Downloaded from: بسم االله الرحمن الرحیم In the name of Allah the Merciful و ر ش ة ش م وخ الا س لام ال تح ر یض ی ة Shumukh al-islam

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Downloaded from: بسم االله الرحمن الرحیم In the name of Allah the Merciful و ر ش ة ش م وخ الا س لام ال تح ر یض ی ة Shumukh al-islam Instigation Workshop قریبا... ضمن حملة #إنصح_إخوانك_الا نصار Soon and included in campaign Advise Your Brothers al-ansar

الا صدار المري ي Video Release ] أیها الا علامي... أنت مجاهد [ [ Oh Media Correspondent... You are a Mujahid ] الحمد الله رب العالمین والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الا نبیاء والمرسلین. أما بعد " ع ن ت م یم ال دار ى أ ن ال نب ى صلى االله علیه وسلم ق ال ال دین ال نص یح ة ق ل ن ا ل م ن ق ال الله و ل ك ت اب ه و ل ر س ول ه و لا ي مة ال م س ل م ین و ع ا مت ه م " رواه مسلم إن مما یتمیز به الموحدین أتباع الكتاب والسنة وسلف الا مة قبول النصح والتناصح فیما بینهم هذا دأبهم وهذا حالهم یحبون الخیر لغیرهم فینصحونهم ویوجهونهم یقبلون النصح ویعملون به ما وافق دیننا ومنهجنا وهكذا كلما تولى المتواضعون أمر الا مة علا نجمها ولم یعرف أمیرها من فقیرها وكلما قعد المستكبرون على الكرسي حلت الما سي وتوالت النكبات وحل ذ ل لا ی نزع حتى تعود الا مة إلى دینها مجاهدة مخلصة متواضعة.

وإخواننا الا نصار الیوم بحاجة للنصح والتوجیه في ظل ما نعیشه الیوم من أحداث تحتاج منا لوعي وحكمة وبصیرة وسعة أفق.. لذلك وبعد الاستعانة باالله قررنا أن نفتح بابا للخیر بابا یتناصح فیه الا نصار فیما بینهم لعل االله ینفعنا وإیاهم بها باب نریده مفتاح خیر لكل أنصاري یرید الخیر ونصرة الحق الذي یعتقده بالحق الذي یوافق الكتاب والسنة ولا یتنافى مع أخلاقهما.. #إنصح_إخوانك_الا نصار فها هو الباب قد فتح ونا مل من إخواننا أن یتناصحوا فیما بینهم في كل ما ینفع إخوانهم ولا تبخلوا على أنفسكم ولا على إخوانكم فرب نصیحة تلامس قلبا تاي ها فترده ورب نصیحة تلامس عقلا قد أخذته الشبهات فا عادته ورب نصیحة لامست نفسا تعبت فتشدد من أزرها ورب نصیحة تلامس همما قد ضعفت فتعید لها نشاطها وحیویتها استعینوا بربكم واجعلوا من هذا الباب أنیسا لا خوانكم الا نصار یجدون فیه ما یو نسهم ویشدد من أزرهم ویا خذ با یدیهم.. نسا ل االله أن یجعلنا وإیاكم ممن یستمعون القول فیتبعون أحسنه اللهم أعنا على نصح إخواننا وقبول نصاي حهم اللهم انفعنا وإخواننا بهذا العمل وتقبله منا وآخر دعوانا أن الحمد الله رب العالمین ********* Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings be upon His most.honorable prophets and messengers :(On the authority of Tameem ibn Aus ad-daree (ra

said, The deen (religion) is naseehah (ﷺ) The Prophet said, (ﷺ) (advice, sincerity). We said, To whom? He To Allah, His Book, His Messenger, and to the scholars of (the Muslims and their common folk. (Muslim What distinguishes the Muwahideen, followers of the Quran, the Sunnah, and the Salaf of this Uma is their acceptance of.advice and their advising of each other.such is their perseverance and their condition Because they like the good for others, they advise them them They accept counsel and apply it in accordance to what is.(compatible with our religion and our Manhaj (approach Thus, whenever the humble takes charge of the Uma's state of affairs, its greatness shines and one cannot make a difference between the Emir and the poor. Whenever the vain sat on the presidential chair, tragedies reigned and calamities followed in succession. Thus, humiliation takes place and cannot be suppressed unless the Uma returns once again to.its religion through Jihad, humbleness and loyalty Today, our brothers al-ansar are in need of advice and guidance in the midst of what we are presently enduring, events that require our awareness, soundness, wisdom,

And for such reason, with Allah's help, we decided to open the door for goodness, a door that will allow al-ansar to advise one another, a door that would serve as a benevolence key for every Ansari who wants goodness and wish to support the truth, believing it to be true and compatible with the Quran and the Sunnah, a truth that does not conflict with their principles, a door that we will name -- Adivse your brothers al-ansar #إنصح_إخوانك_الا نصار Here, the door has opened and we hope for our brothers to advise each other of what's beneficial to their brothers. We ask that you are not frugal with yourself or your brothers; because how many advice have touched a lost heart and brought it back on track, and how many advice have touched a suspicious mind and brought it back to its lucid state, and how many advice have touched a tired soul and strengthened its determination, and how many advice have touched a zeal.that became weak and brought back its energy and vitality Seek help from your Lord and make this door a friend for your brothers al-ansar, where they can find tranquility,.support, and help We ask Allah to make us and you among those who listen to the speech and follow its best parts May Allah help us advise our brothers and accept their

advice May Allah help us and our brothers benefit from this task and may He accept it from us And our last prayer is that Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all.worlds ادعوا لا خوانكم المجاهدین Pray for your Brothers Mujahedeen إخوانكم في و ر ش ة ش م وخ الا س لام ال تح ر یض ی ة Your Brothers In Shumukh al-islam Instigation Workshop