 /93 مجمع البيان 98 9: 17 out of 29
18 م به ل ي ر ب بإ بك بر بل بم ه ببم بام م ( ه ب} 31 { From Pharaoh. Surely he was arrogant, from the transgressors [44:31] : بل باإل م نب ب بب: نبل ببهن ع ي ت ن بب أ ا ن ه ك م ابه ن ني تن ه م ب ههنب بل ب ن ه نبب م نببضن ف ن نهي ه م بئ بامنيف ه به ي ق ب ني ل م ب ن بن ني د ب م نيف ب لل بل ال هن ة بل ي ني ب ب[بل بآ ل م نبب امط ه ب. The Imam (Hassan Al-Askari asws ) said: (Allah azwj Said: I azwj Did it with your ancestors, Gracing them the Religion and the world. As for their Grace in the Religion, it was for their acceptance of the Prophet-hood of Muhammad saww and the Wilayah of Ali asws and their asws goodly Progeny asws. ل ب م بب لضن ف ن هي ه م ب ب[بئ باميف ن ه ببه ب أ ر بظ ي ي ت ب ببل ي ه ه م بام غ م ب ابل ب ن ز م ت ببل ي ه ه م بام م بل بام( ي ي ىبل با ق ه تن ه م بم بح ج بم بء بل ذ بب ابل بهن ي ق ت ب ل ن نم بام ب نن ابه ننأ ن ه تن ه م ب-بل ب غ : ننت ب ل ننيف اء ه م به ل نني ر بل ب:ن ي م نن ابل به ن نني تن ه م بب ننذ م م ب لل ي ننى ب[بل ننبم م يبز م ننبهن م بام ننذ ه ب ننبم ف يابط نن ا ق ه م ابل ب ح ب لابل با ب هي ه م ب And as for their Gracing them in the word, it was by Shading the clouds upon them, and Sending down upon them the Manna and quails, and Quenching them with fresh water from a rock, and Parting the sea for them. Thus I azwj Rescued them and Drowned their enemies, Pharaoh la and his la people. And I azwj Excelled them upon the communities of their era which opposed their ways and guided away from their way. بل ز بل ب ل ب ل ل م ب ب[ببه ن ذ ابك ه ت ب ل:ب يف [بهن ع ي ت به ذ ابب أ ا ه ك م بئ بذ م م بامز م بر بم ق ب ي ل م بل ال ه ة ب م يف بل بآم ابه ب بحل ي بب ر ب ز هيف ك م ب ب: بل بامي ه ن بئ به ذ ابامز م بر ب-بإ ذ اب ن ت م بل هن ه ت م ب ببآ ذ بم بام ع ه يف بل بام م هن بق بل ي ه ك م ب. Then Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Said to them: So when I azwj have Done this with your ancestors during that era for their acceptance of the Wilayah of Muhammad saww and his saww Progeny asws, so rather I asws will Increase you all in Grace during this era when you fulfil was I azwj Took from the Pact and the Covenant upon you. 21 Meaning of The Children of Israel 1 Exoteric Meaning اب ببببيهن اب:نبلببحنيفثهبب محنيفببن باحل(ن بامقطنبراب:نبلببحنيفثهبباحل(ن ببن بلينيبام(نك ياب:نبلببحنيفثهبب منيفببن بزك هنبباجلنيه ياب :نبلببحنيفثهبب عفن ببن ب منيفببن بلمنبلدابلن ب بهن ابلن ب يببلبنيفبانيبعليهن بام(ن اب:نبلبب»كنبرببهعقنيببلبلنهصبضنيم ابهيمنيفب لهصب بلميفبهعقيبابه(ميبهعقيببأل ب جببعقبب ه بلهصابلبهعقيببهيبإا ا هلابلبمعدبإا ا هلبلبيفبانيابألربعإا ا ب هيبلبيفابلبع هل بهيبانيبلزبلب ل«.ب 21 Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askari asws S out of 29
19 Ibn Babuwayh said, It was narrated to us by Ahmad Bin Al Hassan Al Qatan, from Al Hassan Bin Ali Al Sakry, from Muhammad Zakariyya Al Jowhary, from Ja far Bin Muhammad Bin Amarat, from his father, From Abu Abdullah asws having said: It was so that Yaqoub as and Ays were twins, and Ays was born then Yaqoub as was born. Therefore Yaqoub as was named as such because he as came after his as brother Ays. And Yaqoub as, he as is Israel, and the meaning of Israel is servant of Allah azwj. Isra (means) servant, and El means Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Esoteric Meaning ل ب يبب ال ابلم بمسعبلايلبانيبعصيىبانيبليه بلبآم بهقيلبب» ببلبيفبانيبامسيب محيفابلب ببلبيفبانيبامسيبإا ا هلابهمبب من قب