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القطع المطلوبة تاريخ الكمبيوترات المحتويات اسم القطعة )الدرس( رقم الصفحة 8-4 46-41 60-57 72-69 78-75 84-81 90-87 99-95 107-104 111-108 115-113 119-116 135-129 The History of Computers Using Technology in Class The Internet of Things Complementery medicine: is it really a solution? Are happier people healthier and, if so, why? Health in Jordan: A report استخدام التكنولوجيا في الصف انترنت األشياء الطب التكميلي: هل هو حقا حل هل الناس األكثر سعادة هم أكثر صحة واذا كان األمر كذلك لماذا Get moving! الصحة في األردن: تقرير تحرك! مخترع شاب إماراتي سيسافر في العالم Young Emirati inventor is going to travel the world In the future The King Hussein Cancer center The Importance of Islamic achievements in history A founding father of farming Masdar City a positive step? في المستقبل -1-2 -3-4 -5-6 -7-8 -9 10- مركز الحسين للسرطان 11 -أهمية اإلنجازات اإلسالمية في التاريخ 12 -األب المؤسس للزراعة 13 -مدينة مصدر خطوة إيجابية القواعد المطلوبة األزمنة المبني للمجهول الكالم المنقول قاعدة األفعال الناقصة لالحتمالية و المنع الجملة السببية الجمل الشرطية المستقبل المستمر المستقبل التام اسم القاعدة Tenses Passive Voice Reported Speech Used to / Be used to Modal verbs for Possibility and Prohibtion Causative Sentence If Conditionals Future Continuous Future Perfect Relative Clauses Cleft Sentence Derivation رقم الصفحة 38-8 54-45 64-59 74-73 80-79 86-85 93-91 101-100 103-102 123-120 128-124 144-137 -1-2 -3-4 -5-6 -7-8 -9 10 -ضمائر الوصل 11 -الجملة المنقسمة 12 -االشتقاق 2

المحتويات رقم الصفحة المحتوى 150-145 Guided Writing الكتابة الموجهة 1-152 - 151 Editing تحرير النصوص 2- النصوص األدبية اسم النص األدبي رقم الصفحة 156-153 I remember, I remember 1- أنا أتذكر, أنا أتذكر 161-157 All the World's a Stage 2- ما العالم سوى خشبة مسرح 168-162 The Old Man and the Sea 3- الرجل العجوز والبحر 3

Unit One (تكنولوجيا المعلومات) Information Technology (معاني الكلمات المطلوبة) Vocabularies Word meaning Word meaning مصفاة / فلتر / يصفي filter حساب / الة حاسبة calculation انتحال الهوية الرقمية identity fraud رقاقة كمبيوتر )شريحة( computer chip اعدادات الخصوصية privacy settings قرص ممغنط floppy disk الشبكة العنكبوتية العالمية World Wide Web كمبيوتر شخصي Personal Computer (PC): اعدادات األمان security settings برنامج كمبيوتر program يعتمد على Rely on برنامج تلفزيوني او اذاعي programme نظام المالحة موبايل ذكي )جهاز ذكي( smartphone Satellite navigation system الكمبيوتر اللوحي Tablet computer تبادل االيميالت email exchange يصل للمعلومات عن طريق الكمبيوتر والنت اللوح االبيض الرقمي )اللوح الذكي( صفحة شخصية على االنترنت blog social media access whiteboard وسائل التواصل االجتماعي اخترع invented عقد )10 سنوات( decade نماذج models جيل generation مستخدم user ينشر post مالحظة: عزيزي الطالب معاني الكلمات انجليزي انجليزي موجودة في نهاية كتاب الطالب Book( )Pupil's 4

القطعة The history of computers صفحة رقم )6( When you are using a computer, think about the technology that is needed for it to work. People have been using types of computers for thousands of years. A metal machine was found on the seabed in Greece that was more than 2,000 years old. It is believed that this was the first ever computer. عندما تستخدم الكمبيوتر, فكر بالتكنولوجيا التي يحتاجها لتجعله يعمل. الناس يستخدمون انواع مختلفة من الحواسيب منذ االف السنين. آله معدنية وجدت في قاع البحر في اليونان و كان عمرها اكثر من 2000 سنة. و ي عتقد بأنها كانت اول جهاز كمبيوتر. Underlined Pronouns: that : the technology it : a computer that: a metal machine this : a metal machine In the 1940s, technology had developed enough for inventors to make the first generation of modern computers. One such model was so large that it needed a room that was 167 square metres to accommodate it. During that decade, scientists in England developed the first computer program. It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation. In 1958 CE, the computer chip was developed. في االربعينيات, تطورت التكنولوجيا بشكل كبير و بذلك تمكن المخترعون من صناعة اول جيل من الكمبيوتر الحديث. و هذا النموذج كان كبيرا جدا حيث انه احتاج لغرفة كبيرة مساحتها 167 متر مربع الحتوائه. خالل تلك الفترة, العلماء في انجلترا تمكنوا من تطوير اول برنامج للكمبيوتر. و هذا البرنامج كان يستغرق 25 دقيقة الكمال عملية حسابية واحدة. و في عام 1958,تم تطوير رقاقة الكمبيوتر. Underlined Pronouns: it : One such model that : a room it: One such model 5

The first computer game was produced in 1962 CE, followed two years later by the computer mouse. In 1971 CE, the floppy disk was invented, which meant that information could be shared between computers. The first PC (personal computer) was produced in 1974 CE, so people could buy computers to use at home. تم انتاج اول لعبة كمبيوتر عام 1962,و بعدها بعامين ظهرت الفأرة. و في عام 1971,تم اختراع القرص المرن, و بالتالي اصبحت مشاركة المعلومات بين الكمبيوترات ممكنه. و صنع اول كمبيوتر شخصي عام 1974,و حينها تمكن الناس من شراء الكمبيوتر و استخدامه في منازلهم. Underlined Pronouns: which : the floppy disk was invented In 1983 CE, people could buy a laptop for the first time. Then, in 1990 CE, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web. It was not until 2007 CE that the first smartphones appeared. Today, most people use their mobile phones every day. في عام 1983,استطاع الناس شراء الكمبيوتر المحمول الول مرة. و بعدها في عام 1990,طور العالم البريطاني تيم بيرنرز لي الشبكة العنكبيوتية. وظهرت الهواتف الذكية االول عام 2007.اليوم, معظم الناس يستعملون هواتفهم يوميا. Underlined Pronouns: it : that the first smartphones appeared their: most people What will happen in the future? You can already buy watches which can do the same as mobile phones. Scientists have also developed glasses that are capable of doing even more than this. ماذا سيحدث في المستقبل يمكنك االن شراء ساعات العلماء بتطوير نظارات قادرة فعل أكثر من هذا. اليد القادرة عل ان تقوم ما يقوم به الهاتف النق ال. و ايضا قام Underlined Pronouns: which : watches that: glasses this: the same as mobile phones 6

