The Study Plan for Bachelor of Science in Chemistry The Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.Sc. Chem) study plan has been tailored and developed by an experienced team to be offered by the Department of Chemistry- Faculty of Science, Al-Baha University. The Degree comprises 128 credit hours that can be completed over a four-year period of full-time study. The study plan has been designed according to the standards of the National Commission for Academic Assessment and Accreditation (NCAAA) at Saudi Arabia and the American Chemical Society (ACS ). Chemistry Committee 1433-1434 1
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry ( B.Sc. Chem.) Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science Al-Baha University 1433/1434H (2012/2013) 2
بكالور وس العلوم ف الك م اء المقدمة قدم برنامج بكالور وس العلوم ف الك م اء ف جامعة الباحة فرص وظ ف ة ف كل من التعل م والصناعة والوكاالت الحكوم ة والدراسات الب ب ة والتقن ة الطب ة وكما انه ه ا الطالب للدراسات العل ا ف الك م اء والمجاالت األخرى ذات الصلة بالك م اء. إن الخطة الدراس ة لبرنامج بكالور وس العلوم ف الك م اء تلب المتطلبات الدن ا للمهن ن الك م اب ن كما تم تعر فها من قبل الجمع ة الك م اب ة األمر ك ة وته ا الخر ج ن ل كونوا ممارس ن ك م اب ن مختص ن بكفاءة. وف هذا البرنامج كتسب الطالب مهارات تأس س ة واسعة ف الك م اء وعند إكمال التخصص فان الطالب ستط عون فهم المفاه م والطرق األساس ة ف الك م اء. وقد صممت المناهج الدراس ة لتزو د الطالب بأرض ة وأساس للدراسات العل ا ف جم ع فروع الك م اء والعلوم األخرى ذات الصلة. الرؤ ة سعى قسم الك م اء ل كون نموذجا وطن ا معترف به لتعل م وتخر ج طالب مه ب ن للتنافس والمساهمة ف عالم المستقبل المتغ ر بإستمرار والذي رتكز على التكنولوج ا الرسالة تزو د الطالب بالمعارف العلم ة والمهارات العمل ة الضرور ة للعمل ف مجال الك م اء أو المجاالت ذات الصلة مع تقد م برنامج دراس للطالب الجامع ن ف العلوم الك م اب ة عال الجودة ومبتكر ومتحد ي فكر ا مع توظ ف آخر ما توصلت إل ه التقن ات الحد ثة. أهداف البرنامج األهداف األكاد م ة 1- توف ر برنامج عال الجودة ف العلوم الك م اب ة وتطو ره ل صبح المصدر الرب س لتعل م العلوم الك م اب ة ف المملكة. 2- تخر ج طالب مؤهل ن ف مجال الك م اء وفقا للمعا ر العالم ة. 3- تزو د الخر ج ن بالنظر ات الحد ثة وتطو ر مهارات وتقن ات جد دة ف الك م اء وفقا لالحت اجات الحال ة والمستقبل ة ف المملكة العرب ة السعود ة. 4- إعداد الطالب للدراسات العل ا والبحث العلم ف مجال الك م اء والمجاالت ذات الصلة. 5- تزو د الطالب بالمهارات األكاد م ة والتقن ة والمهن ة األساس ة الكاف ة والت من خاللها ستط عون ممارسة مهنة الك م اء. 6- إثراء المعرفة والمساهمة ف التطورات العلم ة ف العلوم الك م اب ة من خالل البحث العلم ومتابعة االكتشافات الجد دة ف العلوم الك م اب ة. 3
وف نها ة البرنامج فان الخر ج ن: كونوا قد اكتسبوا المهارات الك م اب ة التخصص ة إضافة إلى الطرق والتقن ات. كونوا قد حصلوا على الخبرة العمل ة ف طرق الك م اء الرب س ة. كونوا قد حصلوا على تأس س راسخ ف الك م اء. أ( األهداف البحث ة إجراء البحث العلم ف مجال الك م اء والذي ساهم بصورة مباشرة ف دور قسم الك م اء ف توف ر التعل م للطالب وتشج ع التطور الفكري ألعضاء ه بة التدر س وتلب ة احت اجات المجتمعات المحل ة والعالم ة ف الصناعات الك م اب ة واحت اجات المجتمعات األكاد م ة. ب( خدمة المجتمع ستج ب قسم الك م اء لالحت اجات التعل م ة الت تطلبها المجتمع ف المملكة العرب ة السعود ة و ساهم ف أنشطة خدمة المجتمع من خالل االستشارات والخدمات المهن ة ف مجال الك م اء والتحل ل الك م اب. وسوف ت ح القسم الفرصة للمؤسسات الصناع ة والخدم ة لتدر ب موظف ها ف مختلف مجاالت الك م اء والتحل ل الك م اب. ووس قدم القسم برامج التدر ب والمحاضرات الت تساعد األفراد ف القطاع ن الخاص والعام لتحد ث وتجد د المعلومات الخاصة بهم. اضافة الى ذلك فان القسم س عمل على تنظ م المؤتمرات والدورات التدر ب ة والبرامج الت تخدم المجتمع السعودي. الفرص الوظ ف ة تم تصم م هذا البرنامج الذي قدمه قسم الك م اء لتزو د الطالب بالمهارات المهن ة الت حتاجون إل ها للنجاح والتم ز ف وظابفهم. الخ ارات المهن ة ف مجال الك م اء ال نها ة لها عمل ا! ومع ذلك فان درجة البكالور وس ف الك م اء تفتح المز د من الفرص. وان سوق العمل للمتخصص ن ف الك م اء زداد وما بعد وم باإلضافة إلى الرواتب أ ضا. وأولبك الذ ن لد هم شهادة ف الك م اء عندهم العد د من الفرص الوظ ف ة. إضافة إلى أن من حصل على درجة البكالور وس فإنها تمكنه من الحصول على القبول ف برامج الدراسات العل ا. ودرجة البكالور وس تمكن صاحبها من الحصول على وظ فة رف عة المستوى تسمح له بتشغ ل المعدات وتحض ر المواد الك م اب ة. ودرجة البكالور وس ف الك م اء ضرور ة للحصول على وظ فة للتعل م ف مستوى المدارس. وف ما ل بعض من الخ ارات الوظ ف ة ذات الصلة بالك م اء: مدرس مدرسة ف الك م اء محلل ك م اب ف مختلف الصناعات مب عات الك ماو ات مؤسسات الب بة االستشارات الك م اب ة صناعات العطور 4
صناعات الغاز الطب ع والبترول الصناعات الدواب ة صناعات األسمدة صناعات البول مرات والبالست ك إدارة الجودة والبحث والتطو ر ف الصناعات الك م اب ة. وهذه القابمة ل ست كاملة. مكنك العمل ف أي من مجاالت الك م اء الصناع ة والتعل م ة والعلم ة أو الحكوم ة. والك م اء هو علم متعدد الجوانب وإتقان الك م اء مرتبط مع المهارات التحل ل ة والر اض ة الممتازة. وطالب الك م اء قادرون على حل المشاكل والتفك ر ف األش اء مباشرة وهذه المهارات ه المف دة ألي وظ فة. 5
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Introduction: The chemistry department offers Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program. The program provides many opportunities for careers in teaching, industry, environmental organizations and others. In addition, it prepares students for graduate studies in chemistry and other related fields. The study plan for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, meets the minimum requirements for professional chemists as defined by the American Chemical Society (ACS). In preparing the study plan and the curriculum, the department seeks the assistant from specialized experts from Indiana State University- USA. In tailoring the curriculum, the department was guided by the academic accreditation requirements, the standards of the National Commission for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA) and according to the national qualifications framework for higher education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. With the possibility of continuous improvement of curricula and study plans so as to respond to the expected changes that may occur in the world. The study Plan is designed to contain 128 credit hours, spread over eight semesters (four years of study). Courses include: preparatory year requirements, the university requirements, the department general requirements and major requirements. The curriculum and the study plan meet the minimum requirements for professionals chemists and prepares graduates to become qualified chemistry practitioners specialists and prepares them for success in competitive business environments. In this program, students gain broad foundational skills in chemistry. The curriculum is designed to provide students with the foundation for postgraduate studies in all branches of chemistry and other related sciences. Vision The Department of Chemistry endeavors to be a nationally-recognized model for educating and graduating students prepared to compete in and contribute to the ever-changing, technology-centered world of the future. Mission Provide students with the necessary scientific knowledge and practical skills to work in the field of chemistry or related fields, with offering highquality and innovative study program for undergraduates in the chemical sciences, with the employment of the latest technology. 6
