White House Company White House for Trading and Contracting شركة الدار البيضاء للتجارة التعاقدات و Page 1 of 69
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1 White House Company White House for Trading and Contracting شركة الدار البيضاء للتجارة التعاقدات و Page 1 of 69
2 White House Profile The history of White House Company participation in the oil and gas industry dates back to year 1988 it was working by several sister companies: Quantum Technologies, IES, and Diali Company. In 2013, the owners of these companies established a new specialized company in the sectors of oil and gas under the name of White House. يعود تاريخ نشأة شركة الدار األبيض في قطاع النفط والغاز الى عام 1988 م حيث كانت تعمل من قبل العديد من الشركات الشقيقة لها مثل: IES Quantum Technologies وشركة ديالي. لكن في عام 2013 أنشأ أصحاب هذه الشركات شركة جديدة متخصصة في قطاعات النفط والغاز تحت مسمى شركة الدار البيضاء للتجارة و التعاقدات. Since White House has founded been with its sister companies, a league of a highly qualified engineers have involved in number of projects, which lay in different fields of industry ranging from rehabilitation or replacement of a control system in small production factories and power plants, supplying specialized equipments and projects for the refineries, processing all project phases planning, procurement, design, erection and commissioning. Client s goals of economy and quality can be achieved through adopting the most modern equipments and engineering techniques in all phases of project execution. منذ أن وجدت شركة الدار البيضاء مع الشركات الشقيقة لها تم توظيف و تسخير مجموعة كبيرة من المهندسين المؤهلين تأهيال عاليا في عدد من المشاريع في مجاالت صناعية مختلفة بدءا من إعادة تأهيل أو استبدال أنظامة التحكم في مصانع االنتاج الصغيرة ومحطات توليد الطاقة تجهيز المعدات و المشاريع الخاصة بالمصافي وكذلك تجهيز جميع مراحل تلك المشاريع مثل: التخطيط و التوريد التصميم التركيب Page 2 of 69
3 والهندسة. ويمكن تحقيق أهداف المستخدم النهائي من خالل الوفر اإلقتصادي والجودة باإلعتماد على إستخدام المعدات الحديثة والتقنيات الهندسية في جميع مراحل تنفيذ المشروع. White House evolved from an engineering services company to an integrated solution provider. White House is capable of handling all parts of the job required by clients, starting from review, solution development, planning, budgeting study, procurement, supervision, erection (civil, mechanical, and electrical), testing, commissioning, and maintenance. تطورت شركة الدار البيضاء من خالل شركات خدمات هندسية لتوفير الحلول المتكاملة. شركة الدار البيضاء قادرة على التعامل مع جميع األعمال التي يطلبها المستخدم النهائي بدءا من مراجعة وتطوير الحلول التخطيط ودراسة الميزانية والمشتريات واإلشراف وأعمال التنصيب )مثل األعمال المدنية والميكانيكية والكهربائية( واالختبار و الفحص الهندسة والصيانة. Our mainly services including a professional technical support is given for making huge projects for plant oil. White House has many engineers and technicians to work for the technical construction, which will help our customer to customize systems to create the optimal solution for precise needs of our customers. White House has success to cooperate with Iraqi ministries and governmental companies to win many tenders in Iraq. من الخدمات الرئيسية التي نقدمها تتضمن خدمات الدعم التقني المهنية لتنفيذ مشاريع ضخمة في قطاع الحقول النفطية. الدار البيضاء لديها العديد من المهندسين والفنيين للعمل من أجل بناء المشاريع التقنية والتي سوف تساعد العمالء في تخصيص أنظمتهم لخلق الحلول المثلى لتلبية االحتياجات الدقيقة للعمالء. الدار البيضاء لديها العديد من قصص النجاح في التعاون مع الوزارات والشركات الحكومية العراقية و كسب العديد من المناقصات في العراق. Page 3 of 69
4 White House mission is to be classified as the number one trading company in the Iraq market. It is our objective to lead our company to a new horizon on an international level that goes along with our willingness and strong desire of our management to obtain such high ranking in the business world. The company will be able to achieve its mission via the leverage over its business relationships and stakeholders' satisfaction. الرسالة األساسية لشركة الدار البيضاء هو أن تصنف على أنها الشركة تجارية رقم واحد في السوق العراقي. ذلك هو هدفنا لقيادة شركتنا إلى أفق جديد على المستوى الدولي يسير جنبا إلى ج بن مع رغبتنا و الرغبة القوية من إدارتنا للحصول على هذه المرتبة العالية في عالم األعمال. لذلك فإن الشركة ستكون قادرة على تحقيق رسالتها من خالل القدرة على بناء عالقات تجارية قوية و الوصول إلى رضا أصحاب المصلحة و العمالء. Mission Statement Developing a modern industry can be obtained according to latest international engineering standards by incorporating latest innovative and economical technologies in industry and by utilizing a modern foreign expertise to escalate local expertise proficiency and knowledge base. إن تطوير الصناعة الحديثة يمكن الحصول عليه وفقا ألحدث المعايير الهندسية الدولية و من خالل دمج أحدث التقنيات المبتكرة و األقتصادية في الصناعة واالستفادة من الخبرات األجنبية الحديثة لرفع و تأهيل الكفاءة و الخبرات المحلية و زيادة معارفهم. Page 4 of 69