هقيفب م ينابلبمببلهبقبهقيفبلهبين«. From Abu Dawood, from the one who heard Rasool-Allah saww saying: I saww am a servant of Allah azwj and my saww name is Ahmad, and I saww am a servant of Allah azwj and my saww name is Israel. Thus, whatever He azwj Commanded it, so He azwj has Commanded me saww, and whatever He azwj has Meant it, so He azwj has Meant me saww. 23 ل ب ميفبب بلييابل ب يببلبيفبانيبعليه بام( اب:بلبباأمت بل ب:يم بضعبىلببهببب ين بإ ا ا هل. :بلبب»هيب بصةببآلب ميف«. ب From Muhammad Bin Ali, from Abu Abdullah asws, said, I asked him asws about the Words of the Exalted: Children of Israel! [44:30]. He asws said: It is particular for the Progeny asws of Muhammad saww. 24 VERSE 32 ل م ق يف با تن به م بل ي ى بل ي م بل ي ىبام ع بم م ب ب} 32 { And We have Chosen them (Imams) upon knowledge, over the worlds [44:32] شنن فبامننيفه بامهجفننيببلمنن بللاقابلنن ب مننيفببنن بمجهننيلابلنن بمحننب ببنن بله(ننىابلنن بح هننزابلنن بامفنننهلابلنن ب يبب عفنن بعليهنن ب اب:ننبلبباأل مننةبمنن باملننؤمه ابلبهنننيهبهمبليننىبمنن ب ام(نن اب:ننبلبب:يمنن بلننزبلب ننلببل بم ق ننيف با تن ننبه م بل يننىبل ي ننم بل ي ننىبام عننبم م اياهم« علل الشرائع: 1 43/ تفسير العي اشي 45 /44 :1 تفسير العي اشي 44 /44 :1 19 out of 29
20 Sharaf Al-Deen Al-najafy, from the one reported it, from Muhammad Bin Jamhour, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from Hareyz, from Al-Fazeyl, Abu Ja far asws having said: The Words of the Exalted: And We have Chosen them upon knowledge, over the worlds [44:32], these are the Imams asws from the Momineen, and they asws have been Preferred over the ones besides them asws. 25 VERSES ل آضن هن ه به م بم با ه بت بم ببه ه بب ء بم ب ب} 33 { ب And We gave them from the Signs wherein was clear scourge (curse) [44:33] Surely, they were saying, [44:34] إ ر به ؤ ال ء بم هن ق يم ير ب} 34 { إ ر به ي بإ ال بم ي ضن تن ه بباأل لىل بل م بب ب ه ش ه ب} 35 { Indeed! It is only our first death, and we would not be Resurrected [44:35] ه أ ض يابب آب ب ه ببإ ر بك ه ت م بص ب : ب} 36 { So come with our (deceased) forefathers, if you were truthful [44:36] ه م ب هن ب ب:ن ي بضن ب ع بل ام ذ ه بم ب:ن ب ي ه م ب ب ه ي ك ه به م ب ب إ ن ه م بك ب ياب م م ب} 37 { Are they better or the people of Tubba and those from before them? We Destroyed them. They were criminals [44:37] لبيفبانيبب ب عف باحلمرييابل باحل( بب بظ هفابل بمعم ابل بام ضبابل ب به بمياىبب ب عف بعليههمبام( اب:بلبب»كهتبلهيفب يببلبيفبانيبعليه بام( بذاتبهي بلب ببطفلبمخبايابإذب لبليه ب ف بم بامههي -بلبذك باحليفهثبإىلب رب:بل-ب :بميابب ن ببل با هبتبامت(عباميتب لضههببمياىبب بلم ار. Abdullah Bin Ja far Al Humeyri, from Al Hassan Bin Zareyf, from Mo mar, From Al-Reza asws, from his asws father asws Musa asws Bin Ja far asws having said: I asws was in the presence of my asws father asws Abu Abdullah asws one day, and I asws was a child of five (years old), when a number of Jews entered to see him asws and he asws تأويل اآليات 574/ 2: 20 out of 29
