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كنيسة مار نقوال االنطاكية االثوذكسية St. Nicholas Weekly Bulletin Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church Antiochian Archdiocese of North America Diocese of Los Angeles and the West 5200 Diamond Heights Boulevard, San Francisco, California 94131 Tel: (415) 648-5200 Email: V. Rev. Fr. George Baalbaki (586) 214-4428- V. Rev. Fr. Gregory OFIESH Rev. DEACON NIPHON SWEISS SUBDEACON MICHEL KHOURY PARISH COUNCIL CHAIRMAN: Salim Qaru Sunday, November 3 rd, 2013 Daylight Saving Time ENDS November 3 rd Remember to set your clock 1 hour Backwards St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 11:31-33; 12:1-9 BRETHREN, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus, he who is blessed for ever, knows that I do not lie. At Damascus, the governor under King Aretas guarded the city of Damascus in order to seize me, but I was let down in a basket through a window in the wall, and escaped his hands. I must boast; there is nothing to be gained by it, but I will go on to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heavenwhether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows. And I know that this man was caught up into Paradise-whether in the body or out of the body I do not know, God knows-and he heard things that cannot be told, which man may not utter. On behalf of this man I will boast, but on my own behalf I will not boast, except of my weaknesses. Though if I wish to boast, I shall not be a fool, for I shall be speaking the truth. But I refrain from it, so that no one may think more of me than he sees in me or hears from me. And to keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to harass me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I besought the Lord about this, that it should leave me; but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. الرسالة: ٢ كورنثوس ١٣:٣٣-٢:٣٢ يا إخوة قد علم هللا ابو ربنا يسوع المسيح المبارك الى األبد أن ي ال أكذب. كان بدمشق الحاكم تحت إمرة الملك الحارث يحرس مدينة الدمشقيين ليقبض علي. فد ل يت من كو ة في زنبيل من السور ون ج وت من يديه. انه ال يوافقني أن أفتخر فآتي الى رؤى الرب وإعالناته. اني أعرف انسانا في المسيح منذ اربع عشرة سنة )أفي الجسد لست أعلم ام خارج الجسد لست أعلم هللا يعلم( اخت طف الى السماء الثالثة ٠ واعرف أن هذا االنسان )أفي الجسد ام خارج الجسد لست أعلم هللا يعلم( ٠ اختطف الى الفردوس وسمع كلمات سرية ال يحل إلنسان ان ينطق بها. فمن جهة هذا أفتخر واما من جهة نفسي فال أفتخر اال بأوهاني. فإني لو أردت االفتخار لم أكن جاهال ألني أقول الحق لكني أتحاشى لئال يظن بي احد فوق ما يراني عليه او يسمعه مني. ولئال أستكبر بفرط اإلعالنات أ عطيت شوكة في الجسد مالك الشيطان ليلطمني لئال أستكبر. ولهذا طلبت الى الرب ثالث مرات ان تفارقني. فقال لي: تكفيك نعمتي ألن قو تي في الضعف تكمل. فبكل سرور أفتخر بالحري بأوهاني لتستقر في قوة المسيح.

