Decree No. 266 of the Year 2006 Establishing the Central Agency for Information Technology هرسىم رقن 266 لس ت 2006 بإ شبء اجلهبز املركسي لتك ىلىجيب ام

ملفّات مشابهة
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Decree No. 66 of the Year 006 Establishing the Central Agency for Information Technology هرسىم رقن 66 لس ت 006 بإ شبء اجلهبز املركسي لتك ىلىجيب املعلىهبث - Having considered the constitution; and - The Decree-Law No. 15 of the year 1979 concerning civil service and its amending laws thereof; and - The Decree-Law No. 116 of the year 199 on administrative regulations, the specification of functions and the delegation thereof; and - The Decree issued on the 7 th of Jumada Al-Oula of the year 199 AH corresponding to the th of April of the year 1979 AD concerning civil service regulations and its amending decrees; and - The Decree No. 195 of the year 006 on forming the cabinet; and - On the presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of State for cabinet affairs; and - Upon the approval of the Council of Ministers, 1979 يف 199 يف 15 نس خ -ثؼذ االؿالع ػه انذستىس -وػه ادلشسىو ثبنقب ى سقى شأ اخلذيخ ادلذ خ وانقىا ني ادلؼذنخ ن -وػه ادلشسىو ثقب ى سقى 116 نس خ شأ انت ظ ى االداس وحتذ ذ االختظبطبد وانتفى غ ف هب -وػه ادلشسىو انظبدس يف 199 ادلىافق 7 ي مجبد األوىل س خ أثش م س خ ظبو اخلذيخ ادلذ خ وادلشاس ى ادلؼذنخ ن -وػه ادلشسىو سقى 1979 و يف شأ 195 نس خ 006 ثتشك م انىصاسح -وث بء ػه ػشع بئت سئ س رلهس انىصساء ووص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء -وثؼذ يىافقخ رلهس انىصساء We Decree the Following Article (1) A central agency is established with the name (The Central Agency for Information Technology) under the minister of state for cabinet affairs. رمس ب ببآليت هبدة (1) شأ خهبص يشكض س )اجلهبص ادلشكض نتك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد( هحق ثىص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء. Article () The Agency undertakes the following functions: 1- Establish information technology plans and policies on the national level and authorize it from the council of هبدة () خيتض اجلهبص مبب ه : 1 -وػغ اخلؾ وس بسبد تك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد ػه ادلستىي انىؿين واػت بد ب ي رلهس 1

ministers. - Supervise the implementation operations of e-government plans and projects in co-ordination with the ministries and governmental authorities. - Co-ordinate all the work related to the information technology development plans among governmental authorities. - Establish and manage the necessary methodologies, standards and procedures for information technology systems, equipments and services. 5- Establish the official country portal. 6- Capacity Building and training of the technical workforce cadres in the field of information technology. 7- The general awareness in the field of information technology and its usage among all the segments of society. 8- Study and review the financial and technical requirements of the governmental information technology projects in co-ordinations with other related organizations. Any other provision contravening to the provisions of this article is hereby annulled. انىصساء. -اإلششاف ػه ػ ه بد ت ف ز خخ ويششوػبد احلكىيخ االنكتشو خ ثبنت س ق يغ انىصاساد واجلهبد احلكىي خ. -ت س ق كبفخ أػ بل خؾ تى ش تك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد ف ب ثني اجلهبد احلكىي خ. -وػغ وإداسح ادل هد بد وادلقب س واألمنبؽ انالصيخ ن ظى وأخهضح وخذيبد تك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد. -إ شبء انجىاثخ االنكتشو خ انشمس خ نهذونخ. -تذس ت انكىادس انجشش خ انف خ انؼبيهخ يف رلبل وط بػخ انتك ىنىخ ب يف انجالد وت خ قذساهتب يف زا اجملبل. -انتىػ خ انؼبيخ ثتك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد واستخذايبهتب نذي كبفخ فئبد اجملت غ. -دساسخ وإثذاء انشأ يف االحت بخبد انف خ وادلبن خ انالصيخ دلششوػبد تك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد يف اجلهبد احلكىي خ ثبنت س ق يغ اجلهبد ادلؼ خ األخشي. و هغ كم حكى تؼبسع يغ أحكبو ز ادلبدح. 5 6 7 8 Article ()* The agency will have a board chaired by the state minister for cabinet affairs and constitutes the membership of: 1- The Director General of the agency. - Representatives from the following authorities: The Council of Ministers General Secretariat. Ministry of Communication. The Higher Council of Planning and هبدة ()* كى نهدهبص رلهس اداسح ثشئبسخ وص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء وػؼى خ كم ي : 1 -يذ ش ػبو اجلهبص -ممثم ػ كم ي اجلهبد انتبن خ: األيب خ انؼبيخ جملهس انىصساء وصاسح ادلىاطالد األيب خ انؼبيخ نه دهس األػه نهتخ ؾ وانت خ