21 mentioned the Hadeeth until he asws said: They said, Inform us about the nine Signs which were Given to Musa Bin Imran as. :يتببامعصبابلبإ ا بهيفقبم ب هب ببهنبءابلباجل ا ابلبامقملابلبامنفب ابلباميف ابلبلهعبامطيلابلبامل بلبام(ييىبآهةب لاحيفدابلبهيقبامب.ب:بمياببصيف:ت«.ب I asws said: The staff, and his as bringing our his as hand from his as pocket as white, and the locusts, and the lice, and the frogs, and the blood, and raising the (mount) Toor, and the manna and the quails being one Sign, and splitting the sea. They said, You asws speak the truth. 26 بئ باح ت ج بج ب يب بل ب يف بامي بامص ب ق بل ي ه بام( ب بب: بل بام( ب ل بب بهن ه ت ش ىبام لح ببن ع يف ب ل ب ئ بك ت بب باإل ح ت ج بج بم يط ن ا ي بل مح بامي ل ب: بم ب ب به ي بب بق In the book Al Ihtijaj of Al Tabarsy There is an argumentation of Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq asws. The questioner asked, Does the soul disappear after its exit from its mould, or does it remain? : بل ببب ل به ي بب بق بإ ىل بل : ت بهن هن ف خ بئ بامص يل ابه ع ه يف بذ م م بضن ب ط ل باأل ش ه بء بل بضن ف د به بح س بل بال بب ( يس اب ب ل هيف ت باأل ش ه بء بك م بب ب يف ه ببم يف بن ه بابل بذ م م ب ل ب ع بم ب ة با ه ة به ( ب ت به هه بباخل ي ق بل بذ م م ببن ب-بامهن ف خ تن اب He asws said: But, it remains up to the time of the blowing into the Trumpet. During that, the things would be invalidated and perish, so there would neither be a feeling nor (anything) felt. Then the things would be returned to just as they had begun, by their Mastermind, and that would (occur) over four hundred years, during which the creation would be dormant, and that would be between the two blowing s of the Trumpet. ب ا ب بل ه بابل بل ن ي بب أ ىب ت ز : به ي ام ه بابل بل ن ي ب : بل ببل بب ىن بم بب بم ب ع ث بل بام ب يف ر ب: يف بب ي ي بل باأل ل ن بء ب: يف بضن ف : ت بهن ع ن ي بب ب ي يف د به أ ك ي : يف بص بل بضن ابب بهن ب د بب بم ع بامط بئ بح ب ط ب He (the narrator) said, And would there be the Resurrection for it, and the body would have decayed, and the body parts would have separated, so a limb could have been in a city being eaten by its predators, and another limb could have been ripped apart by its insects, and a limb could have become dust and (used to) build a wall with it along with the clay? : بل ب ب بء بل بص ي ل ق بل ي ىبغ ري بم ن بل بك بر با ب ق بإ م ه ب: ب ل ب ر به ع هيف ق بك م ببب يف ق ب: بل بب ل ض ح بيل بذ م م ا إ ر بام ذ يب ش أ ق بم بغ ري بش ي He asws said: Surely the One Who Grew it from other than a thing, and Fashioned it upon other than an example having preceded it, is Able upon Returning it to just as it had begun. He said, Clarify that for me. 26 قرب االسناد: out of 29
22 : بل ببإ ر بام لح بم ق هم بة بئ بم ك بهن ببل لح بام م ( بئ بض ه بء بل به ( ة ابل بل لح بام م ( ي بء بئ بض هق بل بظ ي م ة ابل بام ب يف ر به ص ري بضن ابب بك م ببم ه ب ي ق ابل بم ببضن ق ذ ف بب بام( ب ب بل با ل ي ا بم ب ي اه ه بابه م بب ك ي ت بل بم ز :ن ت بك بل بذ م م بئ بامتن اب ب ف يظ بل ه يف بم بال بهن ع ز ب بل ه بم نن ق بل ب ذ ل د بئ بظ ي م بت باأل ل ض بل بهن ع ي م بل يف باأل ش ه بء بل بل ز ن ه باب said: The soul would stay in its place the good-doer soul would be in illumination and expanse, and the wrongdoer soul would be in narrowness and darkness. And the body would become soil just as it had been Created from it, and whatever predators and insects would be thrown with it from its insides (as well). So whatever is eaten and ripped apart, all that would be in the soil, preserved in the Presence of the One azwj, no weight of a particle is far from Him azwj in the darkness of the earth, and He azwj Knows the number of the things and their weights. He asws بام بن ع ث بم ط ت باأل ل ض بم ط بامه ش يل ابهن تن ب يباأل ل ض ب ب ي خ ب م ب ل بإ ر بضن اب بام لح ب ه ب ه ب ز م ة بامذ ه ب بئ بامتن اب ا ه ن ذ ابك بر بح اب ام( ق بء بهن ه ص ري بضن اب بام ب ش بك م ص ري