5 History The White House Co. has been founded by league of engineers with high graduation degrees in electronic, automation and industrial computing systems, enriched with a long experience in designing, developing, and maintaining automatic control systems in different Iraqi factories, industrial planets, power production planets and power transmission networks. شركة الدار البيضاء من قبل مجموعة أسست تخصصات مختلفة مثل الهندسة اإللكترونية من والميكانيكية المهندسين وأنظمة الذين هم على الحوسبة درجة الصناعية في عالية فنية و زاد ثراء تلك التخصصات الخبرة الطويلة في تصميم وتطوير وصيانة أنظمة التحكم اآللي في المصانع العراقية المختلفة الحقول الصناعية و حقول إنتاج الطاقة وشبكات نقل الطاقة الكهربائية. White House has executed since 1988 number of projects ranges from small and medium subcontracts with other large contracting companies to large projects which involve more than 90 projects. نفذت شركة الدار البيضاء منذ عام 1988 عددا من المشاريع تتراوح من المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة إلى المشاريع الكبيرة التي يزيد عددها إلى أكثر من 90 مشروعا. Page 5 of 69
6 General Supply Lines & Covered Industries: The company is mainly dealing with supplying, importing and distributing of various kinds of products in oil and gas sector as well of power generators products from USA, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Far East. Now days, we are one of the leading suppliers to Iraq in the following sectors: الشركة تهتم أساسا في توريد واستيراد وتوزيع أنواع مختلفة من المنتجات في قطاع النفط والغاز وكذلك مولدات الطاقة المنتجات من الواليات المتحدة األمريكية وأوروبا وآسيا والشرق األوسط والشرق األقصى. هذه األيام نحن نعد واحد من كبار الموردين إلى العراق في القطاعات التالية: Petrochemical. Oil & Gas Production & Processing. Manufacturing Minerals & Fertilizers. Products for quality laboratories. Field and control room Instrumentations. DCS, PLC, SCADA & Field bus Control systems. Electrical and Instrumentation laboratories and Hand held Instruments. Chemical Quality laboratories instruments. Page 6 of 69
7 Projects (IES) Our main activities are to sell the products & services of manufacturers, suppliers and service organizations in Iraq on commission basis. Governments / semi-government organizations and industries float international tenders from time to time for import of products & services and we participate in such tenders on behalf of our manufacturers, suppliers and service organizations. Our capabilities include: العراق أنشطتنا بالشركات هي الرئيسية بإستخدام سياسة الحكومات بيع العمولة. شبه المنتجات الحكومية من والخدمات حيث نقوم بالمشاركة العراقية الستيراد الشركات من المصنعة وقت المنتجات آلخر والموردة بالمناقصات والخدمات حيث المناقصات باسم الشركات المنتجة و المصنعة والمنظمات الخدمية. وتشمل قدراتنا ما يلي: والشركات في الخدمية الخارجية الخاصة هذه مثل في نشارك / Crude Oil Booster Pumps Chemical injection system Power distribution panels & junction boxes Control cables Page 7 of 69
8 Instruments and accessories Hot Oil Unit for the Oil Plant Control and Refinery Systems. Drilling Machinery: Drilling Rig Components; Drill String and Accessories; Power system and control. Pipelines: Casing and Tubing; Line Pipes; Drill pipes. Wellhead Equipments: Well head and Tubing head; Wellhead and X-mas Trees; Sucker Rod. Solid Control System: Shakers, Centrifugal Pumps and etc. Well Control System: BOP, Manifold, Valves & BOP Control System and etc. Complete Safety Equipments TrigridMax Dehydrator/Desalter Package Supply of Control Systems based on DCS, PLC, and SCADA. Supply of Emergency Shutdown Systems. Page 8 of 69
9 Supply of Supervisory and Plant Information Systems. Specification of pneumatic instrumentation, electronic analogue and digital instrumentation, process computers and distributed control systems. Corrective, preventive, predictive, proactive maintenance of automation systems to ensure production continuity. Power Plant Optimization Control System Upgrades Integrated PLC, DCS, and HMI Control Systems Comprehensive Instrumentation, Controls and Electrical Designs Integrated PLC, DCS, and HMI Control Systems Project Development Operations Manuals Operating Training Page 9 of 69
10 Main Reference List: The list below shows some projects and clients that we have developed many projects with them (Diali Company): القائمة الرئيسية لبعض المشاريع التي تنفيذها: توضح القائمة أدناه بعض المشاريع والعمالء اللذين قمنا بتطوير العديد من المشاريع معهم )من خالل شركة ديالي(: مشروع وحدات إزالة أمالح الكسك رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 22\5\2008 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة الحي العصري الشركة المجهزة: شركة الدار البيضاء )ديالي سابقا( البضاعة الموردة: وحدات تجفيف و إزالة أمالح المنشأ: CAMERON (Formerly NATCO, United Kingdom) Page 10 of 69
11 Page 11 of 69
12 مشروع وحدات إزالة أمالح الكسك رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 22\5\2008 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة الحي العصري الشركة المجهزة: شركة الدار البيضاء )ديالي سابقا( البضاعة الموردة: لمنشأ: مبادالت الحرارية API Schmidt-Bretten GmbH, Germany Page 12 of 69
13 مشروع WET CRUDE OIL TREATMENT UNIT رقم العقد 10- P.O بتاريخ 6\2\2011 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة نفط ميسان الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة ديالي المنشأ: Italy البضاعة المجهزة: Indirect Water Bath Heaters Sites الشركة المجهزة: SRI Page 13 of 69
14 o مشروع توريد ضاغطات هواء رقم العقد بتاريخ 9\2\2011 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة نفط الجنوب الشركة المتعاقدة: ديالي المنشأ: أمريكي الشركة المجهزة: FITZ TORQUE CONVERTORS INC. Page 14 of 69