Objectives Provide high quality chemical science program. To graduate a qualified students in chemistry field according to the local and international standards. To give the graduates the up-to-date theories and develop new skills and technique in chemistry according to the needs of today s and future developments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To prepare the students for the postgraduate studies and research in the field of chemistry and related areas. To enrich knowledge and contribution in the scientific development of chemical sciences through scientific research and follow up the new discoveries in chemical science. Give an opportunity for industrial and service institutions to train its employees in various fields of chemistry and chemical analysis. Provide training programs and scientific lectures, and organizing conferences for community members from both public and private sectors to help individuals in the modernization and renewal of knowledge and serve the Saudi society. To provide consultation and professional services in the field of chemistry and chemical analysis. At the end of the program the graduate will: Have gained the specialist chemistry skills, techniques and methodologies. Have gained hands-on experience of the major chemistry techniques. Have gained a broad solid foundation in Chemistry. A) Research Goals To conduct research in the field of Chemistry that contributes directly to the Department s role in providing education to our students, encourages the intellectual development of faculty, and meets the needs of the local and international chemical industry and academic communities. B) Community Service The Chemistry Department responds to the educational needs required by the community in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and contributing to the 7
community service activities through consultation and professional services in the field of Chemistry and chemical analysis. The department will give opportunities for industrial and service institutions to train their employees in the various fields of chemistry and chemical analysis. The department will provide training programs and lectures that help individuals in the private and public sectors to update and refresh their information. As well as the department will work on the organization of conferences, training courses and programs that serve the Saudi society. Career opportunities The program we offer in the department of chemistry is designed to provide the students with the professional skills they need to be successful and distinguished in their job. The career options in chemistry are practically endless! However, the bachelor's degree in chemistry (BSc. Chem.) opens up more opportunities. The market for chemistry specialists is increasing day-by-day in addition to salaries too. Those having a degree in chemistry have many career opportunities. The degree can be used to gain admittance to advanced degree programs (e.g., postgraduate studies). With the bachelor's degree, you can get a bench job, which would allow you to run equipment and prepare chemicals. A bachelor's degree in chemistry or education (with a lot of chemistry) is necessary to teach at the school level. Some of the career options related to chemistry: Chemistry school teacher Chemical analyst in different industries. Chemical sales Environmental agencies Chemical consultation Perfume Industry Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Pharmaceuticals Fertilizers Industry Plastics Industry and Polymer Industry R&D Management This list isn't complete. You can work chemistry into any industrial, educational, scientific, or governmental field. Chemistry is a very versatile science. Mastery of chemistry is associated with excellent analytical and mathematical skills. Students of chemistry are able to solve problems and think things through. These skills are useful for any job! 8
Structure of the Study Plan for the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Program Chemistry Department-Faculty of Science-Al-Baha University The Bachelor of Chemistry (B.Sc. Chem) has been developed and will be delivered by the Chemistry Department at the Faculty of Science. It has been validated through a process of external peer review being of an appropriate standard and quality to lead to The Al Baha University validated award of: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (B.Sc. Chem.) The Degree comprises 128 credit hours that can be completed over a four-year period of full-time study. The breakdown of credit hours, courses needed to complete the program, as well as the graduation plan for Chemistry is presented below: Requirements Credit hours 1- Preparatory year Requirements Compulsory 15 2- University Requirements Compulsory 9 3- College Requirements Compulsory 12 4- Department General Requirements Compulsory 19 5- Major Requirements Compulsory 59 6- Major electives Electives 12 7- Free Elective (from other colleges other than science) 2 Total 128 Preparatory Year Requirements (15 Credit hours) Code No. Course Title Credit Contact Hrs hours LT LB 11010115 English Language I 3 20 0 11010211 English Language II 3 20 0 11020103 Scientific Thinking Skills 2 2 0 11020101 Information Technology Skills 2-4 11020106 Communication Skills 1 2 0 11020105 Learning Skills 1 2 0 11020108 Physical Fitness (for boys) 2 1-11020109 Family Education (for girls) 11010011 Specialized English Language 1 3 0 11020110 Entrepreneurship 1 2 0 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 Total 15 51 6 University Requirements (9 Credit hours) Code No. Course Title Credit Contact Hrs hours LT LB 11020107 The Holy Koran (Recitation Correction) 2 2 0 11010101 Islamic Education (The Islamic Manners) 2 2 0 11010111 Islamic Education (The Islamic 0 2 2 Civilization) 11010112 Research and Essay Writing skills 2 2 0 11020204 Health Education 1 1 0 Total 9 9 0 9