Life in the future is going to see further changes in computer technology. It is likely that all aspects of everyday life will rely on a computer program, from how we travel to how our homes are heated. الحياة في المستقبل ستشهد تغييرات كبيرة في تكنولوجيا الحواسيب. و من المحتمل ان تعتمد جميع اشكال الحياة اليومية عل برنامج كمبيوتر, من حيث السفر ال التحكم بتدفئة منازلنا. األسئلة المتوقعة على هذة القطعة مع أسئلة الكتاب: 1- Two things related عالقة ب) to (ذات computers that were invented in the sixties. Write down them? The first computer game. The computer mouse. 2- Two things related to computers that were invented (اخترع) in the seventies. Write down them? The floppy disk. The first personal computer. 3- Many devices (أدوات) (personal شخصية possessions (ممتلكلت can do the same as mobile phones. Write down two of these devices? ساعات اليد. Watches النظارات Glasses. 4- It is likely المحتمل) (من that all aspects )جوانب) of everyday life will rely on على) )تعتمد a computer program. Write two of these aspects? How we travel. (تدفئة البيوت) heated. How our homes are 5- Many inventions related to computers were completed (أنجزت) between 1958 CE and 1974 CE. Write two of these inventions? The computer chip. The first computer game. 6- Quote the sentence which shows: The size of the first generation (جيل) of computers. "One such model was so large that it needed a room that was 167 square meters to accommodate it." The first computer program was invented in the fourties. "During that decade, scientists in England developed the first computer program." It took a long time to make one calculation. "It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation." 7

The computer mouse was invented in 1964 CE. "The first computer game was produced in 1962 CE, followed two years later by the computer mouse." The time (year) when the internet was developed. "Then, in 1990 CE, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web." The person who developed (طور) the internet. "Then, in 1990 CE, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web." The nationality )جنسية) of the person (the scientist) who developed the internet. "Then, in 1990 CE, the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web." The time (the year) in which the first laptop was sold (was bought). "In 1983 CE, people could buy a laptop for the first time." The first computer program was very slow. "It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation." The place (location (موقع where the first ever computer found. "A metal machine was found on the seabed in Greece that was more than 2000 years old." The time when the first ever computer found. "A metal machine was found on the seabed in Greece that was more than 2000 years old." 7- Suggestion Question / Point of view: Technology, through the solar power الشمسية),(الطاقة is used in heating homes. Suggest three other uses (استخدامات) of the solar power in homes. 1- Drying clothes 2- heating water 3- starting some cars. We rely (يعتمد) more and more (أكثر) on computer technology. How far مدى) )ألي do?(تطور ايجابي) as a positive development (توافق) you agree 1- We can shop online. 2- We can buy a ticket online. 3- We don't need to go to a doctor to check our blood pressure. 4- We pay water bill online We rely more and more on computer technology. How far do you agree as a?(تطور وتأثير سلبي) negative development 1- The computers sometimes fail (crash). متين ودهون زائدة (fat) 2- This leads to obesity كسول lazy. 3- We become 8

8- List the inventions that were completed between 1958 CE and 1974 CE? The computer chip. The first computer game. The computer mouse. The floppy disk. The first personal computer. 9- How do you think (تعتقد) computer technology will develop )يتطور) further (اكثر) in the?(المقالة) do you agree with the article )ألي مدى) future? How far I think that computer technology will develop further in the future to the point that it will know how to identify our every need. We will not have to think about everyday tasks like shopping and cleaning because technology will take care of them. 10- We rely more and more on computer technology. How far do you agree that this is a positive development? I agree that computers have enabled على) (قادر us to do many great things. Depending on على) (باالعتماد technology totally كامل) )بشكل is not a positive aspect of this development. This would result in too many problems if the computers تعطلت crashed. 11- Find a word that means a small piece inside a computer which stores information via an electric current. Computer chip 12- Find a word that means an abbreviation for personal computer, a computer that is used by one person at a time. PC 13- Find a word that means a mobile phone with advanced computing technology smartphone 9

INFINITVE المعن PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTCIPLE INFINITIVE المعن PAST SIMPLE PAST PATICIPLE Lose Lost Lost يفقد Be was/were Been يكون ينبض Beat Beat Beaten يصنع Make Made Made يصبح Become Became Become يعني Mean Meant Meant يبدأ Begin Began Begun يقابل Meet Met Met ينحني Bend Bent Bent يدفع Pay Paid Paid يراهن Bet Bet Bet يضع Put Put Put يعض Bite Bit Bitten يقرأ Read Read Read ينفخ Blow Blew Blown يركب Ride Rode Ridden يكسر Break Broke Broken يقرع Ring Rang Rung يحضر Bring Brought Brought يرتفع Rise Rose Risen يبني Build Built Built يركض Run Ran Run يشتري Buy Bought Bought يقول Say Said Said يمسك Catch Caught Caught يرى See Saw Seen يختار Choose Chose Chosen يبحث Seek Sought Sought يأتي Come Came Come يبيع Sell Sold Sold يكلف Cost Cost Cost يرسل Send Sent Sent يقطع Cut Cut Cut يصافح Shake Shook Shaken يتعامل Deal Dealt Dealt يشع Shine Shone Shone يعمل Do/does Did Done يضرب Shoot Shot Shot يرسم Draw Drew Drawn يظهر Show Showed Shown بشرب Drink Drank Drunk يغلق Shut Shut Shut يسوق Drive Drove Driven يغني Sing Sang Sung يأكل Eat Ate Eaten يغرق Sink Sank Sunk يقع Fall Fell Fallen يجلس Sit Sat Sat يطعم Feed Fed Fed ينام Sleep Slept Slept يشعر Feel Felt Felt يتكلم Speak Spoke Spoke يقاتل Fight Fought Fought ينفق Spend Spent Spent يجد Find Found Found ينشر Spread Spread Spread يطير Fly Flew Flown يقف Stand Stood Stood يمنع Forbid Forbade Forbidden يسرق Steal Stole Stolen ينسى Forget Forgot Forgotten يضرب Strike Struck Struck يسامح Forgive Forgave Forgiven يقسم Swear Swore Sworn يحصل Get Got Gotten يكنس Sweep Swept Swept يعطي Give Gave Given يسبح Swim Swam Swum يذهب Go Went Gone يأخذ Take Took Taken يزرع/ينمو Grow Grew Grown يعلم Teach Taught Taught يمتلك Have Had Had يمزق Tear Tore Torn يسمع Hear Heard Heard يخبر Tell Told Told يؤذي Hurt Hurt Hurt يفكر/يظن Think Though Thought يحافظ Keep Kept Kept يرمي Throw Threw Thrown يعلم/يعرف Know Knew Known يفهم Understand Understood Understood يقود Lead Led Led يستيقظ Wake Woke Woken يغادر Leave Left Left يلبس Wear Wore Won يقرض Lend Lent Lent يفوز/يكسب Win Won Won يدع/يترك Let Let Let يكتب Write Wrote Written 10

(األزمنة) Tenses المضارع البسيط Present: (1) Simple Simple present tense in English is used to describing habitual actions (regular), Facts or scheduled events. يستخدم زمن المضارع البسيط لوصف أحداث اعتيادية أو حقائق علمية. كما أنه يستخدم للتعبير عن المواعيد المجدولة والمعدة مسبقا كرحالت الطيران والقطارات والباصات. :(شكل الفعل في جملة المضارع البسيط ( Form.) s / es ( نضيف للفعل المضارع ) He / She / it ( اذا كان الفاعل مفرد أو ضمير من ضمائ المفرد Verb (1) + s / es )فاعل مفرد / ضمير مفرد( يضاف ( es ) للفعل المضارع اذا كان الفاعل مفرد او ضمير مفرد شريطة أن ينتهي الفعل المضارع بأحد الحروف التالية: ) o, ch, sh, ss, x, z ( go goes catch catches wash washes pass passes fix fixes buzz buzzes اذا انته الفعل المضارع بحرف )Y( وما قبله حرف صامت )ساكن( وكان الفاعل مفرد أو ضمير مفرد يقلب حرف )Y( ال )ies( : marry marries study studies carry carries worry worries اذا كان الفاعل جمع أو ضمير من ضمائر الجمع ( you ) I / they / we / يبق الفعل المضارع كما هو من دون اضافات. (1) Verb )فاعل جمع / ضمير جمع( 11