15 Page 15 of 69
16 Page 16 of 69
17 مشروع توريد براغي Studs & bolts رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 2010 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: Caspian Corporation UK الشركة المجهزة: شركة الدار البيضاء المنشأ: Cooper and Turner, UK Page 17 of 69
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19 Page 19 of 69
20 Page 20 of 69
21 مشروع توريد معدات سالمة رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 2009 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: ديالي المنشأ: النمسا الشركة المجهزة: Mercanta, Austria Page 21 of 69
22 Page 22 of 69
23 Page 23 of 69
24 مشروع وحدات إزالة أمالح الكسك رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 22\5\2008 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة الحي العصري الشركة المجهزة: شركة الدار البيضاء )ديالي سابقا( البضاعة الموردة: وحدات حقن المواد الكيميائية لمنشأ: Positive Metering Systems International, UK Page 24 of 69
25 مشروع DCS Control System For Lube Oil Plant رقم العقد P.O. 5145/B بتاريخ 2014 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الجنوب الشركة المتعاقدة: ديالي الشركة المجهزة: المنشأ: USA InvenSys (Foxboro) Page 25 of 69
26 مشروع توريد زيوت رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 2014\1\25 Page 26 of 69
27 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة الدار البيضاء المنشأ: سلطنة عمان الشركة المجهزة: Shell Page 27 of 69
28 ABB, USA, Switchgears. Page 28 of 69
29 مشروع وحدات إزالة أمالح الكسك رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 22\5\2008 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة الحي العصري الشركة المجهزة: شركة الدار البيضاء )ديالي سابقا( البضاعة الموردة: مضخات النفط الخام وغسل المياه لمنشأ: Deep Blue Pump Company, Netherlands Page 29 of 69
30 Haff-Dichtungen GmbH, Germany, Spiral Wound Gaskets Page 30 of 69
31 Page 31 of 69
32 رقم العقد P.O WET CRUDE OIL TREATMENT UNIT مشروع بتاريخ 2011\2\6 Page 32 of 69
33 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة نفط ميسان الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة ديالي المنشأ: Germany البضاعة المجهزة و الشركة المجهزة: Pumps KSB Crude Oil Page 33 of 69
34 مشروع توريد إسمنت آبار نفطية طن رقم العقد بتاريخ 2011\4\25 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة نفط الجنوب الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة ديالي المنشأ: شركة إسمنت ريسوت سلطنة عمان مشروع توريد Fittings and Seamless Pipes رقم العقد P.O بتاريخ 2008 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: شركة الحي العصري الشركة المجهزة:شركة الدار البيضاء المنشأ: InterPipe, Ukraine البضاعة المجهزة: Crude Oil Pumps مشروع توريد Digital Radio Link رقم العقد SOM بتاريخ 2009 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة نفط الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: OROK FZCO الشركة المجهزة:شركة الدار البيضاء المنشأ: HRF, Australia Page 34 of 69
35 SOM بتاريخ 1000 مشروع 2009 توريد إسمنت آبار نفطية طن رقم العقد المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة نفط الشمال الشركة المتعاقدة: OROK FZCO الشركة المجهزة:شركة الدار البيضاء المنشأ: شركة إسمنت ريسوت سلطنة عمان مشروع توريد قطع غيار Radar Tank Gauge System رقم العقد B/5011 بتاريخ 29\11\2010 المستفيد النهائي: وزارة النفط العراقية شركة مصافي الجنوب الشركة المتعاقدة: OROK FZCO الشركة المجهزة:شركة ديالي المنشأ: SAAB Resemount Page 35 of 69
36 The following a snapshot on projects executed by White House and its sister companies: Design, development and Installation of a new PLC control system (LGIS GLOFA GM4) for packing unit in Baghdad Pepsi factory. (2005). Rehabilitation, Expansion and Commissioning of an old RTU (ASEA DS803) also adding a new PLC channel to transfer the operation data of the new generating unit (40 VA) added at Old Samawa Substation, also executing all needed electrical and civil work related to. Commissioning of SFC and SEE systems for generating units (3rd and 4th with 150 MVA each) Baiji Gas Generation Station. (2005). Page 36 of 69
37 Rehabilitation, maintenance and commissioning of control system (Siemens STEP7-300 PLC) of the water treatment unit at South Baghdad Generation Station. (2005). SCADA system Replacement (SCADA Master and Telemetry Units) of the central electrical power production network of Iraq, the work include: Site assessment all 132 KV substations in Iraq central region. Assessments made to define requirements to replace old equipments and to design new equipments installation. Page 37 of 69
38 Removing old units and performing all civil and mechanical work to install new equipments (RTU, PLC, UHF, MUX, PW, Line Tuners and Battery Chargers) in substations. Installing the new equipments supplied by Siemens due to modified design and modifying the installation site to the operation conditions of the new equipments. Issue design documents, as built documents and commissioning documents. Design and Implement civil, mechanical, electrical, and decoration work to build the new Central Regional Control Center (CRCC) master system. Install the new SCADA master system (Siemens Spectrum Power3 SCADA) supplied by Siemens and performing all hardware, software, and database modifications and commission the SCADA system. Retuning unit s parameters to accomplish information transfer and commission the whole system. Page 38 of 69
