ا خ ا ؼشث خ ا غؼ د خ جب ؼخ ا ي عؼ د ػ بدح ا ذساعبد ا ؼ ب هغ ا ذساعبد االجز بػ خ دراسة صف و لذ ر األخصائ ة االجتماػ ة مغ المراىقات ر ات الظر ف الخاصة دراسة مطبقة ػلى دار الحضانة االجتماػ ة بمذ نة الر اض دساعخ وذ خ إعز بال زط جبد ا حص ػ ى دسجخ ا بجغز ش ك ا خذ خ االجز بػ خ إػذاد الطالبو شر فو ػائط ػل القحطان 429203966 الرقم الجامؼ : إشراف الذكت ره ىناء أحمذ أم ن أستار الخذمة االجتماػ ة المشارك 1433 ى 1432/
ملخص الذراسة: ا ذف ا شئ غ ز ا ذساعخ ا زؼشف ػ ى د س األخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ غ ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ثذاس ا حعب خ االجز بػ خ, ا صؼ ثبد ا ز ر اج ب. مفاى م الذراسة: 1- ل ا ذ س 2- ل ا شا وخ 3- ل األ زب ا وطبء )ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ(. اللا ا:اإلجراءات المنيج ة: ن ع الذراسة: 1- رؼذ ا ذساعخ ا ذساعبد ا صل خ 2- منيج الذراسة: ج ا غح االجز بػ. 3- ػ نة الذراسة: ج غ ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ا ؼب الد ثذاس ا حعب خ االجز بػ خ, ػ خ ػ ذ خ خجشاء ك جب سػب خ األ زب ر ي ا ظش ف ا خبصخ. 4- مجاالت الذراسة 1 -المجال المكان : داس ا حعب خ االجز بػ خ ج بد ثلشػ ب ا ذسػ خ ك ا شث ح ث ذ خ ا ش بض ا زبثؼخ صاسح ا شؤ االجز بػ خ ك ا خ ا ؼشث خ ا غؼ د خ. 2- المجال الزمن : اعزشم ج غ ا ج ب بد ز ا ذساعخ خال ا لزشح 1432/3/1 1432/1/1 إ ى
3- المجال البشري: 1- ج غ األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ا ؼب الد ثذاس ا حعب خ االجز بػ خ ج بد ثب ش بض, ا جب ؾ ػذد ( 6( أخصبئ بد 13( أخصبئ خ اجز بػ خ, ث اهغ ( اجز بػ بد ثب ذسػ خ, )7( أخصبئ بد اجز بػ بد ثل ا شث ح. 2- ج غ ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ع 18-12 ع خ, ا جب ؾ ػذد )46( شا وخ ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ, ث اهغ ( 17( شا وخ ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ثب ذسػ خ, )29( شا وخ ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ثل ا شث ح. 3- ا خجشاء ك جب سػب خ األ زب ر ي ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ع اء أ بد أ غؤ صاسح ا شؤ االجز بػ خ زت اإلششاف االجز بػ, أ ػب ك جب سػب خ األ زب ر ي ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ع اء ب ا ثذاس ا حعب خ االجز بػ خ ثلشػ ب ك ا شث ح ا ذسػ خ ا جب ؾ ػذد ) 18 ( خج شا. 5- أد ات الذراسة 1- اعزج ب ج شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ثذاس ا حعب خ االجز بػ خ. 2- إعزج ب ج خجشاء ك جب األ زب ر ي ا ظش ف ا خبصخ. نتائج الذراسة: 1- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ أ األد اسا لؼ خ ا جبششح ؿ شا جبششح ا ز رؤد ب ا بسعخ ا خ خذ خ االجز بػ خ غ ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ج خ ظش األخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ دػ صوخ ا لزبح ثب ح ط ث ب, رأ ب الػز بد ػ ى لغ ب رؼ ذ ب اال ز ب ث ظ ش ب, زبثؼخ أح ا ا شا وبد ك ا ذاسط زبثخ روش ش ثب ض بسح ذاسط ا شا وبد حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ
حغبث 3,92, إجشاء ا ذساعبد االجز بػ خ ػ ر ي ا ظش ف ا خبصخ حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت ا ضب ػشش ث ز عػ حغبث.2,08 ث ب رز ض األد اس ؿ ش ا جبششح ك دساعخ االحز بجبد ا لؼ خ اال ز ب ثب جشا ج ا هبئ خ, ا زش ض ػ ى ا جشا ج ا زش ح خ ش هذ ا لشاؽ, رذػ ا ؼالهبد ث ا ؤعغبد ا ز ر ز ثب شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ض بدح لبءح ا خذ خ رذػ االرصب ث ا ؤعغخ ؤعغبد ا جز غ ا خبسج حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ حغبث 2,92, ا و ب ثب ذساعبد األثحبس ا الص خ ا ز رخذ ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ا ج بد ا ز رشػب حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت ا شاثغ ث ز عػ 2,54. حغبث 2- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ أ األد اس ا لؼ خ ا جبششح ا ز رؤد ب ا بسعخ ا خ خذ خ االجز بػ خ غ ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ج خ ظش ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ إربحخ ا لشصخ العزوجب ص الر ك ا ذاس ب أ حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ حغبث 2.59, ر ئزي ب صبحت شح خ ا ج ؽ ر شاد جغذ خ حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت ا ضب ػشش ث ز عػ حغبث.1.24 3- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ أ أ ا غؤ بد ا ز رو ث ب األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد إػذاد ا زوبس ش ا غجالد ا ذ س خ ا ززجؼ خ, ا زذخ غ ا شا وبد ذساعخ ش الر االجز بػ خ حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ حغبث ػجبسح ر ظ ا حلالد ا جشا ج ا شحالد, إجشاء األثحبس االجز بػ خ ػ ثؼط ا ش الد ا زششح ث ا شا وبد ػ ى ا زشر ت ا خب ظ ث ز عػ حغبث,2,92.2,38 4- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ أ أ أد اس األخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ج خ ظش ا خجشاء رؼش ق ا لزبح ث اهؼ ب االجز بػ, رأ ب زصجح ص جخ ثزذس ج ب ػ ى ا ح اس ا زل ش اإل جبث, رذس ت ا لزبح ػ ى اعزض بس أ هبد ا لشاؽ ك ب ؼ د ػ ب ثب لغ ا لبئذح رذػ ػالهز ب ثأعشر ب ك ا ذاس, ر ئز ب شح خ ا ج ؽ ب طشأ ػ ى ا شا وخ ر شاد لغ خ جغذ خ حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ حغبث 2.94, ث ب
حص ذ ػجبسح رشج غ ا شا وخ ػ ى ا وشاءح االغالع ػ ى ا زشر ت ا ضب ث ز عػ حغبث 2,44, زا خز ق ػ األد اس ا لؼ خ ا ز رو ث ب األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ب ظح ك ا جذ سه ( 34( ) 38(, خز ق أ عب ػ األد اس ا لؼ خ ا ز رو ث ب األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ج خ ظش ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ ب ظح ك ا جذ سه ( 52(. 5- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ ا حب خ أ جذ ثؼط أ ج االرلبم االخزالف ث ا ذ س ا ص ف هج صاسح ا شؤ االجز بػ خ ث ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ب ر : 1- إجشاء ا جح س االجز بػ خ طب ج اال زحبم ثب ذ س إثذاء ا شأي ثشأ ب ث ب زلن غ ا صب ح ا ؼب, حلظ لبد خبصخ غل أ غل خ ظحب شاح رط س ب الحظبد األخصبئ االجز بػ ػ ب, رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك دساعخ ا حبالد, ظغ ا خطػ ا ؼالج خ ر ل ز ب. 2- ر ظ أ ج ا شبغ االجز بػ ا خز لخ ض ظب األعش ا بدي االجز بػ ا لشم ا ش بظ خ االجز بػ خ ا خز لخ, رطج ن ظب ا ح ا زار عبئ ز خ هذسار ا زشبف ا ج رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك ػ ثح س اجز بػ خ ألعش ا صذ وخ. 3- ر ظ ا شحالد ا ؼغ شاد ع خ زؼش ل ث غ دساعخ ؼب ا جشاك خ ا زبس خ خ ا ؼ شا خ رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك رشج ؼ ب زبثؼخ ب ذ س ك ا جز غ ا ح. 4- ر ظ ا حبظشاد ا ذ اد ا ضوبك خ ا ذ خ حغت ب رغ ح ث ا جشا ج ا خ ثب ذاس رزلن غ ا ذ س ا ز هغ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك ر ش ا شأي ا ؼب ثأ خ اال ز ب ثب شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ.
