توزيع امتياز گرنت علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن متالورژي و مواد صنايع مكانيك شي

ملفّات مشابهة
خطـــــة المركــــــز التدريبيـــــة خلال شهر كانون ثاني من عام 2004

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افتتاحية العدد

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د. ط در ءة ز ا ت ا دزة (درا ا ا ت) د. ط در را ر ا م م ا ا ا : ا ت ا ا ا م وا ا ي و إ ى ا ت ا ا ا دو إ و دة ا و أ اد ا. و ف ا ا إ وا ا ت ا دزة م ا أ ا



دائرة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة لالختبار المعلن للفصل الدراسي الثاني الر ابع الصف: في مادة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة - القراءة: قص ة

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السيرة الذاتية

ويف عام 1984 مت إضافة املرحلة الثانية )وحدة رقم 5( والتي تشمل على توربينة غازية طاقتها 25 ميغاوات مزودة بغالية الستغالل احلرارة املبددة و غالية مساعدة

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السيـــــــــرة الذاتيـــــــــــــــــة

السادة وگاالت اإلعالن والعمالء احملترمني املوضوع اسعار اإلعالنات لعام ابتداء من ابريل Subject Rate card 2015 starting from April تهديگم شرگة ال

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توزيع امتياز گرنت 25 2 1968 1881 15 152 1282 1275 168 1 5 317 494 167 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن متالورژي و مواد صنايع مكانيك شيمي برق وكامپيوتر و دار 1( ت زيع اهتياز اعتثار يص )گر ت( ت تفكيك گر / دا ؽكذ مقاالت بين المللي WOS 18 16 14 12 155 16 1 8 85 74 79 68 6 4 2 12 18 17 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن متالورژي و مواد صنايع مكانيك شيمي برق وكامپيوتر و دار 2( تعذاد هماالت اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ؽريات تيي الوللي wos

35 3 مقاالت بين المللي 32 25 2 15 13 14 1 5 8 3 3 3 4 3 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن صنايع متالورژي و مواد مكانيك شيمي برق وكامپيوتر و دار 3( تعذاد هماالت چاج ؼذ اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ؽريات تيي الوللي مقاالت علمي -پژوهشي ISC 35 3 31 32 25 23 2 18 15 1 9 9 8 5 4 2 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد برق وكامپيوتر و دار 4( تعذاد هماالت چاج ؼذ اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ؽريات علوي پص ؽي ISC

مقاالت ساير پايگاه هاي ISI 4 35 34 3 25 25 2 18 15 1 5 12 7 4 3 11 2 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد برق وكامپيوتر و دار 5 ( تعذاد هماالت چاج ؼذ اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ؽريات ظاير پايگا اي ISI مقاالت كنفرانسهاي بين المللي 18 16 162 14 12 18 1 8 6 4 65 61 85 27 36 77 2 نقشه برداري معدن شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد برق وكامپيوتر 4 علوم پايه عمران و دار 6( تعذاد هماالت چاج ؼذ اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ درك فرا ع اي تيي الوللي

مقاالت چاپ شده در كنفرانسهاي داخلي 1 94 9 8 7 6 58 5 4 3 2 1 32 21 24 19 29 19 8 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد برق وكامپيوتر و دار 7( تعذاد هماالت چاج ؼذ اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ درك فرا ع اي داخلي كتابهاي تاليفي اعضاي محترم هيات علمي پرديس فني 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 عمران نقشه برداري شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد و دار 8( تعذاد كتة تاليفي اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ برق وكامپيوتر

كتابهاي ترجمه شده اعضاي محترم هيات علمي 8 7 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 عمران نقشه برداري صنايع مكانيك و دار 9 ( تعذاد كتة ترجو ؼذ اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ تعداد طرحهاي پژوهشي نوع اول 3 25 25 2 15 1 5 5 7 11 8 11 6 1 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد برق وكامپيوتر و دار 1 ( تعذاد طرح اي هص ب پص ؽي اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ظال 1391

45 4 3937 بودجه طرحهاي پژوهشي ( ميليون لاير( 3763 35 3 25 341 2136 2564 255 2 15 1 5 634 989 335 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد برق وكامپيوتر و دار 11 ( ت دج طرح اي هص ب پص ؽي اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ظال 1391 درصد مشاركت اعضاي محترم هيات علمي پرديس دانشكده هاي در برنامه جامع 12% 1% 95% 9% 83% 1% 1% 1% 1% 92% 8% 72% 6% 4% 2% % علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن متالورژي و مواد صنايع مكانيك شيمي برق وكامپيوتر و دار 12 ( درصذ هص ب تر اه جاهع تحميمات اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ظال 1391

تعداد برنامه جامع مصوب 3 25 28 26 24 2 15 1 5 برق وكامپيوتر 1 2 شيمي مكانيك صنايع متالورژي و مواد 8 8 5 6 علوم پايه عمران نقشه برداري معدن و دار 13 ( تعذاد تر اه جاهع تحميمات هص ب اعضاي هحترم يات علوي ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در ظال 1391 و دار 14( احكام صادر ؼذ ت تفكيك ه ارد پص ؽي در ظال 1391

و دار 15( سي از هحل گر ت دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظ ظال اخير و دار 16( سي از هحل گر ت دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظ ظال اخير

و دار 17( سي از هحل گر ت دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظ ظال اخير و دار 18( سي از هحل گر ت دا ؽكذ ه ذظي ه اد در ظ ظال اخير

و دار 19( سي از هحل گر ت دا ؽكذ ه ذظي هعذى در ظ ظال اخير و دار 2( سي از هحل گر ت دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظ ظال اخير

و دار 21 ( سي از هحل گر ت گر عل م پاي ه ذظي در ظ ظال اخير و دار 22( سي از هحل گر ت گر ه ذظي در ظ ظال اخير

و دار 23( سي از هحل گر ت گر ه ذظي مؽ ترداري در ظ ظال اخير و دار 24( همايع سي اي ا جام ؼذ از هحل گر ت اعضاي يات علوي پرديط دا ؽكذ اي ف ي در ظ ظال اخير

جذ ل 1( هماالت تررظي ؼذ در ظال 1391 رديف 1 2 3 4 5 6 نام و نام خانوادگي عضو هيات علمي كارى اتري يا كارى اتري يا كارى اتري يا تاتك كفاؼي ات لماظن عطايي كاظن ظيذ اهاهي دانشكد/گروه تاريخ بررسي و ارسال عنوان مقاله سال 211 212 212 212 212 212 Effects of SiC Particle Size and Process Parameters on the Microstructure and Hardness of AZ91/SiC Composite Layer Fabricated by FSP A numerical solution for the coupled dynamic thermoelasticity of axisymetric thin conical shells A universal formulation for the extrusion of sections with no axis of symmetry Synthesis andcharacterization of a novel terpolymer based on L-lactide glycolide and trimethylene carbonate for specic medical applications The effect of heat treatment and re-calcination on magnetic properties of BaFe12O19/Fe3O4 nano-composite Early Berriasian ammonittes from shal, Talesh region (NW Alborz Mountains, Iran) 91/1/2 91/1/2 91/1/2 91/1/2 91/1/2 1/1/22 هعذى 211 211 21 211 211 Facies analysis of a large-scale Jurassic shelflagoon: the Kamar-e-Mehdi Formation of eastcentral Iran. Late jurassic(oxfordian Bimammatum Zone) ammonites from theeastern Alborz Mountains Iran. Late Jurassic (Oxfordian Bifurcatus and Bimammatum zones ammonites from the eastern Alborz Mountains Iran second part. Fouling in membrane bioreactors with various concentrations of dead cells Influence of sludge rheological properties on the membrane fouling in submerged membrane bioreactor 1/1/22 1/1/22 1/1/22 91/1/22 91/1/22 كاظن ظيذ اهاهي كاظن ظيذ اهاهي كاظن ظيذ اهاهي هحوذ حعيي صراؾ زاد هحوذ حعيي صراؾ زاد هعذى هعذى هعذى 7 8 9 1 11 211 A CMOS 4.35-mW 22-dBm IIP3 Continuously TunableChanne Select Filter fr WLAN/WiMAX Recevers 91/1/28 اصر هعص هي 12 211 The Dual-Edge Alignment Technique wth Imprved SpurReduction Effects in Ring Oscillators 91/1/28 اصر هعص هي 13 211 Analysis modeling and design of cascaded defected microstrip structure for planar circuits 91/1/28 هحو د كور اي 14 211 Crosstalk and electromagnetic interference noise investigation for a coupled pair of microstrip lines with a break in ground structure 91/1/28 هحو د كور اي 15

