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د. ط در ءة ز ا ت ا دزة (درا ا ا ت) د. ط در را ر ا م م ا ا ا : ا ت ا ا ا م وا ا ي و إ ى ا ت ا ا ا دو إ و دة ا و أ اد ا. و ف ا ا إ وا ا ت ا دزة م ا أ ا

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March Vol 3 Issue 6_ pub


1 yahia.belmokaddem@gmail.com 2 belmokaddem.belmokaddem@gmail.com 9306 33 39 9306 32 03 9306 33 33 1

The reality of the Algerian university and the signs of women's emancipation - the university student model - a sociological approach at the University of Tlemcen. 1 - Rank, name and surname: Doctorant student, sociology, fourth year Classical system, Belmokaddem Yahia. Institution and Country: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Abu Bakr Belkayed Tlemcen, Algeria. E-mail: yahia.belmokaddem@gmail.com 2 - Rank, name and surname: Doctorante student, science, sociology, fourth year Classical system, Djelti Meriem. Institution and Country: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Abu Bakr Belkayed Tlemcen, Algeria. Email: belmokaddem.belmokaddem@gmail.com Date of deposit: 30/05/2019. Date of arbitration: Date of acceptance: Summary: The Algerian University has been known for its cultural openness, which has its roots and an anthropological dimension, resulting from the taste of the remnants of the university inherited from French colonialism, and radical changes in recent years, at the organizational and pedagogical level. These and other circumstances have contributed to the creation of a new university member, who has a role in the process of social change. This is what we will try to address through the signs of the liberation of the university student as a model for Algerian women at Tlemcen University. Keywords: university - university student - temporary temporal liberation - rationality of irrationality - social change. René 0323 0263 Descartes 2

3 9333 3

03 9336 4

E.Durkheim 043 Ambivalence 5

996 0650 924 6

1 pouvoir 429 autorité 9332 041 0664 M.Crozier 2 M.Crozier colin 913 906 7

13 fay 16 0643 Akon et 234 0666 autre 3 050 8

9 4

1 2 3 21 9301 9302 5 003 11

9300 6 7 8 11

9303 960 9339 64 9330 6 (Lefebvre, 1956, p4) 12

(Danic, sans date, E.Durkhiem p29) (Lefebvre, Opcit, 1956, P53) 11 11 03 9339 92 0661 13

039 0639 14


903 0643 16

9303 33 17

63 0649 18

033 66 9301 9302 19


99 9332 9331 2472 490.500 34 9332 21

قائمة المصادر والمراجع: العربية: 1 راسوووال اأةوورأل جوووا اأةعرةيووال اأيربعوو اأ ا ووور 2006( - 1 أبووي عووو وو ووي ر ووةعا بيوو اأ ووي جووا اأةلووررال ياأةسوورلب أ أ ةووا يرعوو اأيةوو اأطبيو ا يأو 2005 اأعاةيع يةعواتل اأب وا ا وا عةا 28/27 أبرعو األاهرل ة ظة اأةرأل اأيربع ةيعم ةصطل ال اأيليم اتعرةا عو أ ن علعو ي ا ب يي ب يا س ) - 2 أ ة ة رب أب اا جر سا ربا ررعةو ةعاهو بو اأةو يم ةعاهو اأخيف ةوا اأ رعو 1972( - 3 نرعك جريم اأةؤسس اأيربع أل راسال ياأ عر بعريل اأطبي ا يأ اأةووورأل - 4 اأوووي ارل اأة ر بووو اأة لسووو با سووورل ي. ووواعا اأةووورأل بووو يا سووو ) اأع ائرع يا.ع يةيطعال ررعةو جواع اأصوباا اأطبيو ا يأو لم اتعرةوا 2005( - 5 أ طي ا غع راسوال اأي و ل اأيربعو ةؤسس ررعةواا ةر و اأة ظة اأيربع ألررعة بعريل اأعاةي رساأ يةؤسس ةؤرةر اأريلوعم اأيربوا ير و عال 1994( - 6 اة ةار اأ يعل ياأيعرعا عاةي اأ يعل ةطلع األرا اأيا اأطبيو ب عاا اأس يأ أ أب اا جا اأةوك ر ياأةؤ وا 2005( - 7 رعاء با س ة ار بررا أل عر ياأري عع سيرعا ا يأ اأةيعوم اأ لو ي أيلوم اتعرةوا جرع عرعك بيرع ي بو يا سو ) - 8 رعةيا بي يا بعووريل عووياا اأةطبي وال اأعاةيعوو اأطبيوو اأنا عو ررعةو سولعم و ا أب اا اأةؤسسوو راسوو جلسووسع اغرووراا اس سوواا ي رعروو 2001( - 9 سوواأم بعطووار أل راا أب اا اأ عن ةسووووارع 2010( أوووويرا و غريسووووبعرا ةعغوووواا ةوووويرعو - 10 طووووي ا بع عوووول ررعةووو سووويع اصوووط ع ع عووو ل ةيعوووم ةصوووطل ال اأنلاجووو ي اأةعرةوووع راسوال اأي و ل اأيربعو أ اأة ظةو اأيربعو ةر و اأطبيو ا يأو اأغا ةا ررعةو األوا ر عغلوي أ اأةورأل اأع ائرعو بو 1983( ألررعة أب اا - 11 بو األوا ر عغلوي ار اأ عا سلعم.سطيا اأطبي ا يأ اأةر و اأنلواجا اأطبيو اأسا سو ةسهيم اأ رعو 2002( - 12 ب للا اأيريي اأ ار اأبع اء اأةغرا اأيربا 22