39 The work involves also the issue of weekly time schedule to execute activities concurrently in multiple sites and to perform document management, quality management, human and materialized resources for the project. Holding educational and training courses inside and outside the company for the project staff, and establishing a relation and coordination between parties involved in the project including the Ministry of Electricity (MoE), the work started from October 2005 to May New SCADA system of southern power production network Commissioning. The work involves: Page 39 of 69
40 Reinstall the new SCADA Master system (Siemens Spectrum power SCADA) at the Southern Regional Control Center (SRCC), power up and modifying hardware, software and database. Retuning parameters and commissioning telemetry units at substations (RTU, PLC, Local HMI, and Battery Charger). Commission the overall SCADA system. The work involves also issue the weekly time schedule to execute activities concurrently in multiple sites. Perform document management, quality management, human and materialized resources for the project. Holding educational and training courses inside and outside the company for the project staff, and establishing a relation and coordination between parties involved in the project including the Ministry of Electricity (MoE), the work started at October 2006 to May Rehabilitation control system of core forming machine (two machines) in White House Electrical Manufacturing State Co., the project involves redesigning the control system based on Siemens Step7 PLC (the old system based on Mitsubishi PLC), replacing sensors and actuators also rewire the control signals. Consultancy and Supervision on civil and mechanical work of a 127 GSM network sites for Korek Telecom Baghdad GSM network project (phase 1), the work involves development and management over the work plan, establishing quantities and activities tables for civil and mechanical work activities, testing and inspection of towers concrete base and steel structure. Design, Installation and commissioning of Korek Telecom Baghdad GSM network (127 GSM network sites phase 1) the work involves: Installing Ericsson GSM equipments (Indoor and Outdoor) 1. Ericsson RBS (BTS), 2000 Generation. 2. Ericsson BBS, 2000 Generation. Page 40 of 69
41 3. Kathrein Azimuth antenna. Installing Ericsson MW equipments 1. Minilink MW Equipments, E Series. 2. Minilink MW antenna. 3. Ericsson Radio RAU (15/25/21 GHz, 18/25/21 GHz, 18/35/31 GHz, 38GHz). GE Mark V control system document review, wiring, testing and commissioning support of Al-Najaf New 2 X 125 GTPP. The work includes (but not limited to) Turbine Control Compartment TCC (GE Mark V), Balance Of Plant BOP (SIEMENS S7 PLC System), Fuel Treatment (West Falia), Water Treatment, Fuel Storage Tanks and field instruments (2009). White House scope of work involves, but not limited to: Review all wiring documents and correcting as necessary. Laying, wiring, termination, tagging, testing, continuity check and loop check of all control cables and low voltage power cables in the plant. Provide commissioning team support. Issue as-built documents of the control system wiring. Cabling, Testing, and Commissioning Support for Sulaimanyia 4x125 MW GTPP OVATION DCS (Distributed Control System) (2009). The work includes but not limited to: Page 41 of 69
42 Lay, termination and tagging of all cables between OVATION cabinets and related Marshalling cabinets. Check the signals continuity between Ovation Cabinets and MCs. Checking the loops between the DCS and the DB server, (DCS loop Check). Highway Networking, this includes the Ethernet network for the Ovation DCS highway between network cabinet and the system drops (controllers and workstations). GPS antenna and GPS clocks installation Design, Program development, Installation and Commissioning of a Center to Center Communication Module based on ICCP TASE 2.0 link between Mosul Dam Control Center and the NDC SCADA (Iraqi National Dispatch Center) (2009). The work includes: Page 42 of 69
43 Upgrading the existing SCADA of Mosul Dam to comply with ICCP protocol, and adding an OPC client module to Mosul Dam SCADA, to communicate with the SISCO OPC Server for ICCP (AX-S4 ICCP). Configure the ICCP server module of ABB Ranger SCADA of the NDC and building the necessary DB files to define Mosul Dam links and data (includes the configuration of the DB and Bailey Utility BUN). Corporate with Ministry of Electricity MoE Team on configuring and commissioning the ICCP link between NDC and Northern Regional Control Center (NRCC), and the ICCP link between NDC and Central Regional Control Center (CRCC) (2009). Design, Supply, Insulation and Commissioning of a Data Logger System for the 2nd and 4th thermal generation unit at Baiji Thermal Generation Station. The system based on Siemens STEP Series PLC technology, with HMI Siemens WinCC 7.0 SP1. A new wiring installed based on the new design, and an HMI application developed to monitor and report around 1000 input signals for each unit (2009). Page 43 of 69
