مدرسة دبي الولية / القرهود / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول اسم المعلم : محمود السماعيل فتحي محمد الصف : التاسع الخطة األسبوعية ل

ملفّات مشابهة
دائرة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة المتحان اإلعادة للعام الدراسي : الصف: الثامن المهارة )الفهم واالستيعاب + التحليل األدبي( النحو المادة ال

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مدرسة دبي الولية / القرهود / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول الصف: العاشر اسم المعلم: محمود مفيدة محمد نجاح الخطة األسبوعية للفصل

اللغة العربية Items الدروس المطلوبة المتحان الفصل الدراسى األول 2019/2018 Primary 2 القراءة المحفوظات : كل الدروس : االناشيد + اآليات واالحاديث األسال

مدرسة دبي الدولية / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول الحادي عشر اسم المعلمة : مفيدة تلجي مهارات خطة الفصل األول الصف : -


دائرة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة لالختبار المعلن للفصل الدراسي الثاني الر ابع الصف: في مادة اللغة العربية المادة المطلوبة - القراءة: قص ة

مدرسة دبي الولية / القرهود / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول الصف: الثاني عشر اسم المعلم: محمد خميس محمد نجاح الخطة األسبوعية للفص

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مدرسة دبي الولية / القرهود / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول 2018-2019 اسم المعلم : محمود السماعيل فتحي محمد الصف : التاسع الخطة األسبوعية للفصل الدراسي األول األسبوع األول المهارة/ عنوان الدرس التعارف و الترحيب و تدريب الطالب على استراتيجية القبعات الست في معالجة النصوص األدبية القراءة المعيار نواتج التعلم 9/13 9 الثاني 16 /20 9 حديث ال تغضب قصيدة غذوتك مولودا _ يظهر المتعلم معرفة جيدة بجذور الكلمات. _ توظيف السياق النصي لتوضيح المعنى. _ يحلل معاني الحديث ضمن سياقه _ يحفظ المتعلم الحديث. _ يستنتج خصائص الوصية في البالغة النبوية. _ يقرأالمتعلم نصوصا شعرية ويحللها فنيا لتوضيح األفكار المتضمنة فيها. _ ربط األفكار بأعمال أدبية أخرى. يبين المتعلم المعنى اإلجمالي للنص. _يوضح الفكر الرئيسة والفرعية فيه. _ يفسر القرائن من خالل السياق. _ يستنتج الدالالت اإليحائية. _ يحفظ النص الشعري 9/27- الثالث 23 قصيدة غذوتك مولودا يقرأالمتعلم نصوصا شعرية ويحللها فنيا لتوضيح األفكار المتضمنة فيها. _ ربط األفكار بأعمال أدبية أخرى. يبين المتعلم المعنى اإلجمالي للنص. _يوضح الفكر الرئيسة والفرعية فيه. _ يفسر القرائن من خالل السياق. _ يستنتج الدالالت اإليحائية. _ يحفظ النص الشعري 10/4 الرابع 30 نحو ( الميزان الصرفي( مطالعة يظهر المتعلم معرفة بالمفاهيم النحوية ويحسن استخدامها. إثراء الذخيرة اللغوية عند المتعلم _ يتعرف الميزان الصرفي. _ يستخدم الميزان الصرفي في وزن الكلمات واألفعال الصحيحة والمعتلة. - قراءة النص وتذوقه 10 /7 10/11 الخامس قراءة )قصة( المناورة يوظف السياقات النصية لتوضيح معاني المفردات. _ يحلل المتكلم عناصر النص األدبي. _ يتعرف المتعلم المفارقة في النص القصصي. _ يقارن بين مواقف الشخصيات رؤيتنا : إعداد كل طالب ليكون متعلما ومواطنا ومنتجا مدى الحياة 1

