PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of USA Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Fr. Patrick Setto Parochi

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1 PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of USA Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Fr. Patrick Setto Parochial Vicar Fr. Emanuel Rayes Retired in residence Linda Arabo Office Administrator Aiser Shammami Pastoral Associate Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Tel: Fax: ONLINE GIVING Mother of God Parish offers online giving a web based electronic contribution application that is safe and secure. you can manage contributions online or continue having your offering envelopes mailed to you. To sign up for online giving please visit our website at Stay in touch with your parish on FACEBOOK Mother of God Chaldean Catholic Church SEPTEMBER 1ST TH & 7TH OF SUMMER Worried about your child going to college? Here is your patron saint St. Monica cried night and day when her son moved away and embraced a sinful lifestyle, but she never gave up on him. Sending a child to college is an emotional, even a difficult, experience. So many worries assault us, and foremost among them is whether our son or daughter will resist the pressure to make sinful choices. As a parent, you no longer have control over your child when they head off to college, and they have a freedom that can lead to many, many mistakes. This can be distressing, but the good news is that you are not alone. St. Monica experienced similar feelings when her son, St. Augustine, went off to school. Her fears came true and he embraced a hedonistic lifestyle. Monica tried to dissuade Augustine from making such mistakes, but he ignored his mother s advice. For [my mother] desired, and I remember privately warned me, with great solicitude, not to commit fornication; but above all things never to defile another man s wife. These appeared to me but womanish counsels, which I should blush to obey [Instead I] rushed on headlong with such blindness, that among my equals I was ashamed to be less shameless, when I heard them pluming themselves upon their disgraceful acts, yea, and glorying all the more in proportion to the greatness of their baseness; and I took pleasure in doing it, not for the pleasure s sake only, but for the praise. (Continued in page 2) السادس من الصيف: الصراحة راحة يحذر النبي اشعيا في هذا النص من العبادة المزيفة. نعم قد يكون المرء بارعا في الغش والخداع. فتراه يخدع اآلخرين ال بل يخدع حتى نفسه. لكنه مهما تفن ن وبرع بالغش والخداع والمراءاة والنفاق حاشا بأن يخدع هللا. ويركز الكاتب هنا على نوع خطير جدا من الخداع يخص العالقة مع هللا أال وهو الخداع في الصالة. وفي هذا السياق نرى أن هللا ذاته ينتقد خداع الشعب في عبادته قائال : هذا الش عب ي ت ق ر ب إ ل ي ب ف م ه وي كر م ني ب ش ف ت يه وق لب ه ب عيد م ن ي وبما أ ن م خاف ت ه لي و ص ي ة ب ش ر ت ع ل مها )اش ٣١(. ٩٢ كما ي وب خ الشعب مجددا في الفصل الالحق على تمرده وكذبه حيث نقرأ ما يلي: أل ن ه ش ع ب م ت م ر د أ و ال د ك ذ ب ة أ و ال د ل م ي ش اء وا أ ن ي س م ع وا ش ر يع ة ٱلر ب )اش ٢(. ١٣ التتمة في صفحة )2 ) 1 Mother of God Church Berg Road, Southfield, MI 48033