5- ر ج األ زب إ ى صشف ب صشف صش كبد ج ج خ ك ب ؼ د ػ ثب لغ رشج ؼ ػ ى االدخبس إسشبد ب ك جب االدخبس. رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك 6- أ شزشى األخصبئ االجز بػ غ ا ذسة ا ال زشبف اعزؼذادار ا خ رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك ا زؼشف ػ ى هذساد ا لزبح ب. 7- دساعخ ا حبالد زبثؼز ب ث ب زالء غ اعزؼذاد ب, ر ي ثزح ب إ ى برت ا ؼ زش ب أ إ حبه ب ثب ؼب ذ ا خ ثح ش الرزشى حب خ ا حبالد إال هذ ظ ذ ا صاسح ر ل ب غ ا جز غ ا خبسج رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك ر ص ن س اثط ب ث ح ب ك ا جز غ ا خبسج, ر ج ا لزبح الخز بس ا جب ا زؼ ا بعت كوب وذسار ب. 8- غبػذح ا زحو ثب جشا ج االجز بػ خ ػ ى ا ز ق غ ظب ا ح بح ث ب ح ب زؼشظ ش الد, إػذاد اإلػذاد ا صح ح ز ق غ ا ح بح ا طج ؼ خ ثؼذ رخشج ا ذ س رزلن غ ا ذ س ا اهؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ك رؼ ذ ا لزبح ػ ى ا غ ى اإل جبث ا ظ ػ ك ؼب جخ ا شب ا ز ر اج ب, رأ ب ح بح ا غزوج خ أ ب زط ت ر ي بساد ك ا زؼب غ األث بء, رذس ت ا لزبح ػ ى اج خ ا ش الد, رأ ب ح بح ا غزوج خ ض جخ ب زط ت ر ي بساد ك ا زؼب غ ا خش, رأ ب الػز بد ػ ى لغ ب. 9- ث ب خز ق ا ذ س ا لؼ ألخصبئ خ االجز بػ خ ػ ا ذ س ا ص ف هج صاسح ا شؤ االجز بػ خ ك بكخ ا ؼجبساد بػذا ا ؼجبساد ( -22( )14( )10-6 34( ز ي ا ؼجبساد 41(. ب ظح ك ا جذ سه (,35,30,29( )24 ا ض ب خ ب ظح ك ا جذ سه )38(.
6- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ أ أ ا غؤ بد ا ز رو ث ب األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ج خ ظش ا شا وبد ر اد ا ظش ف ا خبصخ إهب خ ثشا ج أ شطخ ز ػخ, ح ش حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ حغبث 2.36, ث ب حص ذ ػجبسح إ ذادى ث ؼ بد ح خذ بد ا ذاس ػ ى ا زشر ت ا غبثغ ث ز عػ حغبث 1.91. 7- أ ظحذ زبئج ا ذساعخ أ ضشح ا ؼ أ ضش ا صؼ ثبد ا ز ر اج األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ح ش حص ذ ػ ى ا زشر ت األ ث ز عػ حغبث 2,38 ك ح أه ا صؼ ثبد ا ز ر اج األخصبئ بد االجز بػ بد ا ؼب الد ثب ذاس ػذ رل ا غؤ ذ س ا ث ز عػ حغبث 1.38.
8 - to assist enrolled in social programs to adapt to the system of life by solving Maitardon his problems, and preparing the correct setting to adjust to normal life after graduation from the role in line with the role realistic Specialist Social in accustom the girl on the positive behavior and objective in dealing with the problems they face, and qualify of life future as a mother, and requires skills in dealing with children, training of the girl on the face of problems, and qualify them for future life as a wife and require skills in dealing with others, qualify them to rely on themselves. 9 - while different from the actual role of the social worker about the role prescribed by the Ministry of Social Affairs in all expressions except expressions (6-10) (14) (22-24) (29.30, 35, 41). As shown in Table (34) as well as eight words as shown in Table (38).
7 - The results of the current study that there are some aspects of the agreement and the difference between the role prescribed by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the role of de facto social worker as follows: 1 - a social research for asylum Joined role and opinion in accordance with the public good, and save files for each child or a child, explaining the stages of development and the observations of social workers which, consistent with the role realistic Specialist Social in the study of cases, and to develop treatment plans and their implementation. 2 - the organization of the various aspects of social activity such as the families and the social club and sports teams and different social system and the application of self-government as a means to develop their abilities and discover their talents in line with the role of de facto social worker in social work research to families friendly 3 - organizing trips and camps as a way to introduce them to their homeland and to study its features geographical, historical and architectural consistent with the role of de facto social worker in Maidor encouraged to follow in the community 4 - Organizing lectures, seminars, cultural and religious as permitted by the Casablanca daily programs consistent with the expected role of the social worker to inform the public of the importance of attention to adolescent girls women with special circumstances. 5 - to guide the orphans Mabarv exchange their pocket expenses in return benefit them and encourage them to consistent savings with the role of de facto social worker in the field of guidance in savings 6 - that the social worker involved with professional coach to discover the aptitudes and professional orientation consistent with the role of de facto social worker to identify the girl on the capabilities and tendencies. 7 - case studies and follow-up to suit the readiness of each of them, either by turning to the labor offices to operate it or append it institutes a professional, so never let case, however, has included the ministry adapted to the outside community consistent with the role realistic specialist social in closer ties including around in the outside community, and direct the girl to choose the appropriate field of education according to their capabilities.