211 2111 211 Harmonics Blocking in the Inset Fed Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Cascaded Defected Microstrip Structure (CDMS Investigation of crosstalk and coupling effects of incident plane waves in orthogonal microstrips in high-speed integrated circuits using full-wave and quasi-static methods 1.5 bit mismatch-insensitive MDAC with reduced input capacitive loading 91/1/28 91/1/28 91/1/28 هحو د كور اي هحو د كور اي هحو د كور اي 16 17 18 211 Consolidation of Nano-Crystalline Copper Powder by Cold and Hot Pressing 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 19 211 Influence of Al2O3 reinforcement on precipitation kinetic of Cu-Cr nanocomposite 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 2 212 Investigation on the Effects of Milling Atmosphere on Synthesis of Barium Ferrite/Magnetite Nanocomposite 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 21 212 Magnetic property enhancement and characterization of nano-structured barium ferrite by mechano-thermal treatment 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 22 211 Mechano-Thermal Treatment of TiO2-Al Powder Mixture to Prepare TiAl/Al2O3 Composite 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 23 212 One-step facile synthesisofcaco3 nanoparticles via mechano-chemical route 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 24 212 Preparation of alumina/titanium diboride nanocomposite powder by milling assisted sol-gel method 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 25 212 Synthesis of nanocrystalline molybdenum by hydrogen reduction of mechanically activated MoO3 91/1/28 ات لماظن عطايي 26 212 212 212 212 212 Corrosion assessment of electroless nickelphosphorous/nanosilicon carbide composite coatings Deposition characterization and electrochemical evaluation of Ni-P-nano diamond composite coatings Effect of heat treatment on the properties of electroless Ni-P-carbon nanotube composite coatings Effects of working temperature and carbon diffusion on the microstructure of high pressure heat-resistant stainless steel tubes used in pyrolysis furnaces during service condition Investigating thermal degradation crystallizationand surface behavior of L-lactide glycolide andtrimethylene carbonate terpolymers used for medical applications 91/1/28 91/1/28 91/1/28 91/1/28 91/1/29 ظعيذ رضا اهلل كرم ظعيذ رضا اهلل كرم ظعيذ رضا اهلل كرم ظعيذ رضا اهلل كرم تاتك كفاؼي 27 28 29 3 31

212 The Effect of Nanoclay and MWNT on Fire- Retardency and Mechanical Properties of Unsaturated Polyester Resins 91/1/29 تاتك كفاؼي 32 21 Adsorption Properties of Carbon Dioxide and Methane by Synthesized Fine Particles of SAPO-34 Molecular Sieve 91/2/3 ؼ ر فاطوي 33 21 21 Development of a Kinetic Model for Modeling the Industrial VGO Hydrocracker Accompanied by Deactivation Effect of Si/Al ratio on CO2-CH4 Adsorption and selectivity in Synthesized SAPO-34 91/2/3 91/2/3 ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي 34 35 21 211 211 21 21 211 21 212 21 212 212 212 212 21 Experimental design on supercritical extraction of essential oil from valerian roots and study of optimal conditions Improvement of light olefins selectivity and catalyst lifetime in MTO reactiousing Ni and Mg-modified SAPO-34 Synthesized bu combination of two template Improving CO2/CH4 adsorptive selectivity of carbon nanotubes by functionalization with nitrogen-containing groups Modeling and Simulation of Industrial Contineous Naphtha Catalytic Reformer Accompanied with Delumping the Naphtha Feed Modeling of p-nitrophenol biodegradation by Ralstonia eutropha via application of the substrate inhihibition concept Preparation of Core-shell SAPO-34 Adsorbent on Ceramic Particles Improvement of CO2 Separation from Natural Gas Statistical medium optimization and biodegradative capacity of Ralstonia eutropa towards p-nitrophenol An empirical study on heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of CuO-base oil nanofluid flow in a horizontal helically coiled tube under constant heat flux Evaporation heat transfer of R-134a inside a microfin tube with different tube inclinations Experimental Investigation on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of HFC-134a inside a Vertical Helically Coiled Tube Experimental study of condensation heat transfer of R-134a flow in corrugated tubes whith different inclinations Experimental study on heat transfer and pressure drop of nanofluid flow in a horizontal coiled wire inserted tube under constant heat Heat transfer properties of nanodiamondengine oil nanofluid in laminar flow Modeling and multi-objective optimization of square cyclones using CFD and neural 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى 36 37 38 39 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

networks ت اتادي 21 21 212 211 21 21 21 Pressure Drop and Thermal Characteristics of CuO-Base Oil Nanofluid Laminar Flow in Flattened Tubes under Constant Heat Flux The effect of tube flattening on flow boiling heat transfer enhancement Thermal and rheological characteristics of CuO- Base oil nanofluid flow inside a circular Visual Study of Flow Patterns During Condensation Inside a Microfin Tube with Different Tube Inclinations Influence of service-induced microstructural changes on the failure of a cobalt-based superalloy first stage nozzle Investigation of microstructural characteristics of nanocrystalline 12YWT steel during milling and subsequent annealing by X-ray diffraction line profile analysis Optimization of mechanical alloying parameters in 12YWT ferritic steel nanocomposite 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/3 91/2/31 91/2/31 91/2/31 هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي هحوذ علي اخ اى ت اتادي حعي فر گي حعي فر گي حعي فر گي 5 51 52 53 54 55 56 21 Rejuvenation of degraded first stage gas turbine nozzle by heat treatment 91/2/31 حعي فر گي 57 211 211 211 A norepinephrine biosensor based on a glassy carbon electrode modified with carbon nanotubes Application of cobalt oxide nanoparticles as an electron transfer facilitator in direct electron transfer and biocatalytic reactivity of cytochrome c Direct electron transfer and biocatalytic activity of iron storage protein molecules immobilized on electrodeposited cobalt oxide nanoparticles 91/2/31 91/2/31 91/2/31 عثذالوجيذ تاي ذري همذم عثذالوجيذ تاي ذري همذم عثذالوجيذ تاي ذري همذم عل م پاي عل م پاي عل م پاي 58 59 6 211 Effect of strontium doping on nanostructure and chromaticity of Y2O3:Eu compounds 91/2/31 عثذالوجيذ تاي ذري همذم عل م پاي 61 211 21 Relation between conductance photoluminescence bands and structure of ITO nanoparticles prepared by various chemical methods The determination of acetaminophen using a carbon nanotube:graphite-based electrode 91/2/31 91/2/31 عثذالوجيذ تاي ذري همذم عثذالوجيذ تاي ذري همذم عل م پاي عل م پاي 62 63 212 Synthesis and characterization of BaFe12O19/Fe3O4 and BaFe12O19/Fe/Fe3O4 magnetic nano-composites 91/2/31 ات لماظن عطايي 64 21 Fracture Behavior of Covalently RE-modified MWNT/Epoxy Nanocomposites 91/2/31 تاتك كفاؼي 65 212 Improving rheological properties of covalently MWCNT/epoxy nanocomposites via surface remodification 91/2/31 تاتك كفاؼي 66

21 hydroforming limits in metal bellows forming process 91/2/31 احوذ فيض ديسجي عل م پاي 67 211 Cosecant-squared pattern synthesis using a weighted alternating reverse projection method 91/2/31 جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل ترق 68 212 212 212 211 Phase Velocities Equalization of Coupled Microstrip Lines Using-Shaped Particles and Suppression of the Second Harmonic Configuration Impacts on Eccentricity Fault Detection in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors Magnetic Field and Vibration Monitoring in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors under Eccentricity Fault Modelling of Mean Drop Size in a Extraction Spray Column and Developing a New Model 91/2/31 91/2/31 91/2/31 91/2/31 جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل ج اد فيض ج اد فيض ظ راتعلي لرتا ياى ترق 69 7 71 72 211 Numerical simulation of 3D semi-real-shaped granular particle assembly 91/2/31 علي اصؽر هير لاظوي 73 212 Improved single phase modeling of propylene polymerization in a fluidized bed reactor 91/3/1 يذ هعت في 74 211 212 Kinetics of chemical leaching of chalcopyrite from low grade copper ore: behavior of different size fractions Modeling the growth of carbon nanotubes in a floating catalyst reactor 91/3/1 91/3/1 يذ هعت في يذ هعت في 75 76 21 An Arcless Controlled Switch 91/3/1 كا يايػ 77 21 211 An Arcless Current Interruption Technique via Application of Resistive and Liquid Metal Contacts Dynamic Analysis of a Fast-acting Circuit Breaker (Thompson) Drive Mechanism 91/3/1 91/3/1 كا يايػ كا يايػ 78 79 211 211 211 Impact of Metal Thickness and Field Shaper on the Time-varying Processes during Impulse Electromagnetic Forming in Tubular Geometries Impact of Spark Gap Breakdown Phenomena on the Output Voltage of Compact Marx Generators Visualization of a copper wire explosion in atmospheric pressure air 91/3/1 91/3/1 91/3/1 كا يايػ كا يايػ كا يايػ 8 81 82 212 CCVT Failure due to Improper Design of Auxiliary Voltage Transformers 91/4/18 هجيذ پع ذ 83 212 212 Development of a New Derivative-based Algorithm to Detect Current Transformer Saturation New Local Adaptive Load Shedding Methods to Mitigate Power System Blackouts 91/4/18 91/4/18 هجيذ پع ذ هجيذ پع ذ 84 85 211 Investigation of the Influential parameters of machining of AISI 34 stainless steel 91/4/18 رهضا علي ه ذ ي صاد 86