(نفي الفعل المضارع) Negative: اذا كان الفاعل مفرد أو ضمير من ضمائ المفرد ( it ) He / She / نستخدم ( not ) does ثم الفعل المضارع المجرد من دون أية اضافات. (1) Verb does + not + )فاعل مفرد / ضمير مفرد( اذا كان الفاعل جمع أو ضمير من ضمائر الجمع ( you ) I / they / we / نستخدم ( not ( do ثم الفعل المضارع المجرد كما هو من دون اضافات. (1) Verb do + not + )فاعل جمع / ضمير جمع( (الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords 1- Every + (Time / زمن (وقت : every day, every week, every month, every year etc. Every day = daily Every week = weekly Every month = monthly Every year = yearly :(وقت / زمن 2- Once / twice / three times../ + a (time We pray five times a day. My grandfather takes his medicine twice a day. ): ظروف التكرار ) Frequency 3- Adverbs of دائما Always عادة usually عادة normally عموما generally غالبا often باستمرار frequently أحيانا sometimes من حين الخر occasionally نادرا seldom نادرا جدا hardly ever نادرا rarely ال يحدث أبدا never نادرا جدا scarcely ever Examples: 1- Water of hydrogen and oxygen. (consist ) 2- The Earth around the sun. (go) 3- Schools and universities usually..at the beginning of September. (start) 4- My father's plane.to Paris at 9 PM. (leave) 5- Policemen.sports daily to be fit. (practice) 6- My family.our grandparents once a week. (visit) 12

Questions: 1- My grandfather his medicine two times a day. a. took b- take c- takes 2- The train.. to France at 9 PM. a. leave b. leaves c. left 3- Bottles of water. at 99 c degree. a. doesn't boil b. don't boil c. didn't boil 4- Sami and Nasser football on Fridays. a- Play b- plays c- played 5- Climbing mountains generally..our bodies. a. builds b. built c. build 6- The development of computers our daily life complicated and complex. a. doesn't make b. don't make c. didn't make 7- Men always.some of money to entertain their children. a. spends b. spent c. spend 8- Eating a lot of cakes and sweets makes our bodies healthy. (negative).. 9- A few of fish live in the Dead Sea. (negative)... 10- A maid normally takes care children well. (االجابات) Answers 1- takes 2- leaves 3- don't boil 4- play 5- builds 6- doesn't make 7- spend 8- Eating a lot of cakes and sweets does not make our bodies healthy. 9- A few of fish do not live in the Dead Sea. 10- A maid normally does not take care children well. 13

المضارع المستمر Continuous: (2) Present Present continuous tense in English is used to talking about actions that are in progress at the moment of speech. يستخدم المضارع المستمر لوصف األحداث المستمرة لحظة الكالم عنها )لحظة الكالم(. :( شكل الفعل في جملة المضارع المستمر ( Form (الفاعل) Subject I am He / she / it (مفرد) is + ( Verb ing ) ) جمع) They / We / You are ) ing لبعض األفعال: قواعد مهمة عند اضافة ( 1- consonant + vowel + consonant double the final consonant stop stopping 1- اذا انته الفعل بحرف صامت قبله حرف عله وما قبل حرف العله أيضا حرف صامت فاننا نضاعف الحرف الصامت األخير.... 2- Verbs end with (e) delete the (e) phone phoning 2- اذا انته الفعل بحرف ( e ) فانه يحذف عند اضافة ( ing (.... 3- Verbs end with (ie) change (ie) to (y) then add (ing) lie lying / die - dying -3 اذا انته الفعل بالحرفين ( ie ) فيجب قلبهما ال ( Y ) ثم اضافة ( ing.)... (نفي الفعل المضارع المستمر) Negative: (الفاعل) Subject I am not He / she / it (مفرد) is not + ( Verb ing ) ) جمع) They / We / You are not 14

مالحظة مهمة: تستخدم (always( ككلمة مفتاحية للداللة عل المضارع المستمر لوصف عادة سيئة. Example: My neighbour's dog is always barking so that I can't sleep well at night. (الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords (في هذة اللحظة) / at the moment (هذة االيام) / nowadays (االن) / right now )االن) 1- now أنظر look! احذر out! watch اسمع Listen! 2- اسكت shsh! انتبه )احذر( out! look اهدأ quiet! be مالحظة مهمة: اذا جاء أحد األفعال التي ال تأخذ ( ال تقبل( - )ing( في جملة زمن المضارع المستمر فيجب حل السؤال عل قاعدة المضارع البسيط ومن هذة األفعال التي ال تقبل ing(( : (finish, arrive, graduate, believe, know, recognize, understand, imagine, promise, deny, appear, agree, disagree, be) Examples: 1- Mona always her pencil on the desk and it's getting me nerves! (tap) 2- My brothers the football match right now. a. watching b. is watching c. are watching 3- Look! It..Don't forget you umbrella. a. is raining b. rains c. are raining 4- Those men...always So, they make me pessimistic. (complain) 5- the women mansef for the wedding party at the moment? (cook) 6- Peter is always talking aloud. (Negative). 7- My friends hate Rami because he always..and cheating. (lie) )االجابات) Answers 1- is tapping. 6- Peter is not always talking aloud. 2- are watching 7- is lying 3- is raining 4- are complaining 5- Are cooking 15

المضارع التام Perfect: (3) Present (الحدث منتهي) results. Present perfect in English is used to talking about actions that have يستخدم المضارع التام لوصف أحداث تترك أثر او نتيجة بعد انتهاءها. :( شكل الفعل في جملة المضارع التام ( Form (الفاعل) Subject He / she / it (مفرد) has + Verb 3 I / They / We / You جمع) ) have + Verb 3 (نفي الفعل المضارع التام) Negative: He / she / it (مفرد) has + not + Verb 3 (الفاعل) Subject I / They / We / You جمع) ) have + not + Verb 3 (الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords للتو already ابدا ever للتو just لغاية االن yet لغاية االن so far حت االن until now حت االن up to now مؤخرا lately اخيرا at last منذ since لمدة for حديثا recently oh! ال يحدث ابدا never مالحظة مهمة: اذا كانت ( Yet ( هي الكلمة المفتاحية المستخدمة في جملة المضارع التام فإن الجملة يجب أن تكون منفية. Examples: 1- I my research in linguistics yet. (finish) 2- She her homework yet. (write) 3- I already three chapters of this book. (read) 4- Linda... three medals in the Olympic Games until now. (win) (االجابات) Answers 1- have not finished 2- has not written 3- have read 4- has won 16