بامذ ه ب بم بامتن اب بإ ذ ابغ ( ل بب بم م بء ابل بامز ب يف بم ب بامي ب بإ ذ اب م And the soil has the spirituality at the status of the gold in the soil. So when it would be the Resurrection, it would rain upon the earth, the rain of the growth, and the ground would nourish, then it would squeeze out a froth like the squeezing of the water container. So the soil of the person would become like the gold become from the soil when washed with the water, and the butter from the milk when churned. هن ه ج ت م ع بضن اب بك ل ب: بم ب بإ ىل ب: بم ب بهن هن ه ت ق ل بب ن ذ ر بامي بضن ع بىل بام ق ب ل بإ ىل بح ه ث بام لح ابهن تن ع ي بامص يل بب ن ذ ر بامي بام م ص ي ل بك ه ه ئ ت ه ببل بضب ي ج ب ام لح به هه ببه ن ذ اب: يف باا تن ي ىبال بهن ه ك بم ب ن ف ( بش ه ئب. Thus, the soil of each mould would gather to its (original) mould, and it would be transformed by the Permission of Allah azwj the Exalted, the Powerful, to where the soul used to be. So the image would return by the Permission of Allah azwj, the Fashioner like its (original) body, and the soul would enter into it. So when he is complete, he would not deny anything from himself. 27 VERSES ل م بب ي ق ه ببام( م بل ات بل األ ل ض بل م بببن هن هن ه م ببال ل ب ب} 38 { ب And We did not Create the skies and the earth and what is between them for sport [44:38] م بب ي ق ه ب ه ببإ ال بب بحل ق بل م ك ب ك نن ه م بال بهن ع ي م ير ب} 39 { ب تفسير نور الثقلين ج 4 ص: out of 29
23 We did not Create them both except with the Truth, but most of them do not know [44:39] إ ر بهن ي بام ف ص ل بم هق بضن ه م ب مج ع ب} 40 { Surely, the Day of Decision is the appointment of theirs, altogether [44:40] هن ي بال بهن غ ين بم ي ىل بل بم ي ىل بش ه ئ ببل ال به م بهن ه ص لر ب} 41 { A Day, neither will a friend avail anything from a friend, nor would they be helped [44:41] ب بإ به بي بام ع ز هز بام ح هم ب} 42 { إ ال بم بل ح م بامي Except one Allah Mercies. Surely He is the Mighty, the Merciful [44:42] هن ق بل ببه بب ب بب م يف ببب لبامي ببم بباا ت نن د ببامي ب بل ز ببب لب ل ببب أ ح يف ببم بب ل ص ه بء بباأل ب ه بء ببب لبالب ب ضن ب بل ه م ببم بب بب م نريب ب ام م نؤ م ه ببعليهن بام(ن ش هع ت ب ب بلب ب So he asws said: O Abu Muhammad! (I asws swear) by Allah azwj! Allah azwj has not Made an Exception for anyone from the successors as of the Prophets as and their as followers except for Amir-al-Momineen asws and his asws Shias. هن ق بل ببئب ب ك ت بب ببب لب:ن ي م ب باحل ق ببهن ي ببالبهن غ ين ببم ي ىل ببل ببم ي ىل ببش ه ئب بب لبالبه م ببهن ه ص لر ببإ ال ببم بب ل ح ب مبامي ب بهن ع ين ببب ذ م م ببل ي ه ب بعليه بام( ش هع ت ب. بلب ب So He azwj Said in His azwj Book, and His azwj Words are the Truth: A Day, neither will a friend avail anything from a friend, nor would they be helped [44:41] Except one Allah Mercies [44:42] - Meaning by that Ali asws and his asws Shias. 28 ميفبب بامعببسبعلمح باني ببل بمحهيفبب بزهب ابل بلبيفبانيببن ب محنيفابلن بابن ب يببلمنريابلن بإبن اههمببن بلبنيفباحلمهنيفابلن ب يبب اابمةبزهيفبامش ب اب:بلبكهتبلهيفب يببلبيفبانيبعليه بام( :بلبب»هببش ب با: بهنهنببمهيةب: آر«.ب بمهينةباجلمعنةابهقنبلبيلب»ا:ن «بهقن تاب ب:نبلبب»ا:ن «بهقن تاب ب Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Hameed Bin Ziyad, from Abdullah Bin Ahmad, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ibrahim Bin Abdul Hameed, from Abu Asama Zayd Al-Shahaam who said, I was in the presence of Abu Abdullah asws on the night of Friday, and he asws said to me: Recite (from the Holy Quran)! So I recited. Then he asws said: Recite (more)! So I recited (more). Then he asws said: O Shaham! Recite (more) for it is the night of the Quran. 28 (Extract) الكافي. 6 /35 :8 23 out of 29
24 هق تبحابإذاببيغتبهن ي بالبهن غ ين بم ي ىل بل بم ي ىل بش ه ئب بل بالبه م بهن ه ص لر اب:بلبب»هم«ب So I recited until I reached: A Day, neither will a friend avail anything from a friend, nor would they be helped [44:41], So he asws said: It is them (adversaries). اب:بلبب» :بلبب:يتببإ ال بم بل ح م بامي بامقي بامذه بلحمبانيابلب بامقي بامذه بااتندبانيابلبإ ببلبانيب غينبلههم«. He said, I said, (What about): Except one Allah Mercies. [44:42]. He asws said: We asws are the people upon whom Allah azwj has Mercy, and we asws are the people whom Allah azwj has Made an Exception for, and by Allah azwj, we asws are needless of them (people). 29 لبله ببل ب محيفبب ب ميفبامهيهييابل ب ميفبب بله(ىابلن بامهنن ببن بانيهيفابلن بحينيباحلينيبابلن بابن بم(نكبرابلن بهعقنيبب ب بشعهبابل ب يببلبيفبانيبعليه بام( ابئب:يم بضعبىلببهن ي بالبهن غ ين بم ي ىل بل بم ي ىل بش ه ئب بل بالبه م بهن ه ص لر بإ ال بم ن بل ح نم بامي ن اب :بلبب» ب هلبام محة«. And from him, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Nowfaly, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Yahya Al-Halby, from Ibn Muskaan, from Yaqoub Bin Shuayb, Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of the Exalted: A Day, neither will a friend avail anything from a friend, nor would they be helped [44:41] Except one Allah Mercies [44:42], he asws said: We asws are the people of the Mercy. 30 لبله ببل باحل( بب ب محيفابل ب ميفبب بله(ىابل بهي سبب بلبيفبام مح ابل بإا بقبب بلمبلابل بشعهبابلن ب يببلبنيفب بش نه ئب بل بالبه نم بهن ه ص ن لر ب إ ال بم ن بل ح نم بامي ن اب:نبلبب» ن بلبانيب انيبعليه بام( ابئب:يم بلزبلب نلببهن ني بالبهن غ نين بم ني ىل بل ن بم ني ىل امذه بلحمبانيابلبامذه بااتندابلبامذه بضغينبلالهتهب«. And from him, from Al-Husayn Bin Ahmad, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus Bin Abdul Rahman, from Is haq Bin Amaar, from Shuayb, Abu Abdullah asws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: A Day, neither will a friend avail anything from a friend, nor would they be helped [44:41] Except one Allah Mercies [44:42], he asws said: By Allah azwj! We asws are the ones asws upon whom Allah azwj has Mercy, and the ones for whom He azwj has Made an exception for, and the ones who become needless by our asws Wilayah. 31 VERSES إب ر بش ج ت بامز : ي ب} 43 { تأويل اآليات. 3 /574 :2 تأويل اآليات. 4 /574 :2 تأويل اآليات 5 /575 :2 :2 24 out of 29
25 Surely, the tree of the Zaqqum [44:43] ط ع ب باأل ث هم ب} 44 { Is the food of the sinful [44:44] ك بم م ه ل بهن غ ي يبئ بام ب ط ير ب} 45 { Like murky oil, it shall boil in the bellies [44:45] ك غ ي ي باحل م هم ب} 46 { Like the boiling of scalding water [44:46] ذ لق به بل ت ي يق بإ ىل با ي اء باجل هم ب} 47 { [44:47] Seize him, then drag him down into the middle of the Hell; بص ب يابهن ي ق بل ا بم بل ذ اب باحل م هم ب} 48 { [44:48] Then pour above his head of the torment of the boiling water: ذ ق بإ م ب ت بام ع ز هز بام ك مي ب} 49 { [44:49] Taste; you were indeed the mighty, the honourable: ئب ممعبامبهبربعاربشج دبامز:ي با هةبللىبارب: هشببملببمسعتبهذقبا هةاب:بمتببمبب ع فبهذقبامشج داب:بلباب بامزبع ىبب امز:ي ببك بامنب بامتم بلامزبيفابل بللاهةببيغةبامهم اب In