211 Prediction of angular errors on a vertical CNC milling machine 91/4/18 رهضا علي ه ذ ي صاد 87 211 Simulation and experimental investigation of FSP of AZ91 magnesium alloy 91/4/18 رهضا علي ه ذ ي صاد 88 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 212 Novel approach based on in situ powder metallurgy (IPM) method for embedding of SiC nanoparticles in aluminum powders Anomalous TEC variations associated with the powerful Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 211 Recovery of ultra fine grained silver and copper from PC board scraps Characterization of regime transition in fluidized beds at high velocities by analysis of vibration signals Conditional monitoring of moisture contents in a fluidized bed dryer by the acoustic emission signature Improved Modeling of Bubble Column Reactors by Considering the Bubble Size Distribution Two phase steady-state particle size distribution in a gas-phase fluidized bed ethylene polymerization reactor Preparation of MoSi2Al2O3 nano-composite via MASHS route 91/5/1 91/5/1 91/5/1 91/5/2 91/5/2 91/5/2 91/5/2 91/5/14 فرؼاد اخاللي ه ذي آخ ذ زاد سايي رؼچي فرؼت يذ هعت في يذ هعت في يذ هعت في يذ هعت في ظعيذ حؽوتي ه ػ مؽ ترداري 89 9 91 92 93 94 95 96 212 A facil synthesis of TiB2 nano-particles via mechano-thermal route 91/5/14 ات لماظن عطايي 97 212 212 Role of intensive milling in mechano-thermal processing of TiAl/Al2O3 nano-composite Buckling analysis of a cylindrical shell under neutron radiation environment 91/5/14 91/5/14 ات لماظن عطايي عثاض راظتگ 98 99 211 Free vibration of functionally graded spatial curved beams 91/5/14 عثاض راظتگ 1 21 Investigating the thermal environment effects on geometrically nonlinear vibration of smart functionally graded plates 91/5/14 عثاض راظتگ 11 211 211 211 211 212 Nonlinear thermomechanical post-buckling analysis of thin functionally graded annular plates based on von-karmans plate theory Vibrational analysis ofcarbon nanotubes using molecular mechanics and artifical neural network A fuzzy goal programming and meta heuristic algorithms for solving integerated production distribution planning problem A multi-objective quantity discount and joint optimization model for coordination of a singlebuyer multi-vendor supply chain An electromagnetism-like algorithm for cell formation and layout problem 91/5/14 91/5/14 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 عثاض راظتگ عثاض راظتگ فريثرز ج الي فريثرز ج الي فريثرز ج الي 12 13 14 15 16

211 An M/M/c queue model for hub covering location problem 91/5/15 فريثرز ج الي 17 212 Bi-criteria assembly line balancing by considering flexible operation times 91/5/15 فريثرز ج الي 18 212 21 21 212 minimizing makespan on a three-machine flow shop batch scheduling problem with transportation using genetic algorithm Electromagnetic Fields Near Transmission Lines-Problems and Solutions FDTD Simulation of Voltage Distribution in Transformer Winding under VFTO Phenomena A multi-objective electromagnetism algorithm for a bi-objective flowshop scheduling problem 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 فريثرز ج الي اهير عثاض ؼايگا ي اكول اهير عثاض ؼايگا ي اكول رضا ت كلي همذم 19 11 111 112 212 212 212 212 A novel -1 linear integer programming model for dynamic machine-tool selection and operation allocation in a flexible manufacturing system Risk-based reliability assessment under epistemic uncertainty Solving a group layout design model of a dynamic cellular manufacturing system with alternative process routings lot splitting and flexible reconfiguration by simulated annealing Solving a periodic single-track train timetabling problem by an efficient hybrid algorithm 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 رضا ت كلي همذم رضا ت كلي همذم رضا ت كلي همذم رضا ت كلي همذم 113 114 115 116 212 Vehicle routing scheduling using an enhanced hybrid optimization approach 91/5/15 رضا ت كلي همذم 117 21 21 21 212 212 21 212 212 Effect of Process Parameters on Microstructure and Micro-hardness of AZ91/Al2O3 Surface Composite Produced by FSP Effects of temperature and effective strain on the flow behavior of Ti-6Al-4V Examination of an aluminum alloy behavior under different routes of twist extrusion processing Investigation on pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding of 49NiFe soft magnetic alloy Microstructure and mechanical properties of the twist extruded pure copper after rolling Microstructures and mechanical properties of Al2O3/AZ91 surface nanocomposite layer produced by friction stir processing The Comparison between Continuous Confined Strip Shearing (C2S2) and ECAP Conform in Regard to Equivalent Plastic Strain Distribution for Al 11 A detailed model for discharge initiation in argon at atmospheric pressure in presence... 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/15 91/5/16 ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي ظيذ علي اصؽر اكثري ه ظ ي كا يايػ 118 119 12 121 122 123 124 125

212 Impact of External Magnetic Field on Plasma Current Layer Deformation During Contact Opening in Medium-Voltage Puffer SF6 Circuit Breaker 91/5/16 كا يايػ 126 212 212 A Fast WT Based Algorithm to Distinguish between Transformer Internal Faults and Inrush Currents A New Structure for Implementation of an FPGA Based Over Current Relay 91/6/25 91/6/25 هجيذ پع ذ هجيذ پع ذ 127 128 212 212 Accurate Measurement of Fault Currents Contaminated with Decaying DC Offset and CT Saturation Mitigating the Impacts of CCVT Subsidence Transients on the Distance Relay 91/6/25 91/6/25 هجيذ پع ذ هجيذ پع ذ 129 13 21 Power Transformer Protection using Improved S-Transform 91/6/25 هجيذ پع ذ 131 212 A New Time Domain Based Power System Frequency Estimation Algorithm 91/6/25 هجيذ پع ذ 132 211 Anomaly detection using a self-organizing map and particle swarm optimization 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري 133 21 A Numerical Scheme for Approximate Optimal Control of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري 134 211 211 A protein fold classifier formed by fusing different modes of pseudo amino acid composition via PSSM A novel detection and navigation approach based on OWA fusion method 91/6/26 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري 135 136 212 Application of fuzzy classifier fusion in determining productive zones in oil wells 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري 137 21 211 211 212 21 Assessment of Particle Filter and Kalman Filter for Estimating Velocity Using Odometery System Estimation of free flow speed and critical density in a segmented freeway using missing data and Monte Carlo-based expectation maximisation algorithm Design of an adaptive maximum likelihood estimator for key parameters in macroscopic traffic flow model based on expectation maximum algorithm Forecasting of short-term traffic-flow based on improved neurofuzzy models via emotional temporal difference learning algorithm Introducing adaptive neurofuzzy modeling with online learning method for prediction of timevarying solar and geomagnetic activity indices 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري 138 139 14 141 142 211 Investigating the validity of conventional joint set clustering methods 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري 143