2 THE GOOD NEWS (Continued in page 2) Later on St. Monica followed her son s travels and tried every step of the way to convince him to come to the Church. However, time and time again Augustine refused to follow his mother s counsel. She never relented, and eventually introduced St. Ambrose to her son and thus began Augustine s journey into the fold of Jesus Christ. Augustine was led by God to see the error of his ways and he went on to become one of the greatest saints the Church has ever seen. Monica s tears, patience, and prayers paid off and grace permeated the soul of her wayward son. While it was God who brought Augustine back to Christianity, it was his mother s faith that prepared the way. If you are worried about your own son or daughter, pray to St. Monica and look to her for inspiration. She clearly displays the kind of faith every parent should have and shows us how much each parent needs to trust in God. St. Monica, patron of parents whose children abandon the faith, pray for us! By:Philip Kosloski التتمة من الصفحة )1 ) من يمارس العبادة المزيفة يخالف الكلمة التاسعة من الكلمات العشر: ال ت ش ه د ع ل ى ق ر يب ك ش ه اد ة ز و ر )خر ٣١ ٩٣ قارن: تث ٩٣(. ٥ كما يرتكب أحد سبعة أفعال شريرة يبغضها الر ب والمذكورة في سفر األمثال وهو الكذب حيث يذكر مرتين ويربط بينه وبين شهادة الزور: ٦١ هذ ه الس ت ة ي ب غ ض ه ا الر ب و س ب ع ة ه ي م ك ر ه ة ن ف س ه : ٦١ ع ي ون م ت ع ال ي ة ل س ان ك اذ ب أ ي د س اف ك ة د م ا ب ر يئا ٦١ ق ل ب ي ن ش ئ أ ف ك ارا ر د يئ ة أ ر ج ل س ر يع ة ال ج ر ي ان إ ل ى الس وء ٦١ ش اه د ز ور ي ف وه ب األ ك اذ يب و ز ار ع خ ص وم ات ب ي ن إ خ و ة )أم ٣١ ١ ٣١(. وكذلك يضع سفر الرؤية الكذب بين أبشع الخطايا كالقتل والزنى ويؤكد بأن من يقترفها يكون مصيره الهالك: و أ م ا ال خ ائ ف ون و غ ي ر ال م ؤ م ن ين و الر ج س ون و ال ق ات ل ون و الز ن اة و الس ح ر ة و ع ب د ة األ و ث ان و ج م يع ال ك ذ ب ة ف ن ص يب ه م ف ي ال ب ح ي ر ة ال م ت ق د ة ب ن ار و ك ب ر يت ال ذ ي ه و ال م و ت الث ان ي )رؤ (. ١ ٩٣ فكم باألحرى حينما يرتكب اإلنسان هذه الخطيئة في صالته! الناس الذين يعتادون على الخداع يظنون بأنهم يستطيعون أن يكتموا الحقيقة ولهذا يقومون بأعمالهم الشريرة في الظالم. ويقنعون أنفسهم بأن ال أحد في ع مال هم في.و يل ل ل ذين ي كت مون في األ ع مان عن الر ب م شور ت هم يراهم وال أحد يعلم بهم وال حتى هللا خالقهم. إال أنهم سرعان ما ينالون الويل: اش ٣٥(. ٩٢ كما ي ر د الم ز م ر على هؤالء حينما يبين بلغة شعرية رائعة كيف ال يمكن إخفاء شيء ) «وم ن ي عل م بناو م ن ي رانا» :وهم ي قولون الم ظ ق د رت ح ر كاتي وس ك ناتي ٣.ف ا نت م ن ب عيد أل ف كاري.ع ر ف ت ج لوسي وق ي امي ٢.يا ر ب قد س ب ر ت ني ف ع ر فتني ٦ على هللا وال الهروب منه قائال : ع لم ع جيب ف ون ١.وج ع لت عل ي ي د م ن و راء وم ن ق د اظ لو قت ني ٥ أنت يا ر ب ع ر فت ه كل ه ق بل أ ن ي كون الك ظ على ل ساني ٤.وأ ل فت ج ميع لرقي وإ ن ا ج عت في م ث وي األ موات في نت إ ن ص ع دت إ لى الس ماء في نت ه نا ١ وأين أ هر ب م ن و جه ك و أين أذه ب م ن روح ك ١.أ رفع م ن أ ن أ در ك ه لاق تي ولي ك ن الل ي ل ل ت غ ا ني الملم ة» :وإ ن ق لت ٦٦.وي مين ك ت مس ك ني فه نا أ يض ا ي د ت ه ديني ٦٠ وس ك نت أ قاص ي الب ح ر إ ن ا ت خ ذت أ جن ح ة الف ج ر ١.حا ر )مز ٣ ٣١٢ ٣١(. فلتكن ون س ج ني في ب ا ن أ م ي أ نت ال ذي كون ك لي ت ي ٦٣.والل يل ي ضيء كالن هار ح ت ى الم لم ة ل يس ت لم ة ع ند ٦٢ «ن ار ا ح ولي ن ف سي أ ن ت ت عر ف ها ح ف.ع جيبة أ ع مال ك.أ حم د أل ن ك أ عج زت في ده شت إذن صالتنا صادقة كصالة الم زم ر هذه ولنشكر هللا كما يشكره هو قائال : )مز (. ٣١ ٣١٢ ولنكن صريحين مع األخرين ومع ذواتنا ومع هللا خالقنا ألن الصراحة راحة أما الكذب فحبله قصير وعقابه عسير. الم عر ف ة األب ريبوار عوديش باسه 2