College Requirements (12 credit hours) Code No. Course Title Credit Contact Hrs hours LT LB 31020102 General Chemistry 1 3 2 2 31030102 General Physics 1 3 2 2 31010102 General Biology 3 2 2 31040102 Calculus 1 3 3 0 Total 12 9 6 Department General Compulsory courses (19 Credit hours) Code No. Course Title Credit Contact Hrs hours LT LB 31011227 General Physiology 3 3 0 31031227 General Physics 2 4 3 2 31041232 Differential Equations 3 3 0 31041221 Principles of Statistics & Probability 3 3 0 31021328 General Geology 2 2 0 31021330 Small Business Management 2 2 0 31021424 Environmental Pollution 2 2 0 Total 19 18 2 Department Compulsory Core courses (59 Credit hours) Code No. Course Title Credit Contact Hrs hours LT LB 31021221 General Chemistry 2 4 3 2 31021223 Inorganic Chemistry I 4 3 2 31021225 Organic Chemistry I 4 3 2 31021222 Organic Chemistry II 4 3 2 31021224 Inorganic Chemistry II 4 3 2 31021321 Physical Chemistry I 4 3 2 31021323 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 3 3 0 31021325 Analytical Chemistry I 4 3 2 31021327 Biochemistry I 4 3 2 31021322 Physical Chemistry II 2 2 0 31021324 Analytical Chemistry II 4 3 2 31021326 Principles of Industrial Chemistry 3 3 0 31021425 Organic Synthesis 3 2 3 31021421 Material Science I 3 3 0 31021423 Polymer Chemistry I 3 3 0 31021422 Chemistry of Petroleum Processes 3 3 0 31021426 Seminar in Chemistry 1 1 0 31021428 Graduation Project 3 0 6 Total 60 47 23 11
Code No. Major Elective Courses (12 Credit hours) Course Title Credit Contact Hrs hours LT LB Major Elective 1 3 2 2 Major Elective 2 3 3 0 Major Elective 3 3 2 2 Major Elective 4 3 3 0 Total 12 10 4 11
الخطة الدراس ة )821 وحدة دراس ة( السنة األولى )سنة تحض ر ة( الفصل األول )المستوى األول( اسم المقرر رقم المقرر لغة إنجل ز ة 1 11010115 مهارات تقن ة المعلومات 11020101 مهارات التفك ر العلم 11020103 مهارات التعلم 11020105 مهارات االتصال 11020106 ل اقة بدن ة )للبن ن( 11020108 ترب ة أسر ة )للبنات( 11020109 ر ادة أعمال 11020110 الخدمة التطوع ة 11020113 المجموع الساعات المعتمدة ساعات االتصال نظري عمل - 22 4 - - 2-2 - 2 2-2 - - 2 2 2 8 28 المتطلب السابق -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 18 الفصل الثان )المستوى الثان ( اسم المقرر رقم المقرر اللغة االنجل ز ة 2 11010211 لغة انجل ز ة تخصص ة 11010011 ك م اء عامة 1 31020102 ف ز اء عامة 1 31030102 أح اء عامة 31010102 تفاضل والتكامل 1 31040102 الخدمة التطوع ة 11020113 المجموع الساعات المعتمدة ساعات االتصال نظري عمل - 22-3 2 2 2 2 2 2-3 2 2 6 32 المتطلب السابق 11010115 -- -- -- -- -- -- 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 16 12
السنة الثان ة الفصل األول )المستوى الثالث( اسم المقرر رقم المقرر الساعا ت المعتمدة المتطلب السابق 31020102 31020102 31020102 31020102 -- -- -- ساعات االتصال عمل نظري ي - 3 2 3 2 3 2 3-2 - 1 2 2 6 85 3 4 4 4 2 1 2 81 فس ولوج عام ك م اء عامة 2 ك م اء غ ر عضو ة 1 ك م اء عضو ة 1 الثقافة اإلسالم ة 1 )األخالق اإلسالم ة( ثقافة صح ة الخدمة التطوع ة المجموع 31011227 31021221 31021223 31021225 11010101 11020204 11020113 الفصل الثان )المستوى الرابع( رقم المقرر اسم المقرر الساعات المعتمدة المتطلب السابق 31030102 31021225 31040102 -- 31021223 -- ساعات االتصال نظري عمل 2 2 2 3-3 - 2 2 3 2 2 6 83 3 4 3 2 4 2 86 ف ز اء عامة 2 ك م اء عضو ة 2 معادالت تفاضل ة القران الكر م )تصح ح التالوة( ك م اء غ ر عضو ة 2 الخدمة التطوع ة المجموع 31031227 31021222 31041232 11020107 31021224 11020113 13
السنة الثالثة الفصل األول )المستوى الخامس( اسم المقرر رقم المقرر الساعا ت المعتمدة المتطلب السابق 31021221 31021223 31020102 31021222 --- ---- ساعات االتصال عمل نظري ي 2 3-3 2 3 2 3-2 2 2 6 14 4 3 4 4 2 2 11 ك م اء ف ز اب ة 1 ك م اء غ ر عضو ة وصف ة ك م اء تحل ل ة 1 ك م اء ح و ة 1 الثقافة اإلسالم ة 2 )الحضارة االسالم ة( الخدمة التطوع ة المجموع 31021321 31021323 31021325 31021327 11010111 11020113 الفصل الثان )المستوى السادس( رقم المقرر اسم المقرر الساعات المعتمدة المتطلب السابق 31021321 31021325 -- 31021221 --- -- -- -- ساعات االتصال نظري عمل - 2 2 3-3 - 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16 2 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 17 ك م اء ف ز اب ة 2 ك م اء تحل ل ة 2 مبادئ إحصاء واحتماالت أسس الك م اء الصناع ة الج ولوج ا العامة إدارة المشار ع الصغ رة مهارات كتابة البحث والمقال الخدمة التطوع ة المجموع 31021322 31021324 31041221 31021326 31021328 31021330 11010112 11020113 14
الفصل األول )المستوى السابع( رقم المقرر اسم المقرر علم المواد السنة الرابعة الساعات المعتمدة المتطلب السابق 31021224, 31021222 31021222 31021222 31021222 -- ساعات االتصال نظري عمل - 3-3 2 2 2 2 2 2-3 2 2 6 85 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 18 1 ك م اء البول مرات 1 التحض رات العضو ة كيميبء المركببث غير متجبنست الحلقت اخت اري 1 ك م اء اخت اري 2 ك م اء الخدمة التطوع ة المجموع 31021421 31021423 31021425 31021427 11020113 الفصل الثان )المستوى الثامن( رقم المقرر اسم المقرر ك م اء العمل ات البترول ة التلوث الب ب اخت اري 3 ك م اء اخت اري 4 ك م اء س منار ف الك م اء مشروع التخرج الخدمة التطوع ة المجموع الساعات المعتمدة المتطلب السابق 31021222 31021222 اجتياز 55 ساعة اجتياز 55 ساعة -- ساعات االتصال نظري عمل - 3-2 2 2-3 2 1 6-2 2 1 88 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 85 31021422 31021424 31021426 31021428 11020113 15
المقررات اإلخت ار ة لقسم الك م اء املتطلب السابق 31021327 31021222 31021222 31021222 ساعات االتصال نظري معيل 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 )اختياري )1( كيمياء(: يختار الطالب من بين المقررات التالية: رمق املقرر 31021429 31021431 31021433 كيميبء حيويت 2 امس املقرر كيميبء وتكنولوجيب الصببغت الكيميبء البيئيت وتذوير ومعبلجت المخلفبث كيميبء المركببث االليفبتيت الحلقيت الساعات املعمتدة 3 3 3 3 31021435 )اختياري )2( كيمياء(: يختار الطالب من بين المقررات التالية: رقم المقرر اسم المقرر الساعات المعتمدة ساعات االتصال نظري عملي المتطلب السابق 31021224 31021322 31021326-3 - 3-3 31021437 31021439 31021441 كيميبء غير عضويت 3 الكيميبء النوويت واإلشعبعيت الصنبعبث الكيميبئيت واألسمذة 3 3 3 )اختياري )3( كيمياء(: يختار الطالب من بين المقررات التالية: رقم المقرر اسم المقرر الساعات المعتمدة ساعات االتصال نظري عملي المتطلب السابق 31021421 31021326 31021224 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 علم المواد 2 معبلجت الميبه وتحليو ميبه البحر كيميبء استخالص المعبدن والتآكل 31021430 31021432 31021434 )اختياري )4( كيمياء(: يختار الطالب من بين المقررات التالية: رقم المقرر اسم المقرر الساعات المعتمدة ساعات االتصال نظري عملي المتطلب السابق 31021423 31021322 31021222 - - - 3 3 3 3 3 3 كيميبء البوليمراث 2 كيميبء فيزيبئيت 3 كيميبء المنتجبث الطبيعيت 31021436 31021438 31021440 16
