يقوم منتدى االستراتيجيات األردني بمشاركة املعلومات االقتصادية املهمة التي يتم تجميعها من مصادر عاملية مختلفة وذلك بهدف نشر الوعي حول األمور االقتصادية
- بنان يافع
- منذ 5 سنوات سابقة
- المشاهدات:
2 يقوم منتدى االستراتيجيات األردني بمشاركة املعلومات االقتصادية املهمة التي يتم تجميعها من مصادر عاملية مختلفة وذلك بهدف نشر الوعي حول األمور االقتصادية واالجتماعية والتوعية في ظل التغييرات التي يشهدها العالم وذلك ملواكبة آخر التطورات وطرح مجال للتفكير في حلول تعمل على تنمية وتعزيز االقتصاد الوطني. Jordan Strategy Forum shares important economic information that is collected from various international sources; with the aim of raising economic and social awareness. This is done in order to track the latest developments and suggest solutions that would develop and strengthen the national economy. 2
3 جدول املحتويات مقدمة...5 Introduction... 6 جدول 1: إجمال الصادرات األردنية إل دول اإلتحاد األوروب Table 1: Jordanian domestic exports to the European Union, جدول 2: الصادرات األردنية إل دول اإلتحاد األوروب Table 2: Jordanian domestic exports to the European Union by country, جدول 3: ترتيب أهم القطاعات المصدرة لكل دولة من دول األوروبية المنضمة ف اإلتحاد األوروب Table 3: Ranking of top exported sectors to each European Union country شكل 1: صادرات األردن الوطنية لدول اإلتحاد األوروب ودرجات تطورها Figure 1: Jordanian domestic exports to counties part of the European Union and their levels of sophistication, جدول 4: الصادرات الوطنية األردنية إل دول اإلتحاد األوروب Table 4: Jordanian domestic exports to European countries (part of the EU), جدول 5: مجمل الصادرات لجميع دول اإلتحاد األوروب بحسب القطاع Figure 5: Total exports / sector to all countries part of the European Union, التجارة األردنية مع إيطاليا...25 JORDAN TRADE WITH ITALY التجارة األردنية مع هولندا...35 JORDAN TRADE WITH NETHERLANDS التجارة األردنية مع المملكة المتحدة JORDAN TRADE WITH UK التجارة األردنية مع بلغاريا JORDAN TRADE WITH BULGARIA التجارة األردنية مع أسبانيا...59 JORDAN TRADE WITH SPAIN التجارة األردنية مع ألمانيا...69 JORDAN TRADE WITH GERMANY التجارة األردنية مع فرنسا...78 JORDAN TRADE WITH FRANCE التجارة األردنية مع اليونان
4 JORDAN TRADE WITH GREECE التجارة األردنية مع السويد JORDAN TRADE WITH SWEDEN التجارة األردنية مع البتغال...99 JORDAN TRADE WITH PORTUGAL التجارة األردنية مع سلوفينيا JORDAN TRADE WITH SLOVENIA التجارة األردنية مع النمسا JORDAN TRADE WITH AUSTRIA التجارة األردنية مع رومانيا JORDAN TRADE WITH ROMANIA التجارة األردنية مع سلوفاكيا JORDAN TRADE WITH SLOVAKIA التجارة األردنية مع الدنمارك JORDAN TRADE WITH DENMARK التجارة األردنية مع أيرلندا JORDAN TRADE WITH IRELAND التجارة األردنية مع بلجيكا ولوكسمبورغ JORDAN TRADE WITH BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG التجارة األردنية مع قبص JORDAN TRADE WITH CYPRUS التجارة األردنية مع مالطا JORDAN TRADE WITH MALTA التجارة األردنية مع بولندا JORDAN TRADE WITH POLAND التجارة األردنية مع كوراتيا JORDAN TRADE WITH CORATIA التجارة األردنية مع استونيا JORDAN TRADE WITH ESTONIA التجارة األردنية مع جمهورية التشيك JORDAN TRADE WITH CZECH REPUBLIC التجارة األردنية مع فنلندا JORDAN TRADE WITH FINLAND التجارة األردنية مع التفيا JORDAN TRADE WITH LATVIA
5 مقدمة يأتتي هأ ا التيليأل كجزن من جهود منتأدى االسأأأأأأأأأأأأتراتيجيأات األردني لتنميأة االقتصأأأأأأأأأأأأأاد الوطني عن طري الضون على تجارة ت أأأأأأأأأأأألي األردن الخارجية التصدير الوطني إعادة التصدير واالستيراد مع جميع دول العالم حيث يتنأأأاول هأأأ ا العأأأدد من املعرةأأأة قوة تجأأأارة األردن الخأأأارجيأأأة مع جميع دول االتيأأأاد األوروبي إيطأأأاليأأأا وهولنأأأدا واململكة املتيدة وبلغاريا واسأأأأأأأأأأأأبا يا واملا يا وةرن أأأأأأأأأأأأا واليو ان وال أأأأأأأأأأأأويد والنرتغال وسأأأأأأأأأأأألوةي يا والنم أأأأأأأأأأأأا وروما يا وسأأألوةاكيا والد ماري ونيرلندا وباويكاولك أأأمبورو وقنر وةنلندا والتفيا. ومالطا وبولندا وكرواتيا واسأأأتو يا وجمهورية التشأأأيك ويظهر التيليل معلومات التجارة الخارجية من خالل الوداول والرسأأأأأأأأأأأأومات التي تبين قيم التجارة األرد ية مع ل دولة من دول االتياد األوروبي والفر املتاحة نمام الصأأأأأناعات األرد ية للتوسأأأأأع في ه و األسأأأأأوا ودرجة تطور ل من املنتجات املصدرة واألسوا امل تقبلة ككل. يوة ر ه ا التيليل معلومات قي مة للمصأأأأأأنعين وامل أأأأأأتممرين ت أأأأأأاعدهم في التخطي السأأأأأأتراتيجيات مو ت أأأأأأ هدف التوسأأأأأع في تأأأأأادراسهم وةتي نسأأأأأوا جديدة. كما يوةر ه ا التيليل نداة لصأأأأأنع القرار املبني على األدلة ال هدف لتنمية االقتصاد األردني وتيقي ازدهارو. درجة التطور: مقياس للقيمة املضاةة التي توةرها املنتجات الصناعية وم اهم ها في تعقيد اقتصاد الدولة الرجوع الى دراستي املنتدى ةضان املنتجات االردني - ةر جديدة لتنويع الصادرات الصناعية - املصد رة. الوزن الماني - تموز 2017 و دراسة ةضان املنتجات األردني - الوزن األول ا ون الماني 2017 * املصدر: قاعدة بيا ات األمم املتيدة إلحصانات تجارة ال لع Comtrade( )UN دائرة اإلحصانات العامة. 5
6 Introduction This analysis is part of Jordan strategy Forum s (JSF) efforts towards Jordan s economic development through shedding light on Jordan s bilateral trade domestic exports, reexports, and imports with all countries around the world. Hence, this series of Knowledge is Power tackles Jordan s trade with the European Union (EU) Italy, Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Spain, Germany, France, Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Slovenia, Austria, Romania, Slovakia, Denmark, Ireland, Belgium & Luxembourg, Cyprus, Malta, Poland, Croatia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Finland and Latvia. An in-depth analysis of the trade between Jordan and these countries is presented through briefings, tables, and graphs that show the values of trade between Jordan and the European Union, the potential that is still being untapped for Jordan in each country part of the EU, and the Sophistication* of products and countries markets as whole. This analysis provides strategic information for industrialists and investors that will assist them in their growth strategies and efforts to expand their business and develop new markets. This analysis also aims to provide a tool for evidence-based policymaking and assist decision-makers in their efforts to enhance Jordan s economic prosperity. * Sophistication: A measure of industrial products added value and contribution to the exporter country s economic complexity. Refer to JSF study Industrial Exports Jordan's Product Space - New Opportunities to Diversify July 2017 and Jordan's Product Space Part one January 2017 ** Source: International Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade), Department of Statistics. 6
7 2015 إجمالي الصادرات األردنية إلى دول اإلتحاد األوروبي :1 جدول JOD 4,797,583, إجمالي الصادرات األردنية JOD 120,957, إجمالي الصادرات األردنية إلى دول اإلتحاد األوروبي 2.52% نسبة الصادرات األردنية إلى دول اإلتحاد األوروبي Table 1: Jordanian domestic exports to the European Union, 2015 Total Jordanian Exports 2015 Total Jordanian Exports to the European Union 2015 % of total Jordanian exports to the European Union JOD 4,797,583,415 JOD 120,957, % 2017 التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول 7
8 جدول :2 الصادرات األردنية إلى دول اإلتحاد األوروبي 2015 النسبة من إجمالي الصادرات الوطنية األردنية % النسبة من إجمالي الصادرات الوطنية األردنية إلى دول األوروبية المنضمة في اإلتحاد األوروبي % 17.68% الترتيب الدول األوروبية المنضمة في اإلتحاد األوروبي التي تصدر لها األردن الصادرات الوطنية األردنية إيطاليا JOD 33,679,066 2 هولندا JOD 21,382, % 3 المملكة المتحدة JOD 17,756, % 14.68% 4 بلغاريا JOD 11,700, % 9.67% 5 اسبانيا JOD 11,170, % 9.24% 6 المانيا JOD 6,906, % 5.71% 7 فرنسا JOD 4,682, % 3.87% 8 اليونان JOD 3,240, % 2.68% 9 السويد JOD 1,770, % 1.46% 10 البرتغال JOD 1,725, % 1.43% 11 سلوفينيا JOD 1,250, % 1.03% 12 النمسا JOD 901, % 0.75% 13 رومانيا JOD 872, % 0.72% 14 سلوفاكيا JOD 776, % 0.64% 15 الدنمارك JOD 653, % 0.54% 16 أيرلندا JOD 638, % 0.53% 17 بلجيكا و لوكسمبورغ JOD 560, % 0.46% 18 قبرص JOD 464, % 0.38% 19 مالطا JOD 333, % 0.28% 20 بولندا JOD 158, % 0.13% 21 كرواتيا JOD 117, % 0.10% 22 استونيا JOD 79, % 0.07% 23 جمهورية التشيك JOD 70, % 0.06% 24 فنلندا JOD 28, % 0.02% 25 التفيا JOD 17, % 0.01% JOD 120,938, % 100% المجموع التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
9 Table 2: Jordanian domestic exports to the European Union by country, 2015 Ranking European Union countries Jordanian domestic exports, 2015 Percentage of Jordanian total domestic exports, 2015 Percentage of Jordanian total domestic exports to the European Union countries, Italy JOD 33,679, % 27.84% 2 Netherlands JOD 21,382, % 17.68% 3 United Kingdom JOD 17,756, % 14.68% 4 Bulgaria JOD 11,700, % 9.67% 5 Spain JOD 11,170, % 9.24% 6 Germany JOD 6,906, % 5.71% 7 France JOD 4,682, % 3.87% 8 Greece JOD 3,240, % 2.68% 9 Sweden JOD 1,770, % 1.46% 10 Portugal JOD 1,725, % 1.43% 11 Slovenia JOD 1,250, % 1.03% 12 Austria JOD 901, % 0.75% 13 Romania JOD 872, % 0.72% 14 Slovakia JOD 776, % 0.64% 15 Denmark JOD 653, % 0.54% 16 Ireland JOD 638, % 0.53% 17 Belgium & Luxembourg JOD 560, % 0.46% 18 Cyprus JOD 464, % 0.38% 19 Malta JOD 333, % 0.28% 20 Poland JOD 158, % 0.13% 21 Croatia JOD 117, % 0.10% 22 Estonia JOD 79, % 0.07% 23 Czech Republic JOD 70, % 0.06% 24 Finland JOD 28, % 0.02% 25 Latvia JOD 17, % 0.01% Total JOD 120,938, % 100% 9
10 جدول :3 ترتيب أهم القطاعات املصدرة لكل دولة من دول األوروبية املنضمة في اإلتحاد األوروبي النمسا بلجيكا و لوكسمبورغ بلغاريا الدولة األوروبية كرواتيا ترتيب أهم القطاعات المصدرة لكل دولة من دول اإلتحاد األوروبي قبرص استونيا جمهورية التشيك الدنمارك فنلندا فرنسا املانيا القطاع النسبة من مجمل صادرات األردن من هذا القطاع األول المعادن الثمينة %0.46 الفلزات %0.13 المنتجات المنسوجات الكيماوية %0.01 %0.81 الثاني المنتجات الغذائية %0.12 المنتجات الغذائية %0.04 الفلزات %0.16 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.001 الثالث المنتجات الكيماوية %0.005 المنسوجات %0.009 اآلالت %0.01 الدولة األوروبية اليونان أيرلندا إيطاليا المنتجات المنتجات البالستيك المنتجات الغذائية الغذائية الكيماوية والمطاط %0.02 %0.005 %0.1 %0.08 المنتجات المنتجات المنتجات المنتجات المتفرقات المنتجات الكيماوية الغذائية الكيماوية الكيماوية النباتية %0.001 %0.2 %0.06 % %0.004 %0.04 المتفرقات %0.47 المنتجات النباتية %0.13 المنتجات النباتية %0.27 رومانيا سلوفاكيا سلوفينيا المنسوجات المنتجات المعدنية المنسوجات %0.007 %0.002 %0.01 التفيا ترتيب أهم القطاعات المصدرة لكل دولة من دول اإلتحاد األوروبي المنتجات المتفرقات المنسوجات الغذائية %0.24 %0.03 %1.58 مالطا هولندا بولندا البرتغال القطاع النسبة من مجمل صادرات األردن من هذا القطاع األول الفلزات %1.32 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.04 المعادن الثمينة %16.7 المنتجات الغذائية %0.006 المنتجات المعدنية %0.07 المنسوجات %1.4 المنتجات الغذائية %0.02 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.12 المنتجات النباتية %0.1 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.06 المتفرقات %0.02 الثاني المنسوجات %0.02 اآلالت %0.02 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.43 المتفرقات %0.01 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.3 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.003 المنتجات الغذائية %0.002 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.01 المنتجات النباتية %0.24 الثالث المنتجات المتفرقات الغذائية %0.06 % المنتجات الغذائية %0.5 المتفرقات %0.05 البالستيك والمطاط %0.05 التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
11 اململكة املتحدة السويد اسبانيا الدولة األوروبية ترتيب أهم القطاعات المصدرة لكل دولة من دول اإلتحاد األوروبي ترتيب أهم القطاعات المصدرة لكل دولة من دول اإلتحاد األوروبي المنتجات النباتية %1.6 المنتجات الغذائية %0.3 المنتجات الكيماوية %0.65 األول المنسوجات %0.56 المنتجات النباتية %0.12 المنتجات الغذائية %0.26 الثاني المعادن الثمينة %1.3 البالستيك والمطاط %0.07 البالستيك والمطاط %0.29 الثالث Table 3: Ranking of top exported sectors to each European Union country European Country Austria Belgium & Luxembourg Bulgaria Ranking of top exported sectors to each European Union country Croatia Cyprus Czech Denmark Estonia Republic Finland France Miscellaneous 0.03% Textiles 0.24% Chemical Products % Chemical Products 0.06% - Vegetable products 0.13% Sector % Of total Jordanian exports of this sector 1st Precious Metals 0.46% Metals 0.13% Chemical Products 0.81% Chemical Products 0.001% 2nd Foodstuffs 0.12% Foodstuffs 0.04% Metals 0.16% Textiles 0.01% 3rd Chemical Products 0.005% Textiles 0.009% Machines 0.01% - Textiles 0.01% Mineral Products 0.002% European Country Germany Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Malta Ranking of top exported sectors to each European country Plastics & Rubbers 0.08% Foodstuffs Foodstuffs 0.02% 0.1% Chemical Miscellaneous Products 0.2% 0.001% Chemical Products 0.005% Vegetable Foodstuffs products 0.004% 0.04% Textiles 0.007% Netherlands - Poland Portugal Romania Sector % Of total Jordanian exports of this sector 1st Foodstuffs 1.58% Metals 1.32% Chemical Products 0.04% Precious Metals 16.7% Foodstuffs 0.006% Mineral Products 0.07% Textiles 1.4% Foodstuffs 0.02% Chemical Products 0.12% Vegetable Products 0.1% 2nd Miscellaneous 0.47% Textiles 0.02% Machinery 0.02% Chemical Products 0.43% - Miscellane ous 0.01% Chemical Products 0.3% Chemical Products 0.003% Foodstuffs 0.002% Chemical Products 0.01% 3rd Vegetable products 0.27% Miscellaneous 0.06% Foodstuffs % Metals 1.98% - - Foodstuffs 0.5% Miscellane ous 0.05% - Plastics and rubbers 0.05% 2017 التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول 11
12 European Country Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Ranking of top exported sectors to each European country Sector % Of total Jordanian exports of this sector 1st Chemical Products 0.06% Miscellaneous 0.02% Chemical Products 0.65% Foodstuffs 0.3% Vegetable Products 1.6% 2nd - Vegetable Products 0.24% Foodstuffs 0.26% Vegetable Products 0.12% Textiles 0.56% 3rd - - Plastics and rubbers 0.29% Plastics and rubbers 0.07% Precious Metals 1.3% شكل 1: صادرات األردن الوطنية لدول اإلتحاد األوروبي ودرجات تطورها
13 Figure 1: Jordanian domestic exports to counties part of the European Union and their levels of sophistication,
14 جدول :4 الصادرات الوطنية األردنية إلى دول اإلتحاد األوروبي 2015 مجمل الصادرات األردنية إلى دول اإلتحاد األوروبي القطاع المنتجات الثنائية الحيوانية والنباتية المنتجات الحيوانية الجلود الحيوانية الفن واآلثار المنتجات الكيماوية بلجيكا و لوكسمبورغ النمسا بلغاريا قبرص كرواتيا JOD 120,938,011 جمهورية التشيك استونيا الدنمارك فرنسا فنلندا اليونان المانيا 30,681 2,064 10,500 65,480 23,842 11,342,058 16,157 1,358 16,794 45,245 68,778 11, , ,610 98, , ,670 97,325 46, ,237 10, ,794 4,492,458 20,590 األحذية وأغطية الرأس األدوات 5,460 21,172 49, , , ,154 2,795,370 8,440 24,042 13, , ,455 38,361 األغذية اآلالت الفلزات المنتجات المعدنية المتفرقات 6,381 31,951 17, ,130 التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
15 القطاع النمسا الورقية 466,349 88,780 25,712 13,327 األحجار والزجاج المنسوجات النقل المنتجات النباتية المنتجات الخشبية مجمل الصادرات األردنية بحسب الدولة األوروبية القطاع المنتجات الثنائية الحيوانية والنباتية بلغاريا البالستيك والمطاط المعادن الثمينة بلجيكا و لوكسمبورغ 901,887 أيرلندا كرواتيا جمهورية التشيك قبرص 121, , ,387 استونيا الدنمارك فنلندا 2,464, , ,796 6, , ,641 1,415,533 71,807 11,700, , , ,806 70, ,529 79,594 إيطاليا هولندا 204,289 التفيا المانيا مالطا فرنسا اليونان بولندا 1,773 8,614 14,233 66,714 4,682,076 28,779 البرتغال 6,906,571 رومانيا 3,240,069 سلوفينيا سلوفاكيا 353,636 1, ,401 30,496 الجلود الحيوانية الفن واآلثار المنتجات الحيوانية التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
16 القطاع المنتجات الكيماوية إيطاليا أيرلندا مالطا التفيا بولندا هولندا رومانيا البرتغال سلوفينيا سلوفاكيا 591,027 6,123,653 3,911,215 44,836 1,720, , ,424 1, ,596 17,360 1,306,639 63,666 5,855 51,740 األحذية وأغطية الرأس األدوات 45,347 1,733, ,861 8,050 4,183, , ,279 12,142 12, ,049 8,721 13,188 29,299 10,747 5,384 45,976 73,959 16,760, ,929,276 13,984,208 األغذية اآلالت الفلزات المنتجات المعدنية المتفرقات الورقية البالستيك والمطاط المعادن الثمينة األحجار والزجاج المنسوجات النقل التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
17 القطاع أيرلندا المنتجات النباتية المنتجات الخشبية مجمل الصادرات األردنية بحسب الدولة األوروبية 638,756 إيطاليا التفيا هولندا البرتغال سلوفاكيا 135, , ,256 1,239,384 33,679,066 القطاع 17,360 اسبانيا المنتجات الثنائية الحيوانية والنباتية المنتجات الحيوانية الجلود الحيوانية الفن واآلثار المنتجات الكيماوية مالطا بولندا رومانيا سلوفينيا 333,000 21,382,981 السويد 158,054 1,725, , ,424 1,250,131 المملكة المتحدة 280,945 24,930 26,581 30, ,731 9,138, , , ,463 األحذية وأغطية الرأس األدوات 193,994 1, ,405 97,481 األغذية اآلالت الفلزات التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
18 اسبانيا السويد المملكة المتحدة القطاع 7,623 13,656 10, , , , ,244 44,838 المعادن الثمينة 1,257,084 األحجار والزجاج 81,061 93, ,396 5,942,603 المنتجات النباتية 72, ,040 8,657,072 المنتجات الخشبية 11,170,456 1,770,989 17,756,893 المنتجات المعدنية المتفرقات الورقية البالستيك والمطاط المنسوجات النقل مجمل الصادرات األردنية بحسب الدولة األوروبية التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
19 Table 4: Jordanian domestic exports to European countries (part of the EU), 2015 Total exports to countries part of the European Union 120,938,011 JD Sectors Austria Belgium & Luxembourg Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Animal and Vegetable biproducts Animal products - 30, ,064 Animal hides Arts and Antiques ,500 - Chemical products 65,480 23,842 11,342,058 16,157 1,358 16,794 45,245 68,778 11, , ,610 Foodstuffs 344, , ,325 46, ,237 10, ,794 4,492,458 Footwear and headwear Instruments Machines - 5,460 21, Metals - 276, , ,154 Mineral Products ,440 6, ,042 Miscellaneous - 13, ,798-31,951-17, , ,455 Paper goods ,773 8,614 Plastics and rubbers , ,233 19
20 Sectors Austria Belgium & Luxembourg Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Precious Metals 466, Stone & Glass Textiles - 88, , ,387-71, ,464, ,236 Transportation , ,172 Vegetable products 25,712 13, , ,641 1,415,533 Wood Total Jordanian exports / European Unioin country 901, ,185 11,700, , ,806 70, ,529 79,594 28,779 4,682,076 6,906,571 Sectors Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Animal and Vegetable biproducts , Animal products - 1, , , Animal hides Arts and Antiques Chemical products 98, ,027 6,123, ,911,215 44,836 1,720, , ,424 Foodstuffs 20,590 1, ,596 17,360-1,306,639 63,666 5,855 51,740 - Footwear and headwear
21 Sectors Greece Ireland Italy Latvia Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovakia Instruments Machines 49,549 45,347 1,733, ,861 8, Metals 2,795,370-4,183, , Mineral Products , ,142 12, Miscellaneous 38, ,049-8,721 13,188 29, Paper goods - - 5, Plastics and rubbers 66,714-45, ,959 - Precious Metals ,760, Stone & Glass Textiles 170,796-3,929, ,984, Transportation Vegetable products , , ,256 - Wood Total Jordanian exports / European Unioin country 3,240, ,756 33,679,066 17, , ,382, ,054 1,725, , ,424 21
22 Sectors Slovenia Spain Sweden United Kingdom Animal and Vegetable bi-products - 280, Animal products - 24, Animal hides - 26, Arts and Antiques Chemical products - 9,138,573 30, ,731 Foodstuffs - 741, , ,463 Footwear and headwear Instruments Machines - 193,994-1,418 Metals - 115,405-97,481 Mineral Products ,623 Miscellaneous 10,747 13,656 10, ,217 Paper goods ,302 Plastics and rubbers - 469, ,244 44,838 Precious Metals ,257,084 Stone & Glass ,061 Textiles - 93, ,396 5,942,603 Transportation Vegetable products 1,239,384 72, ,040 8,657,072 Wood Total Jordanian exports / European Union country 1,250,131 11,170,456 1,770,989 17,756,893 22
23 جدول :5 مجمل الصادرات لجميع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي بحسب القطاع 2015 القطاع مجمل الصادرات لجميع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي بحسب القطاع المنتجات الثنائية الحيوانية والنباتية 634,581 المنتجات الحيوانية 514,331 الجلود الحيوانية 90,822 الفن واآلثار 10,500 المنتجات الكيماوية 35,860,611 األغذية 9,951,927 األحذية وأغطية الرأس األدوات اآلالت 2,818,017 الفلزات 8,556,371 المنتجات المعدنية المتفرقات 395,110 1,095,994 الورقية 27,784 البالستيك والمطاط 943,765 المعادن الثمينة األحجار والزجاج المنسوجات النقل 18,483,695 81,308 27,201, ,014 المنتجات النباتية 14,119,261 المنتجات الخشبية مجمل الصادرات األردنية بحسب القطاع 120,938,011 التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي أيلول
24 Table 5: Total exports / sector to all countries part of the European Union, 2015 Sectors Total exports / sector to all countries part of the European Union Animal and Vegetable bi-products 634,581 Animal products 514,331 Animal hides 90,822 Arts and Antiques 10,500 Chemical products 35,860,611 Foodstuffs 9,951,927 Footwear and headwear - Instruments - Machines 2,818,017 Metals 8,556,371 Mineral Products 395,110 Miscellaneous 1,095,994 Paper goods 27,784 Plastics and rubbers 943,765 Precious Metals 18,483,695 Stone & Glass 81,308 Textiles 27,201,920 Transportation 152,014 Vegetable products 14,119,261 Wood - Total Jordanian exports / Sector 120,938,011 24
25 التجارة األردنية مع إيطاليا JORDAN TRADE WITH ITALY 25
26 JORDAN - Italy TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Italy Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Italy Total Imports JOD 287,513,446,081 Italy Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 96,232,491,182 Jordan Exports to Italy JOD 33,686,713 Number of Products 42 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Italy / Italy Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Italy / Italy Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Exports to the World JOD 5,024,439 Italy Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 5,081,462,285 Italy Animal Hides Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,520,671,297 Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Italy JOD 489,401 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Animal Hides Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Italy / Italy Total Animal Hides Imports % Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Italy / Italy Animal Hides Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Italy Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 36,271,376,130 Italy Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 17,731,944,296 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Italy JOD 6,123,653 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication 8320 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Italy / Italy Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Italy / Italy Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Italy Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 9,831,109,607 Italy Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,228,457,773 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Italy JOD 164,596 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Italy / Italy Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Italy / Italy Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Italy Total Machines Imports JOD 49,979,258,467 Italy Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 16,641,979,326 Jordan Machines Exports to Italy JOD 1,733,166 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Italy / Italy Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Italy / Italy Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Italy Total Metals Imports JOD 27,161,154,172 Italy Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 12,956,636,117 Jordan Metals Exports to Italy JOD 4,183,432 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Italy / Italy Total Metals Imports %
27 Jordan Metals Exports to Italy / Italy Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Italy Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 4,788,387,604 Italy Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,322,488,035 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Italy JOD 108,049 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Italy / Italy Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Italy / Italy Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World JOD 124,575,979 Italy Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 5,580,693,320 Italy Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,645,229,733 Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Italy JOD 5,384 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Italy / Italy Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Italy / Italy Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Italy Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 15,947,316,677 Italy Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 10,481,940,186 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Italy JOD 45,976 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Italy / Italy Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Italy / Italy Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Exports to the World JOD 100,341,692 Italy Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 6,952,003,110 Italy Precious Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,527,010,149 Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Italy JOD 16,760,262 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Precious Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Italy / Italy Total Precious Metals Imports % Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Italy / Italy Precious Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Exports to the World JOD 56,017,271 Italy Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 2,548,508,083 Italy Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,156,334,828 Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to Italy JOD 247 Average Sophistication 9161 Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Exports to the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to Italy / Italy Total Stone And Glass Imports % Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to Italy / Italy Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Italy Total Textiles Imports JOD 16,249,635,769 Italy Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,323,546,899 Jordan Textiles Exports to Italy JOD 3,929,276 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication 5855 Jordan Textiles Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Italy / Italy Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Italy / Italy Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Italy _ Vegetable Products
28 Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Italy Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 8,570,644,274 Italy Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,047,322,299 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Italy JOD 135,624 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Italy / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Italy / Italy Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Italy / Italy Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
29 JORDAN - Italy TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Italy Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Italy Total Imports JOD 287,513,446,081 Italy Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 166,235,261,108 Jordan Re-exports to Italy JOD 4,789,995 Number of Products 58 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Italy / Italy Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Italy Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 36,271,376,130 Italy Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 24,499,618,232 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Italy JOD 214,552 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 1084 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Italy / Italy Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Italy Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 9,831,109,607 Italy Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 6,368,751,649 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Italy JOD 105,367 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 7787 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Italy / Italy Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Italy Total Machines Imports JOD 49,979,258,467 Italy Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 44,666,121,224 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Italy JOD 437,118 Number of Products 20 Average Sophistication 7595 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Italy / Italy Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Italy Total Metals Imports JOD 27,161,154,172 Italy Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 11,022,685,615 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Italy JOD 31,921 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 157 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Italy / Italy Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Italy Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 4,788,387,604 Italy Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 4,124,730,436 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Italy JOD 20,703 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 3680 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Italy / Italy Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
30 Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World JOD 68,128,690 Italy Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 15,947,316,677 Italy Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 12,695,146,203 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Italy JOD 18,391 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 6442 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Italy / Italy Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jor % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 1,093,738 Italy Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 6,952,003,110 Italy Precious Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,843,676,580 Jordan Precious Metals Re-exports to Italy JOD 52,703 Average Sophistication 101 Jordan Precious Metals Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Precious Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Precious Metals Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Precious Metals Imports % Jordan Precious Metals Re-exports to Italy / Italy Precious Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Re-exports to the World JOD 3,451,436 Italy Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 2,548,508,083 Italy Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,563,134,334 Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to Italy JOD 4,303 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Re-exports to the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Stone And Glass Imports % Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to Italy / Italy Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World JOD 21,666,594 Italy Total Textiles Imports JOD 16,249,635,769 Italy Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 5,452,394,912 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Italy JOD 45,420 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 96 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Italy / Italy Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Italy _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 Italy Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 8,570,644,274 Italy Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 5,964,065,354 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Italy JOD 61,378 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 8037 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Italy / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Italy / Italy Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Italy / Italy Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jorda %
31 JORDAN - Italy TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Italy Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Italy Total Exports JOD 318,134,987,760 Italy Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 292,984,357,453 Jordan Imports from Italy JOD 571,546, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Italy / Italy Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Italy / Italy Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Italy Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 1,611,873,247 Italy Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,324,468,751 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Italy JOD 1,070,417 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports fro % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Italy / Italy Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Italy / Italy Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Pr % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Italy Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 8,991,855,534 Italy Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,430,800,891 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Italy JOD 780,579 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Italy / Italy Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Italy / Italy Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Italy Total Animal Products Exports JOD 4,067,114,087 Italy Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,348,526,499 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Italy JOD 1,066,297 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Italy / Italy Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Italy / Italy Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Arts And Antiques Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports JOD 239,710 Italy Total Arts And Antiques Exports JOD 673,693,568 Italy Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 665,905,256 Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Italy JOD 3,512 Average Sophistication Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports from the World % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Italy / Italy Total Arts And Antiques Exports % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Italy / Italy Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Italy Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 34,251,176,234 Italy Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 32,938,123,865 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Italy JOD 54,987, Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World %
32 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Italy / Italy Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Italy / Italy Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Italy Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 16,805,049,301 Italy Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 16,477,434,583 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Italy JOD 18,171,982 Number of Products 71 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Italy / Italy Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Italy / Italy Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Italy Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 7,239,806,911 Italy Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,117,614,301 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Italy JOD 2,113,336 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Italy / Italy Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Italy / Italy Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Italy Total Instruments Exports JOD 9,156,989,766 Italy Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,783,343,814 Jordan Instruments Imports from Italy JOD 8,002,976 Number of Products 83 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Italy / Italy Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Italy / Italy Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Italy Total Machines Exports JOD 83,906,621,576 Italy Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 82,090,374,367 Jordan Machines Imports from Italy JOD 144,363,903 Number of Products 487 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Italy / Italy Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Italy / Italy Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Italy Total Metals Exports JOD 29,613,077,003 Italy Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 28,289,078,733 Jordan Metals Imports from Italy JOD 36,531, Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Italy / Italy Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Italy / Italy Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Italy Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 2,253,727,726 Italy Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,622,018,529 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Italy JOD 104,631,794 6 Average Sophistication 567 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Italy / Italy Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Italy / Italy Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
33 Jordan Imports from Italy _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Italy Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 10,544,194,450 Italy Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,438,385,992 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Italy JOD 16,490,396 Number of Products 61 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Italy / Italy Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Italy / Italy Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Italy Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 5,834,995,692 Italy Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,542,552,121 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Italy JOD 4,777,489 Number of Products 52 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Italy / Italy Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Italy / Italy Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Italy Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 16,504,985,222 Italy Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 16,246,518,658 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Italy JOD 15,742, Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Italy / Italy Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Italy / Italy Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Italy Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 8,189,109,951 Italy Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,305,699,187 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Italy JOD 93,633,991 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Italy / Italy Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Italy / Italy Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Italy Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 7,056,378,481 Italy Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,840,200,826 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Italy JOD 11,157,374 Number of Products 54 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Italy / Italy Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Italy / Italy Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Italy Total Textiles Exports JOD 20,563,667,877 Italy Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 18,360,926,049 Jordan Textiles Imports from Italy JOD 10,850, Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Italy / Italy Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Italy / Italy Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Italy Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 33,379,347,083