3 PARISH SCHEDULE AND WEEKLY INFORMATION BAPTISM: We celebrate Baptism at 2:00 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month. Please call the parish office at least two weeks in advance to see if a date is available. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the parish office to make arrangements for Anointing or to receive the Eucharist. MARRIAGE: Please schedule at least six months before you plan to be married and before you make arrangements for the reception, please call the parish office to make an appointment with the priest to begin the necessary preparations. LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil Mass 4:00 PM English Sunday Masses 8:30 AM عربي/ Arabic 10:00AM English 11:30 AM Morning Prayer 12:00 PM سورث/ Chaldean 7:00 PM English Weekday Masses 8:00 AM English at ECRC 9:30 AM Morning Prayer 10:00 AM سورث/ Chaldean NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CLASSES First and third Wednesday of every even month from 7:30-9:30 pm. MARRIAGE CLASSES First four Thursdays of every even month from 7:00-10:00 pm For more information please visit: Wednesday 11:00 AM-6:00 PM Adoration 6:00 PM English Mass Confession 5-6 pm Wednesday 6-7 pm Sunday (or by appointment) YOU CAN LISTEN TO OUR CHALDEAN PARISHES SUNDAY HOMILIES BY DOWNLOADING PODCASTS APP ON YOUR PHONES AND SUBSCRIBING TO ST. THOMAS CHALDEAN DIOCESE FINANCIAL STATUS Sunday Goal: $8,000 Sunday Collection (Aug 28): $6,226 Over/(Under): $(1,774) Monthly Online Donation Goal: $4,000 Monthly Online Collection (July): $800 Over/(Under): $(3,200) *Sign up for online donation at 3



6 SAINT OF THE WEEK Blessed John Francis Burté and Companions Blessed John Francis Burté and Companions Story These priests were victims of the French Revolution. Though their martyrdom spans a period of several years, they stand together in the Church s memory because they all gave their lives for the same principle. In 1791, the Civil Constitution of the Clergy required all priests to take an oath which amounted to a denial of the faith. Each of these men refused and was executed. John Francis Burté became a Franciscan at 16 and after ordination taught theology to the young friars. Later he was guardian of the large Conventual friary in Paris until he was arrested and held in the convent of the Carmelites. Appolinaris of Posat was born in 1739 in Switzerland. He joined the Capuchins and acquired a reputation as an excellent preacher, confessor, and instructor of clerics. Preparing for his assignment to the East as a missionary, he was in Paris studying Oriental languages when the French Revolution began. Refusing the oath, he was swiftly arrested and detained in the Carmelite convent. Severin Girault, a member of the Third Order Regular, was a chaplain for a group of sisters in Paris. Imprisoned with the others, he was the first to die in the slaughter at the convent. These three plus 182 others including several bishops and many religious and diocesan priests were massacred at the Carmelite house in Paris on September 2, They were beatified in Born in 1737, John Baptist Triquerie became a Conventual Franciscan. He was the chaplain and confessor of Poor Clare monasteries in three cities before he was arrested for refusing to take the oath. He and 13 diocesan priests were martyred in Laval on January 21, He was beatified in Reflection Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was the motto of the French Revolution. If individuals have inalienable rights, as the Declaration of Independence states, these must come not from the agreement of society which can be very fragile but directly from God. Do we believe that? Do we act on it? 6

