MYP Year 1 (Grade 6) Table of Contents Arabic Language and Literature... 2 Arabic acquisition... 3 English Language and Literature... 6 English Language Acquisition Phases 1-2... 9 English Language Acquisition Phases 3-5... 12 French phases 1-2... 15 Mathematics... 18 Sciences... 21 PHE... 24 Integrated humanities... 27 WR... 28 1
انصف انسادس / G6 انىحذج انخانخح انىحذج انخا ح انىحذج األون انفصم انذراس انخانج انفصم انذراس انخا انفصم انذراس األول ص اعح انسالو قصص وح كى حى يجت ع أفضم الموضوعات الرئيسية انحهى انج م ) ص حىار ( نكم حعهة ها ح ) ص حىار ( حذث ف انغاتح )يسزح ح( الموضوعات الرئيسية جزاء انعايه )آ اخ قزآ ح( أك م ان اس خهقا وخهقا ) ص وصف ( أول سف ز ف اإلسالو )س زج غ ز ح( ع ز ت انخطاب ورسىل كسزي ) ص شعز ( عائشح انثاعى ح )س زج غ ز ح( ه ه ك هز )س زج غ ز ح( رعا ح ان س )يقانح( انجذج ) ص شعز ( القواعد اللغوية أ ىاع انكه ح عالياخ اإلعزاب األصه ح ان ث وان عزب حزوف انجز ان كزج وان عزفح ان عزف تأل وان عزف تاإلضافح أس اء اإلشارج األس اء ان ىصىنح ه زتا انىصم وانقطع انه زج ان تىسطح الموضوعات الرئيسية خ ز األصذقاء )قصح قص زج( يكتثت انصغ زج ) ص شعز ( ع اد حم انهغز )قصح قص زج( انت ح انح قاء )قصح شعز ح( )ان ايح وانص اد( )قصح شعز ح( يغايزاخ ف أع اق انثحار )روا ح( القواعد اللغوية ان خ وإعزاته ج ع ان ذكز انسانى ج ع ان ؤ ج انسانى ج ع انتكس ز األس اء انخ سح ان ثتذأ وانخثز كا وأخىاتها إ وأخىاتها انه زج ان تطزفح Arabic Language and Literature القواعد اللغوية: إس اد انض ائز نألفعال يزاجعح األفعال رفع انفعم ان ضارع صة انفعم ان ضارع جزو انفعم ان ضارع انفاعم ان فعىل ته األفعال انخ سح انت ى األنف انه ح ان تطزفح ف األس اء واألفعال وانحزوف حذف أنف يا االستفهاي ح ع ذ دخىل حزوف انجز عه ها 2
Arabic acquisition TOPIC CONTENT - Term: 1 RESOURCES أنا وعالمي 1- كتاب العربية شبكة االنترنت. 2 -.مكتبة المدرسة.. 3 -التراحات الطالب داخل الصف تمهيد لتعريف الطالب بالتحية وطرق التعارف وكيفية التعامل بشكل صحيح مع أفراد اسرته وكذلن (المحيطين به ( األصدلاء الجيران. سيبدأ الطالب في استخدام مهارات اللغة من خالل الفهم لموضوعات الوحدة في نهاية الوحدة يصبح الطالب لديه المدرة على استخدام اللغة في موالف الحياة اليومية بطريمة جيدة. () التواصل التحية والتعارف الحوار ( األول والثاني والثالث( التدرب على تبادل الحوار ويليه التدرب على السؤال (والجواب بناء الجمل ذات الصلة بالوحدة األسرة واألصدلاء الحوار ( األول والثاني والثالث( التدرب على تبادل الحوار ويليه التدرب على السؤال والجواب بناء (الجمل ذات الصلة بالوحدة. نصوص مسموعة ومرئية منطمتي وجيران حي األشجار. في الحديمة. الطفل الشجاع. في الحديمة الحياة اليومية السؤال عن الولت وسائل المواصالت العطلة. مع مراعاة اظهار المواعد اللغوية بما يناسب الدروس الواردة بالوحدة 4- شبكة االنترنت 5- دروس إضافية. 3
Grade: G6 MYP1 Subject: Arabic acquisition Term: 2 الموضوعات الرئيسية مدرستي معرض المدرسة. مسابمة في المعلومات. حفل مدرسي. اليوم الرياضي العمل الحوارت من األول حتى الثالث كذلن التعريف بالمهن المختلفة أماكن العمل. أهمية العمل. الساعة والولت الحوار األول والثاني و الثالث الجو السؤال عن الطمس من خالل التدرب على السؤال والجواب وتركيب الج مل ذات الصلة بالدرس كتابة موضوع عن الفصول األربعة وأحوال الطمس. نصوص مسموعة ومرئية مع مراعاة اظهار المواعد اللغوية بما يناسب الدروس الواردة بالوحدة الدراسة والعمل 1- كتاب العربية شبكة االنترنت. 2 -.مكتبة المدرسة.. 3 -التراحات الطالب داخل الصف 4- شبكة االنترنت 5- دروس إضافية. 4
Grade: G6 MYP1 Subject: Arabic acquisition Term: 3 الموضوعات الرئيسية... الناس واالماكن األماكن والتسوق اسماء االماكن المختلفة 1- كتاب العربية شبكة االنترنت من خالل الحوار االول والثاني والثالث كذلن تبادل السؤال والجواب. وسائل النمل والمواصالت. التعرف على الجنسيات والبالد المختلفة بتبادل الحوار فيما بين الطالب التسوق..التعرف علي منظومة متكاملة لممارسة التسوق من حيث المميزات والعيوب والمشكالت. والخروج بصورة كاملة عن كيفية التواصل بين األفراد والمجتمعات عن.طريك التسوق. حوارات متنوعة داخل السوق الترحيب االستفسار الطلب االستجابة للطلب التوجيه بأدب السؤال عن االسعار. درس مصروف الجيب- سعاد توفر نصوص مسموعة ومرئية مع مراعاة اظهار المواعد اللغوية بما 2 -.مكتبة المدرسة.. 3 -التراحات الطالب داخل الصف 4- شبكة االنترنت 5- دروس إضافية. يناسب الدروس الواردة بالوحدة. 5
English Language and Literature TOPIC CONTENT - Term: 1 RESOURCES Childhood Introduction to Shakespeare and A Midsummer s Nights Dream. Reading of Friedrich by Hans Peter Richer. How to write an essay. How to debate. Understanding poetry. Comprehension. Spelling. Texts: A Midsummer Night s Dream by Shakespeare and Friedrich by Hans Peter Richer School Library resources Holts: Elements of Literature Visual images Letts: Grammar Dictionaries A Midsummer Night s Dream Students Handbook Worksheets BBC s Animated Shakespeare Classroom post 6
