معهد الدراسات املصرفية الرقم : 102/2/381 التاريخ : 2020/2/2 السادة المحترمين تحية طيبة وبعد يتشرف معهد الدراسات المصرفية بدعوتكم اليفاد من ترونه مناسب

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الرقم : 102/2/81 التاريخ : /2/2 السادة المحترمين تحية طيبة وبعد يتشرف معهد الدراسات المصرفية بدعوتكم اليفاد من ترونه مناسبا للمشاركة في البرامج التأهيلية التالية الجتياز إمتحانات الشهادات المهنية الدولية باالضافة الى فرصة التسجيل في إمتحانات بعض الشهادات المهنية الدولية االخرى والتي ينوي عقدها خالل شهر آذار/ وذلك حسب آخر موعد للترشيح وكما هو موضح في الجدول ادناه:- اسم الشهادة المهنية الدولية CIB شهادة المصرفي االسالمي المعتمد البرامج التأهيلية التالية الجتياز إمتحانات الشهادات المهنية الدولية الجهة المانحة CIBAFI/ BAHRAIN تاريخ االنعقاد شهادات الصيرفة االسالمية //29-/1 شهادات مكافحة غسل االموال واالمتثال اخر موعد للترشيح /2/26 رسوم المشاركة بالدينار االردني 1000 قيمة الخصم في حال ترشيح اكثر من مشارك 100 دينار اردني الكثر من مشارك //11 //9-/1 ACAMS/USA حسب الجهة الموفدة 100 دينار اردني الكثر من مشارك //11 //9-/1 ACAMS/USA حسب الجهة الموفدة 100 دينار اردني الكثر من مشارك 116 //19 //21 و /8/ ICA/UK Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) اللغة العربية Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) اللغة االنجليزية ICA International Advanced Certificate in Regulatory Compliance Certified International Commercial Contracts Manager (CICCM) Certified International Call Center Representative (CICCR) IPSCMI/USA بالتعاون مع ال UITI ICB/USA بالتعاون مع ال UITI شهادات ادارية 80 60 /2/26 //11 //9-/1 -/1 //19 Certified International Sales Manager (CISM) ACI/USA بالتعاون مع ال UITI 0 //18 -/22 //29 Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) اسم الشهادة المهنية شهادات مالية ومصرفية //12-/8 AFP/USA إمتحانات الشهادات المهنية الدولية الجهة المانحة تاريخ االمتحان 1200 /2/2 مواعيد التسجيل ال يوجد خصومات حسب عدد المشاركين حسب عدد المشاركين حسب عدد المشاركين 100 دينار اردني الكثر من مشارك //2 FMA/FRANCE ACI Dealing Certification ACI Operations Certification ACI FX Global Code Certificate ACI Diploma يتم التسجيل باالمتحانات من خالل الجهة المانحة فقط قسم الشهادات املهنية الدولية 1

رقم الموضوع )68 ساعة تدريبية( شهادة المصرفي االسالمي المعتمد Certified Islamic Banker (CIB) مكان االنعقاد : عمان اليوم التاريخ عدد الساعات التدريبية التوقيت -:0( )8:0 1 2 المدخل العام للمعامالت اإلسالمية )12 ساعة تدريبية( د. موسى القضاة األحد االثنين //1 //2 6 النظام المصرفي اإلسالمي )12 ساعة تدريبية( الثالثاء االربعاء األحد االثنين // // //8 //9 //10 //11 //1 //16 //1 //18 //22 //2 //2 //2 //29 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 16 عمليات التمويل اإلسالمي )16 ساعة تدريبية( عمليات اإلستثمار اإلسالمي )12 ساعة تدريبية( الخدمات المصرفية اإلسالمية )12 ساعة تدريبية( هيئات الرقابة الشرعية 1 ) ساعة تدريبية( مالحظات عامة: د. أحمد العيادي د. عبد هللا عطية السيد عبدالسالم الهنداوي د. أحمد العيادي الثالثاء االربعاء األحد االثنين الثالثاء االربعاء األحد االثنين الثالثاء االربعاء االحد سيعقد امتحان شهادة المصرفي االسالمي المعتمد في مقر المعهد يوم الثالثاء الموافق //1 الساعة الثالثة عصرا. بناء على تعليمات المجلس العام للبنوك والمؤسسات المالية االسالمية كل من تزيد فترة غيابه عن %20 من عدد الساعات الكلي للبرنامج ال يمنح شهادة حضورللبرنامج. 2