44 Expertise The company staff had a good experience in industry, and energy production automation through their involvement in many rehabilitation and development projects in Iraqi Ministry of Industry (MoI) and Ministry of Electricity (MoE) such: Replacement and enhancement of SCADA systems of electrical dispatch centers in middle south and north of Iraq. The work involved reverse engineering of existing systems, designing a new SCADA system (hardware and software), implementing designed system and integrates it into existing telemetry network. This work accomplished in the GSC State Company (a contracting company of Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals) laboratories. The developed SCADA system (named GSCSCADA) installed and commissioned in multiple sites such as National Dispatch Center (NDC) in Baghdad, Northern Regional Control Center (NRCC) in Kirkuk, Mosul Dam Control Center (MDCC) in Mosul, and Baghdad Distribution Control Center (BDC) in Baghdad. Control systems replacement and enhancement of in number of factories and industrial planets. The work involves design, implementation, installation and commissioning. White House staff plays the main role in many projects such design, implementation, installation, and commissioning of a new PLC system. Such (Siemens STEP7 PLC and WinCC Monitoring and Control) in Singar Cement Factory, design implementation installation and commissioning of a new PLC system (LGIS GLOFA GM4 PLC system) in Kirkuk Cement Factory and Kubesa Cement Factory, design implementation installation and commissioning of a new PLC system (Allen Bradely ControlLogix PLC) in Wet Oil Station in Northern Oil Company. Enhancement and replacement of automatic control units using dedicated microcontrollers and modern intelligent electronics to replace old units or interface old systems into new controllers. White House staff Leads number of such projects for GSC State Co. such design and development of control unit on packing weighing system in Baiji Fertilizer Page 44 of 69
45 Factory, design and development of a control unit for the bridge crane in Nasser Company, design and development of a scan monitor for Kubesa cement Factory. Maintenance, rehabilitation and commissioning of control systems in number of industrial planets. White House staff have a long experience with such projects such maintenance and rehabilitation of SFC system of 1st unit at Baiji gas generation station, maintenance and reprogramming the HMI system (Rockwell Monitoring and Control software for Allen Bradely PLC system) at Mosul gas generation station, maintenance and rehabilitation of control cards of Arc and Thermal furnaces at Nasser company. SCADA & Telemetry: This is a very wide field which will be of great importance in near future in Iraq. Monitoring and Control of Remote Sites: White House is capable of design, development and installation of local control and monitoring systems for electrical substations (low, medium and high voltage), electrical power stations, water treatment stations, water Page 45 of 69
46 pump stations, sewage treatment stations, sewage pump stations. White House is also capable of design and development of equipments necessary to connect remote sites into regional monitoring and control centers. White House is experienced with many internationally known manufacturers in the field such, ABB, Siemens, LGIS, PHONIX and RFL. Industrial Plants and Processes Automation: White House is capable of design, development and installation of automation solutions for industrial plants and factories, these solutions range from simple single controller to PLC based control and Distributed Control System (DCS). White House is experienced with all project phases, assessment, process modeling, field instruments, signal transmitters, controllers, and monitoring and control software. White House has been using many internationally known control systems Siemens PLC systems, LGIS PLC systems, Allen Bradley PLC systems. Activities Execution for the following projects with Haroug (VEBA formary) Oil Operation (HOO) - Petro Canada Partner-Libya. 1. Meter Bank PLC (Allen-Bradley), & Wonder ware (InTouch) SCADA. Ras Lanuf HOO Terminal Jiskoot Oil samplers.12 Samplers distributed in 4 HOO fields (RasLanuf,Amal,Tibisti & Jofra) SAAB Radar Tank Gauge system,13 Tank Guages in RasLanuf HOO Terminal Rotork valve's actuators.140 actuators in Ras Lanuf HOO Terminal. 5. SCADA Tank Farm upgrades Siemens simatic S7-300 ongoing.in Ras Lanuf HOO Terminal. 6. Complete study for the following projects: Page 46 of 69
47 Pump Station and SCADA Engineering Upgrade Study, Amal Field, HOO, Libya Meter Bank Upgrade/Replacement Study, Ras lanuf- HOO, Libya Research and Development White House has a qualified engineering staff experienced in analyzing any problem facing the design engenderers in a project with genius solutions. In addition, they have a consistent plan to introduce the new technologies and train the engineering staff on it to adopt it in the future projects. The R&D team in White House is led by couple of engineers, who had an extensive experience in lecturing and student projects supervision in Baghdad College of Engineering. Supplies, Services and Solutions White House s range systems supplies and services is characterized by highly specialized offering and richness of pre-engineered solutions. White House controls engineers' diversified project experience (i.e. designing PLC/HMI or DCS based platforms), and also provide integrated control system solutions that are designed for the customer's specific plant requirements. Our capabilities include: Supply of Control Systems based on DCS, PLC, and SCADA. Supply of Emergency Shutdown Systems. Supply of Supervisory and Plant Information Systems. Specification of pneumatic instrumentation, electronic analogue and digital instrumentation, process computers and distributed control systems. Corrective, preventive, predictive, proactive maintenance of automation systems to ensure production continuity. Page 47 of 69