مدرسة دبي الولية / القرهود / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول 2018-2019 10/14 10/18 السادس الكتابة يكتب المتعلم موضوعا يعكس قدرة جيدة على تقديم الحجج. _ يطور المتعلم قدرته من خالل مراحل الكتابة. _ يكتب المتعلم نصا مكونا من حدث مركزي. _ يصف المشاهد والحركات والمشاعر بتفاصيل حسية دقيقة. _ يوظف الحوار والتشبيهات واالستعارات. ( الغضب( - إثراء الذخيرة اللغوية لدى المتعلم - قراءة النص وتذوقه - مطالعة قراءة ( نصوص ) في مكارم األخالق _ يقرأالمتعلم نصوصا شعرية ويحللها فنيا لتوضيح األفكار المتضمنة فيها. _ ربط األفكار بأعمال أدبية أخرى _ يبين المتعلم المعنى اإلجمالي للنص. _يوضح الفكر الرئيسة والفرعية فيه. _ يفسر القرائن من خالل السياق. _ يستنتج الدالالت اإليحائية. _ يحفظ النص الشعري يبين المتعلم المعنى اإلجمالي للنص. _يوضح الفكر الرئيسة والفرعية فيه. _ يفسر القرائن من خالل السياق. _ يستنتج الدالالت اإليحائية. _ يحفظ النص الشعري السابع /10 10/25 قراءة ( نصوص ) في مكارم األخالق يقرأالمتعلم نصوصا شعرية ويحللها فنيا لتوضيح األفكار المتضمنة فيها. _ ربط األفكار بأعمال أدبية أخرى البالغة )التشبيه البليغ( يتعرف المفهوم البالغي. )التشبيه البليغ( ينتج جمال تتضمن تشبيهات بليغة. الثامن 10/28 11/1 / نحو )اسم الفاعل( _ يتعرف المتعلم المفهوم النحوي )اسم الفاعل( ويحسن صياغته. يشتق المتعلم اسم الفاعل من الفعل الثالثي وغير الثالثي ويعربه ويوظفه في مواقف حياتية. إثراء الذخيرة اللغوية لدى الطالب _ قراءة النص األدبي وتذوق الجمال فيه. ( مطالعة ) التاسع قراءة )سيرة ذاتية( _ يوظف السياقات النصية لتوضيح معاني المفردات يحلل المتعلم تطور الفكرة الرئيسة أو وجهة النظر من خالل تفاصيل محددة. 11/8/11/4 تعلمت من أوقات الفراغ. _ يحلل المتعلم النص أو جزءا منه والذي يعبر فيه المؤلف عن موقفه الكتابة _ يحلل سيرته الذاتية مظهرا )سيرة ذاتية( الجانب المشرق فيها. رؤيتنا : إعداد كل طالب ليكون متعلما ومواطنا ومنتجا مدى الحياة 2

مدرسة دبي الولية / القرهود / دائرة اللغة العربية / الفصل الدراسي األول 2018-2019 _ يستنتج أفكار النص. _ يحلل األفكار. _ يربط بين أفكار النص. _ استماع ( توماس ) / 15 11 11 العاشر يصغي التلميذ للنص المقرر ويظهر فهمه ويستخلص منه المبادئ. _ يلتزم آداب االستماع. الحادي عشر قصة )مفتش المدارس ) مطالعة حرة _ يقرأالمتعلم مقاالت ويحللها فنيا لتوضيح األفكار فيها وربطها بمقاالت أخرى إثراء الذخيرة اللغوية وتشجيعه على القراءة والمطالعة باللغة العربية يظهر المتعلم معرفة بالمفاهيم _ قراءة النص األدبي وفهمه وتذوق الصور الفنية _قراءة النص األدبي وتذوق الجمال فيه. يشتق المتعلم اسم المفعول من _ نحو 11/18 11/22 )اسم المفعول( النحوية ويحسن استخدامها. الفعل الثالثي وغير الثالثي ويعربه. محادثة )عالم من علماء العرب( _ يظهر المتعلم قدرته في المحادثة كالطالقة والثقة وتنظيم األفكار والوضوح. _ يقدم المتعلم عرضا تقديميا مطوال حول الموضوع بطرائق مقنعة. _ ينظم المتعلم مادة الحديث. / 29 25 11 الثاني عشر قراءة )مقال( إشارات يرسلها الشهداء. _ يقرأالمتعلم مقاالت ويحللها فنيا لتوضيح األفكار فيها وربطها بمقاالت أخرى. يحلل النص الذي يعبر فيه المؤلف عن موقفه في قضية اجتماعية. - إثراء الذخيرة اللغوية لدى المتعلمين يقرأ النص ويتذوقه 13-2 ديسمبر األسبوعان الثالث عشر والرابع عشر عيد االتحاد + امتحان نهاية الفصل الدراسي رؤيتنا : إعداد كل طالب ليكون متعلما ومواطنا ومنتجا مدى الحياة 3