211 211 Online monitoring of transit-time ultrasonic flowmeters based on fusion of optical observation Novel Dynamic Model for Aerated Shaking Bioreactors 91/6/26 91/6/26 ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري 144 145 211 211 211 212 211 212 Online Multi-step Ahead Prediction of Time- Varying Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Indices via Adaptive Neurofuzzy Modeling and Recursive Spectral Analysis Prediction of protein submitochondria locations bacsed on data fusion of various features of sequences Recursive spectral analysis of natural time series based on eigenvector matrix perturbation for online applications Short-term traffic flow forecasting: parametric and nonparametric approaches via emotional temporal difference learning Weighted and constrained possibilistic C- means clustering for online fault detection and isolation Sintering of Al2O3-TiB2 nano-composite derived from milling assisted sol-gel method 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/26 91/6/27 ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ت ساد هؽيري ات لماظن عطايي 146 147 148 149 15 151 21 Modelling of pulp propertiesduring deligniflcation on non-wood materials by dmf 91/6/27 جوؽيذ هحوذي ر ؼ ذ كاظپيي 152 21 organosolv pulping of wheat straw by glycerol 91/6/27 جوؽيذ هحوذي ر ؼ ذ كاظپيي 153 211 212 211 212 Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Novel Biodegradable ABCBA Pentablock Copolymers from Poly (Ethylene glycoll-lactide and p- Dioxanone Environmental supply chain network design using multiobjective fuzzy mathematical programming Supplier selection and order allocation based on fuzzy SWOT analysis and fuzzy linear programming A Nonlinear Interval Model for Water and Waste Load Allocation in River Basins 91/6/27 91/6/29 91/6/29 91/6/29 جوؽيذ هحوذي ر ؼ ذ جعفر رزهي جعفر رزهي رضا كراچياى كاظپيي 154 155 156 157 212 212 An Interval Parameter Model for Cooperative Inter-basin Water Resources Allocation Considering the Water Quality Issues Wave Height Prediction Using the Rough Set Theory 91/6/29 91/6/29 رضا كراچياى رضا كراچياى 158 159 212 Porosity measurement of electroless NiP coatings reinforced by CNT or SiC particles 91/6/29 ظعيذ رضا اهلل كرم 16 212 212 An extendeded formuiation of calculus of varirations for incommensuurate fractional derivatives with fractional performance index Solution existence for non--autonomous variabie-order fractional diffrential equations 91/6/29 91/6/29 احوذ فيض ديسجي احوذ فيض ديسجي عل م پاي عل م پاي 161 162

212 Sequential-Based Process Modeling of Natural Gas Combustion in a Fluidized Bed Reactor 91/6/29 رحوت ظت د لر تاغ 163 212 212 212 212 212 212 Sequential modular simulation of ethanol production in a three-phase fluidized bed bioreactor A cell formation problem considering machine utilization and alternative process routes by scatter search A novel two-phase group decision making approach for construction project selection in a fuzzy environment Solving a new mathematical model for a hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with a processor assignment by a genetic algorithm Two fuzzy possibilistic bi-objective zero-one programming models for outsourcing the equipment maintenance problem Experimental investigation of utilizing TLD with baffles in a scaled down 5-story benchmark building 91/6/29 91/6/3 91/6/3 91/6/3 91/6/3 91/6/3 رحوت ظت د لر تاغ رصا ت كلي همذم رصا ت كلي همذم رصا ت كلي همذم رصا ت كلي همذم ظيذ ه ذي ز رايي 164 165 166 167 168 169 211 212 21 Optimum Parameters of tuned liquid columngas damper for Mitigation of seismic-induced vibrations of offshore jacket platforms Numerical Studies of the Conventional Impact Damper with Optimality and Uncertainty Considerations derivation of the consistent flexibility matrix for geometrically nonlinear timoshenko frame finite element 91/6/3 91/6/3 91/6/3 ظيذ ه ذي ز رايي ظيذ ه ذي ز رايي ؼ رام ذا ي 17 171 172 211 Reduced stiffness method for nonlinear analysis of structural frames 91/6/3 ؼ رام ذا ي 173 212 212 211 Influence of Simulation Precision on Broken Rotor Bars Fault Diagnosis Accuracy in Induction Motors Locating Broken Bars in Line-Start Inverter- Fed Induction Motors Using Modified Winding Function Method A shock-detecting sensor for filtering of highorder compact finite difference schemes 91/7/12 91/7/12 91/7/15 ج اد فيض ج اد فيض حيذ اصف ا ياى 174 175 176 211 Effect of flow conditions on spray cone angle of a two-fluid atomizer 91/7/15 حيذ اصف ا ياى 177 211 Evaluation of a new solid boundary implementation in the lattice Boltzmann method for porous media considering permeability and apparent slip 91/7/15 حيذ اصف ا ياى 178 212 Nanoparticles of a new zinc(ii coordination polymer: synthesis characterization thermal and structural studies 91/7/16 اكرم حعي ياى ظراج ل عل م پاي 179

211 211 Characterization of Alloiococcus otitidis strains isolated from children with otitis media with effusion by Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Based on a Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter 91/7/16 91/7/16 حعيي ايواى عي ي حعيي ايواى عي ي 18 181 211 211 212 212 Multiple-Locus Variable Number of Tandem Repeats Fingerprinting (MLVF and Virulence Factor Analysis of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus SCCmec Type III Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of fluoroquinolone resistance in clinical isolates of Staphylococcus aureus in Tehran Stationary super-capacitor energy storage system to save regenerative braking energy in a metro line Synthesis and characterization of nano-scale of a new azido Co(II complex as single and nano-scale crystals: Bithiazole precursor for the preparation of Co۳O۴ nano-structures 91/7/16 91/7/16 91/7/16 91/7/16 حعيي ايواى عي ي حعيي ايواى عي ي حعيي ايواى عي ي اكرم حعي ياى ظراج ل عل م پاي 182 183 184 185 211 Analysis of non-prismatic Timoshenko beams using basic displacement functions 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد 186 211 211 Application of Differential Transform InFree Vibration Analysis of Timoshenko Beams Resting on Two-Parameter Elastic Foundation. Applying wavelets to improve the boundary element method for elasticity problems 91/7/19 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد 187 188 21 Assessment of Load Carrying Capacity of Castellated Steel Beams By Neural Networks 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد 189 211 Basic Displacement functions for free vibration analysis of non-prismatic Timoshenko beams 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد 19 21 Basic Displacement Functions in Analysis of Centrifugally Stiffened Tapered Beams 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد 191 211 Basic displacement functions in analysis of nonprismatic beams 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد 192 21 Dam-reservoir interaction in time domain 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد 193 21 21 21 Derivation of an efficient non-prismatic thin curved beam element using basic displacement function Dynamic analysis of partially embedded structures considering soil-structure interaction in time domain Daynamic basic displacement function for free vibration analysis of tapered beams 91/7/19 91/7/19 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد 194 195 196 21 21 Finite Element simulation of acoustic cavitation in the reservoir and effects on dynamic response of concrete dams Free Vibration and Stability of Axially Functionally graded tapered Euler-Bernoulli beams 91/7/19 91/7/19 رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد 197 198

21 21 211 212 212 Free vibration and stability analysis of axially functionally graded tapred Timoshenko beams with classical and non-classical boundary conditions Numerical simulation of acoustic cavitation in the reservoir and effects on dynamic response of concrete dams Time domain analysis of Dam reservoir foundation Interaction using the differential Quadrature and Finite Difference methods Synthesis And Characterization Of Nano- Structured TiB2 Processed By Milling Assisted SHS Route Reliability Optimization of Multi-State Weighted k-out-of-n Systems by Fuzzy Mathematical Programming and Genetic Algorithm 91/7/19 91/7/19 91/7/19 91/7/19 91/7/23 رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد رضا عطار صاد حيذ اترا يوي پ ر 199 2 21 22 23 211 21 A New Method For The Analysis Of Tranmission Property In Carbon Nanotubes Using Greens Function A Novel Ultra Low-Energy Sub-Threshold Inverter Based On Nanoscale Field Effect Diode. 91/7/24 91/7/24 ت جت فر ز ذ ت جت فر ز ذ 24 25 21 212 Equivalent Left-Handed/Right Handed Metamaterial's Circuit Model for the Massless Dirac Fermions eith negative refraction G4-FET Modeling For Circuit Simulation By Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Training Systems 91/7/24 91/7/24 ت جت فر ز ذ ت جت فر ز ذ 26 27 212 21 High-Performance Low-Leakage Regions Of Nano-Scaled CMOS Digital Gates Under Variations Of Threshold Voltage And Mobility. Low -Power Ad High-Performance Automatic Gain Control Systems Based On Nanoscale Field Effect Diode And SOI-MOSFET. 91/7/24 91/7/24 ت جت فر ز ذ ت جت فر ز ذ 28 29 21 An Improved Progressive Preconditioning Method For Steady Noncavitating And Sheet- Cavitating Flows. 91/7/26 حيذ اصف ا ياى 21 212 Assessment of WENO Schemes For Numerical Simulation Of Some Hyperbolic Equatinns Using GPU 91/7/26 حيذ اصف ا ياى 211 212 Numerical Simulation of Air Pollutant Distribution in Urban Tunnels 91/7/26 حيذ اصف ا ياى 212 21 Local pressure preconditioning method for steady incompressibble flows. 91/7/26 حيذ اصف ا ياى 213 212 Linear Optimization With Anarbitrary Fuzzy Relational In Equality 91/7/26 اهيي لذ ظياى عل م پاي 214 212 Creep of AZ۳ Mg Alloy: A Comparison of Impression and Tensile Behavior 91/7/3 رضا هحو دي 215