34 Italy Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 29,755,993,324 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Italy JOD 7,976,646 Number of Products 42 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Italy / Italy Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Italy / Italy Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Italy Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 6,716,521,994 Italy Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,162,528,796 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Italy JOD 33,901,155 Number of Products 40 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Italy / Italy Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Italy / Italy Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Italy _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Italy Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,292,221,376 Italy Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,243,862,909 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Italy JOD 1,276,229 Number of Products 26 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Italy / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Italy / Italy Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Italy / Italy Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
35 التجارة األردنية مع هولندا JORDAN TRADE WITH NETHERLANDS 35
36 JORDAN - Netherlands TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Netherlands Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Netherlands Total Imports JOD 329,457,109,600 Netherlands Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 99,884,370,354 Jordan Exports to Netherlands JOD 21,383,981 Number of Products 41 Average Sophistication 7713 Jordan Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to the World JOD 5,029,177 Netherlands Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 3,388,553,674 Netherlands Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 807,705,020 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Netherlands JOD 353,636 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Export % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Im % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Import % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World JOD 193,768,813 Netherlands Total Animal Products Imports JOD 8,685,801,526 Netherlands Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,851,454,857 Jordan Animal Products Exports to Netherlands JOD 30,496 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jo % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Netherlands Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 37,013,229,091 Netherlands Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 16,224,095,897 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Netherlands JOD 3,911,215 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication 8445 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported b % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Netherlands Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 17,540,188,311 Netherlands Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 9,258,191,469 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Netherlands JOD 1,306,639 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
37 Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Netherlands Total Machines Imports JOD 77,194,560,614 Netherlands Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 22,658,032,332 Jordan Machines Exports to Netherlands JOD 759,861 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Netherlands Total Metals Imports JOD 22,437,696,235 Netherlands Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 12,068,533,274 Jordan Metals Exports to Netherlands JOD 542,517 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 Netherlands Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 40,962,228,524 Netherlands Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,644,080,694 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Netherlands JOD 12,142 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by J % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Netherlands Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 6,620,323,791 Netherlands Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,900,708,149 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Netherlands JOD 13,188 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Netherlands Total Textiles Imports JOD 11,118,898,356 Netherlands Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,475,500,561 Jordan Textiles Exports to Netherlands JOD 13,984,208 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication 4910 Jordan Textiles Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Netherlands _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Netherlands Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 13,089,520,957 Netherlands Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,185,250,790
38 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Netherlands JOD 469,079 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported %
39 JORDAN - Netherlands TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Netherlands Total Imports JOD 329,457,109,600 Netherlands Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 189,928,998,639 Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 1,488,880 Number of Products 37 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Netherlands Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 37,013,229,091 Netherlands Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 22,170,728,287 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 46,947 Average Sophistication 386 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-expo % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Netherlands Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 17,540,188,311 Netherlands Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 11,294,170,976 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 35,179 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 430 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Netherlands Total Machines Imports JOD 77,194,560,614 Netherlands Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 71,056,685,332 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 1,006,228 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Netherlands Total Metals Imports JOD 22,437,696,235 Netherlands Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 10,314,201,437 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 24,278 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 797 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
40 Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Netherlands Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 6,620,323,791 Netherlands Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 5,876,163,290 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 58,166 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World JOD 21,666,594 Netherlands Total Textiles Imports JOD 11,118,898,356 Netherlands Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 4,805,976,270 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 1,950 Average Sophistication 1 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Netherlands _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 Netherlands Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 13,089,520,957 Netherlands Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 7,710,284,307 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Netherlands JOD 62,549 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 817 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Netherlands / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Netherlands / Netherlands Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-ex %
41 JORDAN - Netherlands TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Netherlands Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Netherlands Total Exports JOD 303,374,307,927 Netherlands Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 248,129,566,199 Jordan Imports from Netherlands JOD 148,707,826 Number of Products 720 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Netherlands Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 3,216,732,714 Netherlands Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,879,936,798 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Netherlands JOD 184,559 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imp % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Product % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exp % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Netherlands Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 1,227,557,244 Netherlands Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 732,398,590 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Netherlands JOD 17,489 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Netherlands Total Animal Products Exports JOD 14,879,823,732 Netherlands Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,455,490,462 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Netherlands JOD 13,094,722 Number of Products 29 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Netherlands Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 44,314,434,235 Netherlands Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 38,538,024,873 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Netherlands JOD 17,658, Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Chemical Products Exports From the Products Importe %
42 Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Netherlands Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 21,833,933,028 Netherlands Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 20,520,685,138 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Netherlands JOD 45,082,543 Number of Products 59 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Netherlands Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 1,847,446,548 Netherlands Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,843,402,523 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Netherlands JOD 15,966 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the Wor % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Prod % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Netherlands Total Instruments Exports JOD 11,385,544,903 Netherlands Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 11,201,595,594 Jordan Instruments Imports from Netherlands JOD 3,728,520 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Netherlands Total Machines Exports JOD 67,931,184,974 Netherlands Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 62,818,745,597 Jordan Machines Imports from Netherlands JOD 8,973, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Netherlands Total Metals Exports JOD 17,846,216,286 Netherlands Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 15,594,816,889 Jordan Metals Imports from Netherlands JOD 8,440,963 Number of Products 65 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Netherlands Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 24,203,021,894 Netherlands Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 22,890,102,233
43 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Netherlands JOD 2,067,931 1 Average Sophistication 2275 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Netherlands Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 4,126,856,482 Netherlands Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,080,415,077 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Netherlands JOD 623,724 Number of Products 22 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Netherlands Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 4,174,565,102 Netherlands Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,853,495,839 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Netherlands JOD 2,947,237 Number of Products 35 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Netherlands Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 17,778,281,638 Netherlands Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 17,426,407,618 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Netherlands JOD 8,785,222 Number of Products 46 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imp % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Netherlands Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 1,245,125,151 Netherlands Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 957,579,067 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Netherlands JOD 5,844 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Netherlands Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 1,596,032,202 Netherlands Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,378,605,642 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Netherlands JOD 189,010 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World %
44 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Netherlands Total Textiles Exports JOD 6,883,327,409 Netherlands Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,091,746,336 Jordan Textiles Imports from Netherlands JOD 1,503,993 Number of Products 34 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Netherlands Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 14,969,988,036 Netherlands Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 13,161,035,370 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Netherlands JOD 18,806,677 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Transport Equipments Exports From the Products I % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Netherlands Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 15,462,821,945 Netherlands Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 12,667,829,513 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Netherlands JOD 7,878,341 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Impor % Jordan Imports from Netherlands _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Netherlands Total Wood Products Exports JOD 816,275,945 Netherlands Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 772,357,721 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Netherlands JOD 31,824 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Netherlands / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Netherlands / Netherlands Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jo %
45 التجارة األردنية مع المملكة المتحدة JORDAN TRADE WITH UK 45
46 JORDAN - U.K. TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to U.K. Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 U.K. Total Imports JOD 433,420,619,031 U.K. Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 150,624,052,483 Jordan Exports to U.K. JOD 17,764,135 Number of Products 48 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Imports % Jordan Exports to U.K. / U.K. Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 U.K. Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 45,320,750,247 U.K. Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 24,917,305,980 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to U.K. JOD 594,731 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to U.K. / U.K. Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 U.K. Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 22,544,153,630 U.K. Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 15,202,363,937 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to U.K. JOD 927,463 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to U.K. / U.K. Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 U.K. Total Machines Imports JOD 92,924,185,631 U.K. Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 27,981,897,173 Jordan Machines Exports to U.K. JOD 1,418 Average Sophistication 7495 Jordan Machines Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to U.K. / U.K. Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 U.K. Total Metals Imports JOD 21,776,387,495 U.K. Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 11,155,581,361 Jordan Metals Exports to U.K. JOD 97,481 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to U.K. / U.K. Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
47 Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 U.K. Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 24,796,446,804 U.K. Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,504,641,284 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to U.K. JOD 7,623 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to U.K. / U.K. Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 U.K. Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 14,098,004,970 U.K. Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,762,678,367 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to U.K. JOD 134,217 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to U.K. / U.K. Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World JOD 124,575,979 U.K. Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 8,021,638,623 U.K. Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,495,230,310 Jordan Paper Goods Exports to U.K. JOD 11,302 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to U.K. / U.K. Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 U.K. Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 16,435,651,926 U.K. Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 11,242,847,484 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to U.K. JOD 44,838 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to U.K. / U.K. Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Exports to the World JOD 100,341,692 U.K. Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 18,831,220,989 U.K. Precious Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 9,713,949,997 Jordan Precious Metals Exports to U.K. JOD 1,257,084 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Precious Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Precious Metals Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Precious Metals Imports % Jordan Precious Metals Exports to U.K. / U.K. Precious Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Exports to the World JOD 56,017,271 U.K. Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 4,170,422,930 U.K. Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,796,219,288
48 Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to U.K. JOD 81,061 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Exports to the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Stone And Glass Imports % Jordan Stone And Glass Exports to U.K. / U.K. Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 U.K. Total Textiles Imports JOD 25,058,235,927 U.K. Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 10,543,769,682 Jordan Textiles Exports to U.K. JOD 5,942,603 1 Average Sophistication 9909 Jordan Textiles Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to U.K. / U.K. Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to U.K. _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 U.K. Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 11,515,284,829 U.K. Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,689,995,666 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to U.K. JOD 8,657,072 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication 4998 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to U.K. / U.K. Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
49 JORDAN - U.K. TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to U.K. Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 U.K. Total Imports JOD 433,420,619,031 U.K. Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 287,638,006,149 Jordan Re-exports to U.K. JOD 7,977,148 Number of Products 65 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 U.K. Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 45,320,750,247 U.K. Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 32,739,769,977 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to U.K. JOD 107,653 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication 4575 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 U.K. Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 22,544,153,630 U.K. Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 15,895,956,017 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to U.K. JOD 2,159 Average Sophistication 59 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 U.K. Total Machines Imports JOD 92,924,185,631 U.K. Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 84,016,565,575 Jordan Machines Re-exports to U.K. JOD 273,029 Number of Products 20 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 U.K. Total Metals Imports JOD 21,776,387,495 U.K. Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 13,734,905,073 Jordan Metals Re-exports to U.K. JOD 87,601 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
50 Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 U.K. Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 14,098,004,970 U.K. Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 13,015,985,813 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to U.K. JOD 4,468,489 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Re-exports to the World JOD 8,318,359 U.K. Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 8,021,638,623 U.K. Paper Goods Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 5,711,901,311 Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to U.K. JOD 79,479 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Paper Goods Re-exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Paper Goods Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Re-exports to the World JOD 3,451,436 U.K. Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 4,170,422,930 U.K. Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,767,558,619 Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to U.K. JOD 32,589 Average Sophistication 7871 Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Re-exports to the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Stone And Glass Imports % Jordan Stone And Glass Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Stone And Glass Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World JOD 21,666,594 U.K. Total Textiles Imports JOD 25,058,235,927 U.K. Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 11,013,001,009 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to U.K. JOD 269,023 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 295 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to U.K. _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 U.K. Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 11,515,284,829 U.K. Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 6,735,316,812 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to U.K. JOD 48,656 Average Sophistication 18 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to U.K. / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to U.K. / U.K. Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
51 JORDAN - U.K. TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from U.K. Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 U.K. Total Exports JOD 304,212,285,860 U.K. Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 266,331,268,934 Jordan Imports from U.K. JOD 199,208, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Exports % Jordan Imports from U.K. / U.K. Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 U.K. Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 456,824,487 U.K. Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 340,435,408 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from U.K. JOD 97,281 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Pr % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 U.K. Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 1,043,672,030 U.K. Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 788,052,277 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from U.K. JOD 65,378 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from U.K. / U.K. Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 U.K. Total Animal Products Exports JOD 4,684,182,051 U.K. Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,216,798,958 Jordan Animal Products Imports from U.K. JOD 1,778,639 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 U.K. Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 46,301,212,217 U.K. Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 41,965,309,743 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from U.K. JOD 41,568, Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
52 Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 U.K. Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 13,586,400,454 U.K. Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 13,108,514,408 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from U.K. JOD 20,823,144 Number of Products 55 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from U.K. / U.K. Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 U.K. Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 1,285,013,102 U.K. Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,277,318,215 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from U.K. JOD 89,934 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from U.K. / U.K. Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 U.K. Total Instruments Exports JOD 12,962,128,731 U.K. Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 12,514,179,103 Jordan Instruments Imports from U.K. JOD 6,921,432 Number of Products 81 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from U.K. / U.K. Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 U.K. Total Machines Exports JOD 62,013,684,007 U.K. Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 54,643,279,378 Jordan Machines Imports from U.K. JOD 40,230,093 Number of Products 344 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from U.K. / U.K. Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 U.K. Total Metals Exports JOD 16,387,819,017 U.K. Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 14,056,588,120 Jordan Metals Imports from U.K. JOD 4,574, Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from U.K. / U.K. Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 U.K. Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 14,759,190,960 U.K. Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 14,266,365,800
53 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from U.K. JOD 1,335,694 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication 6375 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 U.K. Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 3,865,952,932 U.K. Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,307,338,491 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from U.K. JOD 2,231,163 Number of Products 48 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from U.K. / U.K. Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 U.K. Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 5,336,448,099 U.K. Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,894,004,148 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from U.K. JOD 5,073,372 Number of Products 52 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from U.K. / U.K. Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 U.K. Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 10,950,013,149 U.K. Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,592,311,654 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from U.K. JOD 5,597,886 Number of Products 69 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from U.K. / U.K. Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 U.K. Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 37,354,362,001 U.K. Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 34,088,007,163 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from U.K. JOD 228,655 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from U.K. / U.K. Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 U.K. Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 1,911,820,497 U.K. Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,842,499,389 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from U.K. JOD 508,572 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Stone And Glass Exports %
54 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from U.K. / U.K. Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 U.K. Total Textiles Exports JOD 7,141,184,361 U.K. Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,389,048,564 Jordan Textiles Imports from U.K. JOD 6,551,459 Number of Products 75 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from U.K. / U.K. Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 U.K. Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 49,049,594,015 U.K. Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 43,900,295,473 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from U.K. JOD 49,425,339 Number of Products 37 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from U.K. / U.K. Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 U.K. Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 2,321,417,813 U.K. Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,027,672,580 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from U.K. JOD 1,978,666 Number of Products 25 Average Sophistication 9687 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from U.K. _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 U.K. Total Wood Products Exports JOD 415,837,991 U.K. Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 347,946,420 Jordan Wood Products Imports from U.K. JOD 108,387 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from U.K. / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from U.K. / U.K. Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
55 التجارة األردنية مع بلغاريا JORDAN TRADE WITH BULGARIA 55
56 JORDAN - Bulgaria TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Bulgaria Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Bulgaria Total Imports JOD 20,617,952,691 Bulgaria Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,236,633,759 Jordan Exports to Bulgaria JOD 11,700,478 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 9980 Jordan Exports to Bulgaria / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Bulgaria _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Bulgaria Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 2,178,642,039 Bulgaria Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,339,944,998 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Bulgaria JOD 11,342,058 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 9857 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Bulgaria / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Bulgaria _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Bulgaria Total Machines Imports JOD 3,953,002,579 Bulgaria Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,573,635,830 Jordan Machines Exports to Bulgaria JOD 21,172 Average Sophistication 7706 Jordan Machines Exports to Bulgaria / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Bulgaria _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Bulgaria Total Metals Imports JOD 1,985,211,772 Bulgaria Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,129,617,672 Jordan Metals Exports to Bulgaria JOD 337,248 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Bulgaria / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي آب 2017
57 JORDAN - Bulgaria TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Bulgaria Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Bulgaria Total Imports JOD 20,617,952,691 Bulgaria Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 11,114,914,626 Jordan Re-exports to Bulgaria JOD 34,665 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Bulgaria / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Bulgaria _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Bulgaria Total Metals Imports JOD 1,985,211,772 Bulgaria Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,012,043,936 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Bulgaria JOD 13,168 Average Sophistication 870 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Bulgaria / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Bulgaria / Bulgaria Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي آب 2017
58 JORDAN - Bulgaria TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Bulgaria Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Bulgaria Total Exports JOD 18,913,589,293 Bulgaria Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 13,822,929,465 Jordan Imports from Bulgaria JOD 17,041, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Bulgaria / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Bulgaria _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Bulgaria Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 174,927,170 Bulgaria Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 162,146,314 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Bulgaria JOD 178,107 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 8847 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Bulgaria / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Export % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From % Jordan Imports from Bulgaria _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Bulgaria Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 86,736,552 Bulgaria Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 75,137,759 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Bulgaria JOD 991 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Bulgaria / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Bulgaria _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Bulgaria Total Animal Products Exports JOD 322,175,577 Bulgaria Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 216,727,816 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Bulgaria JOD 99,164 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Bulgaria / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Bulgaria / Bulgaria Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % التجارة األردنية مع دول اإلتحاد األوروبي آب 2017
59 التجارة األردنية مع أسبانيا JORDAN TRADE WITH SPAIN 59
60 JORDAN - Spain TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Spain Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Spain Total Imports JOD 213,306,368,356 Spain Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 69,578,297,909 Jordan Exports to Spain JOD 11,171,456 Number of Products 24 Average Sophistication 8485 Jordan Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Spain / Spain Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Spain / Spain Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to the World JOD 5,029,177 Spain Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 1,718,773,744 Spain Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 839,855,043 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Spain JOD 280,945 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to the % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Spain / Spain Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports to Spain / Spain Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports From the Pro % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Exports to the World JOD 5,024,439 Spain Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 1,878,645,298 Spain Animal Hides Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 797,813,512 Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Spain JOD 24,930 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Animal Hides Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Spain / Spain Total Animal Hides Imports % Jordan Animal Hides Exports to Spain / Spain Animal Hides Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World JOD 193,768,813 Spain Total Animal Products Imports JOD 6,723,701,428 Spain Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,339,494,825 Jordan Animal Products Exports to Spain JOD 26,581 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Spain / Spain Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Spain / Spain Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Spain Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 26,362,290,644 Spain Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 14,113,279,997 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Spain JOD 9,138,573 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 7212 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Spain / Spain Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Spain / Spain Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
61 Jordan Exports to Spain _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Spain Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 8,574,638,882 Spain Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,163,751,846 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Spain JOD 741,343 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 8176 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Spain / Spain Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Spain / Spain Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Spain Total Machines Imports JOD 39,575,293,705 Spain Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 12,900,656,505 Jordan Machines Exports to Spain JOD 193,994 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 7759 Jordan Machines Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Spain / Spain Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Spain / Spain Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Spain Total Metals Imports JOD 14,444,704,858 Spain Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,651,554,415 Jordan Metals Exports to Spain JOD 115,405 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Spain / Spain Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to Spain / Spain Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Spain Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 5,167,285,909 Spain Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,264,707,898 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Spain JOD 13,656 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Spain / Spain Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Spain / Spain Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Spain Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 10,477,852,952 Spain Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 6,842,167,408 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Spain JOD 469,303 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Spain / Spain Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Spain / Spain Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Spain Total Textiles Imports JOD 15,523,680,910 Spain Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 6,255,700,163
62 Jordan Textiles Exports to Spain JOD 93,422 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 5512 Jordan Textiles Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Spain / Spain Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Spain / Spain Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Spain _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Spain Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 7,753,731,356 Spain Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,355,810,981 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Spain JOD 72,304 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Spain / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Spain / Spain Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Spain / Spain Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