Dubai International School Science Department Academic year: 2018-2019 Subject: Physics Term: 1 Grade: 9 Grade 9 Physics Learning Plan Physics Book Weeks Units/Lessons Overview Scientific Method Students will be able to: Physics Book Temperature and Thermal Equilibrium Chapter 9: Heat - Relate temperature to the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules. P: 298-304 - Describe the changes in the temperatures of two objects reaching thermal 2, 3, 4 equilibrium. - Identify the various Plus, MAP practice temperature scales, and convert from one scale to another. - Relate temperature to the kinetic energy of atoms and molecules. 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Physics Book Defining Heat Chapter 9: Heat P:305-312 Plus, Mini test Plus, MAP practice MAP 1 test (week 9) Plus: Physics Book Changes in Temperature and Phase Chapter 9: Heat P: 313-320 Plus, MAP practice Students will be able to: - Explain heat as the energy transferred between substances that are at different temperatures. - Relate heat and temperature change on the macroscopic level to particle motion on the microscopic level. - Apply the principle of energy conservation to calculate changes in potential, kinetic, and internal energy. Students will be able to: - Define specific heat capacity. - Differentiate between calorimetry and calorimeter. - Perform calculations with specific heat capacity. - Study the phase change graph.

Plus: Introduction to chapter 2 of term 2. Displacement and velocity Chapter 2: Motion in One Dimension P: 40-47

DIS English Grade 9 Learning Plan 2018-2019 Term 1 Track 1 Irony and Ambiguity/Symbolism (weeks 1-4 Sept. 9 Oct. 4) Reading Language Speaking/Listening Writing Standard Resource Grammar Vocabulary The Necklace pp.70-85 L9.2 Workshop roots (2 prds) W.4-W.5-W.6 Punctuation and (week 1) Writing Process Capitalization (2 prds) (wk.1) RL.9-10.1/ RI.9-10.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Determines details that support a stated idea in literary text Determines details that support an inference in literary text Determines details that support main/central idea in literary text Draws conclusions from literary text Locates details about characters in literary text Understands sequence in literary text A Wilderness Letter (informational text) Lesson 6 pp. 23-26 (wk.3) SL1 Propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas; actively incorporate others into the discussion; and clarify, verify, or challenge ideas and conclusions. SL4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically (using appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation) such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose (e.g., argument, narrative, informative, response to literature presentations), audience, and task. CA W.9.3 (a-e) Write narratives. (personal narrative) W.9.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed (wk.4)

Track 2 Expectations (weeks 5-8 Oct. 7- Nov.1) (weeks 5&6 MAP TEST) Reading Language Speaking/Listening Writing Standard Resource Grammar Vocabulary RL.9-10.2 RI.9.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. Determines a shared theme in multiple texts Determines details that support the theme in literary text Determines theme in literary text Determines theme in poetry Summarizes a dramatic excerpt Two Kinds (text) pp.218-233 Rice and Rose Bowl Blues(poem) pp. 234-237 Grammar L 9.1 Simple, Compound, Complex Fragments and Run-ons Week 6 Workshop Lesson 9 SL.10.4 Present findings and supporting evidence clearly. W.9.3 (a-e) Write narratives. (personal narrative) W.9.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed.

Track 3 Elements of Fiction (Plot, Setting, Character, Narrator, and Voice) (Weeks 9-12 Nov. 4-28) Reading Language Speaking/Listening Writing Standard Resource Grammar Vocabulary The Cask of Amontillado Week 10 pp.148-161 Workshop Lesson 13 RL.9-10.3: Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. RI.9-10.3: Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and developed, and the connections that are drawn between them. Analyzes conflict in literary text Analyzes dialogue to understand characters Analyzes how setting affects characters Analyzes how setting contributes to plot Analyzes the effect of characterization Describes character traits or attributes Explains character motivation Infers character feelings or thoughts Understands character relationships Understands how characters are developed or changed RI 9.3 Compares or contrasts details/ideas described in informational text Determines how an author organizes claims The Privacy Debate (informational text) L 9.1 Fragments and Runons SL.1.b. Come to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study; explicitly draw on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts and other research on the topic or issue to stimulate a thoughtful, wellreasoned exchange of ideas W.9.3 (a-e) Write narratives. (personal narrative) W.9.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed.