7 THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH PART TWO: THE CELEBRATION OF THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY SECTION TWO THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH CHAPTER ONE THE SACRAMENTS OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION Article 3 THE SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST 1335 The miracles of the multiplication of the loaves, when the Lord says the blessing, breaks and distributes the loaves through his disciples to feed the multitude, prefigure the superabundance of this unique bread of his Eucharist. 156 The sign of water turned into wine at Cana already announces the Hour of Jesus' glorification. It makes manifest the fulfillment of the wedding feast in the Father's kingdom, where the faithful will drink the new wine that has become the Blood of Christ The first announcement of the Eucharist divided the disciples, just as the announcement of the Passion scandalized them: "This is a hard saying; who can listen to it?" 158 The Eucharist and the Cross are stumbling blocks. It is the same mystery and it never ceases to be an occasion of division. "Will you also go away?": 159 The Lord's question echoes through the ages, as a loving invitation to discover that only he has "the words of eternal life" 160 and that to receive in faith the gift of his Eucharist is to receive the Lord himself. The institution of the Eucharist 1337 The Lord, having loved those who were his own, loved them to the end. Knowing that the hour had come to leave this world and return to the Father, in the course of a meal he washed their feet and gave them the commandment of love. 161 In order to leave them a pledge of this love, in order never to depart from his own and to make them sharers in his Passover, he instituted the Eucharist as the memorial of his death and Resurrection, and commanded his apostles to celebrate it until his return; "thereby he constituted them priests of the New Testament." The three synoptic Gospels and St. Paul have handed on to us the account of the institution of the Eucharist; St. John, for his part, reports the words of Jesus in the synagogue of Capernaum that prepare for the institution of the Eucharist: Christ calls himself the bread of life, come down from heaven Jesus chose the time of Passover to fulfill what he had announced at Capernaum: giving his disciples his Body and his Blood: Then came the day of Unleavened Bread, on which the passover lamb had to be sacrificed. So Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the passover meal for us, that we may eat it..." They went... and prepared the passover. and when the hour came, he sat at table, and the apostles with him. and he said to them, "I have earnestly desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer; for I tell you I shall not eat it again until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God."... and he took bread, and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." and likewise the cup after supper, saying, "This cup which is poured out for you is the New Covenant in my blood." By celebrating the Last Supper with his apostles in the course of the Passover meal, Jesus gave the Jewish Passover its definitive meaning. Jesus' passing over to his father by his death and Resurrection, the new Passover, is anticipated in the Supper and celebrated in the Eucharist, which fulfills the Jewish Passover and anticipates the final Passover of the Church in the glory of the kingdom. "Do this in memory of me" 1341 The command of Jesus to repeat his actions and words "until he comes" does not only ask us to remember Jesus and what he did. It is directed at the liturgical celebration, by the apostles and their successors, of the memorial of Christ, of his life, of his death, of his Resurrection, and of his intercession in the presence of the Father

8 ANNOUNCEMENTS A message from Bishop Francis: We wish to update all the faithful regarding the ongoing investigation of Fr. Wisam Matti. The government inquiry has reached a point where his presence no longer hinders any part of the investigation. We, therefore, decree that Fr. Wisam is allowed to return to Mother of God and St. Thomas to assist in any liturgical services until further notice. Please keep him and the diocese in your prayers. Thank you. Catechism and First Communion programs will start on Saturday, September 21. To register please visit the parish s website at and then click on the Catechism Tab. special blessing for all students and teachers will be given at all masses on Sunday, September 8. The feast of the Holy Cross will be on Saturday, September 14. Ramsha prayers will start at 3:30 PM followed by mass in English at 4:00. Also, Bishop Francis Kalabat will celebrate mass at 7:00 PM in Arabic and Chaldean. Both masses will be followed by a blessing and veneration of a piece of the True Cross. Protecting God s Children Workshops for September will be Monday, September 9 th at St. Joseph Church, and Saturday, September 21 st at St. George Church. Both workshops will be from 6:30 pm 9:30 pm. You MUST attend this workshop once every 7 years in order to serve in any capacity within the church. ECRC's annual Awake My Soul conference will take place Saturday, September 7, at Holy Martyrs Parish in Sterling Heights. Full English and Arabic programs, as well as a kid's program, begin at 5:30 pm. The night will end with music and adoration by Ignite the Spirit in English as well as Fr. Niaz Toma from Toronto in Arabic. Tickets are $5 and are available in the church lobby or online at Honor the LORD with your wealth, with first fruits of all your produce Proverbs 3:9 Easy * Fast * Secure 8



PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of USA Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Fr. Patrick Setto Parochi

PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of USA Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Fr. Patrick Setto Parochi PARISH DIRECTORY Bishop Francis Kalabat Bishop of the Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle of USA Fr. Sanharib Youkhanna Rector Fr. Patrick Setto Parochial Vicar Fr. Emanuel Rayes Retired in residence Linda

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Week: Oct14-Oct18, 2018 English GRADE 2D Weekly Lesson Plan and Homework Sheet TOPIC AND MATERIALS AS CLASSWORK SUNDAY 14/Oct/2018 Concept: How can we Week: Oct14-Oct18, 2018 GRADE 2D Weekly Lesson Plan and Homework Sheet TOPIC AND MATERIALS AS CLASSWORK SUNDAY 14/Oct/2018 Concept: How can we help each other in dangerous situations? HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS

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Smoking Cessation Program

Smoking Cessation Program Smoking Cessation Program Copyright 2018 American University of Beirut. All rights reserved. Need help to quit smoking? We are here for you. The Smoking Cessation Program at the Health and Wellness Center

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Oligopoly OLIGOPOLY JUC مالحظة : الملخص جهد شخصي الجامعة غير مسؤلة عنه, المدونة : احتكار القله OLIGOPOLY بين االحتكار والمنافسة الكاملة BETWEEN MONOPOLY AND PERFECT COMPETITION

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عربي Sign-Code Website Guide فيما يلي دلي ا ل لطلب اسم مستخدم جديد لConnect Sell من خ لل موقع.Sign-Code يسمح لك الموقع بالدخول اإلداري على اسم المستخد

عربي Sign-Code Website Guide فيما يلي دلي ا ل لطلب اسم مستخدم جديد لConnect Sell من خ لل موقع.Sign-Code يسمح لك الموقع بالدخول اإلداري على اسم المستخد عربي فيما يلي دلي ا ل لطلب اسم مستخدم جديد لConnect Sell من خ لل موقع.Sign-Code يسمح لك الموقع بالدخول اإلداري على اسم المستخدم الخاص بك لID Office من خ لل طلب مستخدمين جدد وتحديثها وحتى حذفها:.1 ستتلقى

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MEI ARABIC 201 SYLLABUS Instructor Name: Phone: MEI Phone: (202) MEI Middle East Institute Arabic 201 Interm

MEI ARABIC 201 SYLLABUS Instructor Name:   Phone: MEI Phone: (202) MEI   Middle East Institute Arabic 201 Interm Instructr Name: E-mail: Phne: MEI Phne: (202) 785-2710 MEI Email: Middle East Institute Arabic 201 Intermediate I Syllabus Curse Descriptin and gals This curse aims t bring students t

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جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد ( 45 عدد يوليو سبتمرب 2017( )دورية علمية حملمة( حماوالت التحالف الصفوي األورب

جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد ( 45 عدد يوليو سبتمرب 2017(   )دورية علمية حملمة( حماوالت التحالف الصفوي األورب جامعة عني مشس حوليات آداب عني مشس اجمللد 45 عدد يوليو سبتمرب 2017 )دورية علمية حملمة ضد الدولة العثمانية 8051 8055 سم رة عبد الرزاق عبد هللا * كلية اآلداب املستخلص مجيع

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Do you like these sounds?

