ع. عنوان البحث زغبد رزوبس ٠ خ مزجغخ ا زشاس ا جغ ا زم ١ ذ ز ش ١ ظ اإلػال ا غ ١ بؽ ثب ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ ص ٠ ت فشغ / ب ا ذثبؽ لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ و ١ خ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ؽ ا ا مب شح ط.. لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ عب ؼخ ا ه ػجذ ا ؼض ٠ ض عذح ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ mdabbaghs@yahoo.com ا ض الملخص ا غشع زا ا جؾش دساعخ ئ ىب ١ خ رظ ١ زغبد ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ إلعزخذا ب و ذا ٠ ب رزوبس ٠ خ غ ١ بػ. غز ؽبح ا زم ١ ذ ف ا ىخ ر ى ا جؾش رمذ ٠ غ ػخ عذ ٠ ذح ا زظ ١ بد ا خز فخ ا ز ٠ ى ا زبع ب ف شى ػ ١ بد طغ ١ شح ا ؾغ. ر ر ف ١ ز عجغ ػ ١ بد خز فخ ا شى ر ر ط ١ ف و ب غ سع برط ا غزخذ خ ى ػ ١ خ غ طف فظ غشق ئ زبع ب. أ ضؾذ ا زبئظ ا شؤ ٠ خ األ ١ خ إل شبء شوض ظ بػخ ا زغبد ى الر ف ا ظ س ا ز ر ر ف ١ ز ب غ مزشؽبد أخش. ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ ؼ ١ بد ا ض ا زم ١ ذ أ ط ا جؾش ثزج صاسح ا غ ١ بؽخ خغخ رغ ٠ م ١ خ عذ ٠ ذح ذػ مزشػ ا جؾش. الكلمات المفتاحية: رشاس. الثظ. زغبد رزوبس ٠ خ ا غ ١ بؽخ دػب ٠ خ ب ٠ نشر في: 009 المراجع: غ خ ثؾ س ا زشث ١ خ ا ػ ١ خ عب ؼخ ا ظ سح ا ؼذد 4 - ؽغب ا جش ١ ا ؼمجبد ا شىالد ا ز ر اع اصد بس لغبع ا ؾشف ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ ) شش ػبد رغبسة (عب ؼخ ػ ١ ش ظ أثش ٠ 006 - طب ؼ ؽغ ا ضا ٠ ش ا ظ بػبد ا ززم ١ ذ ٠ خ ف ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ د س ا غ ١ بؽخ ف ر ١ ز ب عب ؼخ ا ه ا غؼ د ا ش ٠ بع 005. 3- ػجذ ا ؾ ١ ذ ع ١ ب اإلػال ا زش ٠ ظ ا غ ١ بؽ إعغخ ا ؽذح ظؾبفخ ا غجبػخ ا شش ا ض سح د شك ع س ٠ ب 4-. 005/ 0/
4- ػجذ ا ظبؽت ا شبوش ا غ ١ بؽخ ا ضمبف ١ خ أثؼبد ب ا ؾضبس ٠ خ ا ؼذد 9 غ خ آفبق ا غ ١ بؽخ اإلعال ١ خ ع شا. 007/ ا ١ ئخ.999 UNESCO. Berriane,M.Tourism,culture,and development in the Arab region 5- ا ؼب خ غ ١ بؽخ ا ظ بػبد ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ ا ذ ح. Research Title Souvenir products adapted from traditional clothing to revitalize the tourism information in Saudi Arabia Zeinab Frgly Maha Aldabbagh, - Clothing &Textile,Helwan University, Home Economics Cairo, Egypt Clothing&Textile,King Abdul Aziz, Home Economics Jidda, Saudi Arabian mdabbaghs@yahoo.com Abstract The purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility to design products inspired by the traditional costume of Saudi Arabia as souvenir gifts for tourists. The research introduces new venues for small businesses. It produced seven different traditional samples as prototypes. Each sample was accompanied with detailed description of its production methods. The result demonstrates a preliminary vision for establishing a traditional costume sample center. The research strongly recommends a good marketing plan
