استخداو تقنية ال GIS يف تقدير العنق امللافئ املنتظه للهطول املطري وحجه الصفيحة املائية النامجة عنه فوق العراق ألغراض التخطيط والتننية ا.و.د. حشن سوادي جنيبان الغزي جامعة ذي قار/ كلية الرتبية / قشه اجلغرافيا ان سخخهص : 392
ا ال: ان مذيت. ثب ب : يشكهت انبحث 392
سابغ: ا ت انبحث خبيسب : ذف انبحث: 392
ثبي ب :ي لغ ي طمت انذساست 392
حبسؼب : حمذ ش انؼ ك ان كبفئ ان خظى نه ط ل ف ق انؼشاق : 392
P.V= ح ث أى: = P.V حجن األهطار )هل ار هتز هكؼب( P= هجو ع األهطار الساقطة )هلن( A= الوساحة )كن 2 ( 399
خش طت ) 1 (ي لغ انؼشاق يسمطب ػه ان حطبث ان بخ ت ان سخخذيت ف انبحث 233
ان صذس: ي ػ م انببحث ببالػخ بد ػهى: صاسة ان اسد ان بئ ت شؼبت ا خبج انخشائط الGIS خش طت ان اسد ان بئ ت ف انؼشاق نس ت 3112 ب م بط. 1111111/1 ان لغ انفهك ت نه حطبث ان بخ ت ان سخخذيت ف انبحث. -1-3 خش طت )3( يسخ بث سطح انؼشاق ي صػب ػه ي الغ ان حطبث ان بخ ت ان سخخذيت ف انبحث 233
ان صذس: ي ػ م انببحث ببالػخ بد ػهى :- رج االسحفبع انشل بذلت يكب ت 01 يخش )DEM( Digital Elevation Model انزي حى انحص ل ػه ي ئت ان سبحت انج ن ج ت االيش ك ت.)USGS( ان الغ انفهك ت نه حطبث ان ؼخ ذة ف انبحث ببسخخذاو ظى ان ؼه يبث انجغشاف ت -1-3 انجذ ل )1( ان حطبث ان بخ ت ان سخخذيت ي الؼ ب انفهك ت يج ع انخسبلط انس ي نه ذة *)3112-1091( Y X 238 3456780 824000 االح اص 428.9 4005410 418080 اسب م 293 41302529 544342 اس ي 143 3299670 او انؼ ش 767488 447 3722420 632842 ا الو 193 3664560 587381 بذسة 138.6 3385240 766630 انبصشة 118.72 3677050 428256 بغذاد 196.8 3866330 361174 ب ج 168.87 3829110 378675 حكش ج 134.3 3773040 257293 حذ ثت 44 3087310 حفش انببط 550218 98.5 3592400 445475 انحهت 141.08 3559760 598997 انح 292.23 3795460 527607 خب م 308 3619300 712582 د هشا 549 4081860 321700 د ن 386.6 3570530 805324 د ضف ل 233
داددعا ادالآا ةلمج 115 م 2016 ه1437 232 ت ا ذنا 498110 3538220 118 تؼ بس 241264 4076610 378.46 تبطشنا 59022.8 3664530 115.1 حفس 354288 3277800 43 يدبيشنا 337425 3684550 109 ا خاص 293912 4111810 757 ب هسنا 456131 3374380 70.7 ت ب هسنا 538974 3934120 693 ب سنا 525689 3465100 98.7 سبج س 214893 4024260 371.89 ف شط 946773 3523910 57.2 ص ط 457605 3849030 239.9 بػ 219518 3807400 154.05 ادببػ 827290 3348050 164 شػشػ 129673 3425840 41.1 ت ض ضؼنا 505547 3641150 111.61 ةسب ؼنا 705323 3525860 175.5 ىئبمنا 130495 3769380 200.3 ن كشك 445564 3925330 351.75 بش يشك 722751 3783640 411 ث كنا 577617 3596610 134.8 مص نا 334829 4021010 363.2 ت شصب نا 617329 3439120 121.8 فج نا 435756 3538420 98.3 ب خ نا 240288 3547070 96.455
4. Islamic Republic of Iran Metrological Organization Archive Data,2013. 232
داددعا ادالآا ةلمج 115 م 2016 ه1437 232 صا حلاا 238 167.6764 39906.98 م بسا 428.9 14635.67 6277238 ي سا 293 1448.026 424271.5 ش ؼنا وا 143 8913.147 1274580 ولا ا 447 61.74862 27601.63 ةسذب 193 6467.019 1248135 ةشصبنا 138.6 10774.74 1493379 داذغب 118.72 11501.4 1365446 ج ب 196.8 12645.47 2488629 ج شكح 168.87 9496.857 1603734 تث ذح 134.3 13476.41 1809882 طببنا شفح 44 2906.728 127896 تهحنا 98.5 7343.767 723361.1 حنا 141.08 8334.541 1175837 م بخ 292.23 10398.71 3038814 اشه د 308 2708.13 834103.9 ن د 549 7557.591 4149118 ل فض د 386.6 24.81024 9591.638 ت ا ذنا 118 6477.613 764358.3 تؼ بس 378.46 2639.964 999120.6 تبطشنا 115.1 35368.47 4070911 حفس 43 7783.969 334710.7
1909478 17518.15 109 انشيبدي 1786197 2359.574 757 صاخ ا 2312774 32712.5 70.7 انسه ب 8833318 12746.49 انسه ب ت 693 1067551 10816.12 98.7 انس ب 5251524 13751.41 381.89 س جبس 123698.8 2162.567 57.2 طش ف 2070180 8629.346 239.9 ط ص 2366673 15363.02 154.05 ػب 258864.9 1578.444 164 ػببدا 164669.3 4006.552 41.1 ػشػش 899455.7 8058.917 111.61 انؼض ض ت 2119503 12076.94 175.5 انؼ بسة 3102260 15488.07 200.3 انمبئى 2930580 8331.429 351.75 كشك ن 722676.3 5361.1 134.8 انك ث 4041077 11126.31 363.2 ان صم 2716833 22305.69 ان بصش ت 121.8 1523980 15503.36 98.3 ان جف 3484874 36129.53 96.455 ان خ ب 81966792 437150 المجموع 187.45 P.V= ان ص ان كبفئ ان خظى نهخسبلط ان طشي حجى انصف حت ان بئ ت )يه بس يخش يكؼب( 232
ا ى كل الظ اا ز ا ػل ا ح اطال ا رم ه اا الظ اا ز ا ال ا ا هت ام ات ال و س ات وز ا ل احجاهاا يا الاازاؽ ك لكا مرك الحجن بأػ ا كيال بم هي اى ز السطال الخارج الوح ط ب ذا الحجن. اال اى كل ظا زة الا س اغ هسااح هساتوز ختلاي يا الكان هاي هكااى الا اواز حا اظ كااى جا ت اذ الظاا زة حا ا اا ا هاتز اا ك لاي حاطحا احصائ ا Surface( )Statistical وكي وث ل اوتاليا الكو ة ػل الخزائط باحتخمام طز اة وط ط التساا. ظز )حط حة ك 2792 كص 237-232 (. 239
