Department of Nursing Shaqlawa Technical Institute Hawler Polytechnicque University Subject: Maternity Nursing Course Book (2nd year) (2018-2019) Lecturer's Name: Vian Haji Rasul BSc,, MSc., Ph.D. 1
Course Book 1-Course Name 2-Lecturer in charge 3-Department/ College 4-Contact info 5-Time(In hours) per week 6-Office Hours 7- Course Code 8- Teacher's academic profile دةزضووي بةشي ثةزضتازي كؤلي ري شاىطيت شاىكؤي كيال و و لة ضالي Maternity nursing Dr. Vian Haji Rasul nursing Tell:07504600437 Theory: 2 Practical :3 5 hours weekly 2008 ماضتةزو لة بوازي ثةزضتازي ئافسةتا لة شاىكوى ةولريى ثصيصكى بةدةضت ي يا و لة ضالي بوازى خوو لة شاىكوى تازا لة والتى ئريا بةدةضت ي يا. 2016 دكتوزاو ة ز لة ةموو ئاماجنه ثي صخطتين ثسضتازى لة ىةتةوةي خؤوة لة زيطاى ثيطةياىدىى ثطجوزى شازةشا لة ثيصةى ثسضتازى ية بة تايبةتى لة بوازى ثسضتازى ئافسةتا و لة دايك بووىة لةو زيطاية بو ئامادة كسىى واىاىة كا تي كوشاوو كة باشرتي شاىطتيا ثي بطي يه و واىةكامن بة كةلك وةزطزت لة ضةزضاوةكاىي باوةزثي كساو و ضةزدةمياىة وضايتةكاىي باوةزثي كساو باس لة ىاوةزؤكي بابةتةكامن كسدووة كةقوتابيا شازةشايةكى تةواو لة ثي صكةط كسدىى خصمةتطوشازية تةىدزوضتيةكا بو دايكا و ميداال لة ىةخوشخاىة و بيكة تةىدزوضتيةكا بة دةضت بيي. كة بتواى لة دا اتوو لة ثيصةى خويا وةك ضاوديسى دايكا و ثازشطازى لة ذياىى دايك و كوزثةكةى بكة و بتواى ىةتةوةيكى تةىدزوضت ثى بطةيي. 9- Keywords Maternity Nursing 2
ثةزضتازى ئافسةتا طةياىدىى جو زى ضاودي سى تةىدز جةضتةيى و دةزووىى داي كا و بيةمال و ميداىل تاشة لة دايك بوو 10- Course Overview: وضتى ثسو فصيالة بو ىاضني و جةختكسد و ضاشطاز بوو لةطةل ثي ويطتةكاىى. تةىدزوضتى ئافسةت لة ئةو ىةخوشياىةى كة تووشى ضيطتنى شاو شى دي ت و لة دو ىةخو شيةكاىى ضيطتنى شاو شى لة ئافسةتةك كة ضك ثس ىةبي ت بةشى دووةو: تةىدزوضتى و ىةخو شيةكاىى ضيطتنى شاو شى كةثي وةىدى بة ضك ثسى ةبي ت. مةبةضتى ثةزضتازى ئافسةتا طةشة ثي دا و زاطستيى ضةالمةتى خي صا لة بة قوىاغةكاىى ميدال بووىة )ثي ض ميدال بوو, كاتى ضك ثسى, ثاط ميدال بوو ( خيصاىةكى تةىدزوضت ثي ويطتة بو ضةقامطريكسدىى او كاتة لةطةل شاو شى تةىدزوضت 3 شاىطتى ثةزضتازى ئافسةتا جةخت دةكاتة ضةز ضةالمةتى و و بةشى ضةزةكى ثي ك دي ت : بةشى يةكةو: تةىدزوضتى و زشتسي ئاضتى ضةالمةتى خي صا بو دلييا بوو لة, تةىدزوضتى و لةط ضاغى ئافسةت زو ل ى طسىط لة ئةمة دةبيييت و ئةمةط تاكةكةس و خي صا و ىةتةوة, كةمى يا ىةبووىى شاو شى تةىدزوضت بة تايبةتى ضك ثةزيةكى بة طري و طسفت,كةو و كوزتى لة ضاوديسي تةىدزوضتىمة كاتى ضك ثسى و ميدال بوو دةبيتة وى تي ك ضوو و شمةذاىى خيصا و ضةز ةلداىى طري و طسفتى كومةلطا, و دةبيتة و ى باز طساىيةكى شو ز لة ضةز ضيطتنى ضاودي سى تةىدزوضتى. بة ثي ضةواىة, شا و شى تةىدزوضت و لة كاتى خو ى دا ثي ويطتة بو تةىدزوضتى خي صا و بةزةو ثي ض ضووىى كومةلطا ئةمةط دةبيتة و ى ضةز بة طصتى: شاىيازى طصتى لة ثةزضتازى ئافسةتا و ميدال بوو بة تايبةتى: ةلدا و دزوضت بووىى ي وايةكى ىوى بو خةلك و باوةزى دووبازة ىوى بووىةوةى كو مةلطا. 11- Course Objective:. شاىييى فيطيولوجى ئةىدامةكاىى كو ئةىدامى شاد و شةوةى مي يية ضك ثس بووىى ضسوشتى و ماوةى ضط ثسى و قو ىاغةكاىى ضك ثسى, ضاودي سى دايكى ضك ثس و ثي داىى زي ىةمايى دزوضت لة كاتى ضك ثسى لة دايك بووىى ضسوشتى و ىا ضسوشتى ماوةى شي طتاىى و كيصةكاىى تايبةت مةىديةكاىى جو لةى ميداىل تاشة لة دايك بوو شي س ثي داىى ضسوشتى و كيصةكاىى شي س ثي دا جو زةكاىى ىةشتةز طةزى ئافسةتا و و ةزوة ا ىةخوشيةكاىى ئافسةتا. 12- Student's obligation Theoretical Exams Theoretical exams use: written tests : open end, multiple choice, true and false questions and problem-situation questions quizzes short, unannounced tests The duration and number of questions of the tests depend on the type of the test (quiz, mid-semester, final) and complexity of the topic under evaluation. clinical Exams Clinical exams are carried out by continuous evaluation and assessment of students during the course. Performing duties and assignment and performance of students during the course in presentation and active discussion and participation in the activities will be observe and evaluated by teachers and clinical instructors.