ع. Keywords: Traditional., Clothes,. Souvenir products, tourism, Advertising Published In :Journal of Education Research quality - Mansoura University - Issue 4 - May - 009 References - ؽغب ا جش ١ ا ؼمجبد ا شىالد ا ز ر اع اصد بس لغبع ا ؾشف ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ ) شش ػبد رغبسة (عب ؼخ ػ ١ ش ظ أثش ٠ 006 - طب ؼ ؽغ ا ضا ٠ ش ا ظ بػبد ا ززم ١ ذ ٠ خ ف ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ د س ا غ ١ بؽخ ف ر ١ ز ب عب ؼخ ا ه ا غؼ د ا ش ٠ بع 005. 3- ػجذ ا ؾ ١ ذ ع ١ ب اإلػال ا زش ٠ ظ ا غ ١ بؽ إعغخ ا ؽذح ظؾبفخ ا غجبػخ ا شش ا ض سح د شك ع س ٠ ب 4-. 005/ 0/ 4- ػجذ ا ظبؽت ا شبوش ا غ ١ بؽخ ا ضمبف ١ خ أثؼبد ب ا ؾضبس ٠ خ ا ؼذد 9 غ خ آفبق ا غ ١ بؽخ اإلعال ١ خ ع شا. 007/ ا ١ ئخ.999 UNESCO. Berriane,M.Tourism,culture,and development in the Arab region 5- ا ؼب خ غ ١ بؽخ ا ظ بػبد ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ ا ذ ح. عنوان البحث رظ ١ بد مزشؽخ ألغغ ١ خ ا شأط ا غبئ ١ خ ؾظ ا ؼ شح ؾ ب ٠ خ اإلسشبد ص ٠ ت فشغ / ب ا ذثبؽ لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ و ١ خ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ؽ ا ا مب شح ط.. لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ عب ؼخ ا ه ػجذ ا ؼض ٠ ض عذح ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ mdabbaghs@yahoo.com
الملخص ٠ ذف ا جؾش ا ؾب ئ رظ ١ ر ف ١ ز ا غ ػخ ا برط ا مزشؽخ ألغغ ١ خ ا شأط ا غبئ ١ خ العزخذا ب أص بء رأد ٠ خ بعه ا ؾظ ا ؼ شح رزؾمك ف ١ ب ر ف ١ ش ا ؾ ب ٠ خ ؽشاسح ا ش ظ رغب ف أ رى ػال خ رؼش ٠ ف ١ خ و ع اإلسشبد وز ه ا زؼشف ػ ب ئ ئرا وب بن فش ق دا خ ئؽظبئ ١ ب ث ١ ز ا برط ف و ب رزؾمك ف ١ ب ػ بطش ا زم ٠ ا ز رى ذ ا شاؽخ ا ضجظ ؽش ٠ خ ا ؾشوخ ا غ ي ا بعت ا زظ ١ ا مج ي ثبإلضبفخ ئ ؾب خ ا زؼشف ػ آساء غ ػخ ا غبء ا ؼز شاد ث غمخ ا ؾش ا ى ؾ ز ا برط خالي اعزج ١ ب ر رظ ١ زا ا غشع. لذ ا جؾش خ ظ برط ألغغ ١ خ ا شأط ا غبئ ١ خ ا مزشؽخ غ برط ا جبرش بد ا سل ١ خ ا غزخذ خ ف ر ف ١ ز ب ر ئخضبع ز ا برط زم ١١ خالي ػشض ب ػ غ خ رؾى ١ ى خ صالصخ أػضبء ف غبي ا زخظض ثبعزخذا اعز بسح ا زم ١١ ر ا ز ط ئ : أ ع ١ غ ؼب الد االسرجبط ث ١ آساء ا ؾى ١ دا خ ػ ذ غز 0.05 ب ٠ ذي ػ أ ع ١ غ ا برط رزؾمك ف ١ ب ػ بطش ا ؾ ب ٠ خ االؽزشب ا شاؽخ ا ؼال خ ا زؼش ٠ ف ١ خ و ب أ ضؾذ ا زبئظ ػ ع د فش ق راد دال خ ئؽظبئ ١ خ ث ١ ز ا برط ظب ؼ ا رط األ ي فب ضب ص ا ضب ش فب خب ظ ا رط ا شاثغ ؽظ ػ ا زشر ١ ت األخ ١ ش. أ ضؾذ ا زبئظ أ ٠ ضب ئ ٠ غبث ١ خ آساء ػ ١ ١ خ ا جؾش ؾ لج ي ا برط ا مزشؽخ ئ وب ذ بن فش ق ث ١ أفشاد ا ؼ ١ خ ثبخزالف ػب ا غ ظب ؼ األوجش ع ب ف ا غ غ ١ خ وب ذ ظب ؼ ا غ غ ١ خ ا ظش ٠ خ فب ذ ٠ خ ص ا ؼ ب ١ خ ا ف غ ١ غ ١ ١ خ رال ب ا غؼ د ٠ خ ص األسد ١ خ ا غ س ٠ خ ا غ ٠ خ وب ذ ف ا زشر ١ ت األخ ١ ش. الكلمات المفتاحية: أغغ ١ خ ا شأط. ا ؾظ. الثظ. رظ ١ 009 نشر في: غ خ ػ ف عب ؼخ ؽ ا ا غ ذ ا ؼذد األ ي - المراجع: ؼ ذ خبد خذ بد ا ؾظ عبئ رغ س ب ف ا ؾش ا ى ا شش ٠ ف طب ؼ أث ػ اد ا ش ش. ا ؾش ١ ا شش ٠ ف ١ ألثؾبس ا ؾظ 4/. عؼ ١ ذ ػض ب ا مش ا ز ع ١ اإلسشبد ا بص ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ 008.. ػب ش ل ذ ٠ غ ا جؾش ا ؼ اعزخذا ظبدس ا ؼ بد ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ اإل ىزش ١ خ داس ا ١ بص س 3. ا ؼ ١ خ شش ا ز ص ٠ غ األسد 007 بعذح ئثشا ١ األع د آخش ئ ىب ١ خ ر ظ ١ ف ا زظ ١ ا جغ ا اؽذ ؾظ ي ػ ل ١ ظ ١ ف ١ خ عذ ٠ ذح 4. ا إر ش ا م ا ضب اللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ا ف ١ خ فجشا ٠ ش 004 ؾ د ؾ ذ ػجذ اهلل وغ بس ظب شح ا غ و ١ بد ا خبعئخ أص بء ع ا ؾظ ا الغ ا ؾ ي ؼ ذ 5. خبد ا ؾش ١ ألثؾبس ا ؾظ 4/ Research Title Proposed designs for women's headwear for Hajj and Umrah for protection and guidance Zeinab Frgly Maha Aldabbagh, -
Clothing &Textile,Helwan University, Home Economics Cairo, Egypt Clothing&Textile,King Abdul Aziz, Home Economics Jidda, Saudi Arabian mdabbaghs@yahoo.com Abstract This research aims to test the acceptance of five head scarf's samples worn by women for Hajj and Omra performance in Mecca and Madina rejoin. These scarfs are made to meet the convenience in comfort,head adjustment, freedom of movement, perfect length of the scarf and appropriate design. Those five samples were evaluated by experts. Their judgment showed all correlation coefficient is fraction at a level 0.05 which signify that all models contains elements of convenience in comfort,adjustment, freedom of movement,perfect length, appropriate design and distinctive mark for each nationality. Statistical significance between the models favoring model one, two, three, five, and model four was the last in row The head scarfs were highly appreciated mostly by the older age group. The Egyptian group flowed by Indian group, Omani,Palestinian, Saudi,Jordanian,and Syrian gave positive acceptance. Keywords: Headwear. Hajj., Clothing., Design Published In Journal of the Science and Arts - Helwan University - Volume - Issue I - 009 References. A. Name, and B. B. Name, Book Title, Place: Press, Year.. Name, and B. Name, "Journal Paper Title", Journal Name, Vol. X, No. X, Year, pp. xxx-xxx. 3. Name, "Dissertation Title", M.S.(or Ph.D.) thesis, Department, University, City, Country, Year.