املصرفية الدراسات معهد المحاضرين عن نبذة معهد قبل من تامين لدبلوم باالضافة االردنية الجامعة من واصوله الفقه في الدكتوراه شهادة على حاصل القضاة موسى الدكتور وهو العملية الخبرة من عاما 1 لديه االسالمية المالية المؤسسات في الشرعي والتدقيق الرقابة شهادة المصرفية للدراسات البحرين :- قبل من كمدرب معتمد األردن / المصرفية الدراسات معهد البحرين / اإلسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس من عاما 0 لديه السودان - الكريم القرآن جامعة / إسالمية ومصارف اقتصاد في الدكتوراة شهادة على حاصل العيادي احمد الدكتور :- قبل من كمدرب معتمد وهو الخبرة األردن. / المصرفية الدراسات معهد البحرين. / اإلسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس للشهادات باالضافة األردن - اإلسالمية العلوم جامعة من إسالمية مصارف اقتصاد دكتوراه شهادة على حاصل عطية عبدهللا الدكتور أموال غسل مكافحة أخصائي شهادة CIPT معتمد تدريب أخصائي شهادة CICS معتمد داخلية رقابة أخصائي شهادة التالية المهنية :- قبل من كمدرب وهومعتمد العملية الخبرة من عاما 2 لديه. CAMS معتمد األردن / المصرفية الدراسات معهد البحرين / اإلسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس االعتمادات في دولي خبير لشهادة باالضافة االردنية الجامعة من وبنوك مالية ماجستير شهادة على حاصل الهنداوي السالم عبد السيد : منها العربي الوطن و األردن في جهات لعدة كمدرب معتمد وهو العملية الخبرة من عاما 2 لديه (CDCS) المستندية األردن. / المصرفية الدراسات معهد ليبيا. - طرابلس - والمالية المصرفية الدراسات معهد السعودية. / التدريب و لالستشارات الطويل مركز البحرين. / اإلسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس االسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس عن نبذة العام المجلس ويتبع البحرين. مملكة في الرئيسي ومقرها 2001 عام تأسست دولية منظمة اإلسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس ي عتبر صناعة وتطوير دعم إلى ويهدف العالم مستوى على اإلسالمية المالية للصناعة الرسمية المظلة العام المجلس ويمثل.(OIC) اإلسالمي التعاون منظمة عدد ويقدم المشتركة واألهداف اإلهتمام ذات األخرى المالية والمؤسسات العام المجلس أعضاء بين التعاون ودعم وحمايتها اإلسالمية المالية الخدمات االسالمي. والتمويل الصيرفة اختصاصات مختلف في المهنية الشهادات من البرنامج اهداف االسالمي. والمصرفي المالي الجهاز موظفي وامكانيات بقدرات االرتقاء. والمتكاملة المعمقة الشرعية المصرفية والمرتكزات االسس حاملها منح السليمة. المصرفية والتطبيقات المهنية والمهارات بالمعارف التزود المتنوعة. االحترافية التخصصات نحو والميسر الثابت االنطالق من التمكن بالشهادة المستهدفون.ةينهملا مختلف مستوياتهم على اإلسالمية واالستثمار التمويل البنوك وشركات في العاملين المؤسسات. بهذه العمل في والراغبين الجامعات وخريجي اإلسالمية المالية المؤسسات مع المتعاملين الشهادة امتحان عمان. مدينة في المعهد مقر في االمتحانات جميع االسالمية المالية والمؤسسات للبنوك العام المجلس يعقد للنجاح )%0( عالمة على الحصول ويشترط المتعدد االختيار بصيغة سؤال 100 االمتحان أسئلة عدد يبلغ و ساعتين االمتحان مدة. بالشهادة. اقصى كحد اردني دينار 00 االمتحان اعادة رسوم تبلغ والتقدم العلمية المادة المشاركة رسوم تشمل حيث اقصى كحد اردني دينار 0 بتكلفة البرنامج حضور دون فقط لالمتحان التقدم يمكن. لالمتحان