Gospel Luke 16:19-31: The Lord said: "There was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table; moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried; and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes, and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus in his bosom. And he called out, "Father Abraham, have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame.' But Abraham said, 'Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and Lazarus in like manner evil things; but now he is comforted here, and you are in anguish. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, in order that those who would pass from here to you may not be able, and none may cross from there to us.' And he said, 'Then I beg you, father, to send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment.' But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.' And he said, 'No, father Abraham; but if some one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.' He said to him, 'If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced if someone should rise from the dead.'" اإلنجيل: لوقا 19-91:91 قال الرب: كان إنسان يلبس األ رجوان والبز ويتنع م كل يوم تنع ما فاخرا. وكان مسكين اسمه لعازر مطروحا عند بابه مصابا بالقروح. وكان يشتهي أن يشبع من الفتات الذي يسقط من مائدة الغني بل كانت الكالب تأتي وتلحس قروحه. ثم مات المسكين فنقلته المالئكة الى حضن إبراهيم ومات الغني أيضا فد فن. فرفع عينيه في الجحيم وهو في العذاب فرأى إبراهيم من بعيد ولعازر في حضنه. فنادى قائال: با أبت إبراهيم ارحمني وأرس ل لعازر لي غم س طرف إصبعه في الماء ويبر د لساني ألن ي معذ ب في هذا اللهيب. فقال: إبراهيم: تذك ر با ابني أن ك نلت خيراتك في حياتك ولعازر كذلك بالياه واآلن فهو يتعز ى وأنت تتعذ ب. وعالوة على هذا كل ه فبيننا وبينكم هو ة عظيمة قد أ ثبتت حتى إن الذين يريدون أن يجتازوا من هنا إليكم ال يستطيعون وال الذين هناك أن يعبروا إلينا. فقال: أ سأل ك إذن يا أبت أن ت رسله إلى بيت أبي فإن لي خمسة إخوة حتى يشهد لهم لكي ال يأتوا هم أيضا إلى موضع العذاب هذا. فقال له إبراهيم: إن عندهم موسى واألنبياء فليسمعوا منهم. قال: ال يا أبت إبراهيم بل إذا مضى إليهم واحد من األموات يتوبون. فقال له: إن لم يسمعوا من موسى واألنبياء فإنهم وال إن قام واحد من األموات ي صد قونه. When thou didst submit thyself unto death, O Thou deathless and immortal one, then Thou didst destroy Hell with Thy Godly pow'r, and when Thou didst raise the dead from beneath the earth, all the pow'rs of heaven did cry aloud unto Thee O Christ thou giver of life glory to Thee. As deliverer of captives and defender of the poor; healer of the infirm, champion of kings; victorious Great Martyr George, intercede with Christ our God; for our souls salvation. Thy work of justice did reveal Thee to Thy community as a Canon of faith. The likeness of humility and the teacher of abstinence. O, Thou Father and great Bishop Nicholas. Wherefore by humility thou didst achieve exaltation, and by Thy meekness wealth, intercede therefore, intercede with Christ that He will save our souls. O Undisputed intercessor of Christians, the mediatrix unrejected by the Creator, turn not away from the voice of our petitions, though we be sinners. Come to us in time, who cry to thee in faith, with assistance; for thou art good. Hasten to us with intercessions O Theotokos, who dost ever intercede for those who honor thee. عندما انحدرت إلى الموت أيها الحياة الذي ال يموت حينئذ أمت الجحيم ببرق الهوتك وعندما أقمت األموات من تحت الثرى صرخ نحوك جميع القوات السماويين أيها المسيح اإلله معطي الحياة المجد لك. بما أ ن ك للم أس ور ي ن م ح ر ر وم ع ت ق وللف ق راء والم ساك ي ن عاض د وناص ر وللمرضى ط ب ي ب وشاف وع ن الم ؤ م ن ي ن م كاف ح وم حار ب أي ها الع ظ ي م في الش ه داء جاو ر ج ي وس الالب س الظ ف ر ت ش ف ع إلى الم س ي ح اإل ل ه في خ الص ن ف وس نا لقد أظهرتك أفعا ل الحق لرعيتك قانونا لإليمان وصورة للوداعة ومعلما لالمساك أيها األ ب رئي س الكهن ة نيقوالوس فلذلك أحرز ت بالتواض ع الرفعة وبالمسكن ة الغنى فتشفع إلى المسيح اإلله في خال ص نفوس نا. يا شفيعة المسيحيين غير المخذولة, المتوسطة لدى الخالق غير المردودة, ال تعرضي عن أصوات طلباتنا نحن الخطأة, بل تداركينا بالمعونة بما أنك صالحة نحن الصارخين إليك بإيمان: بادري إلى الشفاعة وأسرعي في الطلبة, يا والدة اإلله المتشفعة دائما في مكرميك.