Do you like  these sounds? Good Vibrations االهتزازات الج دة االصوات LESSON 1 WHAT IS SOUND? ما هو الصوث إذا كنت سع دا وأنت تعرف ذلك صفق ب د ك 1-1 إذا إذا كنت سع دا وأنت تعرف ذلك صفق ب د ك كنت سع دا وأنت تعرف ذلك صفق ب د ك إذا كنت

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افتتاحية العدد

افتتاحية العدد اخلصائص الفنية لكتاب الرسائل يف القرن العشرين 412 حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد 34 )يوليو سبتمرب )5102 Technical Characteristics of Letter Writers in the Twentieth Century Mohame d Gouda Abstract This research

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Everything you need to know about Preventive Filling For more information or an Appointment Please call Ext. New Mowa

Everything you need to know about Preventive Filling For more information or an Appointment Please call Ext. New Mowa Everything you need to know about Preventive Filling For more information or an Appointment Please call 1826666 Ext. 2535 @NewMowasatHospital @NMOWASAT (965) 1 82 6666 What is preventive

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Application-1st page

Application-1st page 3 photos نموذج رقم ( A1) طلب قبول لدرجة البكالوريوس Application for Undergraduate Admission للعام الدراسي : 20 Academic Year 20 / الرقم الجامعي: Student ID: Application Number: Application Date: Student's

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KG1 Weekly Newsletter Sunday 14 October 2018 Week- 05 Week at a glance: We learned about our five senses that allow us to enjoy the world around us; t

KG1 Weekly Newsletter Sunday 14 October 2018 Week- 05 Week at a glance: We learned about our five senses that allow us to enjoy the world around us; t KG1 Weekly Newsletter Sunday 14 October 2018 Week- 05 Week at a glance: We learned about our five senses that allow us to enjoy the world around us; the taste of our food, the sound of music, the beauty

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Slide 1

Slide 1 Correlation and Regression اإلرتباط واإلنحدار Correlation اإلرتباط - Describes the relationship between two (X & Y) variables يوضح العالقة بين متغيرين )Y, X( - One variable is called independent (X) and

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The Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Of North America The Diocese of Eagle River and the Northwest Antiochian Orthodox Church of t

The Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Of North America The Diocese of Eagle River and the Northwest Antiochian Orthodox Church of t The Self-Ruled Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese Of North America The Diocese of Eagle River and the Northwest Antiochian Orthodox Church of the Annunciation كنيسة البشارة األرثوذكسية األنطاكية

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Everything you need to know about Plain adhesive fillings For more information or an Appointment Please call Ext. New

Everything you need to know about Plain adhesive fillings For more information or an Appointment Please call Ext. New Everything you need to know about Plain adhesive fillings For more information or an Appointment Please call 1826666 Ext. 2535 @NewMowasatHospital New Mowasat Hospital @NMOWASAT (965) 1 82 6666 New Mowasat

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جامعة جدارا Jadara University كلية: الدراسات التربوية

جامعة جدارا   Jadara University كلية: الدراسات التربوية Jadara University جامعة جدا ار College: Educational Studies كمية: الد ارسات التربوية اثر حجم العينة وأسموب اختيارها في الخصائص السيكومترية لممقاييس النفسية The Effect Of Sample Size And It's Selection

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Microsoft Word - A2 Lesson 31

Microsoft Word - A2 Lesson 31 الدرس الحادي والثلاثون أحرف جر المكان والزمن والحركة هناك ثلاثة أحرف جر للمكان : Muna and Hani live at 55, Cairo Street. at و on و in للعناوين أو المواقع المحددة. atنستخدم تسكن منى وهاني في شارع القاهرة

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AlZuhour Private School مدرسة الزهور الخاصة Term 1 Plan Subject Arabic Grade 2 Term 1 Contents ( كتاب الطالب ) الوحدة األولى :) صح تك بين يد

AlZuhour Private School مدرسة الزهور الخاصة Term 1 Plan Subject Arabic Grade 2 Term 1 Contents ( كتاب الطالب ) الوحدة األولى :) صح تك بين يد Term 1 Plan 2018-2019 Subject Arabic Grade 2 Term 1 Contents ( كتاب الطالب ) الوحدة األولى :) صح تك بين يديك( -- قصة مسعودة السلحفاة النص املعلوماتي : السلحفاة )الربط: بالعلوم( - النحو والكتابة : -االسم

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Qanoon player Furat Qaddouri and his group present Baghdady Maqams Baghdadi Maqam s project; introducing a new perspective of Iraqi maqam. The Iraqi M