Grade: 6 Subject: English Language and Literature Term: 2 Short stories from different cultures Reading of short stories from around the World. How to write an essay. How to debate. Understanding poetry. Comprehension. Spelling. Texts: short stories from Holts: Elements of Literature Friedrich by Hans Peter Richer (cont) School Library resources Visual images Letts: Grammar Dictionaries Worksheets Classroom posters You tube 7
Grade: 6 Subject: English Language and Literature Term: 3 The end of Childhood Reading of The Boy in the stripped Pyjamas. How to write an essay. How to debate. Understanding poetry. Comprehension. Spelling. Holts: The Boy in the stripped Pyjamas. by John Boyne School Library resources Visual images Letts: Grammar Dictionaries Worksheets Classroom posters You tube 8
English Language Acquisition Phases 1-2 My Identity My details: My school: My abilities My Appearance: My family Basic greetings, conventions and introductions. Introducing myself. Basics: numbers, colours, dates, time. School vocab, equipment,. Cutting Edge Book Elementary/Level 1, PowerPoints Worksheets Educational websites Grammar: Describing things you can and can t do Describing yourself and others Describing your family tree and members Verb to be. Can/can t Present simple Have/has got 9
Grade: 6-8 Subject: English Phase 1-2 Term: 2 Cutting Edge Book Elementary/Level 1, My Place in the World PowerPoints The country --England My City: Food, Traditions, Tourist Sites, City and mountains, Famous people, Transportation, Religion, Agriculture, Industry, Folk tales. Worksheets The weekend My house, my neighbourhood, My London. Where you go, what you do, what do you learn about London and England. Educational websites Grammar: Can and Can t Present simple: ( he and she; like ing) Past simple : Was and were Past simple: regular and irregular verbs Past simple: Negative, positive and question forms Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives 10
Grade: 6-8 Subject: English Phase 1-2 Term: 3 Other People & Their Worlds Cutting Edge Book Elementary/Level 1, My holiday: Other places, countries, cultures, peoples, activities, food, traditions,stories PowerPoints Shakespeare Reading and Writing: Short Shakespearean plays and scenes Worksheets Differences between my culture and English culture: Grammar: Autobiographical experiences of two cultures. Interviews with other people and their experiences of other cultures, reflections on time spent in England and its culture. --Present Perfect and Past perfect - Present continuous and Past continuous - Prepositions of time. Educational websites 11
English Language Acquisition Phases 3-5 TOPIC CONTENT - Term: 1 RESOURCES Cultural Production STORIES Poetry week Placement Tests Back to school: Expectations and Rules Indefinite Pronouns Stories: Writing about Characters, using adverbs, synonyms. Challenges 3 Stories Key Stage 2 Literacy Activity book Poetry week: Look at a variety of poems Students read poetry Students bring in their favourite poem Reading a Story Introduction to the story Write a paragraph about the main character Chapter 1-4 Chapter 5-8 Watch the Video 1st person Diary Entry for a character 12
Grade: 6-8 Subject: Language Acquisition phases 3-5 Term: 2 Back to School Book Week Read about performers Look at key words for abilities What qualities does a performer need? What do we mean by hidden talent: Students do a presentation on someone that they think had a hidden talent Students bring in their favourite story. Students do a presentation on their favourite book. Challenges 3 Key Stage 2 Literacy Activity book London Reader Challenges 3 Newspapers Magazines Writing a story Writing a Story reviewing adjectives Types of stories Structure of a story Character Profile Write your story 13
Grade: 6-8 Subject: Language Acquisition phases 3-5 Term: 3 SHAKESPEARE, FILMS AND BOOKS. Shakespeare week: Shakespeare activities Learn about the types of Shakespeare plays Read about films and books Listen to a scene from a film Write a short film or book review. BBC Animated Shakespeare Challenges 3 Handouts NEWS News What is interesting news: Breaking News: past tenses review Finding news: compound adjectives Your challenge: writing a news article Verb patterns COMMUNICATION Writing emails letters Reading Comprehensions Writing descriptive paragraphs Topic sentence Exam Revision Exam 14