63 JORDAN - Spain TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Spain Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Spain Total Imports JOD 213,306,368,356 Spain Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 130,010,995,369 Jordan Re-exports to Spain JOD 219,973 Number of Products 24 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Spain / Spain Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Spain _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Spain Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 26,362,290,644 Spain Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 17,876,032,811 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Spain JOD 65,600 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 139 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Spain / Spain Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jorda % Jordan Re-exports to Spain _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Spain Total Machines Imports JOD 39,575,293,705 Spain Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 34,606,007,256 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Spain JOD 57,389 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication 6621 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Spain / Spain Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Spain _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Spain Total Metals Imports JOD 14,444,704,858 Spain Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 8,033,610,828 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Spain JOD 2,836 Average Sophistication 616 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Spain / Spain Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Spain _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Spain Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 5,167,285,909 Spain Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 4,570,084,212 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Spain JOD 5,568 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 7216 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Spain / Spain Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
64 Jordan Re-exports to Spain _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World JOD 68,128,690 Spain Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 10,477,852,952 Spain Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 8,378,548,907 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Spain JOD 1,454 Average Sophistication 65 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Spain / Spain Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported by J % Jordan Re-exports to Spain _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 Spain Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 7,753,731,356 Spain Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 5,375,787,574 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Spain JOD 12,269 Average Sophistication 3100 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Spain / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Spain / Spain Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Spain / Spain Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jord %
65 JORDAN - Spain TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Spain Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Spain Total Exports JOD 190,380,775,394 Spain Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 162,709,889,388 Jordan Imports from Spain JOD 262,316, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Spain / Spain Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Spain / Spain Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Spain Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 3,001,901,164 Spain Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,374,344,488 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Spain JOD 2,009,006 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports fro % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Spain / Spain Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Spain / Spain Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Spain Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 1,574,326,731 Spain Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,238,618,554 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Spain JOD 277,088 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Spain / Spain Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Spain / Spain Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Spain Total Animal Products Exports JOD 7,279,765,891 Spain Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,428,803,310 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Spain JOD 690,399 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Spain / Spain Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Spain / Spain Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Arts And Antiques Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports JOD 239,710 Spain Total Arts And Antiques Exports JOD 400,829,395 Spain Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 395,885,920 Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Spain JOD 1,290 Average Sophistication Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports from the World % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Spain / Spain Total Arts And Antiques Exports % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Spain / Spain Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
66 Jordan Imports from Spain _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Spain Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 22,662,662,647 Spain Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 21,015,379,461 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Spain JOD 34,167, Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Spain / Spain Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Spain / Spain Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Spain Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 10,155,809,296 Spain Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,727,521,485 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Spain JOD 9,905,194 Number of Products 65 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Spain / Spain Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Spain / Spain Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Spain Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 2,087,996,692 Spain Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,082,710,296 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Spain JOD 693,760 3 Average Sophistication 9922 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Spain / Spain Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Spain / Spain Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Spain Total Instruments Exports JOD 2,505,228,434 Spain Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,404,736,626 Jordan Instruments Imports from Spain JOD 1,920,076 Number of Products 52 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Spain / Spain Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Spain / Spain Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Spain Total Machines Exports JOD 26,509,708,311 Spain Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 25,882,952,481 Jordan Machines Imports from Spain JOD 76,770,189 Number of Products 255 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Spain / Spain Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Spain / Spain Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Spain Total Metals Exports JOD 16,505,701,800 Spain Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 15,064,118,274
67 Jordan Metals Imports from Spain JOD 8,233,574 Number of Products 96 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Spain / Spain Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Spain / Spain Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Spain Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 5,530,592,475 Spain Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,833,617,912 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Spain JOD 17,550,832 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Spain / Spain Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Spain / Spain Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Spain Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 3,158,005,035 Spain Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,107,065,668 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Spain JOD 3,636,447 Number of Products 42 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Spain / Spain Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Spain / Spain Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Spain Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 3,611,915,962 Spain Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,470,446,182 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Spain JOD 3,093,886 Number of Products 35 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Spain / Spain Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Spain / Spain Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Spain Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 10,454,350,824 Spain Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,388,225,574 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Spain JOD 4,676,184 Number of Products 62 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Spain / Spain Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Spain / Spain Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Spain Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 1,870,292,636 Spain Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,505,220,551 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Spain JOD 63,565 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World %
68 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Spain / Spain Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Spain / Spain Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Spain Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 4,279,543,824 Spain Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,224,551,440 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Spain JOD 67,954,935 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Spain / Spain Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Spain / Spain Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Spain Total Textiles Exports JOD 8,173,833,959 Spain Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,437,349,062 Jordan Textiles Imports from Spain JOD 1,753,496 Number of Products 71 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Spain / Spain Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Spain / Spain Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Spain Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 40,024,838,899 Spain Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 33,722,117,673 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Spain JOD 5,435,819 Number of Products 31 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Spain / Spain Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Spain / Spain Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Spain Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 12,857,898,628 Spain Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,394,700,416 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Spain JOD 16,294,549 Number of Products 49 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Spain / Spain Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Spain / Spain Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Spain _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Spain Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,196,400,433 Spain Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,011,524,013 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Spain JOD 2,028,022 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Spain / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Spain / Spain Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Spain / Spain Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
69 التجارة األردنية مع ألمانيا JORDAN TRADE WITH GERMANY 69
70 JORDAN - Germany TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Germany Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Germany Total Imports JOD 695,237,344,054 Germany Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 235,197,584,949 Jordan Exports to Germany JOD 6,906,571 Number of Products 38 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Germany / Germany Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Germany / Germany Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World JOD 193,768,813 Germany Total Animal Products Imports JOD 14,289,344,272 Germany Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,656,178,591 Jordan Animal Products Exports to Germany JOD 2,064 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Germany / Germany Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Germany / Germany Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Germany Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 78,797,616,927 Germany Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 34,307,254,878 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Germany JOD 184,610 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Germany / Germany Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Germany / Germany Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jord % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Germany Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 23,250,146,263 Germany Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 14,195,402,889 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Germany JOD 4,492,458 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Germany / Germany Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Germany / Germany Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Germany Total Metals Imports JOD 58,193,451,939 Germany Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 32,234,521,256 Jordan Metals Exports to Germany JOD 208,154 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Germany / Germany Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to Germany / Germany Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 Germany Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 46,290,505,529 Germany Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,130,435,916 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Germany JOD 24,042 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Germany / Germany Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Germany / Germany Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
71 Jordan Exports to Germany _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Germany Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 19,294,660,645 Germany Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 10,564,106,943 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Germany JOD 278,455 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 9852 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Germany / Germany Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Germany / Germany Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World JOD 124,575,979 Germany Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 12,697,846,044 Germany Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 8,277,784,922 Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Germany JOD 8,614 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Germany / Germany Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Germany / Germany Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Germany Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 36,359,970,038 Germany Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 23,252,567,908 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Germany JOD 14,233 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Germany / Germany Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Germany / Germany Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Germany Total Textiles Imports JOD 34,514,739,400 Germany Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 13,959,426,281 Jordan Textiles Exports to Germany JOD 133,236 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication 9193 Jordan Textiles Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Germany / Germany Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Germany / Germany Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Exports to the World JOD 10,612,311 Germany Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 92,240,084,774 Germany Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,955,958,604 Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to Germany JOD 145,172 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Exports to the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to Germany / Germany Total Transport Equipments Imports % Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to Germany / Germany Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Exported % Jordan Exports to Germany _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Germany Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 21,425,722,350 Germany Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 10,173,200,215 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Germany JOD 1,415,533 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 3370 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Germany / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Germany / Germany Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Germany / Germany Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jor %
72 JORDAN - Germany TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Germany Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Germany Total Imports JOD 695,237,344,054 Germany Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 455,620,366,666 Jordan Re-exports to Germany JOD 2,557,068 Number of Products 79 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Germany / Germany Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Germany Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 78,797,616,927 Germany Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 50,410,467,648 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Germany JOD 67,574 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Germany / Germany Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported b % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Germany Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 23,250,146,263 Germany Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 16,401,624,971 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Germany JOD 206,929 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 213 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Germany / Germany Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Germany Total Metals Imports JOD 58,193,451,939 Germany Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 33,162,703,133 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Germany JOD 504,301 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Germany / Germany Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Germany Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 19,294,660,645 Germany Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 17,678,354,708 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Germany JOD 34,596 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 2473 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Germany / Germany Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Re-exports to the World JOD 8,318,359 Germany Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 12,697,846,044 Germany Paper Goods Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 8,856,563,737 Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Germany JOD 21,752 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Paper Goods Re-exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Germany / Germany Paper Goods Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
73 Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World JOD 68,128,690 Germany Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 36,359,970,038 Germany Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 29,017,657,709 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Germany JOD 23,008 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Germany / Germany Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-expor % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World JOD 21,666,594 Germany Total Textiles Imports JOD 34,514,739,400 Germany Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 14,554,478,458 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Germany JOD 21,617 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 2472 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to Germany / Germany Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Re-exports to the World JOD 126,346,078 Germany Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 92,240,084,774 Germany Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 70,084,765,341 Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to Germany JOD 97,034 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Re-exports to the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Transport Equipments Imports % Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to Germany / Germany Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Re-exp % Jordan Re-exports to Germany _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 Germany Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 21,425,722,350 Germany Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 12,206,363,756 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Germany JOD 7,846 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 20 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Germany / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Germany / Germany Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Germany / Germany Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported %
74 JORDAN - Germany TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Germany Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Germany Total Exports JOD 890,353,530,168 Germany Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 810,202,960,077 Jordan Imports from Germany JOD 670,339, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Germany / Germany Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Germany / Germany Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Germany Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 2,051,697,789 Germany Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,406,909,297 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Germany JOD 105,515 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Import % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Germany / Germany Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Expo % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Germany / Germany Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports Fr % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Germany Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 2,273,848,845 Germany Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,891,861,736 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Germany JOD 151,346 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Germany / Germany Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Germany / Germany Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Germany Total Animal Products Exports JOD 14,664,051,945 Germany Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,697,443,582 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Germany JOD 13,337,088 Number of Products 23 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Germany / Germany Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Germany / Germany Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Arts And Antiques Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports JOD 239,710 Germany Total Arts And Antiques Exports JOD 1,002,473,018 Germany Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 963,509,785 Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Germany JOD 21,461 Average Sophistication Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports from the World % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Germany / Germany Total Arts And Antiques Exports % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Germany / Germany Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Germany Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 116,788,656,909 Germany Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 109,334,207,444 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Germany JOD 100,287,862 Number of Products 277 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Germany / Germany Total Chemical Products Exports %
75 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Germany / Germany Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Germany Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 27,775,270,852 Germany Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 24,487,258,043 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Germany JOD 23,962,630 Number of Products 60 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Germany / Germany Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Germany / Germany Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Germany Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 3,506,980,113 Germany Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,492,768,222 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Germany JOD 326,469 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Germany / Germany Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Germany / Germany Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Im % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Germany Total Instruments Exports JOD 43,848,081,737 Germany Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 43,035,043,843 Jordan Instruments Imports from Germany JOD 34,994, Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Germany / Germany Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Germany / Germany Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Germany Total Machines Exports JOD 242,478,229,798 Germany Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 234,410,493,249 Jordan Machines Imports from Germany JOD 176,168,798 Number of Products 476 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Germany / Germany Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Germany / Germany Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Germany Total Metals Exports JOD 67,942,670,219 Germany Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 63,326,182,302 Jordan Metals Imports from Germany JOD 25,153,250 Number of Products 210 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Germany / Germany Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Germany / Germany Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Germany Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 10,805,879,573 Germany Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,541,577,357 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Germany JOD 3,021,515 9 Average Sophistication 1354 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Germany / Germany Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Germany / Germany Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Miscellaneous
76 Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Germany Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 16,407,295,079 Germany Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 16,055,580,967 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Germany JOD 6,866,495 Number of Products 65 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Germany / Germany Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Germany / Germany Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Germany Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 17,195,723,702 Germany Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 16,741,078,797 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Germany JOD 14,164,215 Number of Products 73 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Germany / Germany Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Germany / Germany Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Germany Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 52,723,692,251 Germany Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 52,101,865,360 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Germany JOD 21,046, Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Germany / Germany Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Germany / Germany Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Germany Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 8,190,638,264 Germany Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,337,677,572 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Germany JOD 21,239 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Germany / Germany Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Germany / Germany Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Germany Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 9,657,828,244 Germany Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,972,546,345 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Germany JOD 3,363,098 Number of Products 55 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Germany / Germany Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Germany / Germany Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Germany Total Textiles Exports JOD 19,514,972,013 Germany Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 17,550,757,188 Jordan Textiles Imports from Germany JOD 8,389,080 Number of Products 86 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Germany / Germany Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Germany / Germany Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Germany Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 209,250,367,098 Germany Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 177,004,997,668
77 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Germany JOD 198,909,680 Number of Products 54 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Germany / Germany Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Germany / Germany Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Import % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Germany Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 9,657,863,444 Germany Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,740,115,648 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Germany JOD 12,674,104 Number of Products 51 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Germany / Germany Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Germany / Germany Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Germany _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Germany Total Wood Products Exports JOD 5,344,219,430 Germany Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,111,085,670 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Germany JOD 9,887,485 Number of Products 27 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Germany / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Germany / Germany Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Germany / Germany Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
78 التجارة األردنية مع فرنسا JORDAN TRADE WITH FRANCE 78
79 JORDAN - France TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to France Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 France Total Imports JOD 397,054,730,411 France Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 133,445,958,161 Jordan Exports to France JOD 4,683,346 Number of Products 35 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to France / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to France / France Total Imports % Jordan Exports to France / France Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to France _ Arts And Antiques Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Exports to the World JOD 33,328 France Total Arts And Antiques Imports JOD 586,465,569 France Arts And Antiques Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 377,670,449 Jordan Arts And Antiques Exports to France JOD 10,500 Average Sophistication Jordan Arts And Antiques Exports to France / Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Exports to the World % Jordan Arts And Antiques Exports to France / France Total Arts And Antiques Imports % Jordan Arts And Antiques Exports to France / France Arts And Antiques Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to France _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 France Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 45,615,580,785 France Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 21,344,509,318 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to France JOD 862,708 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to France / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to France / France Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to France / France Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to France _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 France Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 17,111,894,127 France Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 9,830,333,697 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to France JOD 377,794 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to France / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to France / France Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to France / France Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to France _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 France Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 11,604,593,118 France Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,112,410,028 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to France JOD 268,130 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to France / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to France / France Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to France / France Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to France _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World JOD 124,575,979 France Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 7,778,025,288 France Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,179,625,001 Jordan Paper Goods Exports to France JOD 1,773 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Exports to France / Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to France / France Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to France / France Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
80 Jordan Exports to France _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 France Total Textiles Imports JOD 21,024,701,232 France Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 8,535,195,160 Jordan Textiles Exports to France JOD 2,464,688 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Exports to France / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to France / France Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to France / France Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to France _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Exports to the World JOD 10,612,311 France Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 61,026,404,896 France Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,454,297,668 Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to France JOD 6,842 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to France / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Exports to the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to France / France Total Transport Equipments Imports % Jordan Transport Equipments Exports to France / France Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Exported by Jo % Jordan Exports to France _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 France Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 10,365,150,394 France Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 5,354,319,918 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to France JOD 689,641 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 6083 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to France / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to France / France Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to France / France Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
81 JORDAN - France TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to France Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 France Total Imports JOD 397,054,730,411 France Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 251,221,950,507 Jordan Re-exports to France JOD 3,623,935 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to France / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to France / France Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to France / France Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to France _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 France Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 45,615,580,785 France Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 28,108,511,291 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to France JOD 62,820 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 2843 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to France / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to France / France Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to France / France Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jor % Jordan Re-exports to France _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 France Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 11,604,593,118 France Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 10,426,383,707 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to France JOD 41,306 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 3070 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to France / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to France / France Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to France / France Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to France _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World JOD 21,666,594 France Total Textiles Imports JOD 21,024,701,232 France Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 8,843,405,492 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to France JOD 2,902 Average Sophistication 10 Jordan Textiles Re-exports to France / Jordan Total Textiles Re-exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to France / France Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Re-exports to France / France Textiles Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to France _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Re-exports to the World JOD 126,346,078 France Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 61,026,404,896 France Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 44,753,595,778 Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to France JOD 2,459,860 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to France / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Re-exports to the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to France / France Total Transport Equipments Imports % Jordan Transport Equipments Re-exports to France / France Transport Equipments Imports From the Products Re-exported % Jordan Re-exports to France _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 France Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 10,365,150,394 France Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 6,007,167,685 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to France JOD 9,607 Average Sophistication 254 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to France / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to France / France Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to France / France Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by J %