Qanoon player Furat Qaddouri and his group present Baghdady Maqams Baghdadi Maqam s project; introducing a new perspective of Iraqi maqam. The Iraqi M Qanoon player Furat Qaddouri and his group present Baghdady Maqams Baghdadi Maqam s project; introducing a new perspective of Iraqi maqam. The Iraqi Maqam is considered to be one of the most important

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المعرض الزراعي السعودي تجهيز و تنظيم المعارض و المؤتمرات برنامج المعارض EVENTS CALENDAR معرض الكهرباء و التكييف السعودي المعرض السعودي للبالستيك و الم

المعرض الزراعي السعودي تجهيز و تنظيم المعارض و المؤتمرات برنامج المعارض EVENTS CALENDAR معرض الكهرباء و التكييف السعودي المعرض السعودي للبالستيك و الم المعرض الزراعي السعودي تجهيز و تنظيم المعارض و المؤتمرات برنامج المعارض EVENTS CALENDAR معرض الكهرباء و التكييف السعودي المعرض السعودي للبالستيك و المعرض السعودي للطباعة معرض الرياض للسيارات ومستلزماتها

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RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Information Directorate غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إدارة الدراسات والمعلومات 1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم

RAK Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Information Directorate غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إدارة الدراسات والمعلومات 1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم 1122/21/21 مليار درهم حجم تجارة دولة اإلمارات مع الدول العربية حققت التجارة اإلجمالية للدولة مع بقية الدول العربية زيادة سنوية مقدارها %2 تقريبا حيث شكلت الواردات الجزء األكبر من هذه التجارة وتبقى الزيادة

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هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد ال

هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد ال هل تعبير امنوا بعبده موسى تجعل كل االعداد التي تقول امنوا بالمسيح انه 31 نبي مثل موسى خر 14: Holy_bible_1 الشبهة عندما نستشهد كمسيحيين ببعض االعداد التي توضح ان كثيرين امنوا بالمسيح وهذا اعالن واضح لالهوته

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Determinants قسم الهندسة الزراعية د/ خالد ف ارن طاهر الباجورى استاذ الهندسة الز ارعية المساعد Mobil: 01222430907 المقدمة ماهي المصفوفة جمع الضرب الكمي للمصفوفات ضرب منقول المصفوفة محدد المصفوفة

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Subject KG 1 Weekly Plan - 25 24th 26th Feb 2019 Important Dates this week: Wednesday/ Thursday, 27 th/ 28 th Feb: Holiday There will be no school for the students on the above mentioned dates due to staff professional

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افتتاحية العدد

افتتاحية العدد أطر املعاجلة االعالمية لسياسات الرئيس االمريكى باراك اوباما دراسة مقارنة بني قناتني اجلزيرة واحلرة 7 framing analysis حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد )ابريل يونيو ( فاطمة الزهراء Framing analysis for policies

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070.Al-Ma'arij.v1.0 Quran Pages These Quran Pages were produced as a teaching aid for a Quran Hifz class. New Surahs are continually being produced and corrections made to existing Surahs. For the latest version of these

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قاي مة أسعار المجم ع الرياضي Sports Complex Price List

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اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األسال

اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األسال اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األساليب: كل االساليب االمالء: من الدروس المذاكرة من الكتاب

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Certified Facility Management Professional WHO SHOULD ATTEND? As a Certified Facility Management Professional course, Muhtarif is the ideal next step

Certified Facility Management Professional WHO SHOULD ATTEND? As a Certified Facility Management Professional course, Muhtarif is the ideal next step Certified Facility Management Professional WHO SHOULD ATTEND? As a Certified Facility Management Professional course, Muhtarif is the ideal next step for all those who have completed the Ta aseesy Foundation

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R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 0802 /80/80 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد

R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 0802 /80/80 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد 0802 /80/80 أداء شركات رأس الخيمة المساهمة بسوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية لعام 5102 بلغ عدد شركات رأس الخيمة المدرجة في سوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية 01 شركة مساهمة من أصل 77 شركة مساهمة في السوق لعام 0802 حيث

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Microsoft Word - eswae2018-arabic.docx