Questions: 1- My father gets angry because I..the Maths homework yet. a. have written b. has not written c. have not written 2- Oh! The car the wall of the garden. b. have damaged b. has damaged c. damaged 3-...you ever such a beautiful car like Ferari? (see) 4- The policemen already the meeting in police staion. (begin) 5- I...never.any one as cheerful as Amal. (meet) 6- Sami to the invitation yet. (reply) 7- The government.recently new laws to reduce traffic jam. a. Has announced b. have announced c. had announced 8- Asem: I think the waiter has forgotten us. Nobody our order yet. a. has taken b- has not taken c. have not taken )االجابات) Answers 1- have not written 2- has damaged 3- Have seen 4- Have begun 5- have never 6- has not replied 7- has announced 8- has not taken 17

المضارع التام المستمر Continuous: (4) Present Perfect Present perfect continuous in English is generally used to talking about actions happened in (الحدث غير منتهي) results. the past and they are still happening with clear يستخدم المضارع التام المستمر لوصف أحداث حدثت بالماضي وما زالت مستمرة وأثارها او نتائجها ما زالت واضحة العيان. :( شكل الفعل في جملة المضارع التام المستمر) Form (مفرد) He / she / it has + been + (Verb-ing) (الفاعل) Subject ) جمع) I / They / We / You have + been + (Verb-ing) (نفي الفعل المضارع التام المستمر) Negative: He / she / it (مفرد) has not + been + (Verb-ing) (الفاعل) Subject ) جمع) I / They / We / You have not + been + (Verb-ing) (الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords 1- How long..? Example: How long have you been reading this book? (زمن / وقت 2- All + (time Example: I have been working all night. I am so tired. 3- Opening or Ending sentences to indicate to the continuity and result: استخدام جمل استفتاحية للداللة على االستمرارية والنتيجة وقد تكون هذة الجمل كجمل مستقلة في النهاية: (يبدو رشيقا) / He looks fit (يبدو منهكا) / You look exhausted ) يبدو متعبا) You look tired He looks happy يبدو سعيدا) ) / She looks hungry جائعا) (تبدو / They look healthy 18

مالحظة مهمة: من الدالالت المشتركة بين المضارع التام و المضارع التام المستمر recently( (for since ولذلك يجب وجود جملة أو كلمات في الجملة لتشير على ان الحدث ما زال مستمرا وانه غير منتهي مثل: (not finished not complete will be finished soon( Examples: 1- It is 10 p.m. I for two hours and probably will not finish until now. (study) في الجملة رقم )1( الكلمة المفتاحية now( )until تشير ال الزمن المضارع التام و الكلمة finish( (will not تشير ال أن الحدث غير منتهي )غير مكتمل( وهو يوضح االستمرارية. إذن الجملة مضارع تام مستمر. Answer: have been studying 2- A: Why does Sami look exhausted? B: Because he.for eight hours. (be / work) في الحوار )A( يوجد داللة تدل عل االستمرارية والنتيجة وهي الجملة االستفتاحية exhausted( (look. يوجد بالجملة )B) دليل اخر عل أن الجملة مضارع وهو )for( متبوعة بمدة زمنية. الدليل االخر عل زمن مضارع التام هو (for( متبوعة بمدة زمنية مع ما وضع بين االقواس ( verb ). be / Answer: has been working 3- My father looks tired. He a research all the night. a. is writing b. has been writing c. have written في السؤال )3( الجملة االستفتاحية tired( )My father looks تدل عل النتيجة واالستمرارية. الدليل االخر night( ) all the تدل عل أن الزمن هو مضارع تام. Answer: has been writing 19

Questions: 1- Mona looks tired. She..the kitchen since the morning. (clean) 2- Jamal and Fawaz..classes for a few weeks now. (be / take) 3- She feels happy because she what she likes all day. (be / do) 4- I a report since the morning. I can't find an appropriate ending for it. (be / write) 5- I.an interesting book about Petra. I'll give it to you when I finish. (be / read) 6- My brother.for a job every day all this month. (be / look) 7- She is so angry because she here for two hours for her friends. They have not come yet. a. has waited b. has been waiting c. have waited. 8- Manal is getting worse. She.he medicine for three days now. a. has taken b. have taken c. has not been taking 9- How long.you in Dubai? a. has been working b. have been working c. have worked 10- I..to the new supermarket every day all this week. It's a big fun. a. have been going b. has been going c. have gone (االجابات) Answers 1- has been cleaning 2- have been taking 3- has been doing 4- have been writing 5- have been reading 6- has been looking 7- has been waiting 8- has not been taking 9- have been working 10- have been going 20

الماضي البسيط Past: (5) Simple Past Simple in English is generally used to talking about actions that happened and finished in the past. يستخدم الماضي البسيط لوصف أحداث حدثت وانتهت بالماضي. :( شكل الفعل في جملة الماضي البسيط ( Form Subject / جمع) (مفرد Verb ( 2 ) نستخدم الفعل الماضي البسيط مع جمع الفاعل المفرد أو الجمع ومع جميع الضمائر. تذكر بأنه يوجد نوعين من األفعال باللغة االنجليزية وهما األفعال المنتظمة والتي تنتهي ب )ed( واألفعال غير المنتظمة. يجب حفظ قائمة األفعال غير المنتظمة. (نفي الفعل الماضي البسيط) Negative: Subject / جمع) (مفرد did not + Verb ( 1 ) عند نفي الفعل الماضي البسيط نستخدم ( not ) did ومن ثم يرجع الفعل ال صيغته المجردة وهي المضارع البسيط. قواعد إضافة )ed( ال نهاية الفعل: 1- consonant + vowel + consonant double the final consonant stop stopped 1- اذا انته الفعل بحرف صامت قبله حرف عله وما قبل حرف العله أيضا حرف صامت فاننا نضاعف الحرف الصامت األخير.... 2- Verbs end with (e) Just add (d) phone phoned 2- اذا انته الفعل بحرف ( e ) يجب إضافة فقط حرف )d(... 3- Verbs end with (Y) 3- اذا انته الفعل بالحرف ( Y ) مسبوقا بحرف علة. عند تحويله للماضي فقط أضف.)ed( enjoy: enjoyed pray: prayed play : played (. ied ( ال )Y) مسبوقا بحرف صامت. عند تحويله للماضي يجب تغيير حرف ) Y ( اذا انته الفعل بالحرف study: studied cry: cried try: tried 21

(الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords 2016 ) (2018, 2017, سنة ماضية In+ / أمس 1- Yesterday ( هذة الكلمة ال يكون بعدها ( a ذات مرة -2 Once من قبل + ago) / ago مدة زمنية / وقت ( time 3- Example: two days ago / a year ago.. وقت / زمن 4- Last + time Example: last month / last week / last century / last decade. في الماضي 5- In the past Questions: 1- I my friend two hours ago at Irbid City Center. a. meet b. met c. had met 2- Amman.the capital of cultre and art in the last decade. a. is b. was c. were 3- Once, I.an old coin in this valley. a. find b. had found c. found 4- She.to my sister's birthday last Friday. a. doesn't come b. don't come c. didn't come 5-.you.a car yesterday? a. Did-buy b. Does-buy c. Do-buy 6- My friend a medal in the Olympic Games in 1999. (win) 7- I..a new job two weeks ago. (find) 8- Which books...to school yesterday? a. did you took b. have you taken c. did you take 9- I suddenly realized that I..my passport. a. lose b. lost c. has lost (االجابات) Answers 1- met 2- was 3- found 4- didn't come 5- Did-buy 6- won 7- found 8- did you take 9- lost 22