82 JORDAN - France TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from France Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 France Total Exports JOD 356,234,073,083 France Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 291,997,236,958 Jordan Imports from France JOD 272,579, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from France / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from France / France Total Exports % Jordan Imports from France / France Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 France Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 1,010,845,968 France Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 757,884,929 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from France JOD 192,070 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication 7985 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from France / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports f % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from France / France Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from France / France Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From t % Jordan Imports from France _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 France Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 4,814,999,453 France Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,424,265,899 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from France JOD 979,184 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from France / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from France / France Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from France / France Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 France Total Animal Products Exports JOD 10,141,512,763 France Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,168,266,688 Jordan Animal Products Imports from France JOD 16,567,159 Number of Products 24 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from France / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from France / France Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from France / France Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Arts And Antiques Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports JOD 239,710 France Total Arts And Antiques Exports JOD 1,935,223,691 France Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,906,130,101 Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from France JOD 38,035 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from France / Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports from the World % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from France / France Total Arts And Antiques Exports % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from France / France Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 France Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 58,273,647,810 France Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 55,452,587,294 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from France JOD 75,653, Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from France / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from France / France Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from France / France Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
83 Jordan Imports from France _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 France Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 24,477,352,585 France Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 23,939,399,108 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from France JOD 22,868,121 Number of Products 80 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from France / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from France / France Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from France / France Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 France Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 1,820,230,978 France Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,793,877,278 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from France JOD 99,598 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication 8964 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from France / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from France / France Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from France / France Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Import % Jordan Imports from France _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 France Total Instruments Exports JOD 12,398,344,543 France Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 11,683,699,695 Jordan Instruments Imports from France JOD 11,117,555 Number of Products 62 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from France / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from France / France Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from France / France Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 France Total Machines Exports JOD 66,579,268,198 France Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 61,877,873,470 Jordan Machines Imports from France JOD 31,446,476 Number of Products 288 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from France / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from France / France Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from France / France Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 France Total Metals Exports JOD 24,057,555,795 France Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 21,861,653,139 Jordan Metals Imports from France JOD 10,475,523 Number of Products 96 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from France / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from France / France Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from France / France Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 France Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 5,870,410,666 France Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,364,922,846 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from France JOD 14,987,371 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication 56 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from France / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from France / France Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from France / France Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607
84 France Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 4,612,475,103 France Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,344,831,588 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from France JOD 1,727,719 Number of Products 42 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from France / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from France / France Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from France / France Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 France Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 5,910,739,829 France Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,481,158,977 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from France JOD 6,731,228 Number of Products 47 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from France / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from France / France Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from France / France Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 France Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 17,929,860,998 France Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 17,553,424,004 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from France JOD 4,835,521 Number of Products 67 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from France / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from France / France Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from France / France Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from France _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 France Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 7,309,455,634 France Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,725,183,528 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from France JOD 152,114 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from France / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from France / France Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from France / France Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 France Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 3,490,457,692 France Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,190,759,138 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from France JOD 1,119,920 Number of Products 24 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from France / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from France / France Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from France / France Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 France Total Textiles Exports JOD 8,706,155,224 France Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,812,950,657 Jordan Textiles Imports from France JOD 2,492,869 Number of Products 62 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from France / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from France / France Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from France / France Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from France _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 France Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 76,648,529,851 France Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 37,893,704,854 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from France JOD 50,984,603
85 Number of Products 35 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from France / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from France / France Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from France / France Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from France _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 France Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 11,839,304,434 France Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,396,701,245 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from France JOD 13,769,771 Number of Products 37 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from France / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from France / France Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from France / France Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from France _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 France Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,838,411,086 France Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,367,962,520 Jordan Wood Products Imports from France JOD 82,053 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from France / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from France / France Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from France / France Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
86 التجارة األردنية مع اليونان JORDAN TRADE WITH GREECE 86
87 JORDAN - Greece TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Greece Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Greece Total Imports JOD 33,712,579,856 Greece Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 11,487,448,201 Jordan Exports to Greece JOD 3,240,069 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Greece / Greece Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Greece / Greece Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Greece _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Greece Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 4,411,759,091 Greece Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,828,399,362 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Greece JOD 98,689 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Greece / Greece Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Greece / Greece Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Greece _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Greece Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 1,844,636,397 Greece Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 908,038,827 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Greece JOD 20,590 Average Sophistication 4138 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Greece / Greece Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Greece / Greece Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Greece _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Greece Total Machines Imports JOD 4,259,815,327 Greece Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,551,854,566 Jordan Machines Exports to Greece JOD 49,549 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Greece / Greece Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Greece / Greece Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Greece _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Greece Total Metals Imports JOD 2,193,205,963 Greece Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,491,485,897 Jordan Metals Exports to Greece JOD 2,795,370 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Greece / Greece Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to Greece / Greece Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Greece _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Greece Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 678,050,433 Greece Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 363,094,789 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Greece JOD 38,361 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Greece / Greece Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Greece / Greece Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
88 Jordan Exports to Greece _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Greece Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 1,494,578,376 Greece Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,073,908,666 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Greece JOD 66,714 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Greece / Greece Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Greece / Greece Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jord % Jordan Exports to Greece _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Greece Total Textiles Imports JOD 1,594,435,570 Greece Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 628,993,753 Jordan Textiles Exports to Greece JOD 170,796 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Exports to Greece / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Greece / Greece Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Greece / Greece Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
89 JORDAN - Greece TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Greece Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Greece Total Imports JOD 33,712,579,856 Greece Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 16,880,776,272 Jordan Re-exports to Greece JOD 410,241 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Greece / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Greece / Greece Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Greece / Greece Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Greece _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Greece Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 1,844,636,397 Greece Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,355,014,877 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Greece JOD 158,263 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Greece / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Greece / Greece Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Greece / Greece Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Greece _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Greece Total Machines Imports JOD 4,259,815,327 Greece Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 3,716,329,263 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Greece JOD 997 Average Sophistication 609 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Greece / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Greece / Greece Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Greece / Greece Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Greece _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Greece Total Metals Imports JOD 2,193,205,963 Greece Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,126,822,906 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Greece JOD 185,153 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 1104 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Greece / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Greece / Greece Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Greece / Greece Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Greece _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Greece Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 678,050,433 Greece Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 584,146,665 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Greece JOD 1,000 Average Sophistication 522 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Greece / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Greece / Greece Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Greece / Greece Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
90 JORDAN - Greece TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Greece Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Greece Total Exports JOD 19,600,984,570 Greece Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 13,005,090,418 Jordan Imports from Greece JOD 28,845,991 Number of Products 289 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Greece / Greece Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Greece / Greece Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Greece _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Greece Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 613,453,490 Greece Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 564,109,843 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Greece JOD 17,207 Average Sophistication 6210 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports f % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Greece / Greece Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Greece / Greece Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From t % Jordan Imports from Greece _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Greece Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 200,412,503 Greece Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 103,026,525 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Greece JOD 7,094 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Greece / Greece Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Greece / Greece Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Greece _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Greece Total Animal Products Exports JOD 939,366,501 Greece Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 560,108,388 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Greece JOD 373,106 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Greece / Greece Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Greece / Greece Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Greece _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Greece Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 1,743,158,302 Greece Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,681,976,052 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Greece JOD 5,668,191 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Greece / Greece Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Greece / Greece Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Greece _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Greece Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 1,758,253,894 Greece Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,491,474,198 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Greece JOD 1,961,691 Number of Products 26 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Greece / Greece Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Greece / Greece Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
91 Jordan Imports from Greece _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Greece Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 54,483,550 Greece Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 53,761,965 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Greece JOD 2,450 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Greece / Greece Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Greece / Greece Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Impor % Jordan Imports from Greece _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Greece Total Instruments Exports JOD 251,963,371 Greece Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 215,071,750 Jordan Instruments Imports from Greece JOD 1,189,098 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Greece / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Greece / Greece Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Greece / Greece Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
92 التجارة األردنية مع السويد JORDAN TRADE WITH SWEDEN 92
93 JORDAN - Sweden TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Sweden Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Sweden Total Imports JOD 92,460,925,199 Sweden Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 31,863,312,274 Jordan Exports to Sweden JOD 1,770,989 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Sweden / Sweden Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Sweden Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 8,722,990,425 Sweden Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,963,744,674 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Sweden JOD 30,594 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Sweden / Sweden Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Sweden Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 4,022,876,201 Sweden Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,700,592,360 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Sweden JOD 873,652 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Sweden / Sweden Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Sweden Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 3,145,507,153 Sweden Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,136,121,780 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Sweden JOD 10,352 Average Sophistication 8620 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Sweden / Sweden Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World JOD 124,575,979 Sweden Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 1,550,395,638 Sweden Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 924,299,629 Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Sweden JOD 711 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Paper Goods Exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Exports to Sweden / Sweden Paper Goods Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Sweden Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 4,600,140,814 Sweden Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,041,336,117 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Sweden JOD 107,244 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Sweden / Sweden Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jo %
94 Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Sweden Total Textiles Imports JOD 3,800,753,483 Sweden Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,547,075,297 Jordan Textiles Exports to Sweden JOD 105,396 Average Sophistication 5152 Jordan Textiles Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Sweden / Sweden Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Sweden _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Sweden Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 2,184,241,167 Sweden Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,206,846,670 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Sweden JOD 643,040 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 3197 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Sweden / Sweden Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jorda %
95 JORDAN - Sweden TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Sweden Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Sweden Total Imports JOD 92,460,925,199 Sweden Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 62,833,567,255 Jordan Re-exports to Sweden JOD 122,349 Number of Products 21 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Sweden _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Sweden Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 4,022,876,201 Sweden Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,840,020,370 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Sweden JOD 1,667 Average Sophistication 13 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Sweden _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Sweden Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 3,145,507,153 Sweden Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,832,267,255 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Sweden JOD 2,151 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 3994 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Sweden _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Re-exports to the World JOD 8,318,359 Sweden Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 1,550,395,638 Sweden Paper Goods Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,106,408,734 Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Sweden JOD 1,636 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Paper Goods Re-exports to the World % Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Paper Goods Imports % Jordan Paper Goods Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Paper Goods Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Sweden _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 Sweden Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 2,184,241,167 Sweden Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,393,817,772 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Sweden JOD 7,082 Average Sophistication 34 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Sweden / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Sweden / Sweden Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported b %
96 JORDAN - Sweden TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Sweden Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Sweden Total Exports JOD 97,770,454,290 Sweden Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 84,416,529,862 Jordan Imports from Sweden JOD 62,919,246 Number of Products 406 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Sweden / Sweden Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Sweden Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 349,877,542 Sweden Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 314,618,816 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Sweden JOD 138,946 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Export % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Sweden Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 224,127,153 Sweden Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 138,626,100 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Sweden JOD 2,900 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Sweden / Sweden Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Sweden Total Animal Products Exports JOD 2,055,254,003 Sweden Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 594,116,227 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Sweden JOD 1,691,700 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Sweden Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 10,041,387,690 Sweden Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,425,389,314 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Sweden JOD 13,847,190 Number of Products 43 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Sweden Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 2,407,633,742 Sweden Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,234,807,153 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Sweden JOD 582,017 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Sweden / Sweden Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
97 Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Sweden Total Instruments Exports JOD 2,928,062,562 Sweden Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,882,663,334 Jordan Instruments Imports from Sweden JOD 3,581,917 Number of Products 35 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Sweden / Sweden Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Sweden Total Machines Exports JOD 27,416,477,160 Sweden Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 25,957,993,854 Jordan Machines Imports from Sweden JOD 18,295, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Sweden / Sweden Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Sweden Total Metals Exports JOD 9,910,554,405 Sweden Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,497,706,221 Jordan Metals Imports from Sweden JOD 1,614,985 Number of Products 47 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Sweden / Sweden Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Sweden Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 2,880,628,666 Sweden Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,594,343,755 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Sweden JOD 578,723 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 125 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Sweden Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 2,260,272,285 Sweden Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,243,018,843 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Sweden JOD 255,978 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Sweden / Sweden Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Sweden Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 8,335,988,590 Sweden Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,765,126,158 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Sweden JOD 4,759,313 Number of Products 26 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Sweden / Sweden Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
98 Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Sweden Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 3,971,020,608 Sweden Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,952,546,220 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Sweden JOD 3,466,473 Number of Products 25 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Sweden / Sweden Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Sweden Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 574,738,399 Sweden Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 550,046,480 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Sweden JOD 112,389 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Sweden / Sweden Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Sweden Total Textiles Exports JOD 1,372,802,097 Sweden Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,277,854,951 Jordan Textiles Imports from Sweden JOD 215,509 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Sweden / Sweden Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Sweden Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 13,164,501,814 Sweden Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 12,555,671,693 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Sweden JOD 1,659,144 Number of Products 20 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Sweden / Sweden Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Sweden _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Sweden Total Wood Products Exports JOD 2,822,176,130 Sweden Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,793,113,560 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Sweden JOD 11,079,183 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Sweden / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Sweden / Sweden Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
99 التجارة األردنية مع البرتغال JORDAN TRADE WITH PORTUGAL 99
100 JORDAN - Portugal TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Portugal Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Portugal Total Imports JOD 47,909,704,013 Portugal Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 16,648,124,507 Jordan Exports to Portugal JOD 1,725,981 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Portugal / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Portugal / Portugal Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Portugal / Portugal Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Portugal _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Portugal Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 5,214,908,469 Portugal Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,017,496,721 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Portugal JOD 1,720,126 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Portugal / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Portugal / Portugal Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Portugal / Portugal Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Portugal _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Portugal Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 2,234,434,259 Portugal Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,285,465,053 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Portugal JOD 5,855 Average Sophistication 4138 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Portugal / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Portugal / Portugal Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Portugal / Portugal Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
101 JORDAN - Portugal TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Portugal Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Portugal Total Exports JOD 39,243,292,603 Portugal Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 34,189,930,988 Jordan Imports from Portugal JOD 23,504,448 Number of Products 210 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Portugal / Portugal Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Portugal Total Animal Products Exports JOD 1,046,868,330 Portugal Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 595,857,560 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Portugal JOD 30,972 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Portugal Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 2,243,122,553 Portugal Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,851,185,619 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Portugal JOD 1,436,884 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jor % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Portugal Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 2,525,322,422 Portugal Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,932,916,931 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Portugal JOD 5,879,470 3 Average Sophistication 2158 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Portugal / Portugal Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Portugal Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 1,603,766,761 Portugal Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,597,960,935 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Portugal JOD 340,519 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Portugal / Portugal Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Im %
102 Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Portugal Total Instruments Exports JOD 700,657,124 Portugal Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 664,210,482 Jordan Instruments Imports from Portugal JOD 82,823 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Portugal / Portugal Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Portugal Total Machines Exports JOD 6,120,947,943 Portugal Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,031,239,379 Jordan Machines Imports from Portugal JOD 1,446,092 Number of Products 40 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Portugal / Portugal Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Portugal Total Metals Exports JOD 2,830,839,481 Portugal Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,742,376,068 Jordan Metals Imports from Portugal JOD 1,453,303 Number of Products 34 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Portugal / Portugal Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Portugal Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 1,211,519,424 Portugal Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 803,854,728 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Portugal JOD 441,516 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 8667 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Portugal Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 1,425,010,786 Portugal Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,423,338,365 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Portugal JOD 108,878 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Portugal / Portugal Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Portugal Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 2,033,823,645 Portugal Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,949,280,432