Majma Al-Bayan About the Verse: Is that a better lodgement or the tree of Zaqqum? [37:62] It is reported that when Quraysh heard this Verse, they said, We do not understand this tree. Ibn Al-Zab ary said, Al-Zaqqum in the speech of the Berbers is the dates and the butter, and in a report reaching Al-Yemen. هقبلب بيب هلبجلبلهت ببهبب بلهةبز:مههببهبضت باجلبلهةببتم بلزبيفابهقبلبالص بب ببضز:ميابهبذابامذىبخييهكمبب ب ميفبههزلمب ربامهبلب ضهبتبامشج ابلامهبلبحت قبامشج ابهأ زلبانيباب ب با بب عيهبهببهتهةبميظبمل. So Abu Jahl la said to his maid, O maid! Give us Zaqqum. So the maid came with the dates and butter, and he said to his companion, Let us partake from this Zaqqum 25 out of 29
(141) Ziyara [119] of lady Fatima al-ma ssooma (s) Peace be upon Adam, the choice of peace be upon Noah, the prophet of peace be upon Ibraheem (Abraham), the friend of peace be upon Musa (Moses), the speaker
One day, my father the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his Household, visited me, "Peace be upon you, O Fatimah
ح د يث ا لك س اء HADEETH OF THE CLOAK ب س م هللا الر ح من الر ح يم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH AZWJ THE BENEFICENT THE MERCIFUL ع ن ج ابر بن ع ب د اهلل األن ص اري ع ن ف اط م ة الز هراء ع ل يه ا الس الم ب نت ر
Chapter 2 Sura Al Baqarah
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 2 3 AL-BAQARAH 3 VERSES 269-286 3 VERSE 269 3 The Wisdom 3 The Faqeeh 4 The ones of understanding 5 VERSE 270 6 VERSE 271 6 Allah azwj is (All) Aware 8 VERSE 272 8 Guiding the
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TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 31... 2 LUQMAN AS... 2 (34 VERSES)... 2 MERITS... 2 VERSES 1-5... 3 VERSES 6 & 7... 6 VERSES 8-11... 7 VERSES 12 & 13... 9 VERSES 14 & 15... 12 VERSE 16... 16 VERSE 17... 18 VERSE
Chapter 108 Sura Al Kausar
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5510 /50/11 أداء شركات رأس الخيمة المساهمة بسوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية لعام 4102 بلغ عدد شركات رأس الخيمة المدرجة في سوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية 11 شركة مساهمة من أصل 87 شركة مساهمة في السوق لعام 5512 حيث
KG 1 Weekly I Plan -28 26th -30th April. 2015 Important Dates this week : Wednesday : Movie Day Every Thursday : Parent Meet and Greet 12:40-1:10 pm LA Letter: v,y Number: 20, 21 Core vocabulary: van,
جامعة جدارا Jadara University كلية: الدراسات التربوية
Jadara University جامعة جدا ار College: Educational Studies كمية: الد ارسات التربوية اثر حجم العينة وأسموب اختيارها في الخصائص السيكومترية لممقاييس النفسية The Effect Of Sample Size And It's Selection
R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 0802 /80/80 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد
0802 /80/80 أداء شركات رأس الخيمة المساهمة بسوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية لعام 5102 بلغ عدد شركات رأس الخيمة المدرجة في سوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية 01 شركة مساهمة من أصل 77 شركة مساهمة في السوق لعام 0802 حيث
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99 حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد 93 )يناير مارس 1122( مجال حممد مقابلة A Study of the Term Al Rawnak in Ancient Arab Criticism Gamal Mohamed Mokabla Abstract This paper aims to study the term Al Rawnak, a
تعقبات ابن حجر يف فتح الباري على آراء البيهقي احلديثية أ.و.د. رزاق حسني سر د اجلامعة العراقية/ كلية العلوو االسالمية Takabbat Ibn Hajar in Fath al-baa