األسبوع الخامس األسبوع األسبوع الرابع األسبوع الثالث الثاني األسبوع األول األسبوع العاشر األسبوع التاسع األسبوع الثامن األسبوع السابع األسبوع السادس األسبوع الخامس عشر األسبوع الرابع عشر األسبوع الثالث عشر األسبوع الثاني عشر األسبوع الحادي عشر األسبوع األسبوع السابع السادس عشر عشر دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة البعد الزمني للخطة السنوية المادة: التربية اإلسالمية 2019 م العام الدراسي - 2018 مدرسة دبي الدولية - القرهود الفصل األول التاسع الصف: 2018/10/07 2018/09/30 2018/09/23 2018/09/16 2018/09/09 ) 10-1 ) 10-1 سورة الحجرات ( سورة الحجرات ( حديث السبع الموبقات حديث السبع الموبقات الزكاة في اإلسالم 2018/11/11 2018/11/04 2018/10/28 2018/10/21 2018/10/14 الزكاة في اإلسالم الحج الحج األمن واألمان األمن واألمان 2018/12/16 2018/12/09 2018/12/02 2018/11/25 2018/11/18 حجة الوداع ووفاة النبي صلى اله عليه سلم تالوة إجازة التقويم األول 2018/12/23 2018/12/30

األسبوع الثاني والعشرون األسبوع األسبوع الحادي األسبوع العشرون والعشرون األسبوع التاسع عشر الثامن عشر األسبوع السابع والعشرون األسبوع األسبوع السادس والعشرون األسبوع الخامس والعشرون األسبوع الرابع والعشرون الثالث والعشرون األسبوع األسبوع الثالثون األسبوع التاسع والعشرون الثامن والعشرون اإلمارات العربية المتحدة البعد الزمني للخطة السنوية المادة: التربية اإلسالمية 2018 م العام الدراسي - 2017 مدرسة دبي الدولية - القرهود الفصل الثاني التاسع الصف: 2019/02/03 2019/01/27 2019/01/20 2019/01/13 2019/01/06 ما يحل وما يحرم من الطعام حديث الحالل بين حديث الحالل بين والشراب ) 13 ) سورة الحجرات ( -11 13 سورة الحجرات ( 11-2019/03/10 2019/03/03 2019/03/24 2019/02/17 2019/02/10 ما يحل وما يحرم من الطعام والشراب السنن االجتماعية السنن االجتماعية اإلمام مسلم امتحانات نهاية الفصل الثاني 2019/03/31 2019/03/24 2019/03/17 امتحانات نهاية الفصل الثاني إجازة الربيع

األسبوع الخامس األسبوع الرابع األسبوع الثالث األسبوع الثاني األسبوع الحادي و الثالثون والثالثون والثالثون والثالثون والثالثون األسبوع األسبوع التاسع األسبوع الثامن األسبوع السابع األسبوع السادس االربعون والثالثون والثالثون والثالثون والثالثون األسبوع الخامس األسبوع الرابع األسبوع الثالث األسبوع الثاني األسبوع الحادي واالربعون واالربعون واالربعون واالربعون واالربعون المادة: التربية اإلسالمية 2018 م العام الدراسي - 2017 مدرسة دبي الدولية - القرهود الفصل الثالث الصف:التاسع 2019/05/12 2019/05/05 2019/04/28 2019/04/21 2019/04/14 سورة الواقعة 1-25 سورة الواقعة 1-25 حديث تبشير وتحذير حديث تبشير وتحذير التسامح الفكري 2019/06/16 2019/06/02 2019/05/26 2019/05/19 2019/05/12 التسامح الفكري الحكم الشرعي الحكم الشرعي اإلمام أحمد بن حنبل اإلمام أحمد بن حنبل 2019/06/30 2019/06/23 2019/06/16 2019/06/09 تالوة ( امتحان نهائي ) امتحانات الفصل الثالث امتحانات الفصل الثالث

DUBAI INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 2018/ 2019 Special Islamic ANNUAL PLAN Curriculum Map GRADE: 9+10


Unit Lesson Week Integrated Work Activities Assessment Standards Met Content Date Standards Objectives Topic 1 2 Sep.9-13 Sep 16-20 To reinforce the idea that belief in the prophets is one of the Six Pillars of Islam. To reinforce the idea that belief in the prophets is one of the Six Pillars of Islam. General Objectives: To reinforce the idea that belief in the prophets is one of the Six Pillars of Islam. 1. To learn about the concept and importance of Prophethood in Islam in relation to the Prophets mentioned in the Qur an and Hadeeth. 2. To recall the six pillars of Imaan, and recognise the beliefs in Prophet 3. To identify and learn about the Prophets and Messengers in Islam. General Objectives: To reinforce the idea that belief in the prophets is one of the Six Pillars of Islam. 1. To explore the duties of a Prophet and a Messenger. 2. To learn the names of 25 Qur anic Prophets and Messengers along with their Biblical names. 1 Prophets of Islam Listening to the Holy Qur`an. 1 2 Prophets of Islam -Making posters about Islam. Hadeeth Memorization -Answering Questions.