The Sunday Holy Bread of Oblation will be offered by: The clergy and the faithful of St. Nicholas Parish, extend their prayers and love to our Father in Christ, His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH on the occasion of his birthday (November 2). May God grant him many years as our Father and Chief Shepherd. St. Nicholas Parish family for the good health of Jamal Farhat. Many years! قناديل الهيكل Altar Candles & Coffee Hour Yacoub & Sawasn Rantisi for the good health of their children Salim & Mandy Rantisi and Joseph & Clemence Hinn. Many years! Sponsors for Sunday s are needed. Please make checks payable St. Nicholas Church in the amount of $25.00 or more. Dear Fellow Parishioners, I m thrilled to share with you all that we had a very successful 75 th Anniversary for our beloved St Nicholas Church. It s safe for me to say that on this Monday morning the day after the three-day event ended, that the result of this celebration was one of my proudest moments in my life at the church. We started the celebratory event with a Friday evening walking down memory lane theme. Members who have not come in many years stopped by to take a trip down memory lane. They viewed old photos that were organized throughout the hall (by volunteers and our youth), talked with old friends and family drank wine that was donated by Hanna s winery and ate delicious Middle Eastern appetizers. Although I personally did not grow up in the church during my youth, I was fulfilled to see people reunite after not seeing each other for many years. There was joy and excitement in the hall on Friday evening for new and old members alike. No matter how new or old the member who came was, we all had one thing in mind, to celebrate our church s milestone event of turning 75. Saturday was the prime of our three-day event. The committee and I are pleased to announce, that the party was completely sold out! We sold approximately 450 seats reaching close to maximum capacity. Thank you all so much for attending and making this a very successful event. We had great speeches from the Bishop Joseph, priests who have and are continuing to serve St Nicholas, State Senator Leland Yee and San Francisco City Engineer and Deputy Director for the department of public works, Fuad Sweiss. We also had an amazing video put together by our very own Leila Qutami and Nasser Halteh. Both the speeches and videos were truly inspiring and they both reiterated the importance of staying strong and connected as a community for the longevity of St Nicholas. The Sunday Brunch and church service with the Bishop in attendance was a perfect way to end the magnificent three-day event. Marilyn Habeeb, Father Gregory and others were recognized for their hard work and lifetime commitment to St Nicholas. They are truly the pillars of this church and I salute them for their efforts. Jeries Tannous and family donated fresh lamb and chicken, which was a delicious meal. Last I would again like to thank the committee members who have donated seven months of their time, Father George, and all the parishioners who took their time and effort to participate in this celebration. May God Bless you, Jeries Azar, 75 th anniversary Committee Chair Pledge Commitments & Archdiocese Fees For this 2013 fiscal year, there are many things that need to be done in the Church. With your help we will be able to meet our financial obligations! Please honor your pledge commitments and archdiocese fees. St. John in Orinda Pot of Gold Dinner Dance Date: Saturday November 16, 2013------ Donation: $125 per person Place: Moraga Country Club 1600 St. Andrew s Drive Moraga, CA For tickets please contact the Church Office or Jim Dudum 925-283-2525 The Clergy and parishioner of St. Nicholas would like to congratulate Marylin Habib for the honor she received from the Archdioceses the Sliver Antonian Medal which she received on October 28 th by the Blessing of His Eminence, Archbishop JOSEPH. Congratulations.