Development. Ministry of Finance. Legal Advice and Legislation Department. Civil Service Commission The Public Authority for Civil Information. Provided that their rank is not less than assistant undersecretary or its equivalent. - Two representatives from the private sector qualified and experienced in the field of information technology, their appointment shall be by the council of ministers for a period of years, subject to renewal. Article () The board define the general policy of the agency, and in particular will: 1- Draft the financial budget and the closing account prior to their presentation to the competent concerned authorities. - Approve the general annual report on the agency s activities. - Review draft laws, bylaws and directives related to information technology. - Establishing bylaws defining necessary rules and procedures for the convening of the board, the required quorum for its convening and decisions approval, rules related to enforcing these decisions, rules that administer the agency s financial and administrative affairs and rules related to the employment وصاسح ادلبن خ اداسح انفتىي وانتشش غ د ىا اخلذيخ ادلذ خ اذل ئخ انؼبيخ نه ؼهىيبد ادلذ خ ػه أ التقم دسخخ كم ي هى ػ وك م وصاسح يسبػذ أو يب ؼبدذلب. -اث ب ي انقبع اخلبص ي رو اخلربح وانكفبءح يف رلبل تك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد و كى تؼ ه ب ثقشاس ي رلهس انىصساء دلذح ثالث س ىاد قبثهخ نهتدذ ذ. هبدة () تىىل اجملهس سسى انس بسخ انؼبيخ نهدهبص ون ػه األخض: -إقشاس يششوع ادلىاص خ ادلبن خ ويششوع احلسبة اخلتبي نهدهبص قجم تقذميه ب إىل اجلهبد ادلختظخ. -ادلىافقخ ػه انتقش ش انس ى انؼبو ػ أػ بل اجلهبص. -إثذاء انشأ يف يششوػبد انقىا ني وانهىائح وانقشاساد اخلبطخ ثتك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد. -وػغ الئحخ تجني االخشاءاد وانقىاػذ انالصيخ ال ؼقبد اجملهس واألغهج خ انالصيخ نظحخ ا ؼقبد وإطذاس قشاسات واألحكبو ادلتؼهقخ ث فبر ز انقشاساد وكزنك انقىاػذ انيت تتجغ يف إداسح شئى اجلهبص ادلبن خ واالداس خ وقىاػذ تؼ ني انؼبيهني ث ورنك وفقب نهتشش ؼبد ادلجقخ ثبنذونخ وثبنت س ق يغ اجلهبد انشقبث خ ادلؼ خ. 1

according to the governing provisions of the state and in co-ordination with competent concerned authorities. Article (5) The agency is headed by a director general with a rank not less than under secretary and he may have more than one deputy with a rank not less assistant under secretary appointed by a decree based on the presentation of the state minister of cabinet affairs, the director general is responsible for the technical, financial and administrative affairs of the agency and the presentation of the general annual report, the director general also undertakes the specifications of his deputies functions. The minister can delegate some of his functions to the director general. Article (6) The agency will have its own financial allocations part of an independent program under the budget of the council of ministers that will be specified in co-ordination with the minister of finance. Article (7) The ministers each within his jurisdictions - shall implement this decree and it shall be effective from the date of its publication in the official gazette. The Amir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah The Prime Minister Naser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Deputy Prime Minister Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Dr. Ismail Khudor Al-Shatti هبدة (5) تىىل إداسح اجلهبص يذ ش ػبو ثذسخخ ال تقم ػ وك م وصاسح وجيىص أ كى ن بئت أو أكثش ثذسخخ وك م وصسح يسبػذ ظذس ثتؼ هى يشسىو ث بء ػه ػشع وص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء و كى ادلذ ش انؼبو يسئىال ػ تظش ف انشئى االداس خ وادلبن خ وانف خ نهدهبص وتقذمي تقش ش س ى ػبو ػ أػ بل اجلهبص ك ب تىىل ادلذ ش انؼبو حتذ ذ اختظبطبد ىاث. ونهىص ش أ فىع ادلذ ش انؼبو يف ثؼغ اختظبطبت. هبدة (6) كى نهدهبص اػت بداد يبن خ خبطخ ث تذسج ػ ثش بيح يستقم مب ضا خ رلهس انىصساء تى حتذ ذ ب ثبنت س ق يغ وص ش ادلبن خ. هبدة (7) ػه انىصساء كم ف ب خيظ ت ف ز زا ادلشسىو و ؼ م ث ي تبس خ شش يف اجلش ذح انشمس خ. أهري الكىيج صببح األمحد اجلببر الصببح رئيس الىزراء بصر احملود األمحد الصببح بئب رئيس جملس الىزراء ووزير الدولت لشئىى جملس الىزراء د. امسبعيل خضر الشطي.006 17 006 و طذس ثقظش انس ف يف: 7 سخت ادلىافق: 1 أغسس * مت تؼذ م ض ادلبدح )( مبىخت ادلشسىو نس خ

