جامعة الزرقاء المتطلب السابق :بنوك إسالمية الكلية : االقتصاد والعلوم اإلدارية اسم المدرس :د.يحيى الخصاونة القسم : المصارف اإلسالمية موعد المحا

ملفّات مشابهة
جامعة الزرقاء المتطلب السابق : مبادئ تسو ق الكل ة :االقتصاد والعلوم االدار ة. اسم المدرس :د.عبد الفتاح العزام القسم : التسو ق موعد المحاضرة : 1-12 عنو

المتطلب السابق: جامعة الزرقاء اسم المدرس: م. فاتن امين النعيمي االقتصاد والعلوم اإل دارية الكلية : وعد المحاضرات: -10 /11-12:30 2 المحاسبة

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ذذذذذذذذذ أهم المؤشرات االساسية لالقتصاد االردني MAJOR ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF JORDAN ادارة السياسات والدراسات االقتصادية Economic

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Commission for Academic Accreditation & Assessment اململكة العربية السعودية اهليئة الوطنية للتقويم واالعتماد األكاديم

اسم المدرس: رقم المكتب: الساعات المكتبية: موعد المحاضرة: جامعة الزرقاء الكمية: الحقوق عدد الساعات: 3 ساعات معتمدة نوع المتطمب: تخصص اختياري عنوان المق

اإل س الم ية ال ترب ية لاأل و ال صف المجال 1. الوحي اإللهي 2. العقيدة اإلسالمية 3. قيم اإلسالم وآدابه 4. أحكام اإلسالم ومقاصدها 5. السيرة والشخصيات 5.

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- "كه ت" يعاني اندكتىر أح د عهي رئيس يج ىعت انب ك اإلساليي نهت يت في االجت اع األول ن ؤسساث انت يت وانتعاو بدول ي ظ ت ان ؤت ر اإلساليي ان عقد ب دي ت ا

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د م ن رد ن أ ط أ ر ا ت ا وم ا دة ا وم ا رة ا ا ر د م ن ن ا ء رد ن ا ا م ا ء ا ا را ا ف أ ط أ ر ا ت ا وم ا و ا ا ض ا ر م (٥٤) ط وط ز ث أ ر ا ط ا ا م ا


