ان ضاسع انتاو The Present Perfect. متى وستخدو انمضارع انتاو 1 وستخدو انمضارع انتاو نهتحدث ػه شئ بدأ ف انماض و ماسال مستمزا إنى وقتىا انحاضز. مثال: I h

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kh 13/ 6 / 2019 الصف والشعبة 5 الثاني ( أ ) لألسبوع من الخطة االسبوعية 9 / 6 / 2019 إلى English ان ادج انتشت ح اإلعالي ح انهغح انؼشت ح To ask and answ

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ان ضاسع انتاو The Present Perfect. متى وستخدو انمضارع انتاو 1 وستخدو انمضارع انتاو نهتحدث ػه شئ بدأ ف انماض و ماسال مستمزا إنى وقتىا انحاضز. مثال: I lived in this town for 10 years. أسكه ف ذي انمد ىت نمدة ػشز سىواث. )ف ذا انمثال انحدث بدأ قبم ػشز سىواث و ما سال مستمزا إنى ا ن( My father has worked in the same factory since 1984. واندي ؼمم ف وفس انمصىغ مىذ.1984 )وفس انشئ ف ذا انمثال. أب بدأ انؼمم ف ذا انمصىغ سىت 1984 وماسال ؼمم ف حتى ا ن(. 2( ك ف تك ان ضاسع انتاو ( أخز فعم play ك ثال ) تكون انمضارع انتاو بوضغ / has + past participle I You He She has has

It We You They has ك ف تك ان ف ف ان ضاسع انتاو ( وأخذ فؼم play كمثال ) )3 /has تكون انىف ف انمضارع انتاو بوضغ كهمت past participle ب ه و I You He She It We You They Has Has has ك ف طشح انسإال ف ان ضاسع انتاو ) وأخذ فؼم play كمثال ) )4 تكون انسؤال ف انمضارع انتاو بوضغ /has مكان /has مكان انفاػم و انفاػم Have Have Has Has Has Have Have Have I you he She it we you they

مالحظت: مكه أن وستخدو انص غت انكامهت نكهمت /has.'s ) مثال: مكىىا أن وقول: أو انص غت انمختصزة / ('ve I ' ve football. أو I football. He' s lived here for a long أو He has lived here for a long time. time. if conditional قاعذة

دتى تى ف ى قاعذة if conditional جب عهى انذاسس ا ك عهى يعشفت ب ز انق اعذ ا ال :ا انفعم ف ان ضاسع انبس ظ اي simple present عباسة ع انفعم ا انفعم + دشفs verb + s اverb examples: read - writes - rains etc ثا ا :ا االفعال بعذ ان modals (will- would - shall - should - can - could - may - might - must) تبقى ك ا ال تتغ ش اي ال تض ف ن ا s ا ed اing will + verb examples: will read, would play ثانثا : past participle ع ي االفعال ستع م يع passive perfect tenses بعض داالث ان conditionals ان past participle تك ي verb + ed ن كا انفعم ي االفعال انعاد تregular example: past participle of walk = walked past participle of decide = decided ايا ارا كا انفعم ي االفعال انشارة irregular فع ذ ا عه ك دفظ ان past participle نكم فعم example: past participle of eat = eaten past participle of run = run past participle of buy = bought نشؤ ت كم االفعال انشارة past participle سابعا :ا انفعم ان اض ف انهغت اال جه ز ت ك عباسة ع verb + ed ارا كا انفعمregular example: walk = walked play = introduce = introduced ايا ارا كا انفعم irregular فع ذ ا عه ك ا ضا ا تك عهى يعشفت بشكم انفعم ف ان اض أل كم فعم ن شكه انخاص ف ط غت ان اض

example: run = ran catch = caught draw = drew drive = drove خايسا :ا انفعم ف past perfect عباسة ع had + past participle of the verb example: had eaten had watched had done

أت اال نششح داالث انششط ا if conditional انذانت األ نى )First Case( infinitive + Present Simple, will + If تستخذو نذذث يطابق نه اقع, أي أ انشخض زاكش بانفعم, نك شبظ يزاكشت ف انذاضش بان ت جت ف ان ستقبم ستخذو انذانت األ نى. For Example:- If he studies hard, he will succeed انذانت انثا ت Second( )Case infinitive + Past Simple, would + If تستخذو نهتعب ش ع ئفتشاض ف انذاضش, أي أ انشخض ال زاكش ف انذاضش نك ا فتشض أ ئ زاكش ف انذاضش, س ف جخ. :For Example, If he studied hard, he would succeed انذانت انثانثت )Case Third( P.P + Perfect, would Past + If تستخذو نهتعب ش ع ئفتشاض ف ان اض, أي أ انشخض نى زاكش ف ان اض أ سسب. ب ع ى أ ن كا قذ راكش نكا قذ جخ.,:For Example If he had studied hard he would succeeded Examples

If you invite her,she will come If it remained fine, we would go for a swim If I had met him, I would told him the truth.

للسؤال عن اسم مفرد نقول * What is this?. المفرد + is orالمفرد It + is This *What is this? It's a purse. * What are these/ they? اسم جمع+ or These are اسم جمع+ They are للسؤال عن اسم جمع نقول :- What are they? They are sunglasses. المادة الخام + of + is/ are + made الشيء Ex: 1- The book is made of paper. 2- The purse is made of leather. 3- The shelves are made of wood. What is / are+ الشيء made of? Ex:- *What is the bag made of? Plastic. *What are the shoes made of? Leather.