A poem written by Jeries Tannous بهنيكي بعيدك الخمسة وسبعين مار نقوال يا مار نقوال كل أحد بيصلو فيك المؤمنين بايمان, عبادة, تقوى ومحبة االن وكل أوان والى دهر الداهرين صليبك مرفوع, وأم النور معاك قولو معي الرب يحميكي امين قلعة للرب والسيد وانجيله أحبابك, وودعنا منك المرحومين تعمد فيكي أطفالك وتزوجو خدامك لألبد على مدى السنين انت امنا الروحية, ممجد راعيكي تدوم أجيالك, نكون معكي بنائين نشكر كل من رعاكي وبناكي نتحد لتبقى أبوابك مفتوحين ان اختلفنا الرأي, انتي أهم دينهم, وبانجيلهم حنكون مثقفين ترعاك الرعية, وتعلمي أطفالها تحت جدرانه سنبقى متخاويين بيتك يا رب مقدس ومبارك بطركية انطاكية مسيحية لألرثوذكسيين نوعدك بارادة الرب وبهمة سيدنا نحضر معا عيدك المية وسبعين على األرض السالم, الرب يباركك Advent (Christmas) Fasting Begins on Friday, November 15 th Mark your Calendar: Antiochian Orthodox Diocese of Los Angeles and the West 2013 Northern California Diocesan Women s Retreat "...Now and ever, and unto ages of ages" The Very Reverend Fr. Jon Braun Pastor Emeritus of St. Anthony Orthodox Church Dean Emeritus of the Southern California Deanery, Diocese of Los Angeles and the West November 16, 2013 St. Stephen Antiochian Orthodox Church, Campbell, CA For more information and registration forms go to November 10, 2013 Northern California Passport To Hope the 21 st Annual Remembering Home Banquet Nativity Of Christ Greek Orthodox Church 1110 Highland Drive, Novato, CA 94949 The Feast of Dedication of the Church of the Great-martyr George the trophy-bearer in Lydd (Eid El-Khader) Sunday, November 3 rd, 2013 نقل رفاة القديس جاورجيوس وتجديد هيكله في مدينة اللد, فلسطين We will have a procession with the Icon of the Great martyr St. George at the end of the Divine Liturgy. All those who are named after St. George will carry the Icon.

THE PARABLE OF THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS by Metropolitan Anthony Sourozh As every of Christ's parables of the judgement today's parable has got a very simple aspect and at the same time should be reflected on a deeper level. The simple aspect is this: you have had on earth all that was good, Lazarus has had nothing; he therefore receives in eternity all the goods which he has lacked on earth and you are deprived of it. But this is not the real and deeper meaning of it. Who is this rich man? It is a man who not only possessed all that the earth could give him: wealth, a good name, a status among his follow-citizens; it is a man who craved for nothing else. All he wanted, all he needed was material wealth, a good standing among men, reverence, admiration, a slavish obedience of those who were under him. Lazarus possessed nothing; but from the parable we see that he did not complain, he received what the rich man needed not; he ate the crumbs from his table. But he had a living soul; perhaps did he crave for more: who doesn't want to have a roof, who doesn't want to have the security of food? But he received what was given with gratitude. And when they died, what did they take with them? The rich man had nothing to take because he had never had any concern for anything that the earth couldn't give. Lazarus had always longed for more than the earth could give: for justice, for peace, for love, for compassion, for human brotherhood for all those things which make the human being human. The rich man was in condition which is described in one of the prophecies: Israel has grown fat with wealth and has forgotten God... The poor man could do no such thing; he was too poor to be rooted into the earth he was free. Now, this applies to all of us; because all of us we possess within ourselves both the rich man and Lazarus. On