212 Hot Shear Deformation Constitutive Analysis of An Extruded Mg۶LiZn Alloy 91/7/3 رضا هحو دي 216 212 Impression Creep Behavior of a Cu۶Ni2Mn2Sn2Al Alloy 91/7/3 رضا هحو دي 217 212 Indentation Creep of the Wrought AZ 31 Magnesium Alloy 91/7/3 رضا هحو دي 218 212 212 21 Microstructure and Creep Characteristics of Zn 3CuxAl Ultra High-Temperature Lead-Free Solders. Microstructure and Impression Creep Behavior of Lead-Free Sn۵Sb Solder Alloy Containing Bi and Ag. Microstructure and Tensile Behavior of Sn۵Sb Lead-Free Solder alloy containing Bi and Cu. 91/7/3 91/7/3 91/7/3 رضا هحو دي رضا هحو دي رضا هحو دي 219 22 221 21۳ 212 212 Microstructural homogeneity texture tensile and shear behavior of AM6 magnesium alloy produced by extrusion and equal channel angular pressing The Microstructure and Impression Creep Behavior of Cast AZ8 Magnesium Alloy With Yttrium Additions. Tribological Behavior of AZ91D Magnesium Alloy at Elevated Temperatures 91/7/3 91/7/3 91/7/3 رضا هحو دي رضا هحو دي رضا هحو دي 222 223 224 212 212 212 212 212 River Water Quality Management under Incomplete Information: Application of an N- person Iterated Signaling Game The Impact of Window Characteristics on Gas and Electric Costs in Educational Buildings: A Case Study Water and Pollution Discharge Permit Allocation to Agricultural Zones: Application of Game Theory and Min-Max Regret Analysis Water Resources Allocation Using a Cooperative Game with Fuzzy Payoffs and Fuzzy Coalitions. Analytical solution for isothermal flow in a shock tube containing rigid granular materia 91/8/7 91/8/7 91/8/7 91/8/7 91/8/7 رضا كراچياى رضا كراچياى رضا كراچياى رضا كراچياى ظ يل هحوذي 225 226 227 228 229 212 A Stabilized Particle Method for Large Deformation Dynamic Analysis of Structures. 91/8/7 ظ يل هحوذي 23 212 21 212 A Two-Mesh Coupled Gas Flow-Solid Interaction Model for 2D Blast Analysis in Fractured Media Extended Isogeometric Analysis for Analysis of Simulation of Stationary and Propagating Cracks Fracture Analysis of Composites by Time Independent Moving-Crack Orthotropic XFEM 91/8/7 91/8/7 91/8/7 ظ يل هحوذي ظ يل هحوذي ظ يل هحوذي 231 232 233 21 Fracture Analysis of FRP Reinforced Beams by Orthotropic XFEM 91/8/7 ظ يل هحوذي 234 212 How Particle Shape Affects the Flow Through Granular Materials 91/8/7 ظ يل هحوذي 235

21۳ XFEM Fracture Analysis of Orthotropic Functionally Graded Materials 91/8/7 ظ يل هحوذي 236 21 XFEM Fracture Analysis of Shells: The Effect of Crack Tip Enrichments 91/8/7 ظ يل هحوذي 237 212 212 Constitutive Equations for Elevated Temperature Flow Behavior of Commercial Purity Aaluminum. Effects of Initial Grain Size on Hot Deformation Behavior of Commercial Pure Aluminum. 91/8/14 91/8/14 هحوذ حثيثي پارظا هحوذ حثيثي پارظا 238 239 21 211 212 Experimental and Numerical Thermomechanical Analysis of Hybrid Friction Welding of Commercially Pure Copper Bars. Inhomogeneity of Temperature Distribution Through Thickness of the Aluminium Strip During Hot Rolling. A multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm for unequal sized dynamic facility layout problem with pickup/drop-off locations 91/8/14 91/8/14 91/8/22 هحوذ حثيثي پارظا هحوذ حثيثي پارظا رضا ت كلي همذم 24 241 242 212 Soft Computing Based on Interval Valued Fuzzy ANP-A Novel Methodology. 91/8/22 رضا ت كلي همذم 243 212 213 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Risk- Based Reliability Assessing Under Epistemic Uncertainty. Electrochemical Examining Behavior of Epoxy Coating Incorporating Zinc-free Phosphate- Based Anticorrosion Pigment. 91/8/22 91/9/1 رضا ت كلي همذم رضا ادري هحو دي 244 245 212 In-Situ Synthesis of Silica Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles by Reverse Co-Precipitation Method. 91/9/1 ات لماظن عطايي 246 212 Equitable Waste Load Allocation in Rivers Using Fuzzy Bi-matrix Games. 91/9/1 رضا كراچياى 247 212 Regional Hospital Solid Waste Assessment Using the Evidential Reasoning Approach. 91/9/1 رضا كراچياى 248 212 212 21 CO2-CH4 Phase Equilibria onmodified Multi- Walled Carbon nanotubes using Gibbs Excess Energy Models Based on Vacancy Solution Theory. Economic Optimization of the Cumene Production Process Using Response Surface Methodology. Effect of Synthesis Parameters on Phase Purity Crystallinity and Particle Size of SAPO-۳۴ 91/9/6 91/9/6 91/9/6 ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي 249 25 251 21 212 212 Paramomycin Loaded Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: Characterization of Production Parameters Process Variables in the Formation of Nanoparticles of Megestrol Acetate through Rapid Expansion of Supercritical CO2 Production of Ultrafine Drug Particles through Rapid Expansion of Supercritical Solution A 91/9/6 91/9/6 91/9/6 ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي 252 253 254

212 212 TiO2 Nanoparticle Layer formation on Ceramic Support A Statistical Approach to Control Influential Synthesis Parameters. Kinetic Modeling and Optimization of the Operating Condition of MTO Process on SAPO- 34 Catalyst. 91/9/6 91/9/6 ؼ ر فاطوي ؼ ر فاطوي 255 256 211 Axial Soil-Pile Intraction in a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 257 211 A Novel Semiactive Variable Stiffness Device and its Application in a New Semiactive Tuned Vibration Absorber. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 258 212 An Innovative Base Isolation System With Ni-Ti alloy and its Application in Seismic Vibration Control of Izadkhast Bridge. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 259 212 Improved Formulation in Mixed-Based State- Space Approach for Large Displacement Inelastic Analysis of Frames. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 26 211 Improving the Stability of Time Domain Dual Bboundary Element Method for three Dimensional Fracture Problems: A Time Weighting Approach. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 261 211 Rigid Sylinder in a Transversely Isotropic Half- Space Under Lateral Loals. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 262 211 Seismic Response of an Embedded Pile in a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space Under Incident P-Wave Excitations. 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 263 211 Three-dimentional dynamic Green s functions for a multilayered transversely isotropic halfspace 91/9/6 هحوذ رحيوياى 264 211 212 211 An analytical solution for transversely isotropic simply supported thick rectangular plates using displacement potential functions Analytical solution of torsion vibration of a finite cylindrical cavity in a transversely isotropic halfspace Forced Vertical Vibration of Rigid Circular Disc on a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space 91/9/8 91/9/8 91/9/8 هرتضي اظك ذري لادي هرتضي اظك ذري لادي هرتضي اظك ذري لادي عل م پاي عل م پاي عل م پاي 265 266 267 211 21 Forced vertical vibration of rigid circular disc buried in an arbitrary depth of a transversely isotropic half-space Rocking vibration of rigid circular disc in a transversely isotropic full-space 91/9/8 91/9/8 هرتضي اظك ذري لادي هرتضي اظك ذري لادي عل م پاي عل م پاي 268 269 21 The SPAC method for a finite M-station circular array using horizontally polarized ambient noise 91/9/8 هرتضي اظك ذري لادي عل م پاي 27