4. A. Name, "Conference Paper Title", in Conference Name, Year, Vol. x, pp. xxx-xxx. Research Title Effective use of multimedia in operating blind stitch machine Colthing's textile and home economics department King Abdul Aziz University Zeinab Frgly Fatma Halawany, - Clothing &Textile,Helwan University, Home Economics Cairo, Egypt Clothing&Textile,King Abdul Aziz, Home Economics Jidda, Saudi Arabian Abstract This research aims at using the multimedia computer in preparing a proposal instructional programs about the Blind stitch Machine and getting acquainted with its effectiveness and comparing it with learning approach by usual traditional method in teaching on the research sample that consisted of ( 56 ) (Bachelor and Master degrees
By using the evaluation tools, and statistically analyzing the results by (T. Tests), and using (Percentiles ). The research arriving at a number of results, of which most important ones : the effectiveness of the proposed multimedia educational program in operating the Blind stitch Machine, with the existing of statistically significant differences between the average scene the experimental group student's that have studied the proposed multimedia educational programs and the control group, that have studied in the traditional method the sample as a whole the favor of the experimental group in each of : knowledge collective Test, skill performance, and trends towards learning way, learning time. Results have led also to the student trend positive ness towards the use of the multimedia computer. The researcher had recommended paying sufficient attention to proposed instructional programs, particularly multimedia programs, that have proven its effectiveness in educational. Keywords: Multimedia, The Blind stitch Machine, self-learning, programming Published In :Journal of the Egyptian Society for the domestic economy Helwan University - 0 References Bagui, S. (998) Reasons for Increased Learning Using Multimedia, Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 7( ): 6. Bannert, M.( 000 ) The effects of training wheels and Self-Learning Materials in Software training, Journal of Computer Assisted learning ( 6 ): 336 346. Cason, N. (998) Interactive Multimedia: An Alternative Context for Studying Works of Art, Journal Citation Studies-in- Art Educ- ation 39( 4 ): 36 49. Nooriafshar, M.(998) The Effectiveness of a web-based Interactive Multimedia System in Tertiary Education, in: Distance Learning 98, Proceedings of the4th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison WI, August. 5 7.
ع. عنوان البحث ص ٠ ت فشغ فبع خ ؽ ا لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ و ١ خ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ؽ ا ا مب شح ط.. لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ا ه ػجذ ا ؼض ٠ ض عذح ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ ffhh090@hotmail.com الملخص 56 الكلمات المفتاحية: ا عبئظ ا زؼذدح بو ١ خ ا فمخ ا ظ بػ ١ خ ا زؼ ا زار ا جش غخ نشر في: غ خ ا غ ؼ ١ خ ا ظش ٠ خ اللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ؽ ا - 0
ع. 00 المراجع: 6 00..7 003 8. عنوان البحث ص ٠ ت فشغ فبع خ ؽ ا لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ و ١ خ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ؽ ا ا مب شح ط.. لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ا ه ػجذ ا ؼض ٠ ض عذح ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ
ffhh090@hotmail.com الملخص 3 56 4 T. Test 0.0. 0.05 الكلمات المفتاحية: اإلرغب بد. بو ١ خ ا ؾ ١ بوخ ا عبئظ ا زؼ ١ ١ خ ا زؼ ١ ثب جش غخ 00 ػذد) ) - غ ذ 0 نشر في: غ خ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ا ف ١ خ 003 3 المراجع: 000 003 3 4. Bannert, M.( 000 ) The effects of training wheels and Self-Learning Materials in Software training, Journal of Computer Assisted learning ( 6 ): 336 346. 5. Nooriafshar, M.(998) The Effectiveness of a web-based Interactive Multimedia System in Tertiary Education, in: Distance Learning 98, Proceedings of the4th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison WI, August. 5 7.