the one hand, how much we have, how rich we are, how secure, how opulent. On the other hand, if we are here, it means that there is another dimension within our soul that longs for something else. But the question is to be asked: if we had to choose what we would choose? What is what we really treasure? Is it security which the earth so far has given us or is it the vastness, the depth of understanding, communion with God, love of our neighbour, compassion so many other things which the Gospel has taught us? And this is where the parable refers not only to two men of the past, or to others than we are, it refers to us personally: who am I, or if you prefer, which is more fair who predominates in me? Am I more like the rich man, so rooted into the earth that the things of God, the things of the spirit, the things of eternity, or simply, what is truly human comes secondly or am I one of those for whom what to be human matters more than anything? And then, there is another thing in the parable. The rich man, seeing himself devoid of all, of every thing turns to Abraham and says, Send Lazarus to my brothers who are still on earth to give them a warning, that they may not come to this place of torment... And Christ says, Even if one came back from the dead, if they have not listened to what has been revealed in the past, they will not believe, they will perish in their sin... How, that echoes in a tragic way with the situation in which people were when they stood as a milling crowd around the Cross on which Christ was dying. Some were believers, His own people but where were they? They had fled. Some were His disciples faithful at the core of their being, faithful with their hearts, the women who had followed Him they stood at a distance; only the Mother of God and John stood by the Cross. But in the crowd there were such who, together with the High Priest, the Pharisees who had condemned Christ, were saying: Descend now from the Cross and we shall believe... How many thought: If He only did that, we could believe without taking any risk, believe with security, safely; believe and follow One Who had already won His victory; but can we, can we possibly believe and follow One Who now, defeated, reviled, rejected hangs on the Cross between two criminals? We can't... That is what the parable says; and which is shown in the life of so many. Where do we stand? Are we prepared to believe Christ's word? Are we prepared, captured by the beauty, the ineffable, the unutterable beauty of Christ's personality to follow Him at all risk? And risk, we know, is great: we will be reviled, we will be laughed at, we will be strangers, people will think that we are tramps on earth, not that we are pilgrims of Heaven; but are we prepared to do this? We must give thought to these two aspects of the parable; because otherwise it is irrelevant, it has nothing to do with us and yet, so much it has! Let us think of it, deeply, standing judgement before it. God does not judge us in order to condemn. God presents us with reality and asks of us only one thing: Respond to reality! Do not accept a world which is a mirage! Do not accept yourself while you remain a mirage: be real, and then you will be children of the Kingdom. And what can be greater: brothers and sisters of Christ, sons and daughters of the Living God; and messengers messengers of God on earth. Can we hope for anything greater? And yet this is what is offered to each and all of us! What a wonder, what a joy! How can we turn away from this? Amen.