املصرفية الدراسات معهد The Qualification Program for Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) Certification actual schedule (Arabic Language) No. Topic Instructor Day Date Timing Training Hours Total 1 2 6 Recognizing Money Laundering Risks and Methods االرهاب) ومتويل االموال غسيل وطرق (خماطر International Anti - Money Laundering Standards االرهاب) ومتويل االموال غسيل ملكافحة الرقابي االلتزام (معايري Mr. Ahmad Tarteer 1/ 1/ 19/ 22/ 2/ 26/ :0-8 pm.0 -:0 pm.0-8 pm.0 -:0 pm. 20 8 9 10 Designing and Implementing Anti-Money Laundering Programs االموال) غسيل ملكافحة الرقابي االلتزام (برنامج Conducting and Supporting Anti-Money Laundering Investigations التحقيق( عملية وتدعيم )إجراء Mr. Issam Idaes 29/ 1/ 2/ /.0-8 pm. 1 11 12 Exam Preparation Mr. Ahmad Tarteer Mr. Issam Idaes / 9/ :0- pm 2:0 2:0 1 ACAMS Examination Preparation Seminar Mr. Husam AlAbed Saturday 18/ 10 am - pm 1 CAMS online Examination IBS Supervisor 21/ 12 - :0 pm.. *Candidates are required to attend minimum 80% out of total program training hours to be granted attendance certificate. Instructors Profile: - Mr. Ahmad Tarteer: He is the Head of Compliance and AML - Safwa Islamic Bank. Ahmad Tarteer is the Head of Compliance and AML/MLRO/ at Safwa Islamic Bank, Board of director s compliance committee presenter. He is Certified Anti-Money laundering Specialist CAMS &Advance CAMS Audit from ACAMS, and member of ACAMS, Mr. Tarteer holds abachelor sdegreeinaccountingandcommercial law, and he has a solid experience in AML and Compliance from his work with a number of the most experienced banks in the region (Arab Bank, National Bank of Kuwait as head of compliance and AML, in addition to his current position at Safwa Bank and through his business trips to GCC and other countries, expert in AML intelligence and Business Logic Units since he implemented AML solutions and AML System scenarios. In addition he is an experienced trainer for the subjects of CAMS/ Compliance/ AML/ Sanctions/ FATCA and related topics. Mr.Tarteer participated in the proofreading and reviewing the CAMS 6th study guide with ACAMS Miami USA. - Mr. Issam Ideas: AML/CFT Manager - and Money Laundering Reporting officerincairoammanbankwithatotalof(11)years experiencein the Cairo Amman Bank specially (9) years in compliance & AML/CFT,during which time he has assisted in formulating the AML/CFT regime in domestic and foreign bank branches and subsidiaries that consists of Policies, Procedures, Controls, Systems, recruitment, Training, etc. he is a member in Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists. - Mr. Husam AlAbed: CAMS, CEFI, CAS, SMIA, CMAS, CACM, Managing Director - FCC Consultants/UAE - Financial, Banking,Cyber Crime Compliance Training & Consulting services. Hussam specializes in training staff on all aspects of Financial Crime Prevention, Compliance & Risk. This includes AML, Fraud Prevention, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Cybercrime, Risk Management and Regulatory Compliance issues. Hussam has vast experience in training all areas of the business in these subjects and has a unique insight into the specific regional issues in relation to AML and Financial Crime. In addition to training front office, operations and senior management and the Board, Hussam also regularly trains staff in the Compliance and AML Functions on their roles and responsibilities and assists them in preparing for industry qualifications such as the Association of Certified AML Specialists (ACAMS). Hussam has an engaging, interactive training style and is expert at attaining audience participation through the use of relevant case studies and group exercises. He has been delivering training in the MENA region since 199 to Banks, Financial institutions, Professional Service Providers and Law enforcement agencies and is a frequent conference speaker.

The Qualification Program for Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) Certification actual schedule (English Language) No. 1 2 Topic Recognizing Money Laundering Risks and Methods Instructor Mr. Antone Sabella Day Date 1/ 1/ 19/ Timing :0-8 pm.0 -:0 pm Training Hours.0.0 Total 1. 22/.0-8 pm.0 6 International Anti - Money Laundering Standards Mr. Khaldoun Masalmeh 2/ 26/.0-8 pm.0 -:0 pm.0 6. 8 Designing and Implementing Anti-Money Laundering Programs Mr. Antone Sabella 29/ 1/.0-8 pm.0.0 9 10 Conducting and Supporting Anti-Money Laundering Investigations Mr. Khaldoun Masalmeh 2/ /.0-8 pm.0.0 11 12 Exam Preparation Mr. Antone Sabella Mr. Khaldoun Masalmeh / 9/ :0-2:0 2:0 1 ACAMS Examination Preparation Seminar ACAMS Member Saturday 18/ 10 am - pm 1 CAMS online Examination IBS Supervisor 21/ 12 pm - :0 pm.. *Candidates are required to attend minimum 80% out of total program training hours to be granted attendance certificate. Instructors Profile - Mr. Khaldoun Masalmeh is the Deputy Executive Manager Compliance & Permanent Control Department at Société Générale Bank; having more than 16 years of professional experience, in reputable and international financial institutions and banks. Gained experience in many fields, banking retail, operations, credit, compliance, AML, corporate governance and financial crimes. Masalmeh holds bachelor degree in banking and financial management, in addition to his Global MBA from Bedfordshire University in UK, additionally he is Certified Compliance Officer (CCO), Certified Anti-money Laundering Specialist (CAMS), Certified Compliance & AML Manager UK (CCM), Certified Financial Crimes Specialist (CFCS), certified COBIT Foundation, Implementation and Assessor; he is also ISACA - COBIT Accredited Trainer and Certified International Professional Trainer (CIPT). - Mr. Antone Sabella Head of Compliance and AML Division in Cairo Amman Bank, with a total of (1) Years of wide range experience in Regulatory Compliance and Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing, Sanction, Corporate Governance, FATCA, Training, etc. in banking sector. Mr. Antone has International Diploma in Financial Crime Prevention from ICA, Manchester Business School/UK. Certified Anti-Money laundering Specialist & Advance CAMS Audit from ACAMS/USA, Miami. Certified Compliance Officer from Institute of International Research, USA and he is Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Targeted Audience Compliance and AML employees. Employees who have recently been given or aspire to be given compliance or AML responsibilities. Those employees with management responsibility for compliance or AML employees. Any person who wishes to acquire an understanding of fundamental regulatory compliance principles and how businesses can comply with them.