212 212 212 Effect of Sintering Temperature and Silicocarbide Fraction on Density Mechanical Properties and Fracture Mode of Alumina- Silicon Carbide Micro/nano Composites. Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Nanometric Magnesium Oxide Particulate- Reinforced aluminum Matrix Composites Produced by Powder Metallurgy Method. Analysis of Outage Probability and Throughput for Half-Duplex Hybrid-ARQ Relay Channels 91/9/2 91/9/2 91/9/2 حعيي عثذي زاد حعيي عثذي زاد ت ر ز ه ام 271 272 273 21 212 212 Energy-Efficient Space-Time Coded Cooperation in Outage-Restricted Multihop Wireless Networks Impact of Transceiver I/Q Imbalance on Transmit Diversity of Beamforming OFDM Systems Opportunistic Relaying for MIMO Amplify-and- Forward Cooperative Networks 91/9/2 91/9/2 91/9/2 ت ر ز ه ام ت ر ز ه ام ت ر ز ه ام 274 275 276 212 Pilot Contamination for Active Eavesdropping 91/9/2 ت ر ز ه ام 277 212 Transmit Antenna Selection OFDM Systems with Transceiver I/Q Imbalance 91/9/2 ت ر ز ه ام 278 212 Tree Formation with Physical Layer Security Considerations in Wireless Multi-Hop Networks 91/9/2 ت ر ز ه ام 279 212 A Flexible Algorithm for Fault Diagnosis in a Centrifugal Pump with Corrupted Data and Noise Based on ANN and Support Vector Machine with hyper-parameters Optimization. 91/9/22 هحوذ علي آزاد 28 212 21۳ A Hybrid Computer Simulation-Artificial Neural Network Algorithm for Optimisation of Dispatching Rule Selection in Stochastic Job Shop Scheduling Problems. A Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithm for Optimization of Crew Scheduling. 91/9/22 91/9/22 هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد 281 282 212 212 212 212 A Hybrid Neuro-Fuzzy Simulation Approach for Improvement of Natural Gas Price Forecasting in Industrial Sectors with Vague Indicators. An Adaptive Neural Network-Fuzzy Linear Regression approach for improved car ownership Estimation and forecasting in complex and uncertain Environments: the case of Iran. An Emotional Learning-Based Fuzzy Inference System for Improvement of System Reliability Evaluation in Redundancy Allocation Problem. An integrated Decision Support System for Performance Assessment and Optimization of Decision-Making Units. 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد 283 284 285 286 212 An Integrated Fuzzy Mathematical Model and Principal Component Analysis Algorithm for Forecasting Uncertain Trends of Electricity Consumption. 91/9/22 هحوذ علي آزاد 287

212 212 212 212 212 21۳ 212 213 212 212 An Integrated Fuzzy Regression-Data Envelopment Analysis Algorithm for Optimum Oil Consumption Estimation with Ambiguous Data. An Integrated Neural Network Simulation Algorithm for performance optimisation of the bi-criteria Two-Stage Assembly Flow-shop Scheduling Problem with Stochastic Activities. An Intelligent Algorithm for Performance Evaluation of Job Stress and HSE Factors in Petrochemical Plants with Noise and Uncertainty. An intelligent decision support system for forecasting and optimization of complex personnel attributes in a large bank. Hybrid Fuzzy RegressionArtificial Neural Network for Improvement of Short-Term Water Consumption Estimation and Forecasting in Uncertain and Complex Environments: Case of a Large Metropolitan City. Optimum Estimation of Missing Values in Randomized Complete Block Design by Genetic Algorithm. Performance Assessment and Optimization of HSE Management Systems with Human Error and Ambiguity by an integrated Fuzzy Multivariate Approach in a Large Conventional Power Plant manufacturer. A New Support Vector Model-Based Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for time Estimation in New Product Development Projects. Annealing-Based Particle Swarm Optimization to Solve the Redundant Reliability Problem with Multiple Component Choices. Fuzzy Possibistic Modeling for Closed Loop Recycling Collection Network. 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/22 91/9/29 91/9/29 91/9/29 هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد هحوذ علي آزاد رضا ت كلي همذم رضا ت كلي همذم رضا ت كلي همذم 288 289 29 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 212 Integration of the Fish Bone Diagram Brainstorming and AHP Method for Problem Solving and Decision Making A Case Study. 91/9/29 رضا ت كلي همذم 298 212 212 Reliable Design of a Forward/Reverse Logistics Network Under Uncertainty: A Robust-M/M/c Queuing Model. Investigating the hydrodynamics of gas-solid bubbling fluidization using recurrence plot. 91/9/29 91/1/3 رضا ت كلي همذم يذ هعت في 299 3 212 Using particle trajectory for determining the fluidization regime in gas-solid fluidized beds. 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 31 212 Vibration time series analysis of bubbling and turbulent fluidization. 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 32 212 Hydrodynamics of a Gas-Solid Fluidized Bed at Elevated Temperatures Using the Radioactive Particle Tracking Technique. 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 33

212 Effect of fines on segregation of binary mixtures in gas-solid fluidized beds 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 34 212 A new method for validation of a CFD-DEM model of gas-solid fluidized bed 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 35 212 Hydrodynamic characterisation of liquid-solid two-phase fluidised beds: Vibration signature and pressure fluctuations analyses 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 36 212 Coalescence Efficiency of Bubbles in Bubble Columns 91/1/3 يذ هعت في 37 21 21 212 21 Effect of Nd-Doping on the Nanocrystallite Size and Microwave Absorption Properties of Sr- Hexaferrite. Effect of Oxygen Pressure on Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Strontium Hexaferrite (SrFe2O1 Film Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition. Effect of ph Values on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nanocrystalline Strontium Hexaferrite Thin Films. Fe/Sr Ratio and Calcination Temperature Effects on Processing of Nanostructured Strontium Hexaferrite Thin Films by a Sol-Gel Method. 91/1/1 91/1/1 91/1/1 91/1/1 ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي 38 39 31 311 21 Investigation of Magnetic Interactions in Core/Shell Structured SrFe2O1/NiZnFe2O۴ Nanocomposite. 91/1/1 ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي 312 212 Magnetic Properties of Strontium Hexaferrite Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition. 91/1/1 ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي 313 212 212 212 Microwave Absorption Properties of ۵1 SrFe2O۵1-1 TiO2 Nanocomposites with Porosity. Optimization of the Sol-Gel Chemical Route for Fabrication of Densely Packed NiFe2O۴ Nanowires in the AAO Template Optimized SolGel Chemical Route Using Vacuum Suction for Fabrication of Densely Packed NiFe2O۴ Nanowires 91/1/1 91/1/1 91/1/1 ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي 314 315 316 212 212 212 Preparation of Strontium Hexaferrite Film by Pulsed Laser Deposition with in situ Heating and Post Annealing Structural Characterization and Magnetic Properties of Superparamagnetic Zinc Ferrite Nanoparticles Synthesized by the Coprecipitation Method Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Strontium Hexaferrite Thin 91/1/1 91/1/1 91/1/1 ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي 317 318 319

Films by the Sol-Gel Method 212 21 212 212 213 212 Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Hard/Soft SrFe2O1/Ni1.۰Zn1.۳Fe2O۴ Nanocomposite Magnets Synthesis of The Nanocrystalline Nickel Ferrite by a Novel Mechano Sol-Gel Auto-Combustion Method Preparation of Strontium Hexaferrite Film by Pulsed Laser Deposition with in situ Heating and Post Annealing Efficient Inclusive Analytical Model for Delay Estimation of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Interconnects. Graphene formation by unzipping carbon nanotubes using a sequential plasma assisted processing Wid-Tuning-Rage Low-Phase-noise Quadrature Ring Oscillator Exploitng a Novel Noise Canceling Techniqe 91/1/1 91/1/1 91/1/1 91/1/18 91/1/18 91/1/18 ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي ظيذ علي ظيذ اترا يوي اصر هعص هي اصر هعص هي اصر هعص هي 32 321 322 323 324 325 212 212 213 212 212 Vertical Action of a Concentric Multi-Annular Punch on a Transversely Isotropic Elastic Half- Space. Forced Vertical and Horizontal Movements of a Rectangular Rigid Foundation on a Transversely Isotropic Half-Space A Stable Downward Continuation of Airborne Magnetic Data for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping in Central Iran Clustering of Mineral Prospectivity Area as an Unsupervised Classification Approach to Explore Copper Deposit Comparison of electrical image log with core in a fractured carbonate reservoir 91/1/3 91/1/3 91/11/8 91/11/8 91/11/8 هرتضي اظك ذري لادي هرتضي اظك ذري لادي ؼالهحعيي ر زي ؼالهحعيي ر زي ؼالهحعيي ر زي هعذى هعذى هعذى 326 327 328 329 33 212 ELECTRE: A knowledge-driven Method for Integration of Geophysical and Geochemical Data in Mineral Prospectivity Mapping 91/11/8 ؼالهحعيي ر زي هعذى 331 21۳ 212 212 212 212 Fuzzy outranking approach : A knowledgedriven method for mineral prospectivity mapping Integration of various geophysical data with geological and geochemical data to determine additional drilling for copper exploration 2D interpretation of Self-Potential Data Using Normalized Full Gradient a Case Study : Galena Deposit Permeability Prediction and Construction of ۳D Geological Model:application of Neural Networks and Stochastic Approaches in an PROETHEE II :A knowledge-driven Method for Copper Exploration 91/11/8 91/11/8 91/11/8 91/11/8 91/11/8 ؼالهحعيي ر زي ؼالهحعيي ر زي ؼالهحعيي ر زي ؼالهحعيي ر زي ؼالهحعيي ر زي هعذى هعذى هعذى هعذى هعذى 332 333 334 335 336 212 Supoort Vector Machine for Multi-Classification of Mineral Prospectivity Areas 91/11/8 ؼالهحعيي ر زي هعذى 337