تعقبات ابن حجر يف فتح الباري على آراء البيهقي احلديثية أ.و.د. رزاق حسني سر د اجلامعة العراقية/ كلية العلوو االسالمية Takabbat Ibn Hajar in Fath al-baari opinions Bayhaqi Alhdithip Dr. Assistant Professor
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Good Vibrations االهتزازات الج دة االصوات LESSON 1 WHAT IS SOUND? ما هو الصوث إذا كنت سع دا وأنت تعرف ذلك صفق ب د ك 1-1 إذا إذا كنت سع دا وأنت تعرف ذلك صفق ب د ك كنت سع دا وأنت تعرف ذلك صفق ب د ك إذا كنت
السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 2015 starting from April تهديگم شرگة ال
السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام 20 ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 20 starting from April تهديگم شرگة الراي العالمية للدعاية واإلعالن اطيب التحيات ونشگرگم على دعمگم
Microsoft Word - Chapter 13 Adjectives.doc
Chapter الصفات والا حوال Adjectives and Adverbs الصفة آلمة تصف الاسماء وموقعها في الجملة في عدة اماآن وهي :- الصفات Adjectives (adj) (n) - She is a good student. - I am going to a new university next year.
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جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. belgac
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : 3223-1235 اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. Abstract:
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جامعة الأزهر
جامعة األزهر حولية كلية اللغة العربية بنني جبرجا اجحياح الؼاهية للفصحى يف وسائل اإلػالم ادلزئية ادلظاهز واآلثار وسثل ادلىاجهة الدكتورة صابرين مهدي علي أبو الريش العدد الثامن عشر للعام 5341 ه / 4153 م اجلسء
اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األسال
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قاي مة أسعار المجم ع الرياضي Sports Complex Price List انطلقي إلى عالم من الرياضة تحت سقف واحد. استمتعي باالستجمام على شاطئ النادي وبمزاولة رياضة السباحة والتنس والتزلج على الجليد في المرافق المجهزة بأحدث
الرلم التسلسل : دراسة تحليلية لواقع الرياضة المدرسية دراسة م دان ة أجر ت على ثانو ات مد نة الوادي لدى الطور الثانوي
الرلم التسلسل : دراسة تحليلية لواقع الرياضة المدرسية دراسة م دان ة أجر ت على ثانو ات مد نة الوادي لدى الطور الثانوي 41 6142 6142 أ ب Summray: The study aims to investigate school sborts as far as physics
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تنزيل QAWA'ID TANZEEL ز ن قو ع د ت ل ل QAWA'ID TANZEEL قو عد تنز يل Page 1 Contents 3 لف ب ت Alif Baa Taa... 9 لذرس لثوي 2 Lesson 3... 12 لدرس لثلث Lesson... 13 تمريه كتب Exercise write Joining up letters...
هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد ال
هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد التي توضح ان كثيرين امنوا بالمسيح وهذا اعالن واضح لالهوته
Department of Computer Information Systems
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الرد على شبهة مخطوطتي اشعياء في مكتبة قم ارن. Holy_bible_1 الشبهة خدعة إسمها إكتشاف سفر أشعياء كامال : وهذه كذبة أخرى روجها كهنة النصارى لعامة الناس ل
الرد على شبهة مخطوطتي اشعياء في مكتبة قم ارن. Holy_bible_1 الشبهة خدعة إسمها إكتشاف سفر أشعياء كامال : وهذه كذبة أخرى روجها كهنة النصارى لعامة الناس ليطمئنوا بأن كتابهم لم يصبه التحريف منذ أكثر من ألفى
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الدرس الحادي والثلاثون أحرف جر المكان والزمن والحركة هناك ثلاثة أحرف جر للمكان : Muna and Hani live at 55, Cairo Street. at و on و in للعناوين أو المواقع المحددة. atنستخدم تسكن منى وهاني في شارع القاهرة