About the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) Founded in 2001, Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (ACAMS) is the largest international membership organization dedicated to advancing the professional knowledge, skills and experience of those dedicated to the detection and prevention of money laundering around the world, and to promote the development and implementation of sound anti-money laundering policies and procedures. ACAMS achieves its mission through: Promoting international standards for the detection and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; Educating professionals in private and government organizations about these standards and the strategies and practices required to meet them; Certifying the achievements of its members; and Providing networking platforms through which AML/CFT professionals can collaborate with their peers throughout the world. About the CAMS Designation The Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) credential is the gold standard in AML certifications and recognized internationally by financial institutions, governments and regulators as a serious commitment to protecting the financial system against money laundering. Internationally-recognized, the CAMS credential identifies those who earn it as possessing specialized AML knowledge. AML professionals who earn the CAMS designation position themselves to be leaders in the industry and valuable assets to their organizations. CAMS Examination CAMS examination consists of 120 multiple choice questions (in Arabic & English exams). Test takers will have 210 minutes (.hours) to complete the CAMS Examination. Test takers will need to earn a /120 or higher in order to pass the 6th Edition CAMS exam in Arabic or English language. The score is displayed upon submission of examination. An email will be sent with score to candidates shortly after having submitted your examination. Candidates wishing to sit for the CAMS Examination must Document a minimum of 0 qualifying credits based on education, other professional certification and professional experience in the field. Submit supporting documents. Provide three professional references. 6

International Advanced Certificate in Regulatory Compliance No. Class Topic Instructor / Mentor Day Date Timing No. of Hours 1 Workshop One delivered by ICT Middle East in Jordan ICA Instructor 21 April 10 am 6 pm 8 hours 2 Assignment One Due date the date by which students must send their assignment to ICA for assessment -------- Monday 8 June ------- ------ Workshop Two delivered by ICT Middle East in Jordan ICA Instructor August 10 am 6 pm 8 hours Assignment Two Due date the date by which students must send their assignment to ICA for assessment ---------- Monday 1 September ------- ------ Workshops are highly interactive working sessions designed to ensure maximum learning effectiveness. All workshops are conducted by a leading industry expert with extensive experience of the financial services sector. All delegates are strongly advised to attend all workshops prior to taking the assessments to gain maximum benefit of the program. Course materials can be accessed via online learning platform for nine months from the course commencement date above. We would recommend enrolling at least one month before the first workshop to give sufficient time to familiarize delegates with the course materials and undertake any workshop preparation. Overview The changing regulatory environment has resulted in a growing need for compliance professionals. The ICA International Advanced Certificate in Regulatory Compliance is suitable for those new to compliance or in a junior role and will help you develop a good understanding of compliance fundamentals. This qualification is awarded in association with Alliance Manchester Business School, the University of Manchester. Who is this course suitable for? Compliance employees. Employees who have recently been given or aspire to be given compliance responsibilities. Those employees with management responsibility for compliance employees. Any person who wishes to acquire an understanding of fundamental regulatory compliance principles and how businesses can comply with them. What will you learn? Understanding the Regulatory Environment. International Regulation. Compliance in Practice. Managing the Risk of Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Proliferation Financing. Financial Crime Prevention. Syllabus: 1. Understanding the Regulatory Environment Why do we need regulation? The objectives of financial services regulation.

The background to regulation and regulatory timeline. Consumer/investor protection. Making markets work well. Market stability. Market integrity. 2. International Regulation The roles of the regulator. Different regulatory models. Understanding principles-based/outcomes focused regulation. Regulatory methodology. Overview of recent international regulation. The influence of international bodies and certain jurisdictions.. Compliance in Practice The role of the compliance function. What is the role of the compliance professional? Qualities required of compliance professionals. Key compliance activities and processes. Regulatory risk management. Conduct risk management. Internal and external relationships. Links between compliance, culture and ethics.. Managing the Risk of Financial Crime Compliance How are the proceeds of crime laundered? The objectives of money laundering. The risk-based approach to money laundering/terrorist financing. Terrorist financing. What is fraud? Preventing fraud. Bribery and Corruption. Market manipulation/misleading statements, insider dealing and market abuse. Sanctions.. Examples and case study Regulatory objectives and what they mean in practice. Risk based regulation, principles based and outcomes focused regulation. Compliance activities a case study scenario. Entry requirements This course is open to anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in compliance. However, the content of the programme requires students to possess: Sound educational background. Good written English skills. How will you be assessed? Two 2,000-2,00 word assignments Membership of ICA In order to study any ICA course you will need to become a member of ICA. 8