French phases 1-2 TOPIC CONTENT - Term: Autumn (1) RESOURCES Unit title 1: My identity Statement of Inquiry: Cultural conventions help me communicate who I am 1- Greetings 2- Alphabet/ Numbers/ Age 3- Days/Months / Seasons 4- My family 5- My friends 6- Nationalities 7- My physical appearance 8- My personality STUDIO 1 book Studio access French dictionary 15
Subject: French phases 1-2 Term: Spring Unit title 2: School life Statement of Inquiry: Talking about lifestyle and daily habits will help learners to understand cultural and personal differences 1- Talk about school subjects J ai / je n ai pas de. + school items 2- Give opinions / reasons (school subjects) 3- (Numbers up to 60/ 100) 4- Telling the time 5- Talk about school furniture Dans la classe, il y a / il n y a pas 6- J ai / je n ai pas de. + school items 7- Talk about school uniform (in school. UK and around the world.) 8- Understand and describe school timetable 9- Describe daily routine / Extra-curricular / free time activities / weekend activities 10- Describe school system (UK/ France) ( research work) 11- Discuss the importance of studying languages. 12- Discuss how I can contribute to the development of my school. 13- Use and recognise convention STUDIO 1 book French dictionary 16
Subject: French phases 1-2 Term: Summer (3) Unit title 3 : Bon appétit Statement of Inquiry: Food has an important role in people s culture and a healthy diet reflects on a healthy lifestyle 1- Food and drinks 2- Talk about your favourite meal 3- Plan a meal / recipe 4- Eating habits 5- Go out for a meal 6- Shopping for food at the market/grocery store 7- Order in a cafe or restaurant 8- Culture and traditions 9- Comparison to the French gastronomy STUDIO 1 book French dictionary 17
Mathematics TOPIC CONTENT - Term: Autumn RESOURCES Unit 1: World of numbers - Writing and reading integers and decimals. - Ordering the integers and decimals. - Understanding the Mathematical operations. - Simplifying directed numbers using number line and grid. My Maths Mathematics notebook Assessment task Half term test Revision pack Exam - Rounding and estimation the integers and decimals. - Writing number expressions in exponent notation. - Understanding order of operation to simplify expressions. - Determining the highest common factor of integers. - Determining the lowest common multiple of integers. - Converting between metric units of measurement. - Identifying and classifying different numbers in categories. 18
Grade: 6 Girls and Boys Subject: Mathematics Term: Spring Unit 2: Budgeting - Converting between decimals, fractions and integers. - Representing fractions in different forms. - Determine equivalent fractions. - Ordering and comparing fractions in ascending and descending order. - Converting between improper and mixed fractions. - Determining the fraction of quantities. - Simplifying fractions by finding the highest common factor. - Performing four operations on fractions. - Representing percentages in different forms. - Converting percentage into other form of numbers. - Using one quantity as a percentage of another. - Determining percentages in different scenario. - Categorizing data into diagrams and tables - Representing categorical and numerical data in form of graphs. - Analyzing the data using averages. My Maths Mathematics notebook Assessment task Half term test Revision pack Exam 19
Grade: 6 Girls and Boys Subject: Mathematics Term: Summer Unit 3: Food and health - Finding the patters in geometrical and number sequences - Investigating the general rule for the sequence - Finding the terms of the sequence using substitution - Understanding algebraic notations and formulating expressions - Simplifying expressions - Substitution into formula - Substitution into equation and formulating table of values - Drawing planes with accurate and appropriate scales - Deducing coordinates of point - Labelling points of given coordinates in 4 quadrants - Plotting a straight line graph using the table of values - Understanding characteristics of a straight line graphs such as x and y intercept and the slope of the line (gradient) - Deducing an equation from a straight line graph - Plotting and deducing equations of parallel graphs - Solving linear equations with unknown on one side My Maths Mathematics notebook Assessment task Half term test Revision pack Exam 20