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مـــــن: نضال طعمة


جامعة الزرقاء المتطلب السابق :بنوك إسالمية 0408261 الكلية : االقتصاد والعلوم اإلدارية اسم المدرس :د.يحيى الخصاونة القسم : المصارف اإلسالمية موعد المحاضرة : 12:00_11:00 الساعات المكتبية :1:00_12:00 وصف المساق عنوان المقرر:تشريعات مالية ومصرفية إسالمية 0408285 ٠ شوض زا ا غاق ػ دساعح ا م ا ١ ا ر ذحراج ا ا ؤعغاخ ا ا ١ ح اإلعال ١ ح ؼ ص لا ا ششواخ لا ا رجاسج لا ا ث ن غ ١ ش ا ش ذح ١ ز ا م ا ١ ف ض ء ا شش ٠ ؼح اإلعال ١ ح رحذ ٠ ذ االخرالف ا رماسب غ ا ما ذحذ ٠ ذ ماط ذأش ١ ش ػ ا ؤعغاخ ا ا ١ ح اإلعال ١ ح. أهداف المساق 1. ذؼش ٠ ف ا طالب تا م ا ١ ا ر ت جث ا ا ؤعغاخ ا ا ١ ح اإلعال ١ ح 2. ذ ى ١ ا طا ة ذحذ ٠ ذ أشش ز ا م ا ١ ػ جذ ي أػ اي ا ؤعغاخ ا ا ١ ح اإلعال ١ ح 3. ذ ى ١ ا طا ة ذحذ ٠ ذ ماط االخرالف ت ١ ا شش ٠ ؼح اإلعال ١ ح ا م ا ١ ا رأش ١ ش ػ ز ا ؤعغاخ مخرجات التعلم : ا ؼشفح : 1- ا ؼشفح تا فا ١ : ٠ ؤ تا ١ ح طث ١ ؼح ا ؼ ١ اخ ا ا ١ ح ا صشف ١ ا ر ٠ ر ذمذ ٠ ا لث ا ؤعغاخ ا ا ١ ح 2- ا ؼشفح تا ظش ٠ اخ ا ثادئ : اعظ ثادئ ا م ا ١ ا رشش ٠ ؼاخ ا صشف ١ ح 3 -ا ؼشفح تاإلجشاءاخ : ٠ غرط ١ غ اذخار لشاساخ اعرص اس ٠ ح ت اء ػ ع ا ؤعغح ا ر ٠ ؼ ت ا طث ١ ؼح ا م ا ١ ا ر ذخضغ ا - ا اساخ اإلدساو ١ ح : 1- ا رح ١ ا فىش ا الذ : ا ر ثؤ ت ا ذحراج ا م ا ١ ا رشش ٠ ؼاخ ذجذ ٠ ذاخ حغة ا رط ساخ االلرصاد ٠ ح ا رى ج ١ اإل ا تا ؼ ١ اخ ا ف ١ ح األعاع ١ ح ص ي إ ذ ه ا غا ٠ ح - اساخ ا رؼا غ ا ٢ خش ٠ ذح ا غؤ ١ ح : 1- ذح غؤ ١ ح ا رؼ ا رط س ا زاذ ا : ٠ ؤ تذ س ا فاػ ف إ جاح ا مشاساخ االعرص اس ٠ ح ا ا ١ ح تؼذ اال ا تج ١ غ اح ا م ا ١ ا رشش ٠ ؼاخ 2- ا رصشف ت غؤ ١ ح ف ا ؼاللاخ ا شخص ١ ح ا ١ ح :ا ثادسج ف ا رط ٠ ش ح ا شاو ف ض ء ا م ا ١ ا رشش ٠ ؼاخ ا صشف ١ ح 3- اال رضا تا م ١ األخالل ١ ح ا ؼا ١ ح ػ ا غر ا شخص ا ؼا : ٠ رض ت ١ صاق ا غ ن ا ع ١ اعاخ إجشاءاخ ا ؼ تىفاءج ٠ حرش ا شأ ا ٢ خش تاالضافح ا اتاء االساء ا شخص ١ ح ا ر ٠ ى ا ٠ ى ا د س ف ذط ٠ ش ا - اساخ االذصاي ذم ١ ح ا ؼ اخ ا اساخ ا ؼذد ٠ ح : 1- االذصاي تفاػ ١ ح شف ٠ ا ورات ١ ا : اذخار ل اخ اذصاي فؼا ح غ ح ذ ص ١ ا ؼ ح 2 -اعرخذا ذم ١ ح االذصاالخ ا ؼ اخ : إدساو أل ١ ح ا لد ف ذ ظ ١ أ س ا جاص ا ط ب تىفاءج فاػ ١ ح

3- االذصاي تفاػ ١ ح : االلرصاد ف ا لد ا ج ذ ػ ذ اذخار ا مشاساخ االعرص اس ٠ ح ا ا ١ ح االعرص اس ٠ ح - ا اساخ ا حشو ١ ح ا فغ ١ ح : 1- لذسذ ػ ا رؼث ١ ش ذؼ ف ا شاعالخ غ ا غر ٠ اخ اإلداس ٠ ح ا ذ ١ ا ا عط ا ٠ صاي ا ؼ اخ تذلح ػا ١ ح ا شفاف ١ ح ف ذؼ ١ و ا جذ ٠ ذ 2- ذط ٠ ش األعا ١ ة ا حذ ٠ صح ف ا جاص ا ؼ تاعرخذا احذز ا عائ ا رى ج ١ تخاصح ف و ١ ف ١ ح اعرخذا ذطث ١ ك ا م ا ١ ا رشش ٠ ؼاخ ا صشف ١ ح هيكل المقرر : االسبوع األ ي الساعة المعتمدة نتاجات المواضيع التعلم قانون التجارة اجراءات طرق التعليم التعلم الشاخ ػا ح وتعديالته ا صا لمشركات شاجؼ حاضشج ا غاتمح ش ششح ا حاضشج ا حا ١ ح ع ١ ر ػمذ ا رحا احذ ػ األل خالي ا فص تشى فجائ. ا صا س االػر اد ف تؼض ا حاالخ ػ ا طا ة ششح ا حاضشج ذج 10 دلائك ش ذ خ ١ ص ا ط ثح ا شد ػ االعرفغاساخ. لمبنك المركزي األردني ا شاتغ لمبنوك في األردن ا خا ظ لمبنوك اإلسالمية في األردن