3 4 5 Sep 23-27 Sep.30- October 4 Oct 7-11 To learn and draw inspiration To learn and draw inspiration To learn and explore the challenge of public speaking. 3. To learn and memorise the related ayaat and ahadeeth mentioned in the Text book. General Objectives: To learn and draw inspiration from the life and teachings of the Prophets of Islam. 1. To identify the message of all Prophets. 2. To learn about the main characteristics of Prophets. General Objectives: To learn and draw inspiration from the life and teachings of the Prophets of Islam. 1. To identify the message of all Prophets. 2. To learn about the main characteristics of Prophets. 3. To recite and learn the ayaat and ahadeeth mentioned in the chapter. Objectives: 1. To create an awareness on the importance of living Islam. 2. To learn and explore the challenge of public speaking. 3. To prepare them to speak up in less time with 1 3 Prophets are the Best of Mankind 1 3 Prophets are the Best of Mankind 2 1 Islamic Week: 1. Power Point Presentation on Islam A Religion of Peace 2. -listen to the Surah recitation Write down about how much great Islam is. -memorize from aya113 to aya116 in suratulqasas -checking memorization -Worksheet -oral questions Worksheet

6 Oct 14-18 7 Oct 21-25 8 28 October -November 1 To focus on the key message of all the Prophets proper etiquettes of communication. 4. To involve and share real life experiences with one s peers. MT 1 MT 1 MT 1 To focus on the key message of all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Specific Objective: 1. To define and learn the names of Allah that only Allah can hold. 2. To realise that all Messengers and Prophets came with the same message about the belief in the One True God. 3. To identify the main holy Books that Allah sent to mankind. 4. To recognise that Al Qur an is the final revelation of Allah to mankind. 5. To understand the difference between a Prophet and a Messenger. 6. To recite, learn and memorise the related aayat mentioned in the chapter. Qiraa atcompeti tion MT1 2 3 The Messengers and Their Message Watch a related video Worksheet 9 Nov 4-8 To focus on 2 4 The Messengers Recitation Oral questions

10 Nov 11-15 the key message of all the Prophets To focus on the fact that this world is not the be-all and end-all of everything To focus on the key message of all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah. Specific Objective: 1. To define and learn the names of Allah that only Allah can hold. 2. To realise that all Messengers and Prophets came with the same message about the belief in the One True God. 3. To identify the main holy Books that Allah sent to mankind. 4. To recognise that Al Qur an is the final revelation of Allah to mankind. 5. To understand the difference between a Prophet and a Messenger. 6. To recite, learn and memorise the related aayat mentioned in the chapter. To focus on the fact that this world is not the be-all and end-all of everything and that death and life after death is a significant part of a Muslim s belief. 1. To learn what death is! 2. To acquire proper understanding of death. 3. To recognise the and Their Message 2 4 Death: The Gate to the Unseen World for the surah. Write the first ayah in Arabic Memorization

11 12 Nov 18-22 Nov 25-29 To understand and realise the importance of SalatulJanaza h in the life of a Muslim. importance of remembering death. 4. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on becoming mindful of death. 5. To learn and memorise the du aa mentioned in this chapter. To understand and realise the importance of SalatulJanazah in the life of a Muslim. 1. To learn how to perform SalatulJanazah. 2. To learn the benefits of SalatulJanazah. 3. To learn and understand the hadeeth on the reward of praying SalatulJanazah. 4. To learn and memorise the du aa and ahadeeth mentioned in this lesson. To focus on the need to believe in the Day of Judgement. 1. To recite, learn and understand the verses 1-12 of Surah al Haqqah. 2. To explore ancient nations attitudes toward the Day of Judgement and what was their end. 3. To learn about the fate of disbelieving perished nations and draw lessons 3 2 Salat-ul-Janazah Acting. -checking home work 3 1 Surah al Haqqah: Verses 1 12 Answering questions. Worksheet