الماضي المستمر Continuous: (6) Past Past Continuous Tense in English is generally used to talking about actions that were in progress at a certain time in the past. Also, it is used to talking about two actions happened in the past. One of them was in progress (long action) when the other one (short action) interrupted the progress one (long action). يستخدم الماضي المستمر لوصف احداث كانت مستمرة بلحظة معينة في الماضي. كما أنه يستخدم للحديث عن حدث كان مستمرا بالماضي )حدث طويل( عندما قاطعه حدث اخر وانتهى بلحظته ( حدث قصير(. مالحظة مهمة: جملة الماضي المستمر تتكون من شقين )حدثين(: (حدث طويل يأخذ صيغة االستمرارية وهو ما يسم بالماضي المستمر ( Action -1 Long ) شكل الفعل في الماضي المستمر ( Form: I / He / she / it (مفرد) was + (Verb-ing) (الفاعل) Subject ) جمع) They / We / You were + (Verb-ing) انتبه الضمير ( I ) يعامل معاملة المفرد في هذا الزمن. (نفي الفعل الماضي المستمر) Negative: I / He / she / it (مفرد) was not + (Verb-ing) (الفاعل) Subject ) جمع) They / We / You were not + (Verb-ing) (حدث قصير يأخذ صيغة الماضي البسيط) -2 Short Action Subject / جمع) (مفرد Verb ( 2 ) 23

(الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords (حدث طويل), Past Continuous )حدث قصير ( Past + Simple )عندما) 1- When اذن )When( كلمة مفتاحية يتبعها مباشرة جملة الحدث القصير ويأخذ فعلها صيغة )الماضي البسيط (2) )Verb وأما الشق االخر من الجملة فيأخذ صيغة االستمرارية ( الماضي المستمر(. -1 )حدث قصير), Simple Past )حدث طويل) + Past Continuous (بينما) 2- While 2- اذن )While( كلمة مفتاحية يتبعها مباشرة جملة الحدث الطويل ويأخذ فعلها صيغة الماضي المستمر وأما الشق االخر من الجملة فيأخذ صيغة )الماضي البسيط (2) )Verb وهو الحدث القصير. (بينما) 3- As (زمن) o'clock + last (وقت) 4- At 4- عندما يكون هذا التركيب )الكلمة المفتاحية( في الجملة فإن الحل / فإن الجملة تحتوي فقط عل حالة واحده وهي صيغة االستمرارية ( الماضي المستمر( بمعن أن الجملة ال تحتوي اال عل حدث واحد فقط وهو )الحدث الطويل( Example: At 9 PM lasy Monday, I was watching the match at the restaurant. Examples: 1- I in Amman when I got married. (live) الجملة رقم ( 1 ) يوجد فيها كلمة مفتاحية وهي )when( ويتبعها مباشرة الحدث القصير )الماضي البسيط( لذلك فإن الشق الثاني يجب أن يأخذ صيغة االستمرارية وهو )الحدث الطويل(. بما المطلوب هو حل جملة )الحدث الطويل( والذي يأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي المستمر. اذن نأخذ بعين االعتبار الفاعل في هذا الشق وهو الضمير ( I ) ويعامل معاملة المفرد لذلك فإن الحل: Answer: was living 2- While we our homeworks, my father arrived. (write) الجملة رقم ( 2 ) يوجد فيها كلمة مفتاحية وهي ( while ) ويتبعها مباشرة الحدث الطويل )الماضي المستمر( لذلك يأخذ بعين االعتبار الفاعل وهو ( we ) وهو ضمير فاعل جمع. اذن فإن الحل: Answer: were writing انتبه: الفعل ( write ) ينتهي بحرف )e ) لذلك عند اضافة )ing( له تحذف حرف )e(. 24

Questions: 1- While the boys at school, it began to rain heavily. (study) 2- I was writing a letter when the bell.(ring) 3- While he.the essay, the computer stopped working. (be / type) 4- While the teacher....the lesson, someone knocked the door. (be / explain) 5- At 10 AM last Sunday, the committee members to the new workers. a. was talking b. were talking c. are talking 6- Maha.two of her friends while she was going to school. a. met b. was meeting c. had met 7- They were looking for the lost document when they.the treasure. a. were discovering b. was discovering c. discovered 8- While the child..the bicycle, he fell off. a. were riding b. was riding c. rode 9- I..for a new job at 11 AM yesterday. a. was not applying b. were not applying c. didn't apply. 10- As I spoke, the children.at my cleverness. (laugh) Answers: 1- were studying 2- rang 3- was typing 4- was explaining 5- were talking 6- met 7- discovered 8- was riding 9- was not applying 10- were laughing 25

الماضي التام Perfect: (7) Past Past perfect in English is generally used to talking about two actions one of them preceded the other. يستخدم الماضي التام عادة لوصف حدثين حدثا بالماضي )كالهما بالماضي ) أحدهما سبق االخر. لذلك فهذا الزمن يربط بين حدثين باستخدام روابط وهي ما تسم بالكلمات المفتاحية للربط بين حدث أقدم )قديم جدا / الحدث األول( مع حدث )قديم /الحدث الثاني(. مالحظة مهمة: جملة الماضي التام تتكون من شقين )حدثين(: (الحدث األقدم / الحدث األول) 1- Very old action 1- الحدث األقدم ( الحدث األول( وهو الذي يأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي التام: ) شكل الفعل في الماضي التام ( Form: Subject / جمع) (مفرد had + Verb ( 3 ) ) نفي الفعل في الماضي التام ( Negative: Subject / جمع) (مفرد had not + Verb ( 3 ) (الحدث القديم / الحدث الثاني) -2 Old action 2- الحدث القديم ( الحدث الثاني( وهو الذي يأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي البسيط: Subject / جمع) (مفرد Verb ( 2 ) 26

(الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords ماضي بسيط, simple past ماضي تام + past perfect ) بعد) 1- After الكلمة المفتاحية )after( تكون في بداية الجملة التي تعبر عن )الحدث األقدم / الحدث األول( وبالتالي يأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي التام. وأما الجزء االخر من الجملة فإنه يعبر عن )الحدث القديم / الحدث الثاني( ويأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي البسيط. ماضي تام, past perfect ماضي بسيط + simple past (قبل) 2- Before -1 2- الكلمة المفتاحية )before( تكون في بداية الجملة التي تعبر عن )الحدث القديم / الحدث الثاني( وبالتالي يأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي البسيط. وأما الجزء االخر من الجملة فإنه يعبر عن )الحدث األقدم / الحدث األول ) ويأخذ فعله صيغة الماضي التام. ) زمن / وقت ماضي 3- By + ( past time 3- عندما يأتي في الجملة الكلمة المفتاحية )by( ثم بعدها مباشرة زمن ماضي )سنه ماضية / شهر ماضي...(. فإن الجملة في هذة الحالة تحمل صيغة واحد للفعل وهي الماضي التام فقط. هذا التركيب ( الكلمة المفتاحية ) تأتي في بداية الجملة عادة. Examples: 1- After Hassan had passed an IELTS exam, he went to Canada. الكلمة المفتاحية في الجملة هي )after( لذلك فإنها مباشرة تتبع بماضي تام )الحدث األول( و الجزء االخر من الجملة يكون ماضي بسيط )الحدث الثاني(. بمعن أن حسن اجتاز ( نجح( أوال باختبار األيلتس وبعدها )ثانيا( سافر ال كندا. 2- Ahmad had sent an email before he visited his friend. الكلمة المفتاحية في الجملة هي )before( لذلك فإنها مباشرة تتبع بماضي بسيط )الحدث الثاني( والجزء االخر من الجملة يكون ماضي تام ( الحدث األول(. بمعن أن أحمد قد أرسل ايميل لصديقه )الحدث األول( قبل زيارته )الحدث الثاني( Questions: 1- After Rashed..the letter, he went to the post office and sent it. a. wrote b. has written d. had written 2- We arrived after the guests... a. had left b. have left c. left 3- By the time my husband got home, I dinner. a. have cooked b. had cooked c. cooked 27