وحدة العائلة التفاتة الكل الى الكل هذه هي الوحدة. ولكن يلتفت الى اآلخرين من التفت هللا اليه من عرف نفسه ابنا هلل حبيبا. ينشئ اآلخر بالرعاية بدوام اللطف ألنه ذاق لطف هللا. ومن خالل رعايته لنا نعرف هللا راعيا. يجب أن تذوق المرأة أن زوجها م حب ألن هذا ي حييها ولكن األهم من كل ذلك أن تكتشف أن محبته هذه آتية من إيمانه وان لها استمراره فتعرف من خالل زوجها وجه هللا. واذا الرجل زادته امرأته أ نسا فليس لكي تزداد في الحياة راحته -هذا طي ب- ولكنه يعرف أن ما يتلق اه انما من هللا يتلق اه وأن هذا أ نس في الوجود كله وأن هللا يجب ان يكون مشكورا. يقدر على العطاء من استطاع أن يت صل برب العطاء. األشياء المادية التي تجمعنا باآلخرين تذهب وتأتي الخيبات. فالنضارة تفنى والمال يفنى. كل وحدة سطحي ة كنا نقيمها تتالشى بظهور العيوب واالنكماش الذي يعود اليه االنسان من بعد اضطراب. العائلة دائما مهددة بالعواصف تهب في كل شخص فيها. أن نت خذ اآلخر في مسؤوليتنا في فهمه والعودة اليه بال كبرياء مجروح وبال نفاد صبر من أدق األمور ألنها تطلب نضجا يكاد ان يكون مستحيال. ولكن الحياة الزوجية هي هذه أنك لم تبق وحدك وال تتصرف من أجل لذ تك. ال تكون األشياء ألنك انت تقرر ما يحلو لك ولكنك ت رضي اآلخر ال بمعنى أنك تلب ي كل رغباته فليس في األمر غنج وأن تكتفي شر ه بالسكوت وأن ت ساوم على الحق فإنك تريده في الحق. ولكنك ت رضيه بدوام االنتباه والتنبيه الى ما يوافقه. ال تقره على ما ال يوافق هللا فأنت في البيت لست تاجرا تتوافق حسب عقود. انت تعطي بال حساب فإنك على اآلخر ساهر. ليس بينكما سوق. ليس بينكما شروط ليس بينكما مال وال تذك ران الحقوق بل كل يذك ر واجبه هذا الذي تكلم هللا عنه ويحب واجبه ويؤديه حتى ينشأ اآلخر في دالل هللا. كذا األوالد نحب هم. ليس فقط حسب العاطفة الطبيعية ولكن ألنهم صاروا رعية هللا. هم أبناؤنا ولكنهم ليسوا ملكا لنا. نعطيهم للرب لمعرفته لنمو هم في العمل الصالح. واذا أ حب ونا فلكي يحب وا هللا من خاللنا ليكتشفوا من خالل البنوة أن لهم رب ا أبا واحدا وهو الذي في السموات. نحتجب في األخير لتظهر أ بو ة الله. عنصر الوحدة في العائلة ليست العواطف وهي هشة. هللا وحده عنصر الوحدة. فإذا ات حد كل منا به ونما في تقواه يستمد منه الوحدة ويضعها في العائلة. اتحاد كل انسان بالرب هو وحده سر اتحاده باآلخرين. من صار مع الرب روحا واحدا يكون مع الكل روحا واحدا. جاورجيوس مطران جبيل والبترون وما يليهما )جبل لبنان( القديس جاورجيوس التلميذ: قيل لي ان اليوم هو عيد مار جرجس اللد. ما هذا هل هو غير القديس الذي عيده في ٣٢ نيسان المرشد: ال هو القديس الشهيد ذاته المعروف كثيرا في كنيستنا وفي كل الكنائس في الشرق والغرب. هو الذي كان ضابطا في االمبراطورية الرومانية وق تل بسبب إيمانه بالمسيح في أوائل القرن الرابع في زمن اضطهاد المسيحيين. التلميذ: لكن لماذا له عيد في اللد المرشد: اللد بلدة في شمال فلسطين قرب يافا اظن انك سمعت بها عندما قرأنا عنها في أعمال الرسل. هناك كان الرسول بطرس يبش ر بالمسيح وشفى إينياس المشلول وأقام طابيثا الصبية من الموت )أعمال الرسل ٢٣-٩: ٣٢(. تقول بعض المصادر ان القديس جاورجيوس و لد فيها او ان أ مه من اللد وأبوه من كبادوكيا. المهم ان رفات القديس ن قلت الى اللد حيث ب نيت كنيسة على اسمه في القرن الرابع ايام االمبراطور قسطنطين الكبير )٢٠٣-٢٢٣(. العيد الذي نحتفل به اليوم هو عيد تدشين الكنيسة ونقل الرفات اليها. ال تزال الرعية االرثوذكسية في اللد تحتفل بالعيد كل سنة في ٢ تشرين الثاني. )=31 تشرين الثاني حسب التقويم اليولياني القديم المتبع في بطريركية اورشليم الى االن

Join the PCRF SF Bay Area Chapter for an exciting evening featuring keynote speaker Dr. Hanan Ashrawi and Steve Sosebee, PCRF founder and president. With the deteriorating situation in the Middle East, PCRF's work of providing free medical care to children has never been more critically needed. This year s Benefit Gala is focused on raising funds to provide medical treatment for Syrian and Palestinian children devastated by war and occupation. Please join us and help us meet our goal. Tickets $100 Table Sponsorship Available Purchase Tickets Online 415-236-2696 0152/?ref=22

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