from them. 13 Dec 4-6 First term exams First term exams 14 Dec19-13 First term exams First term exams 15 Winter break Winter break 16 Winter break Winter break 17 Winter break Winter break 18 6-10 January To reinforce the belief in the Day of Judgement To reinforce the belief in the Day of Judgement and become conscious of man s accountability with the Lord. 1. To inspired to prepare for the Day of Judgement. 2. To appreciate the importance of hisaab and how it keeps a check on a person s daily activities. 3. To Learn and memorise the hadeeth on preparing after life after death. 4. To learn and understand the saying of Umar ibn al Khattab about the hisaab. 5. To become encouraged 3 2 Surah al Haqqah: Verses 13 18 Reciting Oral Questions

19 20 Jan 13-17 Jan. 20-24 To explore the wonders of Jannah To explore the wonders of Jannah to scrutinise one s actions before you will be questioned about them in the Hereafter. 6. To recite and understand the verses. General Objectives: To explore the wonders of Jannah and get inspired to work for it. 1. To recognise and develop an unshakeable belief that the believers will win Jannah. 2. To appreciate how invaluable are the delights of Jannah. 3. To learn about the Book of Deeds. 4. To recite and understand the verses. General Objectives: To explore the wonders of Jannah and get inspired to work for it. 1. To recognise and develop an unshakeable belief that the believers will win Jannah. 2. To appreciate how invaluable are the delights of Jannah. 3. To learn about the Book of Deeds. 4. To recite and understand the verses. 4 1 Surah al Haqqah: Verses 19 24 4 1 Surah al Haqqah: Verses 19 24 Watch a video about The last day of our life. Watch a video about The last day of our life. Checking homework Checking homework

21 22 23 24 Jan 27-31 Feb 3-7 Feb 10-14 Feb 17-24 To recite and understand the verses To appreciate the value of sharing the beautiful message of Islam with others. General Objectives: To explore the wonders of Jannah and get inspired to work for it. 1. To recognise and develop an unshakeable belief that the believers will win Jannah. 2. To appreciate how invaluable are the delights of Jannah. 3. To learn about the Book of Deeds. 4. To recite and understand the verses. 4 1 Surah al Haqqah: Verses 19 24 MT2 M T 2 MT2 M T 2 4 5 Prophet To learn that Islam is not Muhammad restricted to Arabia and reaches out to that it is meant for the Arabia whole world. 1. To learn and understand the Prophetic ways of Dawah. 2. To learn what the Prophet focused on after the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. 3. To identify the tribes that the Prophet communicated within Arabia. 4. To appreciate the value Watch a video about The last day of our life. Checking homework

25 26 Feb 24-28 March 3-7 To appreciate the value of courage and leadership To learn basic information about a Marriage of sharing the beautiful message of Islam with others. 5. To identify the nations that the Prophet invited to Islam outside Arabia. To learn and get inspired from the biographical account of this great companion of the Prophet. 1. To learn about the events that led Khalid to accept Islam. 2. To learn about Khalid ibn al Waleed and how he embraced Islam. 3. To appreciate the value of courage and leadership that Khalid demonstrated. 4. To recognise how family members should care about each other s faith. To reinforce the concept of brotherhood in Islam and that faith prevails over blood ties. 1. To learn and understand that the Quraysh broke the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. 2. To learn about the visit of Abu Sufyan to Madinah and meeting his daughter. 3. To appreciate the story of Umm Habeebah. 4 6 Khalid ibn al Waleed embraces Islam 4 7 Islam before Kinship - Read the text. Understand the new concepts Reading and summarizing. Presentation and group work Oral questions -

27 March 10-14 To learn basic information about a Marriage 4. To learn basic information about a Marriage Contract is performed in Islam. To reinforce the concept of brotherhood in Islam and that faith prevails over blood ties. 1. To learn and understand that the Quraysh broke the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. 2. To learn about the visit of Abu Sufyan to Madinah and meeting his daughter. 3. To appreciate the story of Umm Habeebah. 4. To learn basic information about a Marriage Contract is performed in Islam. 4 7 Islam before Kinship 28 Term 2 exams Term 2 exams Reading and summarizing. Oral questions To learn basic informa tion about a Marriag e 29 Term 2 exams Term 2 exams 30 Spring break Spring break 31 Spring break Spring break