4- Most of people..smartphones by the end of 2015. (own) 5- By the end of 2012, I to a new flat. (not / move) 6- After we had finished our dinner, we.to the garden and drank tea. a. went b. had gone c. have gone 7- By the end of 2017, my friend..the USA to study medicine. a. left b. had left c. has left 8- Before Ali bought anew car, he.enough money. (have) 9- Ahmad became a doctor after he the certificate. (acquire) 10- By the end of 2014, my youngest sister from the university. a. has not graduated b. did not graduate c. had not graduated (االجابات) Answers 1- had written 2- had left 3- had cooked 4- had owned 5- had not moved 6- went 7- had left 8- had had 9- had acquired 10- had not graduated 28

الماضي التام المستمر Continuous: (8) Past Perfect Past perfect continuous in English is generally used to describing the continuity of an action in the past before interrupted by another action. يستخدم الماضي التام عادة لوصف المستمر حالة االستمرارية التي كان عليها حدث في الماضي قبل مقاطعته من حدث أخر في الماضي. (شكل الفعل في الماضي التام المستمر) Form: Subject / جمع) (مفرد had + been + ( Verb ing ) ) نفي الفعل في الماضي التام المستمر ( Negative: Subject / جمع) (مفرد had not + been + ( Verb ing ) )الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords مالحظة مهمة: الماضي التام المستمر يستخدم نفس الظروف )الكلمات المفتاحية( المستخدمة في الماضي التام ولكن يجب أن تكون متالزمة مع كلمات وظروف مع تدل عل االستمرارية.. ( after / before / by + past time ( الكلمات المفتاحية التي تشير ال حالة التام الكلمات المفتاحية التي تشير ال حالة االستمرارية time( )all + time / for + أو استخدام جمل استفتاحية في حالة الماضي لتشير ال االستمرارية والنتيجة مثل: He looked tired / You looked angry / She looked exhausted في الجملة الوزارية اذا اعطاك جملتين في الماضي وكان زمن الجملة األول ماضي والفرا في الجملة الثانية عل النحو verb( )be, يكون المطلوب زمن الماضي التام المستمر. Example: 1- They had been talking for over an hour before the manager arrived. الجملة رقم )1( تحتوي عل كلمة مفتاحية تشير ال حالة التام وهي )before( و جاء بنفس الجملة أيضا كلمة مفتاحية تشير ال حالة االستمرارية وهي hour(.)for over an 2- My father was very tired because he had been working all day in the farm. الجملة رقم )2( بدأت بجملة استفتاحية في زمن الماضي مع وجود كلمة مفتاحية أخرى وهي day( )all لتشير ال مدة وحالة االستمرارية. 29

Questions: 1- By the time the bus arrived, we.. for an hour. (wait) 2- By the time my friend phoned me, I my homework for two hours. (do) 3- Hind (work) very hard for several weeks before she did her final exams. 4- She phoned her parents from the college. They.(wait) for her call all morning. 5- Ahmad was very tired because he.for hours without a break. a. has been working b- has worked c. had been working 6- Their clothes were dirty because they..the room all the day. a. Painting b- had been painting c. have painted 7- When Mr. Ali arrived, he was exhausted. He for five days. (be / climb) 8- Omar passed all his exams. He.for a month. (be / revise) 9- The tailor finished making Mona's dress a week before the wedding. He.it for over a month. a. made b. have made c. had been making 10- He was fired because he to work on time. a. has not come b. hadn't come c. hadn't been coming (االجابات) Answers 1- had been waiting 2- had been doing 3- had been working 4- had been waiting 5- had been working 6- had been painting 7- had been climbing 8- had been revising 9- had been making 10- hadn't been coming 30

المستقبل البسيط Future: (9) Simple يمكن التعبير عن زمن المستقبل البسيط بطرقتين )قاعدتين(: التعبير عن المستقبل البسيط باستخدام will( ( التعبير عن المستقبل البسيط باستخدام to( ( be going تستخدم )will( للتعبير عن المستقبل البسيط في حالتين: 1- القرارات المفاجئة من دون تخطيط مسبق. Simple Future in English is expressed by two ways (rules): 1- Talking about the future using WILL. 2- Talking about the future using BE GOING TO. Form of the Future Simple with WILL: -2 التنبأ بالمستقبل من دون وجود دليل. ) شكل الفعل في المستقبل البسيط باستخدام Form: (will فعل مضارع مجرد( 1 ) will + verb (مفرد / جمع) Subject (نفي الفعل في المستقبل البسيط باستخدام Negative: (will فعل مضارع مجرد( 1 ) will not + verb (مفرد / جمع) Subject )الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords تستخدم هذة القاعدة بوجود الكلمات المفتاحية التالية: زمن / وقت next + time غدا Tomorrow الليلة Tonight = next week / next month in + سنة بالمستقبل = in 2020 / in 2021.. بعد بكره )بعد غد( Soon قريبا day after tomorrow مقرونة ومتالزمة مع أحد الكلمات التالية في الجملة: )بوجود أحد الكلمات التالية( ربما Perhaps من المحتمل probably من الممكن maybe اعتقد think يأمل hope يتنبأ predict من المحتمل Likely من الممكن possible يعتقد believe يوعد )وعد( promise 31

Example: 1- Perhaps I will meet my pen friend in London next Monday. الجملة ( 1 ) تحتوي عل كلمة مفتاحية تشير ال المستقبل وهي Monday( )next باالضافة ال وجود كلمة )perhaps( والتي تشير ال االحتمالية من دون وجود دليل وتخطيط مسبق للقاء بصديق المراسلة. Form of the Future Simple with BE GOING TO: ) شكل الفعل في جملة المستقبل البسيط باستخدام Form: (going to (الفاعل) Subject I am فعل مضارع مجرد ) 1 is + going to + ( Verb (مفرد) He / she / it ) جمع) They / We / You are (نفي الفعل في المستقبل البسيط باستخدام Negative: (going to (الفاعل) Subject I am فعل مضارع مجرد ) 1 is + not + going to + ( Verb (مفرد) He / she / it ) جمع) They / We / You are )الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords تستخدم هذة القاعدة بوجود الكلمات المفتاحية التالية المبنية عل دليل وتخطيط مسبق: )عندما أتقدم بالعمر )أكبر() / When I grow up )انظر ال السماء الداكنة ( sky Look at the dark (يوجد الكثير من الغيوم) / There are a lot of clouds (السماء داكنة) The sky is dark Example: 1- The sky is dark. It is going to rain soon. الجملة )1( تحنوي عل دليل واضح dark( )The sky is مع وجود كلمة مفتاحية تشير للمستقبل )soon( وبالتالي فهذة الجملة تشير للمستقبل البسيط المبني عل دليل واضح لذلك نستخدم قاعدة to(.)going Questions: 1- I..a doctor when I grow up. (is) 2- Jane is pregnant. She.a baby next month. (has) 32