48 Power Plant Optimization Control System Upgrades Integrated PLC, DCS, and HMI Control Systems Comprehensive Instrumentation, Controls and Electrical Designs Integrated PLC, DCS, and HMI Control Systems Project Development Operations Manuals Operating Training MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES White House can provide after sales services in various forms including: Preventive Maintenance Support Telephone Support Emergency Support Continuous on site support PROJECTS EXECUTED IN IRAQ (Quantum) Project: Modernization of interlock system for 3 air blowers in 3x sulfuric acid production unit 1600 t/day each. - Client: State Ent. For Phosphate - Scope of Supply: Design & Engineering of system, Procurement of PLC system and online monitoring devices. Installation, supervision & commissioning. Training of customer personnel. - Year: 1989 Project: Onsite assistance in commissioning new cement mill. Page 48 of 69
49 - Client: State Company for Cement Al-Muthanna Cement Plant - Scope of Supply: Commissioning of PLC system for all plants and offsite, training of customer personnel on PLC system supplied - Year 1988/1989 Project: Upgrade of Dewaxing filters interlock system. - Client: Daura Refinery Baghdad - Scope of Supply: Procurements of PLC system assistance in program development and configuration. Installation, supervision & commissioning. - Year: 1990 Project: Reconstruction of sulfuric acid plant control room for line # 3. - Client: State Ent. For Phosphate - Scope of Supply: Procurement Instrumentation and control panels. Engineering of control system and commissioning, Installation supervision. - Year: 1991 Project: Reconstruction of temperature monitoring system for high tension motors in the plant - Client: State Company for Cement Karbala cement plant - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering design of upgraded system based on PLC system, installation supervision and commissioning of system. - Year: 1992 Project: Modernization of Salahuddin refinery #1 Control Room. - Client: North refineries Company-Baiji Page 49 of 69
50 - Scope of Supply: Procurement and delivery of 200 digital controllers and training of customer personnel. - Year 1998 Project: Upgrade of Field Transmitters. - Client: South Refineries Basrah - Scope of Supply: Procurement and delivery of Field instruments for the Boilers and training of customer personnel. - Year: 1999 Project: Upgrade of Dewaxing filters interlock system. - Client: Daura Refinery - Baghdad - Scope of Supply: Procurement and delivery of PLC system and training of customer personnel. - Year 1999 Project: Modernization of instrumentation W/shop. - Client: Daura Refinery Baghdad - Scope of Supply: Supply of test equipments and accessories and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2000 Project: Modernization of Lube Oil plant Control room. - Client: Daura Refinery Baghdad - Scope of Supply: Supply of digital controllers and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2000 Page 50 of 69
51 Project: Temperature indication systems - Client: Daura Refinery Baghdad - Scope of Supply: Supply of 286 T/C points temperature indication systems and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2000 Project: Instrumentation W/Shop modernization for south gas plant. - Client: South Gas Co. Basrah - Scope of Supply: Supply of modern instrumentation laboratory, installation supervision and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2000 Project: Instrumentation W/Shop modernization for Rumailah Plant. - Client: South Gas Co. Basrah - Scope of Supply: Supply of modern instrumentation laboratory and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2000 Project: Rehabilitation of 3 Boiler control system. - South Refineries Basrah - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering design of control system including burners start up sequence, procurement of burner management components and associated valves, control cabinet assembling, installation supervision and commissioning of complete system. - Year: 2001 Page 51 of 69