Research Title Attitudes of Students Specializing In Clothing and Textile towards using A Proposed Instructional Multi-Media Computer Program in Studying operating Blind Stitch Machine Zeinab Frgly Fatma Halawany, - Clothing &Textile,Helwan University, Home Economics Cairo, Egypt Clothing&Textile,King Abdul Aziz, Home Economics Jidda, Saudi Arabian ffhh090@hotmail.com Abstract This research aims to design a system that measures and gauges the attitudes and willingness of students towards using a proposed multi-media instructional computer program, which teaches the use of Blind stitch machine, and to actually measure the degree of their attitudes, in addition to detecting any differences between undergraduates and master degrees with regards to using the program. A sample of (65) students were used, (3) of them undergraduate students, and (4) master degree students, specializing in Clothing and Textile, at the Faculty of Home Economics, king Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah. Since a system was designed, that measures and gauges the attitudes and willingness of students towards using a proposed educational multi-media computer program, which teaches the use of Blind stitch machine, and results were analyzed statistically, using the (T-Test) and percentiles. The research concluded that there was a positive attitude towards the using of the specially designed computer instructional program which teaches the use of operating Blind stitch machine, as well as finding a statistical significance level 0.0 points difference of average marks between undergraduate and master degree students before learning the program, and significance level 0.05 difference, in favor of master degree students..
Keywords: attitudes., Sewing machine, educational media, education programming. Published In :Journal of Home Economics Volume 0,No(),00 References. Bannert, M.( 000 ) The effects of training wheels and Self-Learning Materials in Software training, Journal of Computer Assisted learning ( 6 ): 336 346. Cason, N. (998) Interactive Multimedia: An Alternative Context for Studying Works of Art, Journal Citation Studies-in- Art Educ- ation 39( 4 ): 36 49. No.379. 3. Callaway, J.A.(997) An Interactive Multimedia Computer Package on Photosynthesis for high school based on Matrix of Cognitive And Learning, Styles, Dissertation Abstracts International 7(57):3466. 4. Nooriafshar, M.(998) The Effectiveness of a web-based Interactive Multimedia System in Tertiary Education, in: Distance Learning 98, Proceedings of the4th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, Madison WI, August. 003 3 000 003 3
ع. عنوان البحث فبػ ١ خ اعزخذا ا ؾبعت ا ٢ ف رذس ٠ ظ ا زشى ١ ػ ا غغ ا ظ بػ ص ٠ ت فشغ صش ٠ ب س ص لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ و ١ خ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ؽ ا ا مب شح ط.. لغ ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ اإللزظبد ا ض عب ؼخ ا ه ػجذ ا ؼض ٠ ض عذح ا ىخ ا ؼشث ١ خ ا غؼ د ٠ خ isk_buthaina@hotmail.com الملخص ٠ ذف ا جؾش ا رظ ١ ثش ب ظ رؼ ١ ثبعزخذا ا ؾبعت ا ٢ وأؽذ اعب ١ ت ا زؼ ا زار ا ؾذ ٠ ضخ ف رذس ٠ ظ اؽذ مشساد رخظض ا الثظ ا غ ١ ظ )ا زشى ١ ػ ا ب ١ ىب ( ا زؼشف ػ فبػ ١ خ اؽذ ا ؽذاد ا زؼ ١ ١ خ مشس ؽ ١ ش ا زؾظ ١ ا ؼشف األداء ا بس ل ١ بط دال خ ا فش ق ا ذا خ ث ١ زا األع ة األع ة ا زم ١ ذ ثبإلضبفخ ا ل ١ بط ارغب بد ا غب جبد ؾ زا ا غ ة ا زؼ ١ ر رغج ١ ك ا زغشثخ ػ ػ ١ خ ى خ 6 عب جخ 5 رؼ ثب غش ٠ مخ ا زغش ٠ ج ١ خ دسع ثب غش ٠ مخ ا زم ١ ذ ٠ خ ثزغج ١ ك أد اد ا زم ٠ ا ز رى ذ اخزجبس رؾظ ١ آخش بس ثغبلخ الؽظخ ص م ١ بط اإلرغب بد ثؼذ ا زؾمك طذق صجبد األد اد ر اعزخذا ب ثؼذ ا ؼب غخ اإلؽظبئ ١ خ أ ضؾذ ا زبئظ فبػ ١ خ ا جش ب ظ ا مزشػ ا ٠ غبث ١ خ اإلرغب بد ؾ اعزخذا زا األع ة زؼ ذ ا ؼ ١ خ. الكلمات المفتاحية: ا ؾبعت ا ٢. ا زشى ١ ػ ا ب ١ ىب. ا زذس ٠ ظ ا زؼ ١ ا جش ظ نشر في: ا ظ خ ا ؼشث ١ خ ز ١ خ اإلداس ٠ خ عب ؼخ ا ذ ي ا ؼشث ١ خ ئثش ٠. 006 ا إر ش ا ؼشث األ ي ع دح ا غب ؼبد زغ جبد ا زشاخ ١ ض اإلػز بد- المراجع:. ا ؾ ١ خ ؾ ذ ؾ د ) 003 (أعبع ١ بد رظ ١ ا زبط ا عبئ ا زؼ ١ ١ خ /ط ػ ب داس ا غ ١ شح. ػ ١ ب سثؾ ظغف ػجذ ا ذثظ ؾ ذ) 003 ( عبئ اإلرظبي رى ع ١ ب ا زؼ ١ ط ػ ب داس طفبء 3. ا فبس اثشا ١ ػجذ ا و ١ ) 998 (رشث ٠ بد ا ؾبع ة رؾذ ٠ بد غ غ ا مش ا ؾبد ا ؼشش ع غ خ رشث ٠ بد ا ؾبع ة اعزخذا ا ؾبع ة رى ع ١ ب ا ؼ بد ف ا زشث ١ خ ا مب شح داس ا فىش ا ؼشث
وذ ن ػجذ ا شؽ )000( رى ع ١ ب ا زؼ ١ : ا ش ٠ بع داس ا فشداد ا ب ١ خ األعظ ا زغج ١ مبد ا ؼ ١ خ.4 Research Title The effectiveness of the use of computers in teaching draping on the artificial body Zeinab Frgly Thouraia Rouzy, - Clothing &Textile,Helwan University, Home Economics Cairo, Egypt Clothing&Textile,King Abdul Aziz, Home Economics Jidda, Saudi Arabian sk_buthaina@hotmail.com Abstract The research aims to design educational program using computer as a learning styles self modern in teaching one decisions specialty clothing and textiles (forming a mannequin) and to identify the effectiveness of one educational units of the decision in terms of cognitive achievement and performance skills, and measure the significance differences function between this method and the traditional method in additionto measure the attitudes of students towards this Alslob of education Was applied experiment on a sample of 6 students 5 of them have learned the way experimental 0. studied traditional way, and the application of assessment tools, which consisted of a test, and last Skill, and note card, then scale attitudes, and after verifying the validity and reliability tools have been used, and after treatment statistical results showed the effectiveness of the proposed program and positive attitudes towards the use of this method of learning of the sample.
Keywords: Computer. Forming on the mannequin., Teaching, programmed instruction Published In :The first Arab conference - the quality of universities and licensing and accreditation requirements - the Arab Organization for Administrative Development - the League of Arab States - April 006. References: - Kengop, R.N.(998) computer modeling for garment pattern design, phd. Hone Kong polytechnic people s republic of China. - Sandman, M.D.(99) Achiveving correct fit through draping methods, Ms. Texas women s university. 3- Shoyama, S.; Imaoka, H. and Nakagawa, S. (994) computer assisted instruction system for textiles and clothing design and evaluations, Journal Of The Japan Research Association For Textile And Uses 35 (): -9.