final clinical evaluation Mid theoretical evaluation First clinical evaluation Advice on answering technique In order to pass the exams successfully students are given the following advice: To read the questions twice Think carefully before answering Plan the answers on a separate sheet of paper 13- Forms Of Teaching Lecture, demonstration, small groups, role playing, case management in clinical setting 14- Assessment scheme Score distribution table. Theory Total theory clinic Total clinic First theory exam 10% Continues clinical evaluation 5% Quiz exam 2% 15% clinic oral exam 25% Class activity and absenteeism 3% first theory on practice exam 10% final clinic oral exam 20% Final theory exam 25% 25% 35% Final theory on practice exam 15% Total theoretical scores 40% total clinical scores 60% Clinical evaluation tool Students in the clinical settings will evaluate by following tool; No Professional attitude aspect Grade 1 Personal appearance Clean skin, nails, teeth and Tidy hair 0.25 Clean and neat uniform 0.25 Watch, pen and equipments 1 2 Manners and attitude Punctuality 0.5 Honesty 0.5 3 Relationships 4
Appreciates and accepts others points of view 0.5 4 Dependability Uses good judgement 0.5 5 Knowledge and understanding Shows understanding of principles of nursing care 0.75 Shows understanding of nursing procedures 0.75 6 Nursing skills Gives necessary explanation to patients 1 Applies correct principles in skills technique 1 Uses time and effort efficiently 1 Appearance of finished work 1 7 Records and reports Accurate and concise written records 0.5 Neat, legible and punctual written records 0.5 Total Score 10 15- Student Learning Outcome: 16- Course Reading list and References: ضاودي سى كسدىىدايك و خي صاىةكةى لة كاتى ضك ثسى تأكيد كسد لة ضةز باشرت كسدىى ضةالمةتى لة ضك ثةزيةكى بة طري و طسفت ضاودي سى كسدىى و يازمةتى داىى لة ضةالمةتى دايك لة كاتى ميدال بوو ضاودي سى كسدىى دايك لة ماوةى شيطتاىى وة كوزثةلةى ئيض كسدىى لة ضيطتنى ضاودي زى تةىدزوضتى وةك وةضةتة كى باط. 1. Maternity & Women Health 2. Principle of Maternity health nursing 3. Obstetric & Gynecology 4. 5. Books Health & Lifestyle 17- Theoretical Topics Theoretical topics: 1. Anatomy & physiology female reproductive system( Internal organ) 2. Normal pregnancy: (conception, sign & septum of pregnancy, gestational age & excepted date of delivery) 3. Fetal development 4. Antenatal care 5. Discomfort during pregnancy: N&V, Varicosities, Hemorrhoids, Lecture's Name Lecture's Name: Dr. Vian Haji Rasul 5
Anemia with nursing care for each case. 6. Complication during pregnancy: hypertension, Diabetic with nursing care 7. Eclampsia with nursing care 8. Bleeding with nursing care 9. Abortion with nursing care for each case. 10-16. Delivery: ( Mechanism of delivery, first stage, second stage, third stage, fourth stage) 17. Instrumental delivery 18. Complication during delivery: PROA, Prolapse of umbilical cord 19. Complication during delivery:rupture of uterine & cervix, vagina 20. Abnormal delivery: Dys functional labor, precipitate labor 21. Newborn 22. Post partum 23&24. Complication during Post partum: Fever, PPH, Endometriosis, Bladder distention, 25. Breast feeding 26. Complication during breast feeding 27-29. Gynecology: some diseases 18-Practical Topics ( if there is any) 1. Information about maternity word 2. Pregnancy, sign & septum of pregnancy, gestational age & excepted date of delivery, diagnose of pregnancy 3& 4. Fetal development, education & nursing care for pregnant women 5. Discomfort during pregnancy: N&V, Varicosities, Hemorrhoids, Anemia with nursing care for each case. 6. Complication during pregnancy: hypertension, Diabetic, eclampsia, Bleeding, Abortion with nursing care for each case. 7-9. Normal delivery: sign of true labor, uterus contraction, assessment of fetus and maternal, FHR, blood pressure. 