212 Fabrication of Al/Al2O۳ composites by in-situ powder metallurgy (IPM) 91/11/18 فرؼاد اخاللي 338 212 Experimental and QSPR Studies on the Effect of Ionic Surfactants on n-decane-water Interfacial Tension 91/11/25 ظيا غ رياحي ه ذظي فت 339 211 Prediction of solubility of fullerene C ۶1 in various organic solvents by genetic algorithmmultiple linear regression 91/11/25 ظيا غ رياحي ه ذظي فت 34 213 213 A MLP neural network as an investigator of TEC time series to detect seismo-ionospheric anomalies Support vector machines for TEC seismoionospheric anomalies detection 91/11/25 91/11/25 ه ذي آخ ذزاد سايي ه ذي آخ ذزاد سايي مؽ ترداري مؽ ترداري 341 342 212 213 212 213 Calpionellids and Pelagic Microfaunas of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous Shal and Kolur Formations (Talesh Mountains Alborz Chain North-West Iran. Stratigraphic Distribution New Species Systematic Revision and Regional Comparisions. Middle and Upper Jurassic Ammonites From the Dalichai Formation East of Shahrud (East Alborz North Iran. Determination of a Rock Physic Model for the Carbonate Fahlyan Formation in Two Wells in Southwestern Iran. Dynamic propoeties of anhydrites marls and salts of the Gachsaran evaporitic formation Iran 91/11/25 91/11/25 91/11/25 91/11/25 كاظن ظيذاهاهي كاظن ظيذاهاهي حعيي هعوارياى حعيي هعوارياى هعذى هعذى هعذى هعذى 343 344 345 346 212 A Yagi-Uda Plasma Monoploe Array 91/11/25 جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل 347 212 Characterization of a Surface Wave Driven Plasma Monopole Antenna 91/11/25 جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل 348 212 212 Radiation Properties Enhancement of a GSM/WLAN Microstrip Antenna Using a Dual Band Circularly Symmetric EBG Substrate Reflection from Stratified Media Backed by a Perfect Electromagnetic Conductor(PEMC 91/11/25 91/11/25 جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل 349 35 212 On the Miniaturization of Semi-Planar Chiral Metamaterial Structures 91/11/25 جليل آلا راؼذ هحصل 351 212 Highlighting and trying to overcome a serious drawback with qspr studies Data collection in different experimental conditions (mixed-qspr 91/11/29 ظيا غ رياحي ه ذظي فت 352 213 A hybrid GAPSO approach for reliability optimization ۵ in redundancy allocation problem. 91/12/1 حيذ اترا يوي پ ر 353

213 Development of dynamic recrystallization maps based on the initial grain size. 91/12/9 حاهذ هيرزاد ظلطاى پ ر 354 213 Hot deformation behavior of austenitic stainless steel for a wide range of initial grain size 91/12/9 حاهذ هيرزاد ظلطاى پ ر 355 21۳ Analysis of warp knitted fabric structure. Part V: experimental study on the initial modulus of warp knitted fabrics 91/12/9 عثاض راظتگ 356 212 Estimation of the Initial Shear Modulus of Twill Woven Denim Fabrics Based on Fabric Mechanical and Geometrical Properties 91/12/9 عثاض راظتگ 356 212 Investigation of elastic and bucking properties of carbon nanocones using molecular mechanics approach. 91/12/9 عثاض راظتگ 358 212 Predicting the grain size and hardness of AZ1/SiC nanocomposite by artificial neural networks 91/12/9 عثاض راظتگ 359 213 Vibration Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube Junction 91/12/9 عثاض راظتگ 36 213 Vibrational properties of two and three junctional carbon nanotube 91/12/9 عثاض راظتگ 361 212 Analysis of lateral extrusion of gear-like form parts 91/12/14 احوذ فيض ديسجي عل م پاي 362 212 A numerical and expremental study on tubular channel angular pressing(tcap process. 91/12/14 احوذ فيض ديسجي عل م پاي 363 212 Microstructure and mechanical behavior of martensitic steel severely deformed by the novel technique of repetitive corrugation and straightening by rolling 91/12/14 احوذ فيض ديسجي عل م پاي 364 211 The effects of friction-stir Process Parameters on the fabrication of Ti/SiC nano-composite srface layer 91/12/14 ظيذ فرؼيذ كاؼا ي تسرگ 365 21۳ Effects of thermal conditions on microstructure in nanocomposite of Al/Si۳N۴ produced by friction stir processing 91/12/14 ظيذ فرؼيذ كاؼا ي تسرگ 366 212 Evolution of Nanocrystalline Structures Using High Energy Ball Milling of Quaternary Mg۷۰۵Nb1۷2۵C1۷2۵Ni and Binary Mg2Ni 91/12/14 ظيذ فرؼيذ كاؼا ي تسرگ 367 212 Microstructure and mechanical properties of steel/tic nano-composite surface layer produced by friction stir processing 91/12/14 ظيذ فرؼيذ كاؼا ي تسرگ 368 21۳ Production of in-situ hard Ti/TiN composite surface layers on CP-Ti using reactive friction stir processing under nitrogen environment 91/12/14 ظيذ فرؼيذ كاؼا ي تسرگ 369

21۳ Correlation Between Shear Punch and Tensile Strength for Low-Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Sheets 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 37 21۳ Creep mechanisms in an Mg۴Zn alloy in the ascast and aged conditions 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 371 21۳ 21۳ Effects of extrusion and equal channel angular pressing on the microstructure tensile and fatigue behaviour of the wrought magnesium alloy AZ۰1 Effects of Sn additions on the microstructure and impression creep behavior of AZ1 magnesium alloy 91/12/14 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي رضا هحو دي 372 373 21۳ Elevated-temperature shear strength and hardness of Zn۳CuxAl ultra-high-temperature lead-free solders 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 374 212 High-temperature mechanical properties of AZ۶ and AZ۶1.۰Si magnesium alloys 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 375 21۳ Indentation creep of lead-free Sn۳.۵Ag solder alloy: Effects of cooling rate and Zn/Sb addition 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 376 21۳ Shear punch creep characteristics of Mg-۳Al- Zn thin sheets 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 377 21۳ The influences of extrusion and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP processes on the fatigue behavior of AM۶1 magnesium alloy 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 378 21۳ Correlation Between Shear Punch and Tensile Strength for Low-Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Sheets 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 379 21۳ Creep mechanisms in an Mg۴Zn alloy in the ascast and aged conditions 91/12/14 رضا هحو دي 38 21۳ 21 Effects of extrusion and equal channel angular pressing on the microstructure tensile and fatigue behaviour of the wrought magnesium alloy AZ۰1 The influence of beryllium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Al۵Mg2Si in-situ metal matrix composite 91/12/14 91/12/16 رضا هحو دي اهاهي هعع د 381 382 212 The effect of Zr on the microstructure and tensile properties of hot-extruded AlMg2Si composite 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 383 212 The influence of Li on the tensile properties of extruded in situ Al۵Mg2Si composite 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 384 212 Hardness and Wear Properties of Al۴.۵ Cu/Al۳Mg2 Nanocomposite Prepared by Mechanical Alloying 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 385