املصرفية الدراسات معهد Certified International Commercial Contracts Manager (CICCM) Session No. 1 2 6 8 Subject Contract Planning (Contract Initiation) Bid Phase Development Phase Negotiate Phase Manage Phase Advanced Topics Examination Date Day Monday Wednesday Monday Date 1// 2// // // // 8// 9// 19// No. of Training Hours Timing - 8-8 - 8-8 - 8-8 - 8 - Candidates are required to attend minimum 80% out of the total training hours of the program to be granted the attendance certificate. Instructor Profile Mr. Mohammed Awad he is an executive procurement and supply chain professional with over 1 years of experience in managing large scale projects and in operation management, supply chain, logistics, consultancy of optimization systems. he hold BSc. Information Technology from Neilein University, Sudan.and he is holding multiple professional certifications such as Certified International Supply Chain Manager CISCM Certified International Warehouse and Inventory Manager CIWIM, Certified International Purchasing Professional CIPP, Negotiation skills Expert, ISO & HACCP, Project Management Professional PMP, Negotiation Skills (Advance), Six Sigma, TQM, Logistics & Incoterms, SAP & ERP implementation. Exposed to all type of industries, PL operation with extensive hands-on experience and profound technical understanding in ERP/Supply Chain systems implementation. Program Introduction The purchasing and supply management profession is clearly transitioning from placing purchase orders to establishing and managing comprehensive contracts with strategic suppliers. This has created a need for purchasing and supply managers to develop and refine contract preparation and contract management skills. The Certified International Commercial Contracts Manager (CICCM) is designed for international business practitioners by The International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute (IPSCMI), It is particularly appropriate for those individuals who wish to increase their commercial contracts management skills. A Certified International Commercial Contracts Manager (CICCM) certification demonstrates that you are knowledgeable about the practice of contracts management in the International commercial environment. CICCM is offered in Jordan through UITI United Institute Training Intermediary the exclusive representative for the IPSCMI in Jordan. Program Goals and Objectives Completion of the CICCM program will enable the certified individual to: Demonstrate a basic understanding of contract administration concepts. Apply a type of contract appropriate to the contracting situation. Assure that the purchasing organization fulfills its part of buyer-supplier agreement. Assure that the supplier's progress and performance complies with the contract. Resolve any problems that may arise during the life of the contract (this protects the purchasing organization's interests). Ascertain when contract changes are necessary, negotiate fair adjustments, and determine whether increased costs of performance should be borne by the supplier. Keep complete and accurate records and documentation pertaining to the contract. 9

About CICCM This Certification Program is a core certification program of The International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Institute (IPSCMI). This program offers the designation of CICCM (The Certified International Commercial Contracts Manager) to candidates who demonstrate their understanding of the fundamentals of the profession through the successful completion of rigorous professional certification examinations based upon the INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS MANAGEMENT BODY OF KNOWLEDGE. (ICCMBOK). Who Should Attend? Professionals in purchasing, contracts, materials, and supply chain management. Business and Contract Managers. Import-export dealers. International marketing and sales personnel. Lawyers involved in support of the contracting process. Anyone who wishes to be a CICCM or wants to be trained in international commercial contracts management. Program Duration: The Program is covered in 21 hours delivered hours per session. Examination Completion of the certification program requires completion of multiple choice examinations consisting of 80 questions / passing grade is (8/80). The examination is paper- based administered by UITI the only accredited examination center for the IPSCMI in Jordan. Professional Designation Successful candidates are granted the designation of CICCM. This certification may be used just as similar recognitions which are employed in accounting, insurance, medicine, law, and other professions. Either the full expression or the initials may be used aftertheindividual snameonbusinesscards,stationery,etc. Participants will learn: After completion of this course, the student should be able to explain the following contracting processes: Contract Planning (Contract Initiation) Description of Requirements Cost Benefit Analysis Sourcing Options Evaluation Criteria Market Research RFI Solicitation Govt vs Private Sector Bid Phase Procurement (Bid) Process and Rules Influence of Laws on the Bid Process Cost Identification Applying Evaluation Criteria RFP Preparation and Content RFP Management Contract Pricing Principles Development Phase Commercial Contract Types Contract Terms and Conditions Overview (CISG Drafting Guide for Managers and Counsels) Partnerships, Alliances Distributorships, and Consortia IT Procurement Contracts Performance Based Contracts (Including Service Level Agreements) Drafting Guidelines and Recommendations 10

Negotiate Phase Negotiation Overview and Objectives Negotiation Styles (Strategies) Negotiation Techniques Tactics, Tricks, and Lessons Learned Manage Phase Contract Administration (Four Lectures) Advanced Topics Electronic Contracting Risk Management International Contracting Outsourcing Requirements for certification Associate degree or more than three years of experience in business. Satisfactorycompletionofahourexaminationcovering theinternationalcommercialcontracts MANAGEMENTBODYOFKNOWLEDGE.(ICCMBOK). Completion of an application for certification and payment of all fees. 11