اأوو ار اأطبيو اأنا عو اسسوو م ياأ انو - 13 بو اأةععو اأعورجا ب يا سو ) اأري سع أل عر لم اعرةا ا سورل اأطبيو اأيربعو ا يأو ب يا س ) ةر ةيا خلع - 14 ار اأعريق أل عر ياأري عع ا ر ا اس ارل اسسررارععع ةسواهعم ي ةلعوال 1976( - 15 ج ح سعا ا ي اأ سع ا ةصر ار اأس ر اأيربع ةياصرل( ررعةوو اأ ظرعووال اتعرةا عوو ياأةةارسووال اأب نعوو 2010( - 16 جعلعووا عووي ةصر اأيربع أل عر ياأري عع اأطبي ا يأ دمحم عاسر اأخياع اأةوورأل جووا اأ عووال اسوورلراء اأي ووع اأووراها أةعووار 2009( - 17.رعبووع بنع وو ةر وو اأةوورأل اأيربعوو ألروو رعا اأسعاسووع جووا اأع ائوور ياأةغوورا يرووي و ري و ياأب يا ينر( اأعاةيو اأر ظعم اأةسهويم ياأ ظرعوال ياأةبوا ) 1997( - 18.عو دمحم اأيبعري اأةسري ةل ةوو جوووا راسووو اأةعرةووع اأع ائوووريأ ر لعووو - 19 دمحم اأسوويع ي ب يا سووو ) عوياا سيسوعيأيعا هوم ةظواهر اأرغعور جوا اأةعرةوع اأع ائوري اأةياصور اأةطبي ال اأعاةيع اأع ائر ةسهوووويم ر رعوووور اأةوووورأل بووووعا اأرللعوووو يجةبر 2011( - 20 دمحم خلعوووو صووووبري 19:24 02 يجةبر 2011 اأسا ياأرغرعا اترعاهوال اأ عنو جوا اأريلوعم اأعواةيا اأةياصور 2002( - 21 دمحم ة عر ةرسوا األاهرل اأم اأ را يأساأعا اأر رعو ة ربو األواهرل اتعرةا اأ ع ا اأطبيو اأناأنو 1970( - 22 ةصطس اأخعاا اأ عن األاهرل "ر وورر" اأةوورأل اأع ائرعوو اأطاأبوو اأعاةيعوو 2014/2015( - 23 ع عوو بلةلوو م ةاعسوورعر ة عوويرل لعوو اأيلوويم اس سووا ع رسوواأ ةيكعوواأ عاةيوو رلةسوواا ياتعرةا ع عاةي أبا ب ر بللاع رلةساا اأع ائر 2 األجنبية: 1 - Alex Mucchiclli et Armand colin, Dictionnaire des méthodes qualitatives en sciences humaines et sociales. 2 - André Akon et d autre.) 9999(. dictionnaire de sociologie, ED le robert seuil, paris. 3 - André Akon et d autre.) 9999(. dictionnaire de sociologie, ED le robert seuil, paris 1999. 4 - Claudette la fay.)sociologie des organisations, Edition manthem, France. 5 - Henri Lefebvre.) 9956(. critique de la vie quotidienne, Grasset l achat Paris, P4. 6 - Isabelle Danic, La notion de représentation pour les sociologues, premier aperçu réso-université Rennes 2 ESO-UMR6590CNRS. 23