Issued in Seif Palace on: 7 Rajab 17 AH corresponding to: 1 August 006 AD * Article () was amended by Decree for the Year 006. Decree No. of the Year 006 On Amending Article () of Decree 66 of 006 Establishing the Central Agency for Information Technology - Having considered the constitution; and - The Decree-Law No. 15 of the year 1979 concerning civil service and its amending laws thereof; and - The Decree-Law No. 116 of the year 199 on administrative regulations, the specification of functions and the delegation thereof; and - The Decree issued on the 7 th of Jumada Al-Oula of the year 199 AH corresponding to the th of April of the year 1979 AD concerning civil service regulations and its amending decrees; and - The Decree No. 66 of 006 on establishing the Central Agency for Information Technology, - On the presentation of the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of State for cabinet affairs, - And on the approval of the Council of Ministers, We Decree the Following Article (1) The text of Article () in the Decree 66 of 006 will be replaced with the following: (The agency will have a board chaired by the state minister for cabinet affairs and its constitutes the membership of: هرسىم رقن لس ت 006 م بتعديل املبدة )( هي املرسىم رقن 66 لس ت 006 بإ شبء اجلهبز املركسي لتك ىلىجيب املعلىهبث 1979 يف 199 يف 15 نس خ -ثؼذ االؿالع ػه انذستىس -وػه ادلشسىو ثبنقب ى سقى شأ اخلذيخ ادلذ خ وانقىا ني ادلؼذنخ ن -وػه ادلشسىو ثقب ى سقى 116 نس خ شأ انت ظ ى االداس وحتذ ذ االختظبطبد وانتفى غ ف هب -وػه ادلشسىو انظبدس يف 7 ي مجبد األوىل س خ 199 ادلىافق أثش م س خ ظبو اخلذيخ ادلذ خ وادلشاس ى ادلؼذنخ ن -وػه ادلشسىو سقى 1979 و يف شأ 66 نس خ 006 ثإ شبء اجلهبص ادلشكض نتك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد -وث بء ػه ػشع بئت سئ س رلهس انىصساء ووص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء -وثؼذ يىافقخ رلهس انىصساء رمس ب ببآليت هبدة أوىل ستجذل ث ض ادلبدح )( ي ادلشسىو 66 نس خ 006 ادلشبس إن انتبيل: ) كى نهدهبص رلهس إداسح ثشئبسخ وص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء وػؼى خ كم ي : 5

1- The General Secretary of The Council of Ministers. - The Director General of the agency. - The Undersecretary of the Public Authority for Civil Information. - The Undersecretary of the Civil Service Commission. 5- The Undersecretary Ministry of Communication. 6- The General Secretary of the Higher Council of Planning and Development. 7- The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance. 8- An Advisor from the Legal Advice and Legislation Department appointed by the minister of state for cabinet affairs. 9- A representative from the National Security Agency with a rank no less than assistant undersecretary selected by the chairman of the agency. 10- Two representatives from the private sector qualified and experienced in the field of information technology, appointed by directive issued by the council of ministers for a period of years, subject to renewal, upon the nomination of the minister of state for cabinet affairs). Article () The deputy prime minister and minister of state for cabinet affairs, and the ministers - each within his jurisdictions - shall implement this decree and it shall be effective from its date of issuance, and shall be published in the official gazette. The Amir of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah The Prime Minister - األيني انؼبو جملهس انىصساء. - يذ ش ػبو اجلهبص. - يذ ش ػبو اذل ئخ انؼبيخ نه ؼهىيبد ادلذ خ. - وك م د ىا اخلذيخ ادلذ خ. - وك م وصاسح ادلىاطالد. - األيني انؼبو نه دهس األػه نهتخ ؾ وانت خ. - وك م وصاسح ادلبن خ. - يستشبس ي إداسح انفتىي وانتشش غ خيتبس وص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء. - ممثم ػ خهبص األي انىؿين ال تقم دسخت ػ وك م وصاسح يسبػذ خيتبس سئ س اجلهبص. - اث ب ي انقبع اخلبص ي رو اخلربح وانكفبءح يف رلبل تك ىنىخ ب ادلؼهىيبد ظذس ثتؼ هى قشاس ي رلهس انىصساء دلذح ثالث س ىاد قبثهخ نهتدذ ذ ث بء ػه تشش ح وص ش انذونخ نشئى رلهس انىصساء). هبدة ثب يت 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 ػه بئت سئ س رلهس انىصساء ووص ش انذونخ نشئى ت ف ز رلهس انىصساء وانىصساء كم ف ب خيظ زا ادلشسىو و ؼ م ث ي تبس خ طذوس و شش يف اجلش ذح انشمس خ. أهري الكىيج صببح األمحد اجلببر الصببح رئيس الىزراء بصر احملود األمحد الصببح بئب رئيس جملس الىزراء ووزير الدولت لشئىى جملس الىزراء 6

Naser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah Deputy Prime Minister Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Dr. Ismail Khudor Al-Shatti د. امسبعيل خضر الشطي 17 006 و طذس ثقظش انس ف يف: 7 شىال ادلىافق: 9 أكتىثش Issued in Seif Palace on: 7 Shawwal 17 AH Corresponding to: 9 October 006 AD 7