The Study Plan (128 Credit Hours) First Year (Preparatory) ( Freshman) First semester (level 1) Code No. Course Credit Contact hrs Hrs LT LP 11010115 English Language I 3 20 - -- 11020101 Information Technology Skills 2-4 -- 11020103 Scientific Thinking Skills 2 2 - -- 11020105 Learning Skills 1 2 - -- 11020106 Communication Skills 1 2 - -- 11020108 Physical Fitness (for boys) 1-2 -- 11020109 Family Education (for girls) 1-2 -- 11020110 Entrepreneurship 1 2 - -- 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 -- Total 11 28 6 Second semester (Level 2) Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite prerequisite 11010211 English Language II 3 20-11010115 11010011 Specialized English Language 1 3 - -- 31020102 General Chemistry 1 3 2 2 -- 31030102 General Physics 1 3 2 2 -- 31010102 General Biology 3 2 2 -- 31040102 Calculus 1 3 3 - -- 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 -- Total 16 32 6 Second Year (sophomore) First semester (Level 3) Code No. Course 31011227 General Physiology 31021221 General Chemistry 2 31021223 Inorganic Chemistry I 31021225 Organic Chemistry 1 Credit Contact hrs Hrs LT LP 3 3 0 4 3 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 prerequisite 31020102 31020102 31020102 31010102 11010101 Islamic Education 1 (The Islamic 2 2 - Manners) -- 11020204 Health Education 1 1 - -- 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 -- Total 18 15 6 17
Second semester (Level 4) Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31031227 General Physics 2 3 2 2 31030102 31021222 Organic Chemistry 2 4 3 2 31021225 31041232 Differential Equations 3 3-31040102 11020107 The Holy Quran (Recitation Correction) 2 2-31021224 Inorganic Chemistry 2 4 3 2 31021223 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 -- Total 16 13 6 Third Year (Junior) First semester (level 5) Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP -- prerequisite 31021321 Physical Chemistry 1 4 3 2 31021221 31021323 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 3 3-31021223 31021325 Analytical Chemistry 1 4 3 2 31020102 31021327 Biochemistry 1 4 3 2 31021222 11010111 Islamic Education 2 (The Islamic 2 2 - Civilization) --- 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 ---- Total 17 14 6 Second semester (Level 6) Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31021322 Physical Chemistry 2 2 2-31021321 31021324 Analytical Chemistry 2 4 3 2 31021325 31041221 Principles of Statistics & Probability 3 3 - -- 31021326 Principles of Industrial Chemistry 2 2-31021221 31021328 General geology 2 2 - --- 31021330 Small business Management 2 2 - -- 11010112 Research & Essay writing Skills 2 2 - -- 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 -- Total 17 16 2 18
Fourth Year (Senior) First semester (level 7) Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 3 3-31021224, 31021421 Material Science 1 31021222 31021423 Polymer Chemistry 1 3 3-31021222 31021425 Organic Synthesis 3 2 2 31021222 31021427 Chemistry of Heterocyclic 3 2 2 31021222 Compounds Major Elective 1 (chemistry) 3 2 2 Major Elective 2 (chemistry) 3 3-11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 -- Total 18 15 6 Second semester (level 8) Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31021422 Chemistry of Petroleum Processes 3 3-31021222 31021424 Environmental Pollution 2 2-31021222 Major Elective 3 (chemistry) 3 2 2 Major Elective 4 (chemistry) 3 3-31021426 Seminar in Chemistry 1 1 - Passing 95 credit hrs. 31021428 Graduation Project 3-6 Passing 95 credit hrs. 11020113 Voluntary Community Service 0 0 0 31022202 Total 15 11 8 19
Optional Courses (For Major Electives 1,2,3,4 student has to select from the following courses) Major Elective 1 Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31021429 Biochemistry 2 3 2 2 31021327 31021431 Chemistry & Technology of Dyes 3 2 2 31021222 31021433 Environmental Chemistry & Waste 3 2 2 31021222 Recycling 31021435 Chemistry of Alicyclic Compounds 3 2 2 31021222 Major Elective 2 Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31021437 Inorganic Chemistry III 3 3 31021224 31021439 Nuclear and Radioactive Chemistry 3 3-31021322 31021441 Chemical Industries & Fertilizers 3 3-31021326 Major Elective 3 Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31021430 Material Science 2 3 2 2 31021421 31021432 Water Treatment & Sea Water 3 2 2 31021326 31021434 Desalination Chemistry of Minerals extraction and Corrosion 3 2 2 31021224 Major Elective 4 Code No. Course Credit Hrs Contact hrs LT LP prerequisite 31021436 Polymer Chemistry 2 3 3-31021423 31021438 Physical Chemistry 3 3 3-31021322 31021440 Chemistry of Natural Products 3 3-31021222 21
Chemistry Core Courses Course Description General Chemistry I (31020102 ) (3 credits ) Topics include atomic structure, physical properties of gases, nomenclature, molecular bonding and geometry, mass relationships in chemical equations, and thermochemistry. A weekly two-hour series of experiments designed to illustrate lecture topics from general chemistry I and to develop laboratory techniques. Prerequisites : None General Chemistry II (31021221) (4 credits ) Continuation of General Chemistry I with chemical kinetics, elementary thermodynamics, aqueous equilibria, electrochemistry, and physical properties of solids, liquids, and solutions. A series of experiments designed to illustrate lecture topics from General Chemistry II and qualitative analysis. Prerequisites: General Chemistry I Inorganic Chemistry I (31021223 ) (4 credits ) An introduction to theoretical principles and descriptive chemistry of the elements and inorganic compounds. Nomenclature of Inorganic compounds. Overview of the periodic table and periodic properties. Course includes electronic structure of elements, bonding theories, chemical forces, acids and bases, redox chemistry, solids, and chemical reactions. Chemistry of main group elements (s- & P-block elements), properties and reactions of main group elements. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic Inorganic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including identification of anions and cations (Qualitative analysis). Prerequisites : General Chemistry I Inorganic Chemistry II (31021224) (4 credits ) This course includes the following topics: Introduction to the chemistry of transition elements, properties of transition metals, transition metal complexes, naming transition metal complexes, overview of bonding theories of transition metal compounds, structure and isomerism of transition metal complexes. Nonomaterials: fundamentals, characterization, bioinorganic, inorganic-organic. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic Inorganic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including some Inorganic Chemistry preparations, preparation of simple metal complexes. Prerequisites : Inorganic Chemistry I Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry (31021323 ) (3 Credits) Inorganic thermodynamics; Periodic Trends (group trends, periodic trends in bonding, isoelectric series in covalent compounds), chemical topology: the isomorphism in ionic compounds. Hydrogen; The chemistry of halogens and the noble gases: halogens in positive oxidation state, interhalogen compounds, polyhalides and Pseudohalides. Rare earth (or Lanthanides)and Actinides and their compounds; superconductivity. Prerequisites: Inorganic Chemistry I 21