للسؤال عن الشيء المصنوع من المادة الخام نقول :-. المادة الخام+ What is / are+ made of Ex:- *Are the scissors made of metal? Yes, they are. *Is the statue made of glass? No, it isn't. It is made of stone. المادة Leather Leather Cotton Paper Wood Stone Plastic Metal Glass wood الشيء Purse Shoes T-shirt Aeroplane Pencil Statue Helmet Scissors Window shelves

توجد مجموعة من األسماء التي تعامل معاملة الجمع وبالتالي يتبعها فعل جمع ومنها (shoes- socks boots sandals slippers glasses sunglasses scissors shorts trousers pants jeans ) * The shoes are ( ) * The glasses is ( ) -:من للعاقلWho عند السؤال )who( عن الفاعل العاقل نحذف الفاعل ونضع ) who (ثم باقي الجملة ثم عالمة Ex: * What colour is the dress? It is red. *What colour are the shoes? They are black. للتعبير عن االستطاعة وعدم االستطاعة نقول :- )المصدر ) inf. can + يستطيع بالحاضر )المصدر ) inf. can't + اليستطيع بالحاضر ;- )المصدر ) inf. could + كان يستطيع بالماضي )المصدر( inf. couldn't + كان اليستطيع بالماضي

خلي بالك : اي فعل ناقص "do"+. V to وبدون.to يأتي بعده المصدر بدون أي إضافات Ex: 1. I can count to ten in Chinese. 2. We can use the atlas to find information. 3. I can't speak French. 4. He could walk. 5. She couldn't talk. 6. The crow couldn't sing. 7- The fox could see the cheese in the crow's beak.7 المصدر+ could /couldn t الفاعل العمر+ Was/were +الفاعل+ When المصدر + couldn't could but - الفاعل المصدر + could couldn't but - الفاعل المصدر + can't can but - الفاعل المصدر.,+ can't but - can الفاعل Ex: *What could Umm Kulthum do when she was seven? She could sing, read and write. *At two, Taha Hussein could see, but he couldn't read or write. Could المصدر +فاعل+ Yes الفاعل could NO, الفاعل Couldn t

Ex : Could you take photos when you were five? No, I couldn't Ex: Could you ride a bike when you were seven? Yes, I could ride a bike when I was seven. Ex: How often do you go to the cinema? *I always go to the cinema on Monday. *I never go to the cinema on Sunday. *I sometimes go to the cinema on Friday. *Ali is a good student. He always comes to school early. He is never late for it. How often? الفاعل + never أب دا + always الفاعل دائما + sometimes +الفاعل احيانا Ex: 1. There is a book on the table. 2. There are prizes for your good work this year. 3. There was a pen on the table. 4. There were boys playing football. 5. Let's make pancakes for dessert. 6. We should recycle old things. 7. We should go to bed early. 8. We shouldn't waste things. 9- You shouldn't go to bed late..9

لماذا تسال عن السبب? Why. فعل مساعد +الفاعل Because+ المصدر To+ Ex: *Why did the crow dropped the cheese? Because he opened his beak to sing. *Why do you go to school? I go to school to learn./ I go to school because I want to learn. *Why should you do exercise everyday? Because I want to keep fit. / To keep fit. *Why was the crow foolish? Because he couldn't sing and he dropped the cheese. هل تود أن -------------? المصدر to+ Would you like Yes, please. No, thanks. to. Yes, I'd like القبول you. No, thank الرفض Yes, I'd love to. No, I wouldn't. Ex: *Would you like to go Alexandria? Yes, please. No, thanks. *Would you like to play the piano? No, thank you.

When..? It's on the ------------------ When is your birthday? It's on the twelfth of March. When is Mother's Day? It's on the twenty-first of March. / It's on the 21st March. االسماء المعدودة وغير المعدود, Noun Countable and Uncountable االسماء المعدودة: هي االسماء التي يمكن ان تجمع مثل كتاب نقول كتابين ---ثالثة One book, two books, three books.etc. االسماء غير معدودة : هي االسماء التي ال يمكن جمعها فتعامل معاملة المفرد (money, flour, information..) is... furniture ) (music, money, information, االشياء ) butter (sugar, rice, flour, االطعمة...) oil (tea, milk, juice, water, السوائل ) wood (glass, cotton, plastic, بعض المواد الخام Ex : *Cotton is white. *Honey has a good taste. *There was little juice in the bottle.

األسماء التي ال تعد Much Too much ال كم ي ة ( اسم المفرد ) + much How األسماء التي تعد Many Too many ال م عدود many+ How (ا سم ال جمع ( Ex: *How many eggs do you need? I need 3 eggs. *How much milk do you need? I need 2 bottles. a bottle of.. milk water, oil, زجاجة من --------- a bag of sugar, cotton, rice, ك يس من ------------ flour a jar of. olives honey, jam, مرط بان من----------- a packet of. butter tea, biscuits, باكيت من ------------- a tube of. toothpaste فنجان من ------------ a cup of. coffee milk, tea, علبة من ------------ a tin of olives fish, انبوب من ---------- a kilo of sugar rice, butter, كيلو من ------------ half a kilo of cheese flour, نصف كيلو من -------- a bar of. chocolate soap, قطعة )مستطيلة (من ---- a bunch of. flowers grapes, باقة او عنقود من -------- There are two bottles of milk on the table. How many bottles of milk are there on the table? Two. How much milk is there on the table? Two bottles.