3- Perhaps, I.the Barca vs. Madrid match at the restaurant with my friends. a. watched b. was watching c. will watch 4- look at the dark sky. It.cats and dogs. a. rains b. is raining c. is going to rain 5- Because Rami has Tawjehi exams. He.hard to be a student at university in the next year. (study) 6- I think many people.on the moon in the future. (live) 7- I believe my best friend...tomorrow. (arrive) 8- Rami's car is dirty. He it soon. a. will clean b. clean c. is going to clean 9- I hope I able to visit you next week. a. am b. will be c. am going to be )االجابات) Answers 1- am going to be 2- is going to have 3- will watch 4- is going to rain 5- is going to study 6- will live 7- will arrive 8- is going to clean 9- will be 33

المستقبل المستمر Continuous: (10) Future Future continuous is used to describing an action that will be in progress at a specific time in the future. يستخدم زمن المستقبل المستمر لوصف حدث سيكون مستمرا في لحظة معينة بالمستقبل. ) شكل الفعل في جملة المستقبل المستمر ( Form: Subject / جمع) (مفرد will + be + (verb ing) ) نفي الفعل في جملة المستقبل المستمر ( Negative: Subject / جمع) (مفرد will not + be + (verb ing) (الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords )موعد بالمستقبل 1- This time + (future date this time tomorrow / this time next Friday / next month at this time 2- During + (time in the future بالمستقبل :(موعد During next Friday/ (موعد / دليل عل المستقبل) + (وقت ساعة -3 At + (.o'clock At 9 o'clock next Friday / at 12 o'clock tomorrow / at 2 o'clock next Sunday.. وقت / زمن + time (موعد / دليل عل المستقبل) -4 Tomorrow morning / next Monday afternoon / next Friday at night Example: 1- This time next year I will be revising for the Tawjehi exams. الجملة رقم )1( تحتوي عل موعد محدد في السنة القادمة وهو year( (This time next بأن الحدث سيكون مستمرا وهو الدراسة والمراجعة الختبارات التوجيهي. 2- Don't phone me at 9 PM tonight. I will be having dinner with my family. الجملة رقم )2( تحتوي عل ساعة محددة في المستقبل tonight( (at 9 PM بأن الحدث سيكون مستمرا وهو تناول طعام العشاء مع العائلة. 34

مالحظة مهمة: اذا جاء أحد األفعال التي ال تأخذ ( ال تقبل( - )ing( في جملة زمن المستقبل المستمر فيجب حل السؤال عل قاعدة المستقبل التام )3 )will have + verb ومن هذة األفعال التي ال تقبل :)ing( (finish, arrive, graduate, believe, know, recognize, understand, imagine, promise, deny, appear, agree, disagree, be) 1- This time tomorrow, we'll be celebrating because we.our exams. (finish) 2- This time next month, my parents.married for 20 years. (be) 3- At 9 PM next Friday, I to Canada to start my high education. a. will travel b. will be travelling c. will have travelled 4- Don t let anyone interrupt me in the next few hours because I..on my project. a. will work b. will be working c. will have worked 5- Tomorrow at 9 A.M, I.. the manager for a new job. (meet) a. will meet b. will be meeting c. will have met 6- You can t call me 11 PM in the evening. I..(sleep). (االجابات) Answers 1- will have finished 2- will have been 3- will be travelling 4- will be working 5- will be meeting 6- will be sleeping 35

المستقبل التام Perfect: (11) Future Future perfect is used to describing an action that will have completed and finished at a specific time in the future. يستخدم زمن المستقبل التام لوصف حدث سيكون قد انته واكتمل حدوثه في لحظة معينة بالمستقبل. ) شكل الفعل في جملة المستقبل التام ( Form: Subject / جمع) (مفرد will + have + (verb 3) ) نفي الفعل في جملة المستقبل المستمر ( Negative: Subject / جمع) (مفرد will have not + (verb 3) (الكلمات المفتاحية) Keywords (زمن/ وقت بالمستقبل 1- By + (time in the future By tomorrow / By 2022 / By the end of next week / By next May /.. / بغضون ثالث سنواتtime / in three years' بغضون سنتين 2- In two years' time in a year بغضون سنه / in another five years / in another two weeks.. (جملة مستقبل تام ( perfect future,)جملة مضارع بسيط) 3- By the time + simple present By the time we get to the station, the train will have gone. Example: 1- By the end of this decade, scientists will have discovered a cure for cancer. الجملة رقم )1( تحتوي عل كلمة مفتاحية تشير ال زمن المستقبل التام وهو decade(.)by the end of this 2- By the time Nasser graduates from the university, his father will have built a factory. الجملة رقم )2( تحتوي عل كلمة مفتاحية time( )By the يتبعها مباشرة جملة مضارع بسيط. لذلك في الجزء االخر من الجملة نستخدم جملة في زمن المستقبل التام. 36

Questions: 1- By the end of next September, I.my high education. a. will finish b. will be finishing c. will have finished 2- By the time I am twenty five, I... a new car. (buy) 3- What we. in ten years time? (do) 4- By 7 o clock tonight. I. my final project. (write) 5- In ten years time, robots...all sort of things in our homes ( do ) 6- you at university in three years' time? (study) 7- By the end of this century, I believe scientists.. a cure for flu. a. will find b. will be finding c. will have found (االجابات) Answers: 1- will have finished 2- will have bought 3- will have written 4- will have done 5- Will / have studied 6- Will have found 37

اخت رب نفسك مع السئلة الوزارية السابقة: 1. Hatim's father last year. He had worked for the same company all his life. (retire) 2. Nour. an essay all morning. (be, write) 3. Our neighbours.recently.. to Aqaba. (move) 4. Fatima.. her homework three hours ago. (finish) 5. Hatem looks tired. He. his science project all night. (be, do) 6. Maher his driving test, so he can borrow his brother's car next week. (pass) 7. The children.. already the sandcastle on the beach. (build) 8. Hassan looks very pale. He has very well recently. (not, be, sleep) 9. Maher felt nervous because he.. never in the Dead Sea before. (swim) 10. Hatem had saved his document before viruses his computer.(crash) 11. Laila.. recently. learning English. (start) 12. Jamal and Fawaz..evening classes for a few weeks now. (be, take) 13. Sultan. a book of mine yesterday. (borrow) 14. Hassan's parents bought him a bicycle after he good marks in his exams. (get) 15. Fadia. to be a nurse since 2010. (be, train) 16. Zaid lately.. the prize of the champion so he can participate in it again. (win) 17. The detectives..people all week. (be, interview) 18. The child..all night. (be, sleep) 19. The plane. a few minutes ago. (land) 20. I. a book when the bell rang (read). 21. After we had finished our dinner, we. into the garden. (go) 22. This time next Monday, I..(work) in a new company in Kuwait. 23. My brother (drive) all day tomorrow coming back from Qatar. 24. If all goes well, by June 2022, I..(finish) my university degree. 25. By the end of 2015, My friend (graduate) from the faculty of Medicine in the USA. 26. you.. all your homework by eight o clock P.M.? (do) 27. As this time next Friday. I FC.Barca match. (be, watch) 28. Look at the sky! It's so dark. It.cats and dogs. (rain) 38