103 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Portugal JOD 5,452,972 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Portugal / Portugal Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Portugal Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 2,708,566,405 Portugal Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,667,107,649 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Portugal JOD 670,543 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Portugal / Portugal Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Portugal Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 225,339,702 Portugal Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 202,837,663 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Portugal JOD 1,975 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Portugal / Portugal Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Portugal Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 1,247,442,449 Portugal Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,225,347,675 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Portugal JOD 1,858,674 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Portugal / Portugal Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Portugal Total Textiles Exports JOD 4,149,935,801 Portugal Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,759,245,554 Jordan Textiles Imports from Portugal JOD 3,357,082 Number of Products 23 Average Sophistication 7880 Jordan Textiles Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Portugal / Portugal Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Portugal Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 4,458,257,187 Portugal Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,349,313,359 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Portugal JOD 51,071 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World %
104 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Portugal / Portugal Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Portugal Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 813,522,629 Portugal Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 722,536,188 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Portugal JOD 469,295 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 6700 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Portugal _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Portugal Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,178,117,656 Portugal Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,095,984,204 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Portugal JOD 153,902 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Portugal / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Portugal / Portugal Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
105 التجارة األردنية مع سلوفينيا JORDAN TRADE WITH SLOVENIA 105
106 JORDAN - Slovenia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Slovenia Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Slovenia Total Imports JOD 19,684,862,630 Slovenia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,428,310,837 Jordan Exports to Slovenia JOD 1,250,131 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Slovenia / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Slovenia / Slovenia Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Slovenia / Slovenia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Slovenia _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Slovenia Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 497,473,579 Slovenia Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 252,032,011 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Slovenia JOD 10,747 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Slovenia / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Slovenia / Slovenia Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Slovenia / Slovenia Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Slovenia _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Slovenia Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 472,600,213 Slovenia Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 260,442,640 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Slovenia JOD 1,239,384 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Slovenia / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Slovenia / Slovenia Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Slovenia / Slovenia Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jord %
107 JORDAN - Slovenia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Slovenia Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Slovenia Total Exports JOD 19,580,914,571 Slovenia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 18,306,539,627 Jordan Imports from Slovenia JOD 5,918, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Slovenia Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 143,444,145 Slovenia Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 112,334,470 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovenia JOD 1,171 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Slovenia Total Animal Products Exports JOD 215,937,719 Slovenia Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 168,421,106 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovenia JOD 1,520 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Slovenia Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 2,889,634,561 Slovenia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,851,090,174 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovenia JOD 1,440,895 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jor % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Slovenia Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 531,128,064 Slovenia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 519,568,422 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovenia JOD 100,688 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Slovenia Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 134,989,526 Slovenia Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 126,967,415 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Slovenia JOD 2,521 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Footwear And Headwear Exports %
108 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Im % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Slovenia Total Instruments Exports JOD 436,586,893 Slovenia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 432,670,147 Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovenia JOD 360,255 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Slovenia Total Machines Exports JOD 4,488,781,397 Slovenia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,421,592,887 Jordan Machines Imports from Slovenia JOD 1,689,095 Number of Products 37 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Slovenia Total Metals Exports JOD 2,418,476,618 Slovenia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,305,116,645 Jordan Metals Imports from Slovenia JOD 988,051 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Slovenia Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 745,724,404 Slovenia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 721,093,706 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovenia JOD 57,217 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Slovenia Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 573,740,280 Slovenia Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 553,251,724 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovenia JOD 355,715 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Slovenia Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 1,206,324,249 Slovenia Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,203,728,332 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovenia JOD 175,673 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Stone And Glass
109 Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Slovenia Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 310,892,850 Slovenia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 298,806,752 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovenia JOD 523,814 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Slovenia Total Textiles Exports JOD 532,956,630 Slovenia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 484,132,007 Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovenia JOD 21,066 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Slovenia Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 2,958,902,418 Slovenia Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,751,841,621 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovenia JOD 4,035 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Importe % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Slovenia Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 201,612,253 Slovenia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 180,021,156 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovenia JOD 25,639 Average Sophistication 9730 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Slovenia _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Slovenia Total Wood Products Exports JOD 520,218,302 Slovenia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 478,554,969 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovenia JOD 158,813 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovenia / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovenia / Slovenia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
110 التجارة األردنية مع النمسا JORDAN TRADE WITH AUSTRIA 110
111 JORDAN - Austria TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Austria Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Austria Total Imports JOD 105,139,835,293 Austria Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 40,632,916,145 Jordan Exports to Austria JOD 901,887 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Austria / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Austria / Austria Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Austria / Austria Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Austria _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Austria Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 11,658,555,191 Austria Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,904,729,887 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Austria JOD 65,480 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Austria / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Austria / Austria Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Austria / Austria Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Austria _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Austria Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 4,005,727,452 Austria Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,630,567,048 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Austria JOD 344,346 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 4376 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Austria / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Austria / Austria Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Austria / Austria Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Austria _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Exports to the World JOD 100,341,692 Austria Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 2,267,088,151 Austria Precious Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,023,700,794 Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Austria JOD 466,349 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Austria / Jordan Total Precious Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Austria / Austria Total Precious Metals Imports % Jordan Precious Metals Exports to Austria / Austria Precious Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Austria _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Austria Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 2,722,199,234 Austria Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,291,382,232 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Austria JOD 25,712 Average Sophistication 3114 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Austria / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Austria / Austria Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Austria / Austria Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
112 JORDAN - Austria TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Austria Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Austria Total Imports JOD 105,139,835,293 Austria Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 69,934,675,692 Jordan Re-exports to Austria JOD 132,479 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Austria / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Austria / Austria Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Austria / Austria Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Austria _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Austria Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 11,658,555,191 Austria Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 6,820,124,453 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Austria JOD 4,537 Average Sophistication 674 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Austria / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Austria / Austria Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Austria / Austria Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jo %
113 JORDAN - Austria TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Austria Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Austria Total Exports JOD 101,935,876,554 Austria Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 93,343,285,828 Jordan Imports from Austria JOD 55,128,719 Number of Products 377 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Austria / Austria Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Austria / Austria Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Austria Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 584,119,602 Austria Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 499,652,119 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Austria JOD 1,927 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Austria / Austria Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Austria / Austria Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Austria Total Animal Products Exports JOD 1,979,057,167 Austria Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,511,371,467 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Austria JOD 139,125 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Austria / Austria Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Austria / Austria Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Arts And Antiques Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports JOD 239,710 Austria Total Arts And Antiques Exports JOD 294,775,276 Austria Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 291,046,202 Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Austria JOD 3,776 Average Sophistication Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Arts And Antiques Imports from the World % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Austria / Austria Total Arts And Antiques Exports % Jordan Arts And Antiques Imports from Austria / Austria Arts And Antiques Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Austria Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 11,674,645,497 Austria Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 11,069,384,401 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Austria JOD 9,158,849 Number of Products 39 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Austria / Austria Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Austria / Austria Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Austria Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 4,792,761,090 Austria Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,620,829,928 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Austria JOD 9,256,227 Number of Products 21 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Austria / Austria Total Foodstuffs Exports %
114 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Austria / Austria Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Austria Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 473,625,563 Austria Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 421,384,556 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Austria JOD 2,882 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Austria / Austria Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Austria / Austria Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Impo % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Austria Total Instruments Exports JOD 3,148,900,006 Austria Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,055,362,548 Jordan Instruments Imports from Austria JOD 1,409,480 Number of Products 27 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Austria / Austria Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Austria / Austria Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Austria Total Machines Exports JOD 29,703,292,330 Austria Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 28,708,095,125 Jordan Machines Imports from Austria JOD 5,935, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Austria / Austria Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Austria / Austria Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Austria Total Metals Exports JOD 13,627,716,834 Austria Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 11,826,880,410 Jordan Metals Imports from Austria JOD 2,002,930 Number of Products 34 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Austria / Austria Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Austria / Austria Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Austria Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 2,470,078,135 Austria Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,222,830,103 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Austria JOD 589,094 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Austria / Austria Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Austria / Austria Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Austria Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 4,165,050,898 Austria Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,978,491,801 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Austria JOD 14,833,219 Number of Products 29 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Austria / Austria Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Austria / Austria Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Plastics And Rubbers
115 Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Austria Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 5,306,574,559 Austria Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,294,844,843 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Austria JOD 1,004,237 Number of Products 24 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Austria / Austria Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Austria / Austria Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Austria Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 900,975,974 Austria Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 796,255,029 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Austria JOD 272,073 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Austria / Austria Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Austria / Austria Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Austria Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 1,517,698,855 Austria Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,395,915,850 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Austria JOD 566,364 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Austria / Austria Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Austria / Austria Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Austria Total Textiles Exports JOD 2,795,906,660 Austria Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,019,444,249 Jordan Textiles Imports from Austria JOD 287,632 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Austria / Austria Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Austria / Austria Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Austria Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 11,165,389,670 Austria Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,829,769,561 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Austria JOD 7,064,143 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Austria / Austria Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Austria / Austria Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Austria Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 1,047,812,962 Austria Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 916,805,668 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Austria JOD 188,823 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 8833 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Austria / Austria Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Austria / Austria Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Austria _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Austria Total Wood Products Exports JOD 2,922,962,647 Austria Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,885,798,085
116 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Austria JOD 592,918 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Austria / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Austria / Austria Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Austria / Austria Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
117 التجارة األردنية مع رومانيا JORDAN TRADE WITH ROMANIA 117
118 JORDAN - Romania TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Romania Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Romania Total Imports JOD 48,299,585,143 Romania Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 19,351,717,742 Jordan Exports to Romania JOD 872,298 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Romania / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Romania / Romania Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Romania / Romania Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Romania _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Romania Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 4,836,106,935 Romania Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,202,116,097 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Romania JOD 192,343 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Romania / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Romania / Romania Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Romania / Romania Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jorda % Jordan Exports to Romania _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Romania Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 1,943,269,570 Romania Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,079,471,759 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Romania JOD 51,740 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Romania / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Romania / Romania Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Romania / Romania Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Romania _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Romania Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 3,495,804,161 Romania Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,222,636,830 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Romania JOD 73,959 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Romania / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Romania / Romania Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Romania / Romania Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by % Jordan Exports to Romania _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Romania Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,595,874,435 Romania Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 679,129,028 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Romania JOD 554,256 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Romania / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Romania / Romania Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Romania / Romania Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jor %
119 JORDAN - Romania TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Romania Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Romania Total Imports JOD 48,299,585,143 Romania Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 32,923,521,774 Jordan Re-exports to Romania JOD 817,345 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Romania / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Romania / Romania Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Romania / Romania Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Romania _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Romania Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 4,836,106,935 Romania Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 3,596,694,485 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Romania JOD 9,521 Average Sophistication 757 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Romania / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Romania / Romania Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Romania / Romania Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported b % Jordan Re-exports to Romania _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World JOD 34,525,866 Romania Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,595,874,435 Romania Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,159,874,770 Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Romania JOD 726,808 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Romania / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Romania / Romania Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Re-exports to Romania / Romania Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Re-exported %
120 JORDAN - Romania TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Romania Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Romania Total Exports JOD 43,909,284,689 Romania Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 37,789,723,743 Jordan Imports from Romania JOD 253,346,971 Number of Products 213 Average Sophistication 9634 Jordan Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Romania / Romania Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Romania / Romania Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Romania Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 317,116,921 Romania Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 271,729,201 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Romania JOD 20,262 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Romania / Romania Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Romania / Romania Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Romania Total Animal Products Exports JOD 626,197,091 Romania Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 503,367,388 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Romania JOD 96,932,909 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication 3159 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Romania / Romania Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Romania / Romania Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Romania Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 1,623,556,076 Romania Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,495,682,148 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Romania JOD 666,000 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Romania / Romania Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Romania / Romania Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Romania Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 1,330,538,448 Romania Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 577,090,746 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Romania JOD 518,696 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication 7418 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Romania / Romania Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Romania / Romania Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Romania Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 1,274,716,385 Romania Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,101,445,658 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Romania JOD 30,410 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 5553 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World %
121 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Romania / Romania Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Romania / Romania Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Im % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Romania Total Instruments Exports JOD 882,340,265 Romania Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 872,826,225 Jordan Instruments Imports from Romania JOD 101,752 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Romania / Romania Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Romania / Romania Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Romania Total Machines Exports JOD 12,361,768,478 Romania Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 12,276,723,535 Jordan Machines Imports from Romania JOD 1,173,961 Number of Products 54 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Romania / Romania Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Romania / Romania Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Romania Total Metals Exports JOD 3,556,714,734 Romania Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,438,324,657 Jordan Metals Imports from Romania JOD 176,680 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Romania / Romania Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Romania / Romania Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Romania Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 1,734,111,594 Romania Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,700,056,334 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Romania JOD 1,139,091 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Romania / Romania Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Romania / Romania Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Romania Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 279,808,676 Romania Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 264,447,043 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Romania JOD 55,804 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Romania / Romania Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Romania / Romania Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Romania Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 2,383,930,142 Romania Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,371,963,963 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Romania JOD 1,277,388 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Romania / Romania Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Romania / Romania Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported %
122 Jordan Imports from Romania _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Romania Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 254,393,072 Romania Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 248,574,960 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Romania JOD 158,685 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Romania / Romania Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Romania / Romania Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Romania Total Textiles Exports JOD 3,694,905,607 Romania Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,356,237,218 Jordan Textiles Imports from Romania JOD 5,734,405 Number of Products 43 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Romania / Romania Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Romania / Romania Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Romania Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 7,140,184,671 Romania Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,989,626,204 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Romania JOD 854,521 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Romania / Romania Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Romania / Romania Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Importe % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Romania Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 2,664,101,226 Romania Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,333,074,839 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Romania JOD 126,491,013 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Romania / Romania Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Romania / Romania Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Romania _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Romania Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,406,543,665 Romania Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,262,911,125 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Romania JOD 17,764,065 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Romania / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Romania / Romania Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Romania / Romania Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
123 التجارة األردنية مع سلوفاكيا JORDAN TRADE WITH SLOVAKIA 123
124 JORDAN - Slovakia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Slovakia Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Slovakia Total Imports JOD 50,198,619,666 Slovakia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 16,932,808,715 Jordan Exports to Slovakia JOD 776,424 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Slovakia / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Slovakia / Slovakia Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Slovakia / Slovakia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Slovakia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Slovakia Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 3,195,588,686 Slovakia Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,787,679,838 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Slovakia JOD 776,424 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Slovakia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Slovakia / Slovakia Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Slovakia / Slovakia Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
125 JORDAN - Slovakia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Slovakia Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Slovakia Total Exports JOD 49,145,056,303 Slovakia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 45,617,817,699 Jordan Imports from Slovakia JOD 6,008, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Slovakia Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 174,570,934 Slovakia Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 107,767,971 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovakia JOD 669 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Slovakia Total Animal Products Exports JOD 450,487,059 Slovakia Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 323,001,118 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovakia JOD 53,885 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Slovakia Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 1,590,765,161 Slovakia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,322,998,566 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovakia JOD 58,748 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jor % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Slovakia Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 822,674,495 Slovakia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 773,674,767 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovakia JOD 300,675 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Slovakia Total Instruments Exports JOD 762,034,733 Slovakia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 753,823,147 Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovakia JOD 448,742 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Instruments Exports %
126 Jordan Instruments Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Slovakia Total Machines Exports JOD 14,782,462,894 Slovakia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 14,702,942,829 Jordan Machines Imports from Slovakia JOD 848,854 Number of Products 53 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Slovakia Total Metals Exports JOD 4,823,125,074 Slovakia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,430,765,602 Jordan Metals Imports from Slovakia JOD 119,349 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Slovakia Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 1,448,910,763 Slovakia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,446,175,485 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovakia JOD 594,611 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Slovakia Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 855,238,364 Slovakia Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 824,827,153 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovakia JOD 176,583 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Slovakia Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 2,766,253,839 Slovakia Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,759,011,628 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovakia JOD 573,057 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Slovakia Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 473,974,712 Slovakia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 405,959,955 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovakia JOD 3,018 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Textiles
127 Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Slovakia Total Textiles Exports JOD 1,099,862,545 Slovakia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,007,833,413 Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovakia JOD 17,310 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Slovakia Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 14,589,467,172 Slovakia Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 14,025,094,687 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovakia JOD 2,682,197 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Slovakia Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 656,342,379 Slovakia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 560,286,993 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovakia JOD 96,243 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Slovakia _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Slovakia Total Wood Products Exports JOD 534,623,757 Slovakia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 491,886,015 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovakia JOD 606 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovakia / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Slovakia / Slovakia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