Certified International Call Center Representative (CICCR) Session No. Subject Day Date No. of Training Hours Timing 1 Module 1: Introduction to Call Center Soft Skills 1// 2 Module 2: Complaint Handling Basics Monday 16// Module : Active Listening 1// pm 8 pm Module : Anger Diffusion and Objection Handling Wednesday 18// Module : Mediation and Negotiations 19// 6 Examination Date 26// pm pm Candidates are required to attend minimum 80% out of the total training hours of the program to be granted the attendance certificate. Instructor Profile Mr. Laith Alami holds a B.Sc.in Computer Science from Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT).Holding multiple professional certifications from the leading institutes in the fields of sales and customer service management. He is a Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) from Arab Trainers Union (ATU) and from the International Association for People and Performance Development (IAPPD)-UK, a Certified International Sales Manager (CISM) from American Certification Institute (ACI)-USA, a Certified International Call Center Representative (CICCR) from Institute of Certified Business Consultant (ICBC)-USA, a Certified International Customer Service Professional (CICSP) from American Certification Institute (ACI)-USA, EFQM Assessor Training, acertified Sales Expert (CSE) from the International Association for People and Performance Development (IAPPD)- UK. Mr. Laith Al-Alami is an administration expert and possess a strong background covering 18 years of diverse experience in sales development, customer service, organizational capacity building and executive management development. About CICCR A well-trained Call Centre is the heart of any operation. Call Centre employees who possess skill and professionalism, who know how to handle a great variety of situations, will be an asset to any organization. Call Centre training will allow the employee to enter their work area with confidence knowing they are equipped to answer questions and overcome objections and ultimately close the deal. The program will cover practical exercises, role playing, and case studies. This program certification is offered from the ICBC - Institute of Certified Business Consultants in USA. Program Duration: The Program is covered in 1 hours delivered hours per session. Course Modules Module 1: Introduction to Call Center Soft Skills: Expectations What is a Call Center? Why Do They Call? Caller Satisfaction Why Do Customers Leave? What are the Customer Values! Customer Service Professionalism What Drives Our Actions? Customer Service Overview Customer Expects How Important is Tone How Meaning is Communicated Voice Quality Barriers to Listening Communication Skills Proper Phone Techniques Create a Positive Telephone Image Call Closing Negative Phrases Positive Phrases Questions Types Call Quality Two-Way Communication Barriers to Effective Communication Techniques for Effective Listening Putting Caller on Hold Transferring the Caller Closing Tie Downs Professional Phrases Handling Talkative Callers 12

Module 2: Complaint Handling Basics The cause of customer complaints The benefits of handling complaints effectively The learning value of complaints Complaining customers can get angry Summary and suggestions Module : Active Listening The importance of listening Passive versus active listening Steps in active listening Words to encourage the other person to do most of the talking Module : Anger Diffusion and Objection Handling Treating anger as an emotional state Recognizing anger Diffusing other people's anger How to apologize without admitting guilt Transition from anger to diffusion Prerequisites to handling objections Recognizing and objection Handling objections Moving to safer grounds Summary and suggestions Module : Mediation and Negotiations Prerequisites to mediation Recognizing the parties Define your role as a third-part solution broker Mediation steps Mediation results Summary and suggestions Prerequisites to negotiations Steps in negotiating Understanding bargaining chips Negotiation styles Negotiation results Summary and results Professional Designation Successful candidates will be granted the Call Center Certification after sitting for a three-hour examination. Examinations Completion of the certification program requires completion of multiple choice examinations consisting of 80 questions / passing grade is (8/80). 1

Session No. Instructor Profile Certified International Sales Manager (CISM) Mr. Laith Alami holds a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Princess Sumaya University for Technology (PSUT). Holding multiple professional certifications from the leading institutes in the fields of sales and customer service management. He is a Certified Professional Trainer (CPT) from Arab Trainers Union (ATU) and from the International Association for People and Performance Development (IAPPD)-UK, a Certified International Sales Manager (CISM) from American Certification Institute (ACI)-USA, a Certified International Call Center Representative (CICCR) from Institute of Certified Business Consultant (ICBC)-USA, a Certified International Customer Service Professional (CICSP) from American Certification Institute (ACI)- USA, a Certified Sales Expert (CSE) from the International Association for People and Performance Development (IAPPD)- UK. Mr. Laith Al-Alami is an administration expert and possess a strong background covering 18 years of diverse experience in sales development, customer service, organizational capacity building and executive management development. Course Perspectives The course focuses on what it takes to be successful in managing the sales function in a personal, direct sales environment. It asks the student to put himself/herself in the position of being a prospective sales manager. This context helps the student better relate to the realities of the environment and how the concepts of the course can be applied to practical sales management situations, and management performance requirements. The course will provide the student with a systematic framework for understanding how sales is distinguished from marketing, and what it takes to effectively manage the sales function. The attached course content details the topics covered in support of this objective. CISM is offered in Jordan through UITI United Institute Training Intermediary the exclusive representative of the ACI in Jordan. The course is intended for Subject Training Hours 1 Sales Function and the Requirements to 22// 2 Manage the Sales Function Effectively Monday 2// 2// Sales and Management Concepts Wednesday 2// 26// Selling Versus Marketing 6 29// Examination Date // Candidates are required to attend minimum 80% out of the total training hours of the program to be granted the attendance certificate. Marketing students who wish to deepen their understanding of the sales function and what is required to manage the sales function effectively. Non marketing students who desire a perspective of what selling is and how the management concepts are applied to the sales function. All students who wish to develop a perspective of selling versus marketing for the purpose of future career planning. Course Objectives To provide the student with a basic understanding of the processes and skills necessary to be successful in personal direct selling within the industrial market place. To provide an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary to effectively manage the sales function, the sales organization and the sales individual. To provide students with advanced skills in the areas of interpersonal communications, motivational questioning techniques and high-leverage employee process management. The seminal purpose is to prepare the student for the Certification Examination to be given at the end of the preparation course. Day Date Timing - 8-1