32 April 14-18 learn about the sin of betraying the Muslim society. To learn the basics of mutual cooperation among the members of Muslim society. 1. To recite, learn and understand the verses 1-3 of Surah al Mumtahinah. 2. To learn how a Muslim should deal with hostile enemies. 3. To learn and identify as to who are the real enemies of Islam. 4. To learn about the sin of betraying the Muslim society. 5. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on the attitudes of a hypocrite. Lesson 1: Surah al Mumtahinah: Verses 1 3 Write the main ideas of the Surah. presentation

33 34 April 21-25 April 28-May 2 To recite, learn and understand the verses to interpret the ideal characteristics of a Muslim. To learn the story of Prophet Ibrahim to learn and realise how important Faith is in the life of a Muslim. 1. To recite, learn and understand the verses 4-7 of Surah al Mumtahinah. 2. To learn how Prophet Ibrahim put his faith before family. 3. To learn the du aa of Prophet Ibrahim and his family. 4. To understand that hostile non-muslims are not necessarily Muslims permanent enemies. 5. To learn the wisdom of Ali ibnabitalib about being balanced in your love and hate of others. To learn the recommendations of the father to his son. 1-to understand the meaning of the Ayat. 2-to interpret the ideal characteristics of a Muslim. 3-to evluate the role of a father in our life. 1 Lesson 2: Surah al Mumtahinah: Verses 4 7 B 3 SURAT LUQMAN BE PIOUS AND CONSIDERATE. group work Watching video Group discussion Doing exercises in Frogos program. Pair work Oral questions Oral questions Solving written questions

2 35 May 5-9 To learn, understand the three ahadeeth about hayaa mentioned in this lesson. To focus and appreciate on the status and significance of hayaa in Islam. 1. To learn and understand the in depth meaning of hayaa. 2. To learn the relation between Iman and Hayaa. 3. To recognise various levels of hayaa. 4. To realise how the society would be without hayaa. 5. To learn, understand the three ahadeeth about hayaa mentioned in this lesson. 6. To become inspired to adopt hayaa as a virtue in one s life. 2 Haya: Modesty, Shyness and Honour Together Watch related video. Checking homework

36 May 12-16 To learn and understand that men and women are mutual partners in Islam To learn and understand that men and women are mutual partners in Islam and that they have their freedom and limits. 1. To recognise the importance of avoiding temptations to lead a virtuous life. 2. To recognise the importance of marriage in Islam. 3. To recognise the dangers of sexual relations outside marriage. 4. To learn and understand how lowering the gaze is a blessing is important to develop a modest personality. 5. To learn and appreciate the blessings of marriage and the evil of Zina. 6. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on equity of men and women, and the one on encouraging them to get married. 7. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on forbidding Khulwah and touching between two genders. 2 Males and Females group work Oral questions To learn and underst and that men and women are mutual partners in Islam

37 May 19-23 To learn and understand that men and women are mutual partners in Islam To learn and understand that men and women are mutual partners in Islam and that they have their freedom and limits. 1. To recognise the importance of avoiding temptations to lead a virtuous life. 2. To recognise the importance of marriage in Islam. 3. To recognise the dangers of sexual relations outside marriage. 4. To learn and understand how lowering the gaze is a blessing is important to develop a modest personality. 5. To learn and appreciate the blessings of marriage and the evil of Zina. 6. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on equity of men and women, and the one on encouraging them to get married. 7. To learn and memorise the hadeeth on forbidding Khulwah and touching between two genders. 2 Males and Females group work Oral questions

38 May 26-30 To learn and get motivated to life by the teachings of Surah al Ma arij To learn and get motivated to life by the teachings of Surah al Ma arij. 1. To recite and learn the verses 1-18 and understand them thoroughly. 2. To draw lessons from the Surah to help save ourselves from the terror of the Day of Judgement. 3. To learn the manners of behaviour with the Prophet and his teachings. 3 Lesson 1: Surah al Ma arij: Verses 1-18 39 Eid A Fitr Eid A Fitr Eid A Fitr Watch a video related to the lesson worksheet 40 June10-14 learn the qualities of a truthful believer in Islam To learn the qualities of a truthful believer in Islam. 1. To recite, learn and understand the verses 19-35 2. To learn and get inspired to imbibe the noble qualities of a good Muslim. 3. To learn to become conscious of the evil human nature and to overcome the weakness of man as pointed out in the Surah. 6 Lesson 2: Surah al Ma arij: Verses 19 35 Group work Worksheet

41 Term 3 exams Term 3 exams 42 Term 3 exams Term 3 exams