ا غادط لمحساب الجاري و لألو ارق التجارية في ضوء أحكام ا غاتغ الشريعة اإلسالمية لصكوك التمويل ا صا اإلسالمي لمتأجير التمويمي في ضوء أحكام الشريعة ا راعغ اإلسالمية لممعامالت ا ؼاشش ا حاد ػشش ا صا ػشش ا صا س ػشش االلكترونية األردني قانون م ارقبة العممة األجنبية ألعمال الص ارفة اإلطاس ا رشش ٠ ؼ ؤعغح ض ا ا دائغ ف ض ء أحىا ا شش ٠ ؼح اإلعال ١ ح لشركة المعمومات االئتمانية المراجع

التشريعات المالية والمصرفية د. غازي عبد المجيد ال رقيبات دار وائل 2015. مقترح قانون البنوك اإلسالمية هيئة المحاسبة والمراجعة للمؤسسات المالية اإلسالمية المقررات المساندة طرق التعليم : التاريخ العالمة الطرق 20 االمتحان األول 20 االمتحان الثاني 10 عالمة المشاركة Quiz 50 االمتحان النهائي

Zarqa University Faculty Department : Islamic banking Course title: Islamic Financial and banking legislation 0408285 Prerequisite: Islamic Banks 0408261 Lecture s time: Semester: Office Hours: Course description: This course focuses on the study of laws needed by the Islamic financial institutions to operate, such as the Companies Act and the Trade Act and the law of banks and others, and then analyze these laws in the light of Islamic sharia law to identify the divergence and convergence with the law and to identify points of its impact on the Islamic financial institutions. Aims of the course: 1. introduce students to the laws under which Islamic financial institutions 2. enable the student to determine the impact of these laws on the agenda of the Islamic financial institutions 3. enable the student to determine the points of difference between Islamic law and the laws and the impact on these institutions Intended Learning Outcomes: (ILOs)

A. Knowledge and Understanding A1. Concepts and Theories: knowledge of concepts: to identify the concepts that arise in the laws being considered by the student during the course.. Contemporary Trends, Problems and Research: knowledge of the legal points that must be on the Islamic financial institutions adhered to B. Subject-specific skills. Problem solving skills: intellectual critical analysis: analysis of laws in the light of Islamic law B2. Modeling and Design: B3. Application of Methods and Tools:. C. Critical-Thinking Skills. Analytic skills: take responsibility for self-learning and professional development: in turn, believes the actor in the success of the work. C2. Strategic Thinking: to act responsibly in the personal and professional relationships: initiates towards the completion of any faltering labor, on the grounds that it is part of the team. C3. Creative thinking and innovation: Commitment to high moral values on the overall level of personal as respects the opinions of others, and accommodates the importance of intellectual pluralism. D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development). Communication: communicate effectively orally and in writing: unable to break the barrier of shame, to deliver his point of view in front of his colleagues and recognizing its D2. Teamwork and Leadership: The use of information and communication technology: awareness of the importance of time and how to organize his time under the pressure of work. communicate effectively: to justify the need for others to follow business rules who tells. Course structures: Credit Week Hours ILOs 1 3 A1 2 3 A1 Topics Trade Law and its amendments Legislative framework for companies Teaching Procedure Public discussions A review of the previous Assessment methods Explanation Interactive Learning Preparation of reports from students Discuss practical cases

3 3 A1 4 3 A1 5 3 A1 6 3 A1 Legislative Framework of the Central Bank of Jordan Legislative Framework for Banks in Jordan Legislative Framework for Islamic Banks in Jordan Legislative framework of the current account And the legislative framework for trade papers In light of the provisions of Islamic law lecture and then explain the current lecture It will be held one exam at least through the season suddenly 7 3 A1

8 3 A1 9 3 A1 10 3 A1 11 3 A1 Legislative Framework for Islamic Sukuk The legislative framework for financial leasing in light of the provisions of Islamic law Legislative Framework for Jordanian Electronic Transactions Foreign Currency Control Law Legislative framework for money exchange