Organic Chemistry I (31021225) (4 credits) The chemistry of carbon-containing compounds. Syntheses, reaction, and nomenclature of the principal classes of aliphatic and aromatic carbon compounds. Stereochemistry and conformational analysis are also considered. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic organic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including some instrumentation, are used. Prerequisites : General Chemistry I Organic Chemistry II (31021222) (4 credits) Synthesis, reactions, and nomenclature of the advanced classes of aliphatic, and carbonylcontaining carbon compounds. A continuation of organic Chemistry I. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic organic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including some instrumentation, are used. Prerequisites : Organic Chemistry I Physical Chemistry I (31021321 ) (4 credits) Topics discussed in this course include chemical thermodynamics, including the three laws and phase equilibrium and its applications; chemical equilibrium; the common rate laws in chemical kinetics and the relationship between rate laws and reaction mechanisms; and imperfect gases and equations of state. The course also discusses the general concepts of electrolysis Experimental part is designed to complement the lecture material. Emphasis is placed on experimental methodology and computer assisted data acquisition. The use of spreadsheets and data analysis software is discussed in the lecture portion. Prerequisites: General Chemistry II Physical Chemistry II (31021322 ) (2 credits) A continuing study of physical chemistry I, topics covered in this course are:the principles of surface chemistry; concepts of catalysis, types, properties, theories and its applications; properties of colloid solutions; the postulates of quantum chemistry; eigen functions and eigen values; applications of the exact solutions to the Schroedinger equation. Uncertainty principle and its implications; the fundamentals of Molecular Orbital Theory; and the concepts of molecular spectroscopy. Prerequisites: Physical Chemistry I Analytical Chemistry I (31021325 ) (4 credits ) An introduction to the principles and practices of quantitative analytical chemistry. The course covers the fundamentals of statistical data analysis, application of chemical equilibria to gravimetry and titrimetry, electrochemistry, chemical separations, and spectroscopy. The laboratory experiences cover the fundamentals of statistical data analysis, application of chemical equilibria to gravimetry and titrimetry, electrochemistry, and chemical separations. Prerequisites : General Chemistry II Analytical Chemistry II (31021324 ) (4 credits ) Principles and applications of instrumental analytical chemistry, including signal and noise analysis, design and application of atomic and molecular spectroscopic and mass spectrometric instrumentation, and chromatographic methods of separation are discussed. The laboratory part experiences cover the fundamentals of data analysis, chromatographic techniques and spectroscopy. Prerequisite: Analytical Chemistry I 22
Biochemistry I (31021327 ) (4 credits ) Biochemistry of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, with emphasis on structure, function, and analysis. Laboratory exercise involving the topics mentioned above. Prerequisites: Organic Chemistry II Organic Synthesis (31021427 ) (3credits ) A series of laboratory experiments illustrating advanced techniques and concepts in organic synthesis. Topics include air-moisture sensitive reactions, analytical and preparative chromatography, advanced characterization methods, stereoselective synthesis, structure elucidation using spectroscopy, and searching the organic chemical literature. Prerequisites : Organic Chemistry II Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (31021427) (3 Credits) (2T + 2P) This is an introduction to chemistry of heterocyclic compounds. This course discusses the structure, nomenclature and the properties of saturated and aromatic heterocyclic compounds with emphasis on pentacyclic, hexacyclic, and conjugated ones. Examples of natural and medicinal heterocyclic compounds are also provided. Role of heterocyclic compounds in biological systems. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic heterocyclic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including some synthesis and instrumentation, are used. Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to understand the basic of nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis and reactions and applications of the heterocyclic compounds. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic heterocyclic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including some synthesis and instrumentation, are used. Prerequisite : Organic Chemistry II Principles of Industrial Chemistry (31021326 ) (3 credits) This course is designed to provide students with exposure to the chemical industry today. Content includes descriptions of several major chemical processes, their products and their uses. Topics include introduction to industrial chemistry, concepts and basic principles of dimensional analysis, mass and energy balances, and control in a process flow. Energy Balance: basic thermodynamics and steam tables, heat capacities, Bernoulli equation. Mass Transfer: Examples in distillation, absorption and filtration. Energy Transfer: Conduction and convection, heat exchanger. Reactors: Types of reactors, simple reactor design. Process Control: Basic principles and applications, process flow and automation. The disposal of chemical wastes and the environmental impact of chemical industry, toxicity, health and safety at work. Prerequisites : General Chemistry II Materials Science I (31021421 ) (3 Credits) This is an introduction course to material science. Basic atomic and electronic structure of solids including metals, polymers, ceramics, and semiconductors are studied. Defects, imperfections, X-ray diffraction, and phase diagrams are used as a basis for understanding mechanical/electrical properties. Prerequisites: Inorganic Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry II 23