10-14. Stages of labor, first stage, second stage, third stage 8. Assessment of maternal & fetus: maternal pulse rate & FHR, cervix dilation, nursing education for mother. 14 &15. Mechanism of delivery: Assessment of maternal & fetus, nursing care & nursing education 16.Placenta delivery: : Assessment of uterine contraction, assessment of placenta, nursing care & nursing education 17-18. Complication during delivery: PROA, Prolapse of umbilical cord, rupture of uterine & cervix, vagina, sign & septum, nursing care & education 19. Abnormal delivery: Dys functional labor, precipitate labor, nursing care & nursing education 20&21. Newborn: Assessment of newborn, nursing care for newborn 6 Lecturer's names: Dr. Vian Haji Rasul Mis.Zhowan Mr. Hawar
22. Post partum: Assessment of physiological change of mother, nursing education 23&24. Complication during Post partum: Fever, PPH, Endometriosis, Bladder distention, nursing care & nursing education 25. Breast feeding 26. Complication during breast feeding: Cause, sign & septum, nursing care & nursing education 27-29. Gynecology: some diseases 19- Examinations: Q1/ Define all of the following? (20M) 1. Labor 2. Effacement 3. Lightening 4. Abruption placenta Q2/ Filling the following sentence? (20M) 1. Complication for normal vaginal delivery with macrosomia are...,...,.... 2. Types of ineffective uterine force are...,...,.... 3. Me conium staining as a result of.... 4. Contractions length during latent phase of first stage of labor for primipara is..... and for multipara...., Pregnant should.... Q3/ Write? (Only 2) (20 M) 1. Classification of placenta previa 2. Types of pregnancy induced hypertension 3. Mechanism of labor Q4/ Enumerate causes of? (20 M) 1. Uterine rupture 2. Uterine dysfunction 7
Q5/ Chose the correct answer? (20M) 1. Trauma and traction of spine &arm is a complication occurs with a Face presentation b. Breech presentation c. Macrosoma d. Trans verse lie 2. Which of the following occurs with short umbilical cord? a. Trans verse lie b. Face presentation c. Precipitate labor d. Beech presentation 3... describes the relationship of the fetal long axis to that of the maternal long axis? a. Fetal attitude b. Fetal lie c. Fetal position d. Fetal presentation 4. Which of the following Lead to premature separation of placenta and then bleeding? a. Face presentation b. Beech presentation c. Trans verse lie d. Precipitate labor 5. The android pelvis brim is. a. heart-shaped b. oval brim c. kidney-shaped d. heart-shaped 6. In... cervix dilatation 4-7 cm. a. Latent phase b. Active phase c. Transition phase d. second stage of labor 7. Dysfunctional labor at first stage is. a. Prolonged active phase b. Prolonged latent phase c. Precipitate latent phase d. Arrest of descent 8. Fundus not palpated in.... a. Precipitate labor b. Prolapsed of umbilical cord c. Uterine rupture d. Inversion of uterus 9. Fetal distress occur in.... 8