رج االسحفبع انشل بذلت يكب ت 01 يخش )DEM( Digital Elevation Model انزي حى انحص ل ػه ي ئت ان سبحت انج ن ج ت االيش ك ت.)USGS( -1 Darrell,R.W.Eyman 232
تبلغ مساحت األراضي الواقعت دون خط الزراعت الديميت )خط 033 ملم( الذي تنطوي تحته كل المحافظاث العزاقيت االخزى التي لم تذكز في الفقزة )2( ( 232
4.687969 4175875 1.123824 4912.795 850 7.201125 6414505 1.956462 8552.673 750 40.42 497.56 6.428402 5726191 2.015218 8809.525 650 5.528351 4924457 2.048166 8953.559 550 8.473985 7548322.95 3.837139 16774.051 450 13.06146 11634685 7.604246 33241.96 350 11.29518 10061341 9.206304 40245.36 250 48.65 136.7 32.67223 29103261 44.38332 194021.7 150 89.07 10.6513 9487792 100 89076428 203.76 27.82532 121638.4 78 100 437150 ان ص ان كبفئ ان خظى نهخسبلط ان طشي 89.07 P.V= حجى انصف حت ان بئ ت )يه بس يخش يكؼب( 232
1- Anderson,S. An evaluation of spatial interpolation methods on air temperature in phoenix, Department of Geography, Arizona State University, 2001. 2- Campell John, map use and Analysis, Third Edition,McGraw-Hill, New York.1998. 3- Darrell,R.W.Eyman. Runoff processes and stream flow ode ling,oxford University press.2010. 4- Dawei Han, concise Hydrology, ventuse publishing aps,2010. 5- Esri, ArcGIS_9.3 Redland California ESRI.Inc.USA.2004. 6- Islamic Republic of Iran Metrological Organization Archive Data,2013. 7- Kevin.M. Hiscock, Hydrology principles and practice, Blackwell publishing,university of Anglia, united kingdom,2011. 8- Sen Z, Spatial Distribution of rainfall: Thiessen polygon In: Wadi Hydrology,CRC Press Taylor &Francis Group, New York,2008. 9- Tim.Davie, fundamentals of hydrology,second edition, out ledge Taylor & Francis,group London and New York,2008. 10- United States Geological Survey, Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Topo documentation. ftp://edcsgs9.cr.usgs.gov/pub/data/srtm/documentation/srtm_topo.t xt 11- Wisuwat Taesombat, Areal rainfall estimation using spatial interpolation techniques, science Asia journal, Vol.35.2009. 233
Using the Technology of GIS in Estimating Equivalent Uniform Depth for Rainfall and Water Volume Resulted from this Rain Falling above Iraq for the Purposes of Planning and Development Abstract Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassan Swadi Njeban Al-Ghizi Thi Qar University/ College of Education for Humanities/ Geography The present study aims at estimating the systematically equal Depth for the rainfall (millim) above Iraq and the water plate that is resulted from this rainfall which is (3 milers cubic meters) every year according to three scientific, geometrical and precise ways which are the s of polygons, and the of arithmetic average. Those ways are used for gathering water and doing operations of development and typical planning for its management. It was dependent upon the depths of monthly rainfall recorded in forty three meteorological stations for the period (1980-2013). There were some groups that were elicited from those rainfalls. Thirty one stations were located in Iraq and twelve of them were located out of Iraq (they were nearby to Iraqi borders). Those samples were used for guaranteeing the precision of drawing topographies and making statistical superficies in order to allocate the rain above Iraq. The researcher attempts to get that precision by using the best and modern technologies in applying which are represented in the technology of geographical information systems and their ability that is highly used in the structuring, treating the data basics and deriving samples spatial generating resulted from those samples. 12- There are some results which are concluded in this research. One of them is the fact, that most of the ways are appropriate for estimating the equal and systematic depth for rainfall above Iraq, is the Isohyets Method and the two ways of polygons and arithmetic average in this field are disable for estimating equal depth. In addition to what is mentioned above, the results refer that Iraq receive in the manual average a volume of rainfall which is 89, 073 milers cubic meters from water resulted from the equal and systematic depth which is 203, 76 milims. 233