Microsoft Word - eswae2018-arabic.docx CALL FOR PROPOSALS ل ت ق د ی م د ع و ة ا ل م ق ت ر ح ا ت 6h Global Congress on Renewable Energy and Environment (REE 2018) ا ل م و ت م ر ا ل ع ا ل م ي ا ل س ا د س ح و ل ا ل ط ا ق ة ا ل م ت ج د د ة و ا

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مسابقة هواواي لطالب الجامعات والكليات في مجال الهندسة وتقنية المعلومات لعام 2017 Huawei ICT Skill competition Middle East 2017

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كل ما تحتاج معرفتة عن الليزك واإلبيليزك قبل وبعد العملية لإلستفسار وحجز املواعيد يرجى اإلتصال داخلي New Mowasat Hosp

كل ما تحتاج معرفتة عن الليزك واإلبيليزك قبل وبعد العملية لإلستفسار وحجز املواعيد يرجى اإلتصال داخلي New Mowasat Hosp كل ما تحتاج معرفتة عن الليزك واإلبيليزك قبل وبعد العملية لإلستفسار وحجز املواعيد يرجى اإلتصال 182 6666 داخلي 2618 @NewMowasatHospital New Mowasat Hospital @NMOWASAT (965) 1 82 6666 New Mowasat Hospital

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افتتاحية العدد

افتتاحية العدد العمليات العسكرية لدول احللفاء واحملور فوق األرض الليبية 539 5 حوليات آداب عني مشس - اجمللد 4 )إبريل يونيه 24( أدريس عبدالصادق رحيل حممود Military Operations OF Allied and Axis Countries on the Libyan

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Week: Oct14-Oct18, 2018 English GRADE 2C Weekly Lesson Plan and Homework Sheet TOPIC AND MATERIALS AS CLASSWORK SUNDAY 14/Oct/2018 Concept: How can we

Week: Oct14-Oct18, 2018 English GRADE 2C Weekly Lesson Plan and Homework Sheet TOPIC AND MATERIALS AS CLASSWORK SUNDAY 14/Oct/2018 Concept: How can we Week: Oct14-Oct18, 2018 GRADE 2C Weekly Lesson Plan and Homework Sheet TOPIC AND MATERIALS AS CLASSWORK SUNDAY 14/Oct/2018 Concept: How can we help each other in dangerous situations? HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS

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دور ا ا ا ا ى ا ب ا رس ا ر م د إ ا أ أ در ن ا - ا دان ا ذ ا ا ر أ ا

دور ا ا ا ا ى ا ب ا رس ا ر م د إ ا أ أ در ن ا - ا دان ا ذ ا ا ر أ ا دور ا ا ا ا ى ا ب ا رس ا ر م د إ ا أ أ در ن ا - ا دان ا ذ ا ا ر أ ا (١٧٠)... دور ا ا ا ا ى ا ب دور ا ا ا ا ى ا ب...( ١٧١ ) دور ا ا ا ا ى ا ب ا رس ا ر م د إ ا أ ا ذ ا ا ر أ ا أ در ن ا - ا دان ا ا ول ا اءات

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Al Sahwa Group Coupon 11X7.indd 1 10/13/13 10:56 A

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R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 5510 /50/11 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد

R.A.K Chamber of Commerce & Industry Studies & Commercial Cooperation Directorate Economic Studies Section 5510 /50/11 غرفة تجارة وصناعة رأس الخيمة إد 5510 /50/11 أداء شركات رأس الخيمة المساهمة بسوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية لعام 4102 بلغ عدد شركات رأس الخيمة المدرجة في سوق أبوظبي لألوراق المالية 11 شركة مساهمة من أصل 87 شركة مساهمة في السوق لعام 5512 حيث

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شانتييه 2019 منظمة الجواد العربي The Arabian Horses Organization Chantilly August شانتييه 2019 AHO WORLD CUP & AHO BREEDERS CHAMPIONSHIP EURO

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Microsoft Word - unit5

Microsoft Word - unit5 Unit 5a: FUNDAMENTALS APPLIED After completing all of Unit 5 (this is just 5a), students should have the ability to understand the basic language of the last 14 surahs without translation and use that

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