Evaluation performance of the internal Auditing Units Under the Public Internal Auditing Standards a study on a sample of Government hospital s in Basrah city ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to investigate the commitment of the government hospitals to internal auditing standards that were issued by the internal Auditing standard Board (IASB) in an attempt to explore the efficiency of the internal audit units in these hospitals. In order to achieve the objective of this study the researchers depend on two methods, the first one is a case study and the second is a qustionnaire list. Descriptive statistical techniques such as t-test, standard deviation and means were applied. The finding of the study show that there is a weakness of effectiveness resulting from weakness of commitment to standards that achieve high efficiency, and there is significant effect of personal factors of the sample on the effectiveness more than audit unit factors.the study recommended that to raise comperehension / unders tandiny level, by establishing specialized symposium, supporting, auditing knowledge, and experience to extend the duties of internal auditing.
أجهزة التدقيق الداخلي يف ظل املعايري العاهت أ.م.عبد املهدي عباس حمود م.م باى تىفيق جنن كليت االدارة واالقتصاد / جاهعت البصرة IASB
أجهزة التدقيق الداخلي يف ظل املعايري العاهت أ.م.عبداملهدي عباس حمود م.م. باى تىفيق جنن كليت االدارة واالقتصاد / جاهعت البصرة IIA CIA
INTERNET 2 : 0 1 t test
Van (Control of Judgement performance in Auditing an Empirical study) Colbert Furnishing a context for internal Audit work
(Ramamoorti) Robert B. Arthur E Hald 1944 Arthur E. Hald and Milne Robert B. Milne, 1945 IIA IIA Victor Z. Brink
* IAASB 7 www.theiia.org. IAASB ISAC *
10 Van
Arens & Loebbecke IIA2001 Mutchler
Jane & Kelsey Van 25
IIA Ratliff & Reding
2000 35)
0 1 2 SPSS t ان عنى ت.77 t بنىد ان عا ر انعايت نهخذل ك انذاخه االسخمالن ت انصالح اث وان سؤون اث ان خىنت انعنا ت ان هن ت وبرايج ححس ن اننىع ت انكفاءة انفن ت االنحراف ان ع اري. ل ت ان حسىبت 13.26 8.03 7.40.28 انىسط انحساب 1.459 1.203 1.233 1.014 1.459
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.554**.432.380.693** 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.05.719**.501*.356.482.879** 0.01.464.874**.853** 0.05 0.01
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.453 6.512 42.406 انعايت انذاخه جذول رلى )16( االنحذار انبس ط ألثر ان عا ر انعايت نهخذل ك انذاخه عهى فاعه ت االداء حسب انخصن ف انىظ ف ان عا ر ل ك نهخذ االسخمالن ت انصالح اث وان سؤون اث انعنا ت ان هن ت وبرايج ححس ن اننىع ت انكفاءة انفن ت.412 6.595 2.568.037.578 42.059 6.485.831 50.089 7.077.102 1.910 1.382.209.731 82.352 9.075.017 1.173 1.083.307.420 6.793 2.606.035.456 26.155 5.114.588 15.258 3.906.004.287 4.228 23.215 4.818.441 8.877 2.979.015 انخصن ف انىظ ف االدارة انعه ا يخىسطاث ان ربعاث F T ان عنى ت ان حاسب ن يخىسطاث ان ربعاث F T ان عنى ت ان ذلم ن انذاخه ن يخىسطاث ان ربعاث F T انىعنى ت
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F 8.877 4.597 3.386 18.451 T 2.979 2.144 1.840 4.295 ت ىنع نا.007.045.081 هعخنا رذصنا ىفشخسي R F 2.028 4.696 4.233 14.961 T 1.424 2.167 2.057 3.868 ت ىنع نا. واعنا ئناى نا ىفشخسي R 2.144.752.702.743 F 3.020 37.475 29.331 35.711 T 1.738 6.122 5.416 5.976 ت ىنع نا.110 18.451.454 8.877 0.05 4.597 3.386 14.961.482 0.05 4.696 4.233 2.028 37.475 35.711 29.331.702 3.020
14 2 6 6
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