Chemistry of Petroleum Processes (31021422) (3 credits) The physical and chemical properties, composition, and processing of natural gas and crude oil. Emphasis is place on the chemistry and technology of the refining process and the methods of determining product quality. Prerequisites : Organic Chemistry II Polymer Chemistry I (31021423 ) (3 Credits) An introduction to polymer synthesis, characterization by physical, thermal, and spectroscopic methods. Prerequisites: organic Chemistry II Environmental Pollution (31021424 ) (2 credits) The Environmental Pollution course introduces the student to the main aspects of water and air pollution and solid waste. Sources, means of assessment and treatment and control processes as well as recycling and disposal procedures are studied. This course deals with major problems of pollution of the atmosphere, water, the land surface and the food chain. It covers processes responsible for the occurrence and release of pollutants in the environment, the hazards associated with different types of pollutant and resources, degradation pathways, persistence, bioaccumulation and toxicity; Risk assessment of pollutants. The course includes lectures, tutorials, and field trips, essay writing, and an exercise in handling research data and writing a report. Prerequisites : None Seminar in Chemistry (31021426 ) (1 credit) A discussion of general topics in the main sub disciplines in chemistry. Leading scientific journals and newspapers will be used as resources. Professional activities and responsibilities of chemists are reviewed. Prerequisites : Senior standing (greater than 94 total credits earned.) Graduation Project (31021428 ) (3 credit) Every student is expected to complete a graduation project related to the chemical Sciences to graduate with the consent of the adviser. Advanced experimentation under the direction of research faculty. This course outlines the basic principles of research including: research design, sampling, data collection, data analysis, and report writing. The nature of research and research process are analyzed. Methodologies of research are discussed and evaluated. A presentation at a professional meeting or publication in a scientific journal is not required, but can be used to justify an enhanced guide. Prerequisites : Senior standing (greater than 95 total credits earned.) 24
Chemistry Departmental Major Electives Biochemistry II (3 credits ) Biochemistry of metabolic reactions involved in the synthesis and degradation of biomolecules. Emphasis on metabolic pathways, regulation of pathways, and gene expression. Advanced experimentation with biochemical molecules and methods of analysis. Prerequisites: Biochemistry I Chemistry and Technology of Dyes (3 Credits) (2+2) This course presents a general introduction to the chemistry of dyes, classification of dyes, correlation between chemical structure and color, description of light absorption by dyes, study of some dye groups such as: nitro and nitroso dyes, azo dyes and pigments, carbonyl dyes and pigments, polyene and polymethine dyes, sulfur dyes. Prerequisite : Organic Chemistry II Environmental Chemistry and Waste Recycling (3 Credits) (2+2) This course is divided into two sections: The first section addresses the growing problems due to human activities that effects the quality of the environment. It exposes students to environmental issues from a perspective that appreciates that chemical reactions drive all natural processes and outlines the connection between those processes and human behavior. The course will provide students with concepts to understand pressing environmental issues like ozone depletion, global warming, air and water pollution, and the hazards of radioactivity. The second section will cover: Waste management, The treatment and disposal of solid waste processes including landfill, incineration and composting, all of which may result in emissions to the environment. Special focus on recycling of waste processes and chemical basis for recycling. Prerequisite : Organic Chemistry II Chemistry of Alicyclic Compounds (3 Credits) (2+2) This course presents an introduction to the chemistry of alicyclic compounds and an overview of the behavior of alicyclic compounds. topics include types of aliphatic cyclic compounds, nomenclature, physical properties, stereochemistry and methods of preparation of different types of alicyclic compounds and their chemical reactions. synthetic problems in alicyclic compounds. Stability and stereochemistry of selected cyclic systems. Configuration and conformational Isomerism in simple aliphatic compounds; Chirality and elements of symmetry (axis, centre and plane).monocyclic rings properties, stability factors and stereochemistry due to substitution. Axial and equatorial bonding in cyclohexane, conformational analysis, mono and di substitution, fusion of cyclohexane to give steroid structure and nomenclature. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic alicyclic chemistry laboratory procedures and techniques, including some synthesis and instrumentation, are used. Prerequisite : Organic Chemistry II Inorganic Chemistry III (3 credits ) This course includes the following topics: organometalic chemistry (metal carbonyls, nitrosylcomplexes, metal alkyls, carbenes and carbides, metallocenes); reactions of organometalic complexes; catalysis by organometallic compounds. Inorganic chemistry of biological systems: metalloporphyrins, dioxygen binding, the biochemistry of Iron. Essential and trace elements in biological systems. Spectroscopy of inorganic complexes. 25
Electron transfer reactions: mechanism of one electron transfer reactions, atom(or group)- transfer or inner-sphere mechanism, direct electron trans-sphere mechanism. Factors affecting the rate of direct electron transfer reactions. two electron transfer reactions. Corrosion theory, Passivity and polarization of metals. survey of transition metal compounds in industry. Prerequisite : Inorganic Chemistry II Nuclear and Radioactive Chemistry (3 credits) This course is designed to build a basic familiarity with natural radioactivity, The atomic nuclei, atomic structure and composition of nuclei, nuclear systematics and reactions, Nuclear masses and stability, angular momentum of nucleus. Radioactive decay and growth., radioactive decay processes, alpha, beta and gamma decays. The structure of nuclei, nuclear models, nuclear forces, applications of radioactivity. Fission, charge and mass distribution. It will emphasize nuclear and radiochemical methods applied to chemical analyses in the physical and biological sciences. Prerequisite : Physical Chemistry II Chemical Industries and Fertilizers (3 Credits) This course is divided into two parts: Part