12 3 A1 13 3 A1 The Legislative Framework of the Deposit Guarantee Corporation in light of the provisions of Islamic Sharia Legislative Framework of the Credit Information Company References: Financial and Banking Legislation, d. Ghazi Abdul Majeed Al-Raqibat, Dar Wael, 2015 Assessment Methods: Methods Grade Date The first exam 20 The second exam 20 Participation, Quiz 10 final exam 50

Zarqa University Instructor: Dr. Yahya Al- Khasawneh: Faculty Course Number: 0408285 Department: Course title: Local Islamic banking operations Financial and banking legislation Course description: Office hours: 12:00_1:00 The date of the lecture: 11:00_12:00 Hall Number:301 This course focuses on the study of laws needed by the Islamic financial institutions to operate, such as the Companies Act and the Trade Act and the law of banks and others, and then analyze these laws in the light of Islamic sharia law to identify the divergence and convergence with the law and to identify points of its impact on the Islamic financial institutions. Aims of the course: 1. introduce students to the laws under which Islamic financial institutions 2. enable the student to determine the impact of these laws on the agenda of the Islamic financial institutions 3. enable the student to determine the points of difference between Islamic law and the laws and the impact on these institutions Intended Learning Outcomes: (ILOs) A. Knowledge and Understanding A1. Concepts and Theories: knowledge of concepts: to identify the concepts that arise in the laws being considered by the student during the course.. Contemporary Trends, Problems and Research: knowledge of the legal points that must be on the Islamic financial institutions adhered to B. Subject-specific skills. Problem solving skills: intellectual critical analysis: analysis of laws in the light of Islamic law B2. Modeling and Design: B3. Application of Methods and Tools:. C. Critical-Thinking Skills. Analytic skills: take responsibility for self-learning and professional development: in turn, believes the actor in the success of the work. C2. Strategic Thinking: to act responsibly in the personal and professional relationships: initiates towards the completion of any faltering labor, on the grounds that it is part of the team. C3. Creative thinking and innovation: Commitment to high moral values on the overall level of personal as respects the opinions of others, and accommodates the importance of intellectual pluralism. D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal development). Communication: communicate effectively orally and in writing: unable to break the barrier of shame, to deliver his point of view in front of his colleagues and recognizing its رقم النموذج: ZU/QP10F004 اإلصدار: 01

D2. Teamwork and Leadership: The use of information and communication technology: awareness of the importance of time and how to organize his time under the pressure of work. communicate effectively: to justify the need for others to follow business rules who tells. Course structures: Credit Week Hours ILOs 1 3 A1 2 3 A1 Topics Definition with the most important financial and banking legislation Jordanian Companies Law in the light of Islamic law Teaching Procedure Public discussions A review of the previous lecture and then explain the current lecture Assessment methods Explanation Interactive Learning Preparation of reports from students Discuss practical cases 3 3 A1 Jordanian Companies Law in the light of Islamic law It will be held one exam at least through the season suddenly 4 3 A1 Jordanian Companies Law in the light of Islamic law 5 3 A1 Jordanian Trade Act in the light of Islamic law رقم النموذج: ZU/QP10F004 اإلصدار: 01

6 3 A1 7 3 A1 8 3 A1 9 3 A1 10 3 A1 Jordanian Trade Act in the light of Islamic law Jordanian banking law in the light of Islamic law Jordanian banking law in the light of Islamic law Jordanian banking law in the light of Islamic law Central Bank of Jordan Law in the light of Islamic law رقم النموذج: ZU/QP10F004 اإلصدار: 01

11 3 A1 12 3 A1 13 3 A1 14 3 A1 proposed Islamic Banking Act of CIBAFI proposed Islamic Banking Act of CIBAFI proposed Islamic Banking Act of CIBAFI The study of legal cases relating to Islamic financial institutions of the world 15 3 Discuss and review 16 3 Discuss and review References: A. All of Jordanian laws Assessment Methods: Methods Grade Date The first exam 20 رقم النموذج: ZU/QP10F004 اإلصدار: 01

The second exam 20 Participation, Quiz 10 final exam 50 رقم النموذج: ZU/QP10F004 اإلصدار: 01