128 التجارة األردنية مع الدنمارك JORDAN TRADE WITH DENMARK 128
129 JORDAN - Denmark TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Denmark Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Denmark Total Imports JOD 60,570,564,890 Denmark Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 24,027,064,089 Jordan Exports to Denmark JOD 653,529 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Denmark / Denmark Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Denmark _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Denmark Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 5,875,228,404 Denmark Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,489,757,792 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Denmark JOD 45,245 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Denmark / Denmark Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jord % Jordan Exports to Denmark _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Denmark Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 4,124,589,630 Denmark Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,261,688,465 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Denmark JOD 300,237 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Denmark / Denmark Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Denmark _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Denmark Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 2,262,224,544 Denmark Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,460,161,733 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Denmark JOD 31,951 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Denmark / Denmark Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Denmark _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Denmark Total Textiles Imports JOD 3,954,071,687 Denmark Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,692,576,544 Jordan Textiles Exports to Denmark JOD 71,807 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Denmark / Denmark Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Denmark _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Denmark Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,723,656,473 Denmark Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 815,091,417 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Denmark JOD 204,289 Average Sophistication 3114 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Denmark / Denmark Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jor %
130 JORDAN - Denmark TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Denmark Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Denmark Total Imports JOD 60,570,564,890 Denmark Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 40,366,171,351 Jordan Re-exports to Denmark JOD 86,641 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Denmark / Denmark Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Denmark _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Denmark Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 5,875,228,404 Denmark Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 4,413,949,914 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Denmark JOD 3,152 Average Sophistication 2296 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Denmark / Denmark Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported b % Jordan Re-exports to Denmark _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Denmark Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 2,262,224,544 Denmark Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,012,021,651 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Denmark JOD 1,000 Average Sophistication 627 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Denmark / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Denmark / Denmark Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Denmark / Denmark Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
131 JORDAN - Denmark TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Denmark Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Denmark Total Exports JOD 60,867,541,609 Denmark Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 51,120,843,138 Jordan Imports from Denmark JOD 83,748,496 Number of Products 304 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Denmark / Denmark Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Denmark Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 371,413,881 Denmark Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 298,656,914 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Denmark JOD 125,737 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Import % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Expo % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports Fr % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Denmark Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 1,250,207,863 Denmark Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 112,971,861 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Denmark JOD 2,871 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Denmark / Denmark Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Denmark Total Animal Products Exports JOD 7,369,967,519 Denmark Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,071,480,500 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Denmark JOD 11,400,673 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Denmark Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 12,438,244,347 Denmark Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 11,745,201,391 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Denmark JOD 19,456,000 Number of Products 29 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Denmark Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 4,349,581,503 Denmark Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,124,194,998 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Denmark JOD 2,759,551 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Foodstuffs Exports %
132 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Denmark / Denmark Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Denmark Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 315,627,598 Denmark Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 313,855,369 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Denmark JOD 2,210 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Denmark / Denmark Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Im % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Denmark Total Instruments Exports JOD 2,710,879,432 Denmark Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,678,728,410 Jordan Instruments Imports from Denmark JOD 1,756,698 Number of Products 35 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Denmark / Denmark Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Denmark Total Machines Exports JOD 13,063,698,640 Denmark Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 12,878,464,245 Jordan Machines Imports from Denmark JOD 38,686, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Denmark / Denmark Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Denmark Total Metals Exports JOD 3,184,285,347 Denmark Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,121,381,856 Jordan Metals Imports from Denmark JOD 2,949,826 Number of Products 22 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Denmark / Denmark Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Denmark Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 1,773,169,805 Denmark Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,722,773,646 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Denmark JOD 299,254 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 9418 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Denmark Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 2,353,888,841 Denmark Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,348,800,296 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Denmark JOD 494,329 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Denmark / Denmark Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Paper Goods
133 Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Denmark Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 713,295,451 Denmark Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 663,629,096 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Denmark JOD 65,809 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Denmark / Denmark Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Denmark Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 1,846,718,160 Denmark Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,840,730,982 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Denmark JOD 314,191 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Denmark / Denmark Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Denmark Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 484,877,923 Denmark Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 448,371,826 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Denmark JOD 187,231 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Denmark / Denmark Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Denmark Total Textiles Exports JOD 2,091,760,075 Denmark Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,900,258,814 Jordan Textiles Imports from Denmark JOD 27,662 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication 7291 Jordan Textiles Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Denmark / Denmark Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Denmark Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 2,292,381,823 Denmark Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,657,341,711 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Denmark JOD 679,911 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Denmark / Denmark Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Import % Jordan Imports from Denmark _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Denmark Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 1,552,604,700 Denmark Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,381,132,885 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Denmark JOD 3,041,382 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Denmark / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Denmark / Denmark Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by %
134 التجارة األردنية مع أيرلندا JORDAN TRADE WITH IRELAND 134
135 JORDAN - Ireland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Ireland Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Ireland Total Imports JOD 52,732,922,616 Ireland Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 19,050,403,074 Jordan Exports to Ireland JOD 638,756 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Ireland / Ireland Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Ireland _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World JOD 193,768,813 Ireland Total Animal Products Imports JOD 1,619,168,085 Ireland Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 763,750,503 Jordan Animal Products Exports to Ireland JOD 1,000 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Ireland / Ireland Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Ireland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Ireland Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 9,867,748,969 Ireland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,943,571,582 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Ireland JOD 591,027 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Ireland / Ireland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Ireland _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Ireland Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 3,659,764,314 Ireland Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,430,140,514 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Ireland JOD 1,382 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Ireland / Ireland Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Ireland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Ireland Total Machines Imports JOD 10,776,825,167 Ireland Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,357,279,412 Jordan Machines Exports to Ireland JOD 45,347 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Ireland / Ireland Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
136 JORDAN - Ireland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Ireland Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Ireland Total Imports JOD 52,732,922,616 Ireland Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 32,739,447,180 Jordan Re-exports to Ireland JOD 406,347 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Ireland _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Re-exports to the World JOD 36,425,954 Ireland Total Animal Products Imports JOD 1,619,168,085 Ireland Animal Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,045,629,195 Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Ireland JOD 65,921 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Animal Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Animal Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Ireland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Ireland Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 9,867,748,969 Ireland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 6,503,612,911 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Ireland JOD 12,045 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 400 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jo % Jordan Re-exports to Ireland _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Ireland Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 3,659,764,314 Ireland Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,678,127,214 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Ireland JOD 177,047 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Ireland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Ireland Total Machines Imports JOD 10,776,825,167 Ireland Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 9,783,746,690 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Ireland JOD 109,714 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Re-exports to Ireland / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Ireland / Ireland Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
137 JORDAN - Ireland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Ireland Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Ireland Total Exports JOD 107,561,752,740 Ireland Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 103,749,172,548 Jordan Imports from Ireland JOD 69,413, Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Ireland / Ireland Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Ireland Total Animal Products Exports JOD 4,806,303,261 Ireland Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,113,673,097 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Ireland JOD 1,229,084 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Ireland Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 64,496,393,144 Ireland Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 63,963,440,816 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Ireland JOD 10,205,918 Number of Products 24 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Ireland Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 5,908,738,813 Ireland Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,808,292,918 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Ireland JOD 45,344,892 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Ireland / Ireland Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Ireland Total Instruments Exports JOD 9,624,706,580 Ireland Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,613,920,478 Jordan Instruments Imports from Ireland JOD 5,488,630 Number of Products 20 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Ireland / Ireland Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Ireland Total Machines Exports JOD 14,723,552,741 Ireland Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 14,546,398,145 Jordan Machines Imports from Ireland JOD 4,740,555 Number of Products 54 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World %
138 Jordan Machines Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Ireland / Ireland Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Ireland Total Metals Exports JOD 893,671,179 Ireland Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 849,910,759 Jordan Metals Imports from Ireland JOD 56,791 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Ireland / Ireland Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Ireland Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 626,367,022 Ireland Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 546,530,065 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Ireland JOD 8,122 Average Sophistication 7099 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Ireland Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 623,484,707 Ireland Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 605,409,489 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Ireland JOD 203,142 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Ireland / Ireland Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Ireland Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 486,700,562 Ireland Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 444,681,382 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Ireland JOD 50,310 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Ireland / Ireland Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Ireland Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 1,174,475,984 Ireland Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,169,380,708 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Ireland JOD 936,922 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Ireland / Ireland Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Ireland Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 198,498,794 Ireland Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 173,305,501 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Ireland JOD 5,571 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Ireland / Ireland Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
139 Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Ireland Total Textiles Exports JOD 617,484,926 Ireland Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 558,424,198 Jordan Textiles Imports from Ireland JOD 64,025 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Ireland / Ireland Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Ireland Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 1,680,863,931 Ireland Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 466,219,466 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Ireland JOD 49,994 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Ireland / Ireland Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Ireland _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Ireland Total Wood Products Exports JOD 297,159,648 Ireland Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 259,202,974 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Ireland JOD 5,589 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Ireland / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Ireland / Ireland Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
140 التجارة األردنية مع بلجيكا ولوكسمبورغ JORDAN TRADE WITH BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG 140
141 JORDAN - Belgium-Luxembourg TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Imports JOD 265,939,855,051 Belgium-Luxembourg Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 82,940,885,931 Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 561,167 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World JOD 193,768,813 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Products Imports JOD 5,317,075,351 Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,709,717,271 Jordan Animal Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 30,681 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Animal Products Exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Products Imports From the Produ % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 59,669,134,471 Belgium-Luxembourg Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 23,320,949,463 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 23,824 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Chemical Products Imports From the Pr % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 11,318,191,877 Belgium-Luxembourg Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 6,112,400,520 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 107,670 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Machines Imports JOD 34,053,556,814 Belgium-Luxembourg Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 10,650,436,973 Jordan Machines Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 5,460 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Machines Imports From the Products Exported b % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World JOD 211,487,643 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Metals Imports JOD 18,827,492,472 Belgium-Luxembourg Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 9,085,295,217 Jordan Metals Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 276,764 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Metals Exports to the World % Jordan Metals Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Metals Imports From the Products Exported by Jord %
142 Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 4,774,114,713 Belgium-Luxembourg Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,891,760,228 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 13,661 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Miscellaneous Imports From the Products E % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Textiles Imports JOD 8,783,470,423 Belgium-Luxembourg Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,414,320,287 Jordan Textiles Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 88,780 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 8307 Jordan Textiles Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jo % Jordan Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World JOD 527,424,360 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 7,917,202,907 Belgium-Luxembourg Vegetable Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,912,010,372 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 13,327 Average Sophistication 3114 Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Exports to the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Vegetable Products Imports % Jordan Vegetable Products Exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Vegetable Products Imports From the %
143 JORDAN - Belgium-Luxembourg TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Imports JOD 265,939,855,051 Belgium-Luxembourg Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 156,799,868,098 Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 707,414 Number of Products 27 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Re-exports to the World JOD 36,425,954 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Products Imports JOD 5,317,075,351 Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,968,641,303 Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 51,088 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Animal Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Products Imports % Jordan Animal Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Products Imports From the Pro % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 59,669,134,471 Belgium-Luxembourg Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 34,183,177,155 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 290,185 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Chemical Products Imports From the % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World JOD 21,554,524 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 11,318,191,877 Belgium-Luxembourg Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 7,794,885,266 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 22,213 Average Sophistication 5197 Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Re-exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Re-ex % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Machines Imports JOD 34,053,556,814 Belgium-Luxembourg Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 29,744,591,529 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 31,914 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Machines Imports From the Products Re-exp % Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World JOD 23,145,447 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Metals Imports JOD 18,827,492,472 Belgium-Luxembourg Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 9,170,786,596 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 80,979 Average Sophistication 4283 Jordan Metals Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Metals Re-exports to the World % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Metals Imports % Jordan Metals Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Metals Imports From the Products Re-exported %
144 Jordan Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 4,774,114,713 Belgium-Luxembourg Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 4,390,642,232 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 22,000 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Miscellaneous Imports From the Produc %
145 JORDAN - Belgium-Luxembourg TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Exports JOD 236,136,153,813 Belgium-Luxembourg Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 197,227,275,802 Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 224,437,149 Number of Products 568 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports JOD 123,880,282 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports JOD 1,080,226,530 Belgium-Luxembourg Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 869,733,139 Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 1,062,046 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Animal And Vegetable Bi Prod % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal And Ve % Jordan Animal And Vegetable Bi Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Animal And Vegetab % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 638,878,089 Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 544,158,546 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 1,600 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Hides Exports From the Products I % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Products Exports JOD 5,544,116,749 Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,653,994,324 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 16,773,951 Number of Products 20 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Animal Products Exports From the Pro % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 51,585,657,183 Belgium-Luxembourg Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 47,274,123,672 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 25,260, Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Chemical Products Exports From the % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 13,664,146,172 Belgium-Luxembourg Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 12,907,511,220 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 13,992,187 Number of Products 23 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Foodstuffs Exports %
146 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Impor % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 2,268,514,416 Belgium-Luxembourg Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,264,091,839 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 28,443 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Footwear And Headwea % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Footwear And Headwear Expo % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Instruments Exports JOD 6,362,573,088 Belgium-Luxembourg Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,183,018,439 Jordan Instruments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 766,898 Number of Products 20 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Instruments Exports From the Products Im % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Machines Exports JOD 25,239,815,465 Belgium-Luxembourg Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 24,121,862,157 Jordan Machines Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 15,908, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Machines Exports From the Products Importe % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Metals Exports JOD 19,816,896,120 Belgium-Luxembourg Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 16,943,123,139 Jordan Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 3,250,524 Number of Products 46 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Metals Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 10,137,559,926 Belgium-Luxembourg Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,126,697,746 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 130,840,610 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 0 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Mineral Products Exports From the Pr % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 2,731,325,527 Belgium-Luxembourg Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,716,709,384 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 604,970 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Miscellaneous Exports From the Product % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Paper Goods
147 Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 3,679,642,979 Belgium-Luxembourg Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,484,625,266 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 402,736 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Paper Goods Exports From the Products Im % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 21,007,982,561 Belgium-Luxembourg Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 20,501,423,898 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 4,393,838 Number of Products 39 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the Wo % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Plastics And Rubbers Export % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Plastics And Rubbers Exports From % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 16,637,006,693 Belgium-Luxembourg Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,139,090,675 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 337,850 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Precious Metals Exports From the Prod % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 2,440,806,262 Belgium-Luxembourg Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,177,149,213 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 498,738 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Stone And Glass Exports From the Prod % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Textiles Exports JOD 7,075,044,934 Belgium-Luxembourg Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,348,256,472 Jordan Textiles Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 5,226,660 Number of Products 36 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 25,109,258,641 Belgium-Luxembourg Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 23,600,265,412 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 662,325 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the W % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Transport Equipments Expo % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Transport Equipments Exports Fr % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 5,368,388,412 Belgium-Luxembourg Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,756,811,126
148 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 2,122,286 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Vegetable Products Exports From th % Jordan Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Belgium-Luxembourg Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,554,642,762 Belgium-Luxembourg Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,369,918,666 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg JOD 97,321 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Belgium-Luxembourg / Belgium-Luxembourg Wood Products Exports From the Produ %
149 التجارة األردنية مع قبرص JORDAN TRADE WITH CYPRUS 149
150 JORDAN - Cyprus TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Cyprus Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Cyprus Total Imports JOD 4,979,742,832 Cyprus Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,729,891,549 Jordan Exports to Cyprus JOD 464,806 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Cyprus _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Cyprus Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 489,634,974 Cyprus Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 339,049,206 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Cyprus JOD 1,358 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Cyprus _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Cyprus Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 491,993,345 Cyprus Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 292,976,865 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Cyprus JOD 97,325 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Cyprus _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 Cyprus Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 78,373,727 Cyprus Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 32,842,623 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Cyprus JOD 8,440 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Cyprus _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Cyprus Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 138,493,984 Cyprus Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 86,051,995 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Cyprus JOD 119,798 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Cyprus _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World JOD 161,854,141 Cyprus Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 155,685,221 Cyprus Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 106,495,667 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Cyprus JOD 121,498 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Exported by Jord %
151 Jordan Exports to Cyprus _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Cyprus Total Textiles Imports JOD 248,606,869 Cyprus Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 114,122,228 Jordan Textiles Exports to Cyprus JOD 116,387 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
152 JORDAN - Cyprus TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Cyprus Total Imports JOD 4,979,742,832 Cyprus Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 2,667,918,587 Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus JOD 590,751 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Cyprus Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 489,634,974 Cyprus Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 373,729,834 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Cyprus JOD 5,166 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jor % Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Cyprus Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 138,493,984 Cyprus Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 125,845,930 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Cyprus JOD 6,000 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 773 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Cyprus _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World JOD 68,128,690 Cyprus Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 155,685,221 Cyprus Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 139,263,994 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Cyprus JOD 348,033 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Cyprus / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Re-exports to Cyprus / Cyprus Plastics And Rubbers Imports From the Products Re-exported b %
153 JORDAN - Cyprus TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Cyprus Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Cyprus Total Exports JOD 2,661,607,598 Cyprus Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,580,421,394 Jordan Imports from Cyprus JOD 10,982,931 Number of Products 57 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Cyprus Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 8,544,230 Cyprus Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,008,473 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Cyprus JOD 2,000 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Cyprus Total Animal Products Exports JOD 151,176,356 Cyprus Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 115,438,600 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Cyprus JOD 1,545,627 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Cyprus Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 417,320,110 Cyprus Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 371,731,767 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Cyprus JOD 7,071,163 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Cyprus Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 161,056,559 Cyprus Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 128,335,130 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Cyprus JOD 496,599 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Cyprus Total Instruments Exports JOD 49,375,364 Cyprus Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 46,429,623 Jordan Instruments Imports from Cyprus JOD 703,879 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Instruments Exports %
154 Jordan Instruments Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Cyprus Total Machines Exports JOD 314,079,285 Cyprus Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 311,334,018 Jordan Machines Imports from Cyprus JOD 406,226 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Cyprus Total Metals Exports JOD 96,131,011 Cyprus Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 76,327,212 Jordan Metals Imports from Cyprus JOD 4,520 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Cyprus Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 21,930,691 Cyprus Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 21,506,776 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Cyprus JOD 16,412 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Cyprus Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 28,524,301 Cyprus Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 28,481,909 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Cyprus JOD 81,709 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Cyprus Total Textiles Exports JOD 44,581,576 Cyprus Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 41,985,240 Jordan Textiles Imports from Cyprus JOD 73,210 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Cyprus Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 380,893,179 Cyprus Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 73,999,014 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Cyprus JOD 22,400 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Cyprus _ Vegetable Products