Course Format and Attendance The course is highly interactive whereby the students are encouraged to ask questions and share their observations, feedback and perspectives from the lecture material delivered. Lectures and class discussion will be the basic format. Grading / Evaluation Criteria/Other The final certification examination is an 80 multiple choice Question. Program Duration The Program is covered in 18 hours delivered on 6 sessions hours per session. Professional Designation Successful candidates are granted the designation of CISM. The designation CISM may be used just as similar recognitions are employed in accounting, insurance, medicine, law, and other professions. Either the full expression or the initials may be used after the individual's name on business cards, stationery, etc. 1

Certified Treasury Professional Qualification Program (CTP) Schedule No. 1 Chapters Introduction to Treasury Management Regulatory and Legal Environment 2 Banks and Financial Institutions Payment Systems Money Markets ; Capital Markets Relationship Management and Vendor Selection 6 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 1 16 Financial Accounting and Reporting Introduction to Working Capital Management Working Capital Matrix Collections, Concentration and Disbursements Short Term Investment and Borrowing Long Term and Capital Investments Cash Forecasting Information Technology in Treasury, Operational and Enterprise Risk Management Enterprise Risk Management Financial Risk Management Treasury Policies and Procedures, Financial Planning and Analysis Long term investment Capital structure d Decisions and Management Case Study, Review, Test and Exam Preparation Modules Module 1: The Role of Treasury Management ( Training Hours) Module 2: The Treasury Management Environment (9 Training Hours) Module : Financial Reporting & Analysis (6 Training Hours) Module : Working Capital Management (12 Training Hours) Module : Risk Management (9 Training Hours) Module 6: Financial Management (6 Training Hours) ( Training Hours) Instructor Omar Hatamleh Raed Saleh Omar Hatamleh Day Date 8// 10// 12// 1// 1// 19// 22/// 2// 26// 29// 1// 2// // // 9// 12// Training Hours Timing :0- :0 - عدد الساعات الكلي للبرامج )8( ساعة تدريبية. - البرنامج يتضمن شرح تفصيلي للمواضيع وحل لألسئلة. - البرنامج يهدف إلى تأهيل المشاركين للتقدم المتحان الشهادة. - الجدول قابل للتعديل في ضوء أي ظروف مستجدة خارجة عن االرادة. - فترة االستراحة )6:0-6:1( مساء. - كل من تزيد فترة غيابه عن %20 من عدد الساعات الكلي للبرنامج ال يمنح شهادة حضور للبرنامج. - ضرورة التقيد التام بمواعيد المحاضرات وفترات االستراحة المتاحة. Instructors Profile Mr. Omar Hatamleh, CTP Certified Treasury Professional (CTP) and has B.A in finance and he is and has 1 years of practical Experience in treasury and asset- liability management,cash and cash equivalent management, foreign exchange & hedging strategies Mr. Raed Saleh, CTP Certified Treasury professional (CTP) and has B.A in accounting. He has 1 years of experience in Corporate Banking, Treasury and Finance. He is currently Treasury Manager at Pharma International Company, He also worked for Hikma Pharmaceuticals as Treasury manager and Financial Controller. He also worked for Arab Bank PLC in Credit and Corporate Banking. 16