a. Uterine rupture b. Prolapsed of umbilical cord c. Inversion of uterus d. Precipitate labor 10. Which of the following is a sign of true labor? a. Braxton Hicks contraction b. Rupture of membrane c. Ripening the cervix d. Lightening 20- Extra notes Course Evaluation Student can evaluate the Course by filling the following tool after finishing the course; Course Lecturer Academic year Evaluation date Key 1 2 3 4 5 Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always No Question Evaluation 1-5 1 The objectives of the course were clear. 2 The content of the course was useful and related to the objectives. 3 The learning materials were clear and easy to understand. 4 The lecturer tried to analyze the principles, content and important points simply and properly. 5 The lecturer came to the classroom on time and was committed to the duration of the lecture. 6 The lecturers behaviour in the classroom was calm and respectful. 7 The slides used in the lecture were clear and attractive. 8 At the end of the lecture, the lecturer gave the students a chance for questions and comments. 9 Lecturers answers to questions were complete 9 Comments
10 The reading sources were new and compatible with the course. Total Teacher Evaluation Student can evaluate their teachers by filling the following tool after finishing the course; Lecturer Qualifications Academic year Evaluation date Evaluator Signature Aspect Description Evaluation 1.Quality of work Excellent quality of work, seldom makes errors Quality meets job s requirements Somewhat careless Generally careless, excessive errors 2.Quantity of work Exceptionally fast worker Fast worker Meets volume requirements of the job Slow worker, occasionally falls behind in work Very slow worker, often falls behind in work 3.Initiative Exceptional ability in initiating action, follow-up Works with minimum supervision and direction Performs routine assignments, needs some supervision Does not take initiative 4.Work with others Very cooperative, seeks ways to help Actively cooperative Good attitude, follows directions willingly Not readily cooperative Antagonistic and/or trouble maker 5.Interpersonal Excellent relations with Very good colleagues, staff, Good patients, visitors Not very good 10
Bad 6.Professional Active commitment to nursing profession attitude towards Positive attitude towards nursing nursing profession Neutral attitude towards nursing profession Shows disinterest in nursing profession 7.Research abilities Exceptionally active in initiating and conducting research Actively conducting research, exceeds job requirements Meets job s requirements in research activities Not interested in research activities 8.English language Proficient in English competence Advanced ability Intermediate ability Beginner 9.Attendance and Never absent or late punctuality Seldom absent or late Frequently absent or late Unacceptable absence 10.Appearance Exceptionally well-groomed Meets grooming and dress requirements for the job Somewhat careless, occasional disregard for appearance Generally careless in grooming 21-Peer Review ثي داضووىةوةى اوةل This course book has to be reviewed and and signed by a peer. The peer approves the contents of your course book by writing few sentences in this section. (A peer is person who has enough knowledge about the subject you are teaching, he/she has to be a professor, assistant professor, a lecturer or expert in the field of your subject). ئةو كؤزضبووكة دةبيت لة الية اوةل ي كى ئةكادميىةوة ضةيس بكسي ت و ىاوةز ؤكى بابةتةكاىى كؤزضةكة ثةضيد بكات و ضةىد ووشةيةك بيوضي ت لةضةز شياوى ىاوةز ؤكى كؤزضةكة و واذووى لةضةز بكات. اوةل ئةو كةضةية كة شاىيازى ةبي ت لةضةز كؤزضةكة و دةبي ت ثمةى شاىطتى لة مامؤضتا كةمرت ىةبي ت. 11