ي ا 212 Preparation of the NiP composite coating codeposited by nano TiC particles and evaluation of its corrosion property 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 386 212 Microstructural evolution and tensile properties of the in situ Al۵Mg2Si composite with extra Si contents 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 387 212 Structural and Morphological Evaluation of Nano-Sized MoSi2 Powder Produced by Mechanical Milling. 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 388 212 Preparation of electroless NiP composite coatings containing nano-scattered alumina in presence of polymeric surfactant 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 389 212 Corrosion behavior of NiP/nano-TiC composite coating prepared in electroless baths containing different types of surfactant 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 39 212 212 The effect of Al8B grain refiner and heat treatment conditions on the microstructure mechanical properties and dry sliding wear behavior of an Al2Zn۳Mg2.۵Cu aluminum alloy Effect of Mn addition on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al۵Mg2Si composite 91/12/16 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د اهاهي هعع د 391 392 212 The effect of mischmetal and heat treatment on the microstructure and tensile properties of A۳۵۰ AlSi casting alloy 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 393 212 Microstructure and tensile properties of cast Al15Mg2Si composite: Effects of phosphorous addition and heat treatment 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د 394 212 213 Investigation of the effect of Al5Ti1B grain refiner on dry sliding wear behavior of an AlZnMgCu alloy formed by strain-induced melt activation process The effect of Al5Ti1B grain refiner on the structure and tensile properties of Al21Mg alloy 91/12/16 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د اهاهي هعع د 395 396 21۳ 21۳ 21۳ 21۳ 21۳ The effect of Fe-rich intermetallics on the microstructure hardness and tensile properties of AlMg2Si die-cast composite The effect of strain-induced melt activation process on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-refined A۶1۰1 Al alloy The influence of Ni addition and hot-extrusion on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al۵Mg2Si composite Selection of an optimal refinement condition to achieve maximum tensile properties of Al۵Mg2Si composite based on TOPSIS Effects of extrusion temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of Al۶ wt Al۴Sr metal matrix composite 91/12/16 91/12/16 91/12/16 91/12/16 91/12/16 اهاهي هعع د اهاهي هعع د اهاهي هعع د اهاهي هعع د اهاهي هعع د در و دار زير اطالعات هرت ط ت تؽ يك هماالت ظال 1391 ت ص رت خالص آ رد ؼذ ا ذ. 397 398 399 4 41

تعداد کل مقاالت 41 12 111 1 8 76 6 4 2 42 18 22 47 45 35 2 3 تعداد مقاالت کاسپین نقشه برداری مکانیک برق شیمی عمران علوم پایه معدن متالورژی صنایع و دار 25 (تعذاد هماالت تررظي ؼذ ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در 139 توزیع درصد مقاالت ارسالی جهت تخصیص پاداش به تفکیک دانشکده /گروه در سال 91 1% % صنایع 9% 1% متالورژی معدن 19% علوم پایه 29% عمران شیمی 11% برق 4% مکانیک 12% 5% نقشه برداری کاسپین و دار 26( ت زيع درصذ هماالت ارظالي ت دا ؽگا ج ت تخصيص پاداغ ت تفكيك گر /دا ؽكذ در 139

نمودار مبالغ تشویقی مقاله های پردیس دانشکده های فنی در سال 91 )تشویق شده توسط دانشگاه تهران و دانشکده فنی ) 1,5,, 1,146,76, 1,,, 5,, 165,576, مبالغ تشویقی به لایر مبلغ تشویقی دانشکده فنی مبلغ تشویقی دانشگاه تهران مبالغ تشویقی به لایر 165,576, 1,146,76, و دار 27( هثالػ كل تؽ يمي هص ب هماالت پرديط دا ؽكذ اي ف ي درظال 1391 25 2 15 1 5 11 6 3 22 صنايع 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 23 12 8 2 6 5 1 4 11 2 7 17 1 5 2 1 11 13 12 8 7 4 2 22 2 برق شيمی عمران متالورژی معدن مکانيک علوم پايه نقشه برداری سفر دوم لغو سفر گزارش سفر سفرهای نامشخص سفرهای تصويب شده هيات علمی و دار 28( و دار هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي در ظال 1391

4 35 3 25 2 15 1 5 11 15 11 6 6 5 6 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 27 7 4 17 7 2 3 35 18 16 3 برق شيمی عمران متالورژی معدن مکانيک علوم پايه نقشه برداری صنايع مجوز خروج لغو سفر گزارش سفر سفرهای تصويب شده دانشجويان و دار 29( و دار هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي در ظال 1391 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی معدن در سه سال متوالی 6 5 4 3 2 89 9 91 1 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 3( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي هعذى در ظال اي 91 9 89

و دار 31( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي هعذى در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی متالورژی در سه سال متوالی 25 2 15 1 89 9 91 5 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 32( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي ه اد در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی متالورژی در سه سال متوالی 3 25 2 15 1 89 9 91 5 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 33( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي ه اد در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی برق در سه سال متوالی 4 35 3 25 2 15 1 5 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 34( و دارهمايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی برق در سه سال متوالی 5 4 3 2 89 9 91 1 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 35( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی شیمی در سه سال متوالی 2 15 1 5 89 9 91 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 36( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی شیمی در سه سال متوالی 12 1 8 6 4 89 9 91 2 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 37( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 9 89 91 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی نقشه برداری در سه سال متوالی 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 38( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي گر ه ذظي مؽ ترداري در ظال اي 9 89 91

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی نقشه برداری در سه سال متوالی 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 39( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي گر ه ذظي مؽ ترداري در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک در سه سال متوالی 3 25 2 15 1 89 9 91 5 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 4( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی مکانیک در سه سال متوالی 14 12 1 8 6 4 2 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 41( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی عمران در سه سال متوالی 18 16 14 12 1 8 6 4 2 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 42( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی عمران در سه سال متوالی 3 25 2 15 1 89 9 91 5 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 43( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی صنایع در سه سال متوالی 18 16 14 12 1 8 6 4 2 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 44( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي گر ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی صنایع در سه سال متوالی 14 12 1 8 6 4 2 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده 89 9 91 و دار 45( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ئي گر ه ذظي در ظال اي 91 9 89 مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی هیات علمی دانشکده مهندسی علوم پایه در سه سال متوالی 6 5 4 3 2 89 9 91 1 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 46( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي يات علوي گر عل م پاي در ظال اي 91 9 89

مقایسه سفرهای کنفرانسهای بین المللی دانشجویان دانشکده مهندسی علوم پایه در سه سال متوالی 1.2 89 9 91.2 لغو گزارش سفرهای تصویب شده و دار 47 ( و دار همايع اي هرت ط ت هعافرت اي دا ؽج ياى گر عل م پاي در ظال اي 91 9 89

و ار 48( و دار هرت ط ت هتماضياى دريافت پص ا در ظال 1391 و دار 49 ( آهار احكام صادر ؼذ در همطع كارؼ اظي ارؼذ طرح حوايت از پاياى اه اي تحصيالت تكويلي ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ /گر در ظال 1391

و دار 5 ( آهار احكام صادر ؼذ در همطع دكتري طرح حوايت از پاياى اه اي تحصيالت تكويلي ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ /گر در ظال 1391

و دار 51 ( درصذ پاياى اه اي همطع كارؼ اظي ارؼذ ك در ظال 1391 ه رد حوايت هالي پرديط لرار گرفت ا ذ و دار 52 ( درصذ پاياى اه اي همطع دكتري ك در ظال 1391 ه رد حوايت هالي پرديط لرار گرفت ا ذ

آ( و دار 53 آ( هار احكام اختتام طرح حوايت از پاياى اه اي تحصيالت تكويلي در همطع كارؼ اظي ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ /گر در ظال 1391 و دار 54 هار احكام اختتام طرح حوايت از پاياى اه اي تحصيالت تكويلي در همطع دكتري ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ /گر در ظال 1391

و دار 55 ( درصذ طرح حوايت از پاياى اه اي تحصيالت تكويلي خاتو يافت ه رد حوايت هالي پرديط در همطع كارؼ اظي ارؼذ ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ /گر در ظال 1391 و دار 56 ( درصذ طرح حوايت از پاياى اه اي تحصيالت تكويلي خاتو يافت ه رد حوايت هالي پرديط در همطع كارؼ اظي ارؼذ ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ /گر در ظال 1391

و دار 57 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال 1391 و دار 58 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال 1391

و دار 59 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از گر ه ذظي مؽ ترداري در ظال 1391 و دار 6 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال 1391

و دار 61 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از دا ؽكذ ه ذظي هعذى در ظال 1391 و دار 62 (آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از دا ؽكذ ه ذظي در ظال 1391

و دار 63 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از دا ؽكذ ه ذظي هتال رپي ه اد در ظال 1391 و دار 64 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از گر عل م پاي ه ذظي در ظال 1391

و دار 65 ( آهار پاياى اه اي ارظال ؼذ از گر ه ذظي در ظال 1391 و دار 66 ( آهار كل پاياى اه اي تررظي ؼذ در هعا ت پص ؽي در ظال 1391

و دار 67 ( تعذاد دا ؽج ياى پعا دكتري ت تفكيك دا ؽكذ / گر در ظال 1391 و دار 68 ( تعذاد ه ارد ثثت اختراع تررظي ؼذ در پرديط دا ؽكذ اي ف ي در ظال 1391