شهادة مدير الخزينة المعتمد (CTP) Certified Treasury Professional شهادة مالية تم تصميمها من قبل Association for Financial Professionals-AFP لتحديد المعايير المتصلة بالعمل في الحقل المالي. وقد أصبحت بمثابة رمز للتميز في أداء المهام بالغة التعقيد في إدارة الخزانة ومن هنا يأتي سعي كيانات األعمال عند توظيف كوادر مهنية في اإلدارات المالية إلي االستعانة بحاملي هذه الشهادة التي تزود الحاصلين عليها بالمعارف التي تجعل منهم ثروة لكيانات األعمال التي ينتمون إليها ألنها تؤهلهم إلي مهارات غاية في األهمية منها نظم إدارة النقدية )الخزانة( وإدارة المخاطر وهيكلة رأس المال وحوكمة الشركات. الفئات الوظيفية المرشحة للحصول على الشهادة تشمل قائمة المرشحين لحضور برنامج المراجعة لهذه الشهادة المهنية قطاع عريض من المتخصصين في مجاالت إدارة الخزانة االستثمار التمويل االئتمان والمخاطر. ولكن حضور برنامج المراجعة ال يقتصر عليهم فهو مفتوح لجميع المهتمين ومن بين هؤالء: المتخصصون الذين يؤدون مهام تتعلق بالتمويل والمحاسبة والخزانة الذين يرغبون في الحصول على تأهيل مهني يمكنهم من تولي وظائف قيادية في هذه المجاالت الصيارفة ومقدمي الخدمات المالية الذين يعملون على إنشاء وتنفيذ المنتجات والخدمات الالزمة لمؤسسات بدائل التمويل العمالة الفنية واإلدارية المساعدة لمسئولي التمويل المدراء الماليون الراغبون في الحصول على تأهيل مهني يوثق خبرتهم العملية وكسب المعرفة التي تمكنهم من أداء مهامهم الوظيفية بأسلوب ومنهج علمي متطور باإلضافة للطالب الراغبين في دراسة ما يتعلق بالتمويل واألعمال المتصلة بمجاله. المؤهالت المطلوبة للتسجيل لالختبار يتطلب التسجيل لدخول االختبار: الحصول على مؤهل جامعي درجة البكالوريوس في إدارة األعمال أو التمويل خبرة عملية ال تقل عن عامين في مجال إدارة النقدية/الخزانة أو منصب يتصل بالتمويل التدريس في مجاالت التمويل أو إدارة الخزانة لعامين على األقل. القيمة المضافة من الحصول على الشهادة تهدف شهادة CTP إلى تنمية وصقل الجوانب العلمية والمهنية لديكم بما يضمن االستعداد الكامل لمواجهة التغيرات التي تطرأ على هذا المجال على المستوى العالمي والمحلي وتعكس بدقة المسئوليات الملقاة على عاتق مدير إدارة الخزانة. ويتمتع حاملو هذه الشهادة بالثقة الكاملة من جانب ممارسي األنشطة المالية في أسواق المال الدولية والمحلية على حد سواء وتتاح لهم فرص الترقي للكوادر العليا من الوظائف في اإلدارات المالية بسرعة أكبر من أقرانهم غير الحاصلين عليها نظرا للخبرات والمهارات المالية المتطورة التي يكتسبونها من خالل دراستهم لها مما يمكنهم من حصاد القيم اآلتية: إدارة النقدية في شركات األعمال. اإللمام بمفاهيم المحاسبة المالية. القدرة على التعامل مع المناخ المالي غير المستقر. إدارة حسابات ونظم الدفع والتحصيل. إدارة الفائض والعجز في التدفقات النقدية. اإللمام بنظم المعلومات المالية. التنبؤ بالتدفقات النقدية. إدارة المعامالت المالية الدولية. إدارة المخاطر المالية. فهم المتغيرات الخارجية المؤثرة على إدارة الخزانة. االستفادة من عمليات إدارة الخزانة المتوافقة مع أحدث التقنيات. الرقابة على مخاطر الفائدة ومخاطر الصرف األجنبي. التأكيد على مقدرة الشركة على الوفاء بالتزاماتها المالية. استخدام التسهيالت االئتمانية لتمويل العجز في النقدية. بناء عالقات مالية ومصرفية لدعم إدارة الخزانة. االستفادة بشكل أكثر كفاءة من النقدية المتاحة لدى الشركة. وضع نظم من شأنها خفض األرصدة النقدية غير المربحة مع تقديم السيولة الكافية. المحتوى العلمي لمنهاج الشهادة يساعد هذا البرنامج المتقدمين لالختبار في هذه الشهادة من خالل خمس وحدات تغطي موضوعات إدارة النقدية والتدفقات النقدية الداخلة والخارجة واالستفادة القصوى من النقدية والمفاهيم المحاسبية واالستثمار واالقتراض والخزانة الدولية وإدارة المخاطر والتطورات التقنية الحديثة وإدارة العالقات المصرفية. معلومات اإلمتحان يتكون اختبار ال CTP من 10 سؤال اختيار من متعدد. مدة االمتحان اربع ساعات )ثالث ساعات ونصف لإلجابة على 10 سؤال ونصف ساعة لمراجعة برنامج تعليمي اختياري مدته 1 دقيقة )قبل االمتحان( واإلجابة على استبيان مختصر يديره الكمبيوتر )في نهاية االختبار(. خالل االمتحان سيكون لديك الفرصة لمراجعة أي سؤال على االمتحان. يمكنك تغيير اإلجابات أو وضع عالمة أو تخطي األسئلة. إذا انتهى الوقت المخصص لإلختبار أثناء إجراء االختبار فسيتم حساب جميع اإلجابات في نتيجتك بغض النظر عن كيفية وضع عالمة عليها. بمجرد انتهاء الوقت المسموح به أو الخروج من االختبار ال يمكنك مشاهدة أو مراجعة األسئلة مرة أخرى. لمزيد من المعلومات حول النتائج يرجى زيارة صفحة القواعد واللوائح. 1

How do I determine if I am eligible to take the exam? A: To qualify for the exam, applicants must report two or more years of full-time, career-based, corporate finance-related work experience. If you have less than two years of experience, a graduate-level degree in finance or two years of fulltime, university-level teaching in a finance topic is each equivalent to one year of work experience. If I have a graduate degree, do I need to complete the work experience portion of the exam application? A: Yes. Since exam candidates are required to report at least one year of work experience, the work experience portion of the application will need to be completed and submitted by all candidates. Does my work experience have to be in treasury/cash management to qualify? A: No. Your work experience must be in the corporate finance profession, but it is not required that this experience be in treasury/cash management. What is the difference between the AFP Treasury Learning System university course and the Corporate Treasury Management (CTM) course? A: The Learning System University course is a 6-hour, non-credit course primarily used for CTP exam preparation. The CTM is a credited course, normally taken as part of an undergraduate- or graduate-level finance studies degree program. How many times can I retake the exam? A: AFP does not limit the number of times an exam candidate can retake the exam. 18