52 Project: Complete PLC system replacement. - Client: Jordan Phosphate Mines Co - Scope of Supply: Supply of new PLC system, supervision on installation & commissioning and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2001 Project: Modernization of instrumentation W/shop. - Client: South Refineries, Basrah - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, commissioning, training of customer personnel. - Year: 2002 Project: Supply of a new system for Temperature reading and logging based on modern PLC system connected with control room display unit. - Client: South Gas Co. Basrah - Scope of Supply: Material supply system engineering, installation supervision and commissioning, training of customer personnel. - Year: 2002 Project: Pipeline system to supply crude oil to Yousifia power station, consisting of skid mounted metering system, control valves and control instrumentation. - Client: State Company for Oil Projects - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, metering skid & control cabinet assembling, installation supervision, commissioning, training of customer personnel. - Year: 2003 Page 52 of 69
53 Project: Pipeline system to supply crude oil to Anbar power station, consisting of skid mounted metering system, control valves and control instrumentation. - Client: State Company for Oil Projects - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, metering skid & control cabinet assembling, installation supervision, commissioning. - Year: 2003 Project: Oil products transportation bottleneck solving in the pumping and receiving stations at Dewanya and Karkh. - Client: State Company For Oil Projects (SCOP) - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, metering skid & control cabinet assembling, installation supervision, commissioning, training of customer personnel. - Year: 2003 Project: Supply of Data Loggers. - Client: South Gas Co. Basrah - Scope of Supply: Supply of new AOIP Data log Year: 2005 Project: Rehabilitation of instrumentation & control system of 2 X Desalination trains. - Client: Public electrical Co. San aa, Yemen - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, installation supervision, commissioning, training of customer personnel - Year: 2006 Page 53 of 69
54 Project: Supply of Positoners. - Client: South Oil Co. - Scope of Supply: Metso Pneumatic Positioners. - Year: 2007 Project: Supply of Control and instrumentation cables. - Client: NOC, Iraq. - Scope of Supply: Cables, Junction boxes and Cable glands. - Year: Project: Graphic Data Acquisition units. - Client: SRC, Iraq. - Scope of Supply: FUJI Paperless recorders. - Year: 2007 Project: Continuation of boiler revamping and upgrading of present control system to fully automated. - Client: South Refineries Basrah - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, installation supervision, commissioning, training of customer personnel. - Year: Project: Supply of Lab Equipment. - Client: Midland Refineries, Iraq. - Scope of Supply: Stanhope-Seta Viscometer, colorimeter and spare parts. - Year: 2008 Page 54 of 69
55 Project: Rehabilitation of Boiler No Client: North Gas Co., Kirkuk-Iraq. - Scope of Supply: Detailed engineering, procurement, installation supervision, commissioning and training of customer personnel. - Year: 2008 Project: SRC-Naphtha Loading Flowmeters - Client: Barakat Al-Eiz. - Scope of Supply: Engineering and Supplying of the required field instruments (Flow Meter, TTs, TEs and PTs) and the flow computer device. Flow Computer Programming. - Year: Project: Upgrading of Pumps Station Control System - Client: Alnawahil Co. (End user: NOC). - Scope of Supply: Engineering and supplying of an upgraded control system for an existing Pumps Station by using Schneider automation Quantum PLC and Siemens Wincc SCADA software. - Year: Project: Engineering & Procurement: Control System for Desalter plant - Client: White House Co. / North Refineries Co. - Scope of Supply: Control Panel, MCC, Field Instruments. - Year: Page 55 of 69
56 Project: Upgrading Basra Air Port Water treatment control system Client: AL-Abis for general trading Scope of Supply: - Engineering, supplying, programming, configuration and installation of the new control system components such as Schneider Electric PLCs and I/O Modules and SCADA work stations using Siemens Wincc SCADA software. - Engineering works for the integration of the new components into the existing control panels. - Year: 2011 Project: KAFZA FUEL STORAGE TANKS FACILITY Client: DIG/SKA. Scope of Supply: - Designing, Engineering and Supplying of Control System, Cables, JBs. - Engineering works of equipments and instruments. - Supplying of Air Compressor, Tanks Breathing Valves. and field Instruments (PTs, TTs, PGs and LTs and ultrasonic flow meters). - Electrical system (Power, Lighting, earthling system, lightning protection and Cathodic protection) engineering and design. - Supplying of MCC, ATS and Capacitive Bank Panel including engineering works. - Preparing P&ID and Logic diagrams and cause and effect table. - Engineering of instruments installation, wiring and hookup drawings. - Full designing and Engineering of KAFZA Facility pneumatic system. - Year: Manufacturers, Suppliers & Contractors Page 56 of 69
57 Schneider Electric Grenoble France. Automation systems. QuantumTech is an approved system integrator for Schneider Electric. FT. TECHNOLOGIES 3376 CARVERTON LN ALPHARETTA, GA Exporter of spares and equipment for the oil and Gas industry. Metso Automation Neles-Jamesbury Valves Division, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai-U.A.E. Metso is a global supplier of technology and services in the process industries, including mining, construction, recycling, pulp and paper, power and oil and gas Tecnodistribuzione Via Nataloni 27, Rimini Italy. Exporter of material and parts for the Refining industry. Page 57 of 69