155 Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Cyprus Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 85,038,595 Cyprus Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 83,754,767 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Cyprus JOD 84,280 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 7108 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Cyprus / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Cyprus / Cyprus Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord %
156 التجارة األردنية مع مالطا JORDAN TRADE WITH MALTA 156
157 JORDAN - Malta TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Malta Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Malta Total Imports JOD 9,464,575,276 Malta Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,670,481,093 Jordan Exports to Malta JOD 333,000 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Malta / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Malta / Malta Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Malta / Malta Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Malta _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 Malta Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 325,466,868 Malta Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 62,203,863 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Malta JOD 324,279 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Malta / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Malta / Malta Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Malta / Malta Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Malta _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Malta Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 98,542,812 Malta Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 68,439,397 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Malta JOD 8,721 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Malta / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Malta / Malta Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Malta / Malta Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
158 JORDAN - Malta TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Malta Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Malta Total Exports JOD 3,262,842,552 Malta Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,411,492,698 Jordan Imports from Malta JOD 2,042,045 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Malta / Malta Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Malta / Malta Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Malta _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Malta Total Animal Products Exports JOD 136,077,252 Malta Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 86,425,386 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Malta JOD 35,834 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Malta / Malta Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Malta / Malta Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Malta _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Malta Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 459,482,468 Malta Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 456,664,208 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Malta JOD 241,940 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Malta / Malta Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Malta / Malta Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Malta _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Malta Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 103,365,363 Malta Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 102,943,163 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Malta JOD 1,696,585 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Malta / Malta Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Malta / Malta Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Malta _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Malta Total Instruments Exports JOD 104,623,879 Malta Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 100,614,738 Jordan Instruments Imports from Malta JOD 8,439 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Malta / Malta Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Malta / Malta Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Malta _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Malta Total Machines Exports JOD 1,120,094,225 Malta Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,112,980,525 Jordan Machines Imports from Malta JOD 5,201 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Malta / Malta Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Malta / Malta Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
159 Jordan Imports from Malta _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Malta Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 24,936,923 Malta Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 20,450,610 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Malta JOD 54,046 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Malta / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Malta / Malta Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Malta / Malta Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
160 التجارة األردنية مع بولندا JORDAN TRADE WITH POLAND 160
161 JORDAN - Poland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Poland Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Poland Total Imports JOD 141,978,719,302 Poland Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 52,307,168,775 Jordan Exports to Poland JOD 158,054 Number of Products 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Poland / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Poland / Poland Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Poland / Poland Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Poland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Poland Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 13,649,402,432 Poland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 7,673,429,638 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Poland JOD 44,836 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Poland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Poland / Poland Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Poland / Poland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Poland _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Poland Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 5,388,654,266 Poland Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,767,505,443 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Poland JOD 63,666 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 8293 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Poland / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Poland / Poland Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Poland / Poland Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Poland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World JOD 216,151,726 Poland Total Machines Imports JOD 38,320,115,396 Poland Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 12,543,488,624 Jordan Machines Exports to Poland JOD 8,050 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Exports to Poland / Jordan Total Machines Exports to the World % Jordan Machines Exports to Poland / Poland Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Exports to Poland / Poland Machines Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Poland _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 Poland Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 9,108,167,221 Poland Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 748,672,473 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Poland JOD 12,203 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Poland / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Poland / Poland Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Poland / Poland Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
162 Jordan Exports to Poland _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Poland Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 3,876,060,408 Poland Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,688,891,399 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Poland JOD 29,299 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Poland / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Poland / Poland Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Poland / Poland Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
163 JORDAN - Poland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Poland Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Poland Total Imports JOD 141,978,719,302 Poland Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 95,035,176,727 Jordan Re-exports to Poland JOD 12,011,613 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Poland / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Poland / Poland Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Poland / Poland Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Poland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World JOD 82,324,677 Poland Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 13,649,402,432 Poland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 9,247,258,842 Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Poland JOD 31,453 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Poland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Re-exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Poland / Poland Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Re-exports to Poland / Poland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jo % Jordan Re-exports to Poland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World JOD 198,461,907 Poland Total Machines Imports JOD 38,320,115,396 Poland Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 33,746,990,717 Jordan Machines Re-exports to Poland JOD 153,461 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Re-exports to Poland / Jordan Total Machines Re-exports to the World % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Poland / Poland Total Machines Imports % Jordan Machines Re-exports to Poland / Poland Machines Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
164 JORDAN - Poland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Poland Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Poland Total Exports JOD 134,106,880,235 Poland Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 117,692,842,536 Jordan Imports from Poland JOD 77,222,346 Number of Products 445 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Poland / Poland Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Poland / Poland Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Poland Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 838,617,765 Poland Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 360,020,396 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Poland JOD 2,587 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Poland / Poland Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Poland / Poland Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Poland Total Animal Products Exports JOD 5,459,954,044 Poland Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,938,725,574 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Poland JOD 14,313,317 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Poland / Poland Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Poland / Poland Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Poland Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 9,002,299,219 Poland Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,894,167,907 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Poland JOD 4,095,623 Number of Products 52 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Poland / Poland Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Poland / Poland Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Poland Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 8,818,722,085 Poland Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,861,937,975 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Poland JOD 10,315,399 Number of Products 33 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Poland / Poland Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Poland / Poland Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
165 Jordan Imports from Poland _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Poland Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 657,639,790 Poland Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 656,583,424 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Poland JOD 21,625 Average Sophistication 9477 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Poland / Poland Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Poland / Poland Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Impor % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Poland Total Instruments Exports JOD 2,100,214,271 Poland Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,077,554,280 Jordan Instruments Imports from Poland JOD 581,425 Number of Products 34 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Poland / Poland Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Poland / Poland Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Poland Total Machines Exports JOD 34,636,330,390 Poland Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 34,213,978,434 Jordan Machines Imports from Poland JOD 11,702, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Poland / Poland Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Poland / Poland Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Poland Total Metals Exports JOD 12,915,652,538 Poland Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 11,193,209,228 Jordan Metals Imports from Poland JOD 2,760,197 Number of Products 29 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Poland / Poland Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Poland / Poland Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Poland Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 2,290,553,559 Poland Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,784,806,744 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Poland JOD 11,513,084 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 8067 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Poland / Poland Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Poland / Poland Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Poland Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 9,305,488,777
166 Poland Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 9,279,460,127 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Poland JOD 5,316,573 Number of Products 29 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Poland / Poland Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Poland / Poland Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Poland Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 3,611,378,051 Poland Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,548,802,169 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Poland JOD 587,809 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Poland / Poland Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Poland / Poland Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Poland Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 8,639,582,536 Poland Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,546,722,290 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Poland JOD 1,243,481 Number of Products 27 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Poland / Poland Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Poland / Poland Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Precious Metals Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports JOD 726,847,587 Poland Total Precious Metals Exports JOD 903,737,977 Poland Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 767,092,427 Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Poland JOD 14,328 Average Sophistication Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Precious Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Poland / Poland Total Precious Metals Exports % Jordan Precious Metals Imports from Poland / Poland Precious Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Poland Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 2,524,318,197 Poland Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,407,011,847 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Poland JOD 971,144 8 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Poland / Poland Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Poland / Poland Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Poland Total Textiles Exports JOD 3,815,881,071 Poland Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,462,596,007 Jordan Textiles Imports from Poland JOD 343,494 Number of Products 22 Average Sophistication 12335
167 Jordan Textiles Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Poland / Poland Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Poland / Poland Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Poland Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 19,618,679,388 Poland Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 15,107,674,166 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Poland JOD 340,181 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Poland / Poland Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Poland / Poland Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Poland Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 3,749,044,680 Poland Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,924,653,693 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Poland JOD 12,275,245 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Poland / Poland Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Poland / Poland Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord % Jordan Imports from Poland _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Poland Total Wood Products Exports JOD 2,512,567,319 Poland Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,428,143,472 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Poland JOD 65,802 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Poland / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Poland / Poland Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Poland / Poland Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
168 التجارة األردنية مع كوراتيا JORDAN TRADE WITH CORATIA 168
169 JORDAN - Croatia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Croatia Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Croatia Total Imports JOD 15,133,270,907 Croatia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 6,004,024,533 Jordan Exports to Croatia JOD 117,478 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Croatia / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Croatia / Croatia Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Croatia / Croatia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Croatia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Croatia Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,624,400,563 Croatia Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 958,226,950 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Croatia JOD 16,157 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Croatia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Croatia / Croatia Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Croatia / Croatia Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Croatia _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World JOD 1,025,261,039 Croatia Total Textiles Imports JOD 1,014,445,614 Croatia Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 325,816,038 Jordan Textiles Exports to Croatia JOD 101,321 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Exports to Croatia / Jordan Total Textiles Exports to the World % Jordan Textiles Exports to Croatia / Croatia Total Textiles Imports % Jordan Textiles Exports to Croatia / Croatia Textiles Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
170 JORDAN - Croatia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Croatia Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Croatia Total Exports JOD 9,025,627,707 Croatia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,444,152,744 Jordan Imports from Croatia JOD 5,392,068 Number of Products 38 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Croatia / Croatia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Croatia Total Animal Products Exports JOD 270,352,013 Croatia Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 156,352,148 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Croatia JOD 14,694 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Croatia Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 983,058,884 Croatia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 940,538,453 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Croatia JOD 516,324 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Croatia Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 617,028,549 Croatia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 576,273,894 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Croatia JOD 2,222,065 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Croatia / Croatia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Croatia Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 168,866,852 Croatia Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 168,575,236 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Croatia JOD 1,871 Average Sophistication 9477 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Croatia / Croatia Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Impo % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Croatia Total Instruments Exports JOD 100,927,516 Croatia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 99,490,410 Jordan Instruments Imports from Croatia JOD 3,892 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World %
171 Jordan Instruments Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Croatia / Croatia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Croatia Total Machines Exports JOD 1,622,640,319 Croatia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,497,173,199 Jordan Machines Imports from Croatia JOD 2,455,156 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Croatia / Croatia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Croatia Total Metals Exports JOD 684,820,287 Croatia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 648,998,856 Jordan Metals Imports from Croatia JOD 27,806 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Croatia / Croatia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Croatia Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 396,366,097 Croatia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 394,796,530 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Croatia JOD 21,615 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Croatia / Croatia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Croatia Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 211,680,577 Croatia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 204,159,454 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Croatia JOD 4,982 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Croatia / Croatia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Croatia Total Textiles Exports JOD 610,809,125 Croatia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 526,961,836 Jordan Textiles Imports from Croatia JOD 56,326 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication 9250 Jordan Textiles Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Croatia / Croatia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Croatia Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 270,814,981 Croatia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 249,846,980 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Croatia JOD 24,448 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord %
172 Jordan Imports from Croatia _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Croatia Total Wood Products Exports JOD 494,201,488 Croatia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 451,402,232 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Croatia JOD 42,889 Average Sophistication 9340 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Croatia / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Croatia / Croatia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
173 التجارة األردنية مع استونيا JORDAN TRADE WITH ESTONIA 173
174 JORDAN - Estonia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Estonia Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Estonia Total Imports JOD 11,301,622,129 Estonia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,978,960,649 Jordan Exports to Estonia JOD 79,594 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 9276 Jordan Exports to Estonia / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Estonia / Estonia Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Estonia / Estonia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Estonia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Estonia Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 953,364,340 Estonia Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 509,220,334 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Estonia JOD 68,778 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Estonia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Estonia / Estonia Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Estonia / Estonia Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Estonia _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Estonia Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 781,248,654 Estonia Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 400,419,484 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Estonia JOD 10,816 Average Sophistication 4138 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Estonia / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Estonia / Estonia Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Estonia / Estonia Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
175 JORDAN - Estonia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Estonia Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Estonia Total Exports JOD 9,569,559,923 Estonia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,463,771,716 Jordan Imports from Estonia JOD 2,189,542 Number of Products 25 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Estonia / Estonia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Estonia Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 552,644,095 Estonia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 490,668,606 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Estonia JOD 2,454 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Estonia / Estonia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Estonia Total Instruments Exports JOD 278,537,969 Estonia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 275,036,428 Jordan Instruments Imports from Estonia JOD 26,250 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Estonia / Estonia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Estonia Total Machines Exports JOD 3,206,381,576 Estonia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,174,423,554 Jordan Machines Imports from Estonia JOD 87,308 0 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Estonia / Estonia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Estonia Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 176,031,988 Estonia Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 151,419,456 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Estonia JOD 492,110 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Estonia / Estonia Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Estonia Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 717,154,074 Estonia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 716,153,100 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Estonia JOD 14,786 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Estonia / Estonia Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
176 Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Estonia Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 240,054,843 Estonia Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 181,593,078 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Estonia JOD 269,379 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Estonia / Estonia Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Estonia Total Textiles Exports JOD 320,081,745 Estonia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 274,062,638 Jordan Textiles Imports from Estonia JOD 5,991 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Estonia / Estonia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Estonia _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Estonia Total Wood Products Exports JOD 846,496,421 Estonia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 792,853,268 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Estonia JOD 1,265,107 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Estonia / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Estonia / Estonia Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Estonia / Estonia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
177 التجارة األردنية مع جمهورية التشيك JORDAN TRADE WITH CZECH REPUBLIC 177
178 JORDAN - Czech Rep. TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Czech Rep. Total Imports JOD 98,717,267,288 Czech Rep. Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 36,441,014,685 Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. JOD 70,170 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Czech Rep. Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 7,674,193,227 Czech Rep. Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 4,364,443,679 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Czech Rep. JOD 16,794 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jo % Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Czech Rep. Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 2,785,421,901 Czech Rep. Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 1,690,701,040 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Czech Rep. JOD 46,995 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Czech Rep. _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World JOD 408,907,152 Czech Rep. Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 4,992,247,666 Czech Rep. Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 804,098,364 Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Czech Rep. JOD 6,381 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Mineral Products Exports to the World % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Mineral Products Imports % Jordan Mineral Products Exports to Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Mineral Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jord %
179 JORDAN - Czech Rep. TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Czech Rep. Total Exports JOD 105,739,950,921 Czech Rep. Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 98,948,111,218 Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 23,970,413 Number of Products 285 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Animal Products Jordan Total Animal Products Imports JOD 730,671,783 Czech Rep. Total Animal Products Exports JOD 1,065,806,983 Czech Rep. Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 814,293,026 Jordan Animal Products Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 128,811 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Animal Products Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Animal Products Exports % Jordan Animal Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Animal Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jo % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Czech Rep. Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 4,812,775,052 Czech Rep. Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,228,623,405 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 923,759 Number of Products 28 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Czech Rep. Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 2,647,127,404 Czech Rep. Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,090,540,053 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 103,648 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Footwear And Headwear Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports JOD 57,566,178 Czech Rep. Total Footwear And Headwear Exports JOD 517,280,221 Czech Rep. Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 486,939,940 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 14,087 Average Sophistication 8009 Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Footwear And Headwear Imports from the World % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Footwear And Headwear Exports % Jordan Footwear And Headwear Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Footwear And Headwear Exports From the Product % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Czech Rep. Total Instruments Exports JOD 2,036,887,966 Czech Rep. Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,002,891,189 Jordan Instruments Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 247,553 Number of Products 21 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Instruments Exports %
180 Jordan Instruments Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Czech Rep. Total Machines Exports JOD 37,594,861,781 Czech Rep. Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 37,015,370,141 Jordan Machines Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 14,505, Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Czech Rep. Total Metals Exports JOD 9,270,942,261 Czech Rep. Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 8,784,260,427 Jordan Metals Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 634,427 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Czech Rep. Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 2,741,539,195 Czech Rep. Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,431,893,377 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 26,709 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by J % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Czech Rep. Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 5,182,369,458 Czech Rep. Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,079,874,596 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 777,584 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Czech Rep. Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 1,726,607,177 Czech Rep. Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,493,092,395 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 2,563,672 Number of Products 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Czech Rep. Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 6,067,083,861 Czech Rep. Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 5,957,445,439 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 572,828 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Impor %
181 Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Czech Rep. Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 1,949,600,693 Czech Rep. Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,851,800,650 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 551,409 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jor % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Czech Rep. Total Textiles Exports JOD 2,432,736,308 Czech Rep. Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,194,634,170 Jordan Textiles Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 74,673 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Czech Rep. Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 22,858,026,543 Czech Rep. Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 21,616,358,458 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 535,656 1 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imp % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Czech Rep. Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 1,385,812,510 Czech Rep. Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,096,700,251 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 457,832 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 9453 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported % Jordan Imports from Czech Rep. _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Czech Rep. Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,239,494,210 Czech Rep. Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,139,225,424 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Czech Rep. JOD 4,531 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Czech Rep. / Czech Rep. Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jord %
182 التجارة األردنية مع فنلندا JORDAN TRADE WITH FINLAND 182
183 JORDAN - Finland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Finland Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Finland Total Imports JOD 41,538,645,729 Finland Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 14,409,995,212 Jordan Exports to Finland JOD 28,779 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Exports to Finland / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Finland / Finland Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Finland / Finland Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Finland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World JOD 1,398,299,295 Finland Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 4,291,272,545 Finland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 2,119,157,567 Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Finland JOD 11,370 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Finland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Exports to the World % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Finland / Finland Total Chemical Products Imports % Jordan Chemical Products Exports to Finland / Finland Chemical Products Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Finland _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World JOD 59,090,747 Finland Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 1,167,860,792 Finland Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 728,984,303 Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Finland JOD 17,409 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Finland / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Finland / Finland Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Exports to Finland / Finland Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