Sciences TOPIC CONTENT - Term: Autumn RESOURCES Unit 1: What it takes to be a scientist Unit 2: Solids, liquids and gases Lab based general science unit. Emphasis placed on developing an understanding of the scientific method and practical skills. Learner profile Attributes: Inquirers and knowledgeable. Our lives are affected in many ways by the changes of the state of water. Explaining changes of state and other properties of substances using the moving particle theory of matter. Investigation: How temperature affects the rate of diffusion. SCIENCE 1 FOR THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ISBN13: 9780170353403 Unit Booklets (Produced by teacher) 21
Grade: 6 Subject: Sciences Term: Spring Unit 3: Pure substances: Atoms, Elements and molecules Our understanding of the composition of matter has changed over time. Atoms are the building blocks of chemicals. Elements and compounds are pure substances. The periodic table organises elements based on their properties. Presentation: What is air made of? Unit 4: Reacting metals Unit 5: How do living things work? The properties of metals and non-metals determine their appropriateness for different uses. Elements are classified as metals, non-metals or metalloids based on their properties. Metals and non-metals in the same group of the periodic table exhibit similar properties. Metals and non-metals take part in number of chemical reactions. Metals and non-metals vary in their reactivity. Outline and give examples of the characteristics of all living things. Outline and give examples of the necessities of all living things. Outline and give examples of some specialized structures of different species. Outline and make inferences about the relationship between specialized structures and their functions. Compare and contrast specialized characteristics of different species. Compare and contrast specialized necessities of different species. Describe how we are able to use our understanding of living things in order to take decisions and actions that impact life. Describe how our decisions and actions are limited by the characteristics of living things. 22
Grade: 6 Subject: Sciences Term: Summer Unit 6: Forces and motion The concept of force as a push or a pull, and the definition of the unit of force, the newton (N). The difference between contact and non-contact forces, and what the main contact and non-contact forces are. Resultant force in relation to balanced and unbalanced forces. The effect of resultant force in causing acceleration How friction works and its effects, and how friction can be helpful in some circumstances and have a negative effect in others. The definition of forces and other terminologies: gravity or a g-force; static electricity and electrostatic force (attraction and repulsion of like/unlike charges); magnetic forces that can attract or repel one another; buoyancy; friction; air resistance; parachutes; and terminal velocity. The effects and uses of ramps. Unit 7: Impact of humans on the environment The calculation of speed and acceleration. What the greenhouse effect is. What gases contribute to the greenhouse effect. Is there a clear link between increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and global warming? What the consequences of global warming are. The causes, effects and solutions of acid rain. 23
PHE TOPIC CONTENT - Term: 1 RESOURCES Students will be introduced to the skills of passing, dribbling, ball Team Games (Basketball) handling and shooting. Students will recall and be able to demonstrate Passing chest, bounce, overhead Dribbling speed, height, technique, developing dominant /nondominant hand rebounding Ball handling hand eye coordination, fine motor skills Shooting further development of the lay-up, set shot, jump shot Movements using verbal and non-verbal forms of communication in attack and defence focusing on zone, man-to-man, playing MYP concepts and contexts with back to the basket, wall pass, give and go, pick and roll IB learner profile Attacking and defending 1v1-3v3 Footwork and body positioning Rules and regulations Communication skills verbal and nonverbal. -------------------------------------------------------- Olympic wrestling ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills and techniques to be explicitly taught How to Stand, Penetrating shot, Lifting Your Opponent, Knowing How to Pin, Learn to Escape Rules Communication verbal cues, non verbal cues, front strategies, back court strategies, side by side strategies. 24