Conclusion: The "emencipation" of women in Algeria and the Arab and Muslim world in general is a lot of difficulties and obstacles, and this is normal and healthy if we return to the privacy of these communities of customs, traditions and values. Women, who represent half the society and have a space of this modernity, which calls for going to work, education, equality with men, etc. These principles, which were not an obstacle to Algerian women, but enshrined in the law through legislation, did not receive a contradiction from the society that was said to be male by some observers, according to the words of Mustafa Botefnocht. The education of women in our society has become acceptable and required by all sectors. Women have a vision of modern life through education, which is considered an indicator of their emencipation. This area was swept by the high percentage of female students in all levels of education, especially higher education, In 2005, there were 721,833 registered women in the graduating class, 57.5% of whom were female (the Ministry in charge of the family and women's issues, without a year, p. 22), which gave the student a wide range of freedom and " emencipation " from many socio- At university, and has full authority especially when confronted Because the society, despite its openness, still considers women to be "protected and obscured in the language of the old, and must be prevented and observed in today's language" (Salama, 2005, p. 67). The student today has a view of the concept of " emencipation " that differs from that which prevailed in the past, and was not limited to going out to work, education, training, etc., and became more ambitious, that is, the Algerian family in general still refuses many of the values of " Which was advocated by women's emencipation movements, whether Western or Arab, especially with regard to practices that are rejected by the Islamic religion such as illegal relations, sexual freedom, etc. We do not call for the " emencipation " of the university student and Algerian women through this way, which is represented by many female students, from the duplication of practices between her presence in the family home and the university, which does not suggest "freedom" which makes her the woman of the future and the most respected and place in society, Education and work... and the presence in all fields of indicators of emancipation in our society, it must be a free, liberal and positive liberator working to raise its status and within the privacy of its society and to understand the slogans of " emencipation " and freedom in its positive content. In front of the man wa Community and the other. 1 -Arabic: 24

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98 -Qais Mohammed al-abiri (1997). Organization (concept, theories and principles). The Open University. 99 - Mohammed al - Suwaidi (without a year). Introduction in the study of Algerian society, sociological analysis of the most important manifestations of change in contemporary Algerian society. University Publications Office. Algeria. 21 -Mohammed Khalil Sabri (November 2011). The concept of women's liberation between imitation and Westernization. 02 November 2011 at 19:24. 29 - Mohamed Mounir Morsi (2002). Modern trends in contemporary university education and teaching methods. World of Books. Cairo. 22.Mustafa Al-Khashab (1970). Religious meeting. Third Edition. Modern Cairo Library. Cairo. 23.Yahia Belmokaddem (2014/2014). The Algerian woman, a university student, is " emencipation " by a model, the University of Tlemcen. Master Thesis published. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Abu Bakr Belkayed. Tlemcen. Algeria. 2- Foreign: 9 - Alex Mucchiclli et Armand colin, Dictionnaire des méthodes qualitatives en sciences humaines et sociales. 2 -André Akon et d'autre. (1999). dictionnaire de sociologie, ED le robert seuil, paris. 3.André Akon et d'autre. (1999). dictionnaire de sociologie, ed le robert seuil, paris 1999. 4 - Claudette la fay). Sociologie des organizations, Edition manthem, France. 5 - Henri Lefebvre. (1956). critique de la vie quotidienne, Grasset l'achat Paris, P4. 6 - Isabelle Danic, La notification de représentation pour les sociologues, premier aperçu réso-université Rennes 2 ESO- UMR6590CNRS. 26