184 JORDAN - Finland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Re-exports to Finland Jordan Total Re-exports to the World JOD 763,828,802 Finland Total Imports JOD 41,538,645,729 Finland Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 25,336,913,478 Jordan Re-exports to Finland JOD 29,231 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Re-exports to Finland / Jordan Total Re-exports to the World % Jordan Re-exports to Finland / Finland Total Imports % Jordan Re-exports to Finland / Finland Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan % Jordan Re-exports to Finland _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World JOD 27,053,283 Finland Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 1,167,860,792 Finland Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan JOD 1,031,694,926 Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Finland JOD 11,000 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Finland / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Re-exports to the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Finland / Finland Total Miscellaneous Imports % Jordan Miscellaneous Re-exports to Finland / Finland Miscellaneous Imports From the Products Re-exported by Jordan %
185 JORDAN - Finland TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Finland Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Finland Total Exports JOD 45,008,662,228 Finland Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 37,181,140,007 Jordan Imports from Finland JOD 35,406,304 Number of Products 203 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Finland / Finland Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Finland / Finland Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Animal Hides Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports JOD 23,965,280 Finland Total Animal Hides Exports JOD 530,809,416 Finland Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 30,989,700 Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Finland JOD 1,632 Average Sophistication Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Animal Hides Imports from the World % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Finland / Finland Total Animal Hides Exports % Jordan Animal Hides Imports from Finland / Finland Animal Hides Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Finland Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 4,072,550,793 Finland Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 3,822,373,619 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Finland JOD 1,882,867 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Finland / Finland Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Finland / Finland Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jorda % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Finland Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 470,409,636 Finland Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 446,662,594 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Finland JOD 451,584 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Finland / Finland Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Finland / Finland Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Finland Total Instruments Exports JOD 1,680,471,590 Finland Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,633,529,097 Jordan Instruments Imports from Finland JOD 200,851 9 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Finland / Finland Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Finland / Finland Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Finland Total Machines Exports JOD 10,634,098,324 Finland Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 10,164,981,355 Jordan Machines Imports from Finland JOD 9,718,659 Number of Products 90 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Finland / Finland Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Finland / Finland Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
186 Jordan Imports from Finland _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Finland Total Metals Exports JOD 6,214,853,683 Finland Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 4,844,208,549 Jordan Metals Imports from Finland JOD 252,902 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Finland / Finland Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Finland / Finland Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Finland Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 490,491,323 Finland Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 271,654,233 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Finland JOD 73,727 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Finland / Finland Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Finland / Finland Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Miscellaneous Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports JOD 230,253,607 Finland Total Miscellaneous Exports JOD 419,717,717 Finland Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 415,338,275 Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Finland JOD 125,950 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Miscellaneous Imports from the World % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Finland / Finland Total Miscellaneous Exports % Jordan Miscellaneous Imports from Finland / Finland Miscellaneous Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Paper Goods Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports JOD 287,434,297 Finland Total Paper Goods Exports JOD 7,779,983,548 Finland Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 7,540,145,563 Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Finland JOD 17,655,123 Number of Products 25 Average Sophistication Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Paper Goods Imports from the World % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Finland / Finland Total Paper Goods Exports % Jordan Paper Goods Imports from Finland / Finland Paper Goods Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Finland Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 1,969,481,716 Finland Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,964,161,977 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Finland JOD 32,241 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Finland / Finland Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Finland / Finland Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Finland Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 422,884,051 Finland Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 400,969,597 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Finland JOD 22,969 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Finland / Finland Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Finland / Finland Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Textiles
187 Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Finland Total Textiles Exports JOD 372,546,320 Finland Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 341,553,099 Jordan Textiles Imports from Finland JOD 5,539 Number of Products 3 Average Sophistication 8653 Jordan Textiles Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Finland / Finland Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Finland / Finland Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Transport Equipments Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports JOD 1,350,994,227 Finland Total Transport Equipments Exports JOD 3,855,959,853 Finland Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 2,286,350,992 Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Finland JOD 151,470 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Transport Equipments Imports from the World % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Finland / Finland Total Transport Equipments Exports % Jordan Transport Equipments Imports from Finland / Finland Transport Equipments Exports From the Products Imported b % Jordan Imports from Finland _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Finland Total Wood Products Exports JOD 2,010,427,248 Finland Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,988,933,377 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Finland JOD 4,830,790 Number of Products 7 Average Sophistication Jordan Wood Products Imports from Finland / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Finland / Finland Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Finland / Finland Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
188 التجارة األردنية مع التفيا JORDAN TRADE WITH LATVIA 188
189 JORDAN - Latvia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Exports to Latvia Jordan Total Exports to the World JOD 4,797,583,415 Latvia Total Imports JOD 11,228,193,898 Latvia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 3,807,561,959 Jordan Exports to Latvia JOD 17,360 Average Sophistication 4138 Jordan Exports to Latvia / Jordan Total Exports to the World % Jordan Exports to Latvia / Latvia Total Imports % Jordan Exports to Latvia / Latvia Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan % Jordan Exports to Latvia _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World JOD 283,804,802 Latvia Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 865,156,452 Latvia Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan JOD 480,749,781 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Latvia JOD 17,360 Average Sophistication 4138 Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Latvia / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Exports to the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Latvia / Latvia Total Foodstuffs Imports % Jordan Foodstuffs Exports to Latvia / Latvia Foodstuffs Imports From the Products Exported by Jordan %
190 JORDAN - Latvia TRADE This report is part of JSF international trade series that analyzes Jordan's trade with all its partners for the year All products are classified according to the Harmonized System 6-Digits classification. All values are in JoD. Jordan Imports from Latvia Jordan Total Imports from the World JOD 14,537,182,239 Latvia Total Exports JOD 8,256,570,987 Latvia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 6,922,479,858 Jordan Imports from Latvia JOD 1,546,403 Number of Products 26 Average Sophistication Jordan Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Imports from the World % Jordan Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Exports % Jordan Imports from Latvia / Latvia Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Chemical Products Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports JOD 1,087,000,903 Latvia Total Chemical Products Exports JOD 624,646,663 Latvia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 545,855,468 Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Latvia JOD 103,353 Number of Products 5 Average Sophistication Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Chemical Products Imports from the World % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Chemical Products Exports % Jordan Chemical Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Chemical Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Foodstuffs Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports JOD 909,558,811 Latvia Total Foodstuffs Exports JOD 663,407,862 Latvia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 614,951,006 Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Latvia JOD 109,216 Average Sophistication Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Foodstuffs Imports from the World % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Foodstuffs Exports % Jordan Foodstuffs Imports from Latvia / Latvia Foodstuffs Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Instruments Jordan Total Instruments Imports JOD 220,111,232 Latvia Total Instruments Exports JOD 139,498,468 Latvia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 133,582,092 Jordan Instruments Imports from Latvia JOD 28,577 Number of Products 4 Average Sophistication Jordan Instruments Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Instruments Imports from the World % Jordan Instruments Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Instruments Exports % Jordan Instruments Imports from Latvia / Latvia Instruments Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Machines Jordan Total Machines Imports JOD 1,980,481,276 Latvia Total Machines Exports JOD 1,416,910,813 Latvia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,381,996,072 Jordan Machines Imports from Latvia JOD 21,062 Number of Products 6 Average Sophistication Jordan Machines Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Machines Imports from the World % Jordan Machines Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Machines Exports % Jordan Machines Imports from Latvia / Latvia Machines Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Metals Jordan Total Metals Imports JOD 1,015,528,887 Latvia Total Metals Exports JOD 627,310,511 Latvia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 596,931,765 Jordan Metals Imports from Latvia JOD 6,250 Average Sophistication Jordan Metals Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Metals Imports from the World % Jordan Metals Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Metals Exports % Jordan Metals Imports from Latvia / Latvia Metals Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
191 Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Mineral Products Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports JOD 2,539,767,818 Latvia Total Mineral Products Exports JOD 394,694,894 Latvia Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 330,426,583 Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Latvia JOD 406,335 Average Sophistication Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Mineral Products Imports from the World % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Mineral Products Exports % Jordan Mineral Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Mineral Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Plastics And Rubbers Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports JOD 634,192,717 Latvia Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports JOD 234,967,035 Latvia Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 233,314,618 Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Latvia JOD 1,301 Average Sophistication Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Plastics And Rubbers Imports from the World % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Plastics And Rubbers Exports % Jordan Plastics And Rubbers Imports from Latvia / Latvia Plastics And Rubbers Exports From the Products Imported by Jor % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Stone And Glass Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports JOD 270,840,603 Latvia Total Stone And Glass Exports JOD 166,658,692 Latvia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 159,625,934 Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Latvia JOD 1,125 Average Sophistication Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Stone And Glass Imports from the World % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Stone And Glass Exports % Jordan Stone And Glass Imports from Latvia / Latvia Stone And Glass Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Textiles Jordan Total Textiles Imports JOD 902,322,525 Latvia Total Textiles Exports JOD 294,329,547 Latvia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 254,388,403 Jordan Textiles Imports from Latvia JOD 124 Average Sophistication Jordan Textiles Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Textiles Imports from the World % Jordan Textiles Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Textiles Exports % Jordan Textiles Imports from Latvia / Latvia Textiles Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Vegetable Products Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports JOD 1,030,995,188 Latvia Total Vegetable Products Exports JOD 546,090,980 Latvia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 433,887,183 Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Latvia JOD 53,545 Average Sophistication Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Vegetable Products Imports from the World % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Vegetable Products Exports % Jordan Vegetable Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Vegetable Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan % Jordan Imports from Latvia _ Wood Products Jordan Total Wood Products Imports JOD 137,764,956 Latvia Total Wood Products Exports JOD 1,334,377,617 Latvia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan JOD 1,165,554,740 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Latvia JOD 737,378 Number of Products 2 Average Sophistication 5816 Jordan Wood Products Imports from Latvia / Jordan Total Wood Products Imports from the World % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Total Wood Products Exports % Jordan Wood Products Imports from Latvia / Latvia Wood Products Exports From the Products Imported by Jordan %
192 190
RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Information Directorate غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إدارة الدراسات والمعلومات 1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم
1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم تجارة دولة اإلمارات مع الدول العربية حققت التجارة اإلجمالية للدولة مع بقية الدول العربية زيادة سنوية مقدارها %2 تقريبا حيث شكلت الواردات الجزء األكبر من هذه التجارة وتبقى الزيادة
عمولة دراية جلوبل ألسواق األسهم العاملية الحد األدنى العمولة سوق األسهم AUD 19.9 % أستراليا EUR 19.9 % النمسا EUR 19.9 % CAD 19.9 سه
عمولة دراية جلوبل ألسواق األسهم العاملية الحد األدنى العمولة سوق األسهم AUD 19.9 % 0.199 أستراليا النمسا CAD 19.9 سهم لكل CAD 0.0199 كندا فرنسا أملانيا HKD 199 % 0.199 هونغ كونغ إيطاليا JPY 1,990 % 0.199
جامعة نيشان تاشي الترتيب العاملي : 8876 الترتيب املحلى :150 املوقع الرسمي : nisantasi.edu.tr عنوان الجامعة : Maslak Mahallesi Söğütözü Sk. No:20/Y Niş
جامعة نيشان تاشي الترتيب العاملي : 8876 الترتيب املحلى :150 املوقع الرسمي : nisantasi.edu.tr عنوان الجامعة : Maslak Mahallesi Söğütözü Sk. No:20/Y Nişantaşı Üniversitesi Maslak 153 Neotech Kampüsü Sarıyer/İstanbul
ذذذذذذذذذ أهم المؤشرات االساسية لالقتصاد االردني MAJOR ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF JORDAN ادارة السياسات والدراسات االقتصادية Economic
ذذذذذذذذذ أهم المؤشرات االساسية لالقتصاد االردني MAJOR ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF JORDAN 10281024 ادارة السياسات والدراسات االقتصادية Economic Studies & Observation Unit تشرين الثاني 1028 November أهم المؤشرات
أهن الوؤشراث االساسيت لالقتصاد االرد ي MAJOR ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF JORDAN ادارة الذراساث والتذريب Research and Training Departmen
أهن الوؤشراث االساسيت لالقتصاد االرد ي MAJOR ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF JORDAN 1025 1023 ادارة الذراساث والتذريب Research and Training Department كا ىى األول 1022 December أهن الوؤشراث االقتصاديت Major Economic
المعرض الزراعي السعودي تجهيز و تنظيم المعارض و المؤتمرات برنامج المعارض EVENTS CALENDAR معرض الكهرباء و التكييف السعودي المعرض السعودي للبالستيك و الم
المعرض الزراعي السعودي تجهيز و تنظيم المعارض و المؤتمرات برنامج المعارض EVENTS CALENDAR معرض الكهرباء و التكييف السعودي المعرض السعودي للبالستيك و المعرض السعودي للطباعة معرض الرياض للسيارات ومستلزماتها
Microsoft PowerPoint - د . ابراهيم بدران ، بوربوينت.ppt [Compatibility Mode]
الدكتور إب ارهيم بد ارن التعليم العالي والبحث والتطوير والا بداع في مجتمع المعرفة ١ ١٤/٤/٢٠١٤ عمان ١- بين التقدم والتخلف حالة التخلف حالة التقدم المعرفة اإلدارة اإلقتصاد التكنولوجي المؤسسية سيادة القانون
R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 5510 /50/11 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد
5510 /50/11 أداء شركات رأس الخيمة المساهمة بسوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية لعام 4102 بلغ عدد شركات رأس الخيمة المدرجة في سوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية 11 شركة مساهمة من أصل 87 شركة مساهمة في السوق لعام 5512 حيث
المؤشرات القطاعية الربعية دبي Quarterly Sectoral Indicators Dubai الربع الثالث 2018 إدارة المعلومات االقتصادية
المؤشرات القطاعية الربعية دبي Quarterly Sectoral Indicators Dubai الربع الثالث 218 إدارة المعلومات االقتصادية الربع الثالث 218 إدارة المعلومات االقتصادية أوال : مؤشر التشيد والبناء الوصف 218 ثانيا : مؤشر
R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 0802 /80/80 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد
0802 /80/80 أداء شركات رأس الخيمة المساهمة بسوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية لعام 5102 بلغ عدد شركات رأس الخيمة المدرجة في سوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية 01 شركة مساهمة من أصل 77 شركة مساهمة في السوق لعام 0802 حيث
UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION - e_escwa_sd_11_5_ea_0.pdf
ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR WESTERN ASIA (ESCWA) اللجنة االقتصادية واالجتماعية لغربي آسيا (اإلسكوا) دراسات الحسابات القومية لمنطقة اللجنة االقتصادية واالجتماعية لغربي آسيا NATIONAL ACCOUNTS STUDIES
التبادل التجاري Foreign Trade 2017 النشرات
التبادل التجاري Foreign Trade النشرات Trade Exchange التبادل التجاري Introduction مقدمة General Authority for Statistics (GAStat) is pleased to provide its bulletin of trade exchange with the most important
1 GCC Annual Statistical Yearbook 2016
1 Contents المحتويات Symbols in Tables List of Abbreviations Contained in the Bulletin Notes to Users Introduction List of Tables List of Figures Chapter One: in World Indicators Chapter Two: Population
الشهادات عدد RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Information Directorate غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إدارة الذراسات والمعلومات / 5 مليار دره
الشهادات عدد / 5 مليار درهم قيمت صادراث أعضاء غرفت رأس الخيمت في 0202 حجارة ظزا إنى ان انذي حش ذ إيارة رأص انخ ت ف ج ع يجاالح ا فمذ حممج انخجارة انخارج ت أ ضا ا يهح ظا بارسا انذي ش م انخصذ ز إعادة انخصذ
RPM International Inc. تعليمات الخط الساخن على الرغم من أنه يمكن غالب ا حل األمور الخاصة باالمتثال على المستوى المحلي يقدم الخط الساخن لشركة ( RPM ) R
RPM International Inc. تعليمات الخط الساخن على الرغم من أنه يمكن غالب ا حل األمور الخاصة باالمتثال على المستوى المحلي يقدم الخط الساخن لشركة ( RPM ) RPM International Inc طريقة أخرى لكي تبلغ عن المخاوف
Lebanon role of parliament in protecting Litani River from pollution
ندوة إقليمية للبرلمانيين حول تنفيذ خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام 2030 في المنطقة العربية - 9 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2017 8 بيروت الجمهورية اللبنانية International Parliamentary Conference on Sustainability,
National Accounts Studies of the Arab Region, No. 37
اإلحصاءات النقدية والنشاط المصرفي Money & Banking Statistics إحصاءات أسعار الصرف والفائدة Money Market & Exchange Rate Stat. SEPTEMBER 2015 إحصاءات سو
اإلحصاءات النقدية والنشاط المصرفي Money & Banking Statistics إحصاءات أسعار الصرف والفائدة Money Market & Exchange Rate Stat. SEPTEMBER 2015 إحصاءات سوق األسهم Share Market Statistics إحصاءات األرقام القياسية
205 6 207 205, 5..7 إجمالي حجم التبادل التجاري لدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي مع جمهورية تركيا في العام 205 م مقارنة ب 6.0 مليار دوالر في العام 204 م وبنسبة انخفاض بلغت %5.4. قيمة العجز في امليزان التجاري السلعي
العدد 76 أبريل يونيو 1025 مجلة أوراق الش رق األوس ط "اتجاهات صفقات السالح العالمية خالل الفترة ) (" أحمد عدلي 0 تقريرا حمل عنوان "اتجاهات صفقا
"اتجاهات صفقات السالح العالمية خالل الفترة )2214-2212(" أحمد عدلي 0 تقريرا حمل عنوان "اتجاهات صفقات صدر عن معهد ستوكهولم ألبحاث السالم العاملية 2 في مارس 5302 للكاتبين "سيمون ويزمان" و"بيتر ويزمان" )باحثان
Labour Statistics Bulletin LabourinStatistics GCC Countries in GCC2016 Countries
Labour Statistics Bulletin LabourinStatistics Countries in Countries 1 Contents المحتويات Lis of Tables 5 List of Figures 7 Introduction 13 Symbols Used in Tables 17 4 6 12 14 قائمة الجداول قائمة األشكال
د. ط در ءة ز ا ت ا دزة (درا ا ا ت) د. ط در را ر ا م م ا ا ا : ا ت ا ا ا م وا ا ي و إ ى ا ت ا ا ا دو إ و دة ا و أ اد ا. و ف ا ا إ وا ا ت ا دزة م ا أ ا
ءة ز ا ت ا دزة (درا ا ا ت) را ر ا م م ا ا ا : ا ت ا ا ا م وا ا ي و إ ى ا ت ا ا ا دو إ و دة ا و أ اد ا. و ف ا ا إ وا ا ت ا دزة م ا أ ا و ت وا ت ا دة أ ا ذ ا ا وا اءات ا ور ا و ن ا ءة و ا م ت ا. ا ا : ا
مقتطفات خلق عالم أكثر أمن ا يناير 2014 مؤشر أمن المواد النووية الصادر عن مبادرة التهديد النووي وضع إطار عمل للتأمين والمساءلة والعمل اإلصدار الثاني تم
مقتطفات خلق عالم أكثر أمن ا يناير 14 اإلصدار الثاني تم تطوير المؤشر مع لعام 14 يعد لعام 14 )NTI( هو اإلصدار الثاني من تقييم يعد األول من نوعه ألوضاع أمن المواد النووية في مختلف أنحاء العالم. فبالتعاون
Microsoft Word - Cover_1_
Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia اللجنة االقتصادية واالجتماعية لغربي آسيا 2006-2012 نشرة اإلحصاءات الصناعية للبلدان العربية Bulletin of Industrial Statistics for Arab Countries العدد الثامن
افتتاحية العدد
العمليات العسكرية لدول احللفاء واحملور فوق األرض الليبية 539 5 حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد 4 )إبريل يونيه 24( أدريس عبدالصادق رحيل حممود Military Operations OF Allied and Axis Countries on the Libyan
دعوة إلى المملكة المتحدة لإجراء تحقيق مستقل في عمليات الترحيل السري من قبل الولايات المتحدة
]يحظر نشرها قبل: 42 مارس/آذار 4229[ للتداول العام منظمة العفو الدولية قائمة أبمساء الدول اليت ألغت عقوبة اإلعدام والدول اليت أبقت عليها )13 ديسمبر/كانون األول 8002( 82 مارس/آذار 8009 رقم الوثيقة: ACT 50/002/2009
Le ‘’French Grant’’ en faveur du secteur privé palestinien
A well known procedure: 32 projects financed between 1993 & 2000 Well known financing tool, with numerous symbolic projects A new agreement signed on April 8th 2010 for 5 M. and extended on December 13th
المواصفات الاوربية لإدارة الابتكار كخارطة طريق لتعزيز الابتكار في الدول العربية
المواصفات االوربية إلدارة االبتكار كخارطة طريق لتعزيز االبتكار في الدول العربية د. عوض سالم الحربي Workshop on Fostering Innovation in the Public Sectors of Arab Countries Cairo, Egypt, 30-31 October 2017
أولا – خلفية :
1 1 2 3 www.omannews.gov.om 6 7 8 9 11 11 12 13 1 1 16 17 18 19 21 21 22 23 2 2 26 املالحق جدول ملحق رقم )1(: التحول الهيكلي في دول الخليج 0111-1991 أنصبة القطاعات من الناتج املحلي الاجمالي )%( الصناعة
السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 2015 starting from April تهديگم شرگة ال
السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام 20 ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 20 starting from April تهديگم شرگة الراي العالمية للدعاية واإلعالن اطيب التحيات ونشگرگم على دعمگم
Certified Facility Management Professional WHO SHOULD ATTEND? As a Certified Facility Management Professional course, Muhtarif is the ideal next step
Certified Facility Management Professional WHO SHOULD ATTEND? As a Certified Facility Management Professional course, Muhtarif is the ideal next step for all those who have completed the Ta aseesy Foundation
رديف ج( دروس اصلي و اختياري هر گرايش در ط اصلي اختيبري گزايص بي فتگب هص ة دا طکذ هذيزيت التصبد ث ضزح سيز است: گرايش استراتژي :(Strategy) نام درس کد در
ج( دروس اصلي و اختياري هر گرايش در ط اصلي گزايص بي فتگب هص ة دا طکذ التصبد ث ضزح سيز است: گرايش استراتژي :(Strategy) کد درس به التين اختياري يا Advanced Strategic Planning Strategic of Technology Strategic
تأثير اتفاقيتي الشراكة عبر المحيط الهادئ والشراكة في التجارة والاستثمار عبر الأطلسي على الدول العربية
التحديات والفرص التفاقيات التجارة العمالقة على االقتصاديات العربية: اتفاقيتي الشراكة عبر المحيط الهادئ والشراكة في التجارة واالستثمار عبر األطلسي اتفاق الشراكة عبر المحيط الهادئ) TPP ) اتفاقية الشراكة
I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m p a r i s o n P r o g r a m 2011 ICP Classification
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افتتاحية العدد
أطر املعاجلة االعالمية لسياسات الرئيس االمريكى باراك اوباما دراسة مقارنة بني قناتني اجلزيرة واحلرة 7 framing analysis حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد )ابريل يونيو ( فاطمة الزهراء Framing analysis for policies
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Project overview
تعزيز األمن الغذائي والمائي من خالل التعاون وتنمية القدرات في المنطقة العربية: لمحة عامة عن المشروع Economic And Social Commission For Western Asia اجتماع نقاط االتصال الوطنية للمشروع بيروت 6-5 تشرين األول/أكتوبر
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المص ارف الوطنية NATIONAL BANKS National Banks المص ارف الوطنية في دولة الامارات العربية المتهدة NATIONAL BANKS IN THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES مرتبة حس ب نس بة ملاءة را س المال RANKING BY CAPITAL ADEQUACY
Decofair 2020 Facts & Figures Brochure softcopy
//DECOFAIR RIYADH-2020 11th Edition 18-20 November 2020 Riyadh Int. convention and exhibition center RIYADH, Saudi Arabia ١٨ ٢٠ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٠ مركز الرياض الدولي للمو تمرات والمعارض الرياض المملكة العربية
جعة Al Kamal American Private School-Al Ramtha TEL: FAX: Weekly Plan Al Kamal American Private School Week (05) from12/05/2019 t0
Grade 6 A Class Work Reading : introduction of the story Space System Pg. 356 L11-2 Median and Mode p.833 الوحدة الخامسة : الحة النفسیة. الدرس الرابع :طلب المساعدة. الدرس الثاني: الیابان تابع المناخ والنبات
أثر القرآن على منهج التفكير النقدي عند ابن تيميه
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أثر القرآن على منهج التفكير النقدي عند ابن تيميه
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نموذج السيرة الذاتية
بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم البيانات الشخصية االسم تاريخ ومكان الميالد الكلية القسم عمان العلوم التربوية المكتبات و المعلومات المؤهالت الد ارسية الدرجة العلمية التخصص الجهة المانحة لها 2012 دكتو اره علم المعلومات
Funding Opportunities for Undergraduates
العالقات مكتب الدولية بجامعة القاهرة International Relations Office- Cairo University (CU-CAIRO) Presented by Prof. Hosam M. Safaa Director of International Agreements Coordinator of Agriculture and Basic
ABU DHABI EDUCATION COUNCIL Abu Dhabi Education Zone AL Mountaha Secondary School g-12 science section Mathematics Student Name:.. Section: How Long i
ABU DHABI EDUCATION COUNCIL Abu Dhabi Education Zone AL Mountaha Secondary School g-12 science section Mathematics Student Name:.. Section: How Long is the Average Chord of a Circle?/ 2009-2010 Second
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : اجمللد 4 العدد / 1 الشهر والسنة Mila Univ center. Publish. Co.. The impact of electronic management to bu
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : 3223-1235 اجمللد 4 العدد / 1 الشهر والسنة Mila Univ center. Publish. Co.. The impact of electronic management to build structural capital of banks in Algeria - A case
P 0103 مؤشر اإلنتاج الصناعي Indice de la Production Industrielle ماي 1027 Mai 2017 Indice De La Production Industrielle 2017 Aout 7102 جوان Juin 7102
P 0103 مؤشر اإلنتاج الصناعي Indice de la Production Industrielle ماي 1027 Mai 2017 Aout 7102 جوان Juin 7102 أوت 1 Sur un an, la production industrielle du mois de Mai 2017 a enregistré une baisse de 0,1%.
ص) بيان ربع سنوى 0 بنك : : التوظيفات لدى الدول فى الخارج نموذج رقم صفحة وفقا للمركز فى آخر القيمة بااللف جنيه )3 االيداعات لدى المؤسسات المالية
ص) 0 : التوظيفات لدى الدول فى الخارج نوذج رق ) االيداعات لدى الؤسسات الالية االستثارات القروض والتسهيالت االلتزاات الناتجة عن عليات التجارة الخارجية وغيرها ن التزاات عرضية ++ اجالى التوظيفات قبل االستبعادات
دائرة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة المتحان اإلعادة للعام الدراسي : الصف: الثامن المهارة )الفهم واالستيعاب + التحليل األدبي( النحو المادة ال
دائرة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة المتحان اإلعادة للعام الدراسي : الصف: الثامن 2018-2017 المهارة )الفهم واالستيعاب + التحليل األدبي( النحو المادة المطلوبة القراءة: درس احترام النظام )الجزء األول(+ درس
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. belgac
جملة ميالف للبحوث والدراسات ISSN : 3223-1235 اجمللد 1 العدد / 5 جوان 3152 Mila Univ center. Publish. Co. Environmental Issues and Major Powers. belgacemi.mouloud@yahoo.com shahinazsbi@yahoo.fr Abstract:
OLIGOPOLY JUC مالحظة : الملخص جهد شخصي الجامعة غير مسؤلة عنه, المدونة : https://somenote8.wordpress.com/ احتكار القله OLIGOPOLY بين االحتكار والمنافسة الكاملة BETWEEN MONOPOLY AND PERFECT COMPETITION
Department of Computer Information Systems
Departmet of Computer Iformatio Systems CIS : Itroductio to Iformatio Techology Topic 5 Numberig Systems (Exteral Material) Chapter Outlie Numberig Systems Coversio Betwee Systems ملخص الفصل أنظمة الا
السيرة الذاتية للدكتور محمد شلال العاني
السيرة الذاتية لألستاذ الدكتور أولا : معلومات شخصية: محمد شاللحبيب 1 - السم الرباعي واللقب: محمد شالل حبيب يوسف 2 - اللقب العلمي: أستاذ 3 - التحصيل العلمي: دكتو اره في القانون الجنائي 5 - عنوان السكن الحالي:
AR الوثیقة: CD/15/13 األصل: إنجلیزي الغرض: لإلطالع مجلس مندوبي للصلیب الدولیة الحركة األحمر والھالل األحمر جنيف سويسرا 7 كانون األول/ديسمبر 2015 السعي
AR الوثیقة: األصل: إنجلیزي الغرض: لإلطالع مجلس مندوبي للصلیب الدولیة الحركة األحمر والھالل األحمر جنيف سويسرا 7 كانون األول/ديسمبر 2015 السعي إلى القضاء على األسلحة النووية: خطة عمل ألربع سنوات )تنفیذ
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افتتاحية العدد
99 حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد 93 )يناير مارس 1122( مجال حممد مقابلة A Study of the Term Al Rawnak in Ancient Arab Criticism Gamal Mohamed Mokabla Abstract This paper aims to study the term Al Rawnak, a
المرأة في الحياة العامة نشرة يومية خاصة بالمؤتمر الدولي «المرأة في الحياة العامة..من وضع السياسات إلى صناعة األثر» العدد األول ( 8 ديسمبر ) 2015 تحت ر
المرأة في الحياة العامة نشرة يومية خاصة بالمؤتمر الدولي «المرأة في الحياة العامة..من وضع السياسات إلى صناعة األثر» العدد األول ( 8 ديسمبر ) 2015 تحت رعاية صاحبة السمو الملكي األميرة سبيكة بنت ابراهيم آل
افتتاحية العدد
موقف جامعة الدولة العربية من عملية السالم املصرية اإلسرائيلية - 791 حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد 97 )يناير مارس 77( ثريا حامد الدمنهوري The Reaction of the League of Arab States towards the Egyptian-Israeli
جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد ( 45 عدد أكتوبر ديسنرب 2017( )دورية علنية حملنة( كلية اآلداب دواوين الدولة ال
جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد ( 45 http://www.aafu.journals.ekb.eg )دورية علنية حملنة( كلية اآلداب دواوين الدولة العجمانية يف تصاوير املخطوطات الرتكية خالل القرن 01 ه/ 01 م دراسة آثارية حضارية
وث _ 2018 اململكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم جامعة اإلمام حممد بن سعود اإلسالمية كلية االقتصاد والعلوم اإلدارية كا ة ر سات عليا ث علمي وكال ة الدر
وث _ 2018 اململكة العربية السعودية وزارة التعليم جامعة اإلمام حممد بن سعود اإلسالمية كلية ا والعلوم اإلدارية كا ة ر سات عليا ث علمي وكال ة الدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي فعاليات الو حدة 2018 فعا يات علمية
جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد ( 45 عدد يوليو سبتمرب 2017( )دورية علمية حملمة( حماوالت التحالف الصفوي األورب
جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد 45 عدد يوليو سبتمرب 2017 http://www.aafu.journals.ekb.eg )دورية علمية حملمة ضد الدولة العثمانية 8051 8055 سم رة عبد الرزاق عبد هللا * كلية اآلداب املستخلص مجيع
Social Media and Traditional Media Report Nov
17 24 Nov.2016 HCT Weekly Media Monitoring Report انطالق فعاليات أسبوع االبتكار بكليات التقنية Innovation Week kicks off at HCT تاريخ النشر: 19-11- 2016 أعلنت كليات التقنية العليا عن إنطالق فعاليات أسبوع
مخطط متعلق بمناقشة رسائل الدكتوراه
بكلية بطاقة معلومات (اللقب (السم مخطط متعلق بمناقشة مذكرة الماجستير العلوم القتصادية و ) عربي يوسفي ) عربي سامية (اللقب (فرنسي YOUCEFI (السم (فرنسي Samia التجارية و علوم التسيير youcefi.samia@yahoo.com
CME/40/5(b) Madrid, April 2015 Original: English لجنة منظمة السياحة العالمية للشرق األوسط اإلجتماع األربعون دبي اإلما ارت العربية المتحدة 5 أيار/مايو
Madrid, April 2015 Original: English لجنة منظمة السياحة العالمية للشرق األوسط اإلجتماع األربعون دبي اإلما ارت العربية المتحدة 5 أيار/مايو 1025 البند 5 )ب( من جدول األعمال المؤقت 5. تنفيذ برنامج العمل العام
Kingdom of Morocco المملكة المغربية
Kingdom of Morocco المملكة المغربية ايلو 3-31 قطاع 16 حي الرياض الرباط - المغرب ص.ب. : 178-001 10 Ilo 31-3, secteur 16, Hay Riad, Rabat - Maroc B.P. : 178-10 001 الهاتف : 04 )+212( 5 37 57 69 : Phone الفاكس
يونيو 17 يونيو 18 ديسمبر ديسمبر أغسطس 14 أغسطس 15 أغسطس 16 أغسطس 17 أغسطس البنك المركزي المصري التحليل الشهري للتضخم معدل التضخم: العام وا
ديسمبر ديسمبر أغسطس 1 أغسطس 15 أغسطس أغسطس أغسطس معدل التضخم: العام واألساسي ديسمبر 2 نجحت السياسة النقدية التي اتبعها البنك المركزي في السيطرة على الضغوط التضخمية حيث انخفض المعدل السنوي للتضخم ليسجل
Slide 1
Correlation and Regression اإلرتباط واإلنحدار Correlation اإلرتباط - Describes the relationship between two (X & Y) variables يوضح العالقة بين متغيرين )Y, X( - One variable is called independent (X) and
P 0103 مؤشر اإلنتاج الصناعي Indice de la Production Industrielle ديسمبر 2017 Décembre 2017 Indice De La Production Industrielle
P 0103 مؤشر اإلنتاج الصناعي Indice de la Production Industrielle ديسمبر 2017 Décembre 2017 1 La production manufacturière a enregistré une hausse de 0,4% durant l année 2017. Au cours de l année 2017,
القنصلیة المصریة لجمھوریة مصر العربیة مكتب التمثیل التجاري دبى والا مارات الشمالیة قواي م أھم الشركات المستوردة إكسسورات المنازل والمنتجات الیدویة و ا
القنصلیة المصریة لجمھوریة مصر العربیة مكتب التمثیل التجاري دبى والا مارات الشمالیة قواي م أھم الشركات المستوردة إكسسورات المنازل وات الیدویة و الحرفیة دولة الامارات العربیة المتحدة مایو 217 إعداد عبد الرحمن
النشرة الرسمية لمكتب األمانة الفنية لمكافحةالممارسات الضارة في التجارة الدولية عدد )16( النشرة الرمسية ملكتب األمانة الفنية ملكافحة املمارسات الضارة ي
النشرة الرسمية لمكتب األمانة الفنية لمكافحةالممارسات الضارة في التجارة الدولية عدد )16( النشرة الرمسية ملكتب األمانة الفنية ملكافحة املمارسات الضارة يف التجارة الدولية التاريخ: 23 صفر 1440 ه التاريخ: ربيع
النشر في مجلات ال ISI
النشر في مجالت ال ISI د. ريم العبيكان 1440 ه /6 /20 املوافق 2019 م /2 /25 لماذا ين ر ش الباحث ي ف مجالت ال ISI نشر نتائج البحث على نطاق واسع.. ووصول البحث لعدد كبير من املهتمين باملجال )املؤشر: معامل تأثير
دور النشر العربية المشاركة في معرض بيروت العربي الدولي للكتاب (55)
دور النشر العربية المشاركة في معرض بيروت العربي الدولي للكتاب )59( ابن النديم للنشر والتوزيع الجمهورية الج ازئرية ت: 00610221601200 ف: 0021341399788 nadimedition@yahoo.fr افريقيا الشرق للطباعة والنشر الدار
ص)أ( المملكة العرب ة السعود ة وزارة التعل م اإلدارة العامة للتعل م بمحافظة جدة الب ان النموذج ة ( تعل م عام ) انفصم اندراسي األول انفترة انثانثت العام
ص)أ( المملكة العرب ة السعود ة وزارة التعل م اإلدارة العامة للتعل م بمحافظة جدة الب ان النموذج ة ( تعل م عام ) انفصم اندراسي األول انفترة انثانثت العام الدراس - 8 المعلمة المرحلة الصف المادة وفاء المالكي
خطـــــة المركــــــز التدريبيـــــة خلال شهر كانون ثاني من عام 2004
10 / 10 / 1 2 6/20 0 6 FRM-TC-T-01-01 تموز )7( التقييم العقاري Real Estate Appraisal 19/08/2019 /07/2019 Project Management - PMP Course 22/08/2019 31/07/2019 تصميم الشآت الخرسانية Concrete Structure Design
مسابقة هواواي لطالب الجامعات والكليات في مجال الهندسة وتقنية المعلومات لعام 2017 Huawei ICT Skill competition Middle East 2017
مسابقة هواواي لطالب الجامعات والكليات في مجال الهندسة وتقنية المعلومات لعام 2017 Huawei ICT Skill competition Middle East 2017 الفهرس : Contents: 1. المقدمة 1. Introduction 2. الجدول و طريقة التسجيل 2.
P 0103 مؤشر اإلنتاج الصناعي Indice de la Production Industrielle أكتوبر 2017 Octobre 2017 Indice De La Production Industrielle 2017 نوفمبر Novembre 20
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