)االجابات) Answers 1- retired 11- has started 21- went 2- has been writing 12- have been taking 22- will be working 3- have moved 13- borrowed 23- will be driving 4- finished 14- had got 24- will have finished 5- has been doing 15- has been training 25- had graduated 6- passed / has passed 16- has won 26- Will / have done 7- have built 17- have been interviewing 27- will be watching 8- has not been sleeping 18- has been sleeping 28- is going to rain 9- had swum 19- landed 10- crashed 20- was reading Choose the suitable item to complete each of the following sentences: 1- How long. You English? ( have been learning, have been, has been learning ) 2- My friend phoned while I.. my dinner at the restaurant. ( had, were having, was having ) 3- As he. to the radio, he didn t discuss our problem. ( listened, was listened, was listening ) 4- When they. to Spain, it was raining heavily. ( arrived, were arriving, were arrived ) 5- When my brother called me up, I. my homework. ( wasn t doing, weren't doing, did ) 6- We.. to my uncle's wedding two hours ago. ( go, went, has gone ) 7- Are you hungry? No, I... just.. lunch. ( has eaten, have eaten, had eaten ) 8- Did you go out last night? Yes, I went to the cinema, but I the film much. ( enjoyed, don t enjoy, didn t enjoy ) 39

9- I don't like to meet Sami. He..always.. ( complains, is complaining, has complained ) 10- My mother. two miles every morning before breakfast. (runs, run, is running) 11- Don't make any noise. The twins to the news at this moment. ( sleep, is sleeping, are sleeping) 12- After they their final exam, they left to London. ( finished, had finished, have finished) 13- Before he.., we had finished our work. ( sleeps, had slept, slept) 14- She..... in the U.S.A for five years now. ( have studied, studied, has been studying ) 15- They are still eating. They.. their delicious meal yet. ( haven't finished, hasn't finished, have finished) 16- By the end of next summer, we.. for a holiday in Spain. (will book, will have booked, are going to book) 17- Look at the sky! It's so dark. It.. soon. (will rain, is going to rain, will have rained) 18- Don t phone between 7 and 8 tomorrow morning. I a meet with my boss. ( will be having, am going to have, am having ) 19- This time tomorrow, we will be celebrating because we our exams. ( will finish, will be finishing, will have finished ) 20- The new manager... in his office now. ( isn't sitting, doesn't sit, aren't sitting) 40

)االجابات) Answers 1- have been learning 11- are sleeping 2- was having 12- had finished 3- was listening 13- slept 4- arrived 14- has been studying 5- wasn't doing 15- haven't finished 6- went 16- will have booked 7- have eaten 17- is going to rain 8- didn't enjoy 18- will be having 9- is complaining 19- will have finished 10- runs 20- isn't sitting 41

القطعة Using technology in class صفحة رقم )8( Young people love learning, but they like learning even more if they are presented with information in an interesting and challenging way. Today, I am going to give a talk about how you can use technology in Jordanian classrooms. الشباب يحبون التعلم, و لكنهم يحبون يحبون التعلم أكثر اذا تم عرض المعلومات بطريقة ممتعة و فيها نوع من التحدي. اليوم, سأحدثكم عن كيف تستطيع استخدام التكنولوجيا في الغرف الصفية في االردن. Underlined pronouns: they: young people they: young people هنا بعض األفكار ideas: Here are some Many classrooms now use a whiteboard as a computer screen. As a consequence, teachers can show websites on the board in front of the class. Teachers can then use the Internet to show educational programmes, play educational games, music, recordings of languages, and so on. العديد من الغرف الصفية االن تستخدم السبورة البيضاء كشاشة كمبيوتر.و عليه, فان المعلمون يستطيعون عرض مواقع االنترنت عل السبورة امام الطالب.و المعلمون ايضا يستطيعون استخدام االنترنت لعرض البرامج التعليمية, و لعب االلعاب التعليمية, و الموسيق, و التسجيالت الصوتية الخاصة باللغات, و غيرها الكثير. In some countries, tablet computers are available for students to use in class. Therefore, students can use the tablets to do tasks such as showing photographs, researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams. Tablets are ideal for pair and group work. في بعض الدول, الكمبيوتر اللوحي متوفر للطالب لالستخدام داخل الغرفة الصفية.و لذلك, الطالب يستطيعون استخدام الكمبيوترات اللوحية للقيام بالمهام مثل عرض الصور, و البحث عن المعلومات, و تسجيل المقابالت الشخصية, و إنشاء االشكال التوضيحية. الكمبيوترات اللوحية تعتبر ممتازة للعمل الثنائي او العمل في مجموعات. 42

Teachers can perhaps ask their students to start writing a blog (an online diary), either about their own lives or as if they were someone famous. They can also create a website for the classroom. Students can contribute to the website, so for example they can post work, photos and messages. مدونتهم, اما عن حياتهم الشخصية او ان المعلمون ربما يستطيعون ان يطلبوا من طالبهم ان يكتبوا مذكراتهم عل االنترنت خاصة بغرفتهم الصفية. و الطالب يتخيلوا انهم شخصيات مشهورة.و هم ايضا يستطيعون انشاء صفحة عل تلك الصفحة, مثل نشر اعمالهم و الصور و الرسائل. يستطيعون بالمساهمة و النشر عل Underlined pronouns: their : teachers their: students They: students Most young people communicate through social media, by which they send each other photos and messages via the Internet. Some students like to send messages that are under 140 letters for anyone to read. Teachers can ask students to summarise information about what they have learnt in class in the same way. If students learn to summarise quickly, they will be able to use this skill in future. بعضهم الصور و الرسائل عن معظم الشباب يتواصلون عبر وسائل التواصل االجتماعي, و التي من خاللها يرسلون ال طريق االنترنت.بعض الطالب يحبون ارسال الرسائل و التي تكون اقل من 140 حرف ليقرأها اي شخص. المعلمون يستطيعون ان يطلبوا من طالبهم ان يقومون بتلخيص المعلومات التي تعلموها في الغرفة الصفية بنفس الطريقة. اذا تعلم استخدام هذه المهارة في المستقبل. الطالب كيف يلخ ص الدرس بسرعة, سيكونون قادرين عل Underlined pronouns: which : communicating through social media they: most young people that: messages We all like to send emails, don't we? Email exchanges are very useful in the classroom. Teachers can ask students to email what they have learnt to students of a similar age at another school. They could even email students in another country. As a result, students can then share information and help each other with tasks. جميعنا نحب ارسال االيميالت, أليس كذلك تبادل االيميالت هي طريقة مفيده داخل الغرفة الصفية.المعلمون يستطيعون ان طالب اخرين من نفس العمر في مدرسة اخرى. هم يطلبون من طالبهم ارسال ايميالت بالدروس التي تعلموها ال وعليه, فان الطالب يتشاركون بالمعلومات و يساعدون بعضهم طالب في دولة اخرى. يستطيعون ارسال االيميالت ال في الواجبات. 43