I presents Fundamentals of chemical industries, characteristics of the chemical industry, the important chemistry products, quality and safety issues, environmental issues, Study of selected industries such as industrial gases; inorganic acids, cement and glass industries; soap and detergents; surface coating industries, and chloralkali, sulphur and nitrogen industries, reflect the importance of the chemical industry today. Part two of this course deals with fertilizers industries: Introduction to fertilizers and information on the chemicals involved in the process of fertilization. Inorganic and organic fertilizers, Nitrogenous fertilizers, phosphatic fertilizers, potash fertilizers, Lime and miscellaneous fertilizers. Prerequisite : Principles of Industrial Chemistry Material Science II (3 credit) This course designed for the student who wishes to understand and learn about the exciting materials developments which are affecting us all in today's world. The course covers Crystal Chemistry: Nature of the crystalline state, symmetry and space lattices, binding of forces in the solid state, intermolecular forces, van der Waals forces. Molecular crystal, covalent crystals, characteristics, properties, examples. Metals: Closepacking arrangements, structure of pure metals, bonding in metals, alloys, interstitial compounds. This course covers the production, properties and uses of commercially important metals and alloys. The influence of structure, chemistry, and processing upon the properties of metals is emphasized. The course also introduces the structures and properties of metals, ceramics, polymers (plastics), composites, and materials for electronic and optical applications. Course includes structure, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of solid-state materials. Prerequisite : Material Science I Water Treatment and Sea Water Desalination (3 Credits) (2+2) This course provides an overview of chemistry aspects for the water treatment. The many chemical reactions used for removal of pollutants from water. Water Sources and characterization, Impurities and water Chemistry, chemical reaction and kinetics (reaction rates in water and wastewater treatment). Removal of organic and inorganic contaminants. Water softening, turbidity removal, taste and odor control. Wastewater treatment processes - chemical coagulation and carbon adsorption. Chlorination and alternative disinfection. 26
An overview of sea water desalination processes and techniques. Thermal desalination processes, Membrane Processes, new approaches to water desalination. Post treatment of product water. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic chemistry laboratory procedures for water treatment and water desalination techniques. Prerequisite : principles of Industrial Chemistry Chemistry of Minerals Extraction and Corrosion (3 Credits) (2+2) This course is divided into two sections: The first section addresses introduction to extraction of metals, methods of extraction and the various factors which influence the choice of method for extracting metals from their ores, including reduction by carbon, reduction by a reactive metal (like sodium or magnesium), and by electrolysis. Details for the extraction of aluminum, sodium, copper, iron, zinc and titanium. The second section will cover fundamentals of Corrosion: Introduction to electrochemical principles and their application to corrosion of materials and corrosion control. Corrosion types: pitting, crevice, inter-granular, galvanic, and stress-corrosion cracking. Real-world case studies from Saudi oil and gas production and processing industries. A tow-hour laboratory in which basic chemistry laboratory procedures for extraction of metals and techniques, some experiments on corrosion are also included. Prerequisite : Inorganic Chemistry II Polymer Chemistry II (3 Credits) Continuation of Polymer Chemistry I. An introduction to the concepts of polymer structure, properties, basic fabrication processes and industrial applications. Prerequisites : Polymer Chemistry I Physical Chemistry III (3 credits ) This course is designed to provide Understanding of the following topics: Understanding the fundamentals of statistical mechanics; application to partition functions and equilibrium state calculations, the difference between the macroscopic and microscopic descriptions of a system; the difference between distinguishable and indistinguishable particles and between bosons and fermions and how it affects the statistics of microstates ; the definitions and the relevance of the canonical and grand canonical ensembles and be able to derive them from the microcanonical ensemble ; derive the equation of state of an ideal gas ; the nature of the crystal, its characteristic features including spectroscopic properties, the crystalline state and its imperfections comprising such topics as static phenomena, magnetic and electrical properties, conductors and semi-conductors; and the classification of solid particles; X-ray crystallography; theory and application; neutron diffraction; magnetic moment; interaction of ions with neutrons. Prerequisite : Physical Chemistry II Chemistry of Natural Products (3 credits) The course Natural Products Chemistry provides a concise overview of the main principles and reactions of natural product chemistry. The material developed in this course has been chosen to reinforce the principles of elementary organic reactions and to highlight the similarity between many organic reactions and biological processes. It will also serve as an initial platform for more advanced excursions into the origin of natural products. The course will cover the diversity of natural products and their roles in biological systems, the basic facts that underpin the biosynthesis and chemistry of major natural products classes and the synthesis of some important natural products. Prerequisite : Organic Chemistry II 27