Grade: G6 Subject: PHE Term: 2 Aesthetic activities (Gymnastics) Basic agilities: 1. Rolls: forward; backward; sideways; circle straddle roll; dive forward. 2. Balances: shoulder; knee and elbow; headstand; handstand. 3. Cartwheel; arab spring. Advanced Agilities: - Handspring - Headspring - Backward roll to handstand - Walkover forward/backward MYP concepts and contexts - Any other agility the gymnast can perform IB learner profile Section 2: Routine - Candidates will produce a Floor Routine: Creating own routine. Looking into different types of aesthetic training and improving performance ----------------------------------------------------------- Team Games (Football) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Students will be introduced to the skills of passing, dribbling, passing and shooting. Students will recall and be able to demonstrate basic football skills passing, shooting, movement, attacking and defending, ball control. Develop passing and controlling options in attacking situations (Completed 3v1) pass and control, pass, control and shoot, pass and one touch shot. Ball control (individually and in pairs) various turns 25
Grade: G6 Subject: PHE Term: 3 Definitions of key fitness terms aerobic and anaerobic. Sport- and health-related fitness knowledge Fitness testing Beep/ Bleep/Multistage fitness test, sit and reach, vertical jump, Illinois agility, sit-up test. health-related components of fitness cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition. Data analysis basic comparing of the results of the three tests. MYP concepts and contexts IB learner profile SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timeoriented. Motivation motivating a partner, training with a partner. ----------------------------------------------------------- International Sport (Rounders) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skills and techniques to be explicitly taught hitting, pitching, catching, fielding, short throws, long throws, relay throws, base running. Rules strikes, balls, base running, tagging, scoring. Communication verbal and non verbal cues. Designing and executing plays what goes into a play, how to communicate a play to a team mate, how to use nonverbal and verbal cues effectively, when certain plays should be used, how to understand what is being asked of you. 26
Integrated humanities Term 1 TOPIC CONTENT - Term: 1 RESOURCES What does it mean to be a global citizen? -Find out about some of the major issues facing the world and some of the possible solutions. What can we learn from different civilisations? -Explore how different environments are threatened by human actions. -Explore human rights issues affecting children. -Take action by looking at the different ways individuals can make a positive difference to others. Term 1 -Find out about different civilisations that emerged in history. -Explore the factors that led to the development and innovations of different civilisations. -Take action by finding out ways that historical sites and artefacts can be protected for the future. Term 3 27
What factors contribute to the fairness and development of societies? -Find out about poverty in the world and its consequences -Explore the factors that contribute to the development of a country. -Take action by reflecting and acting on issues in our local community. WR TOPIC CONTENT - Term: 1, 2, 3 RESOURCES Ablution Hodder publications How do people prepare for worship? Tayammum Oxford publications Statement of Inquiry: Khushoo Britannica Encyclopaedia Water in the six religions Internet resources Developing solutions for water sustainability is a Water in pilgrimage religious & human duty Zam Zam Hodder publications What do people believe? Belief In Allah Oxford publications Belief in Angels Britannica Encyclopaedia Statement of Inquiry: Belief in holy scriptures Internet resources Belief in Prophets Culture and ideology have a significant role to Belief in the afterflife play in shaping identities. Belief in Qadr 28
The early years in Makkah Hodder publications Life of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) Prophethood Oxford publications The hijrah Britannica Encyclopaedia Statement of Inquiry: Life in Medina Internet resources The constitution of Medina The social and political changes in Arabia led to the development of Islamic culture and civilisation. Mosques Hodder publications Where do people worship? The design of a mosque Oxford publications Statement of Inquiry: The three holy mosques Britannica Encyclopaedia Churches Internet resources Religions often use creative architectural designs to express culture and identity. Synagogues 29