3 - The results of the study that the most important responsibilities that Ikmana by social workers prepare reports and records of periodic and tracking, and intervention with adolescent girls to examine their problems of social got first place with an average arithmetic 2.92, and a party organization, programs and trips, and conduct social research for some of the problems are widespread among adolescent girls, respectively, the fifth arithmetic average of 2.38. 4 - The results of the study that the most important roles of social worker from the viewpoint of experts defined the girl sects with social, qualify to become a wife trained on dialogue and positive thinking, and the training of girls to invest leisure time with the beneficial interest, and strengthen their relationship with her family in the house, and prepare them for adulthood and Mitro the adolescence of the changes of physical and psychological got first place with an average arithmetic 2.94, while I got the words to encourage teens to read and see the order in the eighth with an average arithmetic 2.44, and this is different from the actual roles carried out by social workers as shown in Tables No. (34) and (38), and different from the actual roles carried out by social workers from the perspective of adolescent women with special circumstances, as shown in Table (52). 5 - The results of the study that the most important responsibilities that Ikmana by social workers from the perspective of adolescent women with the particular circumstances of the establishment of programs and a variety of activities, where she received first place with an average arithmetic 2.36, while I got the words to provide you with information about the services of house respectively the seventh with an average arithmetic 1.91 6 - The results of the study, too much work from over the difficulties faced by social workers where I got my first order with an average 2.38, while less of the difficulties faced by social workers working in Casablanca lack of understanding of their role as responsible for my career average of 1.38
5 - Study Tools 1 - a questionnaire for adolescents women with special circumstances and social workers Social House Nursery 2 - Questionnaire for experts in the field of orphans with special circumstances The results of the study: 1 - The results of the study, the actual roles of direct and indirect performed by the professional practice of Social Work with adolescent women with specific conditions from the viewpoint of a social worker to support the confidence of the girl Bamahatin, and qualify them to rely on themselves and Taoidha interest in their appearance, and follow-up status of adolescent girls in schools, and writing the report of the visit Schools of adolescent girls got a first order arithmetic average of 3.92, and a social studies for those with special circumstances obtained, respectively, the twelfth arithmetic average of 2.08. While The roles of indirect in the study of the actual need for them and care programs, preventive and focus on the recreational, leisure, and strengthening relations between the institutions concerned with adolescent girls women with special circumstances to increase the efficiency of service and strengthen the communication between the institution and institutions outside community got a first place with an average arithmetic 2, 92, and do the necessary studies and research that serve adolescent women with special circumstances and those who got Traahn ranking fourth arithmetic average of 2.54. 2 - The results of the study, the actual roles of direct performed by the professional practice of Social Work with adolescent women with special circumstances from the perspective of adolescent women with special circumstances to allow them to receive their peers in the house as much as possible I got first place with an average arithmetic 2.59, and prepare you to accompany adulthood of physical changes occurred respectively eighteenth arithmetic average of 1.24.
Summary of the study The main objective of this study is to identify the role of social worker with teenage women with special circumstances Social House nursery, and the difficulties they face. Concepts of the study: - Round 2 concept - the concept of adolescence - the concept of orphan foundlings (women with special circumstances). Third, the methodological procedures: - Type of study: The study of descriptive studies - the curriculum: social survey method. - The study sample: All adolescent women with special circumstances and social workers working in Dar incubation social, and intentional sample of experts in the care of orphans with special circumstances. - Areas of study - spatial domain: Social nursery for girls and two branches Dir'iya Knoll Villas in Riyadh under the Ministry of Social Affairs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. - time domain: Took the collection of data for this study during the period from 1/1/1432 to 1/3/1432 e e - the human sphere: 1 - All social workers employed nursery Social House for Girls in Riyadh, and of their number (13) social worker, by (6) social workers Dir'iyya, and (7) social workers Pfll Knoll. 2 - all teenage women with special circumstances of the age of 12-18 years, and of their number (46) of adolescent women with special circumstances, by (17) of adolescent women with special circumstances Dir'iyya, and (29) of adolescent women with special circumstances Pfll Knoll. 3 - experts in the care of orphans with special circumstances, whether academics or officials from the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Office of Supervision of social, or workers in the care of orphans with special circumstances, be they House Nursery List two branches Villas Knoll and Dir'iya, who are (18) experts.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Saud University Deanship of Graduate Studies Department of Social Studies Descriptive Study of the Role of Social Workers with Adolescent Girls with Special Circumstances Study Applied to The Social Nursery In Riyadh Study submitted to supplement the requirements for obtaining a master's degree in Social Work Prepared by Sherifah Ayed Ali Al-Qahtani University ID: 429203966 Supervised by Dr. Hanaa Ahmed Amen Social Work Professor 1432/1433 AH