Preparatory Year Courses: English Language I ( 11010115 ) (3 Credits) (20 contact hrs) This course concentrates on all language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Grammar), in order to develop the students' language abilities to communicate effectively with easiness and with confidence. The course provides the students with language skills that enables them to use English language references and books during his university studies. English Language II ( 11010211 ) (3 Credits) (20 contact hrs) This course is continuation to the English Language I course. The course aims at providing the university students with the English language basic skills needed in their academic and professional life in the future. The course continue to concentrate on the whole English language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Grammar) in advanced level, to increase their ability to communicate easily and with confidence in order to understand those speak English as a mother tongue. The course also provides the students with skills that enable them use English and express themselves in different situations. The course improve students' reading skills of technically oriented textbooks, encyclopedias, and specialist periodicals, in addition, it develops their writing skills and taking notes from sources and formatting a term paper. Specialized English Language ( 11010115 ) (1 Credit) (3 Contact hrs) This English language course is for science students. It is a course designed to develop the English language skills of students pursuing degrees in scientific fields. Emphasis is placed on developing technical writing skills. Technical and science reading skills, science vocabulary, and oral presentations on science topics are also covered. Information Technology Skills ( 11020101 ) (2 credits) (4 contact hrs) This course introduces students to computers, uses of computer, and the computer basic skills. Students will learn some applications of computer. This course qualify students for the ICDL certificate. It covers information technology basic concepts, uses of computers, file management, word processing, and power point. Learning and Skills ( 11020105 ) (1 credit) (2 contact hrs) This is skills course aims at transferring the students from school learning to the university learning. It concentrates on arrangement description, and encouraging different learning stages starting from lecture attendance and lasts with examination room. This course covers learning stages, effective learning strategies, how to memorize and the correct habits in memorizing. The course presents the reading skills and its bases, reading scientific books skills, the skills of writing lecture notes, classification of key information strategies, exams preparations skills and the mental readiness, methods of answering different questions styles. Time management and time organization rules. The general understanding skills, types and uses. Scientific Thinking Skills ( 11020103 ) (2 credits) (2 contact hrs) This course concentrates on using modern education methodology for training the students to practice thinking skills. This will give the students the ability to accommodate with life requirements. The students in this course will study thinking concept, thinking definitions, different thinking models, thinking skills concept, strategies and methods of thinking, critical thinking and its skills with exercising activities and applied examples. Creative thinking and its skills, strategies of developing creative thinking along with 28
exercises. Methods of information collections and its organization and information treatment skills (abstract, discussion, application). Information assessment skills. Communication Skills ( 11020106 ) (1 credit) (2 contact hrs) This course aims to provide students with a strong framework for the development of practical communication skills in organization settings. One major aim of this paper is to stimulate you to think about what, why and how you communicate. Another is to develop a critical understanding of communication theory, process and techniques at organizational, managerial and personal levels. At the end of the course students should be able to communicate effectively. Students are required to be increasingly more skilled in their language abilities including reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Student must know how to interpret information and be able to communicate ideas both orally and in writing. This course covers material that will develop your understanding of communication both conceptually and practically. The topics and activities are designed to develop communication skills that improve competence in different situations. ** Physical Fitness ( 11020108 ) (1 credit) (2 practical contact hrs) This course provides an individualized approach to physical fitness utilizing the five major components. Emphasis is on the scientific basis for setting up and engaging in personalized physical fitness programs. Also, the this course is designed to investigate and apply the basic concepts and principles of lifetime physical fitness and other health-related factors. Emphasis is placed on wellness through the study of nutrition, weight control, stress management, and consumer facts on exercise and fitness. Upon completion, students should be able to plan a personal, lifelong physical fitness program based on individual needs, abilities, and interests. This course has been approved for boys students only. ** Family Education ( 11020109) (1 credit) (2 practical contact hrs) This course introduces the student to family care home environments with emphasis on Islamic standards and developmentally effective approaches for supporting diverse children and families. Topics include standards for quality, curriculum for multiple age groups, authentic assessment methods, building positive family and community partnerships, and professionalism. Upon completion, students should be able to design a family child care handbook that reflects a healthy, respectful, supportive, and stimulating learning environment. This course has been approved for girls students only. Entrepreneurship ( 11020110 ) (1 credit) (2 contact hrs) Entrepreneurship course focuses on recognizing a business opportunity and developing the opportunity into a business. The controlling functions accounting, finance, marketing, management as well as legal and economic considerations are applied. Student responsibility and initiative are encouraged as business strategies are created, planned, and presented as a final product a business plan for an actual business venture. Through the process of developing the business plan, students acquire skills necessary to operate a successful business. Voluntary Community Service ( 11020113 ) (0 credit) Al-Baha University require students to perform community service hours and give the students an opportunity to employ their skills and personal passion to benefit local charities and communities that need their help. The university requiring students to demonstrate that their work has contributed to their education. All students must participate in a significant community project which serves as the basis for both learning specific community organizing skills and for reflecting on the rewards and challenges of community leadership. 29