58 Beamex Beamex Oy Ab Ristisuonraitti 10 FIN Pietarsaari FINLAND. Calibration laboratory and hand held calibrators for Instruments Stanhope-Seta London Street, Chertsey, Surrey KT16 8AP England U.K. Analytical Instruments and equipment for laboratories of petroleum production and refining. Analytical Instruments and equipment for laboratories of petroleum production and refining. Smar Equipamentos Ind. Ltda. Rua Dr. Antonio Furlan Jr., Sertãozinho Sao Paulo Brazil Pressure, Flow, Temperature and other measuring instruments for the Petroleum Industry. Field Bus systems. Prospects and Future White House looking to expand its future in two aspects: First strengthening relationships with our customers through developing solutions prevent them from spending extra money to integrate different systems or units involved in production process or to integrate new technology into an old production line. Also by continuing our service after project turned off to the customer by producing our consultancy and advice on how Page 58 of 69
59 to enhance system performance and production process efficiency and introduce him to new technologies which will beneficial for his production line. Second expanding our experience in new fields of modern industry and energy fields, which is crucial for modernization of the local industry and energy production planets. We are looking forward to be a leading company in introducing technologies such alternative and renewable energy, clean and economical industry. Page 59 of 69
60 Appendix- Sample of executed Contracts, Projects, Agencies Page 60 of 69
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69 White House for Trading and Contracting White House Company Jordan / Amman Wasfi altal street, Gosha center 115, Bureau 201 PO.Box2433 Zip: Tel: Fax: Mobile: harith@whitehouseoil.com Website: Page 69 of 69
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افتتاحية العدد
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سيرة ذاية لعضو هيئة الدريس الرقم الوظيفي د. زكريا يحيى محمد أوال : البيانا الشخصية االسم أساذ مساعد المربة العلمية قسم الهندسة الميكانيكية-كلية الهندسة-جامعة الموصل جهة العمل سيطرة ونظم الخصص 7724498 الجوال
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د. ط در ءة ز ا ت ا دزة (درا ا ا ت) د. ط در را ر ا م م ا ا ا : ا ت ا ا ا م وا ا ي و إ ى ا ت ا ا ا دو إ و دة ا و أ اد ا. و ف ا ا إ وا ا ت ا دزة م ا أ ا
ءة ز ا ت ا دزة (درا ا ا ت) را ر ا م م ا ا ا : ا ت ا ا ا م وا ا ي و إ ى ا ت ا ا ا دو إ و دة ا و أ اد ا. و ف ا ا إ وا ا ت ا دزة م ا أ ا و ت وا ت ا دة أ ا ذ ا ا وا اءات ا ور ا و ن ا ءة و ا م ت ا. ا ا : ا
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جامعة جدارا Jadara University كلية: الدراسات التربوية
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ماجستيرالعلوم في الرياضيات يحتوي على ثالث مسارات تخصصية : الرياضيات البحتة الرياضيات التطبيقية اإلحصاء الكلية : كلية العلوم بالدمام. احلرم اجلامعي : ا
ماجستيرالعلوم في الرياضيات يحتوي على ثالث مسارات تخصصية : الرياضيات البحتة الرياضيات التطبيقية اإلحصاء الكلية : كلية العلوم بالدمام. احلرم اجلامعي : الدمام القسم : قسم الرياضيات املسار : العلمي و اإلداري
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ويف عام 1984 مت إضافة املرحلة الثانية )وحدة رقم 5( والتي تشمل على توربينة غازية طاقتها 25 ميغاوات مزودة بغالية الستغالل احلرارة املبددة و غالية مساعدة
ويف عام 1984 مت إضافة املرحلة الثانية )وحدة رقم 5( والتي تشمل على توربينة غازية طاقتها 25 ميغاوات مزودة بغالية الستغالل احلرارة املبددة و غالية مساعدة ووحدة تقطري ومضي متعدد املراحل بسعة 5 مليون جالون
الممارسات المثالية فى تقييم البرامج التعليمية بالتعليم العالى بولمان دبي كريك سيتي سنتر من 27 إلى 29 نوفمبر 2018
بولمان دبي كريك سيتي سنتر من 27 إلى 29 نوفمبر 2018 وصف حول ورشة العمل تتطرق هذة الدورة التدريبية إلى الممارسات المثالية فى التقييم فى ضؤ المعايير الدولية لضمان صدق و دقة نتائج تقييم مخرجات التعلم. و تشمل
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KNOWLEDGE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SYLLABUS 08-09 University Requirement = 4% College Requirement= % Department Requirement= 6% Number of = Semester One UCC
املقدمة إن متطلبات املرحلة احلالية لقطاع اإلنشاءات يف الوطن العربي وخاصة اململكة العربية السعودية وزيادة اإلهتمام بالبنية التحتية والرتكيز على حماية ا
املقدمة إن متطلبات املرحلة احلالية لقطاع اإلنشاءات يف الوطن العربي وخاصة اململكة العربية السعودية وزيادة اإلهتمام بالبنية التحتية والرتكيز على حماية البيئة يستدعي تكاتف اجلهود إلنشاء شركات عربية تستطيع
Grade 2 Unit P.2 Electricity 1
1 المعايير المغطاة في هذه الوحدة Standards for the unit 2.9.1 Name and use some common devices that use electricity. 2.9.2 Know that common electrical devices can make light, sound, heat and movement.
الشركة السعودية جواهر تفتتح إليزابيتا فرانكي في الرياض بارك يسعد الشركة السعودية جواهر أن تعلن عن افتتاحها لمعرض إليزابيتا فرانكي العالمة اإليطالية ال
الشركة السعودية جواهر تفتتح إليزابيتا فرانكي في الرياض بارك يسعد الشركة السعودية جواهر أن تعلن عن افتتاحها لمعرض إليزابيتا فرانكي العالمة اإليطالية الشهيرة في الرياض